Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, December 31, 1896, Image 1

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K B Í S S M S .’- “ !
. 11 , a ?*, v V// v'li> vV{*
J ,
vVi. vMi.
vV/, .M/, o»/^ A. «M/ «II
A l l m m s , T o ile t Sets,
C e lu lo k l
G o o d s , X m a s«
C a p « ls ,
A . 11 * » t W e c h i e e d 1 * r l o e w .
[ lición' P u r c h a s in g s I n s p e c t H is S to c k .
w V ,„ r
B akery *
Under a New Management, Makes a Specialty of
Though it will make anything you wish to
order in the Baking line.
jnfectionery, Soda Water, Sandwiches,
Fresh Oysters and Lunches at all hours.
EIDER & SO N , P r o p r i e t o r s .
First Class Livery Stable
I keep tile best rigs obtainable; have safe gentle
horses and every accommodation for the comfort
and pleasure o f my customers
Passengers called for or taken to any part of the
city. Patronage of Commercial Men solicited
II. I). JO N E S, F o re st (¡r o v e
G O O D S !
Chinaware, Cups and Saucers, Plates, Pitchers, Cream­
ers, Sugar Bow ls,
Vases, Toilet Sets, Mugs all sizes,
•Rose Bowls, F an cy
Baskets, Children’s Silver Knives,
Forks and Spoons,
Children's Toy Sets.
Crockery and G lassw are, Fancy and Staple Groceries.
il Jan. I, Hatchet and lnter=Ocean $1.35
S I. 0 0
$ 1.00
— T P ÍE —
e e k l y
Í i > í t e r
O c e a N .
The G re a te st Republican Paper of the West.
TT is the mo3t s t a l w a r t a n d u n s w e rv in g R epublican W e e k ly pub-
I- lished today and can always be relied upon for fair an
ones re
ports of all political affairs.
The W e e k ly Inter Ocean Supplies All of the News J fppj]
and the B est of Current Literature.
It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Without a Teer.
Its Literary Columns are equal
to those of the best magazines.
Its Youth's Department is the
finest o f its kind.
t brings to the family the New/ of the Entire
j The
be I>est and ablest discussions of all
”!tter each week
lit e r Ocean gives twelve paves o '.re^, “ ted to the seeds of
nd being
■M1JÇ published
pnmisntMi in <
« liirairo
meati» is better
uci«u d(1®Pte*
““ "r- * other paper,
ople west of the Alleghany Mountains than a >
he people
__ __
. - — r.F -n V C A n **; t
14.00 per year
Price of Daily by^an^i— "■ '*'.'’$ 2.00 per year
SundayEdi- >
m- di ..............g - g
lions of The Inter Ocean are > naiiy and Sunday by
to best of their kind____ f A dder.» t h e i > t e h oce « v
util Jan. 1, Hatchet and Inter-Ocean $1.35
post Grove Laundry
and Dv 6 House.
' all kinds o f Laundry Work in the best P0®5'
r. Any work left with us will be promptly sb
to. We guarantee all our work. Oar Pnce*
r than Portland prices. Your patronage wt
BALDWIN. Manager
prn p
^ G M O L -^
G r o v e
i m
e s
FO REST O RO TE, O BEO O N, T H U R SD A Y , D EC. 3 1 , 1 8 0 6 .
This year has the L a r g e s t and M ost C om plete S tock
H o l id a y G oods , consisting of
k H o m e
o r e s t
V « ].
... .
C. C L A R K
V W W W '/IV '/o' '/.«• w
OM/V n r s u c i » *
S t r i c t l y Temperance R e t «
t h e
N jtp oieou ’a (ie n e ro iilty .
K a il w a y S p e e d .
do P----- had been raised by
-Liouaparte to honors and dignities, but
tor some unaccountable reason he be­
trayed the ccufideuee which his patron
had reposed in him. When Bonaparte
became cognizant of the man’s treach­
ery, he ordered him to be arrested. He
was to have been tried tho following
day and iu all probability he would
have been condemned, as his guilt was
fully established. In the meantime
Aline, de P----- solicited and obtained
nn audience of the emperor.
