an d B T .[ K * » * » » I ih » K d ta M U I um I ih m » "I CONSOLIDATED JU N E 4, 1896. “•<¡3 ____ _ W. WARD, M. D. SICI \N A N D SUIUIEON, »Ur I e- Offir,. at his resilience, 5ST GROVE, - - OREGON. ¡nation for pee,Ions every Wednesday. ’ *1PR- C. E. G E I G E R , J O P A T H IC P H Y S IC IA N A N D SURGEON house, Pacific of Forest Grove hotel. H m ld e n c*. Bnwlby 5 ST are., G RO V E, OREGON. 1 attention paid to Medical and snrplcal of W om en and C hildren aud a ll chr nic lX O N , D E N T IS T , '« llr, a F O R EST G RO VE U p m. !.r I O R EG O N . D R . O. C. H A T T J. E N T IS T . p* (tetra Office hour», » a. i* to a p in. --------------- ------------------------- j T hom as h . to ngue , TORNEY- AT-LAW, ¡sèi'- HlLlaeoao, W ashington C o c n t t , Oa. SMITH & BOWMAN, NEYS-AT-LAW , al W o r k and Conveyancing, ft 7 M organ B lk. H IL L S B O R O , O r . W. M. L A N G L E Y , H B r . s ey and co unselo r a t law uty Prosecuting Attorney. Collections a specialty. Up-stairs, Woods A Caples Building. tu b ile P ir e sud A ccident Insurance f the Ponca Loans, C ollections «I. I. KjMIGJ-IT, irai F ire Insurance » .. . and Loan Broker. LSBORO O rego n IANS. U. b. S t s w a e t , A .s 't Cashiar •hier. fK o f F o r e s t G r o v e VNTON PFANNER, Proprietor BCT 8 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS afts and teleg ra p h ic transfers «old on N ew Chicago and San Francisco. ui exchange pa yab le at sight in London A m sterdam , Brussels, Stockholm , kfort-on^the-Main as w e ll as a ll other ipal citiea and centers o f trade throughout felted iCingdom , Irela n d and Continental I B erlin, fle c t io n s m ad e at a ll accessible points, ttsiness h o u rs from 9 a .m . t 0 4 p .n 1 . D| Vol. I I , No. 49, Vol. IX , No. 6 , “ The Fanatic” was the subject of the Patriotic Meeting at Dilley. last oration delivered by E. J. Stewart of The leading citizens o f Dilley requested Iioses by One-Third of One Per Cent— Albany College. This was an able pro­ Gen. Thorp to address the people of that Fisk of Eugene Awarded duction, clear, logical and original. village and last Saturday night he ap­ HAS TH E LE AD ING the Medal. Mr. Stewart showed how the men of one peared before a fine audience assembled idea had figured in the great reforms, for that purpose who listened most at­ ORATO RY A T KEW BKRG. The fifth meeting of the Inter-Col­ advances in the arts, sciences, etc. Mr. tentively to one o f the finest speeches legiate Oratorical Association of Oregon Stewart had a pleasing delivery and ever delivered in that town. A ll kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stoneware, convened at Newberg, Friday the 26th. should have had second place. While The subject was the “ Perils to Munici­ Bight colleges, each with eight dele­ the executive committee figured up the pal, State and National Government.” Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, Brooms, Mop gates and an orator were present. Bv grades the P. U. Ladies’ quartette were The General made a most thorough Sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladles, W ood and W illo w 2:00 p. m. the delegations had all ar­ called upon for a song. The medal was analysis o f the dangers which threaten rived and after being assigned their awarded Mr. Fred Fisk by only one-third civil liberty, dangers which threaten W are of all kinds, Fishing Tackle. A lso a large places of entertainment, all adjourned to of one per cent over Mr. Bauer who took constitutional liberty, the freedom o f lot of all kinds o f Seeds. the basement of the Friends’ church second place. Mr. Stewart was marked speech and oi the press. He also gave where the good people of Newberg had highest on composition, Mr. Fisk and his audience an extended review o f the T E A A N D C O F F E E A S P E C IA L T Y . prepared a sumptuous banquet. Toasts Mr. Ra».er being marked the same. But struggles which the civilized nations were responded to by representatives the judges on delivery had widely dif- have made to establish the freedom o f from McMinnville, Monmouth and Port­ terent ideas of oratory the difference in speech, the freedom of the press and the land University. After the banquet the the markings of two judges on the same liberty o f action which resulted in bring­ business meeting was held. Wright, of orator being twelve credits. Mr. Fisk ing out our republic with her constitu­ Albany, was elected president, Kuyken­ was marked lowest by two judges but one tion founded upon the doctrines o f the dall, of Kugene, secretary, and Luelling, marked him so high that he received the declaration o f American independence