i" power to the dollar paid to an y gov­ m arkets to commodities from abroad age and confidence to all. for whfiJ they nro entitled to the enactm ent of I I which we should produce at home, while i h d...... the money now uneu UUK N A T IO N A L HONOR. ernm ent creditor. such law s ns are best calculated to secur* I because of fear for the future aud II “The contest this y e a r w ill not be closing foreign m arkets against our prod* of the fulfillment of the pledges made to 1 confidence in investm ent, will quic| ticts. and which, at tin* same time, stead­ * waged upon lines of theory am i specula- them in the dark days of the country’s We denounce the practice :n the M r. M c K in le y , In H is S p e e c h to t h e Lon, but in the light of severe p ractical ily augm ents the public debt, increasing appear iu the channels of trade. I ieril. experience ami new and d early ac­ tin* public burdens, while dim inishing th«» reusion bureau, so recklessly an : t n N o t if ic a t io n C o m m it t e e , S a y s Our creed embraces an honest ju s tly carried on by the present uduiiuls quired knowledge. The great body » f ab ility of the people to meet them, is a It is I n v o lv e d in t h e C u r ­ tration, of reducing pensions and aib i- our citizens know w hat they w ant, and policy which must find its chief popu­ Jar. an untarnished national credit, quote revenues for the uses of the larity elsewhere than among American r e n c y Q u e s tio n . traril.v dropping nam es from th« rolls as that they intend t«» have. They know em inent, protection to labor and in d j deserving the severest condemn.!t.uu of for w hat the R epublican party ■‘litiiiN. citizens. try, pr«*s«*rvntion of the hotin* m a t1 “Senator Thurston and Gentlemen of I shall take an early opportunity, gen­ the American people. its return to power means to the Notification Committee of the Repub­ aud what They realize that the R epublican tlemen of tin* committee, through you, ami reciprocity which w ill extend R E P U B L IC A N P LA T FO R M . V ig o ro u s F o r e i g n P olicy. lican N ational Convention: To t»c select­ thrin. party believes that our work should be to communicate t«» m.v fellow citizens foreign m arkets. Our foreign policy should he nt nil ed as their 1‘residential candidate by a done at home, home, am abroad, tunl ev­ with somewhat more of detail uiy views m ention renreseutinir so ,,rm * nt ami i not not abroan, turn m times firm, vigorous and dignified and all great p arty convention Recent events have imposed upon il concerning the dominant question* of tin A M a s t e r ly D e c la r a t io n o f P r in c i­ our interests in the W estern hemisphere vast a number of the nt’o n li ,,f the Unit "T w h ere proclaim their devoti- ll to k'hieb the hour aud the crisis which coni routs pntrioti«* people of this country a „ f . ................. .»rib'. ........-I. carefu lly watched and guarded. The ed S tates, is a most distinguished honor, while supplying snonsibility and a »luty gre ate r than p le s t h a t W ill I n s u r e V ic to ry . us as a nation. adequate revenues for H aw aiian islands should he controlled by for which I would not conceal my high the government, will restore Am erican W ith this brief exnression of my ap­ >in.-c tin* t ’i\il W ar. Then it w a s ! although deeply sensible of Qrhe R epublicans of the United Btutes, the l lilted States, and no foreign power appreciation, production and serve the best interests preciation of the distinguished honor that struggle to preserve the goverumeut I the great responsibilities of the trust and should he permitted to interfere with n seuih lcd by tli€»ir representative* in lias been l test owed upon me. a ml this the Unite»! S ta te s; now it is a s tru g l to hear them without the of A m erican labor aud development. la tio n a l convention, appealing for tlx* them; the N icaraguan canal should he my inability signification of my acceptance of the to preserve the financial honor of a and constant support of my fel- oopulur and historical justification of built, owned and operated by the Cnited generous trust to which I have been summoned. government of the United States. 'I l l A p p e a l to t h e P l a i n l ' e a p l e . me n. »heir fin i him to the m atchless achieve­ States, and by the purchase of the D an­ luw country I place m yself nt the service of the R e­ it was a contest to save the Union: n l reat as is the honor conferred, equal­ it is a contest to save spotless its cre»| ments of th irty ye ars of Republican rule, ish islands He should secure a proper ly “G “Our appeal, therefore, i« not to a publican purty and of the country. arduous and im portant is the duty im­ rarn estly and confidently address them­ and much-needed n aval station in the posed. Then section was arrayed against and in accepting the one I assume false philosophy or vain theorists, hut to selves to the aw akened intelligence, ex­ W est Indies. tion; now men of all sections can u n i the other, relying upon the patriotic the m asses of tin* A m erican people, the To » t o p A ri n « u l H H M a s s a c r e s . perience and conscience of their country and w ill unite, to rebuke the ren u d iatl devotion of the people to the best in ter­ lila iu. p ractical people, whom Lincoln men in the following declaration of facts SOUND M O N EY. of our obligations aud the debasetu| The m assacres in A rm enia have ests of our beloved country, and the sus­ loved ami trusted and whom tin* Repub­ and principles: aroused the deep sym pathy and ju s t in­ of our currency. ear»* ami .aid- of him without lican party has a lw a y s faith fu lly striven F or the first tim e since the Civil W ar dignation of the A nieriean people, aud taining whose support all we do Is empty and to nerve. The platform adopted by the M c K i n l e y ’s S p e e c h to th e F o r a k e r th e A m erican people have witnessed the we believe that the United S tate s shell Id vain. Should the people ra tify the Republican national convention has re- C lu b G iv in g a R e s u m e o f th e calam ito us consequences of full and on exercise all the influence it call properly A SILVER CATECHISM. hoice of the great convention for which calved my carefu l consideration, and has Is s u e s o f t h e C a m p a ig n . in time of peace, forced !*rninental problems that have confronted purport and m eaning. B ut you w ill not 1‘resident D. 11. Luca* had made a pre­ of i t a rts treatin g solely the qU'estlonJ |IX< e reassert the Monroe doctrine in its an adverse balance of trade, kept a per as in the la st quarter of the century, »•xpeet me to discuss its provisions at address Governor McKinley stilimi money, to contain not more p etual menace hanging over the redemp­ full extent am i we reaffirm the right of i hey command our sober judgm ent and a length, or in an y detail, a t this time. It sentation «aid : tile I ujtcd S tate s to give the doctrine ^ef­ l.o * mi words ca d i, aud to be priutc tion film !, pawned American credit to settlem ent fr»*e from p artisan prejudice w ill, however, he my duty and pleasure “ Mr. I‘ r**si»lent. Unilies and Gentl**nien ¡.net t.\ i and upon goo»l paper. TH alien syndicates and reversed all the fect by responding to the appeals of any ami passion, beneficial to purse]ves and nt some fu ture day to m ake to you and ami My Fellow* Citizens: It gives un* ; sbollili he distributed, or he ready m erican state for friendly intervention befitting the honor and grandeur of the through men'--lire* and results of successful Re- A you to the gre at p arty you rep- „ ,_ _ „ . very great pleasure to wel«*onie >»»it to in case of Kuropean encroachm ent. W e republic. They touch every interest of resent n more form al acceptance by the middle of Aug| pnhlicnn rule. In the broad effect of its have ptance of th* the my home city ami to my home, ami l np- j »listrihrtion not interfered and shall not infer- our foiiunon country. a t o p ' l l s should la* placed in the ha policy it has precipitated panic, blighted tere with nomination tendered me. No one could precíate more than I can fimi words to »•t the existin g possessions of any rv»*iy age t arn cr anil fhruier iu j industry and trade with prolonged de­ be more profoundly gratefu l than I for express the honor and the compliment | «tate of Michigan. power in this hemisphere, but Atu cli I n I n v o l v e d . pression. closed factories, reduced work ruiropcnn m anifestations of public confidence of of this call. 1 thank yon for your eon- ¡ ___ possessions must not. on any pre­ They would l»»*st subserve the purffl and w ages, halted enterprise and crippled those “Gur in dustrial suprem acy, our pro- which you have so eloquently spoken. gratula tiens ami the i »siiram « - <»! mp if d ia w ii in in the form *»f a cutochi| text. he extended. W e hopefully look “ It shall be my aim to attest this no- A m erican production, while stim ulating fgrw duetive capacity, our business and coiu- port which you m ake for the gr»*at jirui- ! ot which I specimen: nnl to the eventual w ith d raw al of append a sped DK foreign production for the American the kuropean powers from this hemis- nn rcial•prosperity, our labor and its re­ nppreciation by an unsparing devorton ciples for which this ye a r the Republican J . W’liat is the fundam ental co n f m arket. 10very consideration of public sphere and to the ultim ate union of ail w ards, our national credit and currency, to w hat I esteem the best interests of party stands. (Applause.) I »•«mgratu- ! timi tif the ITeeVoihage advocates? sa fe ty and individual interest demands the K nglish-speaking part of the con­ our proud financial honor, and our splen­ the people, and in this y o rk I ask the late you upon having for your name one A. -That tin* amount of money in th at the government shall he rescued tinent by the free consent of it* in­ did free citizenship—the birthright of counsel and support of you gentlemen of the most illustrious hf our statesm en d ilatio n ha« heen decreasing since of every oth»*r friend of the country. in Ohio, Joseph Benson Foraker. I Ap­ deimuicti;.ntion from the hands of those who have shown habitants. ev«*ry A m erican—an* all involved in tin* and of silver, and that 1 “The generous expressions w ith which them selves incapable to conduct it w ith­ plause. I pending cam paign, and thus every homo M'lTriist* has caused a general ful*| IiMlf|i«>ii ’ piM-n f o r C u b a . sir. convey the official notice of my out disaster at home and dishonor abroad, “My fellow citizens, recent events have !» > ■ in the land is directly and in tim ately con­ you. and shall he restored to the part}' which I' rorr» file hour of achieving their own nected with their proper settlem ent. nomination are highly appreciated and imposed upon the patriotic people of * Isis j G .- Is it true that the money su' for th irty years adm inistered it with im- independence the people of tin* United Great are the issues involved iu the com­ ns fu lly reciprocated, and I thank you I country a responsibility greater than the ! has lu•»•n «I«*«-r«*asing? • cqunled success and prosperity, and in S tate s have regarded with sym pathy the ing election, and eager and earn est arc and your associates of the notification ‘ Civil w ar. Then it was a struggle to pre­ A —It is not. th is connection we h eartily indorse the stru ggles of other A m erican peoples to tin* people for their right determ ination. committee and tile gre at p arty and con­ serve the government of th«* I iiit»*d | ( W hat if re the fa c ts? .— wisdom, patriotism and success of the Iia-e them selves from kuropean do!ii:na­ Our domestic trad»* must b»* won hack vention a t whose instance you come for S tate s; now it is a struggle to pr *s.*rv.* j À. As far a s the United Ftntefc is <\ tion. \N watch with deep and abiding anil our idle workingm en employed in the high and exceptional distinction be­ the honor of the government. (C ru s ol eefn»'« 1 tin it * Inis been mi enoi'iuoiisJ adm inistratio n of President Harrison. stowed upon m e.” interest the heroic battle of the Cuban “ Y rs” and applau.se.) «•reus»* In isu o tin» money in «irei1 1» Ite**lltrine«l. occupations at A nieriean wages. patriots again st cruelty and oppression, gainful “Then it was a contest to save the I tion in tlii.« «•onntry w as S 11’J .lO-.sj home m arket must I»«* restored to its W e renew and em phasize our allegi and our best hypes go »»nt for tin-* full Onr Hon. G arrett A. Hobart—Hi« S tatesm an ­ Union; now it is a contest to save spot­ ill IN7 1 it w as N7.”>N.;¡(ID.54D; by * proud tank of first in tin* world, atnl •n ee io the policy of protection as the success of their determined contest lor less its credit. (Great applause.) Th**n tivnsury bulletin :it tin* hcginniifg " f lik e R ep ly to the N otiiicatiou our foreign trade, so precipitately cut off b ulw ark of Am erican industrial ind«*- liberty. section was arrayed against sectioni ! present month of Ju ly it was*ÿl,5UJ, by adverse national legislation, reopened Com m ittee. f fUUdeuce and the foundation of Aiueri- The governm ent of Spain, having lost on now ‘men *»f all sections « an unit«*, ami I “ I M ). fair and equitable term s for onr sur­ y ran development ant? prosperity. This control of Cuba, and being unable to pro- will unite, to rebuke the repudiation of Q.—W hat »loes this show? M r. Chairm an and Gentlemen of the f At ru e Am erican policy taxes foreign prod- te»-t the property and lives of resident plus a g ric u ltu ral und m anufacturing Comm ittee: I beg to extend to you my our obligations and the debasement of I A. It shows that otir money su i and encourages home in dustry; if A m erican citizens, or to comply with its products. our curr«*ncy. (Applause.) has im rea sed lì IO per cent, as cotup. g ra tefu l acknowledgm ents for the very “ Protection and reciprocity, tw in m eas­ i p uts the burden of revenue on foreign treaty obligations, we believe th at the ’’ In tliis contest patriotism is above 1 with INIîo, and l u i per cent, as c kind and flattering