Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, March 04, 1897, Image 2

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have attempted to force upon our on, agreeable to your invocation
S ’ tn o la ' to gu to
people Yes, Harvey, it will go to without quarter, and we suggest
•»■ •ved u theyoM-uA e at t -re* «time, or. as the people a g a in , and there is not that for your own personal safety
X e a rlv e v e ry b o d y i» do w n w ith th e
power in the Oregonian to stay you take yourself into a more se-
their hands when ihev march forth cure place than the wind-castle of 8n PP* or a' * -
S tB si RIBES»
Put a pill in the pulpit ii you w ant practical
S h e r r v J o h r - . n '- i f a m ilia r f> r m is seen
to harvest the double-dyed wretches the Oregonian building, for remem- o n c e m ore arou in l th e S p u r.
ijce Free.
preaching for the physical m^n ; tl.en p ut the
v. ho in company with yourself ber that this time it is the people of lu m b e r as h e is g a in jj to b u ild a store
O ae y etr
pill in the piliory if it does not practise w h at it
è i x m o n th »
robbed them of $100,000,000 this state who are after your scalp, b o tile at C o r re lili»
preaches. There's a w hole gospel in A yer's
T h re e m ontht
in aid of the construction of the and not your immediate neighbors
M iss B lan ch H »rfliüií oí
i-»ton v isite d
Sugar Coated P ills ; a “ gospel of sw eetness
maritime canal. Yes, Harve, this who were opposed to vour rotten vtith Mr». W . \V. Í. a - T u t- lay.
, „d light.” People used to val.ie t.ieir physic,
*»Ubli»hcxi for I h r isw.-B j ition of Washing­
G W . C o rìl -hipp-.- ! â û . » i k> o f pota-
rs they did their religion,—by it 3 bitterness.
ton county news th* ! m: 1 a of humanity and change of venue has been granted and corrupt Chinese policy.
and the people of this state will
any party who will, attempt to tor« to San Franc-.-o :.»«t TV- lay.
the m o n e y w e a n
T ae mere bitter tho dose the better the doctor.
Item* of general interrwt gratefu lly received.
carry out the despotism of the Ore- C. C. Hanc « k. .1 C lnias was at
V7e've go t over that. W e t .ke “ sugar in ours"—
Editor4» hohtMc» »tui f»*>*niou» on th.* page, all
the f e*t (a c t»-im p a rtia l and vneo! -»red
way that will long be remembered, gonian, through the use of its the
onc ,;i> ’ ’
^respel or p h y s i c - now-a-davs. It’s possible to
E d itor i»at hom e in hi* »a n n u m , I I a i c h s t
The H a tc h e t admonishes Harvey money or any corrupt measures,
" • " Lea:«-!nppr«i a c a r loan o(
p'.easa and to purge at the samo time. There
Kore»! «iroT e from 6 a. tu. to 10 p. m.
• Building
-------- - -------
. t1
. .
__ ,
, ,
.. lunif>t-r to C . C . Hanccn. k at C o rn d iu «
WMch vefk dtv Md •¡«•yi ftxi to uik md that in the approaching storm he and they will do it at their peril.
may bo power in a pleasant pill. That is the
will not find r presidential
candidates Harve Scott & Co. should be aware
. „ , _ ,
gospel of
A v e r v Scoggm. ot G a le s Creek, was at
,1,. e i ».,.i
ttie S p u r th e !irs. f t l.
u e k re
n e w in g
THURSDAY f r o m
t k e h a t c h e t ^ ttle .
He can no longer masquer- gon have submitted for the last old a c q u a iu t a i e«
frinterv .
ade in the lion's skin as the leader time to the will of a ragged and
W. C. Jo.ir-mi '• : : « » • in improving
»for? t — ill p a t l i c w l s r - in A v i r ' s Cureb««ok ¡oc p a g e s .
of the republican party in the
state God-forsaken minoritv who have e v e n if time, sre h*rd ami is now l«u-y
- « n t 1 r«t. J C. A y « Co L o w rl'. M > »
I f von tail to re ceiv e y o u r p a p er
it w ill of Oregon. This viper must now defied our constitution, our laws b u ild in g a w a go n
be a fa v o r if you w ill n o tify us at o n c e , crawl upon his belly into his
hole and the expressed will of three-
Tte i,rn * ‘ vc 1 ce'’ takin* i'1'
vf- V
= ■
< w m é
v a n ta g e :
h- . o«t w e a t’ ,T th e la st tw o
and draw the First National bank fourths of our people.
w e e k s a:
1 - -ra in h a - been sow n,
acsTi.N C raig Eniroa a » d paoraiKioa. ,n after him. for as sure as there is
If the people of this state have
r . o f F o re s t G ro v e , has
R oben
a god of the storms so surely will
ever entertained any doubt as to
cm yc«l to te a ch o u r sch o o l a n d
. . E ight
the people of this state sweep the motives which have actuated w ill be-.
