Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1896)
K o r e s t a n d g s fï :..Baaw."“i consolidated june i , iw . d ir e c t o r y . G r o v e T i m e s FOREST G R O V E , OREGON, T H U R SD A Y , SE PT . IO, 18ÎM5. i. o. o. r . . V o l. II, No. 2 3 , V o l. V i l i , No. 3 2 “ Sec. 2. During the two months im Weekly Crop Bulletin. mediately preceding any national or | Western Oregon. Republican Flubs Form a Comity state election in thi* state, the executive j ~ R K » T ( *RC>V K .- F o r e s t Rehekah lo d ge No. STA TE O F OREGO N. Weather— A comparison of the mean w * i ” ° ? d FeUow» h all on th e first and League for Campaign Work. and advisory committee of this league third W ednesday o f each m onth. temperature of the past week with that iveriior ........................... ............... W in. 1 ». I.ord On call of a number of club presidents, sha’l meet at such time and place as its ex H arrison K. Kincaid o A V .V <SMi)RO ~ M oute*um a of the preceding week shows that the No. 50 m eets ' cretary of S t a t e ............. in its h all on ev ery W ed n esd ay even in g. delegates from the republican clubs of ecutive committee may from time to . .. P h illip M clschum easurcr ....................... • • past week averaged two deg. warmer pt. public In stru ctio n .................G . M. Irwin B O R O — W ash in gton en cam p m en t No. ^ the county met in convention at the time designate', all the members of said W . H. Leeds 24 H m ILLS daily. The week opened with threaten lie P r in t e r ............................ eets in Odd F e llo w s h a ll on the second and C h as. K. W olvertou ■ ourth 1 uesd ays o f each m onth. courthouse in Hillsboro on Thursday committee having been previously noti ing weather and cool, with light scatter K. S. Hean preine Court | ............... afternoon to form a league for systematic fied. ...............F. A . Moore HILLSBORO.— -H illsboro R ebekah lo d ge No. , ing showers in the Willamette valley ............. T . A. M cBride m eets in Odd F e llo w s h a ll ev ery Saturd ay jge Fifth D istrict campaign work so that Washington A R T IC L E IX .— Order of Business. Y a rd 1 m ile N o rth w est o f F orest (»rove. lorm y F ifth D istric t.. .................T . J. Cleeton and quite heavy rain in Souther^ Oregon ....... John II M itchell “ At all meetings of the league the fol- | county may roll up for McKinley and nators j ............... .......... G eo W M cBride on Mi >nd ijr and Tueaday. ( ìenenÉr H?iVV II‘ !‘iii ' cC h a rit? L o < 1Kl* N o . 75 m eets Hobart the largest majority it has ever I lowing order of buainesa shall be °>> cloudy in the ear)y lnor„i'llKS. fol’owed G eo. W . Patterson in its h all on the first and th ird S atu rd ays in : int State Senator each m on th . given. • 1 s e r vet 11 I • ., I by clear and pleasant after about 10 K-iiAST<.)^i c W ap al? ,odRe N o 4o m eets in its Chairman Wood of the Central com Sten ograp her and T y p e w riter “ I- Appointment by the president ot 0>clock was the characterof tbe weather h all on th e first, th ird and fifth S atu rd ays in i WASHINGTON COUNTY. each m onth. | mittee called the meeting to order, and two, to constitute, with th; secretary, General Typewriting, Law j for the remainder of the week. K . O F I» ......... B. P. C orn elius then Senator Patterson of Hillsboro, and committee on credentials. Work, Copying, Correspond It was uncomfortably warm on Friday FO G R y**-- O V E . — — u D e elp h os lotige lo<Ige No. No. 1 39 1 D. B. Reftioner ~ R K S T v,p' tpnos ence, etc., done quickly and “ 2. President’s address. C o m m issio n e rs j ........... K. W. Haines of Forest Grove, were T G Todd m eets in M asonic h a