TH E H ATCH ET. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. ttereil at the post-office at Forest G rove, Or. as Second-class mail matter. Postage Free. Powder In Advance. Kstmblished for the disserainatiou o f W a sh in g­ to n county news, the elevation o f h um an ity and th e m oney we can m ake. Item s o f general interest gratefully received. E d itor’ s h obb ies and op in ion s on this page, all th e reet facts—im partial and uncolored. R d itor is at h om e in his sanctum , H a t c h e t B u ild in g Forest G rove, from 6 a. m. to io p. o f each w eek day and a lw a ys glad to talk and h e talked to. ISSU ED E V E R Y W E E K IN TH U RSDAY FROM TH E Y E A R ON TH E H A TC H E T P R IN T E R Y . I f you tail to receive your'paper it will be a favor if you w ill n o t i f y us at o n c e . A U S T IN C R A IO . K o it o » a n d P ao p a iE T o a . R EAD ABLE E L IA B L E EPUBM CAN R ig h t P ages W e e k l y ABSO LU TELY P U R E No other article of human food has ever received such emphatic commendation for purity, strength and wholesomeness, from the most eminent authorities, as the Royal Baking Powder. they cannot escape. The most puz- zling feature of the situation is how the output from the gang can be separated from the dollars issued by the government, as they are exactly similar.” The silver mine owners are want­ ing to work this seigniorage scheme and it is natural that they should, but the wonder is that there should be innocent people in no way to be benefited, but sure to lose who are assisting them. FACTS AND F IG U R E S . T h e H A T C H E T hits th e L a r g e s t C ir c u la tio n o f a n y n e w s p a p e r in W a sh in g to n C o u n ty . REPUBLICAN NOMINEES. For President, W m . M c K in l e y , o f O h io . F o r Vice-President, G akrett A. H o b a r t , ok N e w J e r s e y . Fo r Presidential Electors from Oregon, T. T. G e e k , ok M a r io n C o u n t v , S. M . Y o r a n , o f L a n k , E . L. S m it h , o f W asco , J. C. Clank . . . CL AIM S A L LO W ED . A s s e s s in g a n d c o lle c t in g — TERMS TO KUB8CR1HKR8. One y e a r ........... S ix m onths T h re e m onths Commissioners’ Court. methods of the time of Elizabeth have besn outgrown lete in the latter quart ir of the nineteenth century, So more modern professors affairs find their words fall unheeding ears. For our country f 78 OO Geo 11 W ilco x................ Bridges and roads— THE LEADING DRUGGIST OF WASHING i Lew is Pow ers.................. 9 50 COUNTY, Carries the Largest Stock o f Drugs in p Joh n A J o h n s o n ............ 35 JO Grove and will Meet Prices that may be made bv A G ales Creek Saw and one. Don’t be humbugged, but c a l l on a Reliable L) 12 OO Sh in gle M ill................ gist o f Experience. W J G regg ..................... 3 00 6 00 J C Hare 5 00 W iley & Dennis .......... 30 29 Andrews Lumber C o .. I 00 IJ P Gardner & Son. T C Jo h n so n .................... 85 00 by the “ repeal o f the Sherm an la w .” 1M L L K Y . 4 00 ; D .......... 1) B Reasoner As the purchasing clause o f the Sherm an Ed Johnson's face is again 4 00 ! T G T o d d .......................... seen on law was repealed in November, 1893, and j street. 2 25 ; A C Arch bold .......... | the panic occurred before November, M r Tom Ree(, who Carstens Bros 37 60 Mr. Dunbar has probably discovered a u now ¡ m p fovi * 4 00— 238 84 J D H i t e .......................... new cause for the panic o f 1893, whic'* . 1 County Court— entitles him to fame. j T' ‘ j rlKKS “ ,a,le * businesst, j D B Reasoner .............. 13 00 A large crowd assembled at the meet- 1 ortland last week, T G T o d d .......................... 10 80— 23 80 ing, and the voters were given a chance Mrs. A alkington ofGoldendale is, to choose between facts o f history and in8 at Mrs. B. F . Purdy’s home, County Clerk— 250 OO the success o f the republican party on J A Im b rie........................ M rs. Je n n y Vanmeter is visiting the one side, or the assum ptions and atives in Portland the past weeli ' County Treasurer— 50 OO assertions o f the Bryan party oil the A B C a d y .......................... Jo h n H oover is reported seriouk other.—Oregonian. with sciatic rheumatism this week County Jud ge— its doctors, lawyers, clergy, teaeh- 1 B P Cornelius.................. ers and men of affairs entering School Superintendent upon life unhandicapped by politi Austin C ra ig .................... cal heresies which they must un­ 1 County Surveyor— learn. L E W ilk es...................... J . C . C L A R K , D ru ggjt I 7S 03 and Ass'ts— 58 II The mint report for the month of Court House and J a il— September show that from bullion I 00 BRYAN'S ORIGINALITY. G R B a g ie v ...................... purchased under the act of July 16, 1 A C A rchbold................. 