of Pacific University, treasurer. The highest average. which he urged his audience to maintain We do all kinds of Laundry Work in the best possible time of holding the local contest was by the will o f the majority and resist to manner. Any work left with us will be promptly at­ made one week earlier and the amend­ the last extremity the encroachments A T T H E ’V A R S IT Y . tended to. We guarantee all our work. Our prices are ment to have two sets of judges was and interference o f every foreign influ­ Miss Marie Bailey is suffering from cheaper than P irtland prices. Your patronage will be passed. By 7:30 p. m. the Friends very severe cold, which it is feartd will ence and power, especially the growing appreciated. '-ft- -"Cs. O -»ft. church, where the contest was to take result in pneumonia. power of the political theocracy of the place, was crowded with eager specta­ Pope of Rome which the General dem­ Miss Georgia Zinns leit Wednesday tors. Gaily colored banners of beautiful for her home in Sacramento and does nol onstrated was a serious menace and peril design were displayed in various quar­ to our municipal, state and national expect to return this year. Her moth­ ters of the room hut no outbursts of col­ government. He called the attention o f er’s declining health necessitates her lege spirit were given, quite in contrast his audience to the dictatorial spirit 271 ALDER S T R E E T to manifestations made at athletic con­ departure. which political theocracy of Rome has Miss Ruth Scott left for Portland Sat­ manifested in the domination and control tests. PO R T LA N D , OR. At just eight o’clock eight nervous and urday where she will begin work at St. of political parties in the formation of (f. C. R ID E R , Prop. uneasy looking performers m »relied Helen's Hall. Miss Scott leaves a host platforms o f principle and gave illustra­ through the long aisle up into the intel­ of friends who wish her pleasant woik tions and proofs of the cowardice o f the lectual arena. An overture by the New­ while pursuing her studies. leaders o f political parties, especially of The north and south ends of the cam­ his own party who had left a record o f T H E O N L Y First-C lass ami berg orchestra followed by an invoca­ Strictly T e m p eran e« Itestuu- tion by Rev. Thomas Newlin of Pacific pus are being plowed aud prepared for their desertion of the very principles ad­ College, and the first number of the pro­ planting later on in salonum tuliernsum. vocated by James G. Blaine and other rau t in thè city» gram was given by the male quartette of While it is hoped a sufficient crop will eminent statesmen from Lincoln to this P. U. which was heartily cheered. Miss harvested to pay expenses, yet the main day. Blanche George, of the Slate Normal object is to clean the soli. The General’s speech was not a par­ School nf-xt delivtred an oration ent led The following que-tion will lie dehat» d ti* an speech, hut a patriotic appeal to ‘ ‘ Shallow of God on Earth.” iMiss before the Gamma Sigma society Salui- our citizens to stand by our government George took for her theme the Armenian day night; Resolved, “ That the E uro­ and insist upon the supreme right of the Massacres and depicted in a dramatic pean powers should prohibit the annex­ majority to rule this state and nation. way the awful carnage which the Sultan ation o f Crete by the Helenes.” Affirm­ No audien e ever listened with more Good Horses of Turkey was inflicting. The next ora­ ative, Myet* and Pratt; negative, Dennis marked attention than the people o f tio n ‘ ‘True Political Greatness" was de­ and Schoch. Dilley who expressed their gratitude by New Rigs livered by Mr. C. P. Haight of Portland An inter-collegiate debating associa­ an elegant reolutio.-» o f thanks for hia Moderate University. Mr. Haight pointed out the tion is about to be organized, with Uni­ very able address. defects in the world’s greatest politicians. versity of Oregon, Willamette Univer It is impossible to reproduce the elo­ Prices He said the truly great statesman would sity and Pacific University as charter quent speech o f Gen. Thorp who must ever place the welfare of the state above members. The debates are to be con­ be heard to know the depth and power personal ambition and even allow his ducted in a manner similar to that in of his patriotic devotion to our country name to be sunk into oblivion and vogue in the eastern scliodtS. and government. J. M. J. Everything from a Saddle Horse to a Four-in-hand Carryall ignomv rather than gain immortal The Basket Hall club met Tuesday fame by causing a leak in the ship of A torpid