W A S H IN G T O N THE SY N D ICATE l> u « t o th e COUNTY D ISSO LV ED T u ril , n FO REST REETS OF C O N S T A N T I N O P L E Anil>MMMi«tlors itbe S u l t a n L jf0 R eply Have A ppealed to S to p th e Disorder*. Iteeu R e c e iv e d . Lttntinople. Sept. 1. — R ioting Cowed in the G a lata q u a rte r ot jtj Saturday. A sharp fusilade ,oe between the troops and tb s jian rioters. It lasted only a jinnies, however, and a stam pede ) revolutionists follow ed. . ambassadors of the foreign pow ¡Id a oonference and sent a strong jappeal asking the Bultau to sup- jtbe disorders w ith o u t delay. No |baa been received from tho sub- orte as yet. before the d ep artu re of the I of the invasion of the Ottom an | on Sir Kdgar V in cen t's yacht, bey had negotiated w ith the T ur- ifficials and surrendered upon cun- thal they should be allow ed to the country, they announced to iragoruun* of the different ern- i that they intended to continue Witation u u til the rig h ts of the liana should be recoguiaed by the jentutives of the foreign powers, era of tho different embassies, ■er, received a c irc u la r from the gian revolutiouary com m ittee, W a sim ilar anuounoem ent. [will be rem em bered th a t sevearl «fore the raid upon the O ttom an | threatening letters of a sim ilar er wero received by the repre- ¡lives of tiie powers, but the for- diplowats stationed in Constan- le paid no a tte n tio n to these, warn- FIRE RAGING. IN BLEAK LABRADOR. PO H TLA N O M ARKETS. Fu D es tru c tio n D o n » ou W a s h i n g t o n o f C olu m bia. uauclul situ a tio n . Vjsh Troops Still Massa- Icreing' Armenians. HATCHET New York, Aug. 31. — I* i. nuder. stood that, on account of the recent favorable turn in the financial situa­ tion, the exchange syndicate may be said to have virtually dissolved. It is said the only operation of the syndicate was tho sale a t one tim e of £‘J |o 000 of exchuuge. C hairm an F. B. Tappen, of the olearing-hoate loan committee, says no applications for loan certificates are expected in the near future. Tappen expressed the opinion th at the imports of gold were sufficient for the tim e be­ ing to relieve the domestic money situa- iton. The total amount ordered and alioat is estim ated at 110,000,000. Money on call in the boardroom touched 15 per cent today, but only a sm all am ount was loaned a t th a t figure. A considerable amount was loaned at from 8 to 10 per cent. A t extreme high figures a prom inent firm broke the rate by lending $ 1 ,000,000 in scat­ tering am ounts a t 6 per cent. British Fleet Opens on Zanzibar. THE H is Fire USURPER F OR CED T O F LE E S tronghold W recked and T here W s r s .M any V e r s o n s K t l l e d - T h e I n - g ll.h A dm iral S ow h o ld s the Tow n. S ide A storia, O r., Aug. 31.— A forest fire of im m ense extent raged tonight be­ tween Uak P o in t and E agle Cliff, on the W ashington side of the Columbia. Many oattle have burned to death, the num ber being estim ated a t 800. A ll kinds of a nim als are dropping dead from tho excessive beat. The am ount of tim ber already de­ stroyed is estim ated a t from 10,000,000 to 80,000,000 feet. A ll of the b u ild ­ ings a t B enson’s logging and lnm ber- ing cam p have gone np in flames. A w all of flame three m iles long, leaping to the tops of the highest trees, renders it im possible to get direct com­ m unication to the scene of the tronble. A m onth ago a tire broke ont in the same d istric t, w hich, n o tw ith stan d in g the recent rains, sm oldered and broke out afresh the other day. It is feared th a t m any lives have been lost, as escape has been p ractic­ ally shut off. One m an who watched the fire from a distance says he saw imm ense green trees licked np by the flames as if they bad been dry saplings. T his is