Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, August 27, 1896, Image 4

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gan to plan right away to attend.
It is likely that a longer institute
will be provided, and this state as­
sociation come to be of great prac- J
{tical value to the every-day teacher
Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
t the post-oAce at Forest Grove, Or. ss
Second-class mail matter.
Postage Free.
One year
M s months
Three mouth»......................................
In Advance.
The U. S. Casualty Co., a fire
insurance company of New York
City, has added to its policies a
Kstablisheri for the d isse m in atio n o f W a s h in g ­
clause making them payable in
ton county new s, the eleva tio n o f h u m a n ity and
No other article of human food has ever received such em phatic
th e money we can m ak e.
gold. It is thought that with their
commendation for purity, strength and wholesomeness, from
Items o f ge n e ra l in te re st g r a te fu lly received .
credit to bolster up that of th
Editor» h ob b ies an d o p in ion s on th is p ag e, all
the most eminent authorities, as the Royal Baking Powder.
the rest fa c ts —im p a rtia l an d un co lored.
United States of America, any pol
Kditor is at h o m e in h is san ctu m . H a tc h e t
The A rg u s’ anx- jcy holder now will be satisfied
Building, F o rest G ro v e, from 6 a. m. to to p . m. other slaughter in New York state by return mail.
of each w eek d a y a n d a lw a y s g la d to t a lk and were Platt the nominee for gov- iety as to Mr. Yatffs’ position was with the cash_if he get it.
be talked to.
received after a w eek’s suspense by
That women were deceivers ever
Peculiarly interesting is the de- the following answer:
is corroborated by the career of
t h e h a t c h e t | velopment
of the Conklin-Platt -1
Manning, July 27, 1896.
Garfield episode. It grew out of
Mr. L. A. Long, Editor Argus Miss Mattie Overman of Dr. Brown-
,ou Jajl tQ
our, a er it will the president's not deferring as Dear Sir:— Yours of the 20th inst. scandal notoriety. Alter numerous
he * Lvortf vouwm'nottfv us'at once, much to the New York senators as came to hand and in reply would contradictory confessions she is now
- they thought their importance de-
republic',^ ^em ocratic^and out w‘ t*1 another, more improbable
A U S T IN CRAIO....EDITOE AMD P roprietor . manded.
Then came their being popuHs? platform an d ^ 'S u d yo f The and more evidently malicious than
utterly ignored, their opposing the .p rincipies therein enunciated, I any of her previous efforts.
. . E ig h t
administration and finally resigning think it is to the best interests of
. . P acks
that the legislature might rebuke America (and myself in particular,)
C O R N E L IU S .
President Garfield by returning *^a* we still bear the weight of a . b . Lewjs left Cornelius Monday
! .,
T . a. W arn._ Miner.s am the crown of thorns and ^ crucified
T h e H A T C H E T has th e Largest them. 1 hat Warner Miller s am upon the cross of gold. ” Believing
. .
r .. ,
° i A special meeting of the town council
bition might be gratified the out- this,
I shall support
and vote for
C ircu la tio n o f any n ew sp aper
come was changed. Then came Wm. M cKinley for president at the
in W ashington Cou nty.
Ed. Purdin and wife, of Greenville,
the assassin Guiteau and Garfield’s November election.
Yours truly,
| visited relatives in Cornelius last Sunday.
1 death at his hands in revenge for
C h r is P . Y a t e s .
Messrs. Ford and Patterson of Hills­
] the injuries to his fellow stalwarts
Evidently the quill scorcher from boro were in town Tuesday on business.
land that Arthur, another of them,
Tennessee thought the case hope­ Hop picking will commence in about
I might succeed to the presidency.
less, for he did not attempt his ten days or two weeks at J. C. Buch
Such are a few thoughts that the
but <luietl>- SUP-
C. -----------
Fairchild —
came out from l’ortlaml
present s tru g g le recalls. Conklin
c:onKiin MSUal , garblinS
, ,
I is
is dead,
dead, but
b u t P latt liv e s and does P ^ s e d the lette r. H o w e v e r, w h en Monday, to stop
few daVS with his
the co rresp o n d en ce app eared in the i parents.
I not forget.