47 As a contribution to the o 1890 2,700,100 standard silver dol­ I W A F in n e y .................... I J 5 lars, legrl tender in payment of all nality of Mr. Bryan’s famous “ cross W J B enson...................... 4 00— debts public and private for any ° f f»°D,’ a'stanza is here quoted Fuel, Light and Jan itor— 30 00 N A B arrett................... amount, were coined. These con- from an * H illsboro Light and taiued 2,088,358 ounces of pure sil- i man on 9 21 W ater Co .................... “ Not on 11 cross o f w ood w ith nails, ver, the cost of which was $1,866,- T J Humphrey's.............. 130 00— “ Nor by the rabble's m adden ed cry ; 671, netting a profit (the seignor­ “ lin t on a c r o n w hich never fails Insane and Inquest— “ To m ake its v ictim surely die. age) to the government of $837,428 j Wm B o y............ ............... » “ That cross is now a cross o f g o ld , which has been deposited in the Paupers and Prisoners- “ And not o f w ood, as was o f o ld . treasury. Andrew O lsen................ 5 00 A multitude of instances have R H G r e e r .................... 3 45 This silver was not purchased at I been given which show that the E B S a p p in g to n ............ 17 48 the present market price, 64 cents novelty of this campaign in reality A W S a x to n .................... 174 00 an ounce or it would have cost only 4 80 is stale and time-worn. The j Brvan-Laidlaw Co $1,336,549.12 and the profit would IJohn N orthrop................ 10 00 would-be statesman is an upstart have been $1,363,550.88. Rosa F r o s t........................ 5 00 deck'd in borrowed feathers. ¡H arriet Lousignaut. . . . 5 00 Had our country had free coinage | Mrs D E R eu ter............ 5 00— the silver mine owners would have The record of the debate on the Recorder o f Conveyances— made this profit. Would the plain E L M cC orm ick............ people have been any better off? bill for the admission of New Would they not have been worse Mexico to Union, which was Stationery— E L M cC orm ick............ 3 00 off just by the amount of their in- under discussion in 1894, gives an J A Im brie ...................... j 75 terest in the profit to the general opportunity to study the character B P C ornelius.................. 4 IS } of a man who is now seeking the Geo D B arn ard ............... 33 05 C o u n ty S c h o o l N o te s. Through some inadvertence the old list o f text books still appears on the back o f 9 00 the new teacher's register. R u le 10 on the inside cover makes a good suggestion regarding keeping a daily record o f s s K * .. .. .. recitations but the book falls to provide for it. 6 72 Report ol Patton V alley school dis- trict No. 32 for tile month beginning Sept. 14, ami ending Oct. I I, 1896: No, days taught, 20. No. clays attendance, 299’ i . No. days absent, 29)$. No. 169 21 times tardy, 7. No. hoys enrolled, 7. No. girls enrolled, 10. Total No. en­ rolled, 17. Average No. belouging, 15. I 50 Average d aily attendance, 13. The fol­ lowing named pupils were not tardy dur­ ing the month: Jan ie Bates, Pearl and Oliver I>avis, May Warner, Je sse Bates, Em m a and Edw ard M artin. Those neither absent nor tardy were as follows: Em m a M artin, May W arner and Jessie Bates.—Anna Bates, teacher. J J 9 73 175 00 The state superintendent has settled a question which ought never to have arisen, but yet has been often asked. Rule 16 in the new Teacher’s registers says: “ Boards o f directors should meet at the close o f each school month and authorize the chairm an and clerk to draw warrants for the paym ent o f teach­ er's salaries.” This construction o f sub­ division 18, section 37, School Law s, is is in the nature o f an official opinion and means that directors must hold board meetings once a month while school is in session. School orders drawn without such a meeting to authorize them are at the personal risk o f the clerk. Mrs. S a ilin g ol Weston is visiting, her daughter Mrs. Coffin this F. S. V anm eter drove to Portlsndf a load o f oats Saturday returnin'T day. G ran d m a , " ‘ " ‘" T looks o f her j ^ Cline lias — “ a* 'mprovd property with a n*u. P P . a ne» E ld e r Anderson delivered mt and evening services in the school