Image provided by: Washington County Cooperative Library Service; Hillsboro, OR
About Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1896)
atchet » IV - CULATION O P th e COUNTRY v e w s p a p e its <• P r s W / ' ‘‘d* P IP ¡« k is i OF THE W I L L AMETTE v a l l e y ......................... a | > t u M U I ic < l IHHft/ I 'I S, K u t ü b l it h i M l 1 8 8 Ö ! CONSOLIDATED JUNE 4, 1896. n iK d ir e c t o r y . n d F o r e s t G r o v e '1 ' i m e s . FOREST G R O V E , OREG O N , T H U R S D A Y , AU G. 2 0 , 1800. I. O. O. F . G R O V E .— Washington lod g e m e e ts in its h a ll e v e ry M onday even in g. No. 48 ’ I Brick for Sale! ACCIDENT OR SUICIDE? L A R G E S T IN C I R C U L A T IO N O F TH E COUNTRY NEW SPAPER 8 O F THE W IL L AM ETTE V A L L E Y .................... V o l. I I , N o. 3 0 , V o i. V i l i , N o. 2 » Now They Can Teach. Commissioners’ Court. At the quarterly teachers examination C L A IM S A LLO W R D . Death of William Downing at held in Forest Grove last week the fol F O R E S T G R O V E .—F o re st R ebekah lod g e No STATIC O F O R EG O N . Assessing and collecting— i n <)<W ^ B o w s b a ll on the first an d I Beaverton from Gnu Shot Wound. lowing out of the thirty-three candidates Geo H Wilcox............... $ 78 00 i I<eave th ird W e d n esd ay o f each m on th. 1 ................W m . P. L o rd Daily. William Downing, aged 24 years, a obtained the desired certificates. Good Quality Wm Pointer.................. 43 00 11|I-LJ'„Si ? O RO' ~ M onte*u m a lod g e No. 50 160,000 m eets rrtiry o f S t a t e ............. , H a rris o n R . K in ca id 1.. . P h illip M etsch am in its h a ll o ir e v e r y W edn esd ay even in g. well-to-do farmer, living miles south S H Humphreys........... 28 50—159 50 F IR S T G R A D E . .’¡ !U|'ublic In stru ctio n ..................G . M . Ir w in I'RANCtsro i H IL L S B O R O .—W ash in gto n encam pm ent No of Beaverton, on the Progress road, was .................W. II. L e e d s Cheap Bridges and roads— be printer Arrive— (Good for three years.) fo u r o f T.!*1 S ? d F ' ,lo w » ^ 1 1 on t h f E S S S an d C h a s. K . W o lv erto n lou rth 1 u e sd a y s o f each m on th. found with a bullet through his head, Ktatirin ,1(1 18 14 K . S. Bean LrenteCourt J Must average 90 and not fall below 70 S W Seelye.................... *‘orl!«nil..... .................F . A . M oore c * " U ; S ^ C)Ri: J- H i,lsb oro kt?l>ekah lo d g e No. about 1:10 p. m. Friday. The shooting ** *>i l ori nil" H . E . 35 00 in any branch, and have had 12 months’ A E Mead...................... .............. T . A . M cB rid e evening* T'i'lier, ,|. ] i,e Fifth Ilistrict ° d d F c llo w ** h aI1 »-very Sa tu rd a y took place in the kitchen of the family ................. T . J . C lceton "Aioli, I misi||( T lirBcy Fifth Uistrict C True............................ 247 00 experience: Y a r d 1 m ile N o rth w e st o f F o re s t G rove. ........Jo h n H M itch e ll ‘‘ Hon i iiv, i ,r’3 residence, shortly after the noonday 6 30 ...........G e o W M cB rid e 1.. *1 l G ^ RiVV Ir'b E . —^Charity L o dge No. 7s m eets Nina K. Bateman................. Gales Creek Patton Bros................... »iiil al I p » ; . .G e o . W . P atterso n each m onth0 " lhC fifSt a “ d th ird *»»tnrdaya in meal. Mrs. Downing and a younger son this!ve. ■ L | state Senator 5 « L. W. Traver......................Forest Grove N H Schiedel................. were returning from Portland, having Emily M. Odell.................. Forest Grove Williams & Dobbins . .. •A ll. DAILY h«iiAS.T?»X ' c W 1.o d*:e N o. 40 m eets in its left for the city early in the morning, h a ll on th e first, th ird an d fifth S a tu rd a y s in 1 Arrtve- WASHINGTON C O U N T V . ' Lewis McKown......................... Gresham S H Humphreys............ eacn m outh . Miss Annie Pomeroy, Koseburf | the older two boys, Janies and William, Average: age 33 years, experience 33 1 Cecil T Humphreys.. .. I’ortlaud K . O F P . B. P. C o rn e liu s 1 and a sister being left at home. After 1 Andrews Lumber C o ... l). B. R e a so n e r F O R E S T (I RO V E - D e l p h o s lo ,lg . No. » Stenographer and Typewriter dinner, William sat down at the sitting- 1 months, scholarship 92 per cent. b'iK K IUIU .T . G .T o d d m e t . 111 M ason ic h a ll e v e ry S a tu n la y e ve n in g . Arrlm J . A liu h r ie S E C O N D G R A D E . room table and did some writing, while General Typewriting, Law H i U .s m i K 0 P h o e n ix lo d g e No j i ’ m e e ta in s»len»..... W . I). B rad fo rd T J Bramel.................... 2 00 M ason ic h a ll e v e ry M on day e ven in g . (Good for two years.) *’• rU«a.i j K . L* M cC orm ick , the sister and Janies were on the front Work, Copying, Correspond Geo Thing.................. 200 A . B .C a d v Must average 80, not fall below 60, and C O R N E L IU S . Sim o n id es lo d g e No. u m eets j porch. At the report of the gun, ence, etc., done quickly and G e o rg e II W ilcox 1 tifitM c a stle h a ll e ve ry S a tu rd a y even in g. D G D E N R 9 Thos Tucker.................. 260 .A u stin C ra ig tol Superintendent. James was horrified to find his brother have taught 3 months. neatly and at a moderate K . W ilk e s 'G le n c o e b u lg e No. 23 m eets in I E Berst........................ 2 60 Helena D. Cox.....................Forest Grove m its ca stle h a ll on e v e ry a lte rn a te .S a tu rd a y . ; ................C . L . L a rg e stretched out on the floor, the blood p r i c e .................................. M er ....... L E Wilkes............ . 4 70 1 streaming from his head and, as he sup j Anna M. Sorenson..............Forest Grove B T Flin t........................ II. 8. 3 00 A t H a t c h et O f f ic e - Forest Grove J. B. Beal..............................Forest Grove .F .E P I N G C F O R E S T G R O V E . - D e l p h a tem ple, N o. ' posed, rapidly dying. Help was hur T B Lawrence............... 3 00 ^ irouah train 1 I bcuit C o u r t —T h ird M o n d a y in M arch and m eets in M ason ic h a ll on th e secon d and fourth 1 j Florence Edwards.......... Forest Grove riedly summoned by James, through W e d n esd ay o f each m onth. I and fourth M o n d a y in N o v e m b e r. E J Groat...................... 3 00 some campers, who were on the country [ Gertrude Mullins......................Scappoose W W Jacquith............... L nty C o u r t —F ir s t M o n d a y in e a c h m o n th . H IL L S B O R O .— Phoenicia te m p le m eets in Ma- 1 2 00 Division. som e h a ll ; Sylva L. Baker............................ Thatche* road about 150 yards distant. Mr. More- S H E R I F F 'S S A L E . E mission k r s ’ C o u r t —F irs t W e d n e sd a y 2 00 Albert Latham............................Hillsboro I Twigg.......................... 1 AMD C oit J Hirst M on d a y in e ac h m o n th . A . O . 17 . W . 1 lock, a near neighbor, was the first to B y v ir t u e o f a n e x e c u t io n , d e c r e e E C Miller...................... 2 00 F O R E S T G R O V E —F o re st ('.rove lod g e No. and order of sale, issued out of tlie Cir arrive, and found the wounded man Samuel J. Ennes.........................Hillsboro ix c s r r ic 60 m eets in Odd F'ellow s h a ll on e v e ry T u e sd a y L E Wilkes.................... 10 60 May Willis.................................. Hillsboro ■ in C 7 'a _ c u it Court of the State of Oregon, for e ve n in g . J still breathing, though unconscious, and GKOVK. mve i,v , 1 |rv o r F O K K S T Washington County, in favor of R. L. unabl^to give any explanation of what Allie L. Scott...................... Mountaindale J W Goodin.................. 