W A S H IN G T O N STORY OF ETH EL G ILLIA M . W illiu m G r*y. o f P a lo u * « City, V o u ch «* fo r It* Tru'l*. jen Children Perished in the Flames. NIN G her OF ORPHANS’ P articular* ll'ulr— P l u m e * tittl e Ouei of the Spread C ou ld Ho Not HOME T errible lta pid ly He Saved. ilia», Tex., Jan. 19.— Fifteen little are dea l a» a result of last night’ s it the Buckner Orphan»’ Home, and others are seriously burned and crushed. Three of the injured, |» thought, Am not recover. The Iness of the holocaust was not fully l^t'd until today. lie fire, which commenced at 10 k Friday night and raged until boys* dormitory was destroyed, did cool enough for search for the es in the ashes until early this ^iing. At that time it was thought ' five children had been burned to Ji. When the ashes had cooled rgh to admit of a search, scores of pathizing friends and neighbors be- the sad task of rinding the bodies he five whom it was known had shed. Ths search hail been hardly ituted when the terrible truth that ^e were more than five bodies in the ther, es appeared. The search continued W. ,il dawn, when fifteen bodies had n found. fhen the fire was discovered, the m spread through the dormitories, 300 children rushed hither and her in the wildest fright and panic- Icken confusion. The halls, porches stairway landings were thick with scorching smoke. The building stood for a number of years, and as dry as kindling, and burned i fearful rapidity. The wind was ving from the southest, which drove fire into the building. It was eat- its way to the three principal stair- s as soon as it was discovered, and little fellow's on the second floor of west wing were cut off from any nue of escape except the windows, is wras where 110 boys, between the •s of 6 and 14, were asleep in their ddrmitories, many of them being up- 1 stairs, but they were the larger ones, * itlw smallest children being quartered oil the lower floor, with a view to such an ■ mergenev. Even with the precau- some of the smaller ones were burned to death, not being awakened ' 11 “by the alarm, or being in such a de­ moralized state from childish terror at they did not know how to make ei r way out. Those with the most presence of ind followed the larger ones, who mped through the windows. A few 1 the presence of mind to save enough their clothes, but most of them es- ijied in their night garments. r- 1 The panic-stricken little ones did not l)0, |lit»p even after they were taken out of tn- burning building, but fled in their [Id terror, as if some nameless horror re pursuing them, across mud and ds in every direction. Some went neighbor’ s houses as far as half a le away, and others were found stag­ ing along the lanes in their scant gbtclothes, crying as if their little — arts would break. The people from the neighborhood d * ■ »u n d the little fellows who had not of^kuched shelter by their cries, and irn^B'eught them back to the home ih® The loss on the buildings and con- 'jB n ts ts light, about $8,000, with in- 1®' ■ > ranee. The home will be rebuilt. Ily V -----------------------— L E A D V I L L E ’S e- charged over the earthworks and put eome vacant in three years. Any office the enemy to flight. Bandera fell in the service shall hereafter become while leading his men, and died soon vacant when the person holding it be­ after. Gomez gave his men only a comes 65 years old. Veterans of the night’s rest. Then, leaving a garrison civil war and their widows are excepted of 1,500 men, he pushed on to the from the provision. west. Those of his men who had no weapons were armed from the Spanish F o r the P u rcha se o f Cuba. arsenal, so that in fighting men he was Washington, Jan. 18.— Representa- nearly as strong as before the battle. ! tive Spencer of Mississippi, has intro- No sooner had the news of the fall Í duced in the house a bill as follows: of Santa Clara reached the planters “ The secretary of state is hereby au­ around about than they began to flock thorized to offer to the government of to Gomez’s standard. Every mile he Spain a sum of money not to exceed went he got new recruits. $200,000,000 for the purchase of the The news received last night said he island of Cuba. And the sum of $10,- had an army of 18,000 men, well 000, or so much thereof as may be equipped. necessary to defray the expenses of T h e M arch on H avana. pending negotiations, is hereby appro­ New York, Jan. 18.— A Havana dis­ priated. ” patch to the World says: Couriers who have slipped through the Spanish WAS BLO W N T O B ITS. lines in Matanzas provinoe bring news that General Gomez is undoubtedly D y n a m i t e B x p l o d f . U In M i n e r D . n d a u i - I marching on Havana slowly but surely, C a bin . and that his advance guard is laying in Seattle, Jan. 18.— In attempting to waste the country as it proceeds. The thaw out a few sticks of dynamite by people of Havana are at last becoming placing them on a hot stove, F. Den- alarmed at the situation, and all who dauf was instantly killed and horribly possibly can have already left the mutilated at Black Diamond Thurs­ place. day. Thursday morning about 10 H E D IE D A T HIS P O S T . o’clock, Dendauf, who is in the employ [ of Lawson Bros., took ten sticks of the explosive to his cabin to warm them U. H. M i n i s t e r W i l l i * S u c c u m b e d t o a up. From that time until noon he L in g e r in g Illn ess. was alone, and the exact manner in San Francisco, Jan. 18.— Advices which the accident occurred can never just received from Honolulu per steam­ he known, but during the noon hour, ship Monowai are as follows: when all hands, were at dinner, a ter­ Honolulu, Jan. 6.— United States rific explosion was heard. Everybody rushed out and found the entire side Minister Albert S. Willis died at 8:30 and part of the roof of Dendauf’s cabin A. M ., Janary 5, after an illness cover­ had been torn away anil hurled against ing several months. In April last the minister and his the side of another cabin sixty feet dis­ tant. The interior of what remained family left Hawaii for a visit to their of the cabin was a total wreck, every­ old home at Louisville. While in San thing in shreds and fragmente, with Francisco on the return trip, the min­ the body of Dendauf in the midst. ister contracted a severe cold, which Some flying missile, presumably a bit settled upon his lungs. This was the At of the stove, entered his head near the immediate cause of his death. right eye, going directly through the noon of October 31, while leaving skull and leaving a hole two inches church, his horse ran away and threw He was square; the right leg was broken in Mr. W illis to the ground. two places between the hip and knee, taken to a physician’ s office and he and the flesh of the whole right side soon recovered sufficiently to return to hung in tatters. Death must have his home at Waikiki. He never left it again. The fever increased and the been instantaneous. cold taken in San Francisco developed into pneumonia. This settled so firm­ BLUE C U T ROBBERY. ly on the lungs that it could not be checked. All human effort was ex­ A l l e g e d L e a d e r C l a i m * T h e r e I* a C o n ­ pended without avail. Three physi­ spiracy to C o n v ict H im . cians labored incessantly, and held fre­ Kansas City, Jan. 18.—John Ken­ quent conferences on the case. A few nedy who was indicted as the leader days before Christmas, the case was of the gang which twice held up and pronounced hopeless. Soon after the death of the minister robbbed Chicago & Alton trains at Blue Cut, wrote out and signed a this morning, all the consular, govern­ statement today charging that there ment and shipping flags were lowered Expressions of regret was a conspiracy to convict him. There to half-mast. seems to be some grounds to subetan- were general, and his wife and son tiate his statement as regards John have the sympathy of the whole com­ Land, an important witness against munity. him. It is given out, moreover, from V« t< ied b y t h e P r e * l r l « n t . authoritative sources that the robbers Washington, Jan. 18.