Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, April 22, 1897, Image 2

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    W A S H IN G T O N
liu«jik*aH» T m u a » < t « ^ l \>j t i t *
I r i u t r - T k « H ou se.
Epitome o f the Telegraphic
Hews o f the World.
I g * d .r u l l i l i C o llo it l« * n M l » a
BA« y « v
fr o a
i » 4 tha 014 W#rW Va a
C a a ia a a a il aa d C v u | ir « b p b g ii« t a r a i .
A Burnt. <er o f Japanese lia r « left San
T r — ~ tr " for Mexico, where a colony
w ill be formed on Laiei granted them by
the Mexican gorernment.
T lie body o f Captain Evan D avie«, of
the British four-masted ship Deleairnie,
who drowned over four mouths ago in
the harlior at Astoria, has been picked
up by a fisherman. The remains were
positively identifier! by pajrers found in
the pocket.
T lie great coon and varm int hunt on
V ox island, Washington, in which sev­
eral hundred hunters participated, was
anything hot a success as a varmint-
k illin g bee, though all who attended
were well satisfied, as the courtesies of
tlie islanders m a le the outing a most
enjoyable one.
Hetli L. M illiken, representing in the
bouse o f representatives the third dis­
trict of Maine, died at Washington.
F or some tim e he had suffered from
a serious affection of the bronchial
tubes, which
week developed
alarm ingly, and was accompanied by
kidney and liv e r complications.
Bernardino Asseuro, a Mexican set­
tler on the tract of land near H ollister,
G al., claimed by a Portuguese, was
found murdered in the charred re­
m ain« of his hut. Investigation shows
that Asseuro was murdered with an ax,
after which the body was laid on the
bed, and the hut fired, to conceal the
T h e first wool of the season has been
delivered to a warehouse in Heppner,
Or. It is said the wool is lighter and
o f better staple and brighter than the
c lip from the same sheep last season.
T lie rain has greatly delayed the shear­
in g in that section. F ew sheep are be­
ing sold, owners holding firm ly for a
sm all advance, about 10 cents a head,
more than buyers are w illin g to pay.
A dispatch from Baker C ity, Or.,
says that Powder river is higher than
it has ever been known to be, and it
doing great damage, (duly one bridge
remains in tlie city, and if the warm
weather continues, it w ill go out. The
Kumpter V alley railroad is Hooded for
miles, and trains w ill not lie running
for weeks. The northern resilience por­
tion o f the city is inundated.
C h ief Justice Fuller, o f the United
HtaUw supreme court, has refused a
w r it o f habeas ocrptis in the case o f Kl-
verton It. Chapman, a broker, who re­
fused to testify in the sugar speculation
investigation as to whether senators
had speculated in sugar stocks while the
W ilson tariff hill was before tiiat body.
T h e sentence o f the supreme court of
tlie District of Columbia hi DU days in
Jail •lid $100 fine was affirmed, and
Chapman's application for writs o f cer­
tiorari and habeas corpus were denied.
T h e Yreka stage was robbed near
Vreka, Cal., by a lone highwayman.
T h e passengers were not molested, and
tlie express Isix which was broken open
by tlie highwaymun, contained only
lUiawi* M<-*l
Ic r W u .
Washington. A p ril 21.— The senate
passed the Indian appro{>riat ion hill to­
day. It is autalantially the same as it
passed the house, and ran occasion lit­
tle division, save on the amendment
opening the Unooiupahgre Indian reser­
lie solutions o f inouiry were agree!
to asking the secretary of state as to
the operation of the re< iprnrity treaties
made under the M cKinley act.
Mr. Vest introduced his resolution
declaring illegal the recent or<ler o f the
swjretary of the treasury relative to im ­
port * arriving after A p ril 1.
The sen­
ator gave notice o f pressing the resolu­
tion tomorrow, and it may afford an­
other test on the tariff.
A fte r the executive session, the sen­
ate adjourned, as a mark of respect to
Representative M illiken, deceased.