ll ev e ry S atu rd ay evening" and Saturday, the temperature reaching neatly and at a moderate ............. J. A . Im brie “ 3. Report of the committee on cre chosen respectively chairman and secre Werk H ILLSB O RO . — Phoenix lo d g e No. 34'm eets ill in some sections 92 deg. The lowest W . D. Bradford p r i c e ................................. ¡Sheriff ............. dentials. tary temporarily. K. L. M cC orm ick M asonic h a ll ev ery M on day even in g. ¡Recorder ....................... night temperature w’as 52 deg. Some .................. A . B .C a d y treasu rer............................ C O R N E L IU S .—Sim on id es lo d ge No. 34 m eets A t H a t c h e t O f f i c e - F orest G ro ce “ 4. Appointment of special commit On motion of the gentlemen whose G e o rg e II. W ilcox in|its castle h all every Saturd ay even in g. mornings the dew was heavy, aiding the «jeessor ..............A u stin C raig chool S u p e r in t e n d e n t . names appear as chairmen, the following tees. growth of grass in the pastures. Dense G L E N C O E . G len coe lo d g e No. 22 m eets in I. K. W itkea p u rveyor ........................ “ 5, Report of the executive commit committees were appoirited: On creden ............... C. L. Large in its castle h all on ev e ry alternate_Saturday. S H E R IF F ’S SA L E . kroner...................... smoke from forest fires is still reported tials, I. A. Macrum, M. C. Lincoln, C. tee. I t . 8. as prevailing in the valleys. B y VIRTUE OK AN EXECUTION, DEUKEK “ 6. Reports of special committees Rockstroh, B. M. Collins, S. A. Me- F O R E S T G R O V E . — D e lp h a tem p le, No. 7, C ir c u it C o u r t — T h ird M on d a y in M arch and m eets in M asonic h all on the secoud and fourth and order of sale, issued out of the Cir Crops— Harvesting and threshing is appointed at previous meetings. Sheeny. On permanent organization, J. cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for W ednesday o f each m onth. ,Iy, an d fourth M on d a y in N o vem b er. practically completed and the grain Washington County, in favor of K. L. “ 7. Unfinished business. T. Dorrien, A. H. Gates, W\ D. Smith. C ounty C o u r t — F irat M o n d a y in each m onth. H IL L S B O R O .— Ph oen icia tem p le m eets in Ma- safely stored. The rains during the first Sabin and against S. C. Tapper, Jennie On constitution and order of business, j sonic h all “ 8. Reports of special committees C om m issio n e r h ' C o ^ R T - F irst W ed n esd ay part of the week, together with the Tupper, Geo. Davis, A. King Wilson, appointed at this meeting. H. S. Trevis, W\ D. Wood, C. P. Yates, A . O. ¿J. W . ftcr first M on day in each m on th , .1. W. Morrow, and the First National rains during the first week in August, FO REST GROVE F orest G ro v e lo d ge No. Bank of Hillsboro, Oregon, for the sum J. C. Greer, W. N. Barrett. “ 9. New business. materially changed the prospects of the I 60 m eets in Odd F ellow s h a ll on ev ery T u esd a y of Sixteen Dollars and Fifty Cents “ 10. Election of officers. After a fifteen minute recess the com -1TV OP F O R K ST G RO V E. I evening. late-sown grain crops in the Willamette 1 ($10.50) costs, and for the further stun mittees reported. It was recommended “ 11. Speeches. F O R E S T G R O V E .--D eg ree o f H onor lo d ge valley and in Coos and Curry counties. m eets in Odd F ellow s h all th e second T u esd a y of Eleven Hundred and Ninety Seven and adopted that the temporary officers “ 12. Adjournment. |VOR .......................................H on. 8. H ugh es. o f each month. Dollars and EightySeven Cents($l 107.87) While the late-sown grain crop was un A R T IC L E X .