Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, January 22, 1897, Image 2

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    X M i r m , i w - m s * r e « , . lis t s .
T h e P o p «lis t* have held a caucus and
issued the fo llo w in g manifesto, w hich
gives th eir tid e o f the tangle in the
“ T o the People's P arty o f Oregon:
T h e undersigned, your member*-elect
to the legislative assembly, ask your
loyal rapport and that o f a ll good c iti­
zen* in our contest for such an organ­
ization o f the boose a* w e b elieve w ill
result in economical an-l remedial legis­
lation that w ill make an honest vote
and a fa ir count possible in Oregon.
W e are contesting fo r a fa ir organisa­
tion of th e boose, in order to make pos­
sible the passage o f the B ingham regis­
tration b ill, the H olt j ad gre-of-elec­
tion b ill, ami an amendment to the con­
stitution pirovi-iing for direct law -n u k ­
in g by the people by means o f the in i­
tia tiv e and referendum in its optional
" W e are assured by eminent law yers
that the Bingham registration b ill is
o n stitatio n a l. and lik e ly to be effec-
tire . T h e H o lt b ill allow s county cen­
tral com mittees o f each o f the three
principal p olitical parties to designate
one ju-lge o f election in each precinct,
and com mittees o f the tw o principal
parties to each name one clerk o f elec­
tion in each precimn. T h e in itia tiv e
and referendum need no explanation to
Oregon Populists. These measures w e
believe to be all important in obtaining
honest elections and oontrol by the peo­
ple o f law m aking in Oregon, and there­
by preserving our libertiec. T h e situa­
tion is this:
“ Last June the Republican party
elected th irty-eigh t members o f the
house o f represenative*. O nly tw en ty-
e igh t o f this cumber have agreed to act
together in organ izin g the house. Part
o f the rem aining ten Republican mem­
bers support Mr. Bourne and part do
not support any candidate. T h e Popu­
list and Democratic members are stay­
in g out until such tim e as a Republican
m ajority m ay agree upon a candidate
o f its own fo r spieaker, or un til a suffi­
cien t number o f III cm unite w ith us to
assure Bourne's el«*ction, w hich w e be­
lie v e w ill enable us to obtain the
measures herein named. A s long as
Republicans are thus divided, and it is
possible that w e may. by preventing o r­
ganization. fin a lly elect Mr. Bourne,
and probably obtain the legislation be­
fore mentioned, w e feel it to be our
d uty to the people o f Oregon to stay
out— wag«-« or no wages. W ith this
know ledge o f the facts, w e feel that w e
are entitled to your suppiort for our­
selves and our a llie s .”
T h e manifesto is signed by tw o sen­
ators and tw e lv e representatives.
It is
said that the rem aining Populist sena­
tor and representatives, who were out
o f the c ity when the «mucus was held,
fu lly indorse«! the manifesto.
T h e first w -ek o f the Oregon legisla­
ture closed w ith but little
plishsd. T h e organisation o f the sen­
ate was effected prom ptly on the first
«lay, and Joseph Simon, o f Multnomah,
who held the same posit ion two J t t r i
ago. was seated as president. T h e sen­
ate was in session four -lay,, during
win h tim e eigh ty-five b ill* were in ­
troduced. ami then the senate ad­
journed over until Mon«lay, in order
to g iv e the state printer tim e to catch
• h M i l f t k « t U v * f t h * Im p m v U
mmt Happwaiag* mt tka P m I W eek op-
C a l la d P r o a t k a T * U * r m p k C o I m m .
The I norg>nired B o a««.
The bouse was unable to perfect or
Ajrerit W . R. Rusxell, o f th e Pacific
ganixation, a quorum m>t being found
( W t E W a lo r Com fdfiT. o f
Idaho, ha* parchaaciJ ©rer 20,000 ba«*h- present at any tim e a roll call was had.
ela o f wheat at 70 rent». T h * last lary** T h e members are d ivid ed into three
parch a-* waa 8,000 b u b e ll.
Some factions on the senatorial nominee,
wheat in that section in being hel-i aa each being a m inority. A l l efforts to
unite and agree on any member for
h igh aa 75 omto.
speaker have been futile.
