Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, March 25, 1897, Image 3

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    Mrs. Scott sells fine confectionery.
>ple of F o rest Gt»ove and V ie in ity
C. Fritz spent W ednesday at home in
Forest Grove.
P u llm a n
S l e e p ;. ;
E le g a n t
D in in g C a rs
T o u r ist
S le e p in g C ars
>u want any seeds? you can get
i B U L K at Greer’s.
presentative of the H ext Concert
Iny, who play the latter part of
eek at the Marquam Grand, Port­
ias in town the forepart o f the
tyin g to make a date for his coin-
They have to wait for the Shore-
Dtnpanv and will put in the three
ap the valley. The Athletic Union
bollege has secured them forTues-
tb t at the auditorium, and the
^ernoon over one hundred signed
I tickets. It will be a full house
reets them on their appearance
[T h e company is by long odds the
at has ever come here, and it is
Ite for the Grove that their dates
led in Portland.
Resides Herr
^r, the famous Belgium violinist,
[inald Hext, the pianist, the en-
tient includes Miss Hffite Elaine
[who gives «flections from the
rature o f modern authors and
que posing in Grecian costumes,
sting human emotions, musical
gues and pictures in marble.
tressing ec
her Ayer . ,
neighbors with beaming faces and arms
heavily laden with good thing» to eat.
Congratulations were first in order after
which the gnests repaired to the parlor
where games, conversation and music
were indulged in. A t 11 o'clock a de­
lightful lunch was served in the dining
room. A t the hour o f midnight the as­
semblage broke up after voting the affair
one of the jolliest of the season. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roe,
Miss Anna Roe, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Roe,
Mr. and. Mrs. J. S. Clark, Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Shannon, Mr. and Mrs. H. D.
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey, Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Ransom, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Abbott, Mrs. E . H. Marsh, Mrs. Colonel
Baker, Mrs. V. Lysons, Mrs. Thorp, Mr.
come to the towns from along the road
W. H. Myers, Miss E thel Curtis. Miss
and their parents could well afford to
Edyth Ransom and Miss Vivian Bailey.
contribute. Every business man would
Minutes seem like hours when a life is
be benefited and would find it worth bis
while to subscribe. There should be no at stake. Croup gives no time to send
delay in raising the needed amount. for a doctor, delay may mean death.
Lumber, labor and money will all be One Minute Cough Cure gives instant
needed and the H a t c h e t will giv e relief and insures recovery. The only
weekly the names of subscribers o f any haimless remedy that produces immedi­
ate results.
J. C. Clark, druggist. '
of these for the plank walk.
The advantage of a board walk between
Forest Grove and Hillsboro for people
on foot and bicyclists is so apparent that
the prospect of its being built comes as
w elcom e news. Mr. Mitchell and others
in Hillsboro have made a good liegin-
ntwg in subscriptions of money, lumber
and latior, and propose to raise enough
there to build a three foot plank walk to
Cornelius. About five hundred dollars
will be needed and most o f it is in sight.
Forest Grove has now to build from here
to Cornelius, a short half and much
easier as it is all on the same grade.
There is considerable travel between the
towns and would be much more if com­
munication were easier. Many children
Cr j..kston
W in n ip e g
Helen*, and
/ 1 last tic gave ► may not bo so full as ha
..cr y rectoral, a; 4 J w i*hOO, but if h e i s W is e
co" » v/a I
*.e boUîci, ti.c > .
c i t , r i 1 i>
exccilen: lie«.
‘lie ¿go
«V a a i l l . ^ t iM I
."w Y e rk
* '
aw I
Points E*st A$ul S'Nith
► ••r m i o * »•• »!*•••• M *fM*r*r*lw
»»■»«• *»*»$ *’ ••%• *•
su i*r « ’ l i t
A. D. CHARLTON, iu t . Gen. P an . A ft
r o K T I .A N D
im m o ti,
* T h is testim on ia l w ill b e found in fu ll in A y er's " C u r e b o o k " w ith •
hundred others. F ree. A d d ress J. C. A y e r Co., L ow ell, Mass.