Rev. Hugh Johnson, in his opening
prayer, invoked divin e blessing on
those nations struggling for c iv il and
religious liberty, and prayed for the
speedy termination o f all wars. H e re­
ferred also to the suffering along the
Mississippi river.
A resolution for a committee o f five
senators to inquire into the circum­
stance* o f land patents to the Pacific
railroads and to the Oregon & C alifor­
nia railroad, and the amounts o f subsi­
dies paid to the Pacific M ail Steamship
Company, was favorably reported, hut,
on suggestion o f Stewart, went over.
During the debate on the Indian bill,
A llen offered an amendment for the es­
tablishment of an Indian supply ware­
house at Omaha.
Gear said this was designed to take
the warehouse away from Chicago. I f
this was to be done, he would propose
Sioux C ity, la., as well as Omaha, as
an Indian supply point. It led to ex­
tended debate as to the relative merits
o f various cities as supply points for
the Indians, which resulted in the
A llen amendment being agreed to
An amendment by Hoar for tw o ad­
ditional federal judges in Indian terri­
tory w as adopted.
A fte r a contest, an amendment by
Berry was agreed to, lim itin g tlie rolls
of tribes to certain designated cla**«**.
A t 1:60 P. M. the senate w ent into
executive session on tlie arbitration
treaty, and at 2:15 adjourned.
T h « H o u r * D o in g N o t h i n g .
Washington, A p ril 21.— The policy
of doing nothing in the house seems to
fie satisfactory w ith the Republicans,
or at least they do not complain about
the matter, except on rare occasions.
It is claimed on the Democratic side
tiiat if the committees were appointed
that tiiere would be quite a revolt from
tlie subjugation in which the speaker
holds the house. Considerable com­
plaint is heard among those who want
to get some legislation through the
house, but tlie fear of the Republicans
is that, in case any legislation is al­
lowed to pas* other than tlie tariff hill,
the senate w ill take occasion to take up
arid pass bills rather than consider the
tariff. If it is understood that the
house w ill not consider any legislation,
tlie senate may not devote any o f its
tim e to considering hills.
H c e r tt a r jr M liei-iim n N'otlf1«*«l o f O u t b r r a k
o f ffo a tlllll«* «.
B rea k
itt.ua »| aktrm-
Turks Ar* Pushing- Their
Wa> Into Greece.
G reek *
S tu b b o r n ly
A re
K # »i»tin g
J u t it a jo u —T h e K v i m b t a r d u ie u t o f P r e -
—V% a r t b i !>•
* il* - u r « - d
th e
F o rt».
F«x»t o f Milauna Pass, A p ril 20.— A
fierce battle raged in tlie pass all night
long. The Greeks enter*«! ami «iesoemi-
tsd towar«! the valley, emroiuitere«! four
battalions of Turkish troop*, w ho drove
them back, and at the point o f the l»ay-
onet rescued the force garrisoning the
Turkish bloekitoueea, which the Greeks
had encircles! before entering the pass.
Kesha«! Pasha, commanding the Fifth
division, occupied Mount Harnia, with
a great force, while H airi Pasha, com­
manding the Sixth division, preparwi
to enter the Techaieahn pass, ami
Haida Pasha, with the Fourth d iv i­
sion, occupied Milouna pass.
Before dawn, Edhim Pasha rode out
to direct the disposition o f the <iivi-
siows. A general engagement ensue«!.
The battle still continues along tlie en­
tire [«ass, over 20.000 men being en­
gage«!. The combat turned on tiie pos­
session o f tlie Greek blockhouse, which
was most obstinately «defended. Sev­
eral vigorous attacks were made by tlie
Turks, without success, but, finally,
about 2 o ’clock, by a magnificent dash,
tbe*y took the blockhouse at the ¡saint
of the bayonet.
The Greeks are still «iefending their
positions on the summit of the hill.
A t the present moment four battalions
o f Mendukh Pasha’ s division are a«i-
vancing to the frontier ¡ositions already
The Turks are fighting like demons.
The Turkish artillery is doing splemlid
work under the command of Hir.a Pasha.
