Washington a n d Ä bÄ % lH9Bi CONSOLIDATED JUNE 4, 1896. V is io n a l K Hatchet o r e s t G WARD, M. D. T im e s . F O R E S T G R O V E , O R E G O N , T H U R s O A Y, F E B . I S , 1K!>7. Financial Exhibit. H om e B a k er y • • • (la rd s. r o v e To th e Commissioner»’ Court. Calvin Pomeroy hall for stenog’y. 69 00 Andy Johnson «(jjpkunt roads 10 00 J D Hite circulating petition etc 1 , oo Austin Craig salary......... ......... 45 49 Hatchet job office . .................... 28 00 Claims disallowed were r.s follows:— Glass & Prudhontuic stationery.. 7 50 A Amhros paupers and prisoners. 12 uo Hillsboro Publishing Co.............. 50 Argus Pub Co 1 educed one-half. 2 50 W D Bradford reduction of hill. . 80 I C Clutter was appointed supervisor of road district No. 1 C Clutter, post- office, Tualatin. J F ABen appointed supervisor R D No 47, P O, Glenwood. Road No 2. per petition of Schofield ordered opened. R H Walker, supervisor district 39, ordered to procure L, E Wilkes to re- -urvev and replace angle stakes on t o a d as per petition. L E Wilkes ordered to meet with view ers, J F Carstens, T J Humphreys and X. J Rice, Feh 10, to survey and view pro posed road No. 351. Ordered Recorder of Conveyances to hereafter record plats of cemeteries free of charge. Bond of Stiff as tax collector fixed ot $15.000. Petition of Fred Grouer and 13 others for road location considered. Viewers appointed to meet and view oo said road are S I Ogden, John Kama* and H Lewis, to meet Feb 15. Reports of Recorder, receipts for Jao- uarv, $167.15 and County Clerk, $215.6^ examined and approved. Eeb. Term. C om m on C o u n c il ok F o r e st G ro ve : Under a New Management, Makes a Specialty of V o l . II , N o . 4 7 , V o l . I X , No. 4 s u p e r v is o r s ’ r e p o r t . Reports o f supervisors were examined KN AND SURGEON, Vour committee appointed to report and warrants ordered drawn for labor in |*o iii his residence, the prisent financial condition .»f the af- year 18^6, viz: Road D No Auit fairs of the city, submit the following re Road D No Amt iU o V K , - - OREGON. I Labor *52 i Labor 40 port: We find the treasurer did not re Though it will make anything you wish to [for pensions every Wednesday. do do 52 order in the Baking line. ceive the money from the sale of bonds, | 3 4 50 6 II 50 and therefore could not be charged with j 5 5 >J Confectionery, Soda Water, Sandwiches, 4S 8 the same or be held responsible for a j 7 75 C. E. GEIGER, IO I 08 accounting of this fund. The 9 95 Fresh Oysters and Lunches at al! hours. proper THIC PHYSICIAN ■ b8 i j treasurer should receive all moneys and it 34 D SURGEON 64 j pay out the same on warrants drawn by 13 KREIDER & SON, PROPRIETORS. 15 70 75 >11 c . , Bowlby hon«e, Haelflc s re ., 16 to | the mayor and attested by the recorder 15 79 t.f Koreat Grove hotel. 18 8u | if the charter be complied with. The 17 52 T GROVE, OREGON. 46 20 (no report.) j departure in this respect caused the f u - 19 it ion paid to Medical and Surgical 22 68 iness to be transacted in too lax a man 21 3 « 3 e n and Children and all chronic 64 ner for the safety of the city or for the j 23 24 15 Chinaware, Cups and Saucers, Plates, Pitchers, Cream 2Ó j safety of those thus acting. Disburse- j 25 3 ° 53 48 28 61 i ments have been made for which no hills j 27 ers, Sugar Bowls, Vases, Toilet Sets, Mugs all sizes, N, j or pay rolls can be found. Unless these J 29 54 14 30 Rose Bowls, Fancy Baskets, Children's Silver Knives, 46 | can be supplied there seems to be no 31 32 3 » [ d e n t i s t , Forks and Spoons, Children s Toy Sets. Decorated 80 69 other way of treating this matter than 33 34 to conjecture its correctness, basing this 35 FOREST GROVE 48 36 3* Crockery and Glassware, Fancy and Staple Groceries. 