Our Speeial
Clubbing Offer
W a s h i n g t o n C o u n t y H a t c h e t and . . .
San Francisco E xa m in er... regular price, $3.00 both for $2. do
4 «
4,4 1.65
1 i
Thrice-a-W eek W orld.......
f f I.50
Chicago Inter-Ocean.........
4 2.00
Springfield Republican. . . .
Louisville Courier Journal.
f f
Atlanta Constitution.........
f t
f I
« 1
Silver K n ig h t.....................
4 «
4 4
V ic k ’s Fiorai M o n th ly .. . .
t «
f t
< 4
W omankind, a magazine..
f t
f t
f f
4 4
« (
1 f
4 4 2.00
< t
f f
International M a ga zin e.. .
I ;75
*: 75
r applies to new subscribers or old ones paying one
year In advance.
Renew Your Subscription.
Tuesday evening, March 30,1897
. .
“ The work o f Miss H ext proved her to be a woman of extraordinary talent.
“ W alther demonstrated the wonderful power he has over the bow,and all were so-
stirred by his soulful and masterly execution as to imagine Ole Bull was again on
earth.” — U niversityjof Illinois, Champaign Gazette, November 24, 1896,.
“ Miss H ext is an artist. She has a wonderful voice of great range and flejm>il-
ity. W hile delightful in the rendition o f the lighter child literature o fcF ield and
Riley, she excels in the classic literature o f Shakespeare. Her posiugs were a rev­
elation .
, “ W alther’s artistic presence, heightened by his Tortini like form and feature»
into wild and weird estheticism im mediately rendered his audience spellbound.”
— Holland C ity News, December 12, 1896.
For Sale.
“ DUKE.” .
The thoroughbred Jersey bull “ D u ke”
Eleven acres adjoining Forest Grove,
6 acres in hearing fruit trees, balance in will make the season of 1897 at m y ffrni
hay and pasture, 8 room house with X mile west o f Forest Grave, Oregon.
bath room, ail nicely finished, also barn, Terms: For the season, $2.09.
E d w a r d L. N a y l o r .
hay shed, poultry house, e tc., fine loca­
tion, also large lot in town. Address,
A. M i l l e r ,
Forest Grove, Oregon.
A tte n tio n , V etera n s.
I f you are entitled to an iucrease of
pension, employ J. H. Dolstrum. He ha»
had several years’ experience with th»
pension department at Washington. D.
C. He also makes a specialty o f making
out pension papers, and all kinds of
notarial work. Long term loans on firs-
mortgage on improved farm« and cit'
property well insured,
J. H . D o l s t r o m . J. P.
Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver.
h is
I fo m a w h ile a n d a tte n d to
Dr. R. H. Hovey having located in
Forest Grove for the practice of dentistry
takes this method of informing the pub­
lic that he is prepared to do any work in
that line. Office in Ingles & Porter’s
For Infants and Children.
•1 f u t o n /
n e g le c t
—v . r v v w v -. - r - v w -
t4Q»t COUgh. A c li^ llt |
cough ii : n e w - S l.Eo the m a '.l pobblo cn lio
mounta. .
. . ; 1 ppo... j utterly in s ig n ific a n t, u n t il
r. raourc, ;
hr.yrt, rtorta it rolling, and th e p e b b le be-
got3 an r r .l-ncho that buric3 a to w n . F a t a l d is e a s e s
begin wil t “ a alight cough.” C u t a n y co u g h , t a k e n
in time, c_n Lo cured b 7 the u se o f
v r iJ
A yer’s Cherry Pectoral.
Doors, windows
and mouldings a 1 To Loan— Some money.— Edward L.
Portland prices. Abbott & Roe.
Cakes, pies and cookies just like home
— made at the Home Bakery cheaper
o d etc H a in e s & B a i l e y ’s dress
Mr. Claude H allett went to Portland than you can bake them.
If you like good bread, try the Cres- j
Cent flour and you will use no ot’>er.
