Hatchet - 'Afe U fL iiilJ a 3 iis f l g ì O il P O ItK S T U K O V E , • H o / v ii B a k e r y * O U K O O N , # # Under a New M anagem ent, Makes a Specialty of OOD BREAD, i{ id ION T hough it will m ake an y th in g you wish to order in the B aking line. v »■ • u> Kday. Confectionery, Soda Water, Sandwiches, Fresh Oysters and Lunches at all hours. T L R , i \ S I C 1 A N RtVl-.t »N KRHIDER & S O N , PROPRIETORS. h » i tir v hotrl. a re U K O V lï, O R E G O N . We Can Save You Money on 1 II II I pulii tu Mi-il <’«1 *m l -O r e l i s i i.f .v .ni il n• i.: riillilri- n » m l .11 e h r n ie Chinaware, C ups and Saucers, Plates, Pitchers, Cream- N S ugar Bowls, Vases, T oilet Sets, M ugs all sizes, Rose Bowls, F ancy B askets, C h ild ren ’s Silver K nives, ix o n , D E W t 'I S T , Forks and Spoons, C h ild ren ’s Toy Sets. D ecorated Crockery and G lassw are, F ancy and Staple G roceries. F O R EST GRO VE ORRGON. Fine Teas and Coffees our Specialty. GREER TH E GROCER. Forest Grove uiundry — i _ _ _ _ _ _ and Dye House. W alks *’. B uilbix '. ho M.in Street, up 1 rs (mice hour., f «. m. to 4 p m. T H O M A S H. T O N G U E , We do all kinds of Laundry Work in the best possible manner. Any work left with us will b e promptly at tended to. VV. guarantee all our work. Our prices are cheaper than Portland prices. Your patronage will be appreciated. ''K- -m- "Qv -m. OKNEY-AT-LAW, s o , W a . s is o t o s C o o s t t , O b . S M IT H & BO W M AN , W ork and Conveyancing. » f Ho rgaa Btk HILLSBORO, On. <*. C. 1 M Y AND COUNSELOR A T LA V U*f Prosecuting Attorney. Collection« a specialty. : —U p-stairs, Wood« A C ap isi Building. M ie rira i I AecMeat Iaaaraaca i - — Laaae, C o lla d ia a . Fire Insurance ...and Loan Broker. O r e g o n •. ar, H. p. S tsw . it , A m i Caakiar. | of F o r est 1& rove eekly and te le g ra p h ic tran sfers a * U a a New cago an d San Pranciacu. uN e v w ’ exch an g e p a y a b le at lig h t ia I.o a d a a , lia , A m sterd am . Bruaaela, Stockholm , on-the-M ain aa w ell aa a ll oth er citiea and cen ters o f trad e throu gh ou t "* K in g d o m , Irelan d and C ontinental ess h o u rs from , a . m. l a 4 p . m . RmEJ9MZJmJd&BLg&LX£A* SON, DEALERS IN DWARE STOVES TINWARE o Th« Dtiljr If « and Sunday Edi o tieni of Tb< Inter Ocean are - the best ot their kind. . . . I Washington’« Birthday Grove. ! i a •L O O S P lica of Dally by m a ll...................... K M par y ta r i P rie s of Sunday by m all...................U.00 par yaar Dally and Sunday by m all................M SO par y aar A d d r e s s T H E IN T E R OCEAN, Chi STABLE Also F aints, me, P laster and Cement. Good horses T GROVE, OREGON. New Rigs Moderate Whoa! m Lecturer Gale Grange,No. 18 ], P. o f H. n (J Prices rocery. Everything from a Saddle Horse to a Four-in-hand Carryall . • 1, n i i . Y F A ^ i . Special attention paid to C om m ercial T ravelers H u n ters and Fisherm en e last place to get your plies until you reach Til- 00k. I can y a full line of T a k e J o n e s ’ B u s to a n d f r o m al l t r a i n s ods^&nd Groceries, -----B a R g a g e a n d f r e i g h t ca lle d fo r a n d d e live re d tent Medicines. ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cigars and Tobacco. T ackle and all necessary Club with The Oregonian. We Do Not lies for a cam p outfit. e rommnnicktion between t Grove and Tillamook. S argent ALES CREEK. , at Forest The W . R . C. and the C . A. R . cele brated this N a t i o n a l H o l i d a y in the most thorough manner ever witnessed in this city. The whole program was exe cuted in style upon a scale which re fleeted great credit to our ladies. The patriotic songs and recitations were never eacelled, especially by the girl» who had been prepared by Mrs. Gen. Thorpe in the reci ation and song “ Flag of the F ree." The band greatly honored the