Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, March 18, 1897, Image 1

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a n d
t.i;K Ä -h.'.i»'"”'iC0NS0LID4TED JUNE 4,1898.
W . W A R D , M. D.
» IC O N
All kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stoneware,
Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, Brooms, Mop
Sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladles, Wood and Willow
Ware of all kinds, Fishing Tackle, Also a large
lot of all kinds of Seeds.
¿fjttion for p en sio n s every W ednesday.
- O M i. ■ a t h i 1* r e s i l i e n c e ,
p s i d t n o , B ow lby hou se, Pacific a re.,
pe.-it of Forest Grove h otel.
fcST G R O V E , O R E G O N .
Iteiition paid to Medical and Slirprieal
Toraeu and Children ami all chr- nic
Forest Grove Laundry
_ _ _ and Dye House.
|X O N ,
W e do all kin ds o f L au n d ry W ork in th e best possible
m anner.
A ny work lefc w ith its w ill be prom p tly a t­
tended to. W e guarantee all our w ork. O ur prices are
cheaper than P >rtland prices.
Y o u r patronage w ill be
appreciated. re-
re- “Cy
, p. m.
)R . O- C. H A T T
W. S. BALDW IN, Manager.
p n i i ' i i Bi iLiiiN'. i>n Main S tre e t,u p
Office h ou r., • a. ta to 4 p in.
’’(I K N E Y - A T - L A W ,
Dao, W a shinotop C o u n t y , O r .
S M IT H & B O W M A N ,
lE Y S - A T - L A W ,
,1 W ork and C on veyan cin g,
i M organ B lk.
H IL L SB O R O , O R .
W . M. L A N G L E Y ,
C o llectio n s a sp ecialty.
U p -stairs, Woods A C ap les
F ire and A ccid en t In su ra n ce
Loans, C o llectio n s
Fire Insurance
. . . and Loan Broker.
O regon
II. D. S t e w a r t ,
A f .’t C M h l.r
F o r est G rove
New Rigs
brock ’ s
D r ug sto r e .
m l te le g r a p h ic tr a n sfe r , »old o a N ew '
go and San Francisco.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded by
an Experienced Pharmacist and from
the Best and Freshest material.
ch a n g e p a y a b le at sig h t in L ondon ,
S, A m sterd am , B ru ssels, S tock h olm .
-the-M ain a s w ell as a ll oth er
ie s and cen ters o f trade th ro u g h o u t
K in g d o m , Ireland and C o n tin en ta l
Subscriptions Received for the
C ounty
Special Bargains in Tw enty and Forty Acre
Tracts in Washington, Yamhill
and Tillamook counties.
jral Implements, such as
Buggies, Plows, Harrows,
Tools, Etc. Also Paints,
ic, Plaster and Cement.
All Grades of
Rough and Dressed um In .
Kiln Dried umber a ¡Specialty.
t the . . .
Chance Grocery.
L o w P r ic e s ,
P r o m p t D e li v e r y ,
Excellent Quality
last place to get your
lies until you reach Til-
k. I can y a full line of
Burklen’a Arnica Salve.
ds and Groceries,
ent Medicines,
Cigars and Tobacco.
The Best Salve in the world for C uts, !
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum.
Paver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup­
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
a ck le and all necessary perfect satisfaction or money refunded
ies for a cam p outfit.
Price 23 cents per box. For sate b y 1
Chas. Miller.
Communication between
drove and Tillamook.
- »
W omen to t n r r l for r esp on sib le e*t 8 b- I
CHAS. HIATT, Proprietor.
Brick for Sale!
160,000 Good Quality
B . F . C a tc h in g ,
Y ârd I
wilt N orth w est o f
Forest Grove
Wanted-An Idea S ~ s
lisheri h o u se in O rero n . Sftlftrv $ 7 8 \ pejrnbU
, £
- Ä ¿2237.*: SSSj*”»
T h S T T k e tS S S a b Ä h l k l f g !
33 00
T W Thompson vs Estate of Edward
7 80 Webster, deceased, et al.
Order con­
10 00 firming sale of real property sold.
35 00
95 70
44 4 °
7 4 o
136 00
4 00
C o n s o la tio n for the Pop— ulation.
C ountv
a s h in g t o n
N EW S paper .
4 p . in.