A. D. Allen and J. I. Liles will run the
y o u ’a ee n M a c r u m ’s d i s p l a y o f
A new supply of M en’s and Boys’ j Fresh oysters in every style at the city barber shop in the future. Mr.
Liles will move next Monday.
clothing just received at A. T. Boos’ . Home Bakery.
<f supply of hardware, paints, oils
All persons indebted to H artram pf1 T ry some o f the celebrated Pine nut
Laurel H oyt has bought out L . V.
>8 at A . T . Boos’,
Bros, will please call and settle at once taffy at Macrum’s.
Berckmoes, jeweler, at Hillsboro, and
rand ju ry took a recess Saturday in order to save costs.
Fet Hall, of Scoggins valley, is very low will take charge during the next 10 days.
inverted Monday.
Mr. Demond, a basket maker, has with pneumonia.
A ll persons who have not paid for
fcry dealer handles Crescent moved here from Castle Rock so his son
Just arrived, third car load Nebraska water and lights will please call before
n . e bakers call it best.
can attend the university.
corn, at Waters & Banks
the first of the month and settle. The
Molgati has gone to the
collector will be found at the council
M. Manning ofPortland, general agent
Ask your dealer for Crescent flour,
M . C. mining region.
of the Palatine Insurance company, was
take no other if you wish the best.
I wish good bread use Cres- in town Monday on business
R ev.J. E. Walker will preach in the
Mrs. H. W. Scott was visiting last
t is same price as other flour.
To prevent the hardening of the sub­
Congregational church Sunday.
week with friends in Scoggins valley.
^ ^ Ilo u n in gums to suit. Rooms cutaneous tissues of the scalp and the ob­
subject in the morning will be “ Jeho­
Ask your dealer for Crescent flour.
Q ^ u t e Building. Hillsboro, Or. literation of the hair follicles, which
vah ’s R est,” and in the evening “ The
they haven’t it request them to eet it.
cause baldness, use Hall's Hair Renewer.
Power of an Endless L ife.’ ’
I passing of the equinox set-
Seed W heat— Tw o varieties, White
proved weather may be ex-
Shaving 10 cents, hair cutting 25 cents
light, call at A. T. Boos’ and get one ot Russian and Red Chaff, at Waters &
at the Eagle parlor, next door to Hughes
the indistructable lamp wicks. It only Banks’ .
& Son’s hardware store.
Good work
.ll persons in debt to Dr. ]
wants to be trimmed once. It never
Miss E va Bryan o f Heppner, a student and courteous attention. Drop in and
lease call and settle their ac-
burns out or smokes.
at the Monmouth Normal, is visiting see us. Johnny Liles, proprietor.
The Hillsboro public school closed Fri­ Miss Ora Beal.
^■ ongrcssman Tongue’s absence
Thursday the Grove was visited by a
day evening with graduation exercises
You can get all kinds o f garden seeds
violent gale of wind which caused much
■ on Ills law office is in charge in the court house. The twenty-three
IN B U L K , also onion sets, and Early
Chimneys and fences were
hlr. E. B. Tongue.
graduates were presented their diplomas Rose potatoes at Greer’s.
overturned, telephone and electric light
-R ent or Sale— A vineyard. You by Mayor W. N. Barrett.
Doctor C. L. Large reports a daughter poles blown down and trees uprooted.
:t .»[bargain on this if you wish,
A part of my spring stock of wallpaper weighing eight pounds born to tb - wife
^^■ rs. A. Keitn, Cornelius, Or.
The Forest Grove band will play an
is in. Something new and beautiful at of Mr. W. P. Thomas, near here, the
hour every Saturday afternoon on the
Jnd son started for Southern reduced prices. It will soon be time to twentieth instant.
Congregational church square. The bus­
fciursday. During his absence repaper your walls and I tlunk that I can
All persons indebted to the M iller’s iness houses have agreed to pay a certain
$ill be managed bv Mrs. Carr. suit you in price and pattern.— Geo. L.
