Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, October 01, 1896, Image 7

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    W A S H IN G T O N
Cuban. W . r . Vie,
W splaj
;ume of Events in the
tutThUed' the SpHUlards
UithtrH In A l l H i « T o w n * o f
Kllfhborluf N is i«. — Improve-
al.VoMd In A ll Industries—Orsgou.
font w <ha ‘ a UUmb* r were W U d aud
four wounded.
Among the killed
were Lieutenant Komero.
The voluu-
teers who escaped report that severe
losses were inflicted on rebels
irrigating canal on the west side
d riser valley is nearing cumple-
■d will furnish w ater for i n i -
lbs! entire section. T h e oanal
jry 2,000 inches o f w ater, and
astrnctad at an expense of $20,-
finl National bank o f Heppner
,000 pounds o f w ool last Satur-
,# cents a pound. One hundred
thousand pounds is a ll o f the
t has been sold in Heppner
wool blockade began last
Tty of hunters on the Nehalem
:ed to have k illed fou r elk the
jay. When they returned to
i elk out of the woods, they
-o large black bears a fte r tbe
In order to get the elk
had to k ill the bears, w bioh
Weston m ills have com pleted
order of flour fo r China,
ihipment of five carloads was
• week. A car o f flour and a
feed were shipped to Portland.
« was the largest o ir ever
there, and held 260 barrels. A n
recently been received from
oisco for two carloads,
of government engineers has
Salem and began a survey
sillamette river there, prepara­
dle work o f b u ild in g w in g-
"?e the city, whioh are to pro­
point at the P olk county side,
the city, and to keep the river
^channel. It w i l l also be de-
wh.it bars in tbe riv e r are to
zed in order to keep the chan-
and protect the riv er banks,
continue to run m oderately,
there was a noticeable im prove-
first of tbe week over the
ring the closing days o f last
the Astorian.
The run of
ai has not yet commenced, but
dd for within a fe w days, un-
time the canners w i l l not
particular efforts to increase
!y packing.
¡di engineer who has been in
river mine surveying a route
.on road reports h avin g select-
tndid route fo r a road up
lek to the Lucky Boy mine,
the grade w ill be an easy one.
the employ of the London Ex-
Company, which nas recently
that property. T h is road
he of benefit to G old H ill
18 county fa ir has ended,
nation w ill be nearly $2,000
all expenses are paid,
of Oakeadale have succeeded
tohing a free reading-room in
lor the use o f workingm en.
1 that some sort o f worm
the grasshoppers that have
{numerous in the v ic in ity of
ter shipments o f W ashing-
•rare sligh tly over 20,000,-
terger than for a lik e period
the prospectors are being
of the mountains of the
reservation by the approach
tater and M artin Becker, the
reported to have been drowned
IDe f iver w h ile on a Ashing
turned up safe in Spokane.
8 of Yakima are com plaiu-
■oobo nuisance, and are call-
tbstemeut. They advocate
!t® ,0 work on the streets.
5 Secroth, president o f the
“ nistion of w om en's olnbs,
**y from Chicago to Taco-
''he w ill attend the m eeting
associations. On her re-
,,nP in Spokane, and be
"fifiption by the Sorosis.
n Pacifio ra ilw a y w ill
®. on the site o f tbe old
I “ ew water tank, w ith a
52,000 gallons.
I t w ill
l , 0 ,ee* above the traoks,
I I re* ching a h eigh t o f aixty
nieves are system atically
residence districts■ of
When they approach a
some one at home they
'“ 'HR to eat.
I f the door
soiwered they go in and
Premises for money and
Seism of ,
M c M O RY.
C ollection
<s r u e Rom«* R$
they were leaving the town of
oau province of Havana. A desperate
th e . AM
7 dld
, Ú being sold in A th en s at
■ toril, and is scarce at that.
^twt of proprietors o f stores in
I lure begun closing th eir places
jell at 7 o’clock P. M.
jin Krause, of Company C, Pen-
jay, that the members c f the
will soon q u a lify as sbarp-
Tbi8 w ill g iv e the oompany
■bowing at the enuampment,
Ihere be one next June,
* * * ,hr0UKh the rebels,
W“ re W‘ thuU* ‘" “ ‘ l. but
ceaBe «rin g until twenty.