the w orst blow th is com­ m unity has ever received and it is doubtful w hether the principal loggers w ill be able to reoover from their losses. Benson’s logging com pany is one of the largest in stitu tio n s of th e kind on the C olum bia river. I t owns acres of property, tw o locomotives, three don­ key engines, and a well-equipped tra m ­ way, w ith every m odern device for handling the business. Sixty-five men are employed in the camp. T onight fa rth e r advices show th a t the lire now covers ten square m iles of valuable tim ber. Each square m ile ia estim ated to contain betw een 80,000,- 000 and 30,000,000 feet of tim ber, and it is thought th a t the loss already in ­ curred on the stum page alone is more than $40,000. The sight of the b urn­ ing tim ber is a grand one beyond de­ scription. The noise of the flames, the popping of the tim bers as they succnmb to the heat, the terrific-looking olouds of fire and smoke, and the show ers of oinders fa llin g in a ll directions m ake a tru ly aw e-inspiring scene. S tarv atio n a n d D i s e a s e K* t e r m i n a t i n g tlie N a tiv e T rib e s. (Quebec, Sept. 2.— Sad stories of the g radual disappearance and death from d estitu tio n aud disease of the scattered ludiuu tribes of L abrador have j u s l been brought here by the R om an C a th ­ olic m issionaries, F a th ers G oyer and La Coste, w ho have arrived from the bleak p a rt of the coast opposite to and under the ju risd ictio n of N ew found­ land. G overnm ent aid w ill be abso­ lutely ueces-ary to the existenoe ol these w retched people d a rin g the com ­ ing w inter. The coasts frequented by them are all b n t depleted of gam e and far-bearing anim als, and the tak in g ol beaver has been prohibited u n til 1900 in order to prevent its to ta l destruc­ tion. in form er years the Indians derived m uch of the m eans of th eir subsistence from the vast q u a n titie s of the eggs ot various kinds of sea fowl th a t fre ­ quented a ll these coasts. Of late years, however, the im portance and value of these egg deposits have a ttrac ted the a tten tio n of fisherm en and sailors of N ew foundland, and now they descend in such sw arm s upon the ooasta th at n o thing is left for th e Iudaua, who are d riven off as in tru d e rs by the pirates ii they seek to share in the boauteon» w ealth deposited by the sea birds. The N ew foudlauders ship these eggs eff to the U nited Ktates in im m ense q u a n ti­ ties w here they are sold to confection­ ers and biscuit m anufacturers. A iio'her fru itfu l oause of the spread of destitu tio n , disease and death among these Indians is the facility afforded them of o b taining spirituous liquors despite a ll le g il enactm ents to the con­ trary . There is v irtu a lly no enforce­ m ent of law up in the coast of L ab ra ­ dor. and unprincipled traders from N ew foundland and elsew here, by p ly ­ ing the unsophisticated savages w ith firew ater are enabled to obtain from them the e n tile fru its of th e ir h u nting and trap p in g expeditions. Koine tu rilliu g stories are told of the native savagery of L abrador Indians. O ften im pelled by hnuger they have killed aud eaten those nearest to them . The influence exerted over other m em ­ bers of the tribes by th e ir jugglers ot m edioine men is the greatest draw back to the wi i < of the m issionaries among them . Business in P o rtlan d shows a slig h t im provem ent, due in a m easure to tbe tu rn in g off of m any of the principal crops. W heat is m oving a t last, and c attle aud sheep are brin g in g a g re at deal of money in to the state. T he fru it orop is ra th e r lig h t, but w b a t there is is bringing good figures. Hops w ill be a sm all crop, bnt w ill b rin g a figure th a t w ill a t least pay for the picking and leave a sm all m argin be­ sides, w hioh is a big im provem ent over last year. Wool is still in a sta g n an t condition. Zanzibar, Aug. 81.