The correspondent says: ‘ ‘ I regret
to have to announce tlie death of Hafiz
Pasha at Milouna. The battle is still
undecided, but the Turks, without call
ing up the reserves, have taken almost
the whole pass. It is impossible to
g iv e details as to basses. I saw many
group* o f wounded men, but they w«-re
mostly on the heights. Ambulances
have been sent to bring them in. I
cannot say whether the Turks intend to
advance on Larissa.”
Ifi| (h G re»*k < i f f i K i l l * * « ! .
Athens, A p ril 20.— In the fighting on
the frontier, the Turks have occupie«!
Ana ami Milouna, but they have n< t
succeeded in taking Kama. The en­
gagement at Milouna pass was of tlie
fiercest character, ami tlie losses were
heavy on both sides. The Turkish sol­
diers destroye«! two pieces of Greek ar­
tillery. The Greeks captured an en­
tire battery from the Turks. The Greek
officers of high rank were kille<J. A
large body of Greek troops is now
marching against Menexe, and brisk
firing is going on along tlie whole line
as far west as Arta.
T u r k lih F o rt H ad
F ir e d
a < »re e k S t e a m e r .
Natcbex. Miss., A pril 21- T *' -■
Cubans Will Take Steps to
break .n the Concordia par.sh front oc­
Frustrate It.
curred yesterday morning. *b e n '***
Glass'.«« k levee g tve way. Ttii« ict-*e
is locate«! about twenty -eight mile* 1**-
low Xatchex an i is near ti e low«-! en i M K I N L E Y S
o f the levee system of tre par ish. A
large force of uien were at work on m e
levee yesterday morning, raising an i 4 » A n s r i e u
F la g
W a.
I»e .tr o y e «l
strengthening it, alien suddenly tie-
Spaw U h
S o ld ie r *
S a u ta
laborers saw the mtnidy water begin to >
t i a r a —«»e w . W e y l e r * * L a t e * « O r tte r .
bubble up at tbe lower end. Alnne:
instantly, the seething water tore a
Philadelphia, A p ril 12.— A private
great hole through tbe embankment. meeting of Cubans and Cuban sympa­
Tbe water rushed through at a great j thisers was held in this city today, at
rate aDd begun spreading out in the ¡ which it was decided to take ttep* to
lowlands adjacent.
frustrate what the Cubans claim is the
Tbe water from this break w ill inun­ real object of Major Luno .-andoval’f
date the lower part of tbe parish, from visit to this city.
This is sai«l t<< i»e
M orville down to Bra'eton, covering a the arrest of the members of the Cuban
number ot fine plantations. The fits*; junta in this country.
It has been
from thia crevasse w ill t«e met by the state! that Major Sandoval came hr
waters from the Biggs break, north of Philadelphia to purchase munitions of
here, covering a vast area. It w ill en­ war to be «hipped in tbe general way t«r
tail a vast amount of suffering to the General W eyler in Cuba.
people o f the neighl>orbood, and relief Cubans, however, assert that it is to
w ill have to be exten d »! to them.
gather information that w ill culminate
Tonight the crevasse is reported to in the arrest o f General Estrada Palma
he from 800 to 1,000 feet wide am! still and General tfuesada in Washington.
The former is the min ister of the Cuban
Major J. II. W illard, United States republic, and the latter charge d ’affaires
engineer, tonight reoeived a dispatch at the capital. It is asserted that Major
from the master of tlie steamer F lor­ Sandoval has been commissioned by
ence, ordered last night to Coon’s land­ General W eyler for this express pur­
ing, La., to rescue hood sufferers, ask­ pose, and is known to have in his pos­
ing him to send all skiffs obtainable by session documents found on tbe steamer
first steamer, as people are «frowning Laurada on one of her trips to Cuba,
and can mat be reached except by skiff. showing the ¡»arts playe«i by Generals
Coon’s landing is about tbirtv-five miles Palma ami Quesada in her movements.
from this city.
