I W a s h in g t o n county hatchet . N o v e m b e r R e c o rd Broken. Feels Effect of B e t t e r Times. 5rn m e n t -RVE r a p i d l y c l i m b i n g T r e M u r jr D eflclt up L ik ely to jluterUHy Keduo«d liefore Mc- li“ *uKurHl*u“ March. Jiington. Nov. 11.— The trees- Oijnj I, st 42 7.000 in gold coin, (21,200 in bars, which leaves the inioaut of gold in the reserve ¡20,804. The availuble cash bal- -«¿230,894,01». -net g«iu ■" 8old 4°<>«y **t N ew and Sen Francisco was (1,084,• broke reoord°fn°' v ° T‘ U — Whe“ broke the record for Novemner this morning by telling at 80L,o for December, 2 cents advance over last night’ , c l o ^ The advance was not attended by great ex- citement. Few open orders to take profit on long .tuff at even figures a O nped’ ° Uly * U)mP°rar3' setback. Outside markets were particularly i The visible increase was only 1.248,000 bushels. The threatened crop damage in Argentina, doleful rumors of unsatisfactory fall seeding in Kussia and France and large seaboard clear- sums were the chief factors which con- trihuted to the success of the bulls. Lorn, oats and provisions participated iu tue advance proportionately. H M ttU .S h lp T « * * , , Sunk. N ew York, Nov. 11.— The United Mates battle ship Texas, while lying at Cob dock, in the Brooklyn uavy-yard this morning, had a thirteen-inch hole Move in her side, caused by breaking her oook, and she now lies on the bot­ tom of the dock with her eugiue-room fu ll of water. The Chapman Derrick & W recking Company were notified, and have sent the wrecking tugs W il­ liam L. Chapman and Hustler and tugs W. H. Lewis and Astoria to raise the sunken ship. Dug; Up a G ia n t M u m m y. —I Th Mil lirici vili LORD. rrocla m a tlon annual thanksgiving proclama- has been issued by Governor Lord, gun. The proclamation in fu ll follows: ¡lor the manifold blessings vouch- tu as during the past year, it is g that we, as a gratefu l people, id make due acknowledgements to igbtv God. In recognition o f this , and in conform ity w ith a time- custom, and in acoordauoe the proclamation o f the president ¡¿he United States, I, W illia m P !, governor of the state o f Oregon, .»ignate and set apart Thursday, 86th day o f Novem ber. 1896, as »giving day. . jbn that day I recommend that the >le abstain, as far as practicable, the occupations of every day life, that they assemble in their usual -of worship and offer praise and 'tsgiving to God for the peace and ipenty bestowed npon us, for the !lh and happiness w ith which he blessed us, and for our fieodoro pestilence and calamities Let ho devote the day to tile enjoym ent .pitality and the strengthening of ly ties; to re liev in g the wants of dy and distressed, and the doing Notable deeds; to inspiring seuti- ■of loyalty to our country, and *t for its laws and the mainten- of public order; to cu ltivatin g a logard for the rights and opinions ■hers, and inculcating a sense of that w ilt lead us to fu lfill as far i“ ’n our power, our obligations as ■ and in d iv id u a ls ." -'CYCLE B U IL T two Y o u n g P eop le FOR Secured TW O M ari­ tal H U » . “ Francisco, Nov. 11.— On a bright bicycle built for two, young Peter ^'f and younger Clara Byrne rode ■bkton Thursday last, and were *1 there. It was an elopement, •cither the mother o f the bride ®c parents o f the groom heard of [■«triage un til last night, the ’ couple having resolved to keep ¿profound seoret. T h ey were ac- t^'cd to Stockton by Edmund a ynnthful friend o f M etcalf, capitalist, worth over h alf a dollars. The bride is the A j* o f Mrs. W in ifre d Byrne, and '° f Frank Byrne, the w ell-know n cider, who holds the w o rld ’ s competition record. Pcrents o f the yonng couple de- “ at they w ill not tolerate their insist that the m arriage be ***• <•« Mew York Bond.. 