TH K H A T C H ET. Highest o f all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. Hateretl at the post-office at Forest Grove, Or. as Second class mail matter. TKUMS TO s r B S t lilBK KS. One year S ix m onths T h ree m onths Postage Free. In Advance. 50 75 ! 40 K stablished for the dissem ination of W ashing­ ton county news, the elevation of hum anity and th e money we can m ake. Items «>f general interest gratefully received. A B SO L U T E L Y P U R E No other article of human food has ever received such emphatic commendation for purity, strength and wholesomeness, from the most eminent authorities, as the Royal Baking Powder. E ditor's hobbies and opinions on th is page, all th e rest facts im partial and uncolored. E ditor is at hom e in his sanctum , H atchet Building, Forest Grove, from 6 a. m. to to p . m. of the legislative branch, the re- policy to diminish our burden ot owners, whom four years before it had denounced, in control. How degenerate became in twelve short years this party of plain peo­ ple for in 1892, after deploring that “ the fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up colos­ sal fortunes for a few unprecedented in the history of mankind,' it ad­ ded to the unlimited landmark of its founders a demand for free coin­ age, a change which would not lift one straw from the burden the masses arc now bearing but would add half a billion dollars to the wcalth of the richest and smallest of the cj.,sses tlle forty J. C. C la n k . . . THE LEADING DRUGGIST O F W ASHIN G COUNTY, Carries the Largest Stock of Drugs jn p Grove and « ill Meet Prices that may be made by T one. Don’t be humbugged, but call on a Reliable D rience. ^ gist of Experience. J. C. CLARK, Druggjsi MELKI JOHNSON •1 »ch wrrk d»y »nd «iways glad to uik »mi sponsibility was placed where it debt was to so improve our credit belonged and further private sales that capitalists will seek to loan us were condemned. In money at lower rates of interest ISSU ED E V E R Y W E E K IN TH E Y E A R ON of bonds t h e h a t c h e t I January, 1896, another issue of than we now pay and must continue ers who already possess T H U R SD A Y PROM P R IK T E K Y . $100,000,000 was made by the to pay so long as repudiation, par- inconcievable wealth of 66 - 000 000 Special Bargains in twenty and Forty Acre 662,000,000 - president. So in Mr. Cleveland’s tial or total, open or covert, is Tracts in Washington, Yamhill dollars. This is the party of Bryan If you tail to receive your'paper i Four in 1896. Will you aid by your be a favor if you will notify us at once | three years the public debt has been threatened or suspected.’ ’ and T illamook counties. increased $262,602,245,26. The years later repudiation of the pub- , vote or influence the most gigantic A USTIN C R A IG K ditok and i ' kopkibtob . natural distrust of any one, how- lie debt in any form or disguise, ................................. conspiracy ever attempted, where FOREST GROVE OREGON ever wealthy, whose expenses ex- was again denounced as a National is m a" to forge its own B ig h t BADABLR ceed income fell upon the nation crime. Proudly it spoke of the re- felters m the blinded belief that ence and Spain, baffled, bankrupt C o u n t y S ch ool Note*. P aces E L IA B L K under his incompetent management duction of the principal of the debt they are to be the weapons to de and disorganized at horns is power W eekly EPUBLICAN Mr. Chas. I’falil has been electedc! and cast its baneful influence over and the rates of interest on the bal- fend its liberty? less to continue and afraid to of district 52 in place of Mr. x tukj all the industries of the land. Ad- ance, and confidently expected that who has resigned. withdraw. A new Spanish repub­ The H A T C H K T has the Largest ded to this was the Un-American our excellent National currency F rank Stewart, ot Hillsboro, 1» HISTORY RKPEATS ITSELF. lic and a Cuban republic may soon C ircu la tio n o f any new spaper policy of discriminating in favor of would be perfected by a speedy rc- M onday a three months term in dutr come and together. 