What is
W keklv
Senator Mitchell is now in Ore­
gon preparing for an active canvass
for M cKinley. Those who had
even the slightest acquaintance
For President,
with him never for a moment
W m . M c K i n l e y , o p O h io .
doubted that in an issue between
For Vice-President,
free silver tied onto free trade, and
G arrett A . H o b a r t , o p N e w J e r s e y .
gold with protection, he would bat­
For Presidential Electors from Oregon,
tle on the protection side. It is of
T. T. G e e r , o p M a r i o n C o u n t y ,
little interest to the American peo­
S. M. Y o r a n , o p L a n e ,
ple whether their money is gold or
E. L . S m i t h , o p W a s c o ,
silver or paper, if the foreigner is to
get it all. Better a gold standard
J. F. C a u l k s , o p M u l t n o m a h .
with protection and a hampered
than free trade with free
silver and poverty, better half a
Notice is hereby given that a call has loaf than no bread.
been issued by presidents of the several
Largely to Mr. M itchell’s efforts
clubs named below, for the organization
of a County League at the Court House, is it due that the republican candi;
Hillsboro, Oregon, on September 3d, date is before all else the champion
1896, at I o'clock p. m. Each club ia of a protective tariff. That Senator
requested to hold a meeting prior to the Mitchell’s assistance is recognized
above date and elect delegates as follows:
is shown in the following clipping
One at large for each club, one for each
s j members and one for each fraction of from the Rochester Democrat end
Chronicle, the leading republican
15 members and more.
I. A. Mac-rum, president McKinley journal of New York state outside
clnb, Forest Grove.
of the metropolis.
Calvin Jack, Sr., president Farming-
The M cKinley managers also
ton club.
think well of Senator Mitchell, of
John Buchanan, president club of Cor-
Oregon, who has been a staunch
supporter of their champion, and it
8. A. McSherry, president Laurel club.
is freely predicted that he, too, will
J. K. Maya, president Glencoe club.
be tendered a cabinet post, presum­
X . N. Harding, president Gaston club.
ably that of attorney-general, if the
J. N. Fisher, first vice-president Bea­
legislature of his state shall fail to
verton club.
return him next winter to the sen­
G. W. Patterson, president Hillsboro
There is no danger of Mr. Mitch­
e ll’s failing of re-election to the U.
S. senate, lor the people of Oregon,
Hon. Warner Miller, the Her­ irrespective of party, have come to
kimer statesman who was so badly recognize in him a man whose con­
distanced by David B. Hill in the scientious devotion to duty makes
New York gubernatorial race in him equally the servant of all, and
'90, and has since been dabbling should the Northrup-Oregonian re­
with the Nicaragua canal scheme, publicans make any strong opposi­
received another set back, having tion, legislators of all parties would
been turned down in his county be forced by popular sentiment to
convention as a delegate to the raUY to h's support.
The people of Oregon know that
state convention.
true senators are scarce, and
Mr. Miller has been a professional
politician. It is a fitting retribu­ now that they have one who has
tion that he should thus ignoni- proved his worth they propose to
mouslv fail of election to the con­ keep him, with a purpose all the
vention which is to witness Mr. more fixed because of the enemies
he has made in working singlely
Platt's triumph.
It was Mr. Miller that was elected for their interest. Mitchell will be
ta succeed Mr. Platt at the tim e, a tower of strength for McKinley
when that gentleman with Roscoe |in ° reg° n; aad. tbe silyer rePub,i'
Conk ling, after a conflict with Gar- j cans will flock to bis side.
field's administration,
their places in the United States
m a t e , hoping to receive vindica-
Several inquiries have been made
fkm for their course by re-election regarding the Yates Argus corres-
at the hands of the New York leg pondence which has received some
Uature. The vindication did nol attention from the Hillsboro papers
come for by the intrigues of War recently. In answer to these, the
■ ex Miller the principle at issue main points are here given,
was lost sight o f and he and Mr
Under date of July 20, Kditor
■ iscock were elected in the others Long, Gf the Hillsboro Argus, ad-
•**ad Since then there has been dressed a note to Ex-Representative
war to the knife between the fac c. P. Yates, asking: "W h at do
tfams. Mr. Platt cut deeply into you hold as the best for American
■ iller’s vote when the Utter came — fre« and unlimited coinage of
mp for governor, and now he has gold and silver at the ratio of 16 to
engineered the control of Miller's , t or the gold standard, the present
own county out of his hands. The system of finance?” The query
November “election would see an- j closed with a request fc>r an answer
n e x t issue o f th e In d e p e n d en t, M r.