— The palace of W h eat M arket. the sultan of Z anzibar waa bom barded T here a re a t last signs of life in the this m orning, and a t noon was a mass w heat m arket, reoeipts in P o rtlan d for of blazing ruins. The uprising chief­ the past week averaging about tw enty- tain, Seyyid K halid, and the com ­ five oars per day. The price is a shade m ander of his forces, Seyyid Sales, es­ h igher th a n last week, (^notations caped to the Geram n consulate, w here are: W alla W alla, 49 to 60o; V alley, they rem ain under the protection of 51 to 63c per bushel. the Germ an flag. Rear A dm iral Henry Rawson, C. B ., P ro d u c e M ark et. in comamnd of the B ritish Cape of F l o u b — P ortland, Salem , Cascadia Good Hope and W est Coast of A frica and Dayton, $2.85; B enton county and station, and the B ritish consul-gen­ W hite Lily, $2.85; graham , $2.50; sn- B U L L E T IN HIS B R E A S T . eral, Mr. A. H. H arding, a fter holding pertine, $2 25 per barrel. a conference yesterady, com m unicated O a t s — -Choice w hite, 30@31c per bush­ el; choice gray, 28w29c. Rolled oata •lolin Htvenaon, » Fisherman, F o u n d by cable to the governm ent of G reat are quoted as follows: Bags, $4.26® I>end N e a r A s t o r i a . B ritain th a t Seyyid K halid, who seized 6.25; barrels, $4.50@7; cases, $3.75. A storia. Or., Aug- 31.—John Sven- the palaoe and proclaim ed him self su l­ H ay —Tim othy, $10.50 per to n ; client, sou, a fisherman, was found dead at tan, on the death, apparently by poison $«».500*7; clover, $6@7; oat, $6.50; w heat, Clifton this m orning, w ith a bullet of S ultan Hamed Bin T hw ain, had $5.50@6.50. wound in his breast. A t first it was been strongly reinforced and positively B aulky —F eed barley, $13.50 per to n ; brewing, $14@16. thought Svenson comm itted suicide, refused to idKrender. Seyyid Khiubff had w ith him about MiLLBTurrs — Is ran. $12.50; chorts, but Coroner Pohl’s investigation now $13.60; middlings, $18@20; rye, 90c makes it appear th a t it was a case of 8,500 w ell-arm ed and w ell-disciplined per cental. m urder instead. Svenson was the m an, including 900 Askaries, trained B utter —Fancv cream ery is quoted at under B ritish officers, plenty of am m u­ keeper of the scow from which a 35c; fancy dairy, 25c; lair to good, woman and two men, whose dead nition, filed gnns and other pieces of 17)i@20c. a rtillery , w hich were trained on the bodies were afterw ard found, disap­ P otatoes . — California, 85c; Oregon, B ritish w arships, the flag sh ip St. 85@00c per s a c k ; sweets, 3c per pound. peared during the fisherman’s strike, a George, the third-class cruiser R ac­ U nions — 't5(«90o ner sack. few m onths ago. It is surmised th at P odltby —UluckeiiB. m ixed. $3.00(i* Svenson knew something of the m ur­ coon, and the first-class gunboats S par­ 3.50: btoilere, $1.25®2.25; geese, $4.00; derers of these people, and, under the row and Thrush. turkeys, live, 10®10cj ducks, $2.00® L ater in the day cable instructions stim ulus of the reward offered by the 3.00 per dozen. county court, was about to m ake some were received from London, and an E n a s—Oregon, 12l^c per dozen. dam aging disclosures, and hence his u ltim atum was sent to Seyyid K halid C hkkhk — Oregon, 10c; C alifornia 8c; ordering him to haul down his flag taking off. Young Am erica, lie per pound. and surrender w ith his foroes not late r T bofical F buit —Ualitornia lemona, ■eadv several claim s for dam ages than 9 o’clock th is m orning. A t the fancy, $3.60®4.60 per box; bananas, DRAGGED T O DEATH. erty have been received a t the same tim e the B ritish residents of Z an ­ $1.76®2.60 per bunch: California seed­ ;;h embassy, the property destroy- ling oranges, $2.50@2.75 per box; Med­ zibar were notified to be on hoard A d­ H o r r ib l e F a t e o f F r a n k F e l l In W a ll a iterranean sweets, $4.60 per box; pine­ ■ owned by B ritish subjects. m iral R aw son’s ships by 8 o 'c lo k . W a ll a County* apples, $3.00®5.00 per dozen. |an indication of the num ber ol' D uring the past n ig h t disturbances W alla W alla. Aug. 31.