Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, December 24, 1896, Image 6

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    W A S H IN G T O N
S E S S IO N .
>eu ut«.
d lu mi n i.
.ric a n Fed-
a d a resolu-
official of the
■ late w ith any
—T he session of the sen-
<i th e m ost ev en tfu l and
oate th a t e ith e r branch oi
ar«l heard in a Ion« tim e. It
.« forw ard the recognized leaders
'e various p arties and elem ents, in ­
diting such conspicuous figures as
.H erm an, F ry e , T eller, G orm an, Vest,
Aldrioh, P la tt, M itchell of Oregon,
C handler, H ale and A llen, in notable
itatem en ts on th e leading questions
which have engaged the a tte n tio n of
ihe oountry of late. N ot only w as the
line la id dow n on tariff and finance,
hot th e debate partook of a ll the p e n t­
up feeling re su lta n t from the n a tio n a l
sontest. I t w as d ram atio in its iuten-
lity, and a t a ll tim es absorbingly in ­
teresting to the crow ded g alleries and
body of senators. The debate cam e un-
sxpeotedly w hen Vest called up the
Allen resolution for consideration of
the D ingley b ill, in order to m ake re ­
m arks on it. B ut it rem ained for S her­
man to form ally announce th a t the
Dingley b ill w as dead.
He said he
could n o t alw ays speak for his asso­
ciates, bu t, in view of w h a t had been
■aid on the floor, he fe lt th a t he could
late ly announce now th a t the Dingley
b m c<)uld
, aud th a t it wal
a ie less ,o w aste fa th e r tim e on it.
relig io u s fanatio,
.is fa th e r n e ar Vine-
. w eek, has been killed
/ H e w as try in g to m u r­
der, and th e sheriff felled
la club.
u tic ip atio n of severe fighting
/ 't w o G erm an w arships have been
red from H ong K ong to M anila.
■ie governm ent is , aoting
, in th is m at-
in agreem an w ith o ther pow ers for
th e p rotection of th e ir subjects.
A P a ris paper publishes in terv iew s
E ig h th day— The senate today passed
w ith pro m in en t m en of F ra n c e and a
the im m ig ratio n bill, know n as the
fo reig n dip lo m at, a ll of whom reproach
Lodge bill, w ith a new section p ro v id ­
G re a t B rita in and S pain for abandon
ing th a t the exclusion shall n o t apply
in g F ra n c e in the M exican expedition
to persons a rriv in g from Cuba during
of 1804, th e object of whioh, they say,
the continuance of the present disor­
w as to create a n A m erican governm ent
ders there. T he stre n g th of the bill
to co unterbalance th e pow er of the
w as greater th a n had been expected,
U n ite d States.
the final vote being 53 to 10. As
T he R ussian am bassador, M. de Noli- passed, the b ill am ends the im m ig ra ­
doff, has bad an audience w ith the tion law s so as to exclude from ad m is­
s u lta n of T urkey, a t w hich he urged sion to the U nited S tates a ll persons
th e in tro d u c tio n of reform s and the over 16 years old w ho cannot read and
g ra n tin g of am nesty to im prisoned w rite the language of th e ir n a tiv e
A rm en ian s. T he su lta n asserted th a t oountry or some o th er language, b u t an
th e reform s agreed upon by the powers udm issable im m ig ra n t over the age of
a lre a d y had been executed and prom 16 m ay brin g in w ith him , or send for
ised to issue an am uosty decree in a his w ife or p aren t or g ra n d p are n t or
few days.
m inor ch ild ren or gran d ch ild ren , n o t­
M. P h illip e E ugene C uissart. rad ical w ith stan d in g th e ir in ab ility to read or
dep u ty for th e first division of Laen, w rite. The Cuban section added to
F ra n c e , is dead.
the b ill provides th a t the act shall not
A R ouen dispatch says the F rench apply to persons a rriv in g in the U nited
steam er M arie F an n y is a to ta l loss, States from any port or place in the
off the islan d of A lderney. T he cap ­ island of Cuba du rin g the continuance
ta in w as saved. F ourteen m em bers of of the present disorders there; provided
such persons have heretofore been i n ­
th e crew were drow ned.