'Fork, Nov. I I . — Bids on $18,- I . J i per cent gold bond* o f the i Sew York w ere opened today in T*4'■"er' s office. It is understood i * issue was la rgely overbid. One ■sad eigth y-five proposals were AH tae leading bankers "•Presented. The premiums 1 to 6 per cent. "••tsble turkey,” a favorite vege- “ cidby, is a loaf o f various ’•■uts b iglh y spiced. at anchor S te a m e r VV ro o k ed Near R E V IV A L O F BUSINESS. i Muskegon, Mich., Nov. 10.— T be schooner Waukesha broke up w h ile tr y ­ ing to ride out the gale at anchor near here last night, and only one survivor of her crew of seven has been rescued. 1 he vessel had a loud of salt and ap­ ples, which was taken on at Manistee Saturday morriug. A t 2 o ’cio<< yes­ terday afternoon she was sight l run­ ning with the gale under a tori, main­ sail. An attempt was made to enter Muskegon harbor, but the schooner drifted a m ile south of the piers and then anchor was dropped. She was riding three-quarters of a m ile from shore at dark. The engineer and fire­ man of the city pumping station watched the lights until 9 o ’ clock last night, when they disappeared. Short­ ly afterwards wreckage began com ing in, and today uothiug can be seen of the lost boat above the water where she anchored. A ll night long the wreckage continued to come up on the beach, and five bodies have been re­ covered. The names of the dead can­ not be learned, as nothing about the clothing w ill identify them. The sur­ vivin g sailor was washed ashore un­ conscious, and nothing can be learned from him. The Waukesha was one o f the old fleet of “ canalers,” and true to a ll tradition, she has taken almost her en­ tire crew down with her in her last disaster. She was owued by F. H. Head, of Chicago, and wsa form erly known as the Nabob. She was b u ilt in Manitowoc, in 18tl4, and rated at 205 tons. This evening Frank Delach, the only survivor of the wreck, made affidavit to the effect that there were seven men aboard the Waukesha, Cpatain Dun­ can Corbett, the mate, four seamen and a colored cook. When they a r­ rived of Muskegon he says the captain, mate and some o f the others were very drunk. They signaled for a tug-boat, but showed no signs of distress signals, and no tug, under the circumstances, started out in the heavy sea. The cap­ tain anchored a m ile south of Mus­ kegon harbor. The craft began leaking badly, but the captain refused to ligh t the torch to make known their condi­ tion to the life-saving crew. The crew donned life preservers, their yaw lboat having been washed away. They let go the larger anchor cable and the schooner drifted toward shore some­ what, with the smaller anchor drag­ ging gradually, a ll hands taking to tbe forward rigging. The craft, however, began sinking rapidly, and a sudden lurch threw some o f the men from the foremast. As a part of them d u n g to the riggin g the mainmast broke off and fell upon them, striking some of them and sweeping all into the lake. Delach said he contrived to get to­ gether a raft from the wreckage, to which five of the men hung for a time. They dragged the captain w ith them, but he was too helplessly drunk to hold on, and they had stood it un til 5 o'clock in the morning, but finally the other men gave up and sank, and Delach was shortly afterward taken off by the life-saving crew. Middlesboro, K y . Nov. 10. — W hile d iggin g a cellar near Elkw ell creek, John W inter unearthed a giant mum­ my and discovered several interesting ratios of great value. The find has created the greatest exoitement here, and crowds are flocking to view the scene and examine the curiosity. The mummy is that of a man of great stat­ ure, being over eight feet tall. It was wrapped in a winding sheet of skins and oarefnlly sealed in a canoe-shaped THE P A N A M A C A N A L . ooffln. In a few minntes after being exposed to the air the mummy com­ F re n c h C o m p tn y G o in g A h e a d W it h menced to crumble, but by careful th e W o r k . handling Mr. Winter has succeeded in Washington, Nov. 10.