terms in which you [ goods; it secures the American 'market governm ent of the United S tate s should ures of a true A m erican policy, sltoiihl convey party and national honor is dearer than pared with ÎNTlî. the form al announcement of my for the A m erican producer: it upholds actively use its influence anti good offices again command the earnest encourage­ nomination for Vice-President of the any party name. The currency and cred­ D*—l i a s the money sup dy increi the American standard of w ages for the fo restore peace aud give independence ment of tin* governm ent a t W ashington. F n ited S tates by the Republican nation­ it of the government are g»»od now. and faster than th«* population? Public confidence must be resumed and Am erican w orkingm an; it puts the fac­ to the island. must be kept good forever. Onr trouble A. -V«*ry lunch faster. the skill, the energy and the capital of al convention at St. Louis. I am pro- is not with tin* character of tin* money to ry by the side of the farm , and m akes E n largem en t of N»vv. h1. — I low do you prove this? foumlJy sensible of the honor which has our country find am ple employment at the Am erican farm er less dependent on that we have, hut with the threat to de­ A. I!y dividing /the total mone} been done me and through me to the The peace and security of the republic home, sustained, encouraged ami »lcfend- foreign demand and price; it diffuses state in w'hich all my life lias been spent, base it. We have the .same eurrency I »■¡feulafion at each «hit«* by the T I vv. : general thrift and founds the strength of and the m aintenance of its rightful in­ e»l again st the unequal competition and in my selection as a candidate for this that we had in good tin* world «»ver population of the couucry at the s¡ a ll on the strength of each. In its reason­ fluence among the nations of the earth \ Serious disad van tage with whicli they high office. I appreciate it the more be­ j nml unqimstioned by any people. Then, »late, ami thus finding the circulation are now contending. demand a naval power commensurate able application it is ju st, fair and iui- cause it associates me, in a contest which I too. we had unexampled credit and pros­ capita. p artial, eq ually opposed to foreign con­ with its position and responsibility. We involves the gravest issues, with one who perity. Our difficulty now is to- g**t that G- 'A hat dr'»s such a pro»*r*ss shoy •'lost Itai.se NuiJlriont R e v e n u e . tro l and domestic monopoly, to sectional1 therefore favor tin* continued en large­ represents in his private ch aracter and money in circulation and invested in A. -Tin |t«*r capita »acuhition of ment of the navy and a complete system productive enterprises which furnish em­ Fiiit«'»l Stai.*« «.ii J it I v 1. lStÿi. L mination and individual favoritism . of public career the highest intelligence and “The government of the United S tate« harbor and seaeoast defenses. I denounce the present Democratic must raise enough money to meet both best spirit o f his party and with whom ployment to American labor. (Great ap­ M d.cd; «-ii Ju ly 1. 1S7:¿. it \\:*^ Si; I . I m i t a t i o n o f liiiiiitar>*ti«*eü not only furnish adequate revenue that the im m igration law s he thoroughly high standard of civilization which has time that, concurring without other serv- than 1(M) c»*uts each only serves to in­ creasing rapitily. crease the »listrust. W hat we want is a IlKflU - the necessary expenses of the gov- enforced and so extended as to exclude distinguished our country for mote than ices in all the declarations of principle (J. How is il*i,« proved? nuicnt, but will protect Am erican la- from entrance to the United S tates those a century of its existence. The incoim* and policy embodied in the St. Louis p lat­ sound policy, financial ami industrial, •)•—L y the statistics of new which will give courage and confidence duct «.or from degradation to the wage level who can neither read nor write. ion. of the governm ent. I r«*peat, should equal form. I accept the nomination tendered to I all, for when that is »lone the money of other lands. We are not pledged to its necessary and proper expenditure«. to ine with a fuH appreciation of its re­ now unemployed because of fear for the <,>. How large has this proti lie i i C ivil S e r v i r « K iiforcem oiit. an y p articu lar schedules. The question A failu re to pursue this polity has com­ sponsibilities and with an honest pur­ future ami lack of confidence in invest­ Le«*n? The civ I service law w as iila»‘ed on the o f rates is a practical question, to he pelled the government to borrow* money pose. in the event that the people shall A .