Captured u Rubber.
_ Chicago, Sept. H O .-A Metropolitan
L train on the North-avenue d iv i­
sion made a thrilling run in the dead
hours of the morning with a robber
oaged in tbe motor car frantically en­
deavoring to escape. The plucky mo-
torman and conductor prevented him
from leaping through the window to
probable death, aud after running the
train w ild up and down tbe line they
succeeded in attracting the attention
of tbe police by furiously tooting tbe
A Senaatloual Suicide.
, Westminster, Md., Sept. 29.— Miss
Carrie Horner, daughter of Charles
Horner, of this place, committed sui-
cide by taking strychnine today, under
peouliar circumstances. She was to
have been married at 11 o’ olook today
to W illia m Brock, a grocer. Brock
suggested they take a walk in the cem-
etery, and there he informed her, ac­
cording to her father's statement, that
he was not in a position to marry her.
Upon this she became nervous and said
she wished to be alone. Shortly after,
Brook heard a scream and found her
in convulsions. The father of the girl
was so incensed that he started in quest
o f Brook, swearing to k ill him, but the
latter had left town.
Ir o n M ines Closed Down.
Ishpeming, Mich., Sept. 29.— The
Lake Angeline iron mine, which in
form er years paid $500,000 dividends
annually, closed down all its works to­
night, throwing 600 men out of work.
The oompany had sunk its surplus in
improvements, and was unable to sell
ore or secure cash advances thereon.
U n .cru p u lou «
K IN D .
Denver W tdow .
San Francisco, Sept. 29.— Robert
Snowden, who claims to be a journal­
ist, was arrested last night on a war­
rant charging him with felony and em­
bezzlement. The oomplaining witness
is Mrs. Sarah B. W illiams, a middle-
aged widow, of Denver.
She claims
that Snowden, who is 28 years old,
indnoed her to come to San Francisco
on a promise to marry, and then
cajoled her out of her money and
jew elry and disappeared.
Acoording to the woman’s story, she
met Snowden in Denver some months
ago, and, after a brief acquaintance,
consented to marry him. He was in a
harry to get back to tbe coast st tbe
time, and she promised to join him at
any time he sent for her. In pursu­
ance of this sgreement Mrs. W illiam s
started for San Francisco, arriving
here in oompany with Snowden, who
bad gone to Sacramento to meet her, on
August 10.
Tbe young man took the widow to
the Palsce hotel, where she registered
and procured a room. For some rea­
son or another, her intended husband
pnt off the marriage from time to time
until he had succeeded in borrowing
a ll o f her money and jewelry, on one
pretext or another. Then he disap­
peared. Mrs. W illiam s waited pa­
tiently for him to return, but after sev­
eral dayB began to realize that she had
been defrauded and that she was in
debt at a fashionable hotel, with noth­
ing in her purse to warrant her stay.
Mrs. W illiam s waited until her bill
had readied $90, when the hotel man­
agement insisted on payment.
w idow explained her position, and was
sent away from tbe hotel, her baggage
being held for her bill. Tbe woman
was utterly penniless, and was com­
pelled to seek shelter in a charitable
Snowden says be met tbe woman in
Denver through s newspaper personal.
Salem. Or.., tq.pt. 28.— The mem-
°?y ° ‘ Uharles .1. Huiteau, the assassin
of President Garfield, has been revived
here by a display of relics by a busi­
ness house. The collection is the prop­
erty of F. 8. Lull, nephew o f John C.
Lrooker. who was warden of the W ash­
ington city ja il during tbe tim e of
Guiteau’ a incarceration. Am ong the
collection is a piece of the hemp rope
with which the assassin was hanged,
aud also a pieoe of the cotton rope that
his hands were tied with. Each is
inches long.
Crocker died two years ago, but Mr.
Lu ll has a certificate iu his uucle’ s
handwriting that the hemp memento
was out from the rope that hanged
Guiteau. The collection also oonta ins
a bottle of the Band used in testing the
strength of the hangman's rope, a
oribbage board made from the lid of
Guiteau's ooffin, aud a lock of bis hair.