C. VV. Neep, who has been’ in the em-
L o n g felt ca lled upon to re p ly , ploy of the Andrews Lumbering company
w h ich he did, b y a d m ittin g th e Illas come h°me for the present.
C astoria. is I>r. Samuel P itch er's prescription fo r Infant,
un d C h ild r e n . It contains n e ith e r O pium , Morphino nor
o th e r N a rc o tic s u b s ta n c e . I t Is a harm less substitute
fo r P a r e g o r ic , D r o p s , Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil
I t is P le a s a n t.
Its g u a r a n t e e is th irty years’ uso by
M illio n s o f M o th e rs . C a s t o r ia is th e C h ildren ’s Panacea
— th e M o th e r’s F r ie n d .
LL’ f
“ C a s to r i» isso well adapted to children th at
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
ltno*n to m e.”
II. A. Aitcnno, II. !>.,
I l l Fo. O xford St., Brooklyn, N. Y .
I ixo
C a s to r ia euros Colic, Constipation,
Fxiur i .to:each, D iarrh w a, Eructation,
Liils Worms, given aluep, and
. i
* I
Without injurious medication.
••The use o f ‘ C astoria’ is bo universal and
it* merits to well known th at it aeem s r. work
o f guperon'gation to cr.dcmo it. F ew a rc th e
intelligent fam ilies who do not keep Castoria
easy Astoria.
rea ch .”
UnU for
03 I.I autyn , D. D.,
K e v Y o rk C ity.
‘ I ’o r seve ral y e a rs I liavo r’v'
your ’ Coatcria,’ anil «heil alvray« i J t ä j T I
do so cs it has Invariably pn»lui»l iwalu I
Lnwm F. I'Aunss. M. D„
l-.th s t m t and 7th A to ., N uit York (Jj I
Tun C kntach 'V iupajit , 77 M crrat Sauner, Nr» Vouch, I
| a L K ■ e. '
J. C. Clark
c ui ' NTY. Carries the Largest Stock of Drugs in Ford
Grove and will .Meet Prices that may be made by AnJ
one. Don’t be humbugged, but call on a Reliable I
gist of Experience.
facts and then w a n to n ly in su ltin g
bat>y of Mr- and Mrs- Geo
. _ , . . Sanders, who live west of Gaston, was
th e gen tlem an upon w h o m he h a d ;
. ....
. .. ,
' severely bitten in the face by a dog,
intruded his request, and who had )
Miss Dodo Kiri of Portland who has
co u rte o u sly responded.
: been visiting with Miss Louisa Seidler
1 for the past week, returned to Portland from here attending conference at Van­ came upon a bear in the road. He a
couver this week.
dertook to pass tile bear whenthea
1 -------
j Miss Edna Frazier, of Prineville, Or.,
Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Groner were sum­ mal gave a growl. With hair oo i
An interesting and valuable ex- came to Hillsboro, Aug. 20, to see her moned to the sick tied of his mother in the young fellow turned his horse i
périment is now being carried on ! mother, who is very sick, and also visited Portland last week.
started back as fast as it could (
under the direction of state game Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Phillips at Cornelius.
The friends of Mrs. B. T. F’lint will be him. He said he hadn't lost any h
_ | and he wasn't looking for any.|
and Fish Commissioner Maguire by
pleased to learn that she is rapidly
c n r uu
f ..
0. . TT .
Poison Ivy, insect bites, bruises, covering from her recent illness.
Pete Nelson, of North Plains,aa
Prof. Washburn of the State Uni-
. . .
scalds, burns, are quickly cured by De.
Chas. and Mrs. Koeber, and Miss Lesta Pí,,,ie,, b* Wi,lie Boy - of *'hil%
\ ersity at Eugene.