60 40 on the integrity and correct business 37 38 OREGON. Fine Teas and Coffees our Specialty. habits of those thus acting. Your com 39 40 24 33 mittee does not wish to he undei stood 41 42 50 5 ' o. C. H A T T 28 or even implied that they give any im 43 42.50 44 EN TIST. 46 18 pression other than they think the de 45 34 48 parture from the charter was unsafe and 47 44 3h 28 18 50 49 unwise. 38 57 53 The records or reports do not show the 5 « e u ’ s B uilding on Main Street, up 82 54 5 « financial condition at the close of the 53 ttU»e hours, 9 a. na. to 4 p m. 42 56 44 year of 1895. The minutes of the coun- 55 Other roai 1 claims allowed were: Su- j cil held on Feb. 13, 1897, state the out- MAS H. TONGUE, ! standing warrants including $1,000 note, j to be $2,587.78. Whereas the report of supervisor 23, material $1.25; 26, naiis. We do all kinds of Laundry Work in the best possible NEY-AT-LAW, the treasurer of January, 1897, show $2.20; Dist. 27, guide board, $2; Dist. 34, ' manner. Any work left with us will be promptly at there were outstanding warrants at that nails, $1.42; 38, lbr, $2.40; 54, nails, $.35. tended to. We guarantee all our work. Our prices are Licensed to Teach. to, W akiiimotoii C oumtt , O*. District 7 reports $11.75 cash 00 hand; time amounting to $2,863.28, and $t,coo cheaper than P irtland prices. Your patronage will be At the teachers' quarterly examination note, in all $3,863.28, instead of $2,587.78. 4, $3 5°; 9. $4 60; 21, $ 45; total, $20.30. appreciated. ■ 'V “TO- held last week thirty-five candidates wet* ;ITH & BOWMAN, RECA PITULATIO N ROAD WORK. Jim . 22,1897, outstanding w arrants........ t - 5s7 78 present of whom an unusual proportion Outstanding checks, C. W. di L............... 806 aO Total amount warrants ordered in pay tYS-AT-LAW , Outstanding bill« payable 18,774.08........ 1 0(0 10 ment of labor of supervisors: $2,688 95; were inexperienced. The male element was largely in the majority— twenty one Interest on bouds........................ 185 to of material, etc., $20.30. Cash in hands W ort and Conveyancing. Interest estim ated on outstanding war to fourteen. Three of the candidate* rants....................................................... . . . 200 00 of supervisors at settlement, $20.30. were for certificates in other countie*, Morgan Blk. H ILLSB O R O , O r . 271 ALDER STREET Due engineers to Ja n . 22.................... 51 to Costs ordered paid in state cases— the papers of one being forwarded *• Due treasu rer for lees................................. 6 47 State vs. Jane and Chas. Parrott; jus Wasco county, and of the other two a* PORTLAND, OR. Due J . H. Badey on water account........ 19 83 IF. M. L A N G L E Y , tice, constable and witness fees, $43.25; Due Judge B a b e r... .........................„........... 10 50 Clackamas county. This loss was in Due Win. K une....................................... 69 20 State vs. VVm. Wilkes, same, 8 25; vs. part made up by two of the candidate* G. C. RIDER, Prop. |Y AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Wtn Hobble, 71.20; vs. J. Churchley, in Portland being for Washington ' Prosecuting Attorney. 84 459 10 8.15; vs. Geo. Bigham, 40.55; vs. G. county. The certificates issued appear Collections a speeds.ty. c o s ru a . Fisher, 20.05; vs. R. Chrisenger, 29.00. 218 cord* oí wood................... ( 293 80 below: ¡Up-stairs, Woods A Caples T H E O N L Y F irs t-C la s s aucl Circuit court: State vs. Bowlby, witness Taxas due 1896.......................... 