Much bitter
An oth er attempt ha« been m a l , to
talk and discussion has been the rule
g e t the stranded Glenm orag off from
since the first day.
th e sand, o f N orth beach. T h i* trial
|jrw,e»i unsuccessful lik e the previous
^«•filoriaI Cauru*.
attem pt- and it ia now thought the
Near the end o f the week forty-three
fH enm orag w ill be abandoned to the
Republicans and one Populist held a
m e rrier o f the ware*.
caucus at the Mate capital ami unani­
V e ry Her. Thos J. Ornate, D. D., mously nominated John U. M itchell for
l i w been installed a« re--tor o f the United States senator.
Cfctholic un iversity of Am erica in
Waafainirton. D. C. It waa a notable
N«w B ill* Boar la.
ewent in the hiatory o f the inatitntion.
Patterson o f Marion has introduced
and drew together a distinguished aa- a b ill m aking general provision for the
aemblaze o f churchmen and educator*. transportation o f a ll insane persons to
W h ile hunting near Elk Point, R. the asylum.
H it b ill provides that
D ., W J. M orphy, agerl 17, became the county clerk shall n otify the super­
■spanned from hia companion* and waa intendent o f the asylum that be has an
frnurri to death. W hen tirat missed be insane person to be conveyed to the asy­
waa supposed to hare returned home, lum. T h e superintendent then au­
and not until aome tim e later did thorizes some employe o f the asylum
«■ r o b in g parties atart after him . Hia to repair to the county s«-at, where the
body waa found.
insane person w ill be delivered to h im ,
J u n e* Stephens. who ia *aid to hare and he w ill conduct such insane person
«ta rn -1 several incendiary Urea in W alla to the asylum. A ll the expense is to
W alla during the rammer o f 1896. ha* be borne by the asylum fund.
been convicted o f arson in the superior
Senator Ma- kay has introduced a b ill
court for netting fire to the H am ilton-
Koorke warehooae. January 9, 1896. for thè appointing o f a fiscal agent at
T h e defenae had v ery little evidence to N ew York city, wbo ia to look after
offer, and the jury, after being out one thè state * finane-al interrete.
honr, returned a verdict o f gu ilty.
T w o other bills o f a general nature
In diggin g a w ell at Quilcene, W ash.,
at the base o f the O lym p ic range o f were introduced, one by Senator Mc-
antaina, a vein o f coal va c diseov- C'lur.g. which authorizes the m a jor of
It ia thought it ia a good vein, any c ity to bid in property sold at pub­
and it ia located w ith in one m ile o f the lic sale for taxes. T h e other was by
Port Townaend
Southern railway. Senator Smith, authorizing counties,
W ith in the past three year* over $100. - cities and school districts to dispose of
000 ha* begn npent in prospecting for real estate acqu ire! at tax sales.
coni in this county, and this is the first
coal yet discovered.
Senator M icb ell has called attention
A n earthquake occurred on the island to the subject o f navigation on the Co­
o f Kishm a, in the Persian gu lf, attend­ lumbia river, by introducing a b ill au­
ed by enormous loss o f life. K ishm a is th orizing the governor to appiont a
near the entrance o f the Persian gn lf commission to construct and equip a
and is the largest island in that body portage railw ay from T h e Dalles to
o f water, being surrounded by many C e lila
smaller islands.
Its length ia seventy
The b ill o f Senator P rice o f U m a­
A short session o f the house was
m iles and its average breadth tw elv e
tilla , for the collection o f delinquent hel«l Snnday, the temporary speaker
m iles. T h e population is estimated at
taxes, provides that all property levied having rule.I that it was necessary ac­
6,000. chiefly a rah*.
upon shall b«- advertised and sold in cording to the constitution.
T w o people were seriously injured the same m e rg e r a* real estate, thus
and a score o f others bruise-1 and bat­ saving expense.
Senator P rice h is
T h e house has again failed to organ­
tered as the result o f a rear-end collision also introduced a b ill w hich enables ize before Tuesday and this defers the
o f tw o train* in the Oakland yards. a farm laborer to file a lien upon a senatorial election un til Tuesday, F e b ­
Instead o f holding the B erkley local grow ing crop, even though there be a ruary 2, and, o f course, no ballot can
train as usual, the signalman allowed it mortgage on the crop.
be taken on that date unless the speak­
to proceed on the main track, ju st as
ership problem is solved before Tues­
th e sunset lim ited was approaching.