—Th«* reports of the tlirector o governed by the conditions of the tim e statute book by the Republican p arty, in a tim e of pence, to sustain its credit, ra tify the choices made by the national ment will quickly appear in the »hunnels mint, which are acknowledge«! until of trade. (Cries of “You are right, ma­ aud of production; the ruling and un­ which has alw ays sustained it. and we and pay its d aily expenses. T his policy convention, to discharge any duties jor. I show that from l.ST.’I to 1SIM. itici ami applause.) compromising principle is the protection renew our rep«*ate»I declarations that it should he reversed, und that, too, as which m ay devolve upon me with sole “Gentlemen, the employment of onr t I u * w orld s total ik * w * gobi prcxluctio' and development of Am erican labor and shall he thoroughly aud honestly en­ speedily as possible. reference to the public good. I lieen FJ..VJ(;.Nd4.i)(M). idle money, the i«lle money that we a l­ forced ami extended w herever p ractica­ Industry. The country dem ands a right Let me a»ld that it w ill be my earnest ready have, in gainful pursuits will put J <}. - I s this new product of go l- , ble. "It must be apparent to nil. regardless settlem ent and then it w ants rest. 1 1 of past p arty ties or affiliations, that it is effort in the coming cam paign to con­ every idle man in the country at work, crea King or d ecreasin g? F a i r H a l l o ! « f o r C i t iz e n « . trib ute in every w ay possible to the suc­ ami when there is work there N w ages’ P r o t e c t i o n an«l R e c i p r o c i t y . A. —It is increasing with enormous» our param ount duty to provide ade«]uate W e demand that every citizen of the revenue for the expenditures of the gov­ cess of the party which we represent and when there are work ami wage* polity. °* \J’ e believe the repeal of the reciproci­ United S tates shall h»* allowed to cast and which to the im portant issues of A1 ty arrangem ents negotiated by the last one free and unrestricted ballot, ami ernment econom ically and prudently n»l- the time stands for the best interests of there at-»* consumers, who constitute the j ( !■ ( .'¡ve the figures. A in lST.'i tin world*# gold p ro d i m inistered. The Republican p arty has m arket for the product* of mir soil Republican adm inistration w as n nation that such ballot shall be counted aud heretofore done. this, and this i »onfi- the people. U ncertainty and in stab ility ns best WHi.liilO.fHIO ; 1 ss. ; ,1 H aving destroyed business and confi­ • I calam ity, and we demand their re returned as cast. dently believe it w ill .lo in the future, to the money question involves most* ««*- dence by a free-trade police, it ¡« nMw n 1 ( M 1.4.7( si io. lu tb,. re a r INDO !♦ n ew nI and extension on such term s as L y n c h i n g 1« C o n d e m n * » ! . when the p arty is ag ain intrusted with rious consequence.« to every interest nml proposed to m ake things still worse l,v >' 11 N..H4D.000. 1„ 1ND4 it was $UNO.. w ill equalize our trade with other na­ The entering upon an era «>f «lep m iat. d cur­ j 100. For INDfi the exact total is not bower in the executive and legislative to ev ery citizen of the country. tions. remove the restrictions which now W e proclaim our unqualified condemna­ branches of our government. The na­ g ra v ity of this question cannot he over­ rency. Not content with th.* inatigurn- : « “itipih*»l. but is closely estima»,. Obstruct the sale of Am erican products tion of the uncivilized and harbanuts tional credit, ated. There can lie no financial y ton of the ruinous polh.v which has 1 S 1 DD..VMI.ÍMMI. has thus far fortu­ estim toai in the ports of other countries and secure practice well known as lynching, or k ill­ n ately resisted which security, no business stab ility, no real brought down the wages of th,* laborer every assau lt upon it, prosperity —AA’ h'jtt «loes this m ean? enlarged m arkets for the products of our ing of human beings suspected or charged must where tin* policy of the gov­ and the price of farm product«, it« a.lv«.- and will he upheld nnd strength ­ A It men us that the amount o f '0® vanns. forests and factories. with crim e, without process of law. ernm ent as to that ouestion is nt all a ened. If sufficient revenues are provided m atter of doubt. Gold is the one stan ­ cates now offer a new polirv. which w i'l ann ually added i«» the world** imthej Protection and reciprocity are twin N ational A r b i t r a t i o n H oard. «iiimnish the value of the iiiouev m mio .ly lias more than doubled in the for the support of the governm ent ti*ore m easures of Republican policy and go dard of value among all enlightened com­ We favor the creation of a National will he no necessity for borrowing money m ercial nations. All fiuanehil transa»- w l n h wages and product* are pai.l tw en ty-tbree years. hand in band. Democratic rule has reek (A|»i* ,,os«*.i A gainst bulb of these we aud in creasing the public debt. <.). Put has not the issue of .