A relio among the collection that at­
tracts special attention is a faosim ile
of the bnllet that was aimed at ths
prisoner by a ja il guard. The bnllet,
after passing through Guiteau’ s ooal
and a photograph iu his pocket, struck
the brick w all and flattened out. The
shape of the lead when picked up bore
such a marked resemblance to the bust
of Guiteau that it was preserved, aud
facsimiles have since been made.
Daring a part of the tim e of the as­
sassin's confinement in ja il, his m ail
matter was two to three wagonloads a
day. It oonsited mostly of letters de­
nouncing Guiteau, ofteu accompanied
with hideous drawings aud pioturea,
and the oontributiou of a bouquet by
one person, Edward Diokey, a W ash­
ington florist. The collection secured
from Mr. L u ll onntaiua a preserved
leaf from the bouquet and the card
whioh aooompanied it. On the o&rd is
“ W e meet in paardise.
Farew ell.”
Another neatly written
card of tbe collection reads:
“ Yon oall yourself G it-tow ,
You villainous, murdering imp;.
But we are glad to know
You surely w ill get hemp.”
A pen-and-ink draw ing pictures a
ja il with an empty cell and a scaffold
in the rear. Below the empty oell is
“ Empty is the oradle,
Charles Guiteau is gone. ”
Another represents Guiteau in agony
jnst after the
baa been
sprung. The picture is designated as
“ the irresistible impulse. ”
A pin, tbe head representing the as­
sassinated president, is accompained
with the Instructions that it be worn
Jane 30, 1882, tbe date of the execu­
tion. The L u ll collection contains a
vast amount o f Confederate money.
One b ill for $50 is made payable two
years after secession has triumped.
P ion eer
M A N 'S
B R ID E .
S a n b o rn '* H o n e y m o o n
U n p lea sa n t E nding-
Jaokson, Cal., Sept. 28.— A few days
ago B. 8. Sanborn, an 82-year-old
pioneer, was introduced to Mrs. Julia
Hughes, a recent arrival from Oakland.
It was a case o f love at first sight, and
Sanborn prroposed m arriage im m edi­
ately. Next day tbe tw o were married
and started off on a wedding tour, fo l­
lowed by the good-natured congratula­
tions of the townspeople. The fo llo w ­
ing day they returned and settled down
in Sanborn’ s house. The oonple seemed
very happy, but today Sanborn’ s little
romance came to a sadden end. The
old man took his customary nap today,
aod when he awoke be missed b it w ife,
also $400. He investigated and found
that Mrs. Sanborn bad hired a horse
and departed with her trunk to some
point outside of tbe county. Sanborn
swore ont s warrant charging his bride
with grand larceny, and the sheriff is
now pursuing her.
A M ayor’« Novel
San Diego, Sept. 28.— M ayor C a rl­
son sent a novel communioation to tbe
council last night. A resolution had
been introduced strongly criticisin g
the mayor “ for oavorting around the
country,” and the mayor replied to it
by setting forth his plans i f elected con­
gressman. He bases his plea for sup­
port on a b ill he proposes to introdnoe
in congress, providing for the expendi­
ture of $500,000,000 in the erection o f
government buildings in every county
•eat in tbe nation. To pay for this,
the government is to issue “ public im ­
N ot M u ch L eft o f Cleveland . Iu K l i r f c l - provement scrip,’ ’ which w ill be met
with money saved from rental.
tat County.
Arlington, Or., Sept 29.— A disas­ resolution criticising the mayor has
trous lire occurred at Cleveland, a not yet come to a vote.
small town about twenty miles north
T u rk * D n ia r r a t« a l'e in e t«rjr.
of this place, in K liokitat county.
Canea, Spet. 25.— The Turks have
N in e buildings went up in smoke, in ­ desecrated and profaned the cemetery
cluding the principal store, two black­ at Snda bay under the eyes o f the offi­
smith shops, a hotel and livery barn. cers of tbe British and Austrian men-
The town has no fire department, and of-war.
During negotiations for the
no water could be used except what Cretan settlement Great B ritain and
was thrown on with buckets.
The Russia agreed to permit Greece to an­
destruction is believed to be the work nex Crete at the first opportunity pre­
o f incendiaries, although there is no
senting itself.
clew to the persons guilty. Those who
suffered the greatest losses are.