— Amendments. he made the permanent officers, that the i UNCILMF. n , T o s e rv e o n e y e a r, A . T . K n o x, H IL L S B O R O .— H illsboro lo d ge No. 61 m eets IT. S. gold coin, with interest thereon at successful, it was not the failure which 1 in its h all 011 th e first and th ird F rid a ys in each the rate of ten (10) per cent, per annum j delegates whose names are given here “ This constitution may he amended James flK ito ii, C . L . L a rg e . j m onth. from the 21st day of July, 1896, and with be seated and that the constitution at any regular meeting of the league by a was anticipated through the prevalence T o i e r v A a - o y e a rs , T . C. M cN am er, H ugh of the July drought. A correspondent S H E R W O O D .—S herw ood lo d ge No. 20 m eets One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) attorney’s Sm ith, I). C. S te w a rt, Presid en t. three-fourths vote of the members pres in its h all ev ery T h u rsd a y even in g. fees and the further sum of Twenty Nine be as published below: writing from Gales Creek, Washington ................................ A aron W ells. ent. COKDKK T H E N E W CO NSTITU TIO N . j TIGARDVILLE.—T igard v ille lotige m eets in Dollars and Two Cents ($20.02) for taxes countv, states: “ The August rains helped ....................................J. C. G reer. its h all on the seeoiul and fourth S atu rd ays in paid, for costs and expenses of sale and EASCRER We, your Committee on Constitution I “ Your committee further recommends late-sown grain wonderfully; some fields .............................. T . J. H arris i each month. IRSIIAL. of said writ. ! and Order of Business, beg leave to sub the following order of business for the T U A L A T IN . — T u a la tin lotige m eets in its that looked very poor about the latter Now, therefore, by virtue and in per- C om m ittees of City Council. h a ll on th e second and fourth S atu rd ays in each suance of said judgment, decree and mit the following report and constitu meeting of the committee on credentials: part of July have since peen cut and W umw « .—C ou nciliu et» S te w a rt. L a rg e and T m outh j “ 1. Consideration of report. order of sale, 1 will on Monday, the 21st tion for your consideration: threshed and made a yield of 12 to 15 K . O. T . M. ! day of September, 1896, at the south “ 2. Consideration of the report of ARTICLE I.—Name. riunce ami Accounts.— 1C ottB Cilm ea M cN am er. bushels per acre.” All f*.r.n work is well F O R E S T G R O V E . F orest G ro v e ten t No. 21 door of the Court House, in Hillsboro. m eets in M asonic hall on th e second and fourth “ This organization shall he known as committee on permanent organization. ixton and S m ith . advanced. Some farmers are ready to Washington County, Oregon, at the Xrttts ami Public Property.— C o u n cilm en S m ith , . T u esd ays in each m onth. “ 3. Consideration of the report of com the Republican League of Washington hear of 10 o’clock a. m. of said day, sell seed grain, having taken advantage of H ILLSB O R O . -V io la tent No. 18 m eets in Odd iox a n d S tew art. mittee on constitution and order of busi at public auction to the highest bidder County, Oregon. the opportunity to summerfallow after Vi,t aid Water.— C o u n c ilm e n B uxton . S m ith F ellow s h a ll on th e second and fourth Th urs- : d a ys in each motvth for cash, the following-described real ness. A R T IC L E II.— Objects. d McNamer. the early August rains put the ground in property, to-wit: Lots numbered 8, 9 P . O F II. Htalth ami Police.