l*rofvNt§ona i o the boards a certificate of such birth, contain- A congressman—one Boatner of aes contiguous ing the names, ages, nationality Louisiana—has concluded that his W. G. COLE, Pd, G., M. D., E n tered at the post-office at Forest G rove, Or. as t h e r e t o - 5 Y XSVith the tacts re- and residence of the parents, date services are underpaid andhascon- Second-class m ail matter. 1 HYSICTAN AND SuitGliON lating to s i,|lty^jntagious or infec- of birth and se< of the chil l, duly siderately included his fellows in a tious diseasey' witnessed and signe 1 by the physi- scheme to raise meml>er’s salaries | TEEMS TO SUBSCRIBERS. T eleph on e No. 3 . Forest Grovel I Sec. 3. Bmc’n County board of cian or midwife in attendance, to to $7,500 a year. The measure is Postage Free. Office at Pio n eer Drug store. One y e a r ............................................ 1,50 health shall receive and examine be transmitted within thirty days j being supported 011 the ground that j Six m on th s...................................... D. W. WARD, M. 1). 40 into all/complaints made by any in- thereafter to the County Clerk of if the congressmen are underpaid T h r e e m on th s................... In Advance. habitriuits of the County concerning the County i:i which such birth oc-1 they will get value for their services | P H Y SIC IA N AND SURGEON, Established fo r the diu em ¡n a tion o f w a»h iiiK - nuisance* or causes of danger or in- ciirred, and a copy of every certifi- in boodle. Chicago got rid of her Office at Ids residence, ton county dew s, the elevation o f hum anity and to jjfe atKj i,taith within its cate and affidavit of death herein- boixiling aldermen, and didn't raise the m on ey w e can make. /* J FOREST GROVE, - - OREGO n I The same Item s o f general interest gra te fu lly received. / C runty, and may enter up_>r. or before provided for shall be made their salaries, either. E d ito r’s hobbies and opinions on this page,, ill within any E xam in atio n for pem lon s every W eilne«]» places or premises by the physician in attendance or measures would undoubtedly prove the rest facts im partial and uncolored. J where nuisances or conditions dan- some credible person, and within effective with the nation’s legisla- E d ito r is at h om e in his sanctum, HV^r c h e t Bu ild in g, Forest Grove, from 6 a. m. i c y to p. m. gerous to life and health are known thirty days of the date of the death tors, DR. C. K. GEIGER, • f each w eek day and alw ays glad u/ talk and or believed to exist, and by its of such person shall transmit the be ta lked to. / HO M EO PATH IC PHYSICIAil Washington county’s delegation members or other persons by it ‘ same to the County Clerk of the AN D SURGEON / i s s u e d k v k k v w k k k IN ;<‘ H K v k a r o n j ¿ e ^ i orI l a t e i ', for tllat purpose, inspect County in which said death oc- in t h e leK'*lature goes pledged to Office and residence, Bowlby botue, PeeUtei*^ west of Forest Grove hotel. * ----- ---- OM ---- T H E ----- H A T C i H E T i the reduction of salaries and econ- T H U R ----- S D A Y - FR and examine all such places and curred. Absolutely Pure. P R IN T E R Y. FO REST GRO VE, OREGON. in appropriations. The premises. The Sec. 7. board of _ _ ■m V -- IOV.O . A U X . owners, agents and - /• - Such - — County - J . . . . • . Special attention paid to Medical and S u rviei Celebrated fo r its great leaven iu g strength and Diseases o f W om en ami Children and all ehn.mil I f you tail to receive you r’paper It will; occupants of any such premises health shall cause to lie provided Alcm l gn e especia J.tm healthfulu Assures the ft od against alum diseases. ■ be s favor i f you will notify us at once, shall permit such sanitary examina- for the County Clerk of its County, 1 a etn a alrs or t le next and all forms oi a lu ltera'iou common t > the cheap brauds. ROYAL B A K IN G poWDKR few weeks. j.:— / , tions to be made and the board shall a register of births and a register CO., NEW Y O R K . D r . N ix o n , AUSTIN C R/f IG E d it o r a n d P r o p r i r t o r . I ; , ____ , __________________ _______ ____ I ' furnish such owners, agents or oc- ¡of deaths to be kept in the office of C o u n ty S c h o o l N otes. / D EN TIST, ! cupants with a written statement such County Clerk, and a register Report of school in district No. 1, for , E ig h t X ÄD ABLE of the results and conclusions o f such births and deaths as a record term beginning Sept. 7 and ending Dec. T acks LIA B L E Hours FOREST GRO Vll f J - t i l * E BPUBLICAN of