1600 00 Building. FIR ST GRADE. S tric tly T e m p e ra n ce Ite s ta u - W alerand Lieht bills.... fees, $67.00; vs. Ward the same. 57.60. 162 77 (Good until February, 1900. ' Mutt r a n t in th e c ity . W aler and Light to Jan . 22.. 148 00 Total. $345 ° 5 - F ire and Accident Insurance have had 12 months experience, have E lectric supplie«..................... 77 53 CLAIMS ALLOWED. W ater Maiu«, etc ................... 164 86 averaged 90 and not fallen below 70in ¡Peace Loans, Collections S A L A R IE S . Cash on h a n d ........................... 10108 82 551 01 any branch: J A Imbrie . . ..............................$250 00 Francis Myers, Forest Grove; Effie A. Total indebtednern Jau . 22, '97. $1 90S 06 A B Cady ..................................... 50 00 |. I. k } h g j - i t , Cash recett*ed on sale of bouds for Baker, Forest Grovi; Myrtle Porter, For O d iC 8 t0 0 O « V t« 0 ^ 9 ll *w*rr E L McCormick............................ 175 00 the purchase of the Light Flam from est Grove; Geo. E. Miller, Glencoe; W. W D Bradford............................... 275 00 tile Forest Grove Canning Co. and •i n Fire Insurance A. Johnson, Gaston; Hannah B. Ander S I .0 C t ii e i S I .0 0 structing w ater works for the City of G H W ilcox.................................. 78 00 son, Beaverton; Albert Latham, Hill*- Forest Grove: PRISONERS AND PA U PER S. . . and Loan Broker. Dee. 16, Lfc95, sold |27 000 of bonds a t 5 boro. W e e k i y iN T E S j O c e a N . E B Sappington............................ 66 40 p e rc e n t, discount.................................$25 650 00 Average: Age 22>i years, experience G W I’atterson.............................. 21 75 Cash paid for lig h t P la n t.«$ »2 000 00 The Creates.. Repubiiojn Paper of th e W est. IR O O reg o n i6>i months, scholarship 61.3. Cash paid for Water Aorks.. 12 2U3 23 J R Mays . SECOND G RADE. Cash paid for Hose C a rt___ 440 00 Bryan Laidlaw Co T is the meet stalwart anc unswerving Republican Weekly pub ( a.wh paid le t. on bon is .. 810 0u Good until Feb. 1899. Must have g D. S tkw art , lished today and can aiways be relied upon for (air and honest re Mrs L G Sutton ........................... 1700 1 Cash paid in t. on bouds........ 19*» 77 $25 660 03 Ass’t Cashier. months experience and averaged overfly ports of all political affairs. A Olsen............................................. 5 00 not falling below 60 in any branch.) r » -s = ) The Weekly Inter Ocean Supplies All of the News } a —m j Total receipt*: of all moneys from the Rosa Frost........................................ 5 00 B. A. Johnson, Gaston; L. Lauglilia, I k ® j and the Best ot Current Literature. (= £ £ 4 , | 16th of D ectm ber, 1896, to Ja n . 21,1897: [ o f F o r e s t G r o v e Mrs Reuter ............................ 5 00 Forest Grove, Mattie Zook, Forest Grove \ Fr- m sale of bonds .................................... |26 690 00 It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Without a Peer. John N o rth ro p .......................... 1000 j Borrowed from Bank of Forest Grove. 360 00 Ralph Wann, Hillsboro; Agnea McMil j)N PFANNER, Proprietor 2 00 | Received from Treasurer. W .A L . A cct 2 655 46 John M M iller.........'.................... lan, Hayward. Its Literary Columns are equal ' Received from Treasurer Gen. Fund. 1 595 09 R H Greer, supplies. . | A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Average: Age 21 years, experience 6% to those of the best magazines. H Wehrung & Sou do.................. Bd telegraphic transfers sold on New | months, scholarship 85.3. 530 260 55 G en tlem en : .GOOD BREAD, We Can Save You Money on . . . . GREER THE GROCER. mm Forest Grove Laundry 0,1/1 Dye House. W. S. BALDWIN, Manager. Hatchet and Weekly Chicago Inter Ocean, $1.50 I J Its Youth's Department Is the ] finest of Its k in d . .............. £0 and San Francisco. chan ge payable at sight in London . Am sterdam , Brussels, Stockholm , Khe-M ain as well as all other 4ies and centers of trade throughout K ingdom . Irelan 1 and Continental It brings to the fam ily th e N ew * o f th e fin tire W o rld and gives the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day. l he I n te r O cean gives tw e lv e p n ees of reading m a tte r each week and b eing*pn blished in * hicaaro is b etter adapted to the needs of the people west of the Alleghany Mountains tnan any o th er paper. Dns made at all accessible points, s hours from 9 a m. to 4 p. m. ! (JGIIES k D E A L ER S IN kDWARE STOVES TINWARE $ 1 .0 0 ^ £ E ^ Q N J E J ^ !^ L P ^ £ jrE A R $i 00 DISBU KSKMgSTS. Chucks drawn by the Ke«oriler on the Construction F u n d ................................ | 4 811 44 ¡Check« draw n on K. N. B. signed by \ the M ajor, Recorder and Treasurer and paid out oil bills on file............. 20 850 00 Paid interest on bonds................................ ;M0 00 Treasurer p-id on W. At L. accoun t........ 1 594 09 Treasurer paid on General Fund............. 2 651 02 | Cash turned over by T reasurer................ 104 18 I The Dally ily and Sunday Edi- tions of The Inter Ocean are the best or their h in d . j Price of Dally by m ail............................$4.00 per year ) Price of Sunday by m ail........................$2.00 per year j Daily and Sunday by m ail................... $6.00 per year , A d d ress T H E IftT E R O CEA N , C h ic a g o . Hatchet and Chicago Weekly I ter Ocean $1.50 JO N ES’ STABLE . STA T IO N ER Y. STATE CASES. ^ Geo R Bagley Dep Dist Attv . . . 60 OO Witness fees Boscow, Carlileet al IO 80 BRIDGES AND ROADS. 330 270 73 j J w Thompson............................. --------- I C W alter......................................... Bank.over draft 311.41 Overdraft. | 10 18 ¡j \ Johnson.................................. Respectfully submitted Feb. 13, 1897. I Tigardville L ’ ber C o.................... A. H in m a n , Art Owens..................................... T . J . H a r r is , Brice Wilson .............................. L. C. W a l k e r , C W Hermen.»............................... Committee. J R Mays....... ............................. ' L E Wilkes ............ .................... H IL L S B O R O . i 2 41 19 oo 40 30 30 m is c e l l a n e o u s . J B Matthews Post G A R indigent Get Ransom Post G A R indigent Babcock Post G A R indigent. r*eo Beal bounty on coyote scalp. J T Dorrien, J P Hicks, E X Good Horses Harding, Geo C Day aed J F Fletcher each $7 tor themselves T GROVE, OREGON. New Rigs and assistants drawing jury lists W. F. Ralston of Gaston transacted | Patific Univer#jty election rent Moderate business at the court house Monday. ! Light & Water Co Jan charges . Elder Shelly is at Mt. Vernon this : n a Barrett Janitor for January. Prices week. | Geo R Bagley B & G Aid society C. O. Showers, a Portland attorney, ! B L McCormick bill for stamps.. attended to legal business here Wednes- Riley Cave supplies court house C Everything from a Saddle Horse to a Four-in-hand Carryall ¿“y and jail ...................................... - »5 I 00 The second lecture in the series con- ! A B Cady sUmps treasurers office Special attention paid to Commercial Travelers last place to get your W D Bradford ex com't ref’m sch'l 10 04 ducted under the auspices of our public res until you reach Til- Hunters and Fishermen 1 50 schools, will occur at the court house on W D Bradford stamps for office. . 