W A S H IN G T O N T W O C U TE FOXES. 0 noiUNttI '"• «fn u rr l-l rtt.o , " « I » » 4b ■ iv'' , '«‘rm»n,|t ,l"‘ ‘ u * union ofju :t’' like our ^ "•'I'lier ionB " l,"f'>ui an t* llabir is ‘'"BcedeJi •'»■'I lire an, servatilo „( , " e Iwu irriti^ "'ln> kuo»(! ,r 'lie Script* *. vu « m | 0f ‘st literary v«*ry«lB^ t tli** (»erniai "'lim Prot«, il i'U'UHiuu, * : " I ' I • IKloIIi u !■' - ile (invi I («untijr nj " "ie P iW und tlx; ii^ m eet unlrw l-ej-tleu'» over Europèi Timt pan/ 1 lie settlmj stvarm«! ver» and b ' I lie rrrj ■ mi nud Noraj of Dutch (, tit to Eugln e of Erta _ il to the AM of the forh_ I'li«» Dutch! ii fa during! In limati industrial p aveutora olj lie of their a little out! ed oll I of an 1 master] ires arem id shadoiJ hut. when, ■IsIons ot, ike to hb I •m to canti eilt to >M •mselreiD to Amena tin isn't p who can»! ater, hart/ purer i e ¡muni di settled d ly all the sts werte The (M ly educati! lei In I on the [h| lie. :OR SALÌ il Kells r. K lin o ’ s G r e a t N e r v e R e s to r e r . No flt.safter t' c first d a y’s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and 00 trial bottle free to Fit ra«e*. Send to Dr. Kline, W1 Arch Ht.. P h iladelphia. Pa. Quick steps are said u> ba indicative of energy •nd Hgiranon. Tt k in fa ro r o f Herd « Ssnwp rlls •« for ethi r medicine. It ha« tb»* frestest record ef curt a o f any medicine in the world. In faet. H o o d ’s I* the On. Trn. R1 . d Furlfl.r It S a r s a p a r illa M o o d 's P .M o c u w m c k b ,K la ck « tudif race to-night and get way easy. Your aff«»etlonate son. JIM M Y. —New York World. HOOF P A R IN G S A p a n a c e a . assistance of any kind, lie accepted the stranger’s arm. and the latter, having secured a passage by signing to the driv* rs of the vehicles to stop, conduct­ ed the great man in safety across tlie street. ” 1 thank you. sir,” said tlie duke, releasing Ids arm and proceed­ ing to his house door. But the stranger, instead of moving off. raised his hat and delivered himself to the following effect: "Y ou r grace. I have passed a long and nor uneventful life, but uever did I hope to reach tlie day when I might l>e of the slightest assistance to rile greatest innn that ever lived." “ Don't l>e a damned fool!” responded the duke, and turned on his heel. Blacksmith TellsUiiecr Talc, of Snper- nt it ions Peraons and Bona. What becomes o f the parings from the hoofs of horses In blacksmith shops? A horseshoer who was asked this question let Ills hammer fall ou his anvil and told a reporter some queer things-that «logs make aw ay with roost of the parings, whh 1. are esteemed a great delicacy In ranine households: that a choice paring Is a fancy tidbit which can be secured Showman This is a ¡deture of the by the commonest dog If lie be w.i chfnl Israelites enmsing the Bed Sea. One of and Industrious. The glue la the par­ the audience But I don’t see the Israel­ ing Is probably tbe part relished, the ites! Showman—Oh. they’ve Just cross­ smith said. ed over! One of the audience—Weil, Negroes have a superstition, fond where sre the Egyptians? Showman— ness for hoof parings. Sonic are said They’re Just gone under! Say. how to carry a piece for good luck Others much will you rake to take yonr money nse the parings to make decoctions for ls ie k ? -P b k Me I p. various diseases. An old white-haired negro, suffering with toothache, went Hicks f>o yon think it naturally fol­ Into a Grand avenue shop no; long ago lows t*»can*e a man is a politician that and said that If he could get -o n e lie Is a liar? W icks -O h . no; but unless horse hoof parings to smoke in his a man H an exj»ert liar I should not call pipe he could cure his toothache. The him much of a politician.