Senator M cClung’s b ill. No. 5, “ to d a y o f next week.
Before the latter train could be stopped define the terms land and real property,
i t crash«*-1 into the rear ear o f the lo­
T h e senate meets daily, but no busi­
fpr the purpose* o f taxation,” is v ir ­
cal. com pletely dem olishing it.
tu ally a re-establishment o f the old ness other than the introduction o f b ills
T h e senate com m ittee on fisheries mortgage-tax law. It provides, h ow ­ is taken np.
h ave I istem-d to an argument by Pro- ever, for the exemption on ly o f record­
Senator Harmon has introduce«! a
E llio tt in advocacy o f the b ill ed indebtedness, and in that particular
rid in g for a new international agree
differs from the old law, aDd from b ill designed to restore to kheriffs of
the various counties the duty o f convey­
St for the protection o f fur-bearing other proposed statute*.
ing all com m itted persons to the state
Professor E llio tt exhibited a
number o f charts, showing the
T h e registration b ill intr<»luc«-d in insane asylum, reform school and peni­
habits o f seals. He contended that the senate by Renator Harmon is iden­ tentiary. It is m erely made the duty
from an economic and humane point o f tical with the measure to be intro­ o f the com m ittin g court to place such
v ie w , it won 1.1 tie far better for the duced in th e house by Thomas o f M ult­ in charge o f the sheriff. N oth in g is
said aa to compensation, but the pre­
U n it e ! Stat«** to k ill a ll the remaining nomah.
sumption is that the state ia to pay, as
seals outright
than to perm it the
Senator T a y lo r’ s b ill am ending th « at preaent-
ainaghter to continue under present
incorporation act o f Pendleton changes
Senator Brow nell has introduced a
T h e F irst National bank, o f N e w ­ the City charter in three particulars. b ill in the interest o f bicyclists.
port. K y ., has dose-1 its doors.
H eavy
directa that all transportation companies
in vestm ent- in real estate is said to lie
ent water-works system tnay be en­ shall be required to check and trans­
th e cause
larged into a gra vity system; an«l (St port bicycles lik e other baggage. The
As. im portant pooling arrangement that city treasurers shall hereafter be b ill is general in its provisions and de­
has tieen brought about between the appointed by the city council, and not scribes at length how railroad and other
Alaaka Packers' A sms -lation an-l the e le c te l by the people. There ha* been transportation companies shall convey
Alaska Improvem ent Company
that trouble in Pendleton over m aking the free o f a ll chargee to each passenger,
w ill m aterially affect the salmon in ­ c ity fund* im m ediately available when w ith a ticket, not more than 100
How it shall be
fa n try in Northern waters ami the they are desired for the payment o f pounds o f baggage.
checked and how reclaimed are describ­
price o f canne-1 salmon in the country warrants.
It ia thought that, i f the
next season.
It is said that the entire tem ptation for eamlidate* to place ed, the provisions sim ply enacting into
product o f the coming seas-m w .ll lie themselves under personal obligation law the present praticea o f railroad
pooh* I ami marketed at uniform rates. to financial institutions has been re­ companies.
Louis tVmtencin, chevalier o f the moved, the difficu lty about the fun«is
Senator Smith has introduced a b ill
crown o f Ita ly, form er president o f the may be obviated.
«^tanging the beginning o f the close sea­
Italian chamber o f commerce in N ew
son on the Columbia from August 10
Y o rk , ami form rely Ita ly 's conral-gen-
Senator Mutkey, o f P olk , ha* intro­ to August 1. T h is is in acconlznoe
ecal to the tw o Sicilies, died at his duced into the senate a b ill covering w ith the recommendation o f U nited
home in N ew York.
H e had been one the subject o f taxation. T h e b ill, in
Stat«-» Fish Commission«^ McDonald.