75, above G reenville. | the foreigner by ad valorem duties sumption of specie payment, Palmer and Buckner and their In W ashington Cou nty. District 55, near Glencoe, commen based on fraudulent undervalua- That resumption came. T h e 1 followers are of the same honest The true gold standard party of :ts school Oct. 5, for one month. X ! tiou. value of paper currency was imme- blood as the straight out Demo­ E va A. M iller, teacher. But one error can be laid at the diately raised from 38 per cent, to crats of 1872 who proclaimed to the history is the prohibition party Mrs. M. H aines, o f Forest Grove Republican door and that was an the par of gold, so different is a re- world in their platform: “ Principle which in ’72 favored “ a sound na­ gan teaching in district 3, Laurel, Se 1 error of judgment rather than of deemable from an irredeemable cur- is to be preferred to power. The tional currency, adequate to the de­ ->S, a term of three mouths. I the heart. In the act of 1890 friend- rency. A currency was given ab- Democratic party is held together mands of business and convertible M. T. C ox o f G ales Creek is teachi liness to the miners had been shown solutely good and equal in even- by the cohesion of time-honored into gold and silver at the will of in district 43, near Glencoe. The I 1 by protection against foreign silver- part ot our extended country, lift­ principles which they will never the holder, and the adoption o f three months term began Sept, 28 Miss M ary North, o f Glencoe, isteacl bearing lead ores, the free intro- ing the credit of the Nation from surrender in exchange for all the every measure compatible with ! duction of which threatened these the point w here 6 per cent, bonds offices which Presidents can confer, justice and public safety to appreci­ ing in district 58 near Glencoe, began Sept. Ji for a two months ten. great mining industries of the sold at 86 to that where 4 per cent. The pangs of the minorities are ate our present currency to the gold Miss Jennie Hoodenpvl is in chargt standard.” j Rocky Mountain states. bonds are equally sought at a p re-1 doubtless excruciating; but we wel- district Ko’s school, near Laurel. 1 However, the election of Mr. mium. come an eternal minority, under fall term o f three months began Sept. Court House .News. , Cleveland, avowedly unfriendly to In the years of republican rule the banner inscribed with our prin- The land o f Henry Becker, joa:r«i EF,PUBLICAN NOMINEKS. I’robate—-Estate of Jacob Keiui, de­ j American industries, brought em foreign trade wonderfully in- eiples, rather than an almighty and Iowa H ill, has been set apart from d ceased, continued until receipts are filed. For President, barrassments upon the business of creased. triet 52 and joined to district 3 by pe Without resorting to everlasting majority purchased by Estate of W m . Vincent, deceased; W m . M c K in l e y , oe O h io . the country through apprehensions loans government expenses and in- (their abandonment. Having been semi-annual account filed and approved. lion. School began Sept. 28 in district! of evils to come. This trouble was terest were met and millions were betrayed into a false creed and a false Estate of E'red Sclileuter, deceased, Bor Vice-President, final account approved and estate closed near G lencoe, for a three months ter G a r r e t t A . H o b a r t , o e N e w J e r s e y . augmented by the W orld’s Fair annually paid in a liberal pension leadership by the convention, we Mrs. Carrie Frntchey, of Glenc« drawing money out of the ordinary policy. A great share of the pub­ repudiate both, and appeal to the of record; residence of estate, valued at teacher. For Presidential e lecto rs from Oregon, #3,445.47, turned over to widow as sale channels of trade. Not willing to lic debt was paid and the balance people to approve our platform and legatee under the will of deceased K. D avid's land in the John I.ocsig» T. T. G e e r , o e M a r i o n C o u n t y , acknowledge the disaster he had refunded so as to largely decrease to rally to the fold and support the Estate of Grin N. Clark, deceased; ad- donation claim near Greenville hast,, S. M. Y o r a n , o f L a n k , brought, Mr. Cleveland called to­ the annual interest charges. The true platform and the candidates ministrator ordered to pay attorney lees set off from district 99 and joined to trict 12 hv petition $77 lor settlement o f estate. gether congress in extra session and industries of the country revived, who embody it." E . L. S m it h , o e W a sc o , Estate of