16 5 ° ...........................................
T G T o d d ...........................................
D B R e aso n er...........................v . .
J H R ain ey 5, A ndrew Olsen 5,
J N orthrup to, Rosa F rost 5,
D R euter 10.............................
State cases and w itn esses............
J F Carstens 4, B F R ice 4, T J
kt ,
H u m ph reys 4, W Nelson 2
Sam K u n z 2, Sam Sutton 2
L E W ilk es surveyor 18 40,
U G ro at 2, E dw ard G roat 2,
F re d G ro n e r 2, H enry K am -
04 2
G eo B a g le y ...................... ...............
D C S tew art .............. ...............
H ugh L e w is..........
ns m ad e sit a ll a ccessib le p o in ts,
m. to
R eal
E sta te T ra n sfer s.
Ja< o b S leg r ii: to A udrew 0 I a u l t-n :t!,
a of u e q r of sec ti 1 2 u r . w .............. t 3 00 4
Ai na W olf an d h iu b a m l to O eorse B
Har.ua 21.24 a of H eruieu an d Fan-
Ufa H a r m s d l c t ' t u r S w ...................
6 001
A m an d a
Edwards aud h u - an d to
A rcheloua and I'hebe 8 Godard a w
q r o f tb e s e qr aud oth er lau d s iu
sac 8 1 2 s 1 1 w ......................................... 1 7 00 4
K C B row n aud w ife to K redeiick Ver-
bau w h de p l o t It 1 iu blk 2 H ills ­
. ......................................... .........
Cacti H Bauer to Abe L H exter to a
o f sec 2 t 1 s r 1 w q u ite c la im .........
C ecil H B auer to Ju liu s Ach 10 a iu sec
i i l i r l w q u it c la tm ............................
C ecil It Bauer to H enry T aubcnh l iter
10 a Iu sec 3 1 1 s r , w q u i d a l ,1 .......
C ecil >1 Bauer to Kdward W elol aid er
10 a tu set 2 t , a r 1 w q u it c ui n...
C ecil H Bader to lia r . Harris 10 a In
s e s t I s r 1 w q u it c la im .........................
C ecil it Bauer to I h o M au.tiald to a iu
sec 2 t i a r 1 w q u it c la im ................
S a m u el sle g e u tu a le r to tru stees of tier-
m iu C ou xregatiou al cliur h o f c e ­
dar M ill ttacc iu L em » u j au d
write d 1 c 1 111 r 1 w ...............................
A lais K attfm sti uud w iie to Barbara
Kolauil au.t h o , <aud SI) a iu ---ec
t a r 1 w quit c la im .............................
M arriage Licenses— R obert E d m o n d ­
M ills vs W hite. Case set for F rid ay B en) H lrosell and -d fe to 1* L S p en cer
It 28 S p en cer’.- houn-stcad q u it 1 laiui
son and R «by W illiam s; T bom as M cFad- m o rn in g .
P I. Spencer to H erm an and E lla
den and Mrs. R ach el A . Meed.
T u ck er vs T h a yer.
Settled at last
Hchairer 1 t 20 in ¿ p e n c e i’e hom e­
stead ............................................................
Patterson vs N orthrup.
Decree last U ustau H Har ratnpf to K K W ater - and
C l. Bank« p- blk . in F o r e t D rove-
C o m m is s io n e r 's C o u r t.
term . No sale.
Step hen Kamhu and id le t ■ J. b o A
Lord vs V in cen t. O rder for p u b lica ­
Foote b is 2) iu Hoharts au b d lvt-loti
M essinger Bros ............................. $ 8 10 tion o f sum m ons gran ted.
C R Bloyd .......................................
8 00
A T K n o x appointed b a iliff for gran d
M essinger B ro s...............................
22 75 ju ry .
B yran -L aidlaw C o ..........................
10 9 0
Brugger vs H idebrand .
Judgm en t
<J. C. RIDER, Prop.
Cal Pow der W o rk s .........................
10 00 by default and $100 atto rn ey fee.
Meston & D y g e r t ..........................
15 50
K irk w o o k vs V ia l. Judgm en t by de­
G lass & P ru d h o m m e....................
I 55 fault and $50 attorn ey fee.
21 20
H ughes vs V anderzan den.
S et for
T H E O N L Y First-Class ami G eo R B a g le y ...................................