— The presi­ secured almost $30,000, and not $2,- dent today sent to the house his veto of 300, as first claimed by the express the bill to establish a new division of company. For the conviction of the the eastern judicial district in Texas men concerned, it is also said big re­ arid to provide for courts at BeaumoAt, wards have been offered. # In 1882, TeX. _________________ Land, who lives in the Blue Cut local­ A p p r o v e d b y t h « l 'r « * l r i e n t . ity, was convicted of perjury in falsely Washington, Jan. 18.— The president swearing that three of his neighl>ors had been connected in the Jesse James has approved the act providing for the train robbery of that year near Inde- purchase of public lands for reservoirs, ¡»eiidence. Land is a state witness in and the act granting a pension to th» widow of General H. P. Vanclere. the present case. St. Petersburg, Jan. 18.— T<*lav, a ukase was published which refers to the necessity of the resumption of the mintage. It seems likely that the council’s decision on the currency question will be prolonged, and as the »‘ountry is anxious to settle the doabts which have arisen as to the cash values of gold coins, it orders the minting of in>t»erials of a value of 15 instead of 10 roubles, these coins, however, being of | exactly the same weight and fineness as I existing co »s. T o Pu nla h th e K i n g o f B «n ln . LAND The Free FCR EVERYBODY. H o m e * te a d K ill t h e Senate. Ha* PaAs ed Washington, Jan. 16.— The senate today passed the measure known as the free-homestead bill, which lias been under discussion since the holday re­ cess. It is u measure of far-reaching importance, i>articularly to the West­ ern states, and the interest in it was shown by the fact that a plank concern­ ing it was a feature of the several na­ tional platforms. The effect of the bill is to open to settlement all the public lands acquired from Indians, free of payment to the government, be­ yond the minor office fees, and to re­ lease from payment those who have heretofore settled on those lands. The number of acres involved, according to an estimate made by the commissioner of the general land office, is 33,207,541, which would have yielded the govern­ ment, at the prices heretofore estab­ lished, $35,343,006. To offset this statement it was brought out during the debate that the lands were mainly arid and that those who had Bettled upon them were unable to make pay­ ment by reason of the scanty products of the soil. The Western senators in the main favored the hill as an exten­ sion of the general homestead policy of the government. The opposition was directed mainly by Platt of Connecticut and Vilas. As the bill passed in the house it covered only lands acquired from Indians in Oklahoma but as passed today the bill includes all In­ dian lands. The final vote taken by agreement at 4 P. M., showed a decisive majority in favor of the measure. Following thedispoisiton of this bill, which had held the advantageous posi­ tion of the unfinished business of the senate, Morgan sought to have the Nica- rauga canal bill made the unfinished business. This precipitated a vote which to some extent was a test of strength of the bill itself. On Mor­ gan’s motion to take up the bill, the vote was 83 to 6, or less than a quorum, so the motion did not prevail, although it disclosed the strenght of toe measure. During the day Morgan’ secured the adoption of a resolution for an inquiry by the judiciary committee as to whether the properties of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific companies now belong to the United States, by reason of alleged defaults in payment of bonds. A resolution by Cnllom, calling on the civil service commission to explain the delay in making annual reports, was adopted. G r o u t B i l l In t h e H o u s e . Washington, Jan. 16.