M anNarr« o f A r m e n ia n « C on tin u e.
H. Blome, general merchandise; S.
Constantinople, Sept. 24.— Disturb­
Cooley, blacksmith; A. Dodge, black-
ances occurred September 18 at Hum-
ashmaden. villa yet of Karpoot, ow in g
In addition to his store, Mr. Blome
to an incursion of Kurds. N o details
also owned the livery bam and one of have been received. Troops have been
the blacksmith shops.
The loss of
dispatched to the scene. The A rm e ­
property is a severe blow to tbe own­ nians were murdered at Angora, Sep­
ers, as there was little or no insurance.
tember 19. on account of an outbreak
Thé blaze was started in the livery
of Are.
. special land exam iner
A B u ild in g C o lla p se d
J * ? Pacifio ra ilw a y , has
N ew York. Sept. 29.- A flatbouse in
erring w ith sheepmen
essing o f the com pany’ s the oourse o f construction, on Madison
Eighty-first and
basing purpose«.
T w o avenue.
( s«nd acres have already E ighty second street, fe ll today, killing
A number of
«heepmen and oattle- three men ontright.
have a ll the land be- others are in the m in a
,nd the Palouse be-
Coney Islan d E lsp h a o t Horned.
* of Rock creek.
York. Sept 99. - T b « *>*«
’ *jl the territory north,
ta lU * °“ ®
"otions that have not yet wooden elephant,which
ls expected the the years ago for use as a hotel at Coney
Inland, waa burned ton igh t
W0° he occupied.
C ru sh in g
O regou
Iu d u strial
E xposition
Com ­
p lete S lice*«».
Special Correspondence.
Gladstone’s Solution of the
Turkish Problem
B e t t e r R e c e i v e d on t h e C o u t i u e n t T h a n
E n gla n d — T h e
T u rk ish
S h ip *
London, Sept. 29.— The wearisome
Arm enian question has almost absorbed
public attention during
the week.
The proposal o f Mr. Gladstone to w it h ­
draw tbe Birtish ambassador from Con­
stantinople and dismiss the Turkish
amabssador here, is discusssed by all
tbe newspapers, bat finds little favor,
and is looked upon as being sim ply a
policy of cryin g “ boo,” which w ill
have absolutely no good effect npon the
A l l eyes are now tunred toward B a l­
moral, where tbe arriva l today of the
M arqnis of
Salisbury, it is hoped,
marks a turning point in Great B r it­
ain's position towards the powers.
The British premier w ill stay several
days at Balmoral, and there is little
doubt that he w ill u tilize his tim e in
endeavoring to win from the czar a
recognition o f the disinterested charac­
ter o f Great B rita in ’ s policy toward
Turkey, and arrange a basis for jo in t
aotion, whioh w ill render farther mas­
sacres impossible.
Un the Continent Mr. Gladstone’ s
speech was received d ifferen tly in tbe
various countries. The French press
expressed unusually favorable opinions
of it and even the notorious A n glo-
phobe organ gave it a generous praise.
The Lib re Parole describes it aB the
finest Mr. Gladstone has ever made and
one which stigmatizes most m agn ifi­
cently the orime of European diplom ­
acy in past years.
In faot, the com ­
ments o f the press generally indicate
that France has at last awakened to tbe
enorm ities o f Turkish rule, and ahe
w ill weloome an understanding be­
tween Russia whioh w ill enable them
to take jo in t and effective action at
In Austria and Germany, however,
tbe newspapers scoff at Mr. Gladsotue’ s
proposal regarding the ambassadors,
which is characterized as fanatical and
The remarkable violence of tbe E ng­
lish agitation wbioh has been conduct­
ed against the sultan is shown by the
character of the epithets which have
been burled at him by the usually m od­
erate-speaking English people.
Gladstone’ s epithet o f “ tlje great as­
sassin" seems to have set the fashion,
the Dnke of W estm inster fo llo w in g
w ith "fien d in oarn ate," Earl Spencer
preferrin g “ representative o f a d iab oli­
cal and atrocious governm ent.”