109 05 I I n F O R E S T G R O V E —D eg ree o f H onor lod g e m e e ts in Odd F'ellow s h all th e second T u e sd a y Sabin and against S. C. Tapper, Jennie Phillips U W Goodin................... 9805 Carrie Hanson..................... i it- iiiuct whiTl ................................... H on . S. H u gh e s. o f each m onth. Tapper, Geo. Davis, A. King Wilson, i had happened. He was lying on his A E Mead ....... : ........... 14 00 H-le n rwiiniil Average age 21 years, experience 5j£, Jwxc*PT grsij L c il m e n , T o s e rv e o n e y e a r , A . T . K n o x , H IL L S B O R O . H illsb oro lo d g e No. 61 m eets •J. W. Morrow, and the First National | back, legs straightened out, arms crossed months, scholarship S9 per cent. C M K y le....................... 44 70 in its h a ll on th e first and th ird F r id a y s in each Bank of Hillsboro, Oregon, for the sum James B u x to n , C . L . L a r g e , I over his breast and with his head in a ■d lr| m o n th . A C Archbold................ 2 25 of Sixteen Dollars and Fifty Cents pool of blood just as lie had fallen back. rove L» i l o serve tw o y e a r s , T . C. M cN a m e r, H u g h T H IR D G R A D E . Mi> I,? i C R Bloyd .................... 16 75 ($ 16 . 50 ) costs, and for the further sum SH K R W O O D .— Sh erw ood lo d g e No. 20 m eets Smith. D- C. S t e w a rt , P re sid e n t. (Good for one year.) m its h a ll e v e ry T h u rsd a y e ve n in g . ! After placing him on a cot Dr. Robinson of Eleven Hundred and Ninety Seven Jas Young...................... 3000 ..............................A a ro n W ells. Must average 70 and not fall below 40. to All pJ l rdek T I G A R D V IL L F ;.—T ig a rd v ille lod g e m eets in Dollars and EightySeven Ce»ts($l 11 ) 7 . 87 ) j \va sent for and everything done for his J R Mays & Son........... 4 75 [. , ............. '• J- C . G r- u i. its h a ll on th e secon d and fo urth S a tu rd a y s in IT. S. gold coin, with interest thereon at j comfort, but within an hour death came. No experience required. ¿H A L . T - I* H a rris each m onth. W m J oh nson................ 12 40 the rate of ten (10) per cent. |>er annum Bessie McClure ................... Forest Grove Dr. C. L. Large, of Forest Grove, T U A L A T I N . — T u a la tin lo d g e m eets in its from the 21 st day of July, 1806 , and Geo Hellaire.................. 2 00 Committees of City Council. h a ll on th e secon d and fourth S a tu rd a y s in each One Hundred Dollars ($ 100 . 00 ) attorney’s I county coroner, was summoned by tele Liberta Brown...................... Forest Grove | T C Johnson................. 182 50—896 85 Kt Kalr.'n4| ¡fauces.— C o u n cilm e n S t e w a rt , L a r g e an d m on th. fees and the further sum of Twenty Nine phone about three o’clock, and in com May Clark............................ Forest Grove Grove. K . O. T . II. County Court— piur and Accounts.—C o u n c ilm e n M cN a m e r, | F O R E S T G R O V E .—F o rest G ro v e tent N o. 21 Dollars and Two Cents ($ 20 . 02 ) for taxes pany with Dr. Wood, of Hillsboro, pro Katherine Stott Myers.......Forest Grove K. P. ROQn D B Reasoner................ 170 0 paid, for costs and expenses of sale and ceeded to the scene of the shooting. A Sadie Bennett................ net. Q. K AF.I [>n and Sm ith . m e e ts in M ason ic h a ll on th e secon d an d fourth Dilley of said writ. T G Todd...................... 14 80— 31 80 letsatulPublic P ro p erty .—C o u n c ilm e n S m ith , I T u e sd a y s in each m onth. Jenny Archbold.............. ...Hillsboro jury was empaneled consisting of Now, therefore, bv virtue anil in per- t ami Stew art. H IL L S B O R O .