•should the arrest o f the junta lead­
A dispatch arrive! at miilnight from
ers result, and the issue be made in
Ashwood, La., saying tlie water is rustl­
court as to the lia b ility o f such a pol­
ing rapidly into tlie swamps of Tensas
icy, there w ill be a question o f juris­
parish, which are inaccessible by
diction that w ill not only involve tlie
steamer, an«l this dispatch arousi«!
interstate commerce laws, but also ques­
many apprehensions. .Skiffs cannot be
tions o f belligerency and tlie customs
sent tonight.
comity of nations.
A dispatch from the V alley route
operator at Hays, Miss., referring to
the foregoing, says the calamity at
Coon's landing is due to a break in tlie T h e W a r M u s t B e F o u g h t on C i v i l -
ic e d L i n e * .
levee there and tiiat another has oc­
curred opposite Rodney.
New York, A pril 19.— A Tribune
dispatch from Washington says:
The policy of the administration in
reference to Cuba is not likely to be
F l o o d I )p $ t r o . r iB f i n « n « a m t $ o f A c r e s
criticised as was that of its predecessor
o f N e w l y F la n t e d C ro p .
on the score of indifference to the
Memphis, A p ril 21.— Another break rights of American citizens. Secretary
In the levee on tlie Louisana side is re­ Sherman w ill see to it tiiat imprison­
ported from a point twenty miles be- ment of suspects entitle«! to tbe pro­
lowr Natchez. Mis«. * The «letailsat this tection o f the Unite«! States for an in­
writing are meager, ami the extent of definite period is no longer indulge«! in
the break cannot be learne«].
The by Spanish officials in Cuba. He w ill
situation at Biggs, where the water is even go further anil make it plain to
rushing through tiie crevasse in tor­ the Spanish authorities that they can­
rents, is growing worse. Ma«lis«jn par­ not, in the closing of the 19th century,
ish is fast becoming inundated, and be ¡»ermitted to carry on war on princi­
the water w ill extern! to other parishes, ples w idely divergent from ino«lern civ­
destroying thousands of acres of newly ilization.
In short, notice has been
planteil crops. Vicksburg, Natchez ami served on the Spanish government—
other river ¡»oints are crowded with informally as yet, but still in unmis­
refugees, ami everything possible is be­ takable terms— that this government
ing done t«i alleviate the sufferings of recognizes a state of c iv il war on the
the poorer classes.
Tbe situation island of Cuba which demands a treat­
throughout tlie «lelta tonight is abont ment of prisoners taken in action by
the same as yesteriiay. It was a beau­ either side somewhat different from
tiful day in the flood-stricken section, that w hich seems to have been accorded
and the planters hope that the water them thus far.
w ill be carrie«i away in time io make
The imme«liate cause of this notice
good crops. A t Memphis, the river is being served on tiie Spanish govern­
slow ly falling, and at Cairo a decided ment was, of conrte, the capture of
fall is reported.
Cuban General Rivera and the rumor
that he would be forthwitli tried by
■teller W o r k a t V ic k s b u r g .
Vicksburg, Miss., A p ril 21.— R elief drumhead court-martial and shot.
The president, immediately after the
work is the feature o f the flood situation
It is reported tcslay that the news of the fate in store for the pris­
Louisana levees are black with people oner was received, ordered the secretary
w aitin g to I k * ferrieil over to the city. to draw up a protest against the con­
Lieutenant Crowley, o f the quarter­ templated action of General Weyler.
master’s ilepartinent, is here buying Upon second consideartion, however,
supplies for the fliKsled region in gen­ the protest Kook a less formal shape.
eral, ami handsome donations are com­ Instead of being diverted to the Spanish
minister in writing, Serior deLom e was
ing in by mail ami w ire.
sent for by tlie secretary of state and
informed as to the views of the a«lmin-
istration in the matter.
This protest,
N«*J! F o r c e *
In d ia n «, B r o th e r «,
it is assumed, was no less explicit than
F o u g h t N ea r L e w is to n .
that which Secretary Sherman had pre­
Lewiston, Idaho, A p ril 21. — Tom viously drafted. A t any rate it had its
an«l Mike Wilson, two brothers, Nez effect, for General Rivera is still living.
Perees Indians from the reservation,
fought a «leadly duel eight miles from TORE UP AN AMERICAN FLAG.
tli ia place yesterday. T lie fight oc-
A n O u t r a g e b y S p a n l.h
S o ld ie r *
curreil on tlie Lapwai road in Soldier
S a n ta C la r a .
canyon, ami was witnessed by a set­
New York, A pril 19.— A Herald dis
tler’s wife from a «listanoe. They first
patch from Sagua Grande via K ey West
fought on horseback; then dismounted
ami fought on foot. T lie attention of says a report lias just reached there of
the settler's w ife was attracted by the in outrage j»erpetrate<l near the town
angry screams of the combatants. of Kncircujada, by Spanish troops, who
When her husband return««] in tlie ilestroyol the property owne«i by tlie
evening, he went to the scene and found w ife of tbe British vice-consul, Mr.
tiie «l«-a<l body of Tom Wilson. Both Harris, of Sagua Grande, ami tore up
brothers hail been drinking. U ntil a an American flag which the manager
short time ago they were highly re- of the estate, George Harris, who is an
speetc«l hv tile whites and Indians American citizen, had draped over his
alike, hut could not stand tlie prosper­
The estate of Mrs. Harris, called La
ity due to the distribution by the g»>v-
ernment o f large sums in payment of Palma, is about two miles from Encir-
ceiled lands. Mike is in ja il here. He erujada. The troops broke open the
claims his brother’s horse fe ll u|»on doors and remove«l articles of value.
Findintr the flag in the manager’s be«l-
room, the soldiers carried it out with
A n O h io T o w n liiir iifd .
many epithets an.l tore it into bits.
Cleveland, A p ril 21.— The business Being satisfied with their vengeance on
portion of Berea was nearly wiped out the bit o f bunting, in the absence of
by fire this morning. The high wind its owner, they departed.
prevailing ma<!e it almost impo*sible to
Tlie matter was reported to Mr. Har.
check the flames, which seein««l likely
ris on his return, and he promptly laid
to encompass the entire town. The
it before the British ami American
total loss w ill reach $80,000. Berea
consular officials in Bagne, who w ill
has no waterworks, and there was small cause a thorough invest ¡union.
hope of saving the town. A detach­
It is said the Spanish assert that
ment o f the Cleveland fire department,
they had seen insurgents leaving the
with fourteen men, se«-ure«l water from
estate, but this is denie«i by the mana­
a branch o f the river, about a quarter
ger. The American consul at 8agua
o f a m ile from the town. The cause
h.s friends sty. w ill make a full report
o f the fire was attributed to tramps,
on the flat* incident. He is Mr. Bar­
and Deputy Sheriff Asling escorted
ker, one of the most vigorous American
three o f them out o f ttiwn. To a«ld to
representatives on the island.
the excitement a dog went mad and
War of Devastation.
bit several people before it was shot.
Havana. April 1 9 . - I n view of the
Washington, A p ril 21.— The Turkish
Athens, A p ril 20.— The Greek com­
minister, Mustapha Bey, has com­
mander at A ltiu n i, opposite Prevesa,
municated w itli Hecretary Sherman on
telegraphs that the Greek steamer
$ 60 .
tlie status uf tlie Turko-Grecian con­
Maeedonia, which was fired u(ion this
Ho officially
informe«] tlie
T h e members o f the Washington flict.
morning by the Turkish batteries w hile
state board o f horticulture which met America*; secretary o f the termination leaving tlie gu lf of Amhracia, «lid not
in Tacoma recently suy that the report*
sink in deep water, but was able to run
o f damage to fruit trees by tlie severe key and Greece, and the attitude of ashore n«*ar the entrance of tlie gulf.