Witt’s Witch-Hazel salve, the great pile
and Maggie were visiting friends at Slier- wUh a * r,oua thoa«1; not
The enterprise is transplanting cure. J. C. Clark, druggist.
last week,
Pete had started with t
wood the latter part of the week.
Eastern oysters to Oregon bays
running g' ar to get a hay rack (
Miss Ada Cunningham, who has been \
his brother Will when they overtook;
there to increase and multiply, a
8 K O O K U M V IL L E .
visiting relatives here, returned last week I
engine and the team, l>econiing
sort of grafting of the monster vari- Miss Olive Barnes is on the sick list.
to her home in Castle Rock, Wash.
ened, started to run. Willie Boy ji
eties of the Baltirqf>re bivalve onto Mr. Harry Coleman has purchased a
“ r Crowdtr is KO>ng to aisPos<- of his but Pete, who was driving, realized
the succulent but diminuitive shell wlleel-
household furniture, machinery, etc., ,ia„ Ker and held on to thp ,in„
fislr of Olympia. It has been found
Mr* Veatch is a Kuest of Fred 1,ar"« and move to California in the near team ran into the fence throwing
this week
that the mud on the coast is suffic­
*“ tllrL
off and the wheel passed over hia
Mr. Leslie Barnes and family are again
The ^ residents of Mt. Side report a The horses then ran against a
iently nourishing and representa­ 1 in our vicinity.
scarcity in their sheep and are disposing broke loose from the wagon and
tives o f a hardier race than form er. , , . . . ,,, „
, ,
Mr. Archie W alker went to Gaston on of them. They also report a superfluity few rods down the road when
importations are to be brought,oys- i)Usiness last week
of populists.
jumped over a gate into a pasture«
ters inured to the severities of a
Mr. wm Kerroni of PortIandj spellt
Eddie Sutherland, who has been mak­ began eating. Pete had his collarh
Northern climate so that there is | Sunday in our vicinity.
ing a prolonged visit with his grand­ broken and was injured somewhat i
every likelihood that they will
Mr. Geo. Baker and family have parents returned to his home in McMinn­ the head and Will suffered a broke«ri
hut both are resting easily at laitr
ville Monday.
thrive here. Yaquina and JC oos removed to their old home near here.
Mrs. Sloughy is spending the week
bays have already been visited by
C a ta r r h Cured.
the oyster planters and other sea with her friend Mrs. Campbell in the friends Sunday in honor of her and Ina
Health and sweet breath secured I
Rowell's seventh anniversary. They re­
coast waters will be visited, nAt
Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy. Price |
Mrs. Morton Anderson spent several port a pleasant event.
forgetting our own Tillamook bay.
John Dagan, who left last July for cents. Nasal Injector free. For s«M
days of last week in the city visiting
The marvellous spread of the New friends.
Idaho to engage in harvesting, had the Clark's drug store.
York clam shows what success may
Mr. O’Meara has purchased a cart. misfortune to get one of his limbs broken
M o n e y t o I x ir ii .
be fairly anticipated.
The consequences are all the girls are by a water-wagon overturning with him.
On improved larm property at S pi
This experiment is the outgrowth smiling on Pat.
Theories of cure may be discussed at cent.
Miss Anderson of California is visiting
of an interest which has long been
M. F. Nixon,
felt in this line by Mrs. Lord, who at home. She will return to Sacramento length by phyaicians, but the sufferers
Forest Cm
want quick relief; and One Minute
in a few weeks.
is a native of Baltimore. Through
Cough Cure wilt give it to them. A safe
her influence the governor has been . Mr.
. . . Fresche had the misfortune to cure for children. It is “ the only harm­
. ,
. .. . .
. ,
. 1 break his machine while mowing Mr.
less remedy that produces immediate re­
interested and this important sub- Holsomer’s oats
ject is now being carefully investi-
The young eIite of thU pIace attended sults." J. C. Clark, druggist.
J. C. C L A R K , Druggist)
gated and promises gratifying sue-
cess. Mrs. Lord may well feel
proud if through her such a valua-
ble addition to the state’s resources
can be made.
the masque hop at the Reedville platform
: last Saturday evening,
Miss Hannah B. Anderson returned
bome last week from Newport where
she has ***" sPending the summer.
