Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, September 24, 1896, Image 2

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From All Parts
World and
A Mysterious Shooting.
Arnold Floach, of the cloak manu­
facturing Arm of Bernard Pasternek &
Co., of New York, ia in a hospital
with three piatol-shot wounds.
of the New son, W illiam B. Fosob, ia in apatody
on suspicion of having attempted to
the Old
take his fathers' life. The shooting oc­
curred in the spartment of the elder
Foeoh, at the Hotel Peleter.
He lived
OUR READERS there alone, hia w ife having died three
years ago.
W o r k o f m M « i l c s n Mob«
S M p n b im l«
*•> !•»
*>f th*
m nt H » p p » l n x < o f l b « P M t W * * h
C a l le d From th e T « l e « r » p b C o lu m n s -
Riohard W illiam s, the ex-oostomi
Inspector, of San Francisco, convicted
Of extortioD, has been sentenced to six
imprisonment and $10,000 tine.
A bakery at Woodburn, Or., wai
deatroyed by lire, and a baker named
R ob l was burned while trying to save
some of his effects from the building.
The loss is $2,000.
Hops aggregating in quantity over
78,000 pounds have been contracted by
Marion county growers to Charle»
Green & Hon, the purchase price being
8 oents a pound.
Edgon Keith, for forty years a promi-
nent citisen of Chicago, threw himself
into the lake at the foot of Thirteenth
street in that city, while temporarily
insane, as a result of ohronio dyspepsia
and insomnia.
The American ship Luzon, Captain
Park, whioh left New York May 21
for Shanghai, passing Anjeron August
18, grounded on a bai at Woo Sung.
I t is probable the ship w ill be floated
after she has been lightened, but she
must be drydooked before putting to
sea again.
ju r a ’
A mob attacked the American Pres­
byterian church in Amnsa Calienta,
Mexico, and broke windows and doors
with atones. The minister’ s honae was
attacked. The mob also broke every
wiiylow in the college in the same
oity. Minister Kanaome has been ap­
pealed to to uae hia best offices with
the government to secure the punish­
ment of the offenders.
A S t o r m In r e n i i a y I t unit*.
A storm of wind, hail and rain,
which swept the eastern part of Penn­
sylvania Haturday night was the most
severe that has visited that section for
a long time. Scores of buildings were
unroofed, some utterly rained, thou­
sands of panes of window glass and
many skylights shattered, and apple
and other late crops almost destroyed.
F o u r K i l l e d a nd S ix I n j u r e d .
Four men were killed and six badly
injured in a collision on the Cincin­
nati, Hamilton & Dayton railway,
near Connersville, Ind., by a paycar
and freight train. The paycar was fo l­
lowing the regular freight, eaBtbound.
Both were running as extras.
A n oth er Hank
F ails.
The private banking house of Gardi­
ner, Morrow & Co., the oldest bank in
" K i l l me, k ill me; shoot me out of Central Pennsylvania, has closed its
this misery."
This was the agonizing doors, owing to the general depression
ory of Anton Dusback, who has been in business. The firm says it expects
employed in the Guggenheim smelting to pay every dollar of its indebted­
works near Woodbridge, N. J. Dus­ ness.
back was working near a tank of sul­
I m p u r e W a t e r In N c h o o U .
phuric acid, when he lost his balance
The pnblio schools of Chicago are
and plunged headforemost to a fate
more horrible than death. His eyes liable to be closed at any moment on
were badly burned and bis hair eaten the order of the health commissioner,
because the water supply afforded them
off. He cannot reoover.
by the board of education without
From Pittsburg. Pa., comes word filters is impure.
that Russian spies sent out by the g ov ­
F i r e In C h r o u l c l e K u l l d l n g #
ernment of the czar have stolen Am eri­
can armor-plate secrets and propose to
A fire broke out in the stereotyping
turn their acquisition to prolit by fur­ room of the Chroniole building, Han
nishing information by means of whioh Francisco, whioh destroyed $2,500
Russia may make her own sheaths for worth of property before it was extin­
battle-ships. This in brief is the dis- guished, the firemen being handicapped
oovory which has been kept quiet for by the height of tbe building.