« o ld weather last w inter are greatly ex­ offense which Turkey lias been com­ It appear* that tlie Immbardment of
aggerated. A n abundant yield is now pelled to take by reason o f tlie aggres­ Prevesa did not is’gin until 11:30 A.
sive course of Greece. It was expressly
M ., whereas the Turkish forces tliero
Answ ering a question regarding the made known, however, tiiat no declara­ o|>ened a hot fire upon A rtiom at 5:30
pruapeot* of the government sending
A. M.
oat invitations for n bim etallic confer­ this ileclaration is miule the United
A column was formed at the tele­
ence, Mr. Balfour reiterated, in the States government is not likely to give graph station, hilt tlie buihling was
hours' of commons, that there was official recognition of tlie existing stale converted into a fort amf was gar-
n othing in the situation which would o f affairs.
■ risoned by 600 men. T lie Turkish lire
load him to sup|>o*o tiiat anything
Washington, A p ril 21.— The follow ­ com pletely <lestrov<«l it, several o f the
could be gained by Great Britain tak­ ing official statement lias ticen made at garrison being kille«l and wounde«!. a l­
ing the in itiative in promoting an in­ the state department:
though the Turkish aim was often wide.
ternational bim etallic conference.
“ Tlie departim-nt o f state has roceivol The Greek commander requested in ­
T h e steamer Edith, chartered by the a dispatch from the Unite«! States m in­ structions by telegraph, and tlie min- j
A laska Steamship Cum puny to take ister to Turkey relating to the situation ister o f war order*.*«! him to bombard
passengers and freight from tlie wrecked between that country and Greece ami Prevesa im mediately.
W ilhipa to Jiuieuu and Dyea, has re­ the Turkish declaration o f war. Terrell
A t 10 A. M., the Shafhlaki fort fire«I
turned to Port Townsend. The W il- states the minister from Greece has
lapa is reported as ladug a total wreck. been Informed he must leave before a few shots on a Greek gunboat, which
Jler hull broke on the rocks and sans to next We«lneaday. He is not permitte«! repli*«!, effectually silencing the Tu rk ­
the bottom of the sea. The loss on to communicate by telegraph w itli the ish battery. A t 11 o'clock the Greeks
tiegan to attack the Turkish forts out­
the W illapa and eargn is estimated at Greek government.
There are, (sir-
$ti0,0t)0; insurance on the boat, $28,- haps, 40,000 men subject to Greece in side the entrance of tlie gulf, partly to
divert the enemy’s attention, ami part­
Turkey. A ll subjects of Greece are re-
Representative Tongue of Oregon is quireit to leave Constantinople within ly in or«h*r to prevent th«* massacre of
Greeks at Prevesa. The Greek iron-
m aking an effort to have anthracite fifteen days.
Spelzai has arrive«! to assist in
coal placed on the dutiable list, because
“ T h e note o f the porte to the foreign
It conies in cniii|ietition with the coal powers «lisi-lninis any <l**sire for terri­ Isinitiariliiig Prevesa, an«l the gunboats
produced in Oregon and Washington. torial ao«|ui*iti«>n. The Greek minister continue to bombard from inside tlie
H e prepared and hud circulated a poti- informs Terrell the Gr«*ek government gulf.
Aeeonling to the latest telegrams
tion to the finance committee of the requires all subjects o f Gre«*oc of m ili­
from Actium , 2.000 Greeks have cross*«!
senate, asking that this he done, and tary age reserved for m ilitary «luty.
enttiug forth the reasons. This ¡»eti-
" T h e Turkish government claims the the gulf o f A rta from Vonitza to Sala-
tion was signed by nearly all the Pa­ regular Greek troo|>* had s»*ixe«l and gora, an«I are now tintrciiing on Prevesa.
cific coast senators.
were fortifyin g Anulypos, in violation Various reports are current as to the
landing of tlie insurgent hands on the
T h e follow ing proclamation has licon of an agri'emeiit prohibiting it. Heuce,
issued by the Greek irregulars, who the attack there by Turks on the IRth. t ’lialkis peninsula. Bugles are sound­
have begun the invasion of Macedonia The Turkish troops are scattered along ing in the various ¡«arts «if the city;
at Haltino: “ Brothers and Moldiers of the lionler of Thessaly, and cannot sol<li«*rs are hastening to their barracks,
Christ ami Liberty:
W e hoist the ffug quickly oomvntrate for a decisive Intt- and Ixxlie# of troops, hurri«*diy equipp««!
o f liberty, the Greek flag.
Under its tle. This may enable the Greek artny are being (|ispatch««l to the front, atni«l
enthusiastic ovations from the crow«ls
shallows let us unite, with the watch­ to fight them in «le ta il."
tiiat fill the streets. Numerous con­
word, 'L ib erty or Death,' The justice
H u nk hjr » T o r p e t i o - t t o a t .
ferences have taken place today be-
o f our cause is recognised by all fre«
Salónica, A p ril 21.— A Turkish tor-
people blessed by God.
Let us push pe«l«> -boat has sunk the Greek steamer tween the king and the cahin«*t, ami as
onward, brother Greeks; Hod is with Athens in tlie gu lf of Salónica. Un the result o f them, the two last classes
of 1886 reserves have been called out.
im ."
lsNir<l were insurgents amt m enders of
A oablegram reoeived at thè state <te- various secret socielie*.
A general
W e a t h e r G o o d fo r F i g h t i n f .
partnicut In Washington freni t'onsul I «aide prevails here. A ll the vtwsels
London, A p ril 20.— The lateaf a»l-
V ifqu ain, at Panama, annonnces that sre prohibited from )<>aving the port.
S h o r t L in t* W i l l * o t C on « n i l d a t e .
vicea from A rta shaw that rains have
yellow fever haa mode its appearanca The Turks
have seia«<d the Greek
Lake, A p ril 18.— E. M cNeil,
at th «t port.
steamer Kophaloion.
weather, and the Arakphos, which president o f the O. R. & S . Co., ar­
Michael Davitt, M. P ., in an inter-
alone se|iarate« the progress of the
R u m o r T h a t W a r W as D t f la r r d .
v ie w at Oakland, Cai., e ip re s a d thè
rive«! here from the East this morning,
armies, ta rapidly shrinking. The h ill accompanied by several officials <*f the
opinion that buine m ie w ill soon he
Brussels, A p ril 20.— T h e Independ­
«u n for Iridami.
I le thlnks that thè ence Beige today annouees that Turkey
rood. The party left for Portlan«! thia
It is at thia point that th* sever­ evening. Mr. M cN eill denies the ru­
liberala w ill carry thè country at thè has officially declared war against tion.
next generai election, and that thè Iriah Greece and that a notification to thia est ami «leadI ieet fighting may be ex­ mor that negotiations are in progress
party w ill bave thè balance o f power, effect waa sent to the powers this morn- pected. Another question, ia whether for the consoli«1ation of the Oregon
the Greeks can engineer an uprsing in Short Lin e and (X R. A N. Co«
lima being in a posinoli to diciate torma ing.
tba liberala
to It!«
C o n t r a c t f o r A n u o r I*‘
Chicago, A p ril 20.— Th*
Steel Company has received
tiie Rur-iau minister at W*
proposition 1' «»king to the
bid»img on armor-plate for
R .--.an war «hipr-. T lie <x»nk
be for 8.00« tons, and in caW
tlie • 'Incago concern would tur»;
treasury in the neighborhood
It is said the offers of ti
.-’.eel Company K> furnish _
stater government with arrnc.
the remarkably low figure o(
Kan has startled the war »is;
the » orl I over. For the past
the Russian government has I
ing to tire United States for
the armor-plate used in constp
new ships of war. but the
have heretofore been awarded
the Carnegie or the Betide'
pany, each of which have suj
armor mr a Ku-nan man-of-y
war S'-ai«* in tlie far East has ^
started the most active ¡»repat
the czar’s naval dejiartment. }
Tlie < outract which the Illi-
Company is asked to bid on
largest ever awarded by the
government. It is hinted that
purpose of the latter to get in
tract ahead of tlie Unite«! 8tat
Pre-ident Gates was seen t«s
he refused to discuss the matter
than to say the r*q>ort was cor.
that he had written tlie Russian
ter at Washington, to whom t'
was made, for ail necessary ¡»a
for |irocee<ling with the bi»!g.
matter w ill foe lahl before the df
of the company next W e in
New York. _____________
C r r n .a n
E m p ir e W i l l
C h a n g«* o f C h a n c e llo r s .