Win. R. Carpenter, deceased; Beaverton school, district 48, bep recommended the prompt repeal of wages were raised, and throughout The Democratic convention had J. F. C a p l e s , o p M u l t n o m a h . administrator ordered to pay expenses ol the Sherman act of 1890 with its the entire country there was evi- ratified the liberal Republican nom­ administration and preferred claim s and Sept. 28 for the fall team of three month Mr. Louis M cKown, principal; Miss Mai silver purchasing clause to “ put deuce of a coming prosperity greater inees, Greeley and Brown, and had to give notice of final settlement by post­ K. I’ike in charge of intei mediatedep THE REAL ISSUE. beyond all doubt or mistake the in­ than we have ever enjoyed. adopted their platform. O ’Connor ing notices, etc. nient. The question of tariff is claimed tention and the ability of Ihe gov­ Another administration came, and Adams represented the princi­ In the matter of the estate of Sarah B. Report o f D istrict No. 41, for by many not to enter into the pres­ ernment to fulfill its pecuniary ob­ one that was not repblican, and ples of pure Democracy. Flection Suess, deceased; inventory and appraise­ month ending Oct. 9. No. of pupils ment o f property in Multnomah county ent campaign, money is all the cry ligations in money universally rec­ discontent and disaster have fol­ came and left Horace Greeley a rolled 45. A verage attendance 39. but the money question was never ognized by all civilized countries." lowed. Shall there be another e x ­ disappointed man who died of filed and approved. Also semi-annual i of cases of tardiness 2. Those neitbej report filed showing amount received raised to the importance of an In addition to the supposed best periment, another untried party to crushed ambition three weeks later j $77.40; paid out $74.98; balance on hand absent nor tardy during the month wet Ethel, R oy and Elm er Watson, Effieai issue until the Wilson tariff so de­ interests of the country, 98 repub­ be put in charge, or will the people I and never even received an elec- ' $ 4 - 42 . Rosa Adams, C ecil and Floyd Raffet creased government revenues that licans voted with 141 democrats, rettirn to a party that has been toral vote for the presidency on In the matter of the estate of Magde- John, Harve, W alter and Elsie Willi line Blasser, deceased; last will of de­ to pay running expenses it was nec­ and the president’s earnest desire proved and found worthy of con li­ which he had set his heart. 11 is a Elsie and Lena Hollenbeck, Julia ai essary to draw upon the treasury was accomplished. But prosperity dent? Its best guarantee for the sad story of a great mind run mad ceased admitted to probate and George Charles D elaney, Mary Miller, Haro I Blasser appointed executor to serve with­ Butler, Ralph Nglo, Lucy and Wym reserve. Then with the balance of did not come, no perceptible relief future is its honorable record of the but it points a moral. out bonds. W. J. Robinson, L. II. Seiglow, Bertha, Braddis and Delbe trade against us, for we were buy­ to the disturbed business interests past. Nichols and Samuel Rice appointed ap- Promises count for little, Fow els.— A lbert Latham , teacher. ing more Ilian we sold, it became of the country. Amid embarrass­ platforms have seemed made to he | praisers. A CO R R EC TIO N , F ollow ing is the report of Reedvil Law Docket— Adol. Schumacher, Neils necessary to pay the difference in ments :o great, the tariff act of 1890 broken, hut an honorable life of The Other Side o f O e t. I lias ail Hansen and James Robb admitted to sch° o1 for !no" lh ending Oct. i. money and of course in money the still brought revenue sufficient for forty years tells the American peo­ lanced departm ent. No. of days taug article, referring to th e I I a t c i i k t . citizenship. other nations would accept, gold the support of the government. ple that republicanism is no theory which did not come to our notice | Marriage Licenses— H. C. Baker and 18. No. pupils enrolled 33. Areni To provide for this steadily increas­ Then came the democratic distor but proven prosperity, no shadow daily attendance 28. No. times tardr until recently. It asserts that Mr. 1ITOf H atchi - t : all other efforts to secure sufficient that lias caused this? Is that to be tina Oakerm an and Johnny Johns I notice in