eomemonths by the officials of the Car­
T hin D u x D e s e r v e * a M e d a l.
negie Company, and which has worried
James Keenan, a well-borer, who re­
the naval authorities and officials of
this country and of the steel company. sides alone in a small cottage at Berk­
ley, Cal., narrowly escaped being
The engineer and ordinance depart­ burned to a crisp, while asleep in his
ments of the army are preparing for home. ,He was saved by a little dog.
the execution of the legislation of the who kept up a frantic howling and
last oongress, looking to the improve­ tugged ut his master's clothes until he
ment and strengthening the fortifica­ awakened him. In escaping from the
tions and coast defenses of this country.
house Keenan was seriously burned and
Plans for these important works have is now in a serious condition. The
been formulated, and in moat instances tiremen who were battling with tbe
the approved projects are under head­ dames had a narrow escape.
way. The appropriation of $12,000,000
giant powder that had been stored in
made by the last congress has been al- the house exploded and blew to pieces
loted so as to accomplish the greatest
all that was left of the building.
good with the means and facilities at
T a le o f K rutal H avagery,
One workman, John Nonan, was
The state penitentiary board of A r ­
killed and three perhaps fatally in­ kansas has ordered the discharge of a
jured by a falling pile of brioks in Chi- number of state employes for cruel and
oago. The accident was oaused by the inhuman treatment to convicts in their
oaving-in of the old brick foundations. charge. Tw o oolored convicts had es­
The bark Gainsborough, from N ew ­ caped, and when captured they were
Iron rings were
castle for Han Francisco, ooal laden, severely whipped.
went ashore near Diamond Head, four welded about their necks and one end
miles from Honolulu, and is a total of a chain fastened to the rings and the
lose. The crew with the captain, his other to their waists. They were un­
w ife and children, left in boatB and able to straighten up when a member
of the board saw them. The chains
ware picked np by a tug.
were drawn so tight the men were un­
Frank Hepburn, a son of Congress­ able to raise their heads and were com­
man Hepburn, of Iowa, fought a duel pelled to work in that condition.
in Chester, A rk ., and was killed by
the second shot from his antagonist s
N o t M lluatllff A cte
weapon. The duel was the outcome of
The Brazilian minister in Rome has
a joke which Hepburn perpetrated cabled to Buenos Ayres that he has had
upon W. E. Hims, a saloon proprietor. a conference with the Italian minister
An examination of the papers left by of foreign affairs. The foreign min­
Henry Dixon, an Englishman who died ister declared that in sending the
in the almshouse in Witchita, Kan., cruiser 1'iedmont to Brazil, the Italian
reveals the fact that Dixon was of noble government had not intended any hos­
birth, and that his w ife was the grand­ tile act against Brazil, being assured
daughter of the Karl of Albermsrle that full satisfaction would be given
and daughter of Lady Georgiaua Hill, for the insult to the Italiau flag.
who eloped with Thomas MoGann. the
C a c h e d T i k w t l e r In a S t O T * .
Fenian agitator. The story was told
Three men of Brighton Park, Chi-
in an old diary found among Dixon's
cm go, were injured, one of them seri­
ously, by putting powder iu h stove to
A n infuriated mob of laborers bat­ dry. They were preparing to go hunt­
tled with the police of Booth Chicago ing. and placed the powder in the
for the possession of a wagon-driver oven and forgot about it. The build-
whom they threatened with lynching, tug was completely wrecked nod their
beoause his runaway horse knocked escape from iustauc death ia considered
down several of the crowd. A fte r a miraculous.
fierce struggle in whioh stones and
A W om a n F lrrb u g .
clubs were freely used, the driver,
Ethel Woods, an unmarried lady of
Peter Zisliski, was rescued from his as­
In addition to the half dozen about 22 years, of Danville, III., ha*
men trampled beneath the hoofs of the been arrested for arson. Her lover,
frantic horse, a number of the crowd George Allen, deserted her, and it is
charged that she attempted to burn
were severely beaten by the police.
down the house in which be slept.