such board. iS. No. pupils enrolled 28. Average within ten days thereafter: W e e k I. v 9 a. m. to 4 p. 111. OREGON. And it shall be the duty of such : seut nor lar<1V: Frankie wil‘ THOMAS H. TONGUE, .... r , ,, r son, Lizzie Moore, Gertie Marsh, Georgia by Dr. Tamiesie of Hillsboro. I t ’s such County board of health for the deuce in all Courts of the State of Tow llsen -Em ily M. Odell, Teacher. full text, copied from the Portland ATTORN E Y - AT - L A Wl suppression and temovai of any Oregon, of the facts therein stated. e 0 mi 1 1 i- c 1 1 R eport of school district No. 53 for Medical Sentinel follows. Such Sec. 8 . All dulv qualified and * ... , X T . I nuisance or other matter, in the H il l s b o r o , W a s h in g t o n C o u n t y , O r . 1 | the month ending Dec. 24. No. davs information as it could ,, , . , judgment of the board detrimental licensed physicians shall have the taught 19. No. .lays attendance 626. would have scientific and com mer-r, ,, . , , , . , to the public health or security, af- authority, in conjunction with the Average daily attendance 33. No. pu- SMITH & BOWMAN, cial value and the registration be a , ... , , , ' , . . . . . ter the expiration of ten days from sai.l boards o f health, to declare P',s enrolled 42. Those neither absent check against crime. It should 1 . „ ' , ATTORNEYS--AT-LAW , , . , the date of notice personally served quarantine o f any person, place, n.or tatd>' were: B>ron Mooberr-V’ ,. . . . , . , ¡Clarence Gray, Bertha, Michael and early become a law. , or district in which a con- , . „ , .: , , , , , Notarial Work and Conveyancing. I upon such owner or occupant, such premises r . . . James Boyd, Emma, Joseph and Johnny “ An act to provide for the orga- ! board or its servants or employes, tagious or infectious disease is pre- Hullsman.—Louisa Mooberrv, teacher, Rooms 6 & 7 M organ Blk. H I ELS BORO, O J nization of County boards of health or such person as it may designate, valent, and to declare the lim its I N otary Public F ir e and Accident Insuranj in the several Countie of the State may enter upon the premises to thereof, and sh all prevent and p r o - 1 D IL L E Y . Justice o f the Peace Loans, Collectiof of Oregon, and to regulate the which such order or regulation re­ hibit an y and all persons who have SIr!i- Fordany is gradually improving, powers and duties of such board, lates, and suppress or remove such been afflicted w ith such contagious F - s - Vanmeter is on the sick list this ALL HAVE ppOTECTED and to provide and prescribe the nuisance or other condition danger­ or infectious disease from leaving week. J. I. KJMIGJHT, COR* v CL A S P S . B. F. Turdy made a business trip to compensation for the members ous to life and health. quarantine until they have first ob- Gaston this week. thereof, and for the payment of the General Fire Insurance The expenses of such suppression tained a certificate from the physi- A BARGAIN IN F. H. Coffin made a business trip to expenses thereof.” or removal, if done by said County cian declaring such quarantine that Portland this week. . . . and Loan Broke! Be it enacted Ly the Legislative hoard of health, its agents or em­ such person can be safely moved Mrs. Chas. Hubbert made a business Ladies, and Childrens Assembly of the .State of Oregon: ployes, shall be paid by the owner without in anywise endangering j trip to Portland this week, O rucu Corsets and Waists. HILLSBORO Section i. That within thirty or occupant of such premises, or by the public health. \ Elder Anderson held services in the Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of I school house Sunday evening. days after the passage of this act, the person who caused or main­ CABLES & THOMAS. W. M. LA N G LE Y , the Governor shall appoint two tained such nuisance or other mat­ all parents, guardians or other per­ H. K. Burcbell left last w.cek for Hep- A t t o r n e y a n d c o u n se lo r a t law | pner, Oregon, on a trade for property up competent and qualified physicians ter, and such County board of sons having charge of a person af­ Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. there. 