— The house spent almost the entire day debating the Grout bill, whch was under con­ sideration for a time yesterday, to sub­ ject oleomargarine and other imitation dairy products to the laws of the states into which they are transported. The advocates of the measure took the view that the states should be allowed to regulate the sale of a product sailing under false colors, and the opponents argued that the bill would establish a dangerous precedent and invade the power of congress to regulate interstate commerce. Those who supported the measure were Messrs. Northway, Morse, Lacey, Hainer, W illis, Grosve- nor and Henderson. Those who op­ posed it were Messrs. Cooper, Tucker, Cannon, Boatner, Clardy and Williams. The bill is as follows: “ That all articles known as oleomar­ garine, butterine, imitation butter or imitation cheese, or any substanoe in the semblance of butter or cheese, not the usual product of the dairy, and not made exclusively of pure and un­ adulterated milk or cream, transported into any state or territory, or remain­ ing therein for use, consumption, sale or storage, shall, upon arrival in such state or territory, be subject to the operation and effect of the laws of such stato or territory, enacted in the exer­ cise of its police powers, to the same extent and in the same manner as those articles or substances that had been produced in such state or territory, and shall not be exempt therefrom by rea­ son of being introduced there in origin­ al packages or otherwise, provided that nothing in this act shall be construed so as to permit any state to forbid the sale of oleomargarine except in such manner as w ill advise a customer of its real character.” W i l l N ot H urrsndor. Washington, Jan. 18.— Mr. Quesada, of the Cuban junta, today received a long letter from his uncle, Salvador de Cisneros, president of thd Cuban repub­ lic, who. by inference, gives a denial to the reports that the insurgent» are willing to negotiate terms o f peace on any other basis than absolute inde­ pendence. The letter sayB, in part: “ We will renew our offensive cam­ paign in a few days. Gomez has left me to enter Santa Clara with reinforce­ ments and munitions of war. He will go further west. Our situation is most prosperous, and if we had plenty of ammunition, not only for rifles, but for cannon, and in Camaguey a dynamite j cannon, the railroads would be de­ stroyed and the few garrisoned inland towns would be abandoned by the enemy, and they would be confined to the coast. As I expect to receive these war materials from abroad, we very soon will drive them to the sea and be in a position to tell them, when they depart, our last good-bye.” ( ¡ c n n » n H j n d l c a t * In J a p a n . W EEKLY MARKET LETTER Gowning:, H op k in * & C o m p a n y ’ * K « v i e w o f T r ac t « . The past week has proved an un­ steady one in the wheat markets. While there lias been no weakening in the basic position of wheat, and while, indeed, the position today is stronger than a week since, the bears have upon two or three occasions raided the mar­ kets and broken prices. To our minds these fluctuations prove nothing against the deal. We don’ t know hut prices w ill be lower, and are not talking about what will be the results, but we writo of the foundation of the markets, and dealers must manage the' rest. Tha winter wheat, usualliy two-thirds of tile aggregate crop, is depleted to smaller remains in farmers' hands than for years. Consumption must soon re­ sort to spring wheat, and that reserve is undoubtedly small. We are break­ ing away slowly from foreign price» and before harvest it will be a homo demand and supply. According to expert testimony many of the believers in wheat who have been watching the upward march o f values for the past two months have been rather doubtful of its stability, in view of the cheapness of other cereals and their product. The fact that corn has entered the list as a competitor for bread consumption led to a halt in the advance and many traders were greatly influenced by this circumstance. The argument is made that flour is being adulterated to such an extent with oorn meal, and the call for corn meal is in­ creasing at such a rate that the demand for cash wheat will gradually become curtailed, and, with a lessening of the demand, perforce a decline in price. One writer in discussing this phase of the wheat situation asserts that such a use for corn meal ar.d other substitu­ tions for wheat mnst be only credited to restricted areas. The theory ad­ vanced is that poor people