“ I am very sorry for your sake, mn
dame,” he said, ‘ ‘ that yonr bosbam’i
should to mixed op in an affair which
places his ingratitude in so glaring a
“ Perhaps ho is not so guilty as yonr
majesty tnijpo.«es,1 * said the countess.
“ Do you know your husband’s signa­
ture?” inquired the emperor, taking a
letter out i f his pocket and handing it
to her.
Mine, de P----- rapidly perused the
letter, recognized the handwriting end
fell into a swoon. When tho came
around. Bonaparte put the letter into
her hands, saying:
“ Take it. This is the only legal evi­
dence that exists against your husband.
Thero is a lighted fire behind you.”
The countess quickly snatched up tho
important document and threw it into
the flames. P ----- ’a life was saved, but
as for his honor, not all the influence of
a generous emperor could avail to restore
it.—Chicago Daily News.
Here is what has been accomplished
on American railw ays:
F irst.— A train has boon run 439 l.j
miles, or 10 hours and 5 minutes, with­
out a stop.
Second. — Spiked at the rate of 103
miles an hour has beeu maintained for
five miles.
Third.—Tho distaueeof 58 3-10 miles
has hoeu made in 4 5 minutes, or an
average of 70 lj, miles an hour, 35 miles
of the distance being run at the rate of
83 miles an hour.
Fourth.—A train has been run from
Now York to Buffalo, 4 3 0 1., miles, at
tho rate of 64 Vi miles uu hour.
These records show what is possiblo
in the way of high speed and long dis­
tance runs. They demonstrate that so
far at least as locomotives and rolling
stock are concerned much faster trains
than any uow in use arc practicable, but
there remuins the question whether such
trains could be employed with safety iu
many piaees ou existing roadbeds, with
their curves, grades, grade crossings,
It ic evident, however, that to attain
the fastest railway travel it is only nec­
essary to make the same progress iu road
construction as has been achieved iu
locomotive building.— New York Hei
Paper Socks.
The day of tho paper collar passed
away some years ago, und though paper
is used today iu many more forms than
were ever dreamed of a few decades
back this cheap article of haberdashery
lias almost disappeared from the mar
ket. But there is promise that it w ill
have a worthy successor in the paper
sock, which is the latest novelty to be
ground out of the pulp m ill The
mechanism lias been perfected to pro­
duce a paper yaru of such consistency
that it is capable of being woven into
fabrics soft enough for wear. A special
merit is the cheapness of this devised
material, socks being produced at a re­
tail price of about 3 cents a pair. At
this rate there is no reason why tho
whole world may not be supplied with
foot coverings. At 3 cents a pair the
bachelor’s lifo w ill become gladsome
and happy. It is said that substances
can be used in the preparation of this
material to make the socks so impervi
ous to water that they can stand several
washings bofore falling apart. This,
too, is a great boon. May the 3 cent
paper socks have a ready m arket! May
they be followed by a 10 cent paper
shoe !— Brooklyn Citizen.
G la d t o fiee H im .
New members of congress feel shy and
lonesome. To be thrust suddenly in
among aimost 400 members, many of
whom they have uever seen, and only a
few of whom they have over heard of,
is rather a trying experience. To make
a speech under these conditions takes
some courage. James Kerr, ex-member
of congress from Pennsylvania, recently
told of his experience iu going into con­
gress for the first time. He came down
from Pennsylvania raw and green. Ho
sat in his seat fur several days, and iu
that time managed to pick up a formal
speaking acqnaintance with one or two
of his neighbors. One day lie was sitting
iu his seat, disconsolate, listening to the
reading of some tiresome bill, wheu the
member who sat next to him, who had
served two terms, came iu like a breeze
and said cheerily:.
“ Hello, Jim . ”
Mr. Kerr wheeled in his chair and
said eagerly:
“ Say that, again, w ill you, old maul
It sounds like home.”
“ Well, Jim , let’s go down to Murray-
vilie and talk about home."
The reference to Murrayvi llo is unin­
telligible to the outsider, but Mr. Kerr
had learned by that time that the uam6
referred to the house restaurant, where
oysters and (lie enp that cheers were to
be had, and they wended their way
down stairs.—New York Tribune.
I n the* P re K f.n c o o f t h e B l i n d G o d d e s n ,
»’o iiil House News.
Probate—In re guardianship of T. J.
I Booth, an insane person; J . I). Fleck
j appointed guardian of the estate of said
j insane person with bonds fixed at $500;
I bond filed and approved and letters or-
1 dered to issue.
Marriage License—Andrew Holm and
Arsula A. North; H. B. T'icke and Clara
| M, Turner; Albert Porter and Mary
; Anna Bates.
Real Estate Transfers.
v i s i t i n g in t h is ti“ ig h h >rlu od
T h ; C iristinas tree
Shady Brook
school house was not as good as some ex­
pected it to be.
i Wm F Hedges to S Herrman
I right of way over tract in sec
22 t 2 s r 1 w........................... f
I L S McConnell et al to John
Wioda It 6 blk 2 Sherwood,.
! Henry J Bowland to Emma FI
Parker, the n of w % of se
qr sec 33 t 3 n r 4 w .............
250 00
Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless,
Emma FI Parker and husband
and invariably reliable are the qualities
| to John Fred Johnson ne qr
of One Minute Cough Cure. It never
I of se qr of sec 33 t 3 n r 4 w
fails in colds, croup and lung troubles.
also n % of w % of se qr of
Children like it because it is pleasant to
sec 33 t 3 n r 4 w ................... 1 000 00
take and it helps them. J . C. Clark,
Minnie I) Graham and husband
| Druggist.
to Sophia Tigard 40 a of W
W Graham d 1 c in sec 1 t 2
s r i w ....................................
2000 00
M ss Edith Wendorf o f Pori It n 1 wip
J Bertrand Jones et al (by sher­
home on a visit Christmas.
iff) to Thos Tucker blk 1 to
29 inclusive tracts “ H ” “ I ”
The Christmas tree was a grand suc­
“ C” “ D” and 11 x/x of tract
cess aud everybody had a good time.
“ E ” all in J B Jones add to
Mr. Clias. Kern was the guest of Mr.
4411 00 F. A. Bennett and his best girl over
Union Cemetery Association
to M F' Nixon s y i of It 56 in
Mrs. Rev. Sly ter is suffering with a
Union Cemetery...................
very sore j iw from having all of 1 er
Emilie Bender and husb to
teeth extracted.
Konsad Algesheimer 50 a of
Mr. Frank Stockwell while on his way
John Griffith and wife d 1 c
900 00 j to the Grove stayed in Thatcher one
t 1 s r 2 w ................................
! night last week.
Minnie C Graham et al to Sop­
Miss Blanch Sears and Miss Lou
hia Tigard 40 a in W W Gra­
Fuqua returned horn 2 from tl e Grove
ham d l c t 2 s r i w .............
where they have been visiting for tue
George P\ Naylor to Wm H
past week.
Gerrish 37.30 a sec 35 t 1 s r
500 oo
Mr. Warren Thatcher lias added quite
4 w ..........................................
FI Mendenhall and wife to H
an improvement to the walks along the
T Buxton et als (trustees) 1
highway in Thatcher by strewing lumber
a for church lot in sec 4 t 2
along. We hope such interest will in­
n r 4 w .........................
crease as it is almost impossible to get
Simon Kelley and wife to Fred­
through the mud.
erick A K elley tract I in
Lambert’s add to Peachvale
5 <»
The length of lifemay be increased by
lessening its dangtis. The majority of
people die from lung troubles. These
Th« Best Cough Cur«
may be averted by promptly using One
Is Shilo’s Cure. A neglected cough is Minute Cough Cure. J . C. Clark, Drug-
dangerous Stop it at once with Shiloh’s
I g»st-
Cure. For sale at Clark’s drug store.