your last issue a communi­ The present people's party which was of November 18, 1892. The revenue for government expenses made the scapegoat which shall cation from a member of the British Tory — It. K. Colem an, principal. H a t c h e t is glad that a man whom Primary departm ent. No. ol A ami Allied forces club of this place, who had been exhausted. However the bear away the sins of democracy’s has swallowed up the democracy a considerable part of our countrv has crawled into your columns under the taug l't 18. No. pupils cnrilled reason given was that these bonds three ruinous years and leave it and is now bearing aloft the banner m en d e e m w o r th y to be tile n a tio n 's l ead of local news, for the purpose of Average d aily attendance 23. No. tin» were necessary to protect the gold blameless? The American people of free silver had its origin in the labor reform party of ’72. Then, c h i e f e x e c u t i v e is fre e fro m w h a t ! ■ lt" lerinK and villifying some ol our tn r d y i. No. visitors 7. Those noth reserve of $1.0,000,000 in the will hardly forget those days of de­ one year before the “ crime of ’73“ we consider almost a taint oh trea­ I l est citizens because they refuse to sup­ absent nor tardy were: Ered H.igg, treasury for the redemption of pression and darknes nor will when one of the twin metals of the son and welcomes the correction. port the principle of packed conventions and Edd G eradeh fn d, Ethel, Er® and wear a boss's collar. The affair Emma W heeler, Grace Iuilsyj hop" greenbacks. Such a necessity had they fail to remember the thirty It was not aware that Mr. Bryan's was organized and carried out in an or- Anderson, Em m a Twede Guy Wie** not liefore arisen since the resump years of prosperity under republi­ constitution was demonetized, these connection with the paper was so I derly manner and by that type of men back, K ate, H arry and Hans Iloier*: tion o f specie payments and for the can rule. With M cKinley and early Bryanites declared that, “ it who organize Boston Tea parties. Not AValter Karsteter.— Hannah B. tndei** is the duty of the government to recent, first time the gold reserve was en protection there will be no deficits ; one of which is a public charge or would teacher. establish a just standard of distribu­ croached upon. nor bond sales, but a return to an change his politics for a paltry office. F or Dyspepsia tion of capital and labor by provid- rhe printing of the official ballots Neither have any of them been ashamed . . T . _ , . . . . In January 1894, $50,000,000 01 increase of the debt paying power to own their name. . ■ - . - ------ „ And a Liver « V V t Complaint V U U IU lO lili you VC— hart a^ . sj* — ing a purely National circulating for the November election, 31900 for bonds were issued. Nov. 26, of of the government. Business will -'gain I suppose guarantee on every bottle of Shik medium, based on the faith and re- twenty-one precincts, was letS at- that a community ofpatriotic Americans V ita lize s It never fails to cure, the same year another fifty million revive and increase and prosperity followed $1 ii>,000,000 had lieen again smile upon every section of sourecs o f the Xation, which money urday to the H a t c h e t Printery, should apologize to a man who takes the sa'c at C la rk ’a drug store. shall he legal tender in the payment for $28.48, they being by $10 the advantage of every occasion to call his — ------------------------------------- ~ realized but the reserve had fallen our country. Mortgagee's Sale of all debts, public and private, and lowest bidders. Four years ago neighbors Anarchists and Thugs, who to $5.8,453,173. President Cleve- acteil the Good Samaritan and lent a W hereas, A . J. W ilkes and F E interchangeable at the option of the tl*e Hillsboro Publishing Company helping hand in time of need. Your Pomeroy did, on July 23, 1891. !and asked of congress for a further A TRIED FRIEND. holder for government bonds hear- received $79 for printing the ballots, correspondent did not give liis name, make and execute to Russell & Co,, t issue of bonds to redeem the $500, During its entire existence the re certain chattel mortgage upon ct,f 000,000 of legal tender notes then publican party has lieen the guar­ ing a rate of interest not to exceed County Clerk Imbrie s decision