— Frank Fell, among the natives in the outskirts ukkuon V egetables —Garlic, new, 10c who perished in the recent per p o u n d ; Oregon peas, 2c; new cab­ I it is stated th a t 700 dead bodies the 14-year-old son of Howard Fell, were prom ptly suppressed by 850 B rit­ bage, lc per lb ; tom atoes, 50c per Iburied in the C hicuklo cem etery living near Prescott, this county, was ish m arines and sailors, landed to pro­ box; string beans, 2)'S®3c per lb ; wax, dragged to death by a horse last night. tect the property and guard the con­ T R I P IN AN A I R S H I P . 2,l«®3c per lb ; Oregon radishes, 10c per sBritish c h arg e d'affaires,M ichael Yesterday evening he left the house, sulate of G reat B ritain. It is un d er­ dozen; cauliflower, 70(575c per dozen; Bid. “ R A IL W A Y ," IF YOU P L E A S E cucumbers, 15(»c per lb ; rhubarb, l)g jtoTewfik Pasha, T urkish m in ister not return, and his father went out to ther reinforcem ents from slavedealers He was found 300 who flocked to his support, as the sign affairs, concerning the oase look for him. San Francisco. Ang. 31.— Mayor T h e R e o r g a n i z e d N o r t h e r n l ’a c i f l c In ®2c F u ll C harge. F behh F bdit —California apples, $1.2fi Americans w ho were brutally yards from the house in a w heat field, form al hoisting of the B ritish flag over Sntro is constantly in receipt of all 3 in front ot the guardhouse and dead. The body was badly m angled, Zanzibar would mean the liberation of kinds of invitatio n s, bnt today he re ­ Tacom a, W ash., Sept. 8. — The @1.60 per box; cherries, Royal Anne, ; the eyes of th e m em bers of the w hile the horse was grazing near by, abont 850,000 slaves, and a death ceived one of an unusnal nature, which N orthern Pacific receivership, a fte r an loose, 6c |ier lb, 65c a box; Black Re­ still held by the rope twisted about th* blow to slavery in this p art of E ast he w ill, no doubt, decline w ith thankp. exi-teuce of three years and a few days, publicans, loose, 5c per lb, 60c per box; :h embassy. gooseberries. 2@2>jc per pound; cur­ boy's right wrist. Young F e ll’s neck Africa. He is asked to take a trip in the a ir­ was ended a t m id n ig h t tonight, when rants, 6c; raspberries, 4c; blackberries, was broken, both arms lractured, and C h a r a c t e r o f t h e M ol» ». By 8 A M. today over a hundred ship C hristopher Colum bus, w hioh is all propezty of the form er N orthern 3c; apricots, $1 per box; peaches, 65c(<$ on. Sept. 1. — A dispacth to the every part of his body torn and bleed­ B ritish subjects and some other for­ scheduled to leave the roof of the Me­ Pacific R ailroad Com pany passed nnder 75 per b o x ; waterm elons, ; 2@2.25 per i News from C onstantinople gives ing. Investigation showed th at the eigners had embarked on the w arships, chanic’s pavilion Septem ber 1, and a t­ the m anagem ent of the new N orthern dozen. D bikd F buitb — Apples, evaporated, ;onal interview w ith F rank Bar- horse had dragged the boy through the Italian s going on board the Italian tem pt a flight to Sacram ento. The in ­ Pacific R ailw ay Company. ¡sho was left in the place of Sir three barb-w ire fences and over 200 gunboat V olturno and the G erm ans vitation is as follows: T he officers a t th is end who go ont bleached, 4@4)^c; sm i-dried, 3>$@4c; yards of stubble field. pears, sun and evaporated. 