liver means a bad complexion, Special attention paid to Commercial Travelers afternoon and elected Miss Baber, presi­ State. Mr. Haight's oration showed bad breath, indigestion ind frequent Hunters and Fishermen familiarity with his suliject but his com dent; Miss I.ieser, secretary and treas­ headaches. To avoid auch companions urer. Four new members were taken in; position was weak Itl plades and his de­ lake DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the T a k e J o n e s ' B u s to a n d f r o m a ll t r a i n s livery strained. A highly appreciated a committee was appointed to purchase famous little pills. J. C. Clark, drug­ B a g g a g e a n d f r e i g h t c a l l e d f o r a n d d e l iv e r e d apparatus. A motion id meet three piano duet was rendered by Muses Britt gist. aud Gordon of Pacific College. Miss limes a week in the gymnasium build­ ing was unanimously carried. Sadie L. Bond, of Pacific College, then H IL L S B O R O . Rheloricals of the Freshmen and delivered an oration on the ‘ ‘ Birthright The telephone people are busy putting of Americans.” Miss Bond dwelt at Sophomore classes will take place in the up wires this week. length on the material resources of the auditorium Friday afternoon at three PRESCRIPTION' DRUGGISTS. country but said our greatest inheritance o'clock. Messrs. Haskell and Lueiling The -sheriff will be ready to collect will read essays; declamations will be taxes bv the 5 th inst. T o ile t A rtic le s , Prescriptions Carefully Compounded hy was the freedom of thought and opinion given hy Misses Baber, Lancefield ai d L. V. Berckmoes is back at work after and living in a land where the in­ S ta tio n e ry , -ft- an Experienced Pharmacist and from stitutions are matured under the bénéfi­ Lieser, and Mr. Sweek. Excellent a prolonged attack o f grip. N ew s D ep o t. •ft. the Best and Freshest material. Dr. J. E. Adkins has been very sick for cient h .ud of Christianity. An oration music will be furnished by the conserva­ tory. several days with pneumonia. on “ America” was n»xt delivered by S. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHO v— NE. ■ A delightful reception was tendered P. Early of Willamette University. Mr. County commissioners' court convened JS/IAIN S T R E E T , jHILLSBOf^O. Early had a labeled delivery which Mr. P. K. Hauer at Herrick Hall last Wednesday for the March term. lacked force. This oration though on a Monday evening, the occasion affording A number of persons went to hear Subscriptions Received for the W a s h in g t o n C o u n t y H a t c h e t , somewhat trite sulject, was presented in an opportunity for his many friends to Sousa's band at Portland this week. T h e C o u n t y N E W S p a p e r . »n original wayt but lacked depth of show their dne appreciation for the John M. Beck, a Portland capitalist, thought. The audience was then favored honor and esteem Which lie won for transacted business at the court house by a number from the Ladies’ quartette himself and for the school, at the inter­ Monday. of P. U. The hearty encore tendered collegiate Oratorical contest held at The Coffee club celebrated its third Newberg last Friday. The Herrick Hall them could not be given as Fresh ent Cox emphatically announced -.he length parlor* were beautifully decorated with anniversary Wednesday evening at Fire­ of tile program would not admit of en­ evergreens and potted plants and pre­ man’s hall. Miss Kate Rose returned to Hillsboro cores. Mr. Fred Fisk, of the U. of O., sented a charming appearance. Music next delivered ail oruion on “ Brother­ of a high order was given by the college last week after a year’s stay at Red Special Bargains in T w en ty and Forty Acre hood.” He treated his subject in an quartette, each responding to a hearty Lodge, Montana. Tracts in W ashington, Y a m hill able manner, tracing the growth of al- encore. Miss Emma Stewart sang pret- At the annual school election held truism from the savage tribe to the con- j tily a vocal solo, which was followed by Monday afternoon Capt. J. D. Merryman and Tillam ook counties. -ummate republic, refuting the idea tnat a charming instrumental solo hv Miss was elected director and Peter Boscow O RE G O N . might is right and showing that equal Lee. Reports o f the trip to Newbarg clerk. FO REST GROVE rights to all was the otiljr idea that were given by Dr. McClelland, Professor Elder Shelley returned Friday morn­ could endure. This oration showed care­ Perrin and Principal Bates. Mr. Bauer ing from a two weeks sojourn in Wash­ ful preparation, access to a good library made a abort speech, in which he ington. He preached