E rn est Chase, of D etroit, M ich., cut h a b ita n ts of th a t island. The house
th e th ro a t of h is w ife, and w ith the am endm ents to the b ill concerning
sam e weapon out his own th ro a t from lauds of the A tlan tio & Pacific R a il­
e a r to e a r and fell dead beside her. road Com pany w ere honconourred in
T h e tragedy w as the clim ax of a life and H ill, P la tt and C lark nam ed as
senate conferees.
of unhappiness.
N in th day— The m ain event of the
A lexander Balvini, son of Tomasc
H alvini, th e g re at Ita lia n acto r, died day w as the presentation by Mr. C am e­
fn Florenoe, Italy. H e died of in te s­ ron of the report of the com m ittee on
tin a l tuberculosis. T he Ita lia n new s­ foreign re la tio n s favorable to his reso­
papers publish eulogistic o b itu a ries of lu tio n , recognizing the independence
of Cuba. T he proceeding was brief
th e deceased actor.
and perfunctory, the rep o rt not being
T he London N ew s has a dispatch read, and an agreem ent w as speedily
from B erlin w ith reference to rnm ori reaohed by w hich the resolution and
o f rep risals a g ain st A m erican p etro ­ report go over u n til a fte r the holidays.
leum . It says th a t (Herman consum ers A side from the Cam eron rep o rt M organ
a re likely to B uffer m ore by th is move of A labam a presented a fu rth e r report
th a n A m erican exporters, R ussia being on th e sam e lines, em bodying the
Aaircely able to supply G erm any.
view s of him self and M ills. The offer­
G overnor M oliraw , of W ashington, ing of the reports severd as a prelude tc
h a s offered a rew ard of #250 for the a r ­ several brisk exchanges betw een sena­
re st and nouviotion of the person or tors. Mr. G ear m ade a n unsuccessful
persons w ho placed d y n am ite or other a tte m p t to tak e up the Paoifio railroad
explosives un d er the b u ild in g oocupied funding bill, and then gave notice il
by L. A. P la n t and brother, a t P ra irie , w ould be urged a fte r th e holidays.
in B kagit county. T h is is in addition
to the rew ard of #350 offered by the
com m issioners of th a t county.
Seventh d a y — B ailey of Texas, c rea t­
R epresentative E llis, of Oregon, hai ed a rip p le of excitem ent in the house
introduced a b ill extending u n til J a n u ­ today by asking im m ediate oonsidera-
a ry 1, 1800, the tim e in w hich settlers iton of the resolution to investigate the
apou forfeited railroad lands can m ake construction of the b a ttle ship Texas.
paym ents. The bard tim es have made D ingley of M aine, th o u g h t the resolu­
i t difficult for settlers to m ake th e ir tion ought to be considered by the com ­
paym ents and Mr. E llis has been m ittee on nav al affairs before being
asked to secure an extension. T here acted upon; he therefore objeoted. On
o u g h t to be no objection to th e bill, m otion of C h airm an H u ll of the com ­
and i t w ill no doubt pass, if tim e can m ittee on m ilita ry affairs, the house
w ent into oom m ittee of the w hole for
be obtained for its consideration.
the arm y ap p ro ­
Benator Squire, of W ashington, has consideration of
Several am endm ents
prepared an am endm ent w hiuh he in ­ priatio n bill.
ten d s offering to the Buudry oivil a p ­ looking to th e abandonm ent of the
p ro p riatio n b ill, d irecting the secretary arm y and navy hospital a t H ot Springs,
of the in te rio r to apply #35,446 upon Ark. . a n d th e su rren d er and tran sfer
th e p en ite n tiary a t W alla W alla. T his of the reservaiton to the in te rio r d e ­
is th e am ount th a t still rem ain s unex­ p a rtm en t w ere offered.
pended of th e ap propriation of #80,000
Eighth day—The bouse today passed
m ade by congress for the purpose of the third of the regular appropriation
b u ild in g a p e u ite n tiary in W ashington. bills (that for the support of the army),
I t is th e in te n tio n to have th e balance and entered upon consideration of the
used to co n stru ct a w ing on the p e n i­ legislative, executive and judicial bill.
The latter bill carries #31,666,869, or
te n tia ry .
Hon. A. O. B lair, C anadian m inister #86,899 more than the law for the cur­
e f ra ilw a y s and canals, and Colonel rent year. Fair progress was made to­
Ja m es Dom villa, m em ber of p a rliam e n t, day. It is expeoted this bill and the
w ere in B eattie recently and w hile m ilitary academy appropriation bill
th e re Mr. B la ir reoited th e re su lts of w ill be passed before the holiday re-
h is inv estig atio n s of C row 's N est Pass oess. The army bill, as passed, makes
ra ilw a y in B ritish C olum bia. He says no provision for the army and navy
the oountry is undoubtedly such that it hospital at H ot Springs, Ark.
w ill demand better railway facilities]
N inth day— Almost the whole day
G ilonel Dom ville, one of the leading was devoted to a debate on the pro-
liberaliats in the Dominion, says gov- vision of the bill relating to the con-
ernm ent aid should be extended to the trol of the new congressional library.
Crow's N est Pass railway. H is idea Both the appropriations and library
is to run it as a public highw ay.
committees offered plans for the future
The net results of the experiments of care of the building. After a some-
th e board w hich is investigating the what aorimonious contest, the appro-
battleship steel has resulted in the con- priatlons oommittee gained the vio-
damnation of nearly the whole amount tory, defeating the substitute of the
now stacked up in the Newport News library oommittee by a vote of 37 to 85.
Ship-B uilding Company’s yard.
Six An amendment designed to place the
out of tw elve teat pieces, whioh should employes of the library under oivil ser-
have been folded back on the vessels vice law w as also defeated, 37 to 73.
w ith ou t breaking, either broke short off Librarian Spofford’s salary was raised
as readily as cast-iron, or tore apart from #4,000 to #5,000. The senate
w ith less brittleness, but none the less amendments to the im m igration bill
eertainty of failin g to meet contract re- were nonooncurred in.
qsirem enta.
Theae disclosures w ill ohairman of the im m igration commit-
lead the board to extend their investi- tee. sought to have the b ill and amend
gallon s muoh further than anticipated, m en u recommitted to hia oommittee.
Another raoe riot occurred near May-
Bald, K y ., and a hundred shots were
N ew York, Deo. #8.— The oompeti-
flred at the residence of Tom Chambers, tion between the American sugar re-
oolored, and the house afterwards finery and the firm of Arbuckle Bros.,
A number of negroes have coffee merchants, is on in earnest.
------ warned to leave town and mors Another reduction of one-half a cent
per p o u n d i n t b . wholesale price oi
The Southern Paoifio train w as held roasted coffee was made today, th<
a p by maaked men about *00 m iles second reduction this far, and there h
from Han Antonio, Tex. Three men a margin yet of four or five cenU. it il
ordered the engineer to stop the train, said, before rock-bottom prices can br
and, w h ile one stood guard at the en- reaohed; that is the pries at whioh a
g ia* . th e tw o o th e n w en t through the hats m argin of profit can be m ads by
the roasters, if anv at all.
• n n e e c ar a n d secured ahi i f 70.
O w in g
U . r u i a n H a r k P o t r i m p o s H i g h au d I>ry
ou W u - I l l u s i o n C'oiAMt.
Twenty Men Were Impris­
oned in Afterdamp.
W ere
Tou chin g
F e ll
A live—
D yn am ite
M in e—
M agazine.
W ilkegbarre, P a., Deo. 23.— A ter-
rifio explosion oo urred th is afternoon
iu B altim ore wb;. ft No. 2, of the D ela­
w are & Hudson Coinpauy.
tw enty m iners w ere im prisoned, b u t at
a late hour to n ig h t fourteeu had teen
rescued alive, aud there w as hope of
releasing the others before the deadly
a fterd am p claim ed them as victim*.
Im m ediately a fte r the disaster be­
came know n, rescue gangs descended
the shaft, b u t it was some tim e before
the ventilariou had beeu so managed
th a t they could w ork in safety. The
p arty w hich entered the m ine at 9:45
to n ig h t succeeded iu pushing their way
to the plane w nere the im prisoned men
had beeu w orking, and th ere they
stum bled over the bodies of a num ber
of unconscious men. As quick as the
w ork could be accom plished they were
b rought to the surface, w here a< o ip s
of doctors w ere in w aitiug. W rapped
in blankets, some of the v ictim s were
sent to th e ir hom es aud some to hospi­
tals. T he physicians have hopes th a t
a ll m ay recover. H ad they been in the
dam p five m in u tes longer all would
probably have died of suffocation.