occasion with their fine music. The hall was gorgeously decorated with flags and adorned with fine portraits of Wasu ■ ngtun, Lincoln, Grant and other distin guished Americans. Our citizens are justly proud o f the fine orations delivered by our eloquent divines, Messrs. Starr and Rogers who awakened in the vast audience that pat riotic fire which gave birth to our nation , and founded a government combining liberty and freedom, private right and public duty, and inspired our people with admiration for the achievements of Washington which their eloquent speeches commemorated with enduring effect. The ladies of the Relief Corps served the magnificent audience with a splendid supper which gave character nnd distinc well known hospitality of t tion i o n t to o t the ne w e ll K nown n oppuam the patriotic ladies nf Forest Gr^ve. Hatchet and Chicago Weekly I ¡ter Ocean $1.50 ; tu ra l Im plem ents, such as , Buggies, Plows, H arrow s, L n an ce On la B uxton , It» Literary Columns are equal to those o f the beat magasines. Its Youth’s Department la the finest of Its tin ti. Hatchet and San Francisco Weekly Examiner, $1.90 PE R YEAR. H. B uxton , J . C. C l a r k . J a s . S h e p h e r d . Our brother, H. O . Hyde, P. G., has been removed from oar rnidat by the unsparing hand ol death, and W h k r x a s : We d e s i r e t o b e a r t e s t i W h erea s : m o n y to b is h is h ig h s ta n d in g a a a b r o t h e r a n d f r i e n d ; t h e r e f o r e be i t R e s o l v e d , That in the death o f o a r the age of eleven. The others are C. !>.. • who lives in Washington, Mrs. Geo, Reynolds o f Troutdale, Catherine and Annie who reside at hama, Mrs. Chart** Newell o f Waahiagton, Mrs. Satnue! Moon aad Mr«. Jam es E . Wilson who live at Cantervilla and Mrs. Cha* W il liamson of Portland. M r. Wrenn is a maa whose loss will be felt in thin county cure in the dawn o f an everlasting day; where aa long he haa been a respected ri Been. and be it further R b s o l v k d , That a copy o f thia me morial be presented to the fam ily a f tha W a a h iu g to a ’a B irth d a y a t C o rn e lia *. deceased, spread in full upon the m in Tha Cornelius public school observed . utes of this lodge, and a copy fam ished W ashington’a birthday with retry iater- the W a s h i n s t o n C o u n t y H a t c h e t for publication. preciative audience. T h e eeeeUeet «« ■ - Submitted in ? . L. and T., deriug o f the program was a matter a t H. H. CLARK, general comment, especially favor being J ok B a i l e y , shown to Miss Neep’a eaaay, the recita- J . C. G r e e k . Committee. tion by Mias Stnrdevant and tha soag "U n cle ham 's F a rm .” The program, Forest Grove, February i6th, 1897. follows: Bone—“ Mnuat Varaoa Balls.” ......... Resolvtlons. Sketch of Washington....................... Anna Mag* W h e r e a s ; Our H eavenly Father in "American Flag” ............................Mrs. Dasrtoa “ W at aver th o u g h t d ropped th a t b ro u g h t o u t such resu lts'' brother Hyde, our order has lost a For now from one >ea 10 th s o th er worthy member and faithful w o r k e r , Our Orange* are d o tted a ll over th e lau d , and the community a g o o d citizen. And liste r s ta n d i eq u a l with b ro th er. R e s o l v e d , Th at we tender to the She m ay h an d le th a ‘g av el’ or by ch an ce ‘over •aa;* fam ily our heartfelt sym pathy in thia, May lecture a r sta n d a t th e gate; their great bereavement; W ith the assur Bhe ra n east In one vote w ith o u t staffing ance that their loss is our loss and their th e hex, sorrow our sorrow, may he rest se And assist In th a can d id a te ’s fa ta .” I n t e r O c e a N. II brtaga ta tks famlly ths Nsws ot tba kotlra World aad glraa tka hast and ablast discuasloas er all «uestlona of ths day. Tho later ttoaoa glraa t a .lr « parse ot r aad lug