— Most people keeping intaot bia remarkable discov­ in this country have no donbt long ago ery. __________________ come to the conclusion that work has been suspended npon the Panama Murii- adian Pacific railroad wlU Immediately construct a large rtenrwheel steamer for aervice on Slocan lake W .n Y » r . r M on I « | l l * l l C . w t London. Nov. 10.— A severe gale prevailed on tbe English coaata Satur­ day. and there were many wrecks, ac­ companied by excitin g lifeboat readies. PORTLAND V i c t o r i e s K a d i n i e W o r k In O h i o — lH a u y M eu K e -K m p loyed . M ao- kttgun, MI h I iik h ii . resources of the traesnry are be- «everely ttxed to meet the demand pper notes of a ll denominations ■ciunge for gold. In many cases, •old-holders ask for United States of large denominations in ex- The latter are as v a lo a b 'e fo r [ve as is the gold, bat they express llingness to aooept Sherman notes, T o w n I>«Ntroye. Stam ­ San Francisco, N ov. 10. — During the progress o f a religious service at Sal­ vation Arm y headquarters this morn­ ing, P. Schipper, a band sergeant, and C. R. Shaw, another member o f the arm y, became involved in a scuffle for the possession o f a pistol belonging to Shaw. D aring the scuffle the weapon was discharged, tbe ball strikin g Schipper in the rig h t thumb. Schipper was taken to the receiving hospital, where his wonnded hand was dressed, and Shaw was removed to the city prison, where he was charged w ith as­ sault to mnrder. The discharge o f tbe pistol stampeded the meeting. It waa thought at first that a murder had been com mitted, and men and women tu m ­ bled over one another in their efforts to get ont of the hall or to draw nearer to tbe place where the shooting oo- curred. I* f u M l i A live* London, Nov. 10. — The Sunday Tim es says a firm o f London publishers w rote last week to Professor Haddon, of Dublin, anent the matter of prepar­ in g a life of Parnell. Professor H ad­ don replied, saying that a general be­ lie f exists that Parnell is alive on an obscure ranch in a western state. Shortly after the announcement of P a r­ n ell's death, Professor Haddon ap­ proached the w idow , mother and per­ sonal friends o f Parnell w ith a view of obtaining materials for a biographical sketch. Documents and statements con­ cerning Mr. Parnell were refused, the reason being given in confidence that Parnell is s till alive. Snbtrean u rie« C annot M e e t th e for C urrency. W ashington, Nov. 9.— Inform ation received at the treasury department shows that large amounts o f gold are being offered at thaw several snbtreas- nries in exchange for currency, stipu­ lation being made as to legal tenders. One m ilium in g o U was offered in Bos­ ton. The -ubtreasurer telegraphed the secretary for instructions, stating that the current w orkin g force was some­ what behind o w in g to the flnrry, and the payment o f this amount of currency would leave the subtreasnry incon­ veniently snort. Instructions were issued authorizing the, acceptance of h alf the amount offered. The N ew Y o rk snbtreasnry, it ia un­ derstood, have given notioe that they would receive gold today in exchange for currency. There are 6,400,000 assay office checks outstanding, whioh are now being deposited for currency. The demand for currency, especially for small bills, in anticipation of a re­ v iv a l o f bnsiness, ia exceptionally heavy. It is expected that several days mnst elapse before officials w ill be in a position to meet a ll demands. The treasury officials legard the finan­ cial situation as greatly improved. T ra im ii o f C attle A u th o riz e d . M ilwaukee, Nov. 9.