Su n day. day. C. W . Odell accompanied with) drove to Portland Tuesday reur, W ednsday. A sin ging class was organized M m evening with Prof. Jones as instrn T h e y w ill meet next Tuesday. F a th e r I9e Roo delivered averrii esting lecture Wednesday in Burch hall ta k in g the word “ God” asuj E ld e r Anderson returned home i G old endale last week where lie basil ho ld in g a series of protracted mettij Jo e Cooper has improved the apt ance o f his property by painting I b uildings. Jo e is all right if he ¡»a| silv e rite . M r. R iv e r T h ey home Jim Richardson's familyofB arrived here Saturday of last« w ill probably make their I am ong us. E arn H ubbard the town daubers^ changin g the complexion of places with paint by his awkardh H e is all righ t i f he is green. the people's party degenerated and hi«hest national honor. What is H illsboro Pub C o .......... ■5 So 2 OO became corrupt that free coinage to *>e thought of one who would W D B rad fo rd................ H atchet.............................. 4 50 M iss M illy Brouillette the girl er^ was substituted for unlimited coin- vote aSains the Provision to teach A rg u s................................. 5 00— 70 85 o f the Pacific Const delivered av LEGALIZE» COUNTERFEITING. age as the issue. Any man whose ln the Public schools the EnSlish Sh eriff— teresting lecture on the temperance«* judgment is not warped by partisan lanSuaSe- that language in which W D B rad ford................ to a large audience in the school b 275 00 An associated press dispatch of M ondav evening. The I. 0 . G. prejudice cannot fail when exatnin- " e are proud to tell to the rising State Cases— 1894 gives a plan which the silver ,, . - , ; crfM if*rntinn tVif» t r l o r i o n « T7ir*t-r»ri**c r»f Mental Arithm etic as com m only taught was well represented. S M ary E Denslow. 7 00 mg the situation to see that the m ine owners are attempting to have involves little mental exertion, brings tlieir ancestors in the cause of Joh nathan T ru itt.......... 7 00 less benefit and is a drag for both teacher legalized by Bryanizing the cur­ purse, and not the principle, is why freedom, the language in which is G R B a g le y ....................... 7 So Mrs. L . R. Patton, Rockford, I the Bryan leaders are in the cam­ and pupil. Ju st as in other branches, it rency: E B Sappington.............. 2 OO writes: “ Fro m personal experieno written the constitution of our is because too much dependence is placed paign, they with “ borrowed silver A G V a u g h n .................... 2 OO can recom m end lie W itt’s on the text book. In this branch the GOOD CO U N TERFEITS. shine.” Unlimited coinage would |^ country, the grandest work of man J H D olstrum . . . . a cure for im pure blood and general del 5 00 text book should never he taken to the i t y .” J . C. C lark, druggist. benefit the country as much and be in any age? Yet Mr. Bryan now J II D olstrum .......... 3 50 A METHOD OF U T IL IZ IN G S E IG ­ class. Problems should not be re-stated has the audacity and brazen eflront- W D S m ith ....................... IO 15 free from the suspicion of its sup by the pupil nor the formal solution N IO RA G E IN VOGUE IN T H E W EST. 12 OO A T T H E ’ VA RSITY. porters being financially interested. IO a!SK ule -^ v n ivauon 10 F J W illiam s given after some proficiency has been W D Wood I 70 Omaha, March 20.—The an­ T he V . W. C. A. meets every Turi attained unless an error is made. In Free coinage would benefit only the elevate him to a still higher office N A B arrett .. . *.......... I 70 nouncement yesterday at the that case the work should be fully ana- at 4: P- '»• >n Herrick Ilall. Si silver mine owners, and would rob when such is his record' C W Redmond . . r 70 Omaha headquarters of the United lyzed that it may be shown where the this week was “ W hat faith in God j W D Sm ith every one else. 3 95 mistake has been made. The practical do” T he m eeting was well atteu^ States civil service that probably I 60 Mr. Bryan has so great a repug- F J W illiam s.................... object o f the study is to enable every day and all seem ed interested. 500,000 of counterfeit silver dollars T 11E COLLEGE M c K IN L E Y CLUB, nance for everything English that W D S m ith ................... 75 problems to be solved in the head qu ickly 74ast w eek was a union meeting i F J W illiam s. ........ 