00k. I can y a full line of ! W D Bradford board pr’r Portland 17 75 Friday night of this week. T a k e Jo n es’ Bus to a n d fro m a ll tra in s I W D Bradford official expenses . I 70 ods and Groceries, Mr. C. Butler is moving his family this r-wi Baggage a n d fre ig h t c a lle d fo r a n d d e liv e re d J A Imbrie supplies for elks office 10 97 week to bis Urtn in Multnomah county tent Medicines. ! J B Wilkes work assessor’s office. 2 uo Cigars and Tobacco. I T G Todd Peb com'r services.... 16 00 Card of Thanks. I D B Reasoner the same............ 16 00 Tackle and i i l necessary Club with The Oregonian. We wish to express our thanks to the | Julia H Rainey relief for family. 3 00 plies for a camp outfit. friends who proffered their assistance | Total ordered drawn for term .4 S35 00 during oar bereavement ; a'so to the fra Claims rontinued till next term— e Communication between ternal societies fot their kindliness an Messinger Bros bill for pauper fly aa 75 t Grove and Tillamook. 1 sympathy. 1 G W Patterson charge acct burial a 30 s . A. H ydk . ' C F Lord for prosecution Steeves 97 30 a r g e n t M u. B . A. H y d e , i W E Brock stafy bill not verified 7 60 M rs . H. O. HV d * Geo R Bagley bill on state cases 1000 ALES CREEK. ural Implements, such as Buggies, Plows, Harrows, Tools, Etc. Also Paints, ue, Plaster and Cement. Whoa! at the . . . hance Grocery. We Do Not S , Hatchet and San Francisco Weekly Examiner, $ 1 .9 0 P E R Y EA R . The city council met in special session Monday evening to hear discussion of the proposed amendments to the charter. Senator Patterson was was home over home over | Sunday. Mrs. Hall, an aged lady living near the ! Baptist church, is very ill. T H IR D Hillsboro Pub C o ....................... , The Argus...................................... j Glass & Prudhomme, Portland.. j Meston & Dygert do GRADE. (Good for one year. For those who have never taught. Required average 70, not falling below 40 in any branch.) Gustave Schunke, Bethany, Edward Brooks, Scholls; Theodore Osmund, Hillsboro; Amy Wells, Hillsboro; Clyde Reeves, Hillsboro; Jesse M. Shelley, Hillsboro; W. A. Tupper, Hillsboro, Al bert S. Huckaby, Forest Grove; Edward Barker, Forest Grove; Maude Wilson, Forest Grove; Rooert R. Kuhn, Forest Grove; Geo. E. Madison, Farmington; I.oura E. Mill*, Manning; Chester Fletcher, Gales Creek; Ruby Jackson, West Portland; T. C. Parsons, Dilley; Chester Wirtz, Mountaindale; C. H. Walker, Gaston; Mabel Finn, Portland; Ethel Norman, Tigardville. Average: Age 20 years, scholarship 84.6. PROGRESS A valentine party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Patino in honor of their neire Miss Anna Rogers of Mtt- waukie, on Saturday evening, Feb ruary 13th. The evening was spent I* various amusements; the chief attraction being the valentine box. At twchm o’clock an elaborate lunch was served, after which they all returned to their homes feeling the evening had passed tU too quickly. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Fsnno, Mr. and Mrs. *.. Stephens, Mrs. Moore; Misses A m * Rogers, Ethel Beharrell, Jessie and Jew- nie Stephens, May and Mande Hingtay, Anna Caldwell, Belle Worden, AM* Denny, and Reva Morelock; Mess»*. Aaron Denny, Walter Smith, Hub«* Kingley, John Rogers sad Will BekarvB. A torpid liver means «bad complexion, had breath, indigestion and freqnenl headaches. To avoid sucl take DeWitt’a Little Early Riser», famous little pills. J. C. Clark,« flat.