— C o u n c ilm e n L a rg e , S tew art “ The objects of this league shall he to H . S. T r a v i s , condition. Potatoes are doing well, hav H illsb oro G ran g e m eets in its h all on th e sec and I d in block numbered 1, in the d Knox. Chairman. ond and fourth S atu rd ays in each m onth at 12111. ! town of Gaston, Washington county, maintain and promote the principles and ing attained a more vigorous growth, rays and Means.—1C o u n c ilm e n M cN a m er, Bux- W . N. B a r r e t t , Oregon, to satisfy the hereinbefore success of the republican party. and the prospects are favorable to ma G. A . K. 1 and Sm ith. named sums, and for the costs and e x J . C . G r e e r , A R T IC L E III.— Membership. °rutt.'ng.- -C o u n c ilm en S te w a rt, M cN am er and F orest G rov e. -Jam es B. M atth ew s Post, No. turing a larger yield. Corn is not the 6. m eets in M asonic h all on th e first and th ird penses of said sale. Said property will C h r i s P. Y a t e s . “ Section i. This league shall he com staple crop of the Willamette valley, yet I lie sold subject to redemption as per W ednesdays in each m onth. posed of one delegate-at-lurge from each Proceeding to the election of officers there are m mv fine crops this year. statute of Oregon. W . K . C. Witness my hand this 12th day of republican club in Washington county, as prescribed in the newly adopted con P ire W arden Forest G ro v e.—Jam es B. M atth ew s R elief Corn, potatoes and garden vegetables •ece Lea bo .......... . regularly organized with constitution stitution, for president were nominated J u stice o f th e Peace Corps m eets altern a te T h u rs d a y s in Odd F e l j August, iB9W H. Dolsi rom are growing nicely where they have had lo w s h all. W. D. B r a d f o r d , C on stable and by-laws, and one delegate for every I. A. Macrum, G. W. Patterson, R. B. . R. Sannitig ton . the proper cultivation. Potatoes are do Sheriff of Washington County, I . O. G . T . *vid StUtlll a 25 members or remaing fraction thereof | Goodin and J. I. Knight. All except ....... Sch ool D irectors State of Oregon. F orest G rov e.— Forest" G ro v e lo d ge No. n o ing well, and will make a fairly good . Hvde. > m eets in its h a ll ev e ry S atu rd ay ev en in g . greater than 15. L Sm ith.) Bauer Greene, , | the first withdrew and the secretary cast crop; the viues ar^ still green in many Sch ool C lerk Attorneys for Plaintiff. 23 e Stew art. “ Sec. 2. No club shall he represented, H illsb o ro .—H illsb o ro lo d g e m eets in its h a ll the unanimous ballot for Mr. Macrum localities and the rain of the past week P rin c ip a l o f S ch ool ev e ry S atu rd ay. J u v en ile T em p le, S u n d a ys, . II. Thom as. A B either direct or by proxy, save by a bona and he was accordingly elected president was a benefit. In Josephine, Douglas 3P 1» \ \ r A N T B D S E V E R A L F A IT H F U L MEN OU >4 W om en to tra v el for resp on sible e s ta b fide member of the club in the county, of the county league. J*. I. Knight was and Jackson counties the potato crop will W. OF TH E W. lish ed h o u se iu O regon . S a la r y $ 78 », p a y a b le C h urch D irecto ry. F orest G ro v e C am p No. 98, m eets in O dd E el- $15 w eek ly am t expens» s. P ositio n p e rm an e n t. and in all votes by ballot each club shall elected first vice-president over Mays of | j,e light, since they are too nearly ma lo w s h a ll th e first and th ird S atu rd ay in each R eferen ce. E n clo se ► elf-addressed stam p ed e n be entitled to cast as many votes as the Glencoe, who was then made second tured to be benefitted by rain. It is the m onth. velope. T h e N a tio n a l, Star B u ild in g , C h ic a g o . C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U R C H . number of delegates present voting in I vice-president. R. B. Goodin and W. S. impression that it will require a late fall A. R