34 90 trial March 27.
Strictly Temperance R estau­ H illsboro L & W C o ......................
W D S m ith .......................................
7 00
Usborn vs Y o u n g. S et for trial M arch
rant in the city.
J B M a tth ew s...................................
52 50 23 -
J R M avs & S o n .............................
2 45
Jurors excused from atten d an ce until
Sch ulm erieh & S o n ........................
2 8 0 M arch 22 a t 9:30.
N A B a rrett.......................................
30 00
W W Annans appointed regular bail­
L E W ilk e s .......................................
2 50 iff.
L E W ilk es. ...................................
6 00
Boyd vs Boyd Set for trial March 24.
A W S a x to n ..................................... 345 80
Aspeuwell vs Foster. Sale confirmed.
A C A rch bold ........................... .
1 10
Danks vs Williams.
Set lor trial
E L M cC o rm ick ............................. 178 00 March 25.
J A Im b rie ....................................... »53 75
McNutt vs Pomeroy. Judgment by
H illsboro Pub C o ...........................
68 50 default and attached property ordered
E B S a p p in g to ii...............................
74 99 sold.
F A H a in e s.......................................
1 25
Beal vs Harper. Sale confirmed.
Robinson vs Fowler. Sale cmfirmed.
J D H ite ..............................................
10 00
Constable vs Tower. Sale confirmed.
A n d y Joh n so n .................................
10 00
Lord vs Hendricks. Sale confirmed.
A ustin C r a ig ..................................... ’ 45 45
Lucy L Woodward vs W E Bowlby et
H atchet ............................................
7 00 als. Confirmation allowed.
C alvin P o m e r o y .............................
69 00
Russell vs Wilcox.
Demurrer to
Special attention paid to Commercial Travelers
G H W ilc o x .......................................
69 00 answer of Deft. Wilkes sustained.
Hunters and Fishermen
F J B a b c o c k .....................................
18 20
T U E S D A Y , M ARCH l6 .
A r g u s .................................................
3 75
Take Jones’ Bus to and from all trains
Richard Larduer vs Elizabeth J Pat­
11 50 ton et al. Order directing present aher-
---- Baggage and freight called for and delivered P h a r m a c y .........................................
R ock C reek L b r C o .......................
3 60 ■ iff to execute deed.
A B C a d y ...........................................
50 00
John Aspiuwall vs H C Breeden et al.
W D W o o d .......................................
2 00 Order directing present sheriff to exe­
A ustin C r a ig .....................................
72 55 cute deed.
H atchet .........
4 50
In the matter of the assignment of
J T Doriren A sst tea ch ers’ e xa m ­
Bowlby & Stinchcotnbe.
Filing report
iner 16 50; J M Jones same
of assignee to February 8, 1897.
Toilet Articles,
9 a.
< irct. t C urt
Probate— In the m atter o f the estate o f
Monday M ornin., March 13.
C h ristian a H all, deceased; executor
List of jurors called and M. S. Shipley
authorized to sell personal property at
for the present. Grand jury
p ublic or private sale for cash iu hand.
drawn as follows:
I11 re estate o f W in. G u th rie, deceased;
I N. Berdan.
in ven to ry filed sh o w in g appraised value
A. B. Todd.
o f estate to he $724.40; sam e approved
3. T. G. Meacham.
and adm inistrator authorized to sell
4 Robert Alexander.
personal property at p rivate sale for not
I 5. A bner B tiggs.
less than appraised value.
6 John Iler,
In re estate o f R. A. Carpenter, de­
7. A. G ordon.
ceased; final settlem ent continued to
E . B. T ongue allowed to appear for T.
M arch 26, 1897, at 10 a. ui.
H. Tongue
In re estate o f W in. G ilp in , deceased,
H ans Rassniussen excused.
bond o f T. W. T hom pson, adm inistrator,
John N orthrup vs N Berdan. Tongue
filed and approved and letters ordered to and Huston attorn eys. Stipulation tiled.
issue; C. A . R aym ond, C. W . Hudson
Sm ith vs C ourtney.
Dismissed with­
and T hom as Roe appointed appraisers.
out prejudice.