5@6c • plum s, seeking safety a t the G erm an consul­ f Vincent as a hostage d a rin g the “ San Franicisco, Ang. 31.—Hon. w ith the receivership are Receiver A. ate. A naval officer was sent to the Mayor Sutro, New C ity H a ll— Dear F. B urleigh, G eneral M anager G. W. pitless, 3@4c; prunes, 3(a5 per pound. liations betw een the A rm enian W ool —Valiev. 9c, per pound; E ast­ I D A H O R E P U B L IC A N S . palace square w ith another message Sir: ri in the O ttom an bank raid and I have entered m y airship, Dickinson, W estern Counsel J. M. ern Oregon, 5@7c. for Seyyid K halid, asking him if he C hristopher Colnm bns, in the com peti­ A shton, Second V ice-President C. H. Juriksh officials. T he dispatch H ops —C ontracts for new are being T icket N om inated a t Hul»e b y tlie was prepared to surrender, and again tion of the M echanic's in stitu te, be­ Prescott, A ssistant Superintendent of m ade a t 6(*(,c. were to be exploded a t the po­ about through the free coinage of sil­ Raccoon, T hrush and Sparrow to com ­ w ill also perform the duties heretofore P rovisions —Portland p a c k : Smoked asked Mayor Davis, of O akland, to ac ­ tation sim ultaneously w ith the at- ver. The nominees are: F or gov­ I tru st I m ay have yonr assigned to the assista n t purchasing Hams are quoted a t 10(ttl0t*c per lb ; Spon the C redit Lyonnaise. How ernor, D. H. Bodlong; congressman, mence firing. A m om ent later the company us nicnic ham s, 7c; boneless ham s, 7H c; cruiser and two gunboats opened fire agent. presence a t an event w hich w ill go | the man detailed for the attack John T. Morrison: secretary of state, w ith th eir heaviest gnns. Ten m inutes down to history as one of the greatest Crowley & Grossonp succeed Ashton breakfast bacon, Ilk-; bacon, 6c: dry the C redit Lyonaise a t Conslan- I. W. G arrett. salt sides, 5)vc; lard, 5-|xm nd pails, 7c; had n o th in g to do w ith the In the silver Republican convention late r they had sent a storm of Shetland achieved w onders of the nineteenth & Chapm an as W estern cousel, th eir 10s, 67,c ; 60s, 6 ‘4e ; tierces, 7c per Y onrs respectfully, Carl jurisd ictio n covering a ll lines w est of pound. Jg of Arm enians. The m obs cou- today Senator Dnbois was named as shot into the palace, tearin g big gaps oontury. Pasco. eutirely of the low est classes of candidate to succeed him self. They in it, scattering death and confusion Erickson. ’’ 11 iijes —Dry hides, No. 1, 10 ponnds antinople and its suburbs— lar- formed a new party, nnder the nam e ol among its defenders, w hile dism ount­ and upward, 8V4.39c per pound; dry H liolto W o u ld B e a B u n k e r . ing some gnns ashore and puttin g to A N N E X A T I O N O F H A W A II. kip, No. 1, 5 to 10 pounds, 7c per p' ” 'i d ; the Kurds and th e m en who work the “ silver Republican p a rty ,” and San Francisco, Sept. 3.—A fter an dry calf, No. 1, under 5 pounds, ll@ 13c; ; the wharves of the city, nominated silver men, taking some can- flight the gunners handling the pieces. abseuoe of five m onths, Lord and Lady dry salted, one-third le»s th an dry flint. B< th e O bject of M ln lste t The Tho fire of the w arships was adm irably S a id s is now estim ated over 4,000 per- m baies nom inated last week. Sholto Douglass have returned to C ali­ Salted hides, sound steers, 60 |>ounde, W i l l i s 1 V isit. were killed. fusion candidates named are: Frank directed. Smoke was soon seen issuing fornia, w ith the in tention of m aking it and over, 6c: do, 50 to 60 pounds, 5c; jtamboal has been covered w ith Steunenberg. Democrat, for Governor: from several parts of the palace. Honolulu, Aug. 31.