«id Board of A rbitration to settle and adjust lessly struck down both, aud both must tions of whatever »•Virneter. all business «t.i ii ! opposed. WLO "'¡th full coinage privileges eut «I«*wr be re-established. Protection for what differences which m ay arise 1 m *tween em ­ enterprises, all individual or corporate in­ ,, P o licy Is a t F a u l t . Our creed embrace« an honest dollar ployers and employed engaged iu inter­ total annual mldition to the world’ s vestm ents are adjust»*»! t«» it. w e produce; free admission for the nec­ an untarnished national , riH|it a d in ia te tu Ilio money supply? essaries of life which we do not produce- state commerce. “The com plaint of the people 1« not An honest dollar, worth 100 rent« ev- A .—It has not. F r e e IIoni*Nt*a■’ Ver? V , " W e favor the adm ission of the rem ain­ replenished bv loans, and in the »listress be only one basis upon which gold nml R pltasnre, Is.lies an.l «rentleinen to u,ee of the pimple, who are suffering becatia# "‘h e r may be concurrently coined as ing territo ries at the earliest practicable >ou all personally.” (A p la ttJ) U> condemn lln> prêtent ndminiatra- At the railw ay station. In Cantor »hei ♦ ion for not keeping fnith « ir li the aurnr date, having due rcgan l to the interests of the le a n t dem and for either th eir labor money, and that basis is eq uality, not in Ju ly lì—»!. ns Mr. M cK inley w as a.!. J ■roililion« of t lii. country. Th.' Itt i.uli. of the people of the T erritories and of or the pr»Mlucts of their iMbor. II»*re is w eight, but in the commercial value ot to r.'ik«* tin* train f»»r Cleveland, nr J Jinin party favors »u. h protection , 1 » „ ill the United States. All tin* Federal of­ the fundam ental trouble, the remedy for th# m etal contained in the res|»ective trini Io Ihr production mi American »oil ficer* appointed for the T erritories should which is Republican opportunity ami coins. This commercial value is fixe«l bv WORDS OF LIV IN G TR U TH . seni hinge of w«»rkingm<*n eall«*d I ce., th« BMrktta of tb# world« w ith which the ?-p»*»*eh. In response Mr. M*< Kinh‘;Pu^ of «Il I hi' »tutu r which the A.....ricini poo. be elected from honu-fidc residents there­ « t j . |f«*rivd to the object of his visit tc A'ifl pic itae. mill for which they pur other of. and the right of self-governm ent “D uring all the yenra of Republican P™1,1 interests of our country are nee#*- i P a t r io t ic w i - ,, an«-e. and «aid: control tollowiug resumption there w as s« r,|. v connected by innum erable business M 1. 1 , s a o rn C u lle d fro m countries more than $100,00(1,000 annual- should be accorded us fa r as practica­ u atmi/iw »*»*« • • '«a n _ ._*! - l . t nBf t i ■ d ■ eb i t,, twiti iitc.K »•ii,irw.» - — 1 or ignored, ivi c K in l©y *s SpG G ches LJ p Mr. ble. All of us arc interested . . . __ a steady reduction of the public i,/‘H w "'!»*«h cannot »«« be seven*»! Mm ¡, » I while the gold reserve w as sacredly «nil self-reliant as our country is. f.ii«- of our country, because iu the V « J Q u e s tio n s of th e D ay. A m e r ic a n P r o d n e t* F a v o r e d . It*|ir*«*ntatinn fo r A la * k a . fare <»f our country is involved the 5 3 m aintained and our currency aud ersdit 18 alone within it.« own hot- W e believe the citzeus of A laska preserved «without depreciation, tain t, or ,lers a ,,‘* upon its own resource* but \v«*Ifare of every citiz«*ft. | dnelir T <1 nil our Jiroilnet» -tn th.mc of the The American people* hold n,« rllllln<11, , vidua! v‘di..................................... noue miti the field. « « well a . to thnar of should have representation in tin* Con­ suspicion. It we would restore this pol- because it also reaches out to the ends honor of t»ur g»»verum« iit a.« , ,»,i /,^ cm intry is pr«»sp»Tons. then tfi the I»;«* im* prosperous. W h at we nil g del »he «lmp «ntl the fa c to r y -io hemp. t„ gress of the United S tates, to the end icy. that brought us unexam pled pro*- ^arth in all manifold d«*partm«*nts .H ,„ wool the product of the g r o t in tlu .try that needful legislation may be in telli­ perity for more than th irty years, under of business, exchange ami commerce i no m atier io what political organisons l_ lllt> “aim* sleepless vigil*u »• " •• max llave belong« I m th«- pn «t r > üei J of »heep hie...... idry. 11 » „ e ll na to the gently enacted. the most tryin g conditions ever known in nn,‘ m aintain with honor its stand- 1 fini»he,I woolen» of t|„. mill „ L. proBlj • i: h ■ t ¡o' - ‘‘oil ! irne.