—V iola tent N o. 18 m eets in Odd .......................Middleton Fi e llo w s h a ll on th e second an d fourth T h u rs suanee of said judgment, decree and Messrs. A. J. Fanno foreman, R. S. Rob Wm. Vaughan Clerk and Deputy— ad W ater. - C o u n c ilm e n B u x to n , S m ith F d a y s in each m onth order of sale, I will on Monday, the 21 st inson, J. M. Turner, John Caldwell, ¡Jenny Noble..........................Oregon City J A Imbrie..................... 21155 JlcNamer. day of September, 1806 , at the south h and Police.—C o u n c ilm e n L a r g e , S te w a rt Average age i8j£ years, scholarship 83 James McGowan, and Jacob Foster. Treasurer— door of the Court House, in Hillsboro. H illsb o ro G ra n g e m eets in its h a ll on th e sec iox . ond an d fo urth S a tu rd a y s in each m onth at 12 m. Washington County, Oregon, at the The testimony of his brother James per cent. A B Cady....................... 31 65 [ t and Means.—'C o u n cilm en M cN a m e r, B u x- heur of 10 o’clock a. m. of said day, sell showed that the deceased for several Miss Anna V. Luster of Glen wood was G. A. R. ftni Smith. County School Supt & Ass’ts— at public auction to the highest bidder days had seemed slightly absent minded recommended for a state certificate (good ^ . —C ou n cilm en S t e w a r t , M c N a m e r an d F o re st G ro v e .—Ja m e s B . M atth ew s Post, N o. ......... ............................ 39 00 6, m eets in M ason ic h a ll on th e first an d th ird for cash, the following-described real and weak, and on the evening preceding | for four years) as she has taught success W ed n esd ays in each m onth. property, to-wit: Lots numbered 8, 0 Recorder Sc Deputy— — ■ --- his death had been afflicted with fully more than three school years, that and 10, in block numbered 1, in the W . It. C . E L McCormick........... 1754.« |u » b o ................................F i r e w a r d e n F o re st G ro v e .—Ja m e s B . M atth ew s R e lie f town of Gaston, Washington county, cramps, complaining of great agony. 1 is twenty-two and one-half months. the hereinbefore Friday he expressed himself as fearing a Sheriff and Deputy— lolstroni....................... J u s t ic e o f th e P eace C orp s m e e ts a lte rn a te T h u rs d a y s in Odd F'el Oregon, to satisfy The associate examiners are J. T. Dor- lo w s h a ll. named sums, and for the costs and ex return of the suffering. These words Isauoington...........................................C o n sta b le 232 54 rien of Cornelius and J. M. Jones of W I) Bradford............... penses of said sale. Said property will I. O. G . T. I Smith 1 Janitor— de, S ............................... Sc h o o l D ire cto rs F o re st G r o v e .- F o r e s t * G ro v e lo d g e No. n o be sold subject to redemption as per written on the back of a bill in a hand | Forest Grove. m e e ts in its h a ll e v e ry Sa tu rd a y e ve n in g . ,. Smith,) somewhat similar to his were introduced, statute of Oregon. N A Barrett.................. 30 00 C Stewart........................................ Sc h o o l C le rk Witness my band this 12 th day of as probably he hqd been engaged in H illsb o ro .—H illsb o ro lod ge m e e ts in its h a ll Circuit Court— Thomas, A .B .................. P rin c ip a l o f Sch o o l e v e r y S a tu rd a y . School Apportionment. Ju v e n ile T e m p le , S u n d ays, August, 1896 . writing just previous to death: Remitted by Clerk....... 