o g e r s , P asto r . dividually. Moore were in the field for secretary and to mature the grapes, which are quitr ervices e v e ry S u n d a y at 11 a. m . an d S p. m. nlay school a'fter m o rn in g service. “ Sec. 3. The officers provided for the former was elected. J. C. Buchanan, green. ocial m eetin gs e v e r y T h u rs d a y e v e n in g at herein shall be ex-ofiicio members during Jr., of Cornelius, was chosen treasurer. dock. Hop-picking will commence incarneat oung p eop le’s m e e tin g o n e h o u r b efo re bun- their terms of office. Messrs. McNutt and Stanley were ap- dtiritig the coming week. It is thought r evening service. trangers are a lw a y s c o r d ia lly w elcom ed, ARTICLFy IV .— Officers and Government pointed to wait on Congressman-elect that many yards will be left unpicked, “ Section 1, The officers of the league Tongue and invite him to address the notwithstanding the excellent quality of M KTH O D IST E P I S C O P A L C H U R C H . R e v . D. A . W a t t e r s , P a s t o r . shall be a president, first vice-president, convention. Mr. Tongue accepted and the product. The hops are cleaner this Iservices ev ery S u n d a y at 11 a. m . an d 8:30p. m. All kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stone second vice-president, secretary and made an able speech, holding the close y e a r than they hive beeu for many years, ■ day school at 12.15 P m. Ju n io r le a g u e ev e ry ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, «day at 4 p. m. K p w o rth le a g u e at 6:30 p. m., treasurer; all of whom shall constitute attention of the convention. The plat- Only in a few yards are there any lice o« .today. Prayer m e e tin g 7:30 p. ra., T h u rsd a y . an executive committee of five. Brooms, Mop Sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladies, form denunciation of the president for mo;d. The burr is well formed. Last C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H . “ Sec. 2. No person shall hold office enforcing law and the avowed intention y ear> owing to the low price, many field» Wood and Willow Ware of all kinds, Fish egular sendee e v e r y S u n d a y at 11 a. m. and ; in this league who is not a member of a to reorganize the supreme court on a po- were ieft unpicked, and this year most p. m. S u n d a y sch o o l a t 10 a. m . A aro n 1 ing Tackle and all kinds of Seeds. regularly organized republican club in litieal basis were spoken of as menaces 0f the yards were not cultivated. The lls, supt. P ra y e r m e e tin g T h u rs tla y even- at 7 30 p. m. Sr. Y . P. S C. K. S u n d a y even the county of Washington. at 6:30 0. m . J r. Y . P. S. C. K. S u n d a y to life and property of far greater danger hopyard that has been properly cultivated rnoon at 4 p. m . S y lv ia E d w a rd s, preaiden t. “ Sec. 3. A vacancy in any office shall than any money issue. j has an exceptionally fine product, a s s public are c o r d ia lly in v ite d to a ll th ese be filled by the executive committee un I 1 he Greenville Glee Club enlivened ruie. Some early varieties have already til the next meeting of the league. the convention several times during the been picked and the product sold. »ARTICLE V.