Pharmacy will save cost by paying nn at sum weekly for this and it will prove
|1 gw violet and the pinkish
once, as all accounts not settled will be quite an attraction. This is but another
Rev. J. W. Spangler, of Independence placed in a collector’s hands.
the pepper root have made
evidence of the band’s public spirit as
earance as earnest of the formerly pastor of the M. E. church,
the amount subscribed is merely enough
spent Monday and Tuesday in the Grove.
bf spring.
to show the encouragement of the citi­
Mr. Spangler is contemplating trading cheap at S m ith ’s Furniture Store; also
zens and is by no means an adequate
line of ladies’ anil men’s fine
for some property here preparatory to carpets sold from samples of the newest
compensation. The boys have ever been
[arrive at A. T. B og’ about
and latest patterns at city prices. Call
residing here.
ready to do anything which seemed
Inesday, also a supply of the
and price them.
likely to benefit the town, and have
Mrs. James Shearer, 1 ho lives nine
fcs o f gents’ hats.
There is no reason w hy one should made such proficiency that their music
miles north of here, met with quite a
nR-'Ahruham Powell, the eminent
serious accident Monday morning which have a cough any length o f time. All is attractive and creditable.
¡lecturer and phrenologist, will
resulte i in a fracture of the left arm at that is needed to allay soreness of the
•e in the Christian church, Friday
the wrist. Dr. C. L. Large set the limb throat or to free the bronchial tubes
P a r t ic u la r s w i . l be
|A p r il 9
I)i(l Yon Ever
and left her resting as easily as could be from irritating mucus is A yer’s Cherry
Pectoral. It is a wonderful cough-cure, T ry Electric Bitters as a remedy for your
expected after such an injury.
and should be in every medicine-chest. troubles? If not, get a bottle now and
psionary committee of the Y.
A six year old youngster of the Grove
get relief. This medicine has been found
will hold a special meeting
Hon. H. S. Hudson, who had n hard
who had grown curious at the talk about
to be peculiarly adapted to the relief
Ihristian church next Sunday
the big Fitzsimmons-Corbett contest spell of sickness while in Salem, is yet at
and cure of all Female Com plaints, e x ­
¡at 7:30 p. m.
Subject, “ An
and had been told by his father that
erting a wonderful direct influence in
vitli Missions.” A cordial in-
they were fighting for a big amount of recovered as to be up most of the day
giving strength and tone to the organs.
i extended to all. A collection
money, asked: "P apa, if Mr. Corbett
If you have Loss of Appetite, Constipa­
ten at the close for the bene-
wins will he give Pacific University be good news to his many friends in the
tion, Headache, F ainting Spells, or are
another $10,000?”
Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, M elan­
true to his constituency and could be
lie Cheap— A physiology chart
choly or troubled with Dizzy Spells,
|in, a reading chart and a desk
Electric Bitters is the medicine you
work in primary classes. The Large, was summoned to Hillsboro Mon­ in the legislature was approved by all
day to serve papers on Sheriff Bradford good citizens who believe that the ma­ need. H ealth and Strength are guaran­
as gone E ast and desires them
teed by its use. F ifty cents and $ 1.00
»f at any price. A good chance in the case of J. L. Honeyman plaintiff, jority have rights that are worthy o f re­
a t Miller’s Pharmacy.
cher or school district to obtain
Iful and needed articles at slight return of a gelding valued at $250.00
Just at the time the result of the big
Rl pans Tabule» cu re headache.
In y or all of them will be sold. taken by defendant on an execution fist championship contest was all the
Ripans Tabule»: on» give» relief
: H a t c h e t office.
talk one o f the teachers in the Grove
H. W. Scott has moved his real estate public school chanced to fall into con­
tarry L. Palmer, the Chicago
rtist who has been at work in and ticket office from the Ingles block versation with a friend and on Cue lat­
111 putting in new scenery, re- to the confectionery store on the east ter’s remarking that it was no wonder
Friday to Portland where he has side of the Western hotel building. Mrs Corbett lost the fight she naturally in­
ct to furnish a thousand views Scott will have charge of the confection­ quired the cause. The friend replied it
bn scenery for the Oregon Immi- ery department and Mr. Scott will still was because he had F itz (fits) in the
Board. The pictures will be conduct his regular real estate, insurance ring. The teacher was heard later in the
day expressing her sym pathy for the ex­
1 the principal railway stations of and ticket business at the new stand.
