W ASHINGTON COl'NTV HATCH KT. i.-als, the cheiulcaU act on (bo water. G R E AT LU C K OF A MINER. trouble dow n the road, and when 'B ill’ ing off. for she was running at a good At the end of the prescribed lime lake had offered to fight Johnny had re­ pace, and the snow on the tracks made BtlftOfc force, toaiceaUnJ in some forgotten fused. He tried to keep out of Hill's the cars lurch and swing. 1 looked F o r Y e a r « H e W on P o o r <«• *» P a U p e n out your cylinder, and. l ' « » « " ! you have a round block of gtisteuliH, N o w H e U K ic k a * « P r in c e . «ong. way. but when ‘Bill* said in* was afraid, up and through the snow* and the »lark John Pierce Is a Tombstone, Ari.. J That dost hopes and dream* of love Johnny turned and walked squarely I recognized tin* landmark, ami knew The cost of Ice produced by this recn11: up to him and said quietly: ‘ You take w*e were nearing the water tank.*where miner who, up to a year and a half : procesa, It Is claimed, will be H -W a And a* the 1101 «■*. Iiiirm»*iii«jiix ri*** md fall. ago. had difficult work to provide the Johnny's girl lived. Just at that in » that back.’ I never knew just how it Cannt bring tt» me in light both clear and r M r This Is the amount the company was done, but ‘B ill’ made some sort uieut tin* train gave a frightful jerk necessaries of life for himself and fam­ strong. ily. He N now in San Francis« »» with 'to be formed for the »a ..... . Ihe boxes The form* of dear ones who have slept of a feint, and the next moiueut the ami I saw* the engine go rearing in air. » i l l charge for chemicals slittinoti! to big. hulking lubber was lying on the ami about a hundred feet ahead I $ 230,000 in gold coin to his credit. It years lo -g; last a year. There Is to he no other ex­ Whom I thought dead, Imt now they ground. ‘Bill’ didn’t seem to know saw a lantern swing wildly in the air Is another story of a lucky find of rich ^ pense.’ The freezer « i l l contain com­ what hit him. But he wen« at Johnny and go down. 1 went flat on the car gold and silver bearing «juartz. livo once more. Pierce is the name of the new camp, partments for the storage of household And at tby call come smiling as of yore! with such a savage look that a Ind and hung there for dear life. We O, tell me till* the flight of time was without genuine pluck would have stopped in ten or twenty yards and I Just coming into prominence, about supplies that are usually kept In the lee to wrong: turned feather. But when ‘Bill’ lay swung off the car lik« mad. iir e a t thirty miles northeast «»f Tombstone. tiox. The freezers are to I..... . That all life** sparkling hope* again nre sprawling on the ground a second time (¡od,* I thought, ‘if that was Johnny!* It is mail«» more conspicuous because, sell, at the household size, for -S1-* each, bright. “ »Hojnethlng made me feel that he in addition to its great ore richness, and will last for ten years, by renew­ And these dark year* between were but a we found out that Johnny was a sc! had gone under the wheels, and when it is about the only gold camp in the ing Ihe chemicals onci1 a year, those entitle boxer. There w as an ugly gleam dream! chemical* « i l i I»’ furnished by the I crawled ahead a few cars there I in ‘ Bill’s’ eye w hen he got up, and as Lay not thy harp aside, or cruel night. freezer company only. The company The child of day's bright hopes, shall he got close up to Johnny all o f a sud­ found him. lying all white ami still. It * s—. « i l l kts-p the freezers in order and the o'er me steal. den he flourished a big Ja«*kkuife he He was t«Ki much stunned to say a chemicals in good condition. And this West moment but a vision *e**m. always curried. How he got It out word. We picked him up ami started While I again .if**’* hitter woe ui ist ft* of his pocket I never could tell. He to carry him to the house— where Jen­ TO B A C C O PRO DUCTIO N . —Boston Journal. • made a lunge, but Johnny dodged clev­ ny lived. 1 saw that the wheels had erly and the kuife just grazed his face. gone over both legs—over one near the Annual Oiit|>ut o f the States Without K e iin r d t o M e r it . II»* was on ‘ Bill’ quicker than it takes thigh and the other below the knee. to tell It, choking the life out of him. My, but he was a game lad, for all tin* A B R A K K M A N ’S S T O R Y Whatever the clgartuakers or the ci­ W e starred to separate them, but when torture of carrying him up the hill gar seller might have thought of '?