M o n d a y , '. ! .- c h th e 15th .
. . P aces
Harve Scott and his revolutionarv and prompted the hostility of the
m e e tin g in th is
T h e an n as!
J J. C roslev was
rubbish out of recognition into ob- 1 Oregonian towards Senator Mitch- d is tr ic . «
. . W eekly
.V. L rw i« c le ik .
ell these doubts have all vanished *'lr' r<! ';'r'
f a p erson w h o,
in the light of the brutal treatment
" 13
upon s e ttin g a lie n in *' - e v e n in g wr olT
On the 1st day of May, 1896. W a r d ’ s D r i ’G S t o r e , thought, J
ple that th e'‘ failure of the session is which that organ has extended
e x p e c t fried i
c k tn for break fast? W e ll
Harve Scott, the editor of the not the worst of calamities,” this to this faithful servant of our state. th e re w o u ld • f/ o a : a » m u ch reason in acc in: of liar i times, it would cut the price- in its business and gtjj
the benefi’ to the public. We reduced price- from 20 to 30 per cent, oi
Oregonian, lacks only the courage assurance is about as valid as a That malice and a total disregard it as th e re i-
th e c r y o f th o -e fclio w s
the patent me licines and 50 on ordinary drug trade. We had eonsider-l
* W n ere is th e p rosper­
of the highwayman to give him contract with a gutter-snipe to for the best interests of this state w h o k e e p ^
able difficulty to get our orders filled although our orders were accom-l
f»y th e re p u b lic a n s i f
that distinction which may claim build a city. He says: “ The losses has inspired Harve Scott’s hatred i t y p ro m ised
janie 1 with the money.
The wholesale dealers were always short oil
the admiration of men for bis peril will find ample counterpoise in of Senator Mitchell there is no M c K in le y «hon'd c e le c te d .**
the standard patent medicines.
When the public school opened we thought we would give thel
invoked in his mercenary service, various gains.” One of these gains longer ground for farther doubt.
A ll
th e
T .T -rcn t fo rm s o f sk in
Harve Scott is a coward, unmixed, if any be visible, is the death blow
This blundering knave of the tro u b le s, from c ha o p e d h a n d s to ecze in a • .’ iic the Itr.cfit ol the reduction in school books, and had to getotnl
look-through other houses in Portland. The American Book Coa-J
unexampled, and ¡n unmitigated to the Oregonian and its despotism Oregonian has no power to discrim- a n d in d o le n t i.’ ur-.
r *ad:lv cu red pan; hawng the control of the school book trade, it having been I
coward. whose trea- ti t o our state, in Oregon. The editorials of Harve inate between a citizen whom he b>‘ O W itt - W itc h
H a ze l S a lv e , the granted th-m by the legislature two years ago.
The public must un-i
to ber hope 1 <f deliverance from the Scott read like the speeches of the may dislike and the whole people grta' P 'lc cu re. J
C . C la r k , d ru g g ist.
derstan l that there is a trust on everythiug they eat, drink or wear. I
The wholesale drug houses in Portland saw that we intended to i
condition of a he .ver of woo l and banded devils doomed and damned, of a state whose welfare he now as­
l t K i: i> V I L L E .
the cut prices, so by the following letter you may understand j
drawer of water to corporate greed from heaven expelled, and of none sails. He cannot in his blind mai­
M iss NVli.i Y o r k e is v is itin g frien d s at what we have to contend with:
has entitle! him to that chosen more so than the speech of Moloch, ice distinguish between his alleged
F orest G ro v e th is w eek .
curse, to that hidden vengeance, that fiercest apostate, who awoke cause for ill will against a public
P r o f C A . J o r e - i - g iv in g a cou rse in SN ELL. HEITSHU & W O O D A R D CO.