5 00 3 P. m . W. I). B r adfo rd , In the last week’s issue appeared the “ I am convinced that eternal life is Sheriff of Washington County, W . OF TH E W. Court House and Ja il— Church Directory. “ possible if one is true. I believe that I school apportionment of school money State of Oregon. F o re st G ro v e C am p No. 98, m e e ts in Odd F e l W D Hare...................... 1150 lo w s h a ll th e first an d th ird S a tu rd a y in each Bauer & Greene, “ have sinned against God and that Jesus which was sent out Monday, that being m o n th . I C O N G R E G A T IO N A L C H U R C H . Attorneys for Plaintiff. 23 “ who was crucified is in the same fix and the summer distribution of funds. Of Insane and Inquest— A. R o g e r s , P a s t o r . 5 00 “ living now, doing harm to the people I the amount Washington county furnished Dr W D Wood............... 1 every S u n d a y a t 11 a. m . a n d 8 p. m . 2 00— 7 00 _$■ school a fte r m o rn in g s e rv ic e . 80 cents for each child between 4 and 20 Wm Bendor.................. “ in this world. That the spirit of Christ Kl meetings e v e r y T h u r s d a y e v e n in g at Jurors in Justice Court— “ was in me from Sunday until yesterday, years of age and the state $1.05. As i g c s lj? people’s m e e tin g o n e h o u r b e fo re Su n - j “ a blessed experience.—Judge for yours. there are 6090 children of that age in the W I) Smith drawing eninff service. list of jurors............... 3 00 Igers are a lw a y s c o r d ia lly w elco m ed , The bullet pierced the skull from the county between $ 11000 and $12000 was 2 00 ? aul right temple diagonally. The gun was distributed, no slight addition to the S Everitt ...................... E T H O D IS T * E P IS C O P A L C H U R C H . incapo!:; W R e v . D. A . W a t t e r s , P a s t o r . 2 00— 7 00 a single shot 40-65 Winchester, evidently circulating medium of this region. This Peter Boscow................ ces every S u n d a y at n a. in . an d 8:30p. m. All kinds of Groceries, Glassware and Stone Paupers and Prisonerr— " fh ■ held close, as the clean cut wound is the last division until next April and r school at 12.15 p. m . J u n io r le a g u e e v e r y j 5 00 rat 4 p. :n. K p w o rth le a g u e at 6:30 p. m ., ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Spoons, showed that the spiral motion from the 1 for the year the county fund is 40 cents A Olsen.......................... ■ r. P rayer m e e tin g 7:30 p. in ., T h u rs d a y . 5 00 a child less than last year while the state Mrs Reuter.................... rifling had not yet had effect on the ball, Brooms, Mop Sticks, Butter Moulds, Ladles, nd F cr^ ^ H C H R IS T IA N C H U R C H . 10 00 rate remains the same. Last year the Jno N orth op............... also the powder marks were plainly visi Wood and Willow Ware of all kinds, Fish okston^_^B Bar service e v e ry S u n d a y a t n a. m . am i ble. The killed man was long armed and county raised more than the required ..................... 111. Sunday sch oo l a t 10 a. m . A a ro n j ing Tackle and all kinds of Seeds. unpeg ■ 5 00 supt. P ra y e r m e e tin g T h u r s d a y even | it would have been just possible for him to amount for schools while this year the Pauline R ich ter........... 7 3 ® P- m. Sr. Y . P . S. C . E- S u n d a y even - 5 00 have held the gun at arm’s length and amount is the minimum. There are Mrs Lousignaut............ >na 630 p. m. J r . Y . P. S. C. K . S u n d a y Tea and (kiffee a Specialty km at 4 p. m . S y lv ia E d w a rd s , p resid e n t. so ; inflicted the wound, but judging from 93 districts in the county sharing in the I Williams & Dobbins .e Iblic are c o r d ia lly in v it e d to a ll t h e s e 1 Bryan, Laidtaw Co . ’ the direction it is only a bare possibility distribution. 7 35 — 4 î 8s Stationery— and the suicide theory is not very clearly \ r V r Æ Argus.............................. 