«< th e most prominent Italians in this effect, is practically a re-enactment o f There are provisions for the regulation
country ami was a man o f marked a b il­ the mortgage-tax law. It has three o f fishtrapa. by which none shall have
ity. to which Ita ly frequently paid general object* in v ie w — <1) the assess­ a lead more than 700 feet in length, and
honorable tribute.
ment o f all property, (2 ) equal and im ­ no fiah wheel shall have a lead o f more
A Washington special «ays the ad­ partial collection o f taxes, (3 ) economy than fo rty feet In length. Other regu­
Senator Mu.key says it lative provisions are added.
m inistration is determ ined that Peru in operation.
ahull pay the claim for $900.000 grow ­ w ill save the state at least $55,000 per
Senator M ulkey has introduced a b ill
in g out o f the outrage com m ittel in yrer. T h e b ill provid«-* for the deduc-
1885 upon V. II. M cto rd , a consul o f tion o f in«h-bte!nre* where the corre- in ten .tel to prohibit, as far as possible,
It lim ­
the U n it e ! States. A cable dispatch # 1 « .tiding credit can be found aipl as- corrupt practices at election s
It abolishes the state board o f its the sums o f money that may be
has just tieen sent to Mr. M cKenxie, sesse.l.
the United M ate* m inister stationed at equalization as it is now con stitute), legitim a tely expemled in securing a
L im a , d irectin g him to inform the vesting that duty in the governor, sec­ nomination or election to any office
It crea te! by the constitution o f state or
IV ru vian governm ent that the --as* retary o f state an«l state treasurer.
mast he settled without delay. A a m * also |>rnvi.le* for the collection o f taxes for representative* in «ingress. It pro-
mnnicution received from the m inister on the original assessor's roll and for Tides for a public inspection o f the ex­
a few -lays ago state-1 that Peru desired the sen-ling o f the summary o n ly o f I he pense account o f any candwiate or
to iavestigste the case.
Shw-retary roll to the state board o f equalization. p olitical committee. Other states have
O ln ey at once advised Mr. M cK enxie It make* the county treasurer the col­ sim ilar measures on their statute books,
that Peru had had more than ten years lector o f taxes up to the point o f d elin ­ ami public sentiment in the state o f
ts investigate, an-l the tint* was quite quency, when they shall be collected by Oregon. Senator M uikey thinks, is ripe
the sheriff.
tor a sim ilar statute in this state.
T h e Minnesota State Raving* hank,
o f St. Paul, has closed and filed a deed
■ f assignment.
Senator H o lt’ s b ill, for the tem ­
porary re lief o f counties in certain
cases, pro.vdea that, whenever any
R ation al Bank Exam iner Escott has railroad compaay shall neglect o r re­
etoard the German National hank, o f fuse to par its taxes, or any portion of
Law isville, K y. T h e bank is an old them, in any county w ith in the state,
•a s , hat for some tim e has heen regard­ each county shall not be required to
ed as unsafe
pay in to the state treasury its portion
A h itter fight ic being waged in o f taxes on the assessed value o f ths
T h e county is
C leveland, Ok, between the Arbu rkle railroad's property.
Coffee to m puny ami the sugar trust also to bn relieved from nil interest or
regarding th * pries o f coffee.
Cut a f­ other penalty until oae month after ths
delinquent tax in collected.
ter cut ia being met.
A fiah trap b ill has been intrrxtnoed
in the senate by Sm ith o f Clataup. I t
is provided by the b ill that it shall be
unlawful to construct, own, maintain
or operate any pmimlnet, list,trap, f l y ­
wheel or other fized appliance for
catching salmon in a r y waters o f the
■tat* after January 1, 1»99. Penalties
are provided.
The measure is the
same aa that introduced in 1895, except
that tim e, until 1899. is given to re­
move the trapa. T w o years ago the b ill
pawed the bouse, but it was d e fe a t» I
ia the senate by a ciose vote.
Cubans Used
n ___ , ,
W ith
r «>,, „ g
i>?8tru;«-d the T e — I and K illed end
Wounded A ll th «
Crt m - Court'«
l>rri»ioo I d Three Friend«
Jan. 20.— The jrunboats
Centinela an«! Kt-lumj «ago left Manza­
n illo on the night o f January 16. with
the object o f going up the riT*** ( ’auto
to F o rt Guamo, in compliance with the
orders o f General B»*- h. A t 10 o ’ clock
in th e morning o f January 17, both
gunboats were near Mango landing,
when an explosion of a torpedo, which
had been well planted in the river,
funk the R elam fogo. Those o f the
crew who survive«! swam toward the
shore, but were fire«I on from the bank.-«.