, . ... ,
ill with phneumonia.
prof. Grimes has returned from the
Pants to Order,
week was so interesting and with 17 NUddleTon USt
such pleasant , g ro u n d in g , that , The safe at ------------------
Chas. Del.nev
- m l u i . n u .v j
every one there wanted a mid- w. , well attended, and evervthing sold
summer meeting to be held in the nt a 1 good figure.
little seaside city next year and be-
There is quite a number of families
Ired to ir.
khe harv
Bast plac
lie« until
pk. I car
IJonght and
^■•de on a
5 .0 0
■ find From p
I. A . M AC K
Mrs Shuck of North Yamhill, will
‘S e c o n d S t r e e t
teach the Zimmerman school this fall.
p *e.
H ills
. «
’ C. M. K B.
Fire anc
& w|
r A G E N T S o iQ iC
w*2i0^ £ s y - 5ss UNION PACIFIC M |
A m e r ic a n s .
g»*»* of Chas. Adams this week.
return home in the near future.
Dennis Bonrkett, of McMinnville, was
A crowd of young folk, from Cedar
The session of the S ta tl teachers' T,**t,nK fdends here the first of the week, Mill attended the masquerade ball at
association held at Newport last
Ferd <,ron*r dl»P<*wd of a large num- Reedville last Saturday night.
m e r ic a
any money of the United States up wj ,h felons on their hands,
government today, silver, paper,
We notice Will Morris’ smiling conn- new saw mill.
or gold, 100 cents to every dollar, tenance in our midst once more,
«Del'd?,,8" ? “ ChurchI'y » b° has been F o r I n f o r m a t i o n ,
will be entirely satisfactory.
Mr. Gene Ashtine, of Portland, is the spending. few weeks st Tillamook will
n i n o RUS
■'¡A. W ilcox
Bert Rowell and W ill Hansen are laid
Im .
piTA U
C l v a n i i i g a n d KepairinK
N e a tly D one.
Misses Lizzie Florey and Martha
Brooks visited at Laurel last week.
S r . Adams is building an addition to
[ bis “ »mill,
1 The wholt *>*tem is drained and un
Mrs. hoffert^ and baby are afflicted dermined by intolent ulcers and open
wlth P°1,on °*k
DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve!
Miss Florence Culls is visiting Miss *P«*dily heals them. It is the best pile 1
Draper, of Oregon City,
cure known. J. C. Clark, druggist,
„ .. “
Miss Mable Cutts is visiting her brother
Kdd at Bf„ erton thjf week*
lest pat'
line of <
« I S TO tZ
son bill, and who buy what they
eat from farmers from their own
countries, and what they wear and
use in furnishing their homes from
foreign merchants. These Ameri-
can workmen are out of work, and
many of them out of money, too.
W lth the McKinley times of 1892
, ,
. .
back again, employment is guar-
anteed. But they want work now,
and want it badly. Payment in
Mrs. Mathena has returned home from I
the coast.
I f Fop
Hemming and George Flett are very
Mr. Dyak of Gaston has bought the j
H dull, spiritless and stupid; If your
Wanted— Work, by millions of blood is thick and sluggish; i f your ap- Hutt place near here.
unemployed Americans, thrown petite is capricious and uncertain. You
Mr. Edwards and family are visiting
out of employment by millions of " eed Sarsaparilla. For best results in Portland this week.
workmen in other countries, whose i
P * '' ll‘ *’ 11 ree°uimends
Miss Nellie Florey returned home !
from Portland last Monday evening.
product comes here under the Wil-
fust rec
. . . .
T im e
< HUlS,
M a p s a n d Tiekel
( ' a l l o n o r 'v ritf
Miss Maggie King, who has been sb-
« n , from home for some time, returned A . W I L C O X A B R O ..
home »
a few
weeks ago.
i«w weeks
Her folks and
" Um" ou, fri« d» «re g l.d t0
F O R E S T G R O VE , OR-
back *K«in.
A young fellow was returning home 0 r
W . B A X T E R , 135 FrO«t>|
<>»« d«y last week when he .uddenly
Portland, Or.
K fJ li
fir e
l-a in l Li