30 Y E A R S ’ in each County of this State, who health may maintain an action in flicted with contagious and infec­ EXP ER IE NC E. Collections a specialty. Mr. Nissen tflio has been down on the are residents of the County for the name of the County to recover tious diseases, to observe the recog­ Office:—Up-stairs, Woods A U- ,dJ Columbia fishing returned home Wed­ Building. which they are appointed, who such expenses, and the same, when nized means of disinfection, and nesday. shall, in conjunction with the recovered, shall be paid to the under the direction of such County j W. K. Newell returned home from County Judge of their several treasurer of the County. beard of health and the physician I Portland last week where he has been Sec. 5. The County board of in charge, to provide the necessary visiting for the past few days. Counties, constitute a board of TRADE MARKS. DESIGNS, D E A L E R S IN health in the Counties for which health shall prescribe sanitary regu­ disinfectants and to properly use Miss George left Thursday for her COPVRICHTS A c. Anyone sending n sketch and description may home at Niagara where she will spend thdy are appointed, and who shall lations for the burial and removal the same to avoid contagion. quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention is patentable. Communications strictly Sec. 10. It shall lie the duty of the holidays and then return to her probably hold office during the term of office of corpses, and the County Judge, confidential. Oldest agency forsecuring patents school. in America. W e have a Washington office. Patents tuken through Munn A Co. recelvo as a member of such board, shall the County Court of the respective of such County Judge. Elsie Maury and Guy Hoover have special notice in the The County Judge shall he chair­ grant permits for such burial, and Counties to audit and pay all bills the credit of having been neither absent1 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, illus ____ . _______ largest circulation __________ o __ f man of such board of health, and a permits for the transportation of and expenses of such boards of nor tardy during the entire term of beautifully * “ Journal, weekly, terms 13.00 any scientific |3.00 a year; §1.50 six months. 1 ths. Specimen copies and llAND secretary shall be elected who is a any corpse which is to be carried health, incurred in the performance school. B oo k on P a t e n t s sent free. Address MUNN A CO .f member of said board, \vho shall for burial beyond the County where of its duties as herein provided, as DeWitt’s Sarsaparilla is prepared tor Agricultural Implements, such 361 B r o a d w a y , N e w Y o r k . hold the office of secretary for one the death occurred, upon due proof other charges against said Counties cleansing the blood. It builds up and Wagons, Buggies, Plows, Harrow! strengthens constitutions impaired by- NOTARY PUBLIC year. of such death, by the certificate of are audited and paid. Garden Tools, Etc. Also I’ain^ And it shall be the duty of such disease. J. C. Clark, druggist. The board shall have monthly the physician in attendance, or by F IR E INSURANCE Oils, Lime, Plaster and Cement. meetings at such time as it shall an affidavit of two persons who County Court or the Judge thereof G A L E S I* I 'll . L IF E AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE designate, and meetings whenever were present at the time of death ! to provide medical and surgical FOREST GROVE, 0REG01 Johnny Beal still reports a good busi­ U. S . Land Business A Specialty necessary to carry into effect the of such pesson and who know the assistance to any person or persons ness in Corneliu.t. who are in destitute circumstances Our school has closed for the present, ! provisions of this act, and shall cause of death. R. R. TICKETS, Undertakers, sextons or other and not inmates of the County much to the pupils regret. adopt such regulations as it may A N I) deem necessary and not in conflict persons having charge of any corpse Hospital, and who are in need of We notice Sherry Johnson who lias STEAM SH IP TICKETS with this act, to carry out the pro­ shall not inter the same until they same, upon the petition, duly veri­ been very sick is again able to be around. fied, by three citizens and taxpay­ visions thereof. Your reporter has decided to remain shall first procure a copy of a cer­ To all parts of the Stop at the . . . Sec. 2. It shall lie the duty of tificate of death from the proper ers of the County, and to pay, or at home for the present and will again the said board of health of each person herein designated, duly cause to be paid, the physician in take up the work for the newspaper of United States. Canada and Last Chance GrocerJ the county. Europe. County of the State of Oregon so copied by the physician in attend- attendance upon such destitute and Christmas was very dull this year. The last place to get your appointed to guard against the in- ance upon