matter eaeh waak aad belog pohli.hed Io < lilcago I» beiter adaptad ta ths needs isda af or tha people waat ef ths AllaKhaay Mountains tbaa aay et har Bopaa. Ians m ade at a ll accessible p o iats. at the . . . Death of Michael Wreau. Tuesday afternoon a large number a t Odd Fellows from the Grove, CorneKua and Hills’ oro ztteudrd the funeral u f t * , late Michael Wrenn, at his late reaidatsue near Centerville. Mr. Wrenn was one a t the old pioneers, h.tving settled hem with Henry Buxton in 1841. Brief se*- vices were conducted at the home hj the Methodist pastor, and the ri mains warn laid to rest in the Cornelius cemetery with the ceremonies of the Odd Fellow # ritual. Michael Wrenn was boru June 5, 18*4, in Canada. His father, o f the same namn, a native of Switzerland, died when Mr. Wrenn waa but three years of age> three years after Mrs. Wrenn married Mr. tf. N. Caulder, and ten years later the fam ily moved to Oregon with ox team* .ind carts, first settling on the ¡¿aund qp 4 in 1843 moving to the farm near Center ville. When fourteen years o£a*e, Mr. Wren entered the employ of the Hudson Bay company, packing produce. Ha early took up a donation land claim, which he sold and invested in a - u near his mother’s property. Tins - 1 by careful management ami invest» - i into the present valuable property n t six hundred acres. Mr. Wrenn waa a successful raiser of finestock,Clydcs.U>s and Percheron horses and Shorthorn cattle receiving his especial utteun-in. In 1843 he married Mias Chxmteua Mon roe, the daughter of a neighbor id prominent pioneer of Oregon. Ten children were boru to them <><** of whom died in infancy and «Mother at It ia Morally Claan, and as • Family Papsr ia Witkoot a Poor. A H EN U AL RANKING BUSINESS Tools, Etc. IN MKMOBIAM. Mr. Hetnon O. H ide was boru at Streetsville, Canada, on Ju ly 4 t h , 1814, died at Forest Grove, Oregon, February yth, IS97. Our deceased friend and brother, at he time of his death was an hon rary member of Holbrook lodge, No. 30, Free and Accepted Masons, and was the father of the lodge. We cannot solve the bright and sublime mystery o f life or the dark and solemn mystery of death. But at the erd of a life like his, rounded in years and usefulness, hope points upwaid from the home of sorrow, and fond memories of his kindness soothe the aching hearts of grief, R e s o l v e d , That in testimony o f o u r esteem to the memory of o u r departed brother, the lodge be draped in m o u n t ing for the space of thirty days, and that a page in the record of thia lodge be set aside and dedicated, by entering therein a copy of this memorial, to his memory. R e s o l v e d , That a copy o f this me morial be transmitted to the family of the deceased, and also to the W a s h i n g t o n C o u n t y H a t c h e t for publication. By order of committee, I TO* PFANMER, Prsprietsr HIGHES • it - O r ig in ni the Orange. The Grange was founded on a rock •n d not upon the aand. It has been BIDER, Prop weighed in the bnlance and not found wanting. Its first years were years of rapid growth. More than 13,000 subor T H I S O N L Y F i r s t - C l a n * a n d dinate Grange* were organized in 1893. S t r i c t l y T e m p o r a n e o R e s t a u Th e membership at the preaent time is between 400.000 and goo,000. r a n t la th e c ity . A n eve* increasing interest in the work o f th e Grange ia manifested in m any sections of the cenntry. M any farmers who thought the Grange too conaerva- ative and slew new concede the wisdom displayed in avoiding all entangling al liances .and refraining from any attempt C l .0 0 T H E C I .O O * to influence the political action o f mem bers o f the order. It haa escaped the rack* upon which other orders e f its Tho G reatest. R e p u b lican P a p e r a l t b a WooL class have been wrecked, and now has a veteran organization, most thoroughly T ia tka moat • tmlwmrt man uatw errlng Repaid learn W eekly pok- equipped at alt times to do valiant ser liskad today mad can always bo reliad apoa for fair nod knnaat im vice in any contest involving the rights ports of all political affairs. and interests of the farmers o f our H Tho W eekly in te r Ocooo So p p lU o A b e l th o N o v o ) country. I t ® j and tho Boot o f C o r r c a t L ite ra tu re . { W V « l. 11 , N «. 