« of years this country, the policy by which we »n* 8,1,1 credit arnoug the uatiou* of the S t a n d f o r Ten» |»«»ronr*. • Not content with the inauguration of nr the most am ple protection. \Y«* want good prices and good av . m ade nnd bought*m ore goods at home eartl1* V“- r," i" 'us I*"1" ,,f ' « i|„. ln . |„|H li In,» W e sym pathize with all wise atnl legit­ ,r,.r bntueh! and \vlu*ii \v<* lui ve them we w ant l''e j The question adm its .if no compromise down rh,. im ate efforts to less«*n and prevent the and sold more abroad, the trade b al.m t« M erchant M a r i n e Itesi oration. Jo I» paid in good money. [ A .• i» tbe® 1 would he quickly turned in our fxvor. It is a vital principle at stake, but it is pr.ee of farm pro«luct.«. it* ,„| evils of intem perance aud promote m oral­ and gold would come to us and not go in no sense p artisan or sectional It «n»,. offer a new pnlhy Win,-I , " „ , 1 1 ' lim i!!'1 K 111,1 ' l '1'- "f "V.MI re righ t.”] W l i r « ^ J V ' f«Tor t e t ó n " * the t n rlr American ity. po u.T of d lucri tu I nut 1 un .luffe» f„r h ,,. tr«»m us in the settlem ent of all filch cerns all people. Ours, us one of th.» the value of the money iu Wh,,u - - r ........... Iw »■■--. nr Ilnv«pl W e lc o m e to W o m e n , low. \vheth«*r our w ages be g»»«*'f a T( balances in the future. The p arty that foremost nations, must have a m onetary and p r ic e s r e paid. Ulihmldinc of our mer, h int m arine nini I whether ih «y he had. they are al the protêt lion of our »hippini; in ,|„. f„r The Republican party is m indful of supplied by legislation the vast revenue« stan dard cqnal to tii»* best It is of vit..‘l i r. l'«'t'«*r by b being jiaid in dollars w o rth .« clyn eu rrylii* tru.le, Hint American flu* rights ami interests of women. Pro­ f“r i ,U‘ ,ud" ct °,f .? ur * rt * te*r * a r’ an<1 conse«|m*nce that this queatiou ahould be f <»nr ,2 r troulile frou,,,r is not with the /»i,-.« » 1 better - • h. U1 re.uendous ch eerin g1 A . •lupa- the pr,itili -t of Am erican hilntr tection of American industries includes promptly restored the credit of the coun­ settled now in such a w ay u* t.* restore "f >h<' >n«nrr that «,• h” “,. t»u, «"¡Th .,**P I try nt its close, and that from its abund­ good w ages they are belt»11. h are gi .niploteil ¡II Am erican »hipvnr.l» «nil.- equal opport tin ¡tics. c»|ua| p ar f„r equal public (confidence here and everyw here threat to dehnee it. \\> l u . i .h !' 1 ant revenues paid off a large share of the ... : I •. I ! : i r -. If e isso rurrel»-,» that |,ad in lSiV- 1 "'1" * I’« 1«* ■ » mnlcr the Kt«r» mnl S trip ,•» work, and protection to the home. We in the integrity of our purpose. A doubt I1""* ' « x\ » K " th»*y .in* m ade p»iorerjv.*iceof| manned, n llicem l mnl owned hr Vnien favor the ntimission of women to ’w ider debt incurred in this w ar, and th a t re­ of that integrity among the other gr»*at he „„rid over, and uinmeatioiu« i.v v l"".’1 I hen. f<>«». we h nJ m,a . • *, p being ¡" i- paid 1 d m g. I«’, dollars. If w c « n . mnv r.'intln the e a r r j¡n ¿ u( uur spheres of usefulness, and welcome their sumed s|»erie paym ents and placed our com mercial countries of the world w ill people. ÜJÜ uu**“ « ‘P¡ed lu„ .¡¡¡):,.n what we w ant mor lo icigo com tuerce. low ‘ «it¡/.»•us. co-operation in rescuing the »»uinrir from paper currency upon a sound and endur­ not only cost us unllious of money, but „redit and |.ru»,»-n ,y ing basis, can be safely trusted to pre- th at which, anything »*1«-«- • -.* la is io to i\rru keep UO our T UIUHT. mom*.““ rh 11 « mitpinra ,.i iV * I ----- D em ocratic uud Populist m ism anagem ent as patriot ~ * ** Fnr Rnnnil Money. s«*rv«» Doth our crc«lit and currency with ure still and m isrule. honor, stab ility, and inviolability. T h i R rpn bllran p arty i, nnrp»rrvn.liT c o m m e rc i-._ __ csriT gl A p p e a l to V oters. - - - f l i r .Miitn.l niunv) . It calunni ih . . BIT enreful ...n aid .rati..,. l . i K*.r'.,'clv" 1 ! *>» 'ho inverniti,-nt of the Our F in a n c ia l H onor I« S a c r e d . M y e.«,m ate o . l , ...T- h . rain e of a „ro- “uníiñ^l ^ n,‘ h— S?ar«*s. (G reat applause.] VVe ar-OrüTT »••UH «.( tl.c ln\v prOTi.lin* for tbc r,.. Rin h arcth c p riin iplc» ami policlo» of th» gr«*;ite«t fountr} in the w o rld —g • ninptii.ii ni .peci., p ay iii.n t in 1H71I Ilcpnl.licnn party. tty the», princinlc» ••The American people hold the finan- » n n l / o f X ^ b “ , h ^ o u 'T a '’ « ^ , ¡ Vt ' " “ > .«•!?*"'’i n « ! in our freedom, greatest in our tic »in, c tl.cn c»ci> (in.lai lui» h i , a» gami "'«• « ili «h l.lc nini thc»c |iolh i, » „ ,. „ ,]I ria l honor of our icovcrumeiit aa »acred d o »,n u l »täte exteu diu « over a lìe rL l V.f 1 ,, 1 l!,,l*»1 >h'nn* e v .rr- t • s. gr«*atest in our opportnnitir »kl. ---- -------------1 put into execution. \\«> n«k for them • • out “**• “ “J *<*“ ho rc h « l upul, to th irty jo ur». It i . that protection n,it rrr .n n * f ll l . l " '» t the , v wt u e too gre.it to tniDt our co are n ualternbiy omfoaed to everv the considerate judgm ent of the Vmeri- ituard It with the »ante »leeple»» vigil- only buil.i» up im portant iudn»trn » ......... ! "tu»r or to » ast suspicion upon th« ' ure »..d ire c t, cle.,r a',.‘.i mc.'isure ralcn iated to dehase our cur- j ciin people. Confid»*nt alike iu the his- »nee. I hey hold its preservation atnive »until beginning», but that tin,», tie. Tin., • ol. gatious of our governm ent. . Ihr #retlit of our conn- tw y of onr great |»arty nml iu the jus- lutrty fealty and have often dem unatrat- other itplu»trie» Hoitri»b or lanu ,»n o' I are too plain and po»iti, ¡‘•ave any l'iuu*e.j "J^Ts try . u e are, therefore,#t»p|H»*«e*t in the world. It the mautifnc'Hirer ;in«l mechanic m the >untry at 1 •»,„ biting gol*I stam lan l must l»«> preservinJ m ust not only be current at its full face hruily | h rsuailed that what »,* aonl ttum! \'«*rk. and when rè. Mo iro '« Hnrilffn of Fro» #ilv»r. th..r re app " " rk work ,h,,ro ia n«*ii<*t| to l»e in his .«hop on 8at A il our silver am i paper r u m m y must value at home, but it must he ¿¿an ted of alj to remove th«* business n araivsi« wages, , .. and when ---- tu« and Mexicnn silver dollar, and aaWemi*r] t»e m aintained a t p arity with g«»ld, ;im¡ M ichigan Iron Ore: The Detroit Trib­ at psr in an y and every commercial that afflict» ill,» country „ the ro»t„ra. wage* there are coita,intera )#|t# fav o r a ll m anantes une has a staff correspondent iu .Mexico, center of the globe. ■ ■ ■ ^ ^ ^ ■ t i n n of a policy which, while affording tut tejth e * beat B w rk « foVVh. p '^ J ," ," ’ „f \' ha: lie would give him for it. *bin.A* our v « i l i invoilnblr the obligation* ,,f the I mt He describes the populution of that coun­ ¡>ii*'«l that the hulli«m vain«* w as I he aagactoua and far-»peing poncy * l,1P1‘‘ revenue to nn et the expenao of S tate », and a ll our money, w hether try as being hair beggars, aud the bal­ ami that he would take the «fo the great men who founde.1 our gov- ’ ll*' « ‘" •rn u ie u t. w ill reo|»'n Anieriean B n ^ i or i»HF»*r. a t the presen! standard. ance doing poorly. li e says everything of in in at that price, to which the \ The The money of the I'nited Bt»t inent, the teaching» and acta of the worfcabop» on full tim e and fnll-hanile :,T,’ w i»e»t financier» at every «tage in onr w i,h ,h f’ r «I'crative» paid good w age» V o f the earth. n**r a h aircu t, shampoo at J|*”I told of the su» c«*ss «vf that co uu trj are hi»tory, the »tead fast faith and »plendid in 1|0,"''*, dollar». And thin can only paper, .¡le e r or gold; nniM , " he,l" 'r «» ‘« I n l to 75 cents; he haude«l«l a» the l.e»t in tlTc world i," * * " . li'> '" 1 lies. pure, cold and simple. And the cor-* M » l l » r o f Pon alon*. achievem ent» of the great p arty to whieh ,'on" ' ,in,|rr a tariff which w ill hold the *f !'0* •1 *llar; l gave him a q u a rte rir C I redpoedeat is right, and truly descrihea we belong, and the genitta and in teg u ty ln ,‘‘rt*'t» of onr own people paramount only be current at it» f„|| . A referan * of the Union arm y de- the condition. The reason that we re­ of have a lw a ra demanded in '” ,r P°htieal and eo n .n o r.n .l » y .t,.,n. at home, but it m n.t he ™ „„trt a ,* Ì !* so I a in out 47 cents on the traifj. T 1 l ^ n d slmtiM reeeive fair tnm tm ent fer to this is that certain free silver this, our and people lb*» bullion dealer gnaw ered: 4rril»<|1u w ill ever m aintain it. The The oppo«ite policy, which discon rare« „ „ (n fto M n v o tu itio n . W henever champions delight in callin g attention to oootvr 'of just what w ill happen every d#y A m onean eitterpri.se«. n«lucca Am erican ÍS*“S L ¿ ? J ,T " 7 ........ m aV.k» they sl onld he given the pref- the wonderful stride* being made by do llar paid to the farm er, the w age-earn ­ labor on a silver basis.^ The shop «tVKIUI to ldlene««, dim inishes the earn ­ er and the Pensioner must continue for­ d l d i ik e m atter of em ploym ent, and M exico under the H» to 1 piuu. of people, who a ll loudly ded. ^ W hat we want » »ootid nollcr c L1* travel ever equal io purchasing and debt pay- ings of Am erican workiuguien, opea* our they Would rote for M cK inley r U u m t clal and mduatriaL which will g f r ' , ^ 7 monev. Supplement I the v: I I »