— Elections. Post Office o f F o r e s t G rove. afternoon with campaign songs. The Western Oregon fruit crop was Section I. The president, vice-presi J W H K E L O C K M A R S H , P. M. DELEGATES. not a success; but there has been plenty dents, secretary and treasurer shall be ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. McKinley Club of Beaverton— J. for home consumption. Correspondents SE L L S O N L Y T H E BE ST OK elected by the league at its regular bien Fisher, C. W. Allen, A. Davis, A. oand from P o rtlan d an d a ll p o in ts E ast: D e state that the young orchards have made ls 6:30 a. 111. and 4:20p. m . A r r iv e s 9:40 a. m. nial meeting. They shall all hold office j Cady. a very rapid growth, and that the trees i 6:40 p. m. two years, and until their successors are ¿ 0 Corvallis, an d p o in ts S o u th : D e p a rts 8:35 McKinley Club of Buxton— C. P. will be in good condition to bear a crop ». A rrives 5:05 p. ra. elected and qualified. Yates, C. W. Hines, A. L. Stephens. next season. The partial failure of the 0 G reenville. M an n in g, B u x to n an d V ernoni«: “ Sec. 2. All elections of officers shall Young Men’s Republican Club, of fruit crop this season has not depressed ‘ res 11 a. m. D e p a rts 1 p . m . be by ballot, unless otherwise ordered, Glencoe— M. C. Lincoln, I P. Goodin, fruit culture. There are many enterpris lesC reek: A r r iv e s 11:30. D e p a rts 1:30 and all other votes shall be taken by J. C. Corey. ing orchardists who have kept their orch ballot whenever a majority of all votes OREST G R O V E F I R E D E P A R T M E N T . James G. Blaine Republican Club of ards properly cultivated, and the tiers cast shall decide. Balloting shall be S - G e n e r a l A l a r m — R a p id tap p in g Greenville— W. L . Moore*, F\ Wilcox, J. are showing the result of proper atten 11 . T h e lo c a tio n o f th e fire w itlb e indi- done as follows: The secretary shall call F. Thornburg, J. Ireland. the n u m b er o f fu ll ta p s g iv e n b etw een tion. Light rains and dewy mornings -ral ala rm s— c o rre sp o n d in g to th e nuin- the roll of clubs in alphabetical order. West Butte Republican Club— Tony have contributed to the improved con ird s w hose lim its a re g iv e n below , As each club is called, the person selected Glassner, H. S. Travis, M. Dillaboy, C. ditions of the grass on the ranges. r d r ill—T h re e ta p s, p au se, th re e taps, iree taps. for that purpose by the representatives W. Hodges, Sol Jack. In many sections the crop season is r m eetin g— F iv e tap s. of the club shall arise and announce the McKinley Club of Forest Grove— A. T. nearing a close, and but little work will W A R D L IM IT S , vote of the delegates. If the vote of any Knox, J. C. Greer, M. I). Markham, be done until the ground is placed in drst war 1 N orth o f P a cific a v e n u e and east delegate or club is incorrectly announced Austin Craig, L. H. Smith, I. A. Macrum, condition to be plowed for seeding of •ollegr W ay. . Tond w a rd - N orth o f P a cific a v en u e and or recorded, the delegate or club may F. U. Burnett, J. L. Gregg, Joe Bailey, the fall grain crop. Kaiti would be wel een k ,lie g e W a y an d B street, fkird w ard N a y lo r’ s a d d ition , have it corrected at any time before the A. H. Gates. E. W. Haines, C. C. Caples, comed by all except thos^ engaged is karth w a rd - B etw ee n P a cific a v en u e and result of the ballot has been declared. ¡pod avenue south. . „ H. F. Gordon, W. K. Curtis, A. Hinuian, hop-picking. mh w a rd - B etw een S econ d a v e n u e and boutn A R T IC L E V I.— Duties of Officers. C. L. Large, Oscar Ahlstrom. T addition. t e l e p h o n e , ¡a r y ,.