— Boston Tran­ blacksmith's helpers were read/ to as script. sist him. and being a wag*!.,|i lot -f 18» men who have cork leg« go to bed fellows, they did even more tban ».as expected. The old negro', pipe was with them o d ? ■ SEE? A bay’s first ieeth fire the cent nil in­ cisors. and appear from the fifth to tho eighth month. DURHAI Five grains ,of pure boric add. dis­ solved in one iilnt of hot water form an excellent wash. Lozenges made of glycerine ancl jujube paste are a beneficial allcvinnt for a dry throat at night. Muscular rheumatism often yields to doses of saiol and phenaeetlne. five grains of each drug every three hours. Y o u w i l l A n d oi Equal parts of powdered camphor, borax and salt, used as a snuff, will be found to be a good remedy for a cold in the head. lu a ld e e a c h ( w o o u n c e b a g , ■ n d ( w v o o c o u p o n s l u a ld e e a c h fo u r of G O T H A M ’S F IN E (b is of D ia d e D ay a c e le b r a t e d | ’ L— bag (o b a c c o a n d r e a d ( h e c o u p o n —w h i c h ad how to g e t (h e m . |l It’s Pure W alter. Baker & Co.’s Cocoa is Pure—it’s all Cocoa — no filling — no chemicals. W here limits become^ badly chafed, sore. Itchy, and rough, frequent appli­ cations of an ointment composed of two drains of tar ointment, one dram of oxide of zinc and one ounce of cold cream will be found soothing and heal­ ing. Acute bronchitis will sometimes yield to the following treatment: Hub the chest with warm camphorated oil. and cover it with a piece of flannel. Take one teaspoonful every three hours of a mixture consisting of two drams of fluid extract of cubebs, two dnuus of brown muriate of ammonia, two drains of mixture and enough syrup of wild cherry bark to make four ounces. bag ÌT g iv e s a lla l o f v a lu a b le p re s« When persons addicted to the use of ardent spirits feel the need of a stimu­ lant, its place may be taken with a dose of concentrated tincture of com­ mon oats, fifteen to thirty drops in hot water. The preparation known as “mustard liniment” is composed of one dram of oil of mustard, two drams of gum camphor, one-half ounce of castor oil. and four ounces of alcohol. Dissolve the camphor in the alcohol, and then add the other ingredients.. o s u u n a c e e « w c l l 'a D u r h a m . Fennel tea, a simple but effective remedy for colic, is made by infusing two drams of the seed in a pint of ladl­ ing water. This remedy for frost-bitten feet is wortli saving: Pure carbolic acid, one- half dram; tannin, oue-half drain; tinc­ ture of iodine, thirty drops; simple cerate, two ounces. Apply twice a day. W A L T E R B A KE R & CO., Ltd .. DorctiMtcr. M m « . ^Illlllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllll!llll!lll!!!!i!!ii!!!!!lllllllllllllllllg ■ M M c i? I CLUBHOUSE. N e w Y o r k A t h l e t i c C lu b K r e c t i n g an Klescant F i g h t S t o r y S t r u c t u r e . The New York Athletic work building a fine little club house, which will be the town. The architecture Club is at eight-story a credit to Is Moorish. —E £• 35 I K \ “ A very smooth article.” J il t > J (M) ri I«*«; \KW YORK A T III.R T IC P LtJC * ( l . l 11IIO I - K . ----------------------------- ---------- ♦ The building is going up on the south west corner of 50th street and 6th ave­ nue. It will haven frontage of 170 feet on the <’(»ntral Park side and 1 oo feet on the avenue. Its depth will he loo feet. The plans and specifications pro­ vide for bowling alleys, swimming baths, Turkish baths. Iiarhcr-Rliop. bil liard-room, a gymnasium 116 feet long by 58 feet wide, a running track six­ T H A T T K K K IK I.K SCOURGB. teen laps to tho mile, and fencing, box­ M alxrisl dispose in in variable supplemented ing and lounging rooms. The main h> dl tur'mnee o f the liver, thu bowels, the dining room will he 116 feet long and stomach amt I he nerve«. To the removal of both the oh us * and its effects, H os tetter's 40 feet wide; there a it * to be five private omach Hiitera la fu lly