*’> ler’s prohibition, one class ot Ameri­ It was so quiet outside that when we found that Johnny lia»l ‘Bill’ so couldn’t wring a word from him. We can citizens viewed il «itb undisguised the long freight train would come to that be could not do any damage with knocked at the door and said one of delight. At tlrst they could not he a standstill with an abrupt, awkward the knif«* we let them fight it out. ‘Bill’ the boys had got hurt—that the engine lieve It true; then «iteti they saw it Jerk we could almost hear the big. finally held up his hand for mercy anil had jumped the track. A white little was really a faet their Joy broke out drifting flakes • as they fell. Not a then Johnny let him up. A fter we face came to the door ami looked at tin restrained. In many parts of the breath of air was stirring and ‘ lie big. gpt them cooled off Johnny made ‘ Bill’ us a moment, and then as soon as she country mass-meetings «'ere held ami round moon filtered down through ihe shake hands, and, though he didn't saw me and my face Jenny shrieked universal rejoicing proclaimed. snowstorm with a white, softened light show it then, I think afterward ‘ Bill’ out, ‘It’s Johnny!’ But she didn’t The people who have so benefited by that revealed near-by objects in a came to think as much of him as the faint or cry. nor say another word. W e just carried him in and put him on rest of us. the edict were the farmers. For years strange, ghostly sort of a way. 1’he the bed and she took charge of him. “ Up the road not very far from A l­ these hottest men have been raising soft coal fire that spluttered fitfully in a *-/ 'jv ' tota..... and ottering it In the tobacco the old-fashioned cast iron upright bany there Is.a pretty little farm that One of the boys rode over to get a markets. Their quality was superior, stove lacked cheer enough to break runs down to the river, and right at doctor, but when he came he saw at '" ■ ’ f t \ V t i * their curing perfect, their leaves uni­ the «pell of the outside air. Without the corner o f it was a water tank. It once that it was no use. It was only form In size, and their leaf without knowing precisely why, we sat mostly happened that on this farm there was a question of how long Johnny could blemish. But they eoultl get little. In alienee or muttered an occasional a dark eyed little girl who was the survive the shock. He lay there very The magic word "Havana" forbade the monosyllabic observation as to how idol of all the hoys along the road. quietly, ami finally when the doctor's native Industry front being appreci­ aoon we might reach Jersey City. We She wouldn't flirt with us, but she examination was finished, he said: “ is JOH N P I E R C E , T H E A R I Z O N A M IN E R . ated as It should have been. Tobacco were four hours behind time and some­ used often to come down to the water there any show, old man?" “ I couldn’t reply, but lie knew as I where back of us we knew was the tank a lid get little packages which territory. Already there are 500 peo­ manufacturers rite in se Ives knew the West Shore express, likewise behind the engineer, who was a friend of the turned my head away what the an­ ple there, and empty houses from superiority of Tilt- native tobacco, but time and endeavoring to make up family, used to bring down from A l­ swer was. Johnny was quiet for a Tombstone are being taken there bod­ they could not convince the man who bany. She was plump and peachy, moment, and then pulling Jenny’s hand ily. An English syndicate has secured smokes. And so the farmer, after something of its lost run. Hitting in the little red caboose In with «lark «»yebrows and long lashes, with hU own weakly, he said in a the Pierce ledge, and has organize«! the rear of the big freight train, rum­ and under them the prettl»*at pair of husky voice: ’ Little girl. I want to go with $1,500,OHO, and ft is said that bling along through a blind fog of eyes I ever saw. There wasn’t one of home/ And that he insisted an all th»» there Is a prospect of the new camp snow with a flying express at our heels us who wouldn’t have married her rest o f the night. W e didn't think rivaling Cripple Creek in Colorado. gave an uncanny sensation that I, for quick if she'd had us. But she was that he’d be alive by morning. But he Pierce about four years ago took up one, did not relish In the least. The sort o’ reserved and shy and none of was, and we «leolded to put him on a claim about thirty m ile» northeast board the morning express. The drummer who had boarded the train us had nerve enough to make love to of Tombstone. There was a water hole at Newburg sat morosely on a pile her. All except Johnny. All the girls wrecking train had thrown the engine in the mountains, and he took the place o f grips, which afforded him n softer smiled on Johnny and he smiled on out o f the road ami cleared