stored up in the hearts of -ur peo- to the consciousness of his fate and servant and the cause which that v o c ,! m u sic at th e sc h o o l house in th is
pie who will at the earliest possible exclaimed: “ My sentence is for servant has faithfully served. The place
period brand him -quarelv iH his open w ar.” and like that other fact is becoming generally recog-
T h e farm ers a re tr y in g to secu re a
P O R T L A N D , O r e g o n , F e b r u a r y 4 , 1897 .
front with the mark o: Cain, red devil who exclaimed;*'\Vhat though nized throughout the State of Ore- c re a m e r y o r > k iu im in g sta tio n a t th is
with their uncommon wrath, for Heaven be lost, all is not lost.” gor that Harve Scott is a monstros- P!*ce-
DR. D. W. W A R D ,
M r. J a m e s B o rw ic k w as re -e le cted
the ruin he has wrought. There is Yes, Harvey, we read your sen- ity cursed with blindness and m >ral
Forest Grove, Oregon,
no traitor like H rve
Histreasi n tence in the Oregonian. It is for obliquity from his birth,
a blind- d irec to r and J. B. I m la y c le r k a t th e a n ­
n u al sc h o o l e le c tio n M on day.
D E A R S I R : - - W e r e g r e t v e r y m u c h to be
to the state b-.? , riei:cl the respect war without quarter asked or ness which sees not how meritori-
M r. F ra n k H a rm a r, n ig h t c le r k at th e o b i i ged to de c l i n e to fill
the o r d e r which
of th -t
1 -
-.‘<1 him of wis- granted. You have decreed also ous would be his own conduct were C o lu m b ia h o te l, i ’o r t’ a n d . v isite d frie n d s
r e ceived from you y e s t e r d a y
Various eom-
dotn. it in- lev
- «
•>: tru ll and the
political death of Senator he to follow the example of his at th is p i , - e S it u r .la y and Sun« a v .
p l a i n t s h a v e c o m e to us in r e g a r d to your
moralit} >ut
•! c uti 11s Mitchell in the state of Oregon, great antetype, who deliberately
M rs C h riste n se n , w h o ha« been v irit-
c u t t i n g of pr i ces o n P a t e n t M e d i c i n e s , and as K
wis :«'in ha- .1“ -
treachery Will Harvey please tell us why executed in a most ignominious in g h e r sister Mr- I). R W h e e le r th e
w e a r e 1 un d e r the s t r o n g e e t p l e d g e s to f i l l
to every n
and he did not slay the senator in the manner that wretch who received th e p-.st w eek re tu rn e d to h e r h o m e in
n o o r d e rs f r o m t h o s e w h o pe r s i s t e n t l y cut
P o rtla n d M o n d a y .
henceforth no - r
.11 « ut so last contest in this state when his thirty pieces of silver of his be-
w e ar e o b l i g e d to d e c l l n e to ship
S ch o o l c o m m e r c e d at th is p la ce T u e s­ p r i c e s ,
keen and «:« ep
-.he vengeance of re-election to the United States trayal, and thus rid this state of a
d a y m o rn in g . Prof. H a rry C«dem an has g o o d s .
R e g r e t i n g t h a t w e a r e f o r c e d to take
the pe« ule h*
« . r to ' «e -caate was an open issue, and no traitor, whose treason, like a dea ily c h a r g e o f th e g r a m m a r d e p a rtm e n t and
this a c t i o n , w e r e m a i n ,
:n it o f t h a t r e a - liable doubt was expressed by • virus, has blasted the hopes of the > l - , H a n n -i B. A dtrson the primary-
Very truly yours,
editor as to tl -. -e-i
-i > ility f'«r anyone o f respectable judgment as Pacific coast, hopes which were d e p a rtm e n t
the rob >erv ot ■ :r repre-entation in to the expressed will of the people suspended upon the lips of our e l o -
T h e h o m e o f Mr« .s«i<liv John son w a s
°* a p le a -a n t su rp rise p a rty on
the United Sta-c-s ,
The ed- to return him to the United States quent senator whose great appeal
B y F. K. A r n o l d , R e c e i v e r .
itor of the Oregottiau can find no -enate? W hy then did not Harve in our behalf in the U nite! S a te s Sa,ar'la> evtni'^
D" inri was th;
A *:Ow :ave n:.'. e a :: .ngements with the largest wholesale drug
a m u se m e n t u r .v l th e m id n ig h t h o u r and
escape from the o>
j :enc - of S. tt -ettle this question and not senate would -have deliverei this e v e r y b o d y r e p o r 'e d a p le a sa n t tim e.