the deceased during his afflicted person or persons, a rea­ Santa's reindeer got the mud fever be­ supplies until you reach Til­ H . W . SCOTT. troduction of contagious and infec- last illness, or by the Coroner when sonable sum for such services per- fore they got to our little Spur, bad roads lamook. I cari y a full line of tious diseases, by the exercise of an inquest is required by law. formed, to be audited and paid by l>eing good to nobody, G E N E R A L F IN A N C IA L A G E N T A N D Dry Goods and Groceries, proper and vigilant medical inspec and if no physician was in attend- ‘ he County as other bills and Ora Kay wants to trade a good driving R E A L ESTATE BROKER. tion and control of all persons and ance and no inquest has Ireeti held 1 charges are audited and paid. horse for a buggy, we suppose he w ill pull Patent Medicines, things arriving from infected dis or required by law, an affidavit Sec. 11 . The members of such *he nK him self w hen he trades his horse, Office upstairs in Ingles' Building Cigars and TobaccJ tricts, towns or Counties, or vhich stating circumstances, time and board of health shall receive tor s ta y aw ay mv boy you are not needed Forest Grove, - - Oregon. Fishing Tackle and all necessai from any cause are liable tc com cause of death, and sworn tob y their services the sum of two dol- Tim ea are dull here at preSen t but in supplies for a camp outfit. municate contagion. some creditable person known to lars ( $ 2 .0 0 ) for every day actually time we are going to have a dance hall It shall require the isolation of 1 such County Judge, and there shall I employed in the performance of the and we would say to our Dilley friends S argen all persons and things infected with be no burial or removal of the duties hereinbefore provided, and when a dance is advertised we w ill or exposed to such contagious or corpse until such certificate or affi- five cents per mile for every mile llanc''- as ° ur hall w ill be for everybody GALES C REEK. 160.000 Good Quality * ° , t to n 1 use 1 W without l f h n n f rsxr.se. n u who .kn 1.1 regard 1 i to hires : it 4 infectious diseases, and shall pro- davit has been presented to the said actually traveled in the perform- whether he be rich or poor. Cheap vide suitable places for the treat County Judge, and thereupon a ance of such duties, to be paid by H A IR C U T Administrator’s Notice. ment and care of persons sick with permit for the burial or removal the County in which -uch services H . K . C a t t ’ h i i i 'g ', N otice Is hereby giv en that the nnilersignerl such infectious and contagious dis- has been obtained, and which shall are performed, -NEXT! W H I L E YO| ., , . A c t . . . . . has !* e n du ly appointed bv the cnnntr court o l Y a rd l m ile Northw est o f Forest Grove. eases who cannot otherwise tie pro have been filed with said board. Such board of health shall report j the St«te o f Oregon (or W ashington cou nty, anrre..-nt «11 iiaim, to the nndeni«ned »< •>!» tions, and positively cures Piles, or no Wash and Be Clean at the , . . . . . . . . , • 1 j- r . °m'’* K<’r” * «"wr. Washington ronntr. pay required. It is guaranteed to give Baths in Town. and provide the means for the closed in a hermetically scaled mgs and proceedings of such Oregon, »tth the proper von, h.-r< within «¡1 perfect satisfaction or monev refunded. Two doors SouthofVerts Hall- thorough purification and cleansing casket of metal or other indestructi- County board of health, for the imm the .late hereof Price 23 cents per box. For sale bv J . C. ( L A R K . Chas. Miller. of all such premises, places and ble material, if the cause of death current six months, A d m ln U lretor ut the K » l« le o f J P Vaughn, de- A N TE D S E V E R A L F A IT H F U L MEN I reared. n W om en to travel for responsible e * l w things before general intercourse shall have been from a contagious Sec. 12. This act shall not be Dentistry. .1 O regon. 8 *1 *nr * -n• Sorest (»rove. Or . Deremher 9 , 1 m . hl •15 w eek ly an<1 expenses. Position p e rm a ii« with the same or use thereof, in or.infectious disease. construed to affect, alter or repeal Dr. R. H. Hovey having located in Reference Enclose self-addressed sta m peol any manner, shall lie allowed. Sec. 6. Every parent or custo-1 laws now in force relating to Hall's Hair Renewer contains the nat- Forest Grove for the practice of dentistry velope. The National, star Buildine, t n u j It shall, upon the discovery that dian of a child born, and the phys- boards of health in cities of the 1,raI fo