The term applied by W illia m W a t­
son, tbe poet, “ Abdul tbe Damned,”
in his series of sonnets on the A rm en i­
an question, perhaps finds tbe most
freqnent repetition o f any of them.
The press is not behind in its sensa­
tional dealings w ith the subject by the
most lurid headlines in the newspapers
and posters to advertise them. The
Chronicle is printing a series o f “ mur­
der maps’ ’ on the subject.
M is* W i l l a r d '* A p p e a l.
Chicago, Sept. 29.— A oablegram
W om en's Christian Temperance Union
says Miss Frances E. W illa rd sent out
the fo llo w in g call to the 10,000 local
unions in the United States:
“ Comrades: The oup o f wrath is
In these tw o terrible years.when
the massacre o f tbe innooent had been
done under the eyes of onr paralyzed
rulers in Christian lands, w e have
thongbt men alone coaid help, but it
is women who are dyin g tw o deaths in
the bloody East, and we, their sisters,
cannot longer w a it
Yon have nobly
responded to my earlier appeal in the
name of Christ and humanity, o f home
against harem, and 1 earnestly and ten­
derly call upon you to organize meet­
ings in every locality, urging onr g o v ­
ernment to co-operate w ith England in
putting a stop to the massacres and g i v ­
in g protection henceforth to Arm enian
L e t those meetings be ad­
dressed by pastors, business men and
the most capable women.
L et money
be raised by systematic visitation as
w e ll as by collection, and forwarded to
onr national treasurer, Miss Helen M.
Barker, W om an's temple, Chicago,
and may God deal w ith us at least as
we deal w ith onr Arm enian brothers
and sisters and their little ones, in this
hour of their overw helm ing calam ity.
Yours for God and home and every
Frances T. W illa r d .”
N o w that the wheat movem ent baa
set in at a good paoe, business is pick-
lng up iu many linea, and merchants
: mu inclined to take a more hopeful
view of the situation.
Hops are alao
commencing to move, and w h ile tha
price is so low as to leave the grow er
little or uothing for his labor, i t ia
s till sufficient to put in oiroulatiou con­
siderable money that has passed into
the hands of the pickers and others en­
gaged in gettin g the crop into m arket­
able shape.
Portland, Or., Sept. 22.— The trip to
this plane was pleasant as the w eath­
er was fine.
W e arrived safe Saturday
m orning; and that evening w e attend­
ed the Portland Exposition.
1 s a w jit
last year.
The music h all is a revela­
tion o f beanty this year.
O ver the
stage is a large Old G lo ry in electric
lights; and every ten feet a row o f in-
candeaceuts around tbe concave roof
W liest M srk*t.
illum inates the hall softly and beau­
The local wheat market continues
tifu lly .
firm, w ith an upward tendency, and
The fru it exhibits are not so largo
prices were marked up another oent
this year as last; nor is the art gallery
this week.
Receipts have been 100
quite so full.
The first floor exhibits,
however, surpass in artistio taste those carloads per day tor the past week.
(Quotations are: W a lla W alla . 53 to
of '96.
Saturday night, the 26th, was E lks’ o4o; V alley, 55 to 66c per buahel.
night, and the biggest crowd o f the
Produce Market.
season was present.
There really was
F loor — Portland, Salem, Cascadia
not room enough for comfort.
Ten and Dayton, 62.80; Benton county and
thonaand people occupy a great deal of
W h ite L ily , $2.80; graham, $2.40; su­
space; and 1 have an idea that ovet perfine, $2 15 per barrel.
than number was present. Governor
G a t » —C hoice white, 30@32c per bush­
Lord presided ever tbe Elks' oere- e l; choice gray, 2H@31c. R olled oeta
monies. The low er floor was given up are quoted as follows: Bags, $4.25(3
5.25; barrels, $4.50(87; cases, $3.75.
to the Elks, who, as Gypsies, had
H a y — Tim othy, $10.50 per ton; cnent,
tents, before each o f whioh was an e le­
*6(87.50 ; clover, $0(87 ; oat, $7.60 ; when!-
gant spieler.
Monday night, the 28th, was the
B a r l e y — Feed barley, $13.50 per ton ;
Merchants' carnival, or M ardi Gras
brewing, $14® 18.