house i:i S.ni Innci-co wi a will supply us with all the drugs and meefi-
ciue- we want, and toV - asure in announcing to our patrons and the
his reckless career nor can he shift re- >rt to political assassination by state from the thrall of that power
public at large that we are ale to continue to sell our drugs at even
the responsibility of his crimes of the hands of bis political cabal at in league with Harve Scott, our
L o s t — A dear little c h ild w h o m ade
lower prices than :«e:ore. . Tanking you for vour patronage and askiqg
sedition and revolution from his Salem1
h o m e happy- b v its sm iles. A n d to
I Judas Iscariot.
you lor a continuance of the same, we are
own shoulders, which for pelf and
Harvey now asks the people to be
Respectfully yours,
the price of his perfidy have carried content “ with the results thus far.” I A Chicago man is out with a SO- p a re n ts o n ly k e p t in th e h o use Or.e
the burdens of every corrupt enter- If these results are not the product *ut'on ot
mone> problem.
He T,v f. r
T T T** • f “ e ^ 3 Hood's Sarsaparilla.. . . . . . ....................
4 ^
orise concocted by himself and his of his piracy upon the rights of the 'voa14 use the present silver dollar
Ayer s Sarsaparilla
aals in this state for the last quarter ¡>eople why should he ask the peo- Panching out every other star and
McLean s Sarsaparilla
F A K M IN G T O X .
> Sarsaparilla
>f a century.
pie to accept of them? His want flllinS the holes with Sold
M r S I. O gd e n h as so ld h is store to
Warner’s Kidney and Liver Cure
{ qo
Doubtless had this prince of of wisdom here gives his case wa- f°rty*five cents worth of gold B o g e Bros.
Warner s Nervine
r no
larkness been apprehended and away. We charge Harve Scott to 1
^ added to the fifty -three
T h e la g r ip p e is v is itin g w ith M r.
Warner’s Rheumatic Cure ....................
>nt upon trial for his nefarious lie the original author and insti- c€nt ' a^ue *n
>il\er gi\ing a S w o p e th is w e e k .
Paines Celery Comp
M r. O gd e n is m o v in g to S t.J o h n w h ere Pierce’s Favorite Prescription
'•rimes there is as little doubt that gator of this contest in which he nearl>' honest dollar.
The effect
h e w ill m a k e his fu tu re hom e.
; righteous judgement would have has involved every railway interest woldd ** art*sl*c -
Pisii's Cough Cure
een carried into execution by that opposed to the maritime canal as
th e g u e sts o f M iss H e ttie J a c k la st w e e k . K ing’s Discovery.....................
ainisterial officer whose name is his confederates. Nor has he stop-
Mrs. H arriet H unt is convalescent.
M rs. E d g a r S u m m ers is v is itin g w ith
•Ir. Hemp. No «. hk - man in Ore- ped .it this, his dangerous cabal Chas. H itch cock is in Portlan d th is h e r fa th e r and m o th er in P o rtla n d th is Syrup of Figs. . .
on can doubt that bad Harve against the state has differentiated week
w eek.
All Pills 20 cents and 40 cents.
¡cott been projrerl' de 1 It w ith long its forces into every interest of t h is
F arm ers are busy p low ing and getting
S e v e ra l o f th e y o u n g p e o p le o f th is
All other patent medicines in the same reduced prices
go there would not have been commonwealth. Harve Scott h a s , ready to seed.
p la c e a tte n d e d th e c o n ce rt at S c h o lls last and Perscnptions 50 per cent, less than former prices
b is f a ilu r e upon the p.,rt of our hesitated at nothing.
John L em e is visitin g his brother L. F rid a y e v e n in g .
R e v . G . P . R ic h
p re a ch e d a t th e
t g is la t u r e
to meet the constitu- sought to corrupt every f o r c e and
R L em e o f this place.
Otlal requirements o f Olir people power in the state to a c c o m p lis h
S ch o lls turned out enm asse at the sale C h risti .n church last Sunday. He will
, 1 . 1 c .
the J5th, at the T rader farm .
also preach the fourth Sunday in this
> elect a 1 : -d Mates senator, his hellish designs.
He has in-
_ „ „ lh
I j
, , ,
Miss A bbie W ilk es vi«ited her aunt 0,0 n--'-
for would ur constitution have vaded the quiet circle of college Mr,
of shcrwoo<iUst week.