— A special to the Wisconsin from Madison, W is., says: "G o v ern o r Upham has received from the Frenoh consul at Chicago notioe that the French m inister of agriculture, by a m inisterial order, dated October 2, andAby tbe derogation to tho inter­ diction o f transit decrees, February 19, 1895, has authorized exceptionally the transit of cattle from the U niteJ State«, that wonld be shipped to Basle, S w itz­ erland via Bonlonge, Franoe, on the condition that tbe cattle, alter having been submitted to auuitary inspection at the receiving point, are shipped in stalled cars. The oattle must be sub­ m itted to a second inspection before be­ in g loaded into cars at Boulogne. P r o d u c e M a rk e t. F louh — Portland, Salem, Casearia and Dayton, «4.60; Benton county and W h ite L ily, $4.00; graham, (3.26; *o- perfine, (2 60 per barrel. W h eat — W alla Walla. 7 4 «7 5 e; V o l­ ley, 77«i78eper bushel. C at » — Choice white, 36(g36c per bosh- e l; choice gray, 31( s«3 c per pound; cucumbers, 15(»25c per b ox; egg plant, «1.59 per crate; corn, 1 0 « 12>gc per dozen; summer squash, 25a per box ; green peppers, (1 per box. T r o p ic a l F ruit — California lem on», fancy, are quoted at (3.00«4.00 per box ; bananas, (2.59 per bunch ; Valencia lata oranges, (4.5 0«6 .0 0 ; pineapples, (3.00 «4 .0 0 per dozen. F r e m i F ruit — California apples, «1.0C «1 .6 0 ; Oregon, «1 per box; crab apples, 66c ; pears, 76«85c ; prune, 2JjC par pound ; Salaway peaches, 6 0 «'76c ; Snaae river and Indian Red, 70c per box ; wa­ termelons, Rogue river, (1.00 per dozen; California, (1.26 per dozen ; c anteluupee, Oregon, 6 0 c « » l per crate; quinces, «I-; grapes, 40«80c per crate; Hungarian duina, 60c per b ox; egg, l ^ c p e r pound; Eastern Concord grapes, 30c per basket. D r ie d F' r u it s — A pples, evaporated, bleached, 4 «4 h jc ; unbleached, 3 ' y « 4 c ; sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 4 « 6 c ; pears, sun and evaporated, 6 « 6 e ; prunes, 3 «5 c per pound ; figs. 10c per pound. W ool — V aliev. 9c, per pound; East­ ern Oregon, 5 «7 c . H ops — New crop, 9 > ^ @ llc ; old, 6c. N uts — l'eanuta, 6 « 7 c per pound lor raw, 10c for roasted ; cocoann s, 90c per dozen; walnuts, 1 2«1 4c; pine nata, 15c; hickory nuts, 8 «1 0 c ; cliestnnta, 15c; Brazil, 12c; pecans, large, 14c; Jumbo, 16c; filberts, 121kc; fancy, large, 14c; hard-shell, 8c; paper-sheli, 10® 12)4 c. P rovisions — Portland pack : Smoked hams are quoted at 10«10l4c per lb ; picnic hams, 7c; boneless barns, 7 k e ; breakfast bacon, 10c: bacon, 6c; dry salt Bides, 6 S c ; lard, 5-pound pails, 7c; 10s, 6J%c; 60s, 6?4c; tierces, 7e per pound. ^ H ides — Dry hides, No. 1, 16 pounds and upward, 9 «1 0 c per pound; dry kip, No. 1, 6 to 10 pounds, 7c per pound ; dry calf, No. 1, under 5 pounds, l l « 1 3 c ; dry salted, one-third less than dry flint. Salted hides, sound steers, 60 pounds, and over, 6c : do. 60 to 60 pounds, 6c ; do, under 50 pounds and cows, 3 '^ « 4 c ; do, kip, sound steers, 15 to 30 pounds, 4c; do, veal, 10 to 14 pounds, 6c; do, calf, under 10 pounds, 6 « 0 c ; green (nn- salted), lc per pound lees; culls (bulls, stags, moth-eaten, badly cat, scored, hair slipped, weather-beaten or grubby) one-third less. B eeswax — 2 0«2 2 per pound. T allo w — Prime, per pound, 2 X « 3 c ; No. 2 and grease, 2 «2 )$ c . £ Merchandise Market. B a i . hon — Columbia, river No. 1. tails, *1.2601.60; No. 2. labs, *2.26«2.5>; fancy, No. 1, flats, *1.76«1.86; Alaska, No. 1, tails, >1.20«1.30; No. 2, tails, *1.90 «2 .2 5 . C oroaoe — M anilla rope, U^-inch, is Quoted at 8c; W h ite sisal, hard twisted : Rope, I'a -in . cir. and upward, Ol^c; rope, 12-thread, 6)^c. H uoar — Golden C, 4'Jnc; extra C, 4 )n c; dry granulated, 6c; culle crushed and powdered, 6c per ponnd ; f^e per pound discount on all grades lor prompt cash ; half barrels. 'dc more than barrels; maple sugar. 16«16c per pound. C o r r a « — Mocha, 27«31c. per pound; Java, fancy, 2 l « 2 « c ; Costa Rica, 2 0 « I t a i l r u a i l B u i l d i n g iu C o l o r a d o . 2,i14 c ; Caracal, 22'..ia26c; halvanor, 19 Denver, Nov. 9 — The layin g of rails w22c; Arbuckle, (18.15; Lion, (18.16; of tbe Golden C ircle railroad in tbe Columbia, «18.15 per case. Cripple Creek m ining district was be­ R ick — Island, 4)4(it5c Japan* 414® gun today. S yl T. Smith, president of 6c, New Orleans. 