adequate- It “ til's the dining-rooms and a roof garden. Ujird- bill ' as no other remedy d«»p«s performing its Hoar F.itlior: H ave lieun iinalil)» to rooms, library, cafe, officers* rooms and work thoroughly. Its inirredients are pure and write lately, a* liave spent most of my “ rrole«-ome. and If. admirably serves to b u ll! up private apartments complete the build system broken by 111 h- alth and shorn of Time iu wheeling. Have sureeetleil in lug. The interests of the cycling divis­ stremrtb. Constipation, liver and kidney com- W e llin g to n H ated F la tte ry. making a very fast rei’oril for myself p am t and nervousness ir e conquered by It. As tiie duke of Wellington was stand­ ion have been studied by the plans for and am now doing great time. Tlie nnt- There are in the German empire to­ the accommodation of 750 wheels in rhine I have lx»en using Is one of the ing one day op|smite Ids house In Picca­ day about 180 electric factories, distrib­ old-fashioned kind, rather heavy, with dilly. waiting mi opportunity to cross the storage-room. There will also be uted iu 168 localities. non-detaehalde chain and hall lien ring. the street, an entire stranger to him of­ a repair shop and a cleaning room. It fered his arm to the duke to assist him is believed that the new clubhouse will " e w ill fo r fe it $1.000 i f a n y o f o n r pu b­ Notwithstanding this. I expert to lead lis h e d te s t im o n ia ls are p roven to be n ot be ready for occupancy in one year. all eompetltors in the go-as-you-please in crossing. Although Wellington hated " i a nae to iVt ;ir you play the violin, Mr. Tillinghast, ’ ’ said 7-year-old Tom­ my Dillingham, who was entertaining tlie caller. ‘But I don’t play the violin, Tom­ my. ** “ Then papa must be mistaken. I hoard him tell mamma that you played second fiddle at home. ’’— Exchange. C u re s A L BLACKWELL’S/ A n d N o w Din s 1« A g a in Chos en C h i e f M a g istrate o f Mexico. Don’t compare “ Battle A x ” J 1 with low grade tobaccos—compare = j§ “ Battle A x ” with the best on s H the market, and you will find you | § get for 10 cents almost twice as M g much “ Battle A x ” as you do of E other high grade brands. 111!.. . .GUT PRICES ON PUMPS. W h o E ve ry th in g the tarm er aella i s low . sells low to him ? We ha ve f* neate>ny liiiaum* cir«i«iiag. W hat the S tripe« Mean. *3 FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or Ij/ufiLSP” '* Fnnl Well,** ?i>tauVER PILLS e r e th e O ne T h in g t o nee. Only One fo r a D o s e . • o M b y O ru ggtR *» e t 8 8 0 . k b o > • e m p ie e m elted f r # # . A d d re e e » Dr. Bosanko Med. Ce. Philo. Po. —St. Nicholas. H a r o ld In A n n o ye d . Harold Frederic i* much annoyed by the betrayal of his identity with “ George Forth.” under which name he published his «»lever ln»ok. “ March Hares.” The l»ook lias already estab­ lished itself a** a favorite in I»ndon. Mr. Frederic resorted to anonymity in • his case because he did not want to nterfere with the sale <»f hi« more am­ bitious Ismk. the novel “Illumination.” A man does a fierce Job of loving while he is at it. but it doesu't last longer than h-e cream Iu fr«>ut of a boy. • • AMERICAN MAILED FREE • • M Pn* h o u s e h o l d c o p p i », t r e . T h li d r e n i« , I, Iwuwl »or lb « b «n «fU o I onr. w bo c «n »o l « . « I I ih .r n .-l,.. o f our r ^,.1 dr«M. >011 will Un.) lo th ,u od.«n.1 ori. ..r ig h t. | « ,.„ „ „ » IL L A r iN C K C O , 1 XlvittO Market > tr w l H«n FranolaM. Ctl. H ie lt rotypers Stereotypen... MRS. WINSLOW S n °rTAV"fl - FO O C H IL D R E N T E t r H I M O - r . . —I. kr «II 0 « C m «. . fc—,U. McrcbanU in Gordon and Peerlcn« I S U R E C U R E roa P I L E S Pretutcs. Cylinder Presse» Paper Cotter« Motors of all kind«, ( t K lM U k k S PklkL.1 Folders Priming Material. K. P. S. V. No. M3.—8. P. N. Ü. No. ! «3s?£Tzrt EH