Our Special
C h ristm as Offer
International Magazine
J . U. Mays is butchering hogs today.
Miss P'stella Goodin is spending her
vacaliou ,vilh her parents.
Mrs. Ida McNuit.N o f Vancouver, D
The dance at this place Christmas
night was a success Miss Eudora Perry,
Etta Jackson, George Gibson and Fred
Cornelius carried off the prizes.
The private tree at the residence of
Samuel Johnson’s Christmas eve was a
100 00 thing of richness and beauty. There
were two hundred and twenty-four pres­
ents on the tree valued ta over one hun­
dred dollars.
A hearing of a gang of counterfeiters
was being conducted a few (lays ago in
the United States district attorney’s of­
fice, and while it was going on a man
came in and applied to John Lynch of
the office to assist him in getting ready
for the naturalization examination. He
T h e C it y a m i th e C o u n try .
paid a fee of $ 1 to the keen eyed John, I Recently published vital statistics of
who, after the counterfeiters’ hearing all the Now England states for 1892
was over, discovered that his visitor had j show that almost exactly as many peo­
M a k in s t h e S o u n d o f H o o f IT cats.
“ shoved” a “ queer” coin on him at the I ple live in citiis of 10,000 or more popu­
In these days of war plays and stage very time ha was listening to the evi­ lation in this section as in the villages
realism the sound of hoof beats is worked dence ngaiust the coiners.—Philadrl
aud rural districts, the urban popula­
into pretty nearly every melodrama. pliia Call.
tions being 2 , 44 1,410 aud the inral
Very few people know liow the effect is
2 , 4 44 , 9 8 ?. Taking the vital statistics
I n d i a R u b b e r T r e e F r u it .
produced, aud very few, too, could make
for these two groups, it is found that
the noise right even if they had the ap­
The fruit of the india rubber tree is j the city population lias a marriage rate
paratus. It takes quite a lot of practice somewhat similar to that of the Ricinns j of 20 .« against 10.4 for the country; a
to be a good “ horse,” as it is called. communis, the castor oil plant, (hough birth rate of 29.0 against 20 for the coun­
The necessary outfit consists of a table somewhat larger The seeds have a not try, though the real difference is not as
ou which is a long marble slab covered disagreeable tuslo and yield a purplish great, there being a deficiency in the
with rubber graduated from an inch oil. It is a fairly good substitute for birth registration iu Maine aud New
thick down to the thinness of a piece of linseed oil, though it dries less rapid'y. Hampshire, w hile the cities have an av­
paper. Tho operator has strapped to Mixed with copal blue and tnrpentine, erage death rate of 21 against 18.7 for
each hand half a cocoaunt shell, on tho it makes a good vurnisli. The oil may the country.— Springfield Kcpublican.
edge of which is fasteued a horseshoe. he also used in the manufacture of soaps
He starts iu pnnndiug them on the thick and lithographic inks. The seeds are
S y s te m I n B u s in e ss .
rubber to imitate hoof beats iu the dis­ somewhat like tiny chestnuts, although
Thero is no store, however small, that
tance and gradually works along to the darker in color. The Indian girls are could not bo i uu on some fixed system,
thin part as they are supposed to come fond of wearing bracelets and necklets and only those who have tried it know
uearer, and finally ends up with a clat­ made of them.
the value of tho same. There should be
ter on the bare stoues as tho horse is
a fixed system for the handling of tho
The Egyptian recil which was used money, for the opening, settling and
pulled up just outside the scene.
This ¡3 considered generally to lie the for making the pens found iu Egyptian closing of accounts and for all tho sep­
most effective of all the hoof beat ma­ tombs is a hard variety, growing to arate branches of work incidental to tho
about the diameter of an ordinary goose business. The least one can do is to keep
chines.—New York Herald.
quill. Ecus made from it arc Eaid to last n fu ll account of all business traufticted.
for a day or two aud do excellent work. Tho main thing is to fix a system that
An.l Then tie Proponed.
There bad been a brief interval of s i­
wiH fully cover your requirements and
A florist, who claims to kDow, says then stick to it. — Badger State Grocer.
lence, and bo felt that lie ought to say
“ I sec that tho Ftudeuts of sociology 000,000 carnations every season.
have figured it out,” be began, “ that
education” —
He paused as if in donbt whether be
ought to proceed.
“ Yes?” she said encouragingly.
_“ that education is having a bad of
feet upon m atrim o n y,h e continued;
"especially the education of women.”
“ I never did believe in too much ed­
ucation,” said sbe softly.
She waited for him to speak, but he
said nothing.
W a s h i n g t o n C ounty H atchet and
“ I'm glad I Dover knew my lessons,
regular price, f j oo both for $1.85
Weekly Oregonian
anyway,” she added.
" 1.50
Thrice-a-Week World
Some men are slow to take a hint,
but they are quick to understand when
l- J J
Chicago Inter-Ocean.........
they are hit with an ax.
He saw the point.—Chicago Poet.
I 55
Louisville Courier Journal.
n . ci« « « « To»».
t 8j
»■ S»
Atlanta Constitution
The cleanort town in tho world U » id
jo 1.60
to be Broek, in Holland. It i i only a
1 . 15
few mile* Rom the capital and has been
V ick’» Floral Monthly. ..
famous for it* cleanliness from time im ­
Womankind, a magazine..
memorial. It ia alao notable on account
of the fanciful atyle of ita bonae* and
yards and garden* and street*. The pea
r,|e though only peasant*, are w ell to
do and all feel a pride in their town. It
seems to be the Or*» buaineaa of their
live* to keep their bonae* freahly paint­
ed their gsvdena in perfect order and
thljr yards and .tree*» a* clean aa a par-
0 , No carta are allowed in the street*
and no cattle, though the
No. 3 », Voi. V I H , No
»■ JO
This otter applies to new subscribers or old ones paying one
year in advance.
Good until January 1st.
C. Miller and wife, o f Gales City, I«
visiting relatives near here this week.
Mr. Sunberg ami wife and Mr. Wilson
| and wife visited Mr. and Mrs. Morrill
Some of our younj f »Iks atte nded the
i masquerade ball at Buxton Xmas eve.
| They report a good time.
Mr. A. A. Morrill and family, and Mr.
! A. L. Smith and family spent Xmas at
j Mr. E . Sunberg’s on Nehalem.
Mr. Parmer Hughes returned to his
| regiment at Vancouver Saturday after a
pleasant visit with his father and many
friends here who wish him a long and
happy life.
The Leaf social at Mr. Allen’s Wed-
j nesday night was a success. The even­
ing was spent in games and dancing, a f­
ter which refreshments were served and
all departed for their homes feeling am­
ply repaid for their trip.
To cure all old sores, to heal an indo­
lent ulcer, or to speedily cure piles, you
need simply apply DcWitt’s Witch Hazel
Salve according to directions. Its niagic-
j like action will surprise you. J .C . Clark.
I I I C O O l\ .
Charlie Northrup has gone to Califor­
nia for an indefinite time.
Mr. Lowdcn, of Vancouver, wa* seen
in this vicinity last week. We under­
stand he belongs to the U, S. A.
T lu re wa* a Christmas tree at the
school house X m a. eve which wa* well
attended. The program excelled any
previous one here for years. Some who
attended «ay it was a pleasant affair in
ever} respect.
Free Pills.
Send your address to H. E Rurklen A
C o., Chicago, and ge* * free sample bos
of l>r. K in g’s New Life Pill*. A trial
will renvince yon of their merit*. These
pill* are easy in action and are particu­
larly effective in the cure of Constipation
and R ick Headache. For Malaria and
Liver trouble* they have been proved
invaluable. They are guaranteed to be
perfectly free from every deleterious sub
stance and to be purely vegetable. They
do not weaken by their action, but by
giving tone to stomach and bowel*
greatly invigorate the system. Regular
size 25 c. per box. Hold at Miller’s