-_________ FOREST g r o v e . sth ward -South P a r k ad d ition . “ Section 1. The president shall pre McKinley Club of Dilley— G. H. Married* side at all meetings of the league and of Briggs, B. F. Purdy. At the residence of the bride’s mother, the executive committee. McKinley Republican Club of Hills . A SH IN G TO N c o u n t y p o s t o f f i c k s . B eaverton Sec. 2. The first vice-president, in the boro— W. N. Barrett, G. W. Patterson, Mrs. M. Grow, in Reedville, Miss Verd. B u x to n C o rn eliu s C e n te r v ille absence of the president, and in case of R. H. Greer, C. K. Deichman, J. D. Mer- Brugger to John Hews, by Rev. K. P. F ir D ille y The ceremotij G len c o e F a rm in g to n the absence of both president and first ryman, J. I. Knight, W. D. Smith, E. J. Hughes, of Hillsboro. [Wt G rove G len w ood len Home G r e e n v ille took place at noon In the presence o f* vice-president, the second vice-president, H illsb oro Lyon, W. D. Wood, R. B. Goodin, R. E. » Creek G a sto n M idd leton number of friends, and aft?r an elaborate on L a u re l shall perform the duties of the president. Bryan, J. H. Stanley. P rogress sning M o u n ta in d o le wedding banquet the bridal party cam« Sh erw oo d “ Sec. 3. The secretary shall perform «gh R e e d v ille German Republican Club of Blooming T u a la tin to the Grove where Mr. and Mrs. Hew» . » F e rry B lo o m in g the duties of secretary of the league and L e n o x — C. Rockstroh, J. Asbahr. Oville T h a tc h e r will make their home. The best wiaha *»rd P h illip s of the executive committee. Honest Money Club of Gaston— H. C. “ Sec. 4. The executive committee Raymond, C. W. Hudson, E . X . Hard of a large circle of acquaintances ant friends are theirs for all happines« C iv ic S o c ie t ie s . shall be the governing body of the ing. league. Laurel McKinley Club-^S. A. Mc- T h * H**«t l o u g h C u r * A. r . AND A. A R T IC L E V II.— Committees. Sheeny. r G R O V K .- H o lb r o o k nodR *. No. Jo. “ Section I. The presidents of all the Gales Creek Republican Club— T. Is Shilo's Cure. A neglected cough u t« h a ll th e T tiu ra d a y b e fo re th e fu ll L o w P r ic e * , P ro m p t D elivery, ach m onth. republican clubs of this county shall con Raines, L. Witt. B. M. CollitA, H. Baker dangerous Stop it at once with Shiloh*« E x c ellen t Q u a lity . lO R O .- T u a lity lo d g e . N o * • " • * * * • ? “ stitute the advisory committee of the by Brice Wilson his proxy. M. Crosby, Cure. For sale at Clark’s drug store. - S atu rd ay on o r a ft e r t h e fu ll m oon league, together with the members o f P. L. Cox. ------- onth. the executive committee. KTO N — B e a v e rto n lo d g e N o too m eet» Good Times Republican Club of Cor- i t •• Thr e h a ll o n th e « ra t T u e a d a y in each A R T IC L E V III.— Meetings nelitis— G. W. Marsh, R. W. McNutt, J. U n t i l U C t . 9 W iw h in f t # » “ Section I. The regular biennial C. Buchanan. Albert Running, J. T. Dor- b o u n t y and W r « k ll O. B. ft. ILSBORO Tualatin Chapter meetain Ma- meeting of the league shall be held at rien. " " • « • - " ‘ •‘ •í f« r $ , f a '►»II sn the aecond and fouith Tueaday» m l l a t e h e t it l o u r «i I , e n n h . «P * ! such time and place as the executive ■oath. Hlpana Tabule». - , | old o r .u lm u r llH ,« . committee shall determine. *»T GROVE Foreat Chapter NO O Ma M iconic halt o r the «rat a n d third F O R E S T G R O V E .— W ash in gton lo d ge N o 48 m eets in its h a ll ev e ry Monday ev en in g 4 Brick for Sale! for m c k in l e y . 160.000 Good Quality Cheap I t. F . C a tc d iin g , Miss Annie Pomeroy, A First (’lass Grocery Store IS GREER THE GROCER’S Tea and Coffee a Specialty McNAMER’S MEAT MARKET Meats, Sausages, Fish and Poultry The Country affords, in Great .......................................... Variety and at Moderate Prices A General Shipping Business, Wholesale and Retail, Done in All Kinds of Dressed Poultry, Fat Hogs, Spring Lambs and \ eal Calves. BUYER AND SELLER. w jF o u T m T R O U T MILL GALES CREEK. All Grades of Bough and Dressed Lumlier. Kiln Dried Lumber a Specialty. (’HAS. HIATT, Proprietor. I hatchet and Weekly Oregonian $2 a Year. *n rsch •wM,h