— M inister W illis D aring this tim e the St. George and has resumed the duties of his office. It th eir home. They have given up the do, under 50 ponnds and cows, 3 ,*@4c; pticnary cards, evidently posted Jam es Gunn, Populist, for congress: idea of a trip to E ngland th is fa ll, and do, kip, sound steers, 15 to 30 (Hiunda, George J. Lewis, Populist, for secre­ the Philom ene were held in reserve, a l­ is rum ored th a t his recent visit to w ill, as soon as they can find a suitable 4c: do, veal, 10 to 14 pounds, 5c; do, ! young T urtksh party. though they occasionally plum ped a W ashington was for a conference w ith calf, under 10 pounds, 6(g6u; green fun- tary of state. shot into the enem y’s camp, adding to ' President C leveland on the annexation place go to housekeeping, either in O ak­ salted , lc per pound I chb ; culls (bulls, * Prearranged Slaughter land or Alam eda. Lord Bholto w ill A . S o u b r e t t e ’s Lilt». the dism ay of its defenders. The Rac­ policy. It is said President Cleveland stags, m oth-eaten, badly c a t, scored, Jdon, Kept. 1.— A T im es dispatch New York, Aug. 81.—Among the coon, T hrash and Sparrow kept up the empowered W illis to enter in to nego­ negotiate w ith one of the business col­ h air slipped, w eather-beaten or grubby) li'osntautiiiople s a y th it t h i j nnt leges in O akland for a course of in ­ one-third less. jof the am hassadors of the powers, m erry-hearted soubrettes who amused bom bardm ent u n til 9:50, w hen the tiations for e ith e r annexation, a raon- struction. It is his intention to take B eeswax —20(ound, 3@2l£c; ■orders in C onstantinople w itb- resorts yesterday was Mrs. Millie rents had been m ade in the barricade K ainlsui on the tbroue, or an Am erican *a he is proficient, he expects his fa ­ No. 2 and grease, 2>£c. of the su lta n 's followers, who answered Azevedo. Ju s t before she w ent on the protectorate, the choice of either form jslay, failin g to have the desiiSd the fire of the w arships w ith persist­ of goverm ent to be left to the people to ther, the M arqnis of l^neensberry, w ill M erc h a tiills« M a rk « t. . the representatives of the powers stage she received a telegram from the ency and g allantry, and did not stop settle by vote. W illis refuses to dig- invest for him in some banking interest Spanish consol in New York, announc­ S almon —Colum bia, river No. 1. tails, jtehed a jo in t telegram w arning in th is state. firing u n til in response to the flagship's olose P resident C leveland's in ten tio n s $l.26@l.H0: No. 2. tabs. $2.25(42.60; ( ltan that he endangered th eT n rk - ing with official brevity th at her bus Lady Douglass says h e r E astern trip fancy. No. 1, flats, $1.75(41.86; Alaska, singal of “ cease firin g ," the gnns of n u til the re tu rn of P resident D ole,w ho [bpire by suffering the continuance band, Raymond Azevedo, had been was a financial success, bnt th a t she No. 1, tails, $1.20® 1.30; No. 2, tails, $1.90 the w arships stopped show ering shot is now absent on the island of Mani. archy by the counivauce of the shot and killed in Cuba, but when and had retired from the stage a t the re ­ @2.26. and shell ashore. iial troops and the police. It is where and w hether by revolutionist! quest of the L ord's m other, and would C ordage —M anilla rope, ll^ -in c h , is The losses of the enem y are not gist the sultan trem bled when he or royal troops, the dispatch did not A H a l il . W ith In d ia n a . never re tu rn to it. She said th e life uuoted a t 8c; W hite tisai, bard tw isted: known, bnt m ost have been heavy, es- state. ¿ed the w arning telegtam . Rope, lL -in . cir. ami upw ard, 0 l4c ; W ichita, K an., Aug. 31.