Jo h n H ealey, one of the rescuers,
w ho w as first to discover the bodies on
the plane, says the m en w ere huddled
closely together. They had apparently
abandoned a ll hope of rescue, aud were
resolved to die together. T he supposi­
tion is th a t the m en, w hen they re al­
ized th e ir danger, m ade th e ir way to
the h ig h est point on th e plane. The
sm oke found its way to them , how ­
ever, and they were a ll but suffocated
w hen found.
T he theory of the explosion is th a t
there w as a fa ll of rock ou the slope
w here the d y n am ite w as stored; th a t
the d y n am ite exploded and the smoko
filled the plane
G rief w as turned to joy w hen the
rescued men w ere . b rought to the su r­
face. W omen and c hildren w ept and
strong m en clasped each other in their
arm s. It is probable th a t those who
w ere in the im m ediate v icin ity of the
spot w nere the explosion occurred were
the only ones k illed , and they m ay not
be over four or five in num ber. The
m ine is in the n o rth east section of the
city, and em ploys, w hen in fu ll opera­
tion, about 350 m en aud boys. A bout
o n e-third of th is force was a t work to­
day, aud the num ber of w orkers was
fu rth e r reduced a fte r 3 o ’clock, when
the day sh ift cam e out.
W hen the explosion occurred, an hour
late r, th ere w ere probably sixty men
in the m ine. Of th is num ber, forty
or thereabouts succeeded in g e ttin g
safely to the surface. Those im prison­
ed w ere a t w ork in a plane fully a
m ile from the shaft. They w ere d riv ­
in g a tu n n el, aud w ere in w h a t was
considered a safe place.
T he first know ledge of the c a ta s­
trophe cam e to the surface by the noise
of the explosion. The m en iu the e n ­
gine-house, who had charge of the
ho istin g carriages, gave the first alarm .
A rescuing p arty was organized, but
it w as a fte r several efforts had been
m ade th a t th e im prisoned m en w ere
W ill
Hood R iver, O r., Dee. 23.— C harles
Bell, C arl W oods and W. W Edger-
m nn, w orking on the Home o{ the ir r i ­
g atio n d itch w here it crosses Hood
riv er, about tw elve m iles from tow n,
b n ilt a boat to be used in carry in g lu m ­
ber over a t th is point. T he river is
very rapid, aud. w hile crossing th is
afternoon, th e boat became unm anege-
able and sta rte d dowu stream , strik in g
a rook, capsizing and th ro w in g tbe u n ­
fo rtu n ate m en out and a t the m ercy of
tbe cold, ru sh in g w ater. Bell, being
an old log driv er, m anaged to reach
shore in safety. W oods and Edgeruian
were drow ned. T he bodies were not
A rescue p a rty w ill endeavor to re ­
cover the bodies before they float out
in to th e Colubm ia. Woods and Ed-
germ an w ere both single men. Woods
w as s resident of Hood R iver, but Ed-
g e rm a n 's residence is unknow n, as he
had b u t lately arrived here.
A m e r i c a n S t u d e n t « In Pitriii.
P a ris, Dec. 33.— A t a m eeting of the
council of tb e uuiv ersity of P a ris, Vice-
R ector G ira rd read a com m unication
from the professor of political science
upon th e A m erican students in Paris.
T he m em orandum had agreed w ith the
view s of Professor H enry M oisssn, the
d istin g u ish ed ohem ist and a m em ber
of the F ren ch in stitu te , pointing out
th a t A m erican un iv ersities are sym pa­
th e tic to F rance, and th a t th e ir stu-
denta w ished to study in French u n i­
versities. B ut, he added, they needed
to re tu rn to A m erica w ith a diplom a.
T he oonncil finally decided to exam ine
the suggestion of g ra n tin g diplom at to
American students.
A n I'p ris in g Feared.
B erlin, Deo. 3 8 — A dispatch for the
F ra n fo rt Z eitung from C onstantinople
says a risin g of the young Turk« p arty
i i feared there. F ifty young T urkish
officers escaped arrest, fleeing from the
city, and a n um ber of arm y officers of
high rank have been taken to Y ildia
palaoe to be trie d by o ourt-m artial. A t
tbe palaoe it is fu rth er stated th a t the
u su al precautions for th e safety of the
su lta n bava been doubled, and every
suspect approaching tbe palaoe is ar-
N ew York, Deo. 23.— A special from
Caracas, V enezuela, says:
T here is no doubt th a t the Venezue­
lan congress w ill ra tify the G uiana
boundary a rb itratio n trea ty w ith E ng­
land, negotiated by the U nited States;
th a t President Crespo is entirely satis­
fied w ith it is known officislly.
correspondent has talked w ith the gov­
ernors of four states of the Venezuelan
republic, and a ll favor the ratiefia-
tion of the treaty.
President Crespo received Senor Jose
A ndrade, Venezuela m inister to the
U nited States, who came from W ash­
ington recently, bringing w ith him a
d ra ft of the treaty for ratification.
T he president received a t tbe same tim e
Jam es J. Storrow , the Boston attorney
w ho prepared and subm itted to the
boundary commission appointed by tbe
U nited States, Venezuela’s brief answ er
to the B ritish bluebook sum m ary of
the case.
Senor A ndrade and Mr.
Storrow sailed Sunday for New York.
The ratification of the treaty by con­
gress, which m eets in February, is a l­
m ost certain.
F o o t b a l l In M o i t e o .
Otr ln
San Francisco, Deo. 3 1 _The il
and costly sealskin seems to be suin
w b at out of fashioD. The tale of
fa llin g dem and ill the product of Beh
ing sea aud th e Pacific has j u s t 1
told by the yearly sale at Lampin’
T elegram s have been
P H Y S I C I A N S DOI NG T H E I R B E S T London.
ceived in th is oity, stating that t
price for the A laskan fur was
Three W ho
Partook o f It W e d
cent less th an th a t of last year; that
Copper islan d (Russia) fnrs 1 1^
T e r r i b l e A g o i. jr , T h r e e A r e I n s a n e
cent, and th a t of Coast furs, inoludir
M anx
A re
U a u g e r o u .ly
C alifo rn ia aud Ja p a n , 30 per cent low
W heeling, W. Va., Deo. 22.— Ad- th an in 1895.
ditional details front Beuwood, tbe new
T hia new s oomes as a surpirse to '
oil field in Monroe oouuty.O ., concern­ cal tradesm en, for the oatoh of th
ing the poisoning from drin k in g es­ year was m noh low er than that of 189
sence of oinnanton,” a substitute for The e n tire o.ttch of the Cunadian se
w hisky, sold a t a speak-easy, confirm era in Ja p a n ese w aters and Bebri,
the first reports. Three w ell-knw on sea am ounted to 55,677 seals.
men are dead, several are seriously ill, 1895, the oatoh cf the Canadiaj
and three insane.
am ounted to 74,134, and 1894 to (
It seems th a t one of the stockkeepers 474 skins. T he oatoh of the Amen-
a t Beuwood got hold of the fact th a t a pelagic sealers entered at this
W heeling drug firm was p u ttin g np a am ounted to only 5,040 seals,
preparation called “ essence of c in n a ­ a g ain st 16.000 ln 1895. To the for
m on,” whioh contained a large per­ num ber, 80.067 skins are added as
centage of alcohol. Tito m erchant laid oatoh of th e N orth American G
in a large supply of the stuff and in ­ m eroial Com pany ou the seal islsti
formed the people about th a t he had a
good thing, it was received yesterday,
and he sold a great deal of it. SeTerHl
who partook of the "esseuoe’’ B oon
became ill aud three of them , after te r ­ J s iiie s t o w u , C a l , H a d N o M ean«
F i g h t i n g Fire.
rib le suffering, died.
The symptoms were the same in a ll
Sonora, C al., Deo. 21.—The lit(
cases. The first m an taken ill was W. tow n of Jam estow n, looated right
H. Price, on whose farm the F ish er .he h e a rt of the m other lode’s rioh
O il Company drilled its first well. Be­ section, w as v isited by a oostly lire
fore a physician could arrive, he was m orning. T he tire originated in
dead. He died in aw ful agony. Mr. bakery, and th e w hole business seot
Price w as one of the most prom inent w as a t the flam es’ mercy, anr thedi<J
and w ealthy citizens. H is royalties on gauized bucket brigade fought furio
his farm aggregated #3,000 a m onth. ly but feebly ag ain st odds. Whe
He leaves a widow and one child. w as seen th a t the volunteers were
C harles H erbert, a butcher of Sarges, albe to successfully oope w ith tbe
O., was tbe next attacked and lie was telegram s w ere sent for assistan
quickly followed to eternity by Thomas near-by tow ns, and m any persons
Clegg, an oil driller.
O thers who Bponded. G ia n t powder was us
w ere attacked by the same sym ptoms, check and confine the fire when
but are still alive, are Colonel Clegg, lim ite d w a te r supply and crude m~
H enry R oth and a cook in a boarding- of g e ttin g i t on the fire failed,
build in g s, a ll on th e north side of
About fifteen other persons are su f­ street, w ere consum ed w ith almost
fering from the effects of the poison. e n tire contents. The loss is #40,
A num ber of physicians are on the w ith barely #5,000 insurance. A fa
ground, aud hope to save th eir lives.
able breeze saved the town from
plete destruction.
Persona Burned to D ea th
New York H rp,
New York, Dec. 23.—The explosion
of a piano lam p on the second floor of
the fo n rsto ry residence, 514 E ast
F ifty -eig h th street, resulted in the loss
of five lives tonight.
The dead are: Aaron G oldsm ith, 45
years old; C lothilde G oldsm ith, his
wife, 88 years old; Bertha G oldsm ith,
H arry G oldsm ith and F rank G old­
sm ith, aged 10, 8 and 6 years respec­
The only other person in the honse
a t the tim e of the tire was Mary Rosa,
a servant, who saved her life by ju m p ­
ing out of the window. The fam ily
w as together d a rin g the evening. Ac­
cording to the story told by the ser­
vant, she was on the third floor of the
house in the act of p u ttin g H arry and
F ra n k , the tw o youngest boys, to bed,
w hen she heard the cry of fire com ing
from the floor below, w ith calls to her
to come down. She ran out of the bed-
m om aud hurried dow nstairs, the c h il­
dren follow ing her. As soon as she
looked in to the fro n t room on the sec­
ond floor, she saw the whole fro n t end
of the room ablaze. Then she became
frightened, and ran into a a rear room
and jum ped from an open w indow to
the ground. W hat more happened she
does not know, b u t says th a t the fire
w as caused by the upsetting of the
large piano lamp.
L ife
in T r y i n g
Boa t*
H av e
H is
San Diego, C al., Deo. 22. — Dr.
Joseph Rodes, one of the best know n
physicians in th is city, w as drow ned
today a t La Jo lla, about tw elve m iles
from th is oity. The doctor, in com ­
pany w ith his brother in-law , Jo h n
K eenan, had been fishing. W hen com ­
ing in, th e ir host upset in tbe snrf.
They clung to it u n til they were rea-
oued by tw o fishermen, W . E. Gonl-
m an and Bob Stew art. Rodes and
K eenan w ere taken aboard the fisher­
m en's boat, w hich started for shore.
The doctor, however, suggested th a t
they rig h t th eir own boat and take it
W hile try in g to do th is, a breaker
capsized the fisherm en's boat and a ll
four men were throw n into the w ater.
Dr. Rodes was struck on tbe head by
one of the boats, and although Keeuau
held him up in the surf, life was ex­
P o l i t i c ; » ! A g i t a t i o n in M o « « n v .
tin c t w hen the doctor w as b rought
London, Deo. 22.— The V ienna oor- ashore. It is supposed the blow on
respondent of the D aily M ail reports the head stunned him.
th a t, as an outcom e of th e a g ita tio n in
Dr. Rodes leaves a widow and tw o
Moscow, one stndent has been sen­ children. He cam e here from P h ila ­
tenced to death and others to tw elve delphia, w here he has w ealthy re la ­
y e ars’ im prisonm ent. T his p o litical tives.
a ig tatio n came to a head in efforts to
An A ll-A ro u n d Fight.
hold m eetings com m em orative of the
A shland, P a., Deo. 23.— D uring a
Kbodinsky p lain disaster, d a rin g the
free fight on Center street last, n ig h t,
coronation of the czar, w hich were
M ichael and John G ouldin, W illiam
prohibited by the police.