8 00 ! established. No one else could have ■ t Office o f F o r e s t G r o v e . Oregon Industrial Exposition. E I, McCormick........... fired the shot unless he had been 3 55 ■ J W H EELO CK M A R SH , P. M. This exposition which opens at Port- J A Imbrie.......... .......... crouched by the door close to the house 3 75 RIVAL AND DEPARTURE OK MAILS. S E L L S O N LY T H E B E S T OK : land September loth, and closes Oc- Hatchet ........................ which would have given the same direc 3 00 ■ from P o rtla n d a n d a l l points H a rt: 1 >«• 1 tober 17 th, promises to be even na. m. an d 4:20 p. m . A r r iv e s 9:40 a. m . Glass & Prudhome....... tion as the ball took. Had the gun been 54 OO P P- m. better than the very successful one of Hillsboro Pub Co......... at his right and he working with it it 34 00—1 106 60 ^ V vallis, and p o in ts S o u th : D e p a rts 8:35 last year notwithstanding that fruits A r r iv e s 5:05 p . in. State Cases— might have been accidentally discharged and vegetables are not plentiful Geo R Bagley. . . ville, M an n in g, B u x t o n a n d V e rn o n ia : and caused the wound. Probably just 5 00 | n a. m. D ep a rts 1 p . m . j this year. The management are doing Jurors Justice Court. . . 6 00 how he met his death will never be Creek: A rr iv e s 11:30 . D e p a rts 1:30 all they can to make this the best exposi Witness Justice Court. . known. IO OO The Country affords, in Great The jury returned 4 verdict that de tion ever held, but without the hearty Dorrien Justice Fees. . . 9.30 EST G R O V E F I R E D E P A R T M E N T . cooperation of all interested in develop- Buning, Constable....... 8 40— 4 > ceased came to his death from a gunshot - G e n e r a l A l a r m — R a p id ta p p in g The location o f th e fire w illb e m di- ............................................Variety and at Moderate Prices Remitted and Refunded— wound, inflicted by his own hands, 1 ing the many resources of our state little [_the num ber o f fu ll t a p s g iv e n b e tw e e n Mrs E Walker Texas. . al alarm s c o rr e s p o n d in g to th e num - whether accidentally or with suicidal can be done. A General Shipping Business, There will be five district departments: da w hose lim it s a re g iv e n b elow , Bounty— intent they were unable to determine. r drill—T h re e ta p s, p a u s e , th re e tap s, The mineral department will include j C Whitmore, 4 Coyotes 40 00 taps. The family has been known as one of Wholesale and Retail, f m eeting—F iv e ta p s. gold, silver, iron, copper, cinnibar, lead 1 David McMaugh, 1 Coy the most industrious of the neighbor W ARD L IM IT S . Done in All Kinds of Dressed Poultry, Fat Hogs, hood,and by hard work have accumulated tin and other ores, coal, building stone ote ................................• 10 00 ard—N orth o f P a c ific a v e n u e a n d east TO OO— 6 0 OC) considerable means, besides the 160-acre and articles manufactured out of the j Edgar bird, 1 Coyote. . .e Wav. [ ward—N orth o f P a c ific a v e n u e an d Spring Lambs and \ eal Calves. farm. The father was accidentally natural products of Oregon. The forestry Indigent— ollege W ay a n d B stre e t, department will include wood of all kinds ard—N a y lo r’s a d d itio n . killed about 21 years ago, being kicked Pool & Ashspole........... 5 ® [ ward—B etw een P a c ific a v e n u e an d and articles of any and every description by a horse. Since the deceased, William, 1 Tnue south. a ( a r d —Betw een S eco n d a v e n u e a n d So u th made there from. The grain and grass Total......... $2 lot 17 ition. T E L E P H ONE, ____________ FO R E ST GROVE. has been grown, he has successfully department, will include everything un »rd—South P a r k a d d itio n . managed the financial affairs of the Marvelous Results. farm. His neighbors say that he was der this head, as well as vegetables, hops, very