—One h u n d ­ vas distastefnl to her. Mrs. Azevedo said her husband wai pecially am ong the defenders of the rope, 12-tliread, OLc. Jther the m em bers of the diplo- red and fifty sqnaw m en and 100 fall- palace proper. S ugar —Golden U, 4 ‘„c; e x tra O, 4)fie; C olored T ro o p i for Cub». ciroles nor ra tio n a l observers a mine operator, 87 years old. He was D aring the bom bardm ent the sal- blood Indians aDd halfbreeds had a drv granulated, 5c; cube crushed and i *hat an arm ed m ob of T urks had a Cuban, but when she m et him in ta n ’s arm ed steam er Glasgow opened pitched battle in the streets of Wewo- M ancie, Ind., Sept. 3 .—The m eeting powdered, 6c per p o u n d ; !*c per pound [previously organized for possible San Francisco a year and a half ago he fire on the B ritish w arships. A few k s, in the Sem inole reservation, In ­ held a t Salem for the pnrpose of ra is­ discount on all gradee lor prom pt cash ; It was noticed th a t less than had been in business there for several w ell-sim ed shells from the heavy gone dian territory. T hree full-bloods and ing fnnds to assist T ruem an Stew art in half barrels, l-Ac more than barrels; — i i . c s uu ours j after the lusaue insane s attack on months. She was living in. the «am tw o halfbreed« were killed, and several defraying the expenses of landing 1,000 m aple sugar. 15'4l6e par pound. 'ttoma,, hank by the A rm enians city with her parents, her m aiden rfhme of the Raccoon and a shot m tw o from wounded on both sides. Troops from colored troops in Cnba to assist the in ­ C o t e e k —Mocha, 27(431c per posinil; *>b that filled the streets a t G alata being Heim. After a courtship of twe the four inch gnns of the Sparrow F o rt Carey w ere sum m oned, and th e ir surgents waa attended by 1,000 people, Java, fancy, 21(«29c; Cost» Rica, 20(4 **d the w hole city, and T urks m onths they were m arried. Bnsines. crushed throngh and thrnngh her, prum pt a rriv a l saved great slanghter. and a satisfactory snm w as the result 23'i c ; Caracal, 22,.i (a25c; Salvador, 19 silencing b et fire in short order U lti­ i from 180 to 150 strong, ap- called Mr. Azevedo East, and his w ifi m ately she sank a t her moorings. A t the last m eeting of the Keminole from the sale of refreshm ents and sub­ «122c; Arbuckle, $10.16; Lion, $10.16; Colum bia, $19.65 per case. came w ith him. In the w inter he wai scriptions. A nother m an is oolonizing ily well organized and acting in R ica— island, $3.50@4 per sack; J a ­ summoned to the Azores. He left hi» Soon after the palace canght fl-e aud council a law was passed ordering the the troops in Georgia, and they w ill be crossed in lig h te rs from Stam- im m ediate expulsion of all w hite men pan. $3.76@4. the walla and roof were sent flying w ife well provided for, and said bf from the reservation. The efforts of shipped from Key W est October 1. C oal O il.— Cases, 20e; barrels, here and there by shells. would return in less than four montba. Seyyid K halid and Seyyid Sales, the Indian police to pot into effect the Mr. S tew art is a fearlesa young m an, 173ic; tanks, I 6 't c per gallon. a Minister Rapelled, Since then Mrs. Azevedo «aid «he had W heat B w . k —C alcutta, $4.26@4.373{ order of expulsion is w hat canted the once a candidate for the legislature, Hei com m ander of the usurping Fulrau's ! er. Sept. 1.— The Colorado M. recieved no word from him. and is the prom oter. Since bis plana fo$ July and August deliveries. tronble. rence has expelled Rev. F. F. fnnda giving ont and having a good arm y, escaped w ith some of th e ir fol­ bave been m ade public he has received c from the m in istry , because be voice, «he w ent on the stage to support lowers tbrongb the back p a rt of the T h r * « M en M u fro r»te d . Most Market. hundreds of letters from m ilita ry men palace, and harried to the G erm an con­ A Bishop W arren of being in herself. M inneapolis, M inn., Ang. 81. — and others anxious to accompany him , B s s r—Gross, top steers, $2.40; cows, sulate, where protection was accorded w'th saloon-keepers and gam- $1.75(42.00; dreseed beef, 3!