A nthony
C um m ings
A na rch is t« Sentenced to D eath.
w ere badly cut about the face and
Barcelona, Deo. 22.— E ig h t of the arma. R obert McCormick, ex-chief of
an arch ists who recently had th e ir tria l police, w as stabbed in the back.
in th is city for throw ing a bomb into M ichael and John G ouildin are not ex­
tbe Corpus C hrist! procession la st Jnne, pected to recover.
T he affair has
have been sentenced to death.
caused considerable excitem ent.
Columbia, Mo., Deo. 22.—The Mis­
souri T igers, the crack team of the
Missouri state university, have re­
ceived an invitation from President
Dias, of Mezioo, to play a game of
football in that oonntry, and have made
arrangements to start for the City of
Mezioo immediately. Tbe game w ill
be played at the Indianola grounds De­
cember 37- The Tigers returned home
recently after playing a aeries of rao-
ceasfnl games in Texas
F allin g
A New West Virginia Drink
Proved Fatal.
T h r e e P M ' e n j e r * on m F r e i g h t T r a i n
W e r e K i l l e d and S e v e n H u r t .
D allas, Tex., Dec. 23.— A special to
the News from Shreveport, L a., says:
A bout 5 o’olock th is m orning there
wag a bad wreck on the Texas & P a ­
cific railroad, near Sodas, La.
A l­
though no inform ation is given by r a il­
road official, it is learned from private
sources th a t three men were killed and
seven badly injured. It appears that,
as a west-bound freig h t w as bound np
a steep grade, a collision occurred at
the foot of the grade, the crash sp lin ­
terin g several cars. None of the tra in ­
men were injured, as they w ere in the
caboose. The conductor and crew res-
cned the injnred, and they w ere sent
to the C harity hospital.
F ollow ing are the wounded: C. L.
G ates, of St. P au l; Dave M iller of St.
L oais; F ra n k T erry, of A rgentine,
C olo.; C harles W illiam s, Je rry H en­
derson and George Brown, residences
unknow n. The nam es of the killed
are not known.
Ratified by the
R I DE .
Y o u ng ; M e n A t t e m p t e d t o
t h e S h l i t H o o d H i \ e r .
A storia, O r., Deo. 22.— The fourth
deep-sea vessel to go ashore ou the
W asbiugtou beach this year was stra n d ­
ed a t 7:30 o’clock th is m orning a t P a ­
cific P ark, about six m iles north of
Ilwaoo, close to the spot w here the
b trath b lau e w ent ashore n 1891.
T his tim e the vessel is the G erm an
bark Potrim pos, C aptain H enry Halle*
wege, iu ballast from M azatlau, M exi­
co, to tbe Colum bia river. The officers
and crew num bered eighteen, and all
were saved by the Ilw aco beach life ­
saving crew, who arrived on the scene
soon a fte r the disaster occurred. Ju s t
before th eir a rriv a 1, however, six sa il­
ors from the vessel landed in one of the
sh ip ’s boats. It is very lucky th a t all
hands landed w ithout m ishap, as the
surf breaks heavily all around tbe ship
a t high w ater. Two of the crew of
the ill-fated G lenm orag were killed in
a tte m p tin g to do ju st w h a t p a rt of the
P otrim pos’ crew did, nam ely, lau n ch ­
ing one of the sh ip ’s boats iu the surf.
T he ship is iu good condition, h a v ­
ing received no serious in ju ry w hile
crossing through the surf. She now
lies so high on the beach th a t a t half
tide a person can w alk to her dry-shod.
A ccording to th e c ap tain ’s story, at
daybreak th is moruiDg he sighted laud
and was on the lookout for a pilo t or
tug, but the vessel soon became p e r­
fectly helpless and d rifted tow ards
captain ordered both
anchors out. T he order w as no sooner
given th an it w as carried out, but the
c u rren t, w hioh sets in very strongly
a ll along the beach a t certain stages
of th e tide, was too strong, aud tne
ship d irfted throogh the breakers and
on to the beach, both anchors still be­
ing out.