to but 11 is easy to make out his rank. personal property hereinafter desen» for the purpose o f securing the outstanding and asked that, con dian of the public credit and the 3-65 j>er cent., subject to future let the contract to the lowest bidder Mls ,onR **rvice in cleaning his master’s t __ o f three certain promissory a0* has resulted in a considerable sav- l'"“tis.wc” j 1,s'"m forthe dirty part trary to custom, they lie made pay true friend of all classes. In '64 legislation by congress." assigned him of trying to besmirch the am°u n tiiig to the sum of #1,000.00; Four years later, after the ing. Unite a contrast to Multno And w herea-, two of said not** able in gold instead of coin. The just as the war was closing and its still unpaid, and there is now due U*"®! “ crim e," its greenback successor l n a i l county s experience where the this place. 1 shall take n republicans in congress led by Mr. enormdus expense was becoming 0 lo tice of tile the sum of #765.00. principal and i®1'1! Reed of Maine favored a substitute apparent the republican party de said, " W e fu r th e r p r o te s t against e x o r b it a n t c h a r g e s of p e t p rin te rs statement o f falsehoods as they are de- e*t, and the sum of #50.00 attorn«' the plain honest people of fc« ; , , . - ,4 permitting the issuing of bonds dared "that the National faith, the sale of government bonds for are being ventilated but there is no ,,rccijted the purpose of purchasing silver to laipavers „ clerk payable in coin to provide for the pledged for the redemption of the , Bcttcr Element. W hile they gage, to-wit: One-horse New Style H temporary deficiency in the reven- public debt, must lie kept inviolate.“ lie used as a substitute for our more of the county court will not nil nv c lutic nerve they certainly have a tion E ngine com plete No. 5254* * J competition. convenient and less fractional cur­ K' supply of G all to ask a comm unity on Saturday, the 24th day of P i* * * nes of the government. Neither Four years later it denounced “ ail t'l apologize to a 1 ilf tile hour o f 10 o 'clo ck of said day»1 plan matured into a law and in forms of repudiation as a National rency, which, although well calcu­ tute l rviLdihorh, self consti- ton, W ashington Countv, Oregon. * lated to enrich owners of silver Saturday saw the twenty eighth l ie" neighborhood bosses. I trust this offer said p r o p e r * above d o * c n * M Feb., 1895, the president made his crime" and held that “ the National ..I appease Ins offended M ajesty. Mile to satisfy th e sums third l>ond sale, $62,400,000. honor required the payment of the mines, yet in operation it will still anniversary of the beginning of Yours Truly, mentioned, and the costs and t * r " ' Cuba’s struggle for freedom. Sel­ further oppress-in taxation an a l­ of said sale. . - These were taken up by foreign public indebtedness in the utter John I*. Aplin. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, to* ready over burdened people. In dom has the world witnessed such Dillev. Get. 14, 96. syndicales without att opportunity most faith to all creditors at home day o f October, 1S06. _ persistence joined with such h e r o ­ W . I>. B*ADF®Vlf for competitive bidding, another and abroad, not only according to X’. lhe KrwM,h:K'k‘-rs demanded that Agent o f Russell & Co . Mortf** coinage of silver as well ism as the Cubans are daily dis­ A hacking cough is not only annoying departure from Republican custom, the letter, but the spirit of the laws ' " " U' as gold be established by law .' ’ Un­ playing. It has lieen proved that to other«, hut is dangerous to the person W anted sr.vfRAi. ZAiTHrrtjiP A popular landslide had now under which it was contracted." " h o has it. Om 'v Minute Couch Cure V . 'VoTnon d > tn rel i«>r ^ limited, but not free coinage, for nothing but wholesale extermina- will ’ o ‘‘as n iric i i- nn» « • . K 1 h.tu*e in nrrfon place«I the Republicans in control Further, it believed that “ the best w.U quickie put an end to it. J. C. Clark. -eldv «mi expen-e«. ''" » '" " J Ä S S ? not yet were the silver mine t,on can prevent Cuban itidepend- d druggist Reference. Enelnke »elf sell ............. s iM re w . t ru g g is t. Iteferenee. F.mT.«e r " real estate agent R j j *» J“ »* - »5 .W dSggriH SU “*SH velnpe. The R atio n al, star Iliiilm"*-