This was a real panorama of the manu­
M illhtukvs — bran. $12.50; shorts,
$19.50; rye, 90c
facturing and oomweroe o f this neck of $12.50; middlings,
per cental.
tbe woods. A fu ll account of that,
Burraa— Fancv creamery ia quoted at
however, must go over t ill my next le t­
40c; fancy dairy, 35c; fair to good,
20( « 22>ic.
On entering, tbe first exh ibit is that
P otatoes .— California, 55c; Oregon,
of Olds & K in g, greatest dry goods 55 ( « 00c per sack ; sweets, 2c per pound.
honsefurnishings store o f tbe
O nions —05c per cwt.
Northwest. C at glass, exquisite table
P o u l tr y — Chickens, mixed. $2.50®
china and bric-a-brac oocnpy a large 3.00 broilers, $1.25(82.25: geese, $0.00:
Yon know, 1 alw ays liked this turkeys, live, 10c; ducks, $3.00®4.00
Last Fourth, it was the only per dozen.
E ggs — Oregon. 20c per dozen.
big reta il house shut a ll day. It gave
C h r e s i — Uregon, 10c; California 8c ;
tw ioe as much to the oelebration fund Young Am erica, 11c per pound.
SB competitors who kept open h alf day
V egetables — G arlic, new, 10c per
to "rec o u p .”
Olds & K in g 's fa ll cata­ pound ; cabbage, lc per pound ; tom a­
logue is out, free to a ll by m ail on re­ toes, 25®35c per box ; string beans, 2 %
0 3 c per pound ; wax beans, 2% 0 3 c per
W ith it one may shop as w e ll
by m ail as in person. Olds and I are pound; cucumbers, 16@25c per b o x ;
old friends, and his house’ s word is as egg plant, $1.50 per crate; corn, 10®
12‘ .jc per dozen; summer squash, 25o
good as any governm ent bond.
per box ; green peppers, $1 per box.
There are many novelties at the E x ­
T r o p ic al F r u it — California lemons,
E very afternoon and even­ fancy, are quoted at $3.60®4.50 per b o x ;
in g there is excellent musio, besides bananas, $2.50 per bunch ; Valencia 1st«
tbe evenings. oranges, $4.5005.00; pineapples, $3.00
W hen you think that a ll this wealth o f @4.00 per dozen.
F resh F' r u it — California apples, $1.25
amusement, entertainment and instruc­
tion may be had for tw enty-five cents 01.50; Oregon, $1 per box ; crab applee,
for adults and ten cents for ohildren, 66c ; pears, 76@85c ; prune, 2 lic per
pound ; Kalaway peaches, 50(«'60e ; Snaan
it is easy to see that in spite of hard river and Indian Red, 60c per box ; wa­
times, the hall presents an animated termelons, Rogue river, $1.00 per d ozen ;
scene every night.
California, $1.25 per dozen ; canteloupee,
It fe lt lik e receiving old friends when Oregon, (I0c®$l per crate; quinces, $1 ;
I looked at M itchell, L e w is & Staver grapes, 40o< 80c per crate ; H ungarian
C o.’ s great display of farm wagons, plums, 00c per box ; egg, 1 ‘ ac per pound ;
wood oarts, and agricultural m achin­ Eastern Concord grapes, 35c per basket.
D r ie u F r u it h — A pples, evaporated,
ery. The wagon I bought of this bouse
bleached. 4 ® 4 ‘ ac; unbleached, 3J r ®4 c ;
four years ago nas nSver oost me one sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 3 ‘y(<z4c;
dollar for repairs. The firm has re­ pears, sun and evaporated, 5 0 6 c ;
moved to immense quarters at F irst prunes, 3@5c per pound ; figs. 10c per
and T aylor, where in spite of dull pound.
W ool — V aliev. 9c, per pound; East­
times, its enormous business has grown.
T h is comes from sellin g only best ern Oregon, 5®7c.
H oes— N ew crop, lie; old, 2c.
goods on guarantee, and, as far as my
N uts — I’eanuts, 0®7c per pound for
experience goes, at less dollars than
raw, 10c for roasted ; cocoanu s, 90c per
, dozen ; walnuts, 12.‘ awT4c; pine nuts,
M onday I took a w alk through the 15c; hickory nuts, 8® 10c; chestnuts,
uew city hall here,
i t is truly a m ag­ 17c; Brazil, 12c; pecans, large, 14c;
nificent structure.