. 1 U T N N
champion because he hadn’t had a fair .
to advertise the state. Mr.
In a recent local temperance gathering chance for he was sick at the time, a
Is travels have been principally
one o f the speakers was describing the friend had told her so.
diarize himself with the colors
ordinary county store of half a century
Is of Oregon landscapes and skies.
A very pleasant and enjoyable affair
ago, and in emphasizing his remarks ex-
D ay comes April 9, and will be 1 tended his arm toward one of the others was the birthday surprise party given to
lly observed in the public schools seated on the platform and exclaimed, Mrs. Thos. Roe by her immediate neigh­
tate. W hile tree planting is not ! “ There is a hogshead of rum," and then bors and friends on Saturday evening,
needed as in the older states with gestures toward the c ther occupants March 20. T he crowd gathered at the
desirable to teach children to of the roatrum, “ and there another hogs­ home of Mrs. H. D. Jones and from there
Iful of the forests, for abundant as head and there another hogshead.” The went in a body and quietly walked up to
(is if the present waste is continued \ people pointed out so conspicuously- the door and rang the bell, which was
|nnot last long. The state superin- shifted uneasily on their chairs and the answered by the hostess herself. So
1 of public instruction has prepared choir laughed when the arm was turned completely was the surprise planned
lam for exercises on that day and it toward them and he continued, “ in that that Mrs. Roe had no idea of anything
| St. Paul
[be observed in every school dis- corner is the codfish," and the choir unusual, but upon opening the door,
found the porch to be filled with her
oil* a n d g la s s at A b b o t & R o e ’s
A tougher's Giftes
" M y daughter, seventeen years o f
age, was i i v ery yoor h ealth b y
reason o f v e a k
t - 1 a d is­
, year. M y business has been steadily increasing ever since I undertook to establish an extensive Shoe Store
Call and see Haines & B ailey’s goods
^ ^ —torest Grove, although I was assured by some o f mv well-meaning friends that the people of Forest Grove
& K ild not sustain an extensive Shoe Store. I felt confident that this judgm ent was erroneous and that the peo­ and get their prices.
ple of Forest Grove possessed as good taste and as strong a desire to be stylishly shod as the people o f Cleve­
land, where I had spent several years in the retail shoe trade. The success o f my business has justified my con-
The Maccabees are taking in new m e m -;
aE en ce. I aim to buy only what a discriminating public taste demands; as a consequence I sell all I buy and bers every Tuesday night.
am able to keep my stock f r e s h a n d u p T o d a t e i n s t y l e
The constant increase in my trade lias enabled
■ me to secure the assistance of Mr. C V. B Russell, a gentleman o f some thirty vears experience in the retail shoe
Three of the K ay family left by steamer
business, and who is not unfavorably known to many of you. He will he glad to see all his old friends and ac­
quaintances at my store. Thanking you for past patronage and inviting a continuance o f the same, I remaiu Tuesday for San Francisco.
Yours truly,
J- L. G R E G G .
If you are troubled with Catarrh, Sore
Throat or Lung Disease consult Dr. C.
For mortgage loans call on H. W. E. Geiger.
Go to Greer’s and get your seeds In
n ® p < t> U T T O W N .
Remember you save your local fare to
to loan on well improved farms
Forest Grove Bakeries use Crescent Portland by buying yourR . R. tickets of
Macrum keeps the “ best” nickel
j f $lOo i or more at 8 per cent.
cigar in town.
H. W. Scott.
Jdary F. Nixon.
h m
, deeply gratified to be able to testify to the generous patronage which has been extended to me during ¿lie