A t th i* critical moment a boat wa*
launched from the Centinela, which
reacued the men in the water
In view
o f the instruction* and th efw t that the
commander o f the Centinela and nearly
all o f the crew o f both boat.* had been
wounded, the ex ¡»edition had to return
to M anzanillo.
Senor M artinez, o f the Relampago.
waa seriou fly wounded in the exlpo-
sion, as w e ll a* Gunner Francisco M ar­
tin ez and three seamen, w h ile P ay­
master Antero, C h ief Officer Maaquero,
Engineer Pazadela and the assistant
p ilot and four other* were slightly
wounded. Six o f the officer* and crew
were k illed outright, and all o f the re*t
receive«! wound* o f more or le** severity.
On the Centinela the commander,
Benor Puerto, waa seriously wounded,
w h ile one o f the crew was k illed and
Corporal Manuel Cabana*, the pilot.
Assistant Engineer M artinez and six o f
the crew were wounded.
Cabas Expeditions Not Ille ga l.
Jacksonville, Jan. 20.— Judge Locke,
o f the U n ited States court for the south­
ern d istrict of Florida, rendered his de­
cision today in the Three Friends case
upon the exceptions o f the defense to
the lib el o f the government for viola t­
ing the neutrality laws. T h e point
was raised by counsel for the defense
that inasmuch as the Cuban insurgents
had not been recognized by the U n ite !
States th ey were neither a pieop.le nor a
body politic, as defined by section S2»3.
under which the lib el was drawn. This
was sustained by Judge Locke, and the
d istrict attorney "was given ten days in
which to file an amende«! libel. The
point was one that had never been
raised before.
T h « Man Who Wrecked the Alnbamh
Mineral T r i'n C on ffue«.
N e w Orleans, Jan. 20.— A special to
the Tim es-Dem «« rat from A tlan ta say*:
Ram Palataka. cross-eyed, a fiend in
expression, revolting in <-otintenan<-e,
has confesse«l to having perpetrate«! the
horrible Cahaba bridge disaster, which
occurred three weeks ago in Alabama.
R tolidly and w ith immovable lines o f
crim inal harshness on his face, he ad­
mits that, singlc-hamled, he sent twen­
ty-five persons to a horrible <l«-ath. ami
wounded and maimed a score more.
There was no romantic reason hack o f
the work o f this courageous coward, a
man who dared discovery, which, in
Alabama, meant certain death, to «Irive
a train to destruction in order to gain
a few dollars.
Palataka was arrest«»! in Eaton, Put­
nam county, in M iddle Georgia.
first captors believed him half-witted,
as he gave h im self away. Those in
eharge o f him to«lav in Atlanta, as he
was on his way to Alabama, say he is
absolutely reckless and entirely w ithout
human feelings. To«lay he spioke of
the fearful wreck with no sign o f emo­
“ I did it , ” sai«i Palataka. “ I want­
ed money.
It 's nobody's business w hat
I wanted it for. I did it. I found it
very easy. I say this fo r the benefit o f
those who want to wreck trains. It's
just as easy to wreck a freight train.
There’ s no money in freight. I «li«l
not get any money out o f the wre- k. 1
move.1 a rail, put it across the track,
ami the w hole business seemed to fall.
There were plenty o f d«*a«l folks with
money— one had $500— but before I
could get at the money the liTe ones
g«>t up« and then the crowds cam«- ami
I skinmri ou t.”
At a Hungarian
Wer i r i l ng.
N ew Y ork , Jan. 20.— John Om is, a
rejecte! suitor, cause«! a riot ami bluol-
«heil at the w e ld in g o f Agnes H afri.
whom he ha«l loved in vain. The
bridegroom. M ichael Roman, ami three
guest*, were stabbed before the police
moved upon the wcd«ling feast, winch
had become a riot, and arrest.-1 the
en rage! ami disappointed lover, «b-nis
is a tall, pow erfu lly b uilt Hungar.an.
W hen Roman and Agnes were l o ­
th ruth ed he oonceale.1 his chagrin ami
was the first to congratulate thecouple.