Reports made by three vessels that When the fire was discovered tbe whole
have arrived recently in New York side of the house was in flames.
arouse the gravest fears that the three-
A M ysterious Fire.
masted ship Htate of Maine, which left
N ew York September 4 with a cargo of
The stock of wooden ware, household
coal for Shanghai, has been burned at goods, etc., of the Carlos Luna Com­
sea, and that all on board, Some twen­ pany, of Portland, Or., was damaged
ty-six men, have perished. The State to tile extent of about $8,000 by fire.
of Maine is w ell known along the Pa- Tbe firm is unable to account for the
oiflc coast
Hhe has been to San Fran­ origin of the tire. The stork was in­
cisco a number of tim ea She held the sured to the full amount of the loss.
reoord between San Francisco and New
Three times as many herrings are
York. The captain was a part owner
consumed as any other kind of fish.
in the vessel.
The dw elling of James Madison, a
farmer livin g near New Era. Or.,
burned to the ground while Mr. M adi­
son was away from home
The build­
in g was worth about $300 and Madi
•on bad $1,000 in paper money, notes
and aooounta and $40 in gold in the
bouse, all of which was lost. There
was no Insurance.
A man named Baker. In charge of
the pomps st the W hite Hwan mine,
near Baker City, fall ¿own . 400-foot
gbaft aod w u inuuntly killed.
I ’ a n l r In a Mrhm >l hn* $f .
A ohild tipped over a cupboard in an
anteroom in the Ogden school in C hi­
cago. and the eoond of breaking ao
frightened the younger children that
they were terroriaed and ruabed from
the building. Tbe report that a Ore
was in progress in some way gained
ctrcntaltOD. and for a time there was
no controlling the little one«.
lives were lost, but many of the chil­
dren were badly bruised and trampled
D a w n in g , H o p k ln . A Co.’ « W e e k l y M ar­
ket Letter.
Portland, Or., Sept. 23.
Only a Spark Needed to Pre­
W hile the conservative investor has
been waiting for the skies to dear the
cipitate War.
trade on 'change has made heroic ef-
orts to pat prioes on a higher plane,
and to infase new life into speculative
THE TU R K CLEARED FOR ACTION transactions. These efforts have met
with partial succe»sa. Two very seri­
ous obstacles have been constantly in
the way of success. First, the general
A w a itin g t h « W o r d «o 81auaht«r A l l
public, frightened by tbe ory uf hard
C h r i s t i a n , a nd B o m b a r d t h » F o r e i g n
C o lo u r-A w a itin g
C o m m a n d . times, fights shy of all forms of trad­
Hecond, the overprodnetion of
London, Sept. 23.— The Berlin cor­ the whole agricultural world has caused
respondent of the Times quotes a Con­ a depression whioh has been most dis-
stantinople dispatch to the \ osaiche- oonraging to those who attempt specu­
Zeitnng from an unusually well-in­ lation only on tbe baying side. But the
formed correspondent, whioh is said to local trade has made a good fight.
have evaded the censorship of the Prioes have gone lower and lower until
Turkish official«, and which says;
bear plungers found themselves at­
"E verythin g w ai ready for a general tempting the impossible in foroing fur­
massacre of Christiana, and a bombard­ ther declines. There has been a long
ment of the foreign quarter of Constan­ period of narrow markets at close to
tinople, should the European warships tbe lowest prioes ever recorded on tbe
attempt to J* bh the Dardanelles. There Chicago exchange.
The past waek
were forty-eight gnns placed in posi­ brought the first upheaval in auy quar­
tion on the heights above Para, and ter. Natural conditions have favored
the Turkish fleet in the harbor was buyers to an extent that attention has
cleared for action. The street patrols been withdrawn from tbe political
were composed exclusively of palace field. There has been fresh vigor in
troops, while tbe Sopatchia and Kurd­ the pits by reason of the return of
ish cavalry, although apparently un­ many Bpeoulative leaders from abroad
armed, loitered in the streets, awaiting and from the summer resorts. These
the word of command.”
have taken hold with more confidence
The Times has a dispatch from Se­ than those who have been throngh tbe
bastopol, whioh declares that a portion tiresome trade of the summer months.