shrewd in his dealings. For the flour, corn, and all growing things and From a letter written by Rev. J. Gan [ n g t o n C O U N T Y P O S T O F F I C E S . articles manufactured from them. past few months it has been noticed that B e a v e rto n , , derman, of Dimondale, Mich., we ar, R u x to n The fruit department, will consist 01 , . . . Ils C o rn e liu s C e n t e rv ille he has been lacking in his usual business { aU permitted to make this extract: “ I haw F ir D ille y fruits, green, dried and canned, rove G le n co e shrewdness. Besides an undivided share F a rm in g to n no hesitation in recommending Dr G le n w o o d jome' G re e n v ille in his father’s estate, he left $fooo jn kinds and in all forms. The fish de- [ King's New Discovery, as the result, fcK H illsb o ro G a sto n partment will include an exhibit of can- | M id d leto n L a u re l [fectB personal property, money, notes, checks. were almost marvelous in the case o p ro g re s s M o u n ta in d a le S h e rw o o d The remains were buried on Sunday. ned fish, fresh and dried, a hatchery of my wife” . While I was pastor of th. R e e d v il l e perry salmon, fishing tackle, etc. There will T u a la tin B lo o m in g Baptist Church at Rives Junction ah. Leaox T h a tc h e r be a miscellaneous department of ar P h illip s was brought down with Pneumonia sue ArcUtent at the Andrews Mill. ticles not mentioned in the above. Let Mr. Wm. Me Lin who is employed at us bespeak the assistance of all in further ceeding La Grippe. Terrible parox j Civic Societies. the Andrews Lumber Co., met with an ing this work. The H a t c h b t will b e ysms of coughing would last hours will accident while sawing logs one day last pleased to receive and forward such ex little interruption and it seemed as if ah. , A. r. AM D A . M . week. A log 18 feet long and 2 # feet hibits as may be left at this office for could not survive them. A friend recon I C, r o v e .—H o lb ro o k I.oftR r, N o. 30, \ Low Prices, mended Dr. King's New Discovery; i ■ " hall t h r T h o r a d .y b r f o r c th e fu ll CHAS. HIATT. Proprietor. in diameter passed obliquely over his that purpose. Prompt Delivery, fch m onth. was quick in its work and highly satis body though fortunately no bones were Excellent Quality. fr>R° _ T u a lit y lo d g e . N o . 6, m eet« in factory in results.” Trial bottles free a broken. Drs. Ward and Large attended i ^ d n r d a y on o r a ft e r th e fu ll m oon Theories of cure may be discussed at him and left him feeling as well as could length by physicians, but the sufferers the Miller pharmacy. Regular size yor kTON —B ea v e rto n lo d g e N o . too m e e ts and f t .00 be expected under the circumstances. ‘ on th e first T u e s d a y in each want quick relief; and One Minute ET SLEE rn StatJ 1 Europe I EM ÏC Ë j > Ca A First Class Grocery Store . . . . IS G R E E R TH E GROCER’S McNAMKRS MEAT MARKET Meats, Sausages, Fish and Poultry BUYER AND SELLER. thi T o u » WILT IB) IT MILL. GALES CREEK. All Grades of Rough and Dressed Lumber. Kiln Dried Lumber a Specialty. O . E . ft. CRO —T u a la tin C h a p te r m e e ts in M a t o the second a n d fo u it h T u e s d a y s in I r»ROVR - F o r e s t C h a p t e r N o. 4* T ^ nic h a ll on th e fir s t a n d th ird f e* ch m onth. .Hatchet and Weekly Oregonian $2 a Year. Cough Cure will give it to them. A safe C atarrh C crhd . Health and awer It ia “ the only harm breath secured by Shiloh's Catarri less remedy that produces immediate re eases. Nothing relieves so quickly. For Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal in}« «ale at Clark's drug store. sults.’’ J. C. Clark, druggist. tor free. K a r l’* C lo v e r R oot T ea 1 « a cure for Headache and Nervous Dis cure for children.