A fte r the ceremony last night, how­
ever. the guests turn«»! to Ornis and
chided him for his ill luck in not w in ­
ning such a fa ir girl. A secoml later a
scene o f w ild confusion ensued. The
furniture was overturned, women fie I
shrieking from the flat, ami some of
the men trie«! to overpower Ornis, who
cut righ t ami le ft with t knife.
B-sem an. M o n t. Jan. 20.— Sheriff
Fran sham on Batnnlay went to arre»t
Frank Morqar. fo r assaulting a French­
man near here. Morgan drew a gun
on him and earapcl.
The ah-riff.
w ith depoty Jack A llen , took the trail,
overtaking M organ and hi* partner at
< arpenter's cab in . in tbe Cherry creek
basin fo rty mi lea from here.
The re f­
ugee* opened fire with shotguns, drop­
ping Deputy A lie n , who fc probably
m ortally wntneled and wounding Sher­
iff Fransham.
San Fran
h steamer Saghalien
boiler* of the F r c
b*Xplo«Ie*I whiU* thrr v*Y**el was o ff the
C h in «* Yjast, rm em ber 2, bound from
«ingapore for Hong Kong.
Eleven o f
the stokers in the fin-room an-l one en ­
gineer were killed by the explosion or
by the scalding steam.
The chief
stoker was so badly injured that he died
a few hoars afterward and four other
firemen died the next «lay aa a result
their burns.
The vessel was crowded
with passengers and for a tim e there
was the wildest confusion on boani.
A letter Wrought by tlie Ki«> de
Janeiro from the Orient yesterday,
g it re the details of the disaster. Th.-
passengers had just assemble.1 in the
saloon for dinner, when there was a
loud report, like that o f a cannon. The
deck beams were torn np. grating» were
sent flying in th>- air an«i the steamer
trembled from stem to stern.
When the steam ha-1 cleared away
men were sent below to the stakehedd.
Eleven o f the L a s a r firemen lav about
the floor before the ruined boiler, d«ad
or writhing at the last gasp, w ith their
flesh pari«died bv the terrific bath o f
superheated steam in w hich the explo­
sion had pdunged them. The chief
stoker, a Frenchman, was among them.
H e 'lie ! in the most frigh tfu l agony a
few moments after he ha. 1 been carrie«!
to the deck. The other firemen who
were in the stokehold were badly
burned. Four of them d i«d during the
night following the expluaior.
.% Plucky Young Hr.ut«r of Duck* on
Cool Hay.
Marshfield, Or.. .Un. 21.— E iw ard
Tow er, non of Dr. C. W . Tow er, shot
hi* right arm off thi* afternoon, w hile
dui-k hunting.
He wa* acvom|*anied
hjr W illiam Koi« hart and Harry Na*-
burg. and the a -trident oorurTed about
three miles from town. The boy?« w eie
in a i*mall boat and T o w er wa* pit-king
up hi* gun to tire at a fh*-k o f •int-k$.
when the gun wa* accidentally dis­
charge«!. The charge o f No. 2 *liot
took effect above the elbow. *hattering
the bone and severing the artery. A
*tray «hot aln» «truck Na*burg in the
forehead, imbedding itself in the scalp.
T ow er «howed great presence o f
min«!, and ordered hi* companion* to
tie a bandage above the wound to stop
the flow o f h i.*»!, and then they *tarte«i
to p oll to town. W hen they reached
March field T<»w»*r wa* very weak from
loss o f blood, but he was very gritty.
On examination, it wa> found neces­
sary to amputate tbe » m i several inches
above the elbow.
Indiana Senator’ « Speech in Opposition
to the Project.
Washington, Jan. 21.— The «»-«sion
o f the senate was w ithout incident.
Senator Turpit* sj«»ke against the Nica­
ragua canal bill, and the reading of the
legislative appropriation b ill wa* com­
pleted, with the exception of section*
making provisions for the congressional
library, which were passed over tem­
porarily in the absence o f senator* in ­
terest ed in the subject.