In re estate o f J ohn H . F reem an , de­
D anks vs Wiliiauts. Set for trial March
ceased; w ill adm itted to probate and 29 -
H annah A nn Freem an appointed e x e cu ­
Bank of H illsboro vs Sherm an .
trix to serve w ithout bonds; E . J. Lyons, tinued.
J. W Morgan and H. P. F o rd appointed
D ennis vs M organ. Judgm en t b y de­
fault last titu.
H PFANNER. Proprietor
h ou rs from
V o l. 11, K o. 5 1 , V o l. I X , N o . 8
Everything from a Saddle Horse to a Four-in-hand Carryall
im e s
Good Horses
uty Prosecu tin g A tto rn ey.
C o u r t H ouse N rw s.
jitTr D R O V E ,
r o v e
F O R KST G R O V E , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H 18, 1H!»7.
M » ro to ssio n n l C a r d s .
o r e s t
R E Randall V6 Chris S Peterson et al.
Order confirming sale of real property
H McArthur vs N H Earn ham et al.
Demurrer of defendant overruled by
consent of counsel and decree for plain­
tiff as prayed for in complaint.
PI A Hyde vs C C Chipman et al. De­
fault and decree for plaintiff.
W O Donalson vs Albert A Williams,
et al. Default and decree allowed as
praved for.
Wm P Lord et al vs Wm Homer ct al.
Default and decree as prayed for.
Now com eth the gran d ju ry in to opeu
court and through their forem an return
into court two true b ills of in dictm en t
and reporting furth er business retire to
consider thereof.
T he S tate o f Oregon vs R C rissin ger.
Indictm ent No. I. D efendant arraign ed
and given until T hursday m o rn in g to
The State of Oregon vs R Crissingor.
In dictm ent No. 2. D efendant arraigned
•md allow ed until Thursday morning to
plead. Crim e charged in each indict­
m ent, larceny in a store. Benton Bow­
E d i t o r H a t c h e t :— A sligh t exam ­
ination o f our last adm inistration and
the present situation m ay bear in vesti­
gation. G ro v er's w ild flirtation w ith the
Queen o f a foreign nation and his v.i w-
on legislation has m et w ith dis ¡proba­
tion. McKinley's e xa ltatio n to the head
o f our great nation through M ark Hau-
n a ’s determ ination m ay have m et with
approbation and caused some exu ltation
though the present situation w ill need
some stim ulation to stop the vociferat on
man appointed to defend defendant.
that threatens our nation or B rya n ’s p ro ­
Joseph Gaston vs J Alpin et al. Or­
mulgation for silver’s restoration and
der modifying judgment and decree
other reformation will receive the att»st­
ation from the voters of this nation and
trusts and combination will meet their
termination. Mitchell's aspiration has
caused some consternation and Harvey's
Conjuration next with incantation pre­
vented legislation and the people say
daf nation.
John Hansen.
Tillamook, March 8, 1897.
Electric Bitters.
10 0 *
2 0*1
575 (
th e Power ef poesy.
Clarenoe Fit« Rnatooe waa « pact. ■ » '
was also in love The g irl’s nam« W
Maud Montmorency and her father w m
a wealthy batcher. She retained Clar­
ence'* love, bat her atern male paraot
w m opposed to the mut oh. So Clarenoe
pined. He al*o wrote "poem*. ”
One night Clarence pincked np oour- ;
ego and called at the aristocraties Mar- '
ray H ill mansion wherein Mand reaided. I
He rang the doorbell and wiped hie :
feet. Then he was ushered into the
prond butcher's presence.
“ S ir,” he said, bowing low, " I lore
yonr daughter and would fuin uiako bar
my wife. ’ ’
Old Montmorency was impressed by
the yonng man's originality. “ Pro­
ceed,” be ««id. "H ot first tell me what
ure yonr prospects?"
“ Prospects?” replied
the youth
promptly. “ I have great prospects, since
Ihopetoinniryyourdaughter. Oh, sir,”
be continued eagerly,"I know I coaid
make her happy. I have studied her
beautiful nature carefully, and I am
sure she would rejoice at tbe opportu­
nity of takwig cure of a poor, orpbaa
husband. Liston, sir I” Here be drew
forth a manuscript. “ Permit me to read
a little thing of my own. I ’m a poet,
sir, und cun brat express myself in nnat
be is. " Then be read us follows:
A p rey to lo v e m y ip i r it p in es
T h e w h ile I w r ite then* " ten d erloin s'*
T o o n e so d e e r th a t to r h e r sa k e
I'd p la c e m y v e ry so u l a t “ « te a k ,”
Or e ls e m y life I ’d Kindly give her.