4 « 4 J4c. C o al O il — Cases, 19c; barrels, the Florence & Cripple Creek railroad, is in Chicago, and it is reported he has 17)4 c ; tanks, 16‘ ,c per gallon. W h e a t B ags — Calcutta, «4.26« 4 . 37)* floated bonds there for the construction for July and August deliveries. o f not only the Golden Circle, but also for the Florence Southern railroad, Meet Market. which is to run from Florence to the B * « r — Gross, top steers, «2.25; nows. S ilver C liff distriot. *1.75«2.00; dressed beef, 3 't « 4 ) 4 c per pound. M u r d e r a n d H u lc ld i*. M utton — G ross, lost sheep, wethers. Kansas C ity, Nov. 9.— ArfhuT L. (1.76; ewes, «1.50; dressed mutton, .'iùe Snook, a brakeman, shot and k illed his per ponnd. w ife, A rietta, who was a general agent V i a l — N et, small, 5 u 5 )4 c; large, of the Monroe publishing bouse, C h i­ 4c per pound. B oas— Gross, choice, heavy, (3 .0 0 « cago, last night, at the eutrauoe to tl:e Belm ont hotel. He eat on the steps 3.25; light and feeders, (2 60; dressed. (1.60 u3.76 per cwt and watched hia w ife die, when he fired tw ice into bis heart. A t the time SAN FR ANC ISCO M AR K E TS. o f the ehooting the street in front of the hotel was filled with people. Jeal­ P otatoes — Garnet Chile, 40(969* ■ ousy was tbe cause. Each was 86 years old. Snook was the womsu's Salinas Burbanks, 6 0 «6 6 e ; F.arly Rose’ 26 « 3 0 c ; R iver Burlianks, 25(a36c- second husband. Her fatuer lives at sweets, 7 5 c « ( l . 25 percental. Bedford, la. O nions — 2 6 « 30c ;ier sack for yellow 60c lor pickle. B e t t e r T im e * nt H a u te C ru z E oos— Store, 2 4 «2 8 j; ranch, 37)£c; Santa Crux, Cal., Nov. 9.— Today ducks, 25c fier d( zen. machinery was ordered for a fuse fac­ C ubes * — Fancr mild, new, 9 « ] b c tory to be built at the powder works at fair to good, 7 ) * « 8 ,» c : Yonng A m eric a ’ a coat of (50,000. It w ill g iv e em ploy­ 9 « 10c: Kasleru. 1 2 « 13c per pound.'. • W ool — San Joaquin and ' out hern, ment to many men. As a result o f tbs election, the Lome coast, poor, 4 « 5 ; do good, 4 ; t « 6 c ; .-ga Prieta lumber m ill, which haa been Joaquin foothill, good to choice, 6 ' 4 « 7 1* e ; do year’s fleece, 4 '« 5 V - ; Nevada closed for many months, w ill resume heavy, #"<7c; do. choice, tt a s i * c , N orth­ operations soon. ern, choice, 1 0 « 11c per pouipl, Aa W ashington, Nov. 10.— A red-letter chapter in the history of amateur ath­ letics waa w ritten on Georgetown field today by Bernard W efers, who beat two w o rld 's records, for 100 yards and 300 yards. T be first was made in tbe remarkable time o f 9 8-5 seconds, and the second in 30 2-5 second*. It was W efer’s last appearance o f the year, after a moat remarkable campaign. The hundred-yard race wat a special event, and waa done on the spur of the moment. Dem and M ARKETS. A r c t ic E m p lo y e l U m i t M i j . W ashington, Nov. 9.— Secretary Car­ lisle baa di.missed Thomas E Adams, superintendent of the treasury depart­ ment at Roetella islands, Behring ses. No reason Is given. H a t — W heat, ( S 0 o « l | : *|,Pat sud oat, « 7 « 10; oat, «« s .9 Iw rley, (6 0 0 « 8 00; alfaha, first crop. «4 («6 do second crop, (6 5 0 «6 .6 0 ; clover, ( « ) « • > stork *4.6035 50; per ton. . ’ V eg etables — B » y tomatoes, 1 5 « » c ; hay racaiubers, 25« 3 6 c per brpt; ptek- be, best. l)4 c per pound; hay squash. Ipswich, Mass. , Nor. 9 — The woolen 2 0 « 26c ; egg plant, 25(a40c, Alameda and ootton mills of the Ipswich <7or- c o m ,* l; Berkley, do, 50«6Uc per era ts' poration, which have been «hut down green peppers, 25«<50 k ; green, okta, 4 0 « 75c per box ; Lim a heana, 69«76c : string for some time, w ill start on full time leans, ( I per eack, garlic, l « 2 e peg early next week. Employment w ill be pound. given to abont 1 000 bands. Ip sw ich M ills W ill start I p. h"