Salem. Or., Jan. 19.— A t a
of the N orth P acific Sheepfe
and W .»olgrowers’ A —oriat n heldl
the state capitol, pursuant to %
from the president, Hon. John )fl
the follow in g resolutions a^ra
mously adopted:
“ Whereas, T h e congre-- ^
I ’ nited M ate* ha* authorize-1 th*
<lent to proclaim a* forest
4 .600 .000 acre* «»f the Ca*wit- rzu^l
mountain«, extending in at u*|^
body across the state o f O regon
by creating a physical division ||
state; and
•'Whereas, T h i* im m ei.*« body
land ha* been placed under the car*i
the department o f the interior, to I
protected from the injury of its
growth by tbe ai l o f the United
district court and by it* office^;
citizens of the United States,
of Oregon, have been arrest o i and
to cost on the assumption that f
stock (sheep especially) within
reserve i* an in jury to the
growth thereon; and
“ Whereas, By an experience e x tj
ing over fifty years, in some
members of thi* association know
despite grazing of sheep or cattle
the grass* land* of Oregon, whether
the mountains or in the valleys»
reforestation of open land has
is extending, over a ll pasture
near enough seed!*earing trees for
eeeds to be carrie«! by tb e wind;
the truth of this statement is well
forth in ¡»a[»en* now published by
state board of horticulture, by
who have seen these processes
forward for from forty-four to fifty-
years’ observation; therefore, be it
“ Resolvtsl, »These prosecution*
stockowners, whose stock has in i
years ranged on the mountains of C
gon, is totally unjustifiable, on
ground of injury done by such grj
that we, a* citizen* o f the Uni
Mates, residing in Oreogn, claim ^
the right of the citizens o f other
to the full benefit o f the use of
public domain, and of the general
law* of the national government,
believe iLan oppression, unjust a*
N il
trial.« in the Unite«! States court
a- !-» of technical trespast, where lienefit^H er
rather than damage has been to o z^
B K n ,, .
that we heartily indorse the ccni urretr.^Frne<j
res-dn'ii.n intr«« la. «»1 by Senator Mu
k-» :u t!.- j-r. sent l«*yislativeassembling,,,
of Orejron; that wv are unanimously in
favor of the restoration o f a reasonaW«
tariff duty on wool adequate for thi
eneourafrement of woolgrowing, ami
also favor an imjsirt duty being placed
on shol.lv, sufficiently high to die
..urage the 1 m p .rtation o f said ar­
Senator Mulkyy.’ « fFKlbtltfofi, • v «'|
t ides for three deserve«, instead of oatJ
O r a to r ic a l
T r ib u t««
th «
S p eak er « r l.g ,
Washington, Jan. 19.— Most of thill
day in the house was d e v o te l toora-1
torii-al triubt«* to the late Speaker P
Crisp, «if Georgia, who died during the J
reeent recess of eongress. T h e s p e e c h «!
were listened to by nearly all of th el
Democrats, and a large contingent o f !
Republicans, w hile many
Southern I
T h e ol«l soldiers had a field day in people ti lire I the galleries. A l l of th e !
the house tolay. U m le ra special or­ nn-mbers from Georgia and several!
der adopt«»! yesterday, the whole day leaders on both sides of the Ijouse de I
was d ev o te l .to the consideration o f livered eulogies, which were unusually 9
private piension billa.
O f the 900 on impressive, and were listened to with 1
the calemlar. fifty-tw o were dispose 1 of much more than the usual attention.
«luring the five hours' session.
The bill authorising the Columbia 4 I ■lim p s
K«»l Moutain Railway Company to I
A n I n d i a K « l l « f I 'a u ip .
bui 1«1 a bridge across the Columbia I I I )cnv
Bombay, Jan. 21.— A correspsindent river, in Stevens county, W ash., called I H iu .e s I
o f the Associate! Press, who has b«-gun up by Doolittle, passed. Delegate Cat-1 I “ The
a tour o f the famine «listricts o f India, ron attempted to s«» ure the passage of I H its tir
telegraphs from Raratora, sonth of a b ill to give the deserted Fort Marcy I H ..«d ied
Poona, an important session o f the Dec- m ilitary reservation, at Ranta Fe, N. I H ie stri
can, having an area o f 48.000 square M to the American Invalid A id So-1 X
miles, ami inhabitei by 1,250,000 pier- ciety. of Boston, for the establishment I H i fìtte
sons, saying that the famine is less of a sanitarium for j.ulmonary disease«, I H u t
severe there than in other parts o f the but it faile.1 on objection.