2 50 had been successfully placed in cir­ June 28, 1894, when the question W R Ja c k s o n ................... and accurately, and this end should be the Y . M. C. A ., which was I I 70 culation here by a gang of well- Pacific University has fallen into Qf requiring the English language Ja c k F o r d ....................... 2 OO peeiaily interesting as the subject I known criminals, disturbed batik line with the advanced colleges of to he taught in the public schools G R B a g le y .............. . . . “ Jo h n G . P ato n ’s Life and WorkinJ 5 00— 7$ 75 j ing circles materially. Suspicion the country and its students have of half-foreign New Mexico (which Indigent— Both They are so little you hardly know New H eb rid es.” was aroused bv repeated purchases organized a political club, not only was then seeking stateshood) was H aines & B a ile y .. you are taking them. They cause no takin g part in the exercises. All] 33 05 young Jadies in this vicinity ai by strangers of large quantities of ^liat but a club of the right political up before the house of representa­ thoroughly, Such are the famous little to these m eetings. T o ta l....................... silver at the Omaha and Grant complexion, one for McKinley and tives, he voted against its being i f 924 56 pills known s De W itt's Little Early- T h e first meeting o f the Choral loj smelters. This was several weeks lobart, protection and prosperity. Risers. Sm all in size great in results. met at H err ck H all Monday evei required. M any lives o f usefulness have been cut ago. Last week the entire force of It had been the practice for years J . C. C lark , druggist. We are told that their director for| short by neglect to break up an ordinary secret service agents at lies Moines back to instill into the minds of the year is to be Mrs. Reed. cold. Pneum onia, bronchitis ami even j Obituary. was brought to Omaha and put on college student political principles R e a l E s t a t e T ri M iss Coral W ilkes of Tillamook I TS. A reader contributes these lines on the consumption can be averted b y the I the case and it lias been necessary based on theory' and not on his­ sad death o f young Carl Hansen: couie to attend P. U. and hoards at | use o f One M inute Cough Cure. J . C. I 'h arlot:ie E IKuithit to L ulls lioeiz tiie ne (¡r o f the mv ijr see 8 t 2 s r 1 H all. to secure reinforcements and four tory-, and which should have found In wav early Friday m o rn in g w hen Carl took C lark, druggist. w -in a ................... I l is s i o i - d ow n the gun 0 >1 (irlmin, I,y w II lirailfnrdo sheriff, special agents of the government, no place in the education of those t" E A Wilkes and < k Pelehm«,, F arm ers! B rin g your old clothes! ONE MOKE JOINT DEBATE. in addition to Marshal White's who were to he American citizens. T h ere w ere som e Mrds in the held ami lie wanted sheriff's tux deed the » of the u € 1 t ~ I . to get o n e ; £ have them made new. 1 1 "I see ï l i l n r o » ico n hi l> , forces, have been co-operating with Persistently college and university uttie d id his m o th e r think Mr. Dnniway for the Republicans and lieu Unit Jr., I,y sheriff etc., r , g \ potatoes, wood, or anything else the division chief here in an effort | professors pursued a course clearly ThHt^wonid belying olii in death before a n ­ Mr. lumbar for l'opulists. use, in exchange. Forest Grove e S idj " bk -s and C E I eli h.-nsu the n >2 to cage the birds. The outlaws and essentially tin American, oth er ho ir was o ’er. of Ih 1 n 12 o f see :‘J 1 1 u r ri w iso « On Thursday evening a jo in t debate and D ye House. went to look for h im . the sight m ade sheriff's tax d .-1 was held at the school house in Beaver- have apparently established a little ; Great scholars they were but of His ¡'ttther h im alm ost Insane, J I’ Wilkes. l,y sheriff vie., to R II A F a c t W o r t h K n ow in g - mint in Omaha, right under the the stripe of him of whom the poet For thore lay the y o u n g pride o f his life w ith a dam precinct, near Cedar M ills, W ash­ •" ' din nid I K Pelehroan the se ington county. M r. R alph R . Duniwav bullet through h is brain. • ir see M U u r :, »■ 1 « ) „ sheriff's Consum ption, LaGrippe, Pneui nose of Uncle Sam. For months wrote: lax deed (> God* it was terrible, ns has before been said. opened for the republicans, and Mr. I A ll foreign nationalities Omaha has been the hot-lied ol For a k in d father to carry his boy to his lo v in g Dunbar spoke for the Bryan side. The Annie t MeBran. hy sheriff ete.. to u cured by S h ilo h ’s Cure. F ° r s- m oth er, and him ly in g in his arm s dead. And realm s and principalities 1 1 'osidln and r E Hei-h-uan e “ ministers.” They have coined, Hut w eep n o i a s w eep others, w ho h a ve n o hope republican devoted the time to d e m o n ­ of n s q r sec le t :: n r A w s ia sher­ C la rk ’ s drug store. W ith no trace o f indecision strating that the country has prospered so it is said, about 500,000 or more nbovi iffs lax deed..................... He could name with great precision. For t'firl was n lo v in c boy sad we trust Ids s.