of the Russian Black sea fleet, consisting
But the changes in the routine news
of four ironclads, three gunboats and and statistics, the all important lawB
several torpedo-boats, ia erniaing off of supply and demand have favored
Otohicokoff. at the month of the buyers and helped prices. The latest
Dneiper. under orders. On receipt ol government estimate on the crop totals
a telegram from the Russian ambas­ places wheat, corn, and oats at much
sador at Constantinople, they w ill join lower figures than established by popu­
the admiral, leaving Seabstopol with lar judgment. W hile the trade dis­
the remainder of the fleet, and go di credited the totals in a way the mar­
reot to the Bosphorus. The whole fleet kets were relieved because- the official
has been placed on a war footing, and exhibit was not exoesHivo. The Wash
has embarked three battalions of in ingtou report oarne when markets were
fantry and troops. The sooth of Rus- J - making headway and the influence
sia has also been placed on a war was a negative one— it simply was not
bearish and depressing. The advances
scored are eneonraging. Wheat shows
Still lu llie Si*m® Vein.
London, Sept. 23.— The St. .Tames improvement of 5 cents from extreme
Gazette this afternoon publishes a dis- low point.
The export sales at the seaboard have
oh from Milan, Italy, that the Seed
s.ys the departure of the Italian flying been heavy. Chicago has been on an
squadron for the Levant iB the initial export basis. Bt Louis, in the center
step toward forcing Turkey to graut of the winter wheat belt, has been
the reforms demanded in the oase of kept busy supplying a very urgent null­
Armenia, and it is taken by Italy and ing demand from the interior, and re­
supported bv the United States and ceipts at that point have fallen off
Great Britain. The Seool adds that in sharply.
There are evidences that New York
the event of the saltan’s refusal to
grant the reforms he w ill be deposed. carriers are parting big mrmey into
A dispatch from Rome to the St. wheat in the Northwest and that a
James's Gazette says that the Italian great volume w ill be taken to the sea­
Bhips w ill co-operate with those of port for carrying profits and to meet
any emergency abroad during the long
Great Britain and the United States.
term when lake navigation is impossi­
DEATH OF TWO HOPPICKERS. ble. This tends largely to effset the
very heayy receipts at Minneapolis and
M r . Dolan Fell From a Brl.l« « - tirat Duluth, which are largely the result ol
Acchl.Dtally »hot Himself.
tight money. Country elevators w ill
Portland, Or., Sept. 2 3 — Two hop- not carry the farmers' grain this win­
The forwarding of this great
pickers met death by accidents at ter.
Champoeg, one by falling from a bridge volume of grain to terminal markets
early yesterday morning, and the other w ill increase the visible supply, but
by the accidental discharge of a shot­ the grain w ill be in shape for an urg­
gun this morning. The first was a ent foreign demand, which European
Mrs. Mary Dolan, who lived in South trouble may force at auy time.
Exports of wheat, flour included as
Portland. She had been picking in s
yard about a mile and a half to the wheat, from both coasts of the United
eastward of Champoeg with some States last week amounted to 8,666,-
friends, and, in going home about 4 326 bushels, against 8,709,000 bushels
o'clock in the morning, they had to the previous week, and as compared
cross a bridge over the Champoeg m ill with 2.638.000 bushels two years ago,
race. The bridge was being repaired and 4,727.000 in the like week of 1893.
aDd it was considerably torn up. Mrs The American visible supply of wheat
Dolau stumbled over a jack-screw and increased 2.068 000 bushels, and now
fell a distance of twenty-seven feet, totals 49,655,000 bushels.
breaking both thighs and suffering in­
ternal injuries that oaused her death
in about two hours.
The deceased
was about 50 years of age and left six H e n r y H ru x c o S t r u c k on H a c k o f l l c a d
children. She was the w ife of W il­
b y K. s u t h e r l l u .
liam B. Dolan, of 234 Gibbs street
Oakland, Or., Sept. 23.— Saturday
this oily.
The victim of the shotgun accident evening at 10 o'clock Ed Sutherlin,
was Hermann Graf. 18 years of age, George N oli* and Henry Bruso went
whose borne was with his parents, at to the residence of James Brown to
407 Engene street. He had borrowed have a chieken supper. Nolta proposed
the gun to go shooting pheasants. He that he aud Brnwu should take a drink
laid the gun down along w iih the of liqnor. Brown had his baby in his
muzxle toward him. One barrel was arms and Nolta said, after Brown bad
discharged, and sent its deadly load drank, “ Give the baby some."
into his abdomen, tearing a hole remonstrated, and a quarrel ensued be­
through which the intestines protruded. tween Nolta aud Brnso. Brown order­
ed Nolta and Bruso out of the house
He lived half an hour..
Sutherlin followed, and the quarrel
Fat® of th® Flahara.
was renewed. Sutherlin got a large
Bo A od , Sept. 23 — The catboat club and struck Brnso on tbe back of
Hebe, of Dorchester, with six men, the head, fracturing the akull and
whioh started on a fishing trip Satur knocking him aenseless. Sunday two
day morning, has not returned. It is physicians were snminonen and tre­
thought that the boat capsized daring phined Brnso's skull, but be never re
a squall, and that the meu are gained consciousness, and died this
drowned. Those aboard were; John evening at 6 o'clock. Sutherlin was
Cannon, Miohael F Burke, Martin J. arrested, and had a preliminary bear
Burke. Joe Burke, all brothers; Pat ing at Rnseburg.
He waa held to
rick C. McCormack and Henry Don­ answer witbont bonds and was placed
in jail at Roseburg.
H u y Fatally I M l »
F o r r e , I A c c e p t a n c e o r H a n k N o le e .
Victoria. B. O.. Bept. 23 — Yester­
Madrid, Sept. 23.— Captain-General
day morning the 14-year-old soil of Mr.
Holmes, a milkman living on Gordon Weyler, of Cuba, has issued a procla­
Head road, was dangerously wounded mation which threatens severe penal­
by a pistol shot. Young Holmes and ties fur the non-acceptance of the notes
a neighbor's sou were playing with the of the Bank of Havana at their face
pistol, when it was discharged acci­ value, although they have already
dentally. The bullet entered the abdo­ suffered a discount of 16 per cent. The
men, cutting through the intestines government is enforcing this proclama
and inflicting what w ill prove to be a tion despite the resistance of the eon-
meruial classea and of the general pub
fatal wound.
H w in * K i l l *
111* M if®.
Aspen. Colo., Sept. 22.— Antonio
Cnaze, a yonng Bwiss, liv in g on a
ranch twelve miles from this city, to­
day shot and killed his w ife and her
mother, Mrs. Quinn.
Jealousy was
the cause. Cuaxe wax arrested.
Calllornla «lc»pe Crop.
San Diego, C al., S«pt. 23. — Grape-
cuttiug has commenced at Escondido.
The price of raisin* i* so low that
vineyard* are undecided whether to
attempt the sale of the crop or let it
rot on the vines
The product of the
valliyr t* zeo-ager to that of El Cajon
A new b
found in
fluid sr*-"/
K ankurecker
A rr es t e,
mu K n d .
An Ohio Farmer Most Cruelly
Treated by the Mob.
bu r ied
a l iv e
F a m ily « «
O » « 1"
, h r * “ U ‘ ,,d
A ,r a id t o lo in m u n lc a t * to th e
A u t h o r it ie s T h e i r S to r y .
Toledo. O.. Bept. 22, - T h e whitecap.
have created another sensation in this
county b , whipping a man named
Huntsman, who lives at Holland '**
tion. ten miles from here, and burying
him alive. According to report, the
story has only just leaked out. although
the outrage was committed Speteinber
The family was uuder threat* and
afraid to communicate to the authori­
ties the story, but neighbor* learned of
the facts ami informed the police today.
The facta, as reported to the police,
are that two of the Huntsman children,
coming from the postoffioe.were picked
up on the road by two men in a buggy
and accused of stealing a pocketbock
containing $80.
The next night, a
party of meu came to the Huntsman
house, aud, after calling Huntsman out
of bed, seized aud dragged him out­
side and beat him and misused him in a
frightful mauuer. Then they carried
him to a grave, aud, putting him in It,
covered him with earth.