at Forest Grove and much hard labor, but the delivery thanked his many fiiends, especially the Sunday. was too studied. “ Patriotism Our members o f the faculty, for the sympa­ The meetings at the Christian church Present need” Was the title of an ora­ thy arid encouragement he had received. closed Sunday evening. Seven addi­ tion given hy Mr. J . Sherman Wallace G A LE S C R E E K . tions, six by coufessiou aud baptism and of McMinnville College. Mr. Wallace Rheumatism Quickly l ured. one by letter. spoke of the great menace« to our com­ After having been confined to the monwealth, enumerating the liquor traf­ l house for eleven day* and paying out From Cripple Creek. fic, Mammon worship, Catholicism and $¡15 in doctor bills without lienefit, Mr, After the big fire in Cripple Creek, I foreign immigration. The speaker wa* Frank Dolson of Fault Ste. Marie, Mi»h., look a very severe cold and tried many earnest and showed considerable natural waa cured by one bot.le of Chamber- remdies without help, the cold ouly be­ oratorical ability hut his delivery sav­ Iain's Pain I aim costing 26 «enta ai d coming more settled. Alter using three l,o iv P r i c e s , oured too much of political plattorm has not since been troubled with that botllea of Chamberlain’« Cough P r o m p t D e liv e r y , CHAS. HIATT, I»roi>nt*tor. oratory and his composition lacker* depth complaint. For sale by J. C. Clark, small Kemedy, both the cough and cold left E x c e lle n t Q u a lit y . of thought and originality. Misa Glen, me, and in this high latitude it tekee a Druggist. of Newberg, in a rich well trained con­ meritorious cough remedy to do any Btirklen's Arnica Salve. tralto voice then sang ‘ ‘There, Little gu,*!.—ti. B. Hx*Di£Ri>o.x, editor! Daily An old book quaintly says that “ when Girl Don't C ry ." Mr. P. E. Bauer, of The Pest Salve in the world for Cuts, Advertiser. For sale by J. C. C l! Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, P.'u.Tin hia~usual pleasing manner, with the whole system 1 . prevaded by wt 11- Druggist. Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands well modulated voice and graceful gest- oxygenated blood, vigorously propelled, ' Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup- j ures next gave an able oration on ' The Hie and activity are copiously commum- tions, and positively cures Piles, or no j Soothing for burn«, scalds, cha Progress o f Democratic Principles.” cated." Which means that when the pay required It is guaranteed to rive 1 hands and lips. Healing for cuU perfect satisfaction or money refunded. j Mr. Bauer traced the growth ol demo- blood is purified by the use of Ayer a sores. Instant relief for pil -a, stops Price 25 cents per box. For sale by , cracy from its very beginning, showing Sar-apanlla, perfect health ia the result. at once. These axe the virtue« o f Miller. T i M 1 m il* N< rth w p «tn f Fore»!O m v^ BA IK K OK P. U. GROCERY STORE Forest Grove Laundry ___ and Dye House. W. S. BALDWIN, Manager. I W*LK«R’a BciLnisn on Main 8tra.-t.up r FOREST GROVE, OREGON, T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H 4, 1897. QREER THE GROCER ■ onijj P r o f e s s i o n a l C a r d s . I K o r e st G r o ve T im e s . HUGHES & SON, DKALRR3 IN RDWARE STOVES TINWARE ricultural Implements, such as ^gor.s, Buggies, Plows, Harrows, rden Tools, Etc. Also Paints. |s, Lime, Plaster and Cement. 1REST GROVE, OREGON top at the . . . last Chance Grocery. */ The Iasi place to get your supplies until you reach’ Til- y» lainook. I can y a full line of ry Goods and Groceries, Patent Medicines. Cigars and Tobacco. shing Tackle and all necessary supplies for a camp outfit. lephone rnnimnnirafinn between Forest Grove and Tillamook. S a r g e n t GALES CREEK. brock ’ s D rug sto r e . MELKI JOHNSON R E / c L E S T j A T E A G E JS iT , All Grades of Ron^li and Dressed Lumber. Kiln Dried Lnmlier a Specialty. Whoa! . C. JONES’ STABLE * Brick for Sale! 160.000 Good Quality Cheap II. I ‘\ < ’n l«‘liintr. \\ T e v rsi — fvf . .» 1 AiTHrrLMEV on \\ Womrn n-lble estah l ,, M t"n i| ni-'.'t. - .I-r I * . IjajeMa Wanted-An Idea how princes had been dethroned and na- j ------------- ■ W itt’« Witch Haael Salve. J. C. 1 tion* had been despoiled and divided for A Snap — Five acres o f good, level druggist. it» advancement. Thi# was a polished land, new house story and a half, small production and showed bard study and barn, wood abed, amok* house, one-half Hi pans Tabulae cure |______ a wida rangs of raading, we« transparent mile from city. Price, S.VJO —Foraat Ripen* Tabuleei eae gteea' l ia ihmuh* m 4 clear 1« construetiet j Grove Lead Ce,