who would most likely use this adulterated article ■is a human food do not buy flour, and hence the first argument falls to the ground. M a r k e t Q u otation *. Portland, Or., Jan. 19, 1897. Flour—Portland, Salem, Casoadia and Dayton, $4.50; Benton county and White Lily, $4.50; graham, $4.00; su­ perfine, $2.80 per barrel. Wheat—Walla Walla, 88@84c; Val­ ley, 86 @870 per bushel. Oats— Choice white, 40@42o per bushel; choice gray, 88@40o. Hay — Timothy, $13.00 per ton; clover, $8.00 09.00; oat, $8.00@ 10; wheat, $8.00@10 per ton. Barley—Feed barley, $18.00 per ton; brewing, $20. Millstuffs— Bran, $15.00; shorts, $16.50; middlings, $26. Batter—Creamery, 35 @ 40c; Tilla­ mook, 40c; dairy, 22H@30c. Potatoes— Oregon Burbanks, 65 @70o; Early Rose, 80@90o per saok; Cali­ fornia river Burbanks, 55o per cental; sweets, $2.00 @2.50 per oental for Mer­ ced; Jersey Red, $2.50. Onions— 85c per sack. Poultry— Chickens, mixed, $ 2 .000 2.50; geese, $6.00; turkeys, live, 10c; ducks, $4 @4.50 per dozen. Eggs— Oregon, 17H@18 per dozen. Cheese — Oregon, 12J£o; Young America, 13)40 per pound. Wool— Valley, 10c per pound; East­ ern Oregon, 6@ 8c. Hops— 9 @ 10c per pound. Beef—Gross, top Bteers, $2.75@8.00; cows, $2.25 @2.50; dressed beef, 4 @ 4)^c per pound. Mutton—Gross, best sheep, wether* and ewes, $3.00@8.25; dressed mnt- ton, 5 la (86c per pound. Hogs— Gross, choice, heavy, $3.25@ 3.50; light and feeders, $2.50@3.00; dressed, $4.00@4.50 per cwt. Veal— Net, small, 6c; large, 6)^0 pe» pound. Seattle, Wash., Jan. 19, 1897. Flour—(Jobbing)— Patent excellent, $5.25; Novelty A, $4.75; California brands, $5.60; Dakota, $5.50; patent, $6.25. Wheat—Chicken feed, $27 per ton. Oats—Choice, $24 @26 per ton. Barley— Rolled or ground, $2 2 per ton. Corn—Whole, $22 per ton; cracked, $23; feed meal. $28. Millstuffs— Bran, $16.00 per ton; shorts, $19. Feed— Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; middlings. $24; oilcake meal, $28. Hay— Puget sound, per ton, $9.00@ 10.00; Eastern Washington, $13. Bntter — Fancy native creamery, brick, 24c; select, 23c; tubs, 22o; ranch, 18c. Cheese— Native Washington, 13 Ho. Vegetables— Potatoes, per ton, $ 1 6 0 18; parsnips, per sack, 75c; beets, per sack, 60c; turnips, per sack, 60c; ruta­ bagas, per sack, 76c; carrots, per sack, 35@45o; cabbage, per 100 lbs, $1.26; onions, per 100 lbs, $ 1@1.25. Sweet potatoes— Per 100 lbs, $3.00. Poultry— Chickens, live, per pound, hens, 8))c ; dressed, 10@13c; docks, $2.00@3.50; dressed turkeys, 15016c. Eggs— Fresh ranch, 16c; Eastern, 19c per dozen. Fresh Meats—Choice dressed beef, steers, 6c; cows, 5)^c; mutton, sheep, 6c per pound; lamb, 6c; pork, 5o per pound; veal, small, 6c. Freah Fish— Halibut, 6 0 6 ; salmon. 6 @ 6; salmon trout, 7@10; flounder* and soles, 3@4c. Provisions— Hams, large, 12c; hams, small, 12)£c; breakfast baoon, 10c ; dry salt sides, 6o per pound. 8an Francisco, Jan. 19, 1897. London, Jan. 18.— It is reported in Potatoes — Kalinas Burbanks, 7 0 0 a Berlin dispatch that word has been received from Tokio that twenty Ger­ 80c; Early Rose, 70O75c; River Bur­ man firms of engineers and shipbuild­ banks, 60@7£o; sweets, $1.5001.60 ers in Japan have formed a syndicate per oental. Onions— 60@85o per oental. to contract for the work of the military Eggs— Store, 31 023o; ranch, 34 0 9 7 . and naval equipment to which Japan Butter—Fancy creamery, 25c; do will devote the war indemnity. seconds, 18030c; fancy dairy, I7o; Of the 300,000 fossil insects collect­ seconds, 1 4 0 16a There is talk of furnishing electric * power to the City of Mexico from peat ed from all over the world it is Mid Cheese — Fancy mild, new, 11 (* I bed» nine mile» dstant, owned by Boa- ' that only twenty of these are of th« 11 He; fair to good, 8 0 10c; Young I butterfly. ton interest a America, tl@12c; Eastern, 13@14c. London, Jan. M.— The Daily News announces that Lord Salisbury has consented to a punitive attack on the king of Benin by the Niger coast pro­ tectorate, on account of the massacre of a British expedition. The attack will be delafed about a month nntil the arrival of fresh officers from England. -------- ...