„®4!*c per H enry Dalon, G a it Anderson and A. and m any donations. Lawson T ail, the well known B ir­ them. ponnd. Passmore takes th e gronnd th at T. Auderson, sleeping on the th ird M utton —»»rose, beet sheep, w etb e* . fig nr working fo r R epblican or m ingham doctor, ha« de»inged an in ­ Mosquitoes have appeared th is sea­ As late aa I860 40,000 A frican .laves floor of Jo h D L n n d iu 's saloon, were strum ent whereby the electric current ewes, $1.50; dressed m m ton, 3>* ■ic tickets, a m inister of the suffocated to death in a fire this m orn­ son in England. It is supposed they $1.76; were annnally transported from the M4'*C per pound. praotioally leagues him self w ith is applied for the surgical arrest ol Dark C ontinent to Cuba. ing. Cbria A nderson and C harles made th e ir way aoroaa the A tlan tic in V ia l —G ross, sm all, 4 ^ « ; large, 3 ® bleeding. __ °on -dement. Matson were badly burned. a cargo of tom ber. 3>«c per pound. M ore G old O rd u rH . A Blow to Dnfnr. Ito u s—Gross, choice, heavy, $3.00® M » b y B urglar*. S h o t H i m s e l f In t h e H e a d . T in p ls l« C om b in e H roksn. W ashington, Ang. 81.— The treasury 3.25: light and feeders, $2 75, d reaiea. Bailee, O r., Kept. 1.— Johnston Chicago, Aug 8 1 . - 0 . B Rohbina, a departm ent reoeievd a telegram from Baker C ity, O r., Sept. 3. — P eter 31t@4c per ponnd. P ittsburg, P a., Ang 81.—The tin ­ «tore a t D nfnr, fifteen mile« n ig h t watchm an in the T itle & T rust W ildaner, aged 42, a prosperóos stock­ “Sre, burned to the ground a t bnilding, was sttacked by b nrglan the snbtreasnry a t New York stating plate M anufacturing Association has man of U pper W illow creek, com m it­ SAN FRA N CISCO M A R K E TS, clock thia m orning. The loaa early thia m orning and fatally stabbed. th at, in addition of $4,500,000 im ports been disrupted. The association was ted aaicide F riday, by shooting h im ­ and the inanranoe $7,500. .Robbins was in the hasement when he of gold coin already reported, $8.750,- m sde op of all tbe tin p late m anufac­ self in tbe bead. He had been in poor P ot a t o m — G a rn et C hile, 50(8 60e; Improved tu rers in tbe country except a few non­ waa started by an incendiary m w two men leaving the room w ith 000 has been ordered. Kalinas B nrhanks, 60<490e; E arly Rose, health several yeare. term s in New York, the telegram says, union firms in the rem ote districts. 26@40c; River B urbanks, 25(«40c; “ *• ■" being w orked on. The some carpenter's tools ln«M»d of w arran t the expectation th a t there w ill T he w ithdraw al recently of tbe A m eri­ B erlin, K ept 3.— Official dispatches sweets, 1 « I V per pound. H rebuild. com plying w ith his oommsnd to hall be more gold ordered soon. can T inplate Com pany, of Klwood, from M anilla, tbe oapital of tbe Phil- Onion*—;«ice40c per sack for yellow, Ind , and its fight w ith tbe A m alga- lipine islands, announces th a t a revo­ 50(460 for pickle. American board of miaaiona baa the men turned upon Robbins with Abont 1,500 bead of cattle have been C b i m b — Fancy, m ild, new, 8 ^ 0 9 * ; •ions am ong th e Znlna, w ith knives and «tabbed him u n til he fell rounded np and pnt in p a tta re in W al­ m ted Association, w hich ended in de­ lutionary outbreak occurred there, feat, m arked the beginning of the and a state of eelge baa been pro­ fair to (nod, 7'.jW8 ae ; Young A m sie a , ■issionariea, sixty n a tiv e teach- nnconacions. The bu rg lar, made theii lowa oonnty to aw ait purchasers. 0(410*: Eastern. 1241)3 per ponnd. Mcape. Bobbin« waa taken to bta borne. end of the tin p la te oombine. 1*0 helpers. claim ed. t H orn—2(4 lc par ponnd lor old.