the track, In order to get the water so he could seat than the hard, wooden benches them. He didn't have to see the lass and when the express came down we raise a few head of stock. One day. strung along the sides of the car. A twice before he was head over heels flagged her and took Johnny aboard. about eighteen months ago. he picked couple of shippers anxiously discussed in love with her and It wasn’ t very All Jenny would tell ns was that his up a piece of stone to throw* at one the prospects for getting their stock long before he made her know all father lived in New York. But she of the cows when he noticed how heavy to market without having them half about it. To woo was to win with gave the conductor an address for a It was. “ Upon closer examination,” Johnny, and regular as his train pass­ wire, frozen to death. says Pierce, “ I saw* what looked like “ W e dhln’t think that he would lust At the entrance of Joe, the brake- ed the farm Jenny—that was the little good quartz and I took home several the Journey, and about half way down dame’s name—was always there to pieces of the rock and horned it out. man, hrtwever, the glum little party h«* suddenly clutche«l Jenny’s »and meet him. W e used to chaff Johnny seemed to thaw at once. He swung The result showed considerable gold. hard and then lay back still. The a good deal over the matter, but we dowa off the roof of the last box car I went back and got more rock and little gild threw herself upcfli him job­ ,, y j . Q oo .ooQ and in through the door In a cheery, couldn't get much out of him. Some­ took it into Tombstone the next day bing as* If her heart would break, but j wholesome sort of fashion that warm­ how, through the engineer or some- | and an assay showed me that I had body, though, we found out that John­ it didn’ t do any good. Poor Johnny found a rich mine. The ledge where I ed us at once. picked rip the rock was not over -loo “ Joe,” said one of the shippers, ‘‘be ny was going to marry the girl if he was gone." Joe paused a moment and looked feet from a road that had been, trav­ w e going to reach Jersey City afore could get Ids father to consent. He Into the fire. couldn’t very well marry on the sal eled for years. It was Just luck I Christ mas?" “ W ell," he said, “ to cut It short, wb*a found it," “ Isn’t this good enough for you to ary he was getting as a raw brake- we got into Jersey City Johnny’s fa­ Pierce had no money himself, so be live in? Mow’d you like to be out man. “ Things ran along through the snm- ther was there. It didn’ t take more had to do all the developing work on a braking to-night?” than a glance at his clothes and ills small scale. He managed to take out M ’Taint no snap, that's a fact,” the mer ami Into the fall, and we noticed that Johnny had got very quiet ami l>ortly bearing to tell m»? that he was several too» of ore and ship it away. shipper assented. a rich man. He sprang into rhe c.iir The result from this shipment was “ No, you bet It ain’ t,” said Joe, de­ reserved lik«*, and was evidently brood­ cisively. "But this ain’t a patching to ing over something. At last we found and would have pushed me out of th ­ over $3,000. With this amount of mon­ out that Johnny hud been promised a read. I knew who he was» and l held ey he sunk a shaft and opened his what It is sometimes.” TO B A C C O - O R O W IN G STA TUS . on to him. and L said: ‘ Wait nt min­ claim so that it was possible to ascer­ Something in the manner in which raise, and that along about the lioil- ute. Johnny was pretty badly hurt/ tain the ««ten t of the ledge. After Ills toll and care had to take medium Joe carefully filled his cob pipe, took dnys he was to b*» made a passeng«*r I a bit of stick from the floor, poked it brakeman, and theu I k * was doing to | II«» grabbed me like- a vise, and said,, this work had been accomplished some prices. But all Jilt's is changed now. Weylor Into the fire and III his pipe slowly g«»t married. There wasn't one o f in I in a set voice, ‘Can 8ie live*?’ I sfiook parties from Silver City, N. M., ciune along and bonded the property for allows the made-up cigar to eotne into and thoughtfully, indicated that a story that wasn’ t ghitl of it. or who envied my head, ami he gasped, ‘ 11* he---- ’ “ I led him over t«» where the boy him his good luck. The fall stretched $250,000 on a year’s time. Before the this country, but there Is a slight mis­ was coming. “ »Strange,’’ said Joe at last, with a way into the winter, 1 remember, and lay, but he «lidnU want t<# see him. year had expired they sold the bond understanding alsiut the tobacco leaf, He looked very hard at the- little- g!rl to the English syndicate for an ad ami this is rhe farmer's rejoicing. ruminant look into tin* tire and a long, my. wasn’ t it beautiful weattwr! You’d steady pull at his pipe, “ somehow to­ stand up on top of a car. ami as the who sat there sobbing, and said, sJ»w- vance of $100.600 and when tin* year Tite annual production of tobacco In night reminds me of the day afore train wound along the river shum* mile [y. ‘ Is this Jenny?’ And then he took was up. w’ Uiell wonrred last week. Mr. the 1, nrteil States has been growing Christmas two years ago. That was after mile. Just drinking in the air her very quietly In his arms ami klase«L Pierce got a draft on San Francisco greater anti greater for several years and he at once* came to the city to get past, ft 1ms never been known as a when we brought Johnny Haines home. and vl»»w. Braking is a hard life, with her. “ 1 went to the-funeral the next (My. his coin. Cues» you must *a known Johnny,*’ he l»»ts of danger and pretty sffm pay. tobacco-growing country, because it But those «lays we’d forg«»t all about That was the day before Christina*. Prior >n tw»> years, ago Pier«»» was a has not produced all the leaf It wanted. added, turning to the shipper. The old n in’s hair had turned wkfr.»>_ the hardships and everything else. broken-down miner, a man who bad “ Nope. Heard of him. Co on, Joe. But all who kim« our agricultural pos Johnny was on the same train with and his face was aw lined and right never hail to» «rxceed $10 at « in* thue. si bill ties stt'.v there Is no reason why What was the story?” as though he was mounting a »ojtf- nn* and happy as a lark, thinking how ami who was haring a hard struggle “ Not much of a on«»." Joe replied de- a leaf of rib- Imported tohaeeic should procatlngly. “ Just a brakeinan's yarn, he would marry and g«» up to Albany fol«l. He was twenty year* «rider than to make both ends meet. X«»w h«* ever he asked for here again. the nornfug I saw him tins*. Et seeius to live. I used to notice, though, that has $250,000, all in gold c*tin. and, only It’s a little out of the common run. The first day 1 ever saw Johnny every once In a while his brow would that Johnny had been brought up. like most men in similar circumstaue«**, DUCKS WITH LEGS TO G IVE AWAY Haines I thought he was about the cloud up, as If he was thinking «>f like most boys, to have ill the money do«*s not know bow to spend his mon­ he wanted. He got wild and in with a ey*. His wife, before he made the T h e y W e r e H o r n in I l l i n o i s , a n d Can handsomest lad 1 ever set eyes on. something that hurt him. S w im K x crlie n tly. “ Such weather couldn't last, though, fast gang, and, to try to »*«n*b him. his strike*, had ro go to Tombstone and He came up on No. <» on her first trip. Mr. John Gordon, of Mount Vernon. W e used to meet often lip and down and when the end came. It cams with father, who was a wealthy banker, help out the fam ily exchequer by do­ 111., has a duck which has turned, out the road and got to know each other a squall. The thermometer dropped got him a place in a store- as cashier. ing such orf«f jobs of house- cleaning a queer kruod of ducklings. One laid pretty well. He was one of these lads forty degre«*», and a cold, driving rain Johnny’s allowance wasn’t enough, and as she coil 1«J find, while the son. a young with a fresh, pink and white com­ that ha«l set In In the afternoon turned lie made it up out of th*»-cask drawer. mat* now 20, honied cattie on the Pair perfect legs and feet, rail the duck Besides one son, he has a ling uses them all in walking Just like plexion and a Jolly laugh that made toward night Into a drifting, blinding When it was discovered his father ranges. you warm up to him at once. He was snow. W e had a big train that night, made tip the nmmint. and then s«*nt daughter, who was given the advan­ any other quadruped. The other lias straight and strong, and when he used and with the snow and the sleet and Johnny adrift. He never »poke to him tage of rile public schools- o f Tomb­ Three legs, hut the third leg Is rather an to stand Jauntily on top o f the car, the the cold It gave us no end «»f trouble. afterwanl. and when Johnny, after a stone. train going forty miles an hour and She parted three or four times going year’s good service on the road, ap- M AKE YOUR OWN ICE, !i<> not seeming to think It was moving not more than twenty miles, and It was I»eaIeegnn to nag j cars on top wen* as slippery as glass, tnonwealth of Massachusetts to mark enough exercise to make the blood elr How times change: a f e * years ago him and see if be couhln't get a fight ! and we had almost to creep along from the grