\ b o u t t o w n . [ >!r j, II Hibbs visited the Grove b'ri- B. C. Filbert, of Greenville, was K . a yesterday. t f j . T. Fletcher, o f Gales City, vis- i the Grove Saturday. Ethel Merry roan, of Hillsboro, is the Misses McDonald. ting Ijlr. J. I). Hibbs, the Gaston merchant, ml Christmas in the Grove, Rockers to suit every pocket book at Furniture Store Feople desiring bargains ■ sill f,;„l them now at Hair.ea & Bailey’., For laundry, kitchen or bath, nothing equals Soap Foam. A, T. Boos. » Hoe Cake wrrppers are worth i cent apiece. Ask for i’remium book. Money to loan in sums to suit. Rooms ' and a, Shute Building. Hillsboro, Or. Those rocking chairs. Faints, oils and glass at Abbot & Roe’s To I.oan— Some money.— Edward L. Naylor. I sell Hoe Cake. A. T. Boos. Oil meal at Hartrampf Bros.' F’eed Store. The Blue and the Gray. Mr. C. W. Hudson, of Gaston, spent: of shoes at Caples & Saturday in town. For watch repairing, it pays to go to Haines & Bailey w ill pay 12 cents for Reynolds, opposite Boos’. 38-43 choice lots of wool. Mr. C. W. Harding came down to the The l*raon having Dr. Large's betl-pan Grove from Gaston Tuesday. will oblige him by returning it. All styles of toes in ladies’ and gent's On and after Dec. u , all dealing must rubbers. Gregg's Shoe Store. Ire Strictly cash. Gregg's Shoe Store. Mr. Bert I>orter was married Wedn„ . New stock Thomas. Both men and women are apt to feel a little blue, when the gray hairs begin to show. It’s a very natural feeling. In the normal condition of things gray hairs belong to advanced age. They have no business whitening the head of man or woman, who has not begun to go down the slope of life. As a matter of fact, the hair turns gray regardless of age, or of life's seasons ; sometimes it is whitened by sickness, but more often from lack of care. When the hair fades or turns gray there’s no need to resort to hair dyes. The normal color of the hair is restored and retained by the use of Miss Rose Wilcox passed through the «.rove Tuesday en route for her claim at |jtr. and Mrs. C. W. Ransome visited Buxton, rtlsml Friday and Saturday. Haines & Bailey are doing a rushing (^ay *° Miss Bates of Patton valley. The Wash your white clothing with Soap gr. and Mrs. Will Gordon spent l oam, and they will never turn yellow. business now. their clearance sale is on. family from here attended the wedding. Us at the home of Senator Hughes. A. T. Boos. ” # Mr. I. R. Hogan, of Glenwood, re- i The Portland police recently ane*ted |Mrs. Louis Wilcox, of Scoggins Valley Don’t let the cat lick the dishes, but turned from Portland to his ranch yester- a man f°r impersonating an officer be- cause he got.a drink ir. a saloon without I Friday and was buried Saturday. make nice soft soap with Soap Foam. dar- Did vou nnHr* n..ra „...1 Pa>inK f°r Directions on each package » you notice how pure and white j Bice —All persons in debt to Dr. Soap Foam washing powder looks? j H you want to patronize home in- ^!e will please call and sett . their ac- Dr. Hiatt will trade a good pacing A. T. Boos. * J dustry go to the Forest Grove Mauu- unts. horse, fine driver or rider, for a good a large line of Seth Thomas clocks at fafct“ rin« comPan>’ »“ ¡Ming materia! |non't let your wife go without a good j cow- frcsh or will be. A y e r ’s Cureboolc. “ a sto ry o f cures to ld by the cu red.” lower prices than lormerlv— i °, h*“ " <|UaUt-V’ beUer m“ ke a" ‘l when they are so cheap at Smith’s Miss Florence Contris who lias been much ioo pages, free. J. C. A y e r Co., I.o w e ll, Mass. Barnes the leweler. cheaper than those bought in Portland. visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. I will keep up to date. Just received, T h ' S° U,h Tua,a,in creamery, after a |jH those indebted to the Miller Phar- ’ ,r - Hovey, returned to Salem Tuesday. , will please call and settle, and Messrs. E. W. Haines and John E. the latest in ladies' button shoes. See mng. During the interval milk had to Gregg's Show Window. *cosl- Uai|ey with their families attended the be hauled to Farmington and the cream- An interesting entertainment was | ery there hail to be run to its utmost • [(you are troubled with Catarrh, Sort Hfagguwer- G a t e s «redding 1;: HU given in Verts hall Tuesday evening be­ limit, four tons a day having been re- i Ù j!x ï& .a Ù Iroatorl.ung Disease consult Dr. C. Wednesday. fore a fair sized and appreciative audience ceived, it is said. ICriser. Ladies’ allwool vests tor 50 cents, and by the Women’s Foreign Missionary For Sale Cheap— One-half interest in a Hiines & Hailey carry a very large men's the same. Rubber shoes for la­ society of the M. IS. church. flour mill, 30 barrel capacity, full-roller U of general merchandise which they dies, gents and children, at Mrs. Reim s To exchange.— I have property in La- process, machinery all new, 24-inch burr! store. Cornelius. ■ it the lowest price. Favette to trade fora small piece of land, feed mill, water power, 30 Victor Turbin i Special sale for 30 days in Ladies’ improved and near Forest Grove. Also pyou buy Iloe cake soap of Caples & wheel under 11 feet head. This mill is toss, the soap wrapper will not lace shoes, very latest city style, in all have property in McMinnville to trade. doing a good business, and is a good in- j widths #2.50 former price $3 00. Gregg's What have vou to offer? Address, A. D. (you one cent a piece. vestment.— Forest Grove Land Co. Shoe Store. 1 Haskins, LaFayette, Oregon. lat bucket syrup at 75 cents is keep- Boys’ suits for $1.75 and pants for 50 jBoos busy selling it. The genuine | Dr. Ransom, of Gaston, leaves this To Trade.— A good farm of 173 acres • cents. Vou can get bargains at Mrs. 1 week for his former home in Michigan for a drug store; 80 acres under eultiva- j Keim ’s store at Cornelius, faoska sorghum is a favorite too. 1 to resume the practice which he left when tion, all fenced, house 18x24 with L 14x16 I number from town attended the he came to Oregon. The sequel to Monday night’s street j story and a half, 7 rooms, 4 barns, spring { of Mr. Bert Porter to Miss i - | j scrap was the arrest of the man who re- I Geo. Naylor sold a saddle horse to bouse, hop house, furnace, poles, sacks, j sented being insulted and his being fined he*in Patton valley Wednesday. Wm. Frazier of Portland this week for 10 acres of hops; # mile *o school, 7 $3 and costs in Justice court in addition |G o to Tom Madigan's to get vour $ioo, a pretty fair price for these times miles to railroad.— Forest Grove Land Co. to the $5 the recorder had taxed him. A T You may lie sure he will give but it was a good animal. A mi nature explosiou occurred Satur­ So far the other party has not been |ubargain. Just give him a call. Mr. P. M. Corum, of Hillsboro, was in day but no great damage was. done. called upon for contributions to the pub-! . Peter Burnett, formerly pastor of town Saturday. Mr. Corum has com­ Mr. Wells’ wood saw’ was at work at lie purse, but he is likely to be before . (Christian church here, was in town pleted his term of school at Columbia Mrs. Hallett’s residence opposite the long. This is free country, but free (forepart of the week visiting friends. and intends entering Monmouth Normal public school wht n the lioiler bursted, fights arc not upon the free list. scattering fragments promiscuously and Un enjoyable evening was spent Wed- as a student. clouding the air with steam. It proved Card of Thanks. lay at the home of Mr. Joe Bailey, Hon. Sam Stott, a political orator of to be only one section and the loss is I rq by Miss Blanche Bailey in honor the Yamhill line, was held up in Port- ^ I wish to extend my heart-felt thanks ^ to those who so kindly assisted me |their guest. Master Verne Roberts. land last week and freed of his silver to Death.— Mrs. Louis Wilcox, of Scog- through my late misfortune, the sickness The success of our former A n n u a l S a l e s lias >ctor C. L. Large reports a daughter the tune of $2 as he w’as returning from gin valley who died on Dec. 24th, of con­ and death of my husband. an evening call. Igbing eleven pounds, born to the Mrs. Sarah Reed. sumption, aged 27 years, was buried on |fc of our railroad ticket agent here, vj! decided us t> again offer our I m m e n s e S t o c k of Delphos lodge K. of P. will install its the 26th at Gaston. The funeral was ■ William Glaze, the twenty-sixth officers at the regular convention Satur­ largely attended by many friends, Rev. The True Remedy. lint. They are both happy the re- day night. The installation of Dslpha u2 G oon s at C l e a r a n c e P rices before taking our in- Hatch officiated. The remains rvcrc W. M. Repine, editor Tiskiltva, 111 ., kbeing tnat which they wished. temple, Rathbone Sisters, comes next interred in the Almoran Hill’s cemetery. “ Chief,” says: “ We won’t keep house pejurv in the case of Bert Bowl by, Wednesday night. -■d ventory. \Y e owe our success to the fact that we She was the mother of two children, without Dr. King’s New Discovery for nsed of selling liquor to minors, after The grand master of the state grange, one of whom survives her. Consumption, Coughs and Colds. E x­ iderable delib .‘ ration brought in a Patrons of Husbandry, will visit the d o just what we a d v e r t i s e . Among the many ways in which men perimented with many others, but never lictof guilty and Tuesday he was local grange next Saturday. Officers got the true remedy until we used Dr. j dfco and costs. E. W. Ward plead will be installed and there will also be can be inveigled into giving something King’s New Discovery. No other remedy J Ry to a similar charge and was fined degree work. Candidates should present for nothing, cooperative insurance is can take it« place in our home, as in it I ^nd costs The other indictments themselves at that time to receive the one of the most delusive. Outwardly it we have a certain and sure cure for appears fair enough but people should W e will not compare our regular price and nbt pressed. The pros- cutirg at- first two degrees. remember that agents do not scour the Coughs, Colds, Whooping Coughs, etc.” ley, Mr. Cleeton, spoke in the Grove It is idle to experiment with other rein- { Notice is hereby given that a caucus country in search of business for glory | t night on which it was alleged the clearance prices here, but ask you to call at our will be held at Verts hall, Wednesday but for the commissions. The company edies, even if they are urged on you as 1 ktor was sold. i morning, January 6, at 10 o’clock sharp. does not profit by these fees but the just as good as Dr. King’s New Discovery. , storerooms and satisfy yourself by comparing our If your grocer does net sell Hoe Cake to nominate city officers for the ensuing agent. When losses come the only They are not as good, because this rein- j lap find one that does. year, viz: One Mayor, one Recorder, one resource is the assessment and if they edy has a record of cures and besides is I guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. ! cut prices with what they ask elsewhere. |A prominent citizen has suggested Treasurer, one City Marshal, and three become heavy a large part of the sub­ Trial bottles free at the Millar phar- j Councilmen. By Order of Committee. scribers w ’ill probably refuse payment ■ tthe work of marshal, street superin- macy. eot, bookkeeper and collector for The dance Christmas night was well and drop out of the company, leaving nothing to pay losses. The cheapest in­ kelectric light and water plant and attended and passed off nicely. The S H K ItIF F S A L K . ^installing and cutting off be all put arrangements were perfect and it was a surance is that which is most secure. It : have great bargains to offer in D r e s s In the c ircu it Court o f the State o f Oregon for Pn one competent man and that he be merry company. The morning whistle is throwing money away to pay anything j the county o f Washington. as a premium in a shaky company. |1 a fair salary so that he could devote was blowing at the electric light plant as In pursuance o f the decree and order o f sale F u r n is h in g G oons, C l o t h i n g , H a t s , Either carry good insurance or none. | rendered in the Circu it court o f the State of (full time. In this way one person the party broke up. . . , , I Oregon for the County o f W ashington, on the ad be responsible for all matters Just received, a new stock of ladies dliy o( |u ib e ca.cof K .E .R a n - Darling Smith, of Patton valley, aged AND S h o e s , R u b b e r s , etc. Prices are ich now escape attention because they about 80 years, died at his home at 4 la e e sh oes in t h e v e r y la t e s t c i t y s ty le s , i dall and F. J. Randall, her h tub.nd. vs. Chris H. f nobody’s business would be attended o’clock Monday morning. Peterson, Christina Peterson and N. II. W lnyren, See Gregg’s show window. While at reduced in all lines. Here is your chance • defendants, I w ill expose for sale and sell as the pnd considerable saving made. his barn the other day, a door fell As St. John’s Day this year came law directs, at the fron t door o f the County against him, and the injury, owing to Court House o f said county on the 1st day of largest and best assortment of upon Sunday the Masonic festival was to buy good staple goods for holiday gifts. February, 1897, at the hour o f teu o'clock a. m., :kers ever brought to Forest Grove [ his very feeble condition, paralyzed him, observed on Monday. The hall was the real property described in said decree j received at Sm ith’s Furniture Store. ! and he succumbed to the accident. He tastefully decorated with festoons of nam ely: A ll o f lo t num ber 2 in Carden Home was in very feeble health for a number evergreen and in its new dress of paper according to the pint o f said Garden Home, all fights livened Monday's usual of years. He was a man much esteemed and paint looked very homelike. A in W ashington county, Oregon, as plated in said is— and black eyes are yet left to County and State at paiye 862 o f book 2 of deeds. and had brought up several children. striking feature was a handsome Eastern Said lots being a part o f the southeast quarter S' it. In both instances the immedi- |caose of action was questioning the | Doors, windows and mouldings a Star of large proportions, made from o f sectiou 24, township 1 south, range 1 west o f ter's veracitv. The knock outset- Portland prices. Abbott Koe. tissue p,per of emblematic colors, which the W illam ette meridian. a\bbott & Roe. Haid decree being in favor o f the plaintiff* for the first one but the other got into cjty churches held a union service graced the East. Masons and their I the sum o f 1200 00 and interest at eigh t per cent. I **• A doctor called a prominent pro- Sunday evening in the M. E. Church in families with a few friends who had from October 16, 1896, and for $2'».00 attorney M oney to L o a n . ionist a liar four or five times and (1,e interests of good citizenship in an- shown special courtesies to the craft | fees and |2G.OO costs, and for fiViO.OO and interest ( at eight per ceut. from October 30, 1H9«>, and j which If was "pasted” . The prohibition- tjcipation of the coming city election made up a congenial company ! 166.00 attorney fees and fo r a decree in favor o f 1 Promptly made a deposit with the Rev A Rogers presided and made the fi"ed tlle spacious lodge room. Senator N. G . W ingren o f 6226.00 and Interest at teu per ! Wder to cover his fine and soon after I 0pcnjng address and was followed by S. Hughes, past junior grand warden, 1 cent, from October 20, 18)4, and for 62'i.OO attor- acted as master of ceremonies and in­ I ney fees. ' »rested. ' Rev. Messrs. Clapp and Starr. A quartet P Said property being sold t> satisfy the two stalling officer for the Masonic lodge. Messrs. Starr Sr. and Jr., Stachr and P'do not claim to be the only drug After prayer by Rev. A. Rogers, Dr. W. judgm ents above named tir»t and second the Will Smith. Mr. Geo. I.. Haskell spoke last ju dgm en t and decree above named. tin the world but we do sell holiday O r A ny O t h e r K ind o f G. Cole read an address on “ Masonry’s ! Hillsboro. Oregon, Decem ber:«). 1896. * the cheapest. Miller Pharmacy. for the young people. Place in History” by Vice President W. D. BRADFORD. Thomas J. Reed died at his home near Sheriff o f Washington County. tried— At the home of the bride's Dilley of cardiac dropsy, aged 72 years. Adlai Stevenson, grand orator of Illinois. , R w W ilbur, at*in Salem, on Thursday, Dec. 24, Mr. Reed came to this state at an early Officers elect for Holbrook A. F. & A. M. % Attorney for Plaintiff'. 39-4-: were brought forward by Mr. J. C. Clark •« Catherine, daughter of Mr. and ¡ , y , nd fil; Geo. L. Smith, treasurer; unique, durable and cheap.— G. L. Smith. C. lie also makes a specialty of making ont r nsion paper*, and all kinds of *rs. C. I.. Hinman, Misses Mar- Monday. The building has been nicely Mrs. Mollie Miller marshal Staroffi-| ■ Ada. Miss Etta Shepherd; Ruth. notarial work. Widows’ pension papers Hinman, Mal.le Hinman. Carrie fitted up and will hr « tv comfortab e Rlpans Tabules. Mrs. E. W. Haines; Esther, Mrs. Shep­ rnadi out free of charge. First door 'Anna McDonald, EthelMerriman, qiwrters •**•! ••xp«;«#*“ '. |*oi»itlnn P-John Miller, F. S. Myers, J. M. The same improvement Rlpans Tabules cure liver troubles closed with confering in the M. M. De­ >*’P. fc llflt M Mtli'd'îüfFtilF'l ■»tHIilfH'fi « Id ; Safe. a . ^ Frank Hinman, Fred Clayson, past the H a TCHKT office an l Mr. I fan- I \el«n • T h e N a tio n a l, sta r liullci i«f. « bl< a#» gree in the evening. ner's property to Main street. Pnjson and A. A. Atkinson. A yer’s Hair Vigor. Here We Are Again! FOURTH ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE iH A If iE S I & B R I L t E Y ’S BEGAN FRIDAY, DEC, 11th. m — HAINES & BAILEY. Buy a Farm, Buy a Lot. Buy a House an d Lot. R E A L NOT CHEAPEST ssali ’ ' C «LO T RO U tU FR 2 irA ni l “ BUT THE BEST. I + E S T A T E F orest G rove L and C o . \r