\ lor under the gold standard, and the money Lucy F in ie s and hnsband to Kli/a- of dollars which contained the same But he used to think N ebraska W hy do you pay 15 cents !Vr a loved. l"-ih Kitehey lot, 1 and 2 In blk 4 in the country is sufficient to transact amount of silver and alloy as is .’ in p o ssib le o u r frien d is in his Was a river in A laska It Io cs not ami 25 cents for a haircut when | Fairview add to Hillsboro the business o f good tim es, as there is «rave, Joseph Ilueher. by -heriffete.. to |. A And he searched an hour forCanuleti placed in the regular dollar by the same can be had for 10 and 2oceni Ilut blest be the G o I that has taken, an d blest be now as much money as in good times; w lift s and C F Iieiehman svr »¡r of on a m ap o f M adagascar. the E a g le Parlor? Children’s hair 1 government. These men have the God that gave. that gold has not appreciated in value, deed * 11 11 r 6 w l«0a sheri ffs lax tin g 15 cents. simply started an opposition to the These theorists who knew nothing Hut o how w e m iss h im ; parents an i b ro th e rs and that there is need to maintain the o n r sym pathy is yours: (lotrlfred Masser t o i,,.,nr,. Blasser Its government and their money can- practically or in a material way A n d let us a*il liv e to m eet h im w here d e a th and republican standard o f sound money and 'fh-'J' lauds } '? claim “ arden deed Homo and orher null Notice. return to the republican tariff poliev in parti hr is n o m ore. not be detected from the genuine, gravely expounded the dogmas of John J H am and wife to The Public order to have prosperity return, 'juii claim deed to a tram f,,r ,,„|e N otices is hereby given that the They are making money figura- Knglish free trade, for example, or lie road bet we a 2s and 2 » t 2 Mr. Ilunbar did not question the sta­ n < Your Boy Won't Live a Mouth. . tively and literally. It is said they solved off hand problems which tistics or statements o f fact furnished by J R Marler and « Ife to Mr. K M B. has l»een by the assignee turn ** 1 So M r. G ilm an B row n, of 84 M ill S t., S. a of.I A n i o p l n d l e In see 2 - 1 l realize 51 cents profit on every dol- perplex the most profound students the republicans, but argued for silver, to hands for settlem ent and c0^eCh doctors, who finally gave him up. the governm ental action in regard to Diseased, constipation and kid- have been the receptacles of thou gue. which now has its branches “ yl" * j, I' ' 0“ rbo,y * ° n ‘ '''«»niorth. silver. Mr. Dunbar asserted two propo­ nev, liver and bowel R ip a n s T ab tiles: at «lriie£ift*_ are cuicd “ c,s of these home dollars. m schools in all parts of the country, a few ^ mt(3rod him to health an., sitions which should be read with inter­ by C arl-» Clover Root troubles Tea. R ip a n s T ab u les c u n d W *** est. One was that since the repeal o f It is “ seigniorage scheme ’ on was organized. I he hoys of today enabled him to go to work a perfectly R ip a n s T ab u les cure hesjl*J* the Sherm an law in 1893, the govern­ the sly and has finally attracted know that ottr world is not a well man. He says he owes his present ment has not coined an y silver dollars A hacking cough is not onlv annoying the attention of the goverment. Utopia, that systems formulated i°°d health to use of Dr. King's New from bullion, lmt has o n ly recoined a to O th ers, but is dangerous t o the pervm AN TED “ E V FK A L E G T ID U i J The detectives are satisfied that for an ideal land will seldom work »hacovry, and knows it to be thejwst sm all amount of ligh t silver coins; sec­ «h o has it. One Minute Cough Cure W om en to travel for j-sjj. J ii«h*MÌ b o u s e in Oregon - will quickly put an end to it. J . C. Clark ond, that the panic o f 1893 was caused they have the counterfeiters where »" « real one and that political Bot|U# KrM „ Miller-g ,.harm«cy. fr> w eekly and e x p en «?". 1 «Lasl druggist. J. F. C a p l f . s , o f M u l t n o m a h . J W Deference. velope. mmmmm K nrlose * d f T h e îia tlo n a l.^ ta r intio*. t