Y e t w h a t to lif e to e a ch a “ IIvert”
The poet passed. Tbe erstwhile ob­
durate male parent waa visibly affected.
Tears stood in his eyes. The verse« haft
conquered sod tbe maid waa weak—
New York World.
Elei trie Bitter« is a medicine aaiterl
D lO toalt.
for any season, bat perhips more gener-1 Pupil— What, fn your opinion, p m
ally needed, when the languid exhausted , lessor, Is tbe meat difficult matbematiadi
feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid J problem?
and sluggish and the need of a tonic
Poor Professor (grimly)— Trying to
and alterative is felt. A prompt use o f 1 make both ends meet, my dear sir.—
this roedlrihe lias often averted long and '¿radon Fun.
perhape fatal bilious fevers. No medi-
J u t I a era ta q .
cine will act more surely in counteract-1
WfbbJe— You shave yon rue If I m « to
Infanta and Children.
ing and freeing the aystem from Uie ly, don’t yon?
malarial poieon. Headache, Indegee-1
Wabble— No, only oonanionally. Msto
tion, Constipation, Diaziness yield t o ’ eg* to g«i about one hair oat of iS « M
iM«yaa Electric Hitters. 6or. and fi.UO per bot­ — Indianapolis Journal
tle at the Miller pharmacy.
heretofore made herein, and directing
the clerk of this court to correct said
judgment by interlineation thereof and
in place of $446 80 insert therein $242.00.
SO a ............................................
Pern Patton au l w ile to M althew T .'a l­
to 11 22 1.76 u 111 s c 31 t 1 a 4
R obt hriaeuKcraud .n ie 10 it U Ih >rue
lta i t aud .'2 111 blk 5 Ihom - ' add
Hlliabnro q u it d a i .1
Mai vl i H
result! an d w ile m r, iV
H aln ea it 3 iu b lk 7 S o u th Park add
to Forest D rove.........................................
Sara i W Wil-.nu an d hu ,tim id to Judy
Oray a ! , ui « e 1, -ec 2 I 2 it r 2 w ..
C aioi ua J W arm r aud liuai and to K G
Wauucr a o l l i 2 h k u - rest
Dr ve............................... ............................
B euseu K ueu y (by aheritV) to J F
u s u r y 2L72 a o f -e c 27 2 a r 1 w ........
T h om as L A a m t aud w l'e to t o m F
A dam « blka 5 an d 6 see 22 t 2 n r 3
w aud oth er >au.M...................................
H arr. Harr a to e c ll n Bauer and
ot On a tract --f J h o C B a n n a and
w ife d 1 c t l a r i u
T heodore M -indieId and w ife to harry
Harris uud 4-9 iu i 1 ab ove u a c t
q u ite c la im ..............................................
Abe L n e a te r aud w ile to C e d i u
B auer uud I 0 in t in above t i a c i ___
Ed W. Inland er and lie e v il it Bauer
uud t-tl o( ab o . e tr a d ............................
Henry rau b cn od in cB and w ife to C ecil
H B auer tind 1-9 of above tract —
J u liu s A ah in C ecil H Bauer u n i 1-9 of
s lim e tract quit c laim .......................
W J Sm ith au d w ife to Mary A B uffing­
ton 4J a of aac » 1 1 2 s r 1 w ..................
Mary A nuffiu ntou to n a iiu a h E s m ith
aa-iie tract..................................................
Henry U uteruahrer au d write to SI la . u
H ull l t 2 blk A iuu ey'a add to Hills­
Frank D a ttm i to N e llie D ayton a w qr
e t a w qr aac S3 t 3 n r 2 w q u it claim
J V P ope en d w ife to e b a « ► H eunett
l t 8 blk 9 W est P o rtla n d P lace..........
K S W alker to Wary A - D ouelaou 160a
of sec 16 1 1 1 r 8 w q u it c la im ..........
J o se p h in e K ShurU aud huabaud to
H enry Kiddy 60 a o f sec 20 1 1 n r 6
w . . . ...............................................................