4 8 , V o l. I X , Mo. 5 1S* Hatchet and Weekly Chicago Inter Ocean, $1.50 «I. I. KJ'IIGj-IT, BORO -\5 . ttfïT At il: •in- nf 1. vil «ar President folniMjti st ill h n pr» sentutive of the agri cultural ilcpartuienl of the government into Ou south mid among its farmers to see what could he done to place the •»outh once more on its feet. Wrecked almost ruined, us it was, by the late con flict, agtit ulluie, of i nurse, had first to lie built up, for from this base start all other industries and trades. The man selected for this special work was O. H. Kelly. Early in Janu ary, 1866, he started on his mission and spent several months in the south and while engaged in his work became im pressed with the advantages to the farmers of this country of having an or ganization above and beyond sectional lines,—something that would unite the farming classes by the “ strong and faithful ties of agriculture.” From this idea came the Grange, with all that its name and history implies in connection with a united country, a higher educa tion, enlarged social life, and enhanced material prosperity in millions of rural homes. Associated with O.H. Kelly were Wm. Saunders, J.R . Thompson, John Trimble, Rev. A. B. Grosh, F. M. McDowell and Wm. M. Ireland, who were themselves farmers or the sons of farmers, and could fee’, and act for the isolated, unorganized farmer, wherever he might be located. Miss Caroline A. Hall; a niece of O. H. K e lly , first proposed the admission of women had that they be entitled to the same rights and privileges as men. 271 ALDER STREET PORTLAND, OR. W . M. L A N O L I th a F esca F K II. W. 8. BALDWIN, Manager. R N E Y S -A T -L A W , ìi }» p.iUMl F o r e s i ' G r o vk T im e s . a n d N SOLID VF:, i JUNE 4 ,189b. MHT A V aluable P rescrip tio n . Editor Morrison of Worthington, In d ., " S u n ,” writes: "Y o u have a valuable prescription in Electric Bitters, and I can cheerfully recommend it for Consti pation anil dick Headache, and as a gen eral system tonic it has no equal.” Mrs. Annie Stable, A \i5 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary, bat six bottles of Electric Bitters restored her to health and renewed her strength. Prices 60 cents and $ 1 . 00 . Get a buttle at the M iller pharm acy. • his infinite wisdom has seen fit to remove from our midst our dearly beloved sister and friend Effie Cox, whereby our Sun day school kaa met with a very great loss; therefore be it Rttolvtd; That the officers, teachers and members of Gales Creek Union Sun day school, do moat deeply deplore the lorn o f our beloved sister and be it Kttmlvtd; Th at we aa a Sunday school extend to the greatly bereaved parents our sincere and heartfelt sym pathy. Resolvtd; That a copy of these resolu tion* be spread on the records o f our Sunday school and that a copy 1 « pre sented to the parents o f the deceased; also a copy be sent to the W ash ingto n C ounty H a tch et for publication. N in a S. B a t em a n , E dna P lx tc h x e , E mma H in e s . Galea Creek, Or., Feb. is, 1897. Real Estate T r a n s fe rs . J L Castle su d w f to lo u ts Burke It S3 In t he M illard A Van uchuyver tra c t I1H » ) 600 00 Chau Ho an d Lee Loy >o M sraaret M Down et at tra c t In D a v id e G raham d 1 c in nee .16 1 1 a r 1 w ..................... 1 00 Deed nf p a rtitio n to H eirs of tb s Elks- n i b W alker estate lan d s In south of E lk a n sh W alker d 1 c 1 1 n r S w 1 000 to Pavll W Iter .-r an d wife to Jo h n H eis te r i04 a o f J M 1 s in an d Jo h n H ar den d 1 c In 1 1 n r 4 w ......................... 2 eon oo r K T olm sn to J I. C astle lot « I n Mill ard a n d Nan Schuy ver tr a c t............. 2 600 OS Emily M cPherson et al to A M Mc Pherson 'A) a of K F T u p p er d 1 e 1 1 eoo oo i r t ........................................................ D elilah K R euter et al to W ilhelm S ch u m ach er e t a ls 86 a In »ec 2A11 n r 2 w .................................................... i ooo oo A M M cPheraon to Em ily M cPher-ou et al 1 2 a of K s T u p p er d I c No 42 eoo ns 11 s r 4 w ........... ............................... US to O regon A Csllf, rn la R R Co He 1 2 an d 9 of sec 12 t # r 1 w and o th e r ratent lan d «....................................................... Pierre Reeb to W 1 R oblnaon an u n d i vided 14 In t and d o - er in th e u n d i vided h a lf of a tract constating ot 9.94.1 a of Tho* Ü H u m p h rey , d 1 e . . too 00 The Andrews 1. tun tier Co to T he Monn- ta ln d sle Lum ber t o a i2 0 a of th e 200 00 W alt Hronsou d l c t 2 n r 3 w ........... B o n e -" Reg. W M te a a « Blue ” ......................... Recite ttn u —................................. Mary StuntevM N Boug—1“ U ncle Barn's P ane.” .............. f Kscltation—............ ................... By three bay« Remit u*—................................... LI sets WaicAhaaM Solo—“ award af Bunker Hill"___ 1 Recitation .................................. Minnlo R eading ......................................... R hode V Bong -"C o lu m b ia My C ountry. R e e d i n g - .........- ........................... Ti . . ri* Recitation—................................ .9 "B o n g af a T h o u san d Y aats.". h ..’.A Under “ miacetlanc>ras” cam « by the county superintendent. I t s e c- crcises were very creditable to the era, Principal and Mrs. Dagrtan. Galea Crook Celebrato**' Galea Creek celebrated WaahlngtooM birthday under the suspicae 'o f ftSt Am erican Protective Association l a ' grand style. Th e ladies o f ghat c ity aw * Gales valley assembled with their I lies in great numbers and were addreaeo* by General Thorpe who delivered one n f his characteristic speeches fa n o f f i t , eloquence and power. After his address the ladies served a fine sapper to a ll present which crowned the celebratlaa with success. Mis* Jotie Heinlrr lid tha column o f teams and carriages up tha valley at II o'clock ou horseback ill* gave a vivid picture of the ladiea n f revolutionary times of whom sue is a splendid representative. Court House New*. Probate— In the mutter o f the e-tata of L. L. Williams, deceased; final ac count filed and set lor ln.iriiig on - Mon day, March 22, 1897 In re estate of Christina Hall, dece«.».!; last will admitted to probate ano 4 Crandall appointed executor «kh Io n ia fixed at $800. Geo. H. WiUox F. I». Tate and A. M Collins appointed Ap praisers. In re estate of S -r «h J . Mull^ de, 1 a^dj; hearing of petition to sell real estate o2- tinued to Feb. 27, 1897. In the matter of the estate of t W Best, deceased, administratrix boat! flM # and approved and letters ordered gn.Wvu sue U. X. Harding, H. C. Raymond a n * , W. F. Rolston appointed appraisers. Marriages.—J. R.Clements and E m m a., ' E. Dillaboy. Raymond Ridkson ¿ n f May Elliott. Minutes seem like hoars when a life ia at stake. Croup gives no time to send for a doctor, delay may mean death. One Minute Cough Cure gives instant relief and insures recovery. The only The mileage and per diem o f tha harmless remedy that produces immedi Washingson county legislate#! ate results. J . C. Clark, druggist. Marsh $14 4, H. S . Hudson *146 .y e w t* Jb f R. C. Thompson 1 1 3 8 9 a J j , , * 4 4 Rlpans Tabule# cure headache. •V.V * r w