After awhile, they dug him up again,
and then beat and abused him a second
time, and finally buried him again.
Then they dug him up the second time
and again lashed him and drove away.
The two children were also lashed.
The affair occurred about midnight.
Huntsman is a respootable, well-to-do
p r a n k L a u d a n u m B e ca u s e u f H e r L o r e
lor a F ic k le Youth.
Kansas City, Sept. 22.— V ive May
Walton, the 17-year-old daughter of u
barber, committed suicide last night
by swallowing two ounces of lauda­
num. A t daylight this morning her
body was found in a dooryard a short
distance from her father’s home. Miss
Walton was enamored of George VV.
Duffy, a laborer. The tragedy fol­
lowed a sensational scene in a ball­
room, whither Duffy had gone in the
company of several ladies who are
visiting his mother. Miss Walton ap­
peared at the ballroom very much agi­
tated, the tears rolling down her cheeks,
and, taking young Duffy by the arm,
led him out of the room. Then she
handed him a two-ounce bottle labeled
Sbe told him she had
swallowed the poison. She also hand­
ed him a note which he thurst iu his
pocket. Duffy then dismissed her and
returned to his pleasure. When the
police learned of the snicide, they
found Duffy aud obtained the note. In
it the girl declared she intended to take
her life because of her love for the fickle
D u f f y . ___________
Collision K clw ee ii T w o K a l i e u Trains
>®ar K u t le .
Butte, Mont., Sept. 22.— By a colli­
sion between tho Union Pacific express
train, from Salt Lake and the West,
due here at 11:35 A. M., and a mixed
train on the Montana Union, bound for
Anaconda, near Rocker, four miles
west of here, at 11 o'clock this rnorn-
iog, the engines uf both trains and ex­
press aud smoker of the Union Pacific
rraiu,were wrecked, and quite a number
of people seriously injured.
A ll of the injured were on the Union
Pacific express, which uses the Montana
Union tracks from Silver Bow junction
into Butte. The passengers hurt were
all in the smoker, which was tele­
scoped for a third of its length by the
express car.
The aocident is attributed to a con­
flict of orders. The trains were to
have passed at Silver Bow junction.
It is said that the dispatcher subse­
quently released the Uniou Pacific and
failed to change tbe orders to the
mixed trsin.
The trains met on a straight piece of
track, the express going twenty-five
miles an hoar and the mixed train
fifteen miles. The engineers of hoth
trains reversed, and put on the air­
brakes and then jumped with their fire­
men. None of them were hurt. Both
engines were demolished. The express
car of the Union Pacific train jnniped
tbe track and telescoped the smoker.
The passengers of the mixed train
were in the rear of the train and es­
caped with a shaking np. The injured
were all brought to this city and taken
to the hotpitala
A •fu«tg® on M Strike.
St. John's, N. F.. Sept 22.— It it
announced that Sir James Winter,
jndge of the supreme court, is about to
iesign to resume the practice of law be­
cause of the recent reduction of sala­
ries making it impossible for him to
support the dignity of the postion. He
has entered suits against the govern­
ment for amounts.
New Orleans. Sept. 28.-»-Joseph N.
M u r d e r and Hulcld®.
W olf son. a prominent lawyer, was ar­
F. J Fowler, of Stillwell, O. 1.,
rested tonight for siding in fleecing found his runaway w ife in St Joseph
the Union National bank
out of Mo., and shot her and then shot him­
self. Both are dead.
Harrisburg. Pa., Sept. 23.— Gover­
nor Hastings has signed the recom­
mendation for a pardon for John
Bardaley. ex-city treasurer of Philadel­
phia, who, in 1891, was sentenced to
fifteen years for embexxling nearly
$1,000,000 of oity and state money.
New York. Sept. 21.— The largest
chnnk of gold that has ever been in
this city was today wheeled down
Broadway. It waa taken from tbe
Grand Central depot to the United
States assay office in W all street in a
common express wagon, guarded by
five detectives. The big lam p weighed
4,737 ounce* and it ia worth $85.000.