In years to oome Jumbo, 16c; filberts, 12>gc; fancy, large,
the wisdom of having such municipal 14c; hard-shell, 8c ; paper-shell, 100
accommodations w ill be jusitfied in 12'yC.
1’ hovisions — Portland pack: Smoked
public approval at the outlay whioh at
Pains are quoted at 10@ 101gc per lb ;
one tim e caused no inconsiderable
picnic hams, 7c; boneless bams, 7 k e ;
difference o f opinion among members breakfast bacon, 10c; bacon, 6c ; dry
o f a ll parties.
salt sides, 5)tic; lard, 5-pound pails, 7c;
The biggest clothing store I ever saw 10s. 67,c; 60s, 6s,c ; tierces, 7c per
is the Famous, Second and Morrison. pound.
H idks — Dry hides, No. 1, 16 pounds
W hata’ more, the great business waa
and apwaril, 8>4®Hc per pound; d ry
b n ilt on the one price system, w ith
No. 1, 5 to 10pounds, 7c per pound;
best $10 men's suits and $10 overcoats
dry calf. No. 1, under 6 pounds, 11013c;
as leaders. They perhaps sell more
dry salted, one-tbird less than dry flint.
$6.50 macintoshes than a ll Portland Salted hides, sound steers, 60 pounds^
put together,
m ail orders com ing and over, 6c; do. 60 to 60 pounds, 5c;
from farmers and lo ggin g camps a ll do, under 60 pounds and cows, 3 )^ ® 4 c ;
over the Northwest. V isitors are a l­ do, kip, sound steers, 15 to 30 pounds,
ways weloome. T b e vast establish­ 4c; do, veal, 10 to 14 pounds, 5c; do,
ment it worth as much to see as any calf, under 10 pounds, 5 ® 6c ; green fun-
salted}, lc per pound less; calls (balls,
feature of the Exposition.
stags, moth-eaten, badly cut, scored,
Onr little party w ill be here for a
hair slipped, weather-lieaten or gru bby)
week or tw o longer. T e ll the boys we one-third lees.
are having a pretty good time, but w ill
B kkbw ax — 20022 per pound.
be home to vote.
E Z E K IE L .
T allo w — Prime, per pound, 3 @ 2 'ac ;
No. 2 and grease, 2j^c.
D a rin g H old -U p .
Charleston, W . V a ., Sept. 29.— A
daring holdup occurred on the Short
L in e railroad between S ew all and C liff
Top, eigh t miles from this oity, yester­
day afternoon.
Joe Thompson, who
came from the W est about a year ago,
learned that W . L. W ilson, bookkeeper
and paymaster of tbe Longdale Com ­
pany, at C liff Top, waa goin g np the
road in the afternoon to pay off tbe
men. W hen tbe train reached a lonely
spot in the mountains, Thompson, who
had boarded the tTain, held np those in
the engine at the point o f a revolver.
He grabbed the money from W ilson
and jumped from tbe engine.
W ilson
shot at Thompson.
Thompson re­
turned the fire, shooting W ilson fa ­
Aft t h « M o u t h o f t h e H o i p h o r u « .
Thompson made good bis es­
Berlin, Sept. 29.— The Frankfurter cape, and W ilson is dying. A posse is
Z eitn n g’ s Constantinople correspond­ in pursuit, and a lynching is expected
__________ I________
ent confirms the report that the Rus­
sian Black sea fleet has been cruising
F reigh t-T ra in W reck.
at the mouth of the Bosphorus.
Com ­
M elton, Pa., S e p t 29.— A disastrous
munication w ith tbe Russian embassy freight-train wreck occurred Saturday
at Duyukbere it maintained by carrier n igh t on the Philadelhphia & Reading
road nine m ile « east of here.