Mr. and »1 rs. S . I. O gden tendered the
een render
void, violate.! and faculties and procured their attend- w w . B aker and fam ily have moved
p .° p l* a pleasant dance last Wed-
-M o n e y t o L o a » .
Token b y the machinat . ¡is of that .nice as a dirt eating lobby at Salem bllck on his i>lnl at L aurel R id g e.
nesday evenin g. A t m idn ight an ex.-el-
yena who
- at respectable to defeat all attempts to elect the Miss H attie S k ee ls is visiting her sis- lent l uncb *** served af-.er a h ic h thvy
g o p le through the columns o f the expressed choice of the people to ter Mrs. H athiw av in W ashington.
gripped the light tantasti«.- until tire early
regoman, w l : . h now seeks to the l mted States senate. Harvey There were services at the U nitv Chapel
»ver . its fo u l ‘ plot to T ib our r peo- has proclaimed
in his battle orders | Sun day n igh t. R ev. S k eels officiating.
. .
> o to n e m inute elapses between the
O r A ny O t h e r K ino o f
C Of the s * r
*S of him who b u t
the i»"Hie of the coming State cam-
Mr A dam s is doin g a rushing business u k in g of O o c M inute Cough Cure tr.«l
IcCQtiy won a triumphant victory paign, and we give him do* notice
h'* m'**- Hr ha* com pleted his run
W h y abonldn't people tak e One
iie United Stales senate for ottr that that the people of Washington ° f lo,i* for * wh',e-
Minote Congh Cure» They should,
lo p ie . securing the , i- a g e of
re ready to join issue with
J‘ C' CUrk' dni« irt'
» O F THE © *
aritime canal bill bv ten majority all comers, Harve Scott & Co. in t he old folks. 1 W. Baker of Laurel
Dangers o f the Grip.
that body
particular, in the matter of endors- R idge.
T he greatest danger from La G rip p e ;«
No wonder that Harve i- sick at ing the services of Senator Mitchell
School closed at the F lin t school house
of its resulting in pneum onia. If re a so n ­
e sight of Lis bungling attempt an l his election to the United States last Friday. Everyone speaks in the able «-are is u*e<!. how ever, and l
" * ,,1Ve "‘•"■n-V ba,r, f i,,s »»» «0* ¡* tie time to m-iest
*, revolution and exclaim
in his senate two year* hence.
Ye*, highest praiae of their teacher Mis* Anna herlain’a Cough Remedy uken. all da
Urite for Price i ist.
kjtorial: “ I • quit, let it g«i Let Harvey, your terms o f no quarter
T h e residents o f S ch o lls were h ig h ly th. ii-and« w ho h ave ured th is ren ted y
S whole 11.v.ter go to the j>eople asked or granted are likewise ac-
_____________ FOREST GROVE, OREGON.
favured last F riday n igh t by an enter- for la grippe, we have yet to hear of a —
^ain ” This dog of the \ellow cej>te<l.
tainm ent given by Mias A nna M yers and single care h a vii g re-nltrd in piieiim.»
ipe revolts, it seems, at His ow n Clear your decks,
Harvey, gather her school in the E va n gelical chnrch. n ia. wbi«-h id».««« co n clu sive!, t i„ ;
Club with The Oregonian.
nit before atm, but a *
sure a* vour First National Bank into your The program m e was good and the best rem edy is a certain preven tive «a that
dread disease. It will affect a prrmaa-
cc ta not dead he shall eat it txi-ement tor you will require it* o f order was had.
ru t cure in Irw lim e than an y e th e r
You have openly chal­
¿Hid explodes him as he gulps 1 services.
I f the h air has been made to grow a treatm ent
T he 2 m l fit* ceut sire« for
-ifflbe rotten viands which his lenged the people of this state natural color on bald heads in thousands sale by J. C. Clark. Druggi-t.
Joe Simon, and the hag to maintain government by the of cages, by naing Hall's Hair Renewer,
rimana Tabule« cure kaadache
,.he Firat National bank will of the majority. The battla is why will it not in your caae’
T l iK H A T C H E T .
Sweetness and Light.
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills.
To the Public,
Buy a Farm,
Buy a Lot.
Buy a House and Lot.
F orest G rove L and C o .
We Do Not
Hatchet and
odn Francisco W eekly Exam iner,
»1-90 P E R