Berlin. April 20.— Prince H ot
the imperial chancellor, a presn
st*»ndent umlerstands, in a lett
from Ba len Baden, A p ril 13, fa
his resignation to the emper
brisk exchange o f telegraph
followed. His majesty insisted
tiie chancellor retaining office
present, in spite o f the cogent
cites! in Prince Hohenlolie’ s letter
ing that his re«i»:nation at this ,
would seriously embarrass the i
Prince Hohenlohe again ami
siste«! that, apart from other
reasons, his health just now is
worst. The prince subsequent!;
to Paris, where his w ife had pi
As reasons animating him to .
Prince Hohenlohe urges his in
to carry out his solemn promise '
rait to the reichstag and to thed;
bills, one placing the Prussian la
nlating political meetings upon a
liberal and modern basis, ami the
reforming the procedure o f m:
The prince's inability to ca
his promise is saifi to be due to
trenie reactionary attitude of Ba
der Horst, Prussian minister ol
interior. At this moment it is !
sible to say how the crisis w ill e
in the critical situation o f Eu
change of chancellors would be d
N e w Y o r k f l o e * L 'p F o u r C e n t s o*
p o r t* o f W a r In t h e E * « t .
New York, A p ril 20.— There
tremendous excitement in tlie »
market to«lay. Prices advanced 4
a bushel in a little over tw o 1
Dealings ran up into the millions,
shorts were completely stampeded
their outers to buy flooded the is
from start to finish. War news
foreign buying were the factors
occasioned the tumult. T h e fc
buying was by far the heaviest sc
a long time. No lim it was set fl
execution of foreign orders, which
“ Buy wheat,” and it was bought
any figure. During the regular s
May went from 7 3 to 78 cent,
later on the curb to 79 h, cents
other influenes was a«l»led the expc
mand at the close.
Liverpool t
tirty-live loads. The market was
fever heat all day, and left off
wildest point. Total sales wet
H o p e * to B e P a r d o n e d .
Havana, A pril 20.— A press
spondent went to Cabanas toda»
saw General Rivera and Colonel'
loa. He found Rivera in a larg
and well-ventilated cell. A t the
ment o f the visit the general was
<lown, but he had been able to
his bed the day before. H is w
are healing rapidly, and he is h
to l»e pardone«! as a special favor .
crown. Colonel Bacalloa is sitn
situated, and the two officers hi
servant who attemis them. They
comfortable Ixxls and good meals
in daily from a restaurant neai
Neither lias any «¡»ecial eoroplai
make. Colonel Bacalloa is also
dent of a pardon.
The correspondent today saw <
Melton and Alfred Labonle, ol
Com|»etitor crew.
They are 1
Brigadier-General Moneada has
promote«! to be s.x*ond in com
urn er the chief of staff o f Captain
eral Weyler.
San Fran«*igco, A p ril 20 -
G en e«0! ^ ‘I“*
( ’-P^>n-
General W eyler has entered the erec­ inch guns for hay defense, f
tion of an infirmary on the trocha ami m ount»! at Lime point and
•t Fort point, have reached
K . V X|
* the m'*itar7 hospitals. They are practically duplicat
|u*PBals will be constructed at
T rm „l.d . Casilda. Isabella .m l Sag',. tng only in the nature o f the
The captain-general has or.lere«! the »nff. Both were ma.te a» tl
demolit.on of all bonnes inside the cub * iet arsenal, and were ship
Highland beach, Sandy Hook
ha ' ^
T1" 8 '* on ,h« theory
ng tested. Each gun weight
poumls, measures 45 feet i
fL il J 1 °rM‘onw »"«I remove their *nd w ill throw a shot weigh
lam ih «« to the towns.