T be p ort« baa forbidden the circula­ empty engine collided w ith a heavy
tion of any foreign newspapers con tain -. lsden ooal train, th row ing eleven oars
ing Mr. Gladstone's speech at L iv e r­ o f ooal off the track and burying E n g i­
pool Thursday
neer M itch ell beneath the ruins. F ire ­
A serious outbreak o f Bubonic plague
has occurred in Bombay, 800 deaths
having already occurred.
K e lly , o f
tbe same engine,
jumped off, but was so badly injured
that be died,
M erclisudlis Marks*.
S almon — Columbia, river No. 1. tails,
$1.2601.60; No. 2. tabs. $2.2602.60;
fancy, No. 1, flats, $1.7501.86; Alaska,
No. 1, tails, $1.2001.30; No. 2, tails, $1.90
C o b o a g i — M anilla rope, lW -inch, it
quoted at 8c ; W h ite sisal, hard twisted :
Rope, l'k -in . cir. and upward, 6 (^c ;
rope, 12-thread, fiTQc.
H uoab — Golden C, 4l gc ; extra C,
dry granulated, 6c ; cube crushed and
powdered, 6c per pound ; >4c per pound
discount on all grades lor prompt esuh ;
half barrels, }'t c more than 'barrels;
maple sugar. 16016c per pound.
C o f fe e — Mocha, 27031c per pound;
Java, fancy, 2 l@ 2 «c ; Costa Rica, 20®
23'4c; Caracal, 22 V i t 25c ; Salvador, 19
@22c; Arbnckle, $18.15; Lion, $18.16;
Columbia, $18.15 per case.
R ica— Island, $4.0004.60 per sack;
Japan, $404.50.
C o a l O il — Cases,
17)4c; tanks, 16!yc per gallon.
W h e a t B ags — Calcutta, $4.2504.37)^
for July and August deliveries.
Meat Market.
B a ir — Gross, top steers, $2.25; cows.
$1.7602.00; dressed beef, 37a@4>ge per
M utton —G ross, beet sheep, wethera,
$1.76; ewe«, $1.60; dreaaed mutton, 3><«
per ponnd.
V bal — N et, small, * % e ; large, 3 ®
3 }»c per pound.
H ooa— (iroaa, choice, heavy, $3.00®
3.25; light and feeders, $2 50; dressed,
37*@ 4jac per pound.
the O pp osition .
Singapore. S ep t 25.— The vioeroy of
F i r « In K « l « o .
Nanking has issued a proclamation
Sept. 29.— The dry-
forbidding tbe transfer o f land at W u
Sung to foreigners because the im ­ house o f tbe Duff shingle m ill and
provements of the river w ill make W u three adjaeent residenoe buildings were
destroyed by fire a t9 o 'o o lc k this m orn­
Sung a greater port than Shanghai.
E igh t hundred thousand shingles
were lost, on which there waa an insur­
According to the mqst careful com ­
ance of forty cents per thousand. The
putation. only one person In 100,000
loss on the dry house and adjoining
of both sexes «tw in s tbe age of 100
budildings ia $3.500, w ith no insur­
years, and only aix to mven in 100 tbs
ance. The fire waa caused from a
sgs of sixty.
spark from tha smokestack o f the m ill.
M r«.
H allln gtn n
B ooth flp o k «
<jucntln P ris o n .
San Francisco, S ep t 29. — Mrs. B a i­
P otators — Garnet Chile, 40@60c;
lin g ton Booth spent today w ith the Salinas Burbanks, 50066c: E arly Rose
con vict« at San Quentin prison, over 25030c;
R iver
Burbanks, 26(<t 3Ut- ’
600 o f whom greeted her in the prison tweets, 9001.25 per cental.
O nions — 20032c per sack for yellow
chapel. She delivered a magnetic ad­
dress, which swayed
ber audience 50c for pickle.
K o » « — Store, 18031c; ranch, 26(830*-
w ith deep emotion, many o f tbe priaon-
dnekt, 16017c per dozen.
ers being moved to tear*. A t its con­
C nbbsb — fan cy , m ild, new, 8 k M 9e-
clusion, one of the ooavtrta read an ad-
falr to good, 7 > s@ 8 k e : Young Am erica.
dreaa on behalf o f h it fellow-prisoners, 1)010c; Eastern. 12013c per pound.
thanking her for having visited them.
H ops — 204c per pound for old.