■ ill. th
Deccan. The first relief .-amp estab­
H . iv e be
P l o s c 'n t on S h ip b o a r d .
lished at Nansil, ««n the P,.«na-Bang!..re
■ l i e (lip
road, in the mid«lle of N..Tember. and
Ckveland. Jan. 19 — Senators Frve H i loved
there are now fiTe camps in that v icin ­ a n d lla le , who were responsible for the J ■ i n m j i s
ity. The people are lislging in mat —'note substitute for house b ill No. I ^ f wate
Ituts, containing parents and children 2663, which restored flogging in the I
h«-m w
or three single adults. They wot$ merchant marine, are b ein g severely I ■ f Curb
from snnrise until noon, and from 2 P. condemned by the 300.000 members of H .
k in i
M. to sunset at stone-breaking. The the Mi-stern Seamen'» Society and va- I K .11 pr<
people are contented an«i have sulfi- rions branch*-». A t a m eeting o f th# I ¿Si VN n-t<
cient fo o l and blankets. The corre­ lootl trust«»-» rtf the -««ciety, who are I
spondent did not not ic«* any distress prominent business men, resolutions 1 ^fiiioi.th
from the case* .if destitution. N o gen­ were a«lopted protesting against ths
eral emaciation was observe. 1. nor were law.
tbe people dying by the roadside. The
H » * D is c o v e r e d S o l y m p h .
situation in tiiat distinct is taken, on
Paris. Jan. 19.— In an in terview , Dr.
the whole, to be satisfactory.
Roux, who is connected w ith the d«e
partment o f hygiene, denied a report
K o b h e r y In * a 1 # n i.
that he had ma le ci|»-riments w ith an
-alem . Ur., Jan. 21. — Three mask«»!
anti-plague lymph. H e would know
met ent-red the Salem L ib o r Ex-
how to prepare the lymph, he said, if
chanpre. in North Salem, about 10
it was needed, but he felt that bubimio
o clock ¡-.night, ami — nianded that
plague would never get a hold in Eu-
Manager Hove, at the jo in t o f a pistol,
rope. The Temps complains o f the in­
open the safe. Hove demurred and was
activity o f the present Indian govern­
as-au d-i by the men.
H e was finally
ment in dealing w ith the scourge.
mad- to open the safe, and then th *
men renewed their assault.
Victim o f CnmmiMlnrv W reck.
T h - manage- w ,s cut through the
Safom, M a«».. Jan. 19.— T h e rem ans
hand w ith a knife, and also received o f the late W illiam A lexan der Higgins,
two had wound- in the bacg of the wl.«> met his «death with many others
Imad. T b e men th—n esra|ei.
at the foon.lering o f the Cuban filibu«-
The «h eriff was notified ami went to foring steamer C> mmodore, o ff the
the scene, but he could find no satis­ Florida coast, Sunday m orning, Janu­
factory truce of the thugs. They are ary 8. arrived today. T h e funeral was
‘ U j.j.eed to have ««-u n *! only a «mall I.-. 1 at the umlertaking rooms, and
amount of m'*n<>T.
was attended by a large crowd.
W e , 1er « a r a ! . . M m -, a w n .
N ew York. Jan. 21. — a Herald
y *™
lack e-n u lle, Fla. sa vs:
i_ ü í* a * 4..
U * ha« loen res-ejvrd
bom Havana -..„t O -.e ra l W ay for ha«
3Ü!“ 1
‘ i e * / 1* » ' “ >
•■olmui, for
t«>* -ebl. T V a tim e the captain-geo.
evsl mar-bed in the direction o f ths
borierà of Matanza* and L i* Villas,
where Maximo Goni t i » «opposed to be.
Astronomers say that three * -v ery
rea-on to believe that human
nan life on
Mars is much like it ia
this earth.
T b . Death o f Moceo.
Jacksonville. Fla.. Jan. 1 ».— A let-
ter has been received by one o f the
representatives in this c ity o f the Cp-
ban junta, confirming the A ssociate!
Press dispatch o f F rid ay g iv in g an ac- ‘
oount o f the death o f General Mace..
T ,e letter is from Lieutenant-Colonel
H ernandez, who was encamped w ith a
company o f cavalry and other forces
near where Haceo was am bashed. T h e
lsrargents are reported to be encamped
Bine m iles east o f Havana.