Leadville, Colo.. Sept,
work of dynamite and bucks!
evidence at the oity morgue 1
five bodies, yesterday full cl ­
ous life of the mountains— qv
with bullets while doing h,»
horribly mangled by the uyna
were using to destroy life au,J!
aud the other* fu ll of leaden
oeived while they were fightj;
shadows to destroy the live
who bad taken their plaa
mines. An additon was mat
death list at 6 o’clock this evf
the discovery of the body oft
Daugherty on the ground oss]
met mine, where he tell whil
the rioters who went to thd
flushed with their victory ati
There were many people
windows and on bouse roofi1
with night glasses, who in
liaut moonlight saw the san?
on the Emmet and the more 1
lant repulse of the murdero
These watchers say that the flj
from tbe mine was delivered]
range, and that the attacking
like grain before the tick!*
many met the fate of Uaughei
remain for time and a search J
abandoned shafts in that vi
tell. It now seems that tit
dragged away their dead and{
Indian fashion, tor a great
pie hae been about the Emm]
and this is tbe. only dis
The story of the defense of]
met is a thrilling one. Eas
ble, and surrounded only b«
board fence, it seems wonderf
was not quickly overwhelm«?
slain aud the building de?
But the fifteen buckshot
Daugherty’s body aud the ito]
fearful effect of the first vol
the mine tells how quickly tl]
lost stomach for the bloody
The work at the Maid of Erit
pily done for naught. Usd ti
been blown up, tbe great pan
drain it and many other
have been destroyed, end th(
damage frightful to contem]
morning’s work, particularly!
fire department, has destroyer
vestige of sympathy for the!
and this fact was evidenced »
ly attended meeting of re]
citizens this afternoon. T[
ceediugs were secret, but
monious, and the measurer
upon, if stringent, will be be^
the highest degree.
C h ic» *»
Hu « z e s t e d
in* to the Political *11«
meeting of Christian mini!
denominations today, whiebi
by D. L. Moody aud whioh of
tilled the Central A u d it o r »
gestion was made that m m
present political and indal«
it would qe desirable to h«vs|
humiliation and prayer tbroi
nation. Tbe suggestion so i
reflected tbe feelings of a l l «
the call to all Christians pat^
nation was at once prop
adopted by a rising vote.
" T o the Christian citue.
United States.
In commoi
large number of our fellotK
every religions and
believe our nation is in tbet^
great coufliot. portending m«
consequence", unless there J
interposition of the divine’¡J
believe this to be true nid»pK
auy settlement of the preslwt
test, one way or another.
"O n one hand that rnym,
tor known as ' public confide'
clining, as illustrated bT * ,
in both financial and industtt
while on the other, polino* j
even sectional feeling is
usually high, and l kely to,
tenser as the day of a
near. N ot only is
tious requiring most caret
sinuate consideration are
be determined in many >“ * J
heat of passion, but afle J
initiation, the results m»T «1
ful over a wide
lengthened period. We c
the situation, perplexing
ing as it i*. outside H* re J
mind of God. W e h e ll««
ence aud agency among a
ernor among nations,
this to be the time for t
trints to follow the « - J
forefathers in the earlier
have confronted us. » “ *
to him that keepeth
mercy for them that lo
his commandments, tns
us w ith especial «race
“ W e therefore HfleCt
and earnestly urge out
low-citizens through,»
breadth of our laud. l*
nominational or
to join with ns in o b «rv -B
October 8, as a day
sian, and prayer to A
he w ill allay P * » « 0“
am°ng ns; that he
faith and inspire hope-
impart wisdom,
and that he w ill f >rgir« «-J
as a nation and gri*
_____- ——
Hawk w r e c k e r
Indianapolis. 8 *P *',
Coffin found g01*/ „-«sIB
wrecking the
bank, and refused a ne
United States suptem
morning taken to
Michigan City.
tence of eight year*__
' Mio baa probably been
German investigations seems to It was shipped to the a n y office by
* ;c*
Th* show that towns strung with tele­
The only fur-cover
the Bank of Montreal, Canada, and
frotad efficacious phone wires are leee Halbe to lightning
belong* to the Cariboo m ining company member of the s01" ' * . g
■Hoke than other*
of British Colombia.
lays eggs lik e »