T he Cape D isappointm ent lifesaving
crew left for the scene of the wreck ou
a special tra in , but arrived too late to
assist in landing the crew.
The ship lies broadside on the beach,
high and dry, but if work is com ­
m enced im m ediately, and arrangem ents
m ade so th a t lines can be passed out to
a tug, she can be safely pulled off at
the next h igh tide, w hich occurs on
the 24th in st
The vessel is in plain
sig h t of the stranded G lenm orag/
T he n>eu aud officers havo come
ashore, and the captain w ill stay by
u n til some definite plans are agreed
ISucket o f L y e W a t e r T h r o w n ln F~
a W o m a n an<l C h il d .
C hillicothe, O., Dtic. 21.—The
g reat e x citem en t a t Bethel, a 8
tow n th ree m iles south of Kings!
th is county, occasioned by a bur-
a trocity w hioh occurred this afteru
Two m arried wom en named Moon
S hell got in to a q u a rre l over a trij
m atter, w hich resulted iu the
wom an th ro w in g a bucket of st
lye w ater in to the face of Mrs.
aud her in fa n t daughter. Both
th eir eyes burned out and their b,
and faces w ere also horribly bu
The baby died iu a short time, an
m other is in terrib le agony, her d
being looked for a t any moment.
Mrs. Shell m ade her escape, b
being pursued by several hundred
aud boys, assisted by dogs, and if
tured a lynching w ill follow. Tb
lice of th is c ity have been summon
the scene.
H e r r m a n n , t l i « M a g i c i a n , Dead
Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 21.—
m anu, the m agician, died tods
h e art disease iu his private ca
G re at V alley, n e ar Salamanca, ol
way to B radford. H is remains w
forw arded to New York. Her
com pleted h is engagem ent at tb
cenin th e a te r in th is city last n
aud la te r w as entertain ed at tbe
Bee Valley C lob.
(Professor H erm ann, whose f
w as a sleight-of-hand performer,
his debut as a m agician when b
but 8 years old. H e has travele
over E urope and Am erica and
am assed a g re a t fortune. Of l»t®
he has m ade New York his home,
spoke seven different languages fl
ly, and had traveled around the
th ree tim es. H e w as naturaliz
Boston in 1 8 7 6 . ) _____
P a r d o n e d by Cleveland.
S eattle, W ash ., Dec. 21.
Sheriff V an de V anter, of this
received notification from Wasbi
D. C ., th a t Mrs. M argaret Morn
young w om an of P o rt Townseu
been g ra n te d a conditional pard
P re sid e n t Cleveland.
She whs
tenced to e ig h t m o nths’ impriso
and fined $50 and costs for sma
opium from V ictoria. She h
been in ja il five m onths, and her
d a u g h te r h a s been perm itted to
th e sam e cell.
P resident Cle
g ra n ts tne pardon on condition t
fine and oosts are paid. They
am ount to over $100, nut the
w ill be subscribed by aympathi
A tte m p te d to B low Up » H o °
Stockton, C al., Dec. 21. •—
tem p t w as m ade a t 3 o’clock this
noon to blow np a house in 1
street, n e ar th e h e art of the ci
copied by tw o J a p a n e s e worn
bom b c o n ta in in g tw o pounds o>
pow der and a stick of
w as throw n through the window
tram peled out b«ior*
plosion could occur. It ie BUP
have been th ro w n by • highhiud
F o r t y M in o r . W o r e K i l l e d .
Budapest, Deo. 23.—T he oolliery
P lzoerville, C el.. D®°-
disaster a t R eachitia resulted from an stage ru n n in g between Au u
explosion of fire dam p, and has proved G eorgetow n w as stopped at
m ore serious th an a t first reported, forty th is afternoon between Penob
persons having been killed and tw en- G reenw ood in th is oounty, by ‘
ty-seevn are still m issing. T here are and relieved of the W ells-**
T he high way man
tw o tonwa in W estern R ussia, one of press box.
w hich is called Reabitaa and the other scribed a t being about o f«**
h ig h , and w eighs about 1«*>
II is usually considered th a t an a d n lt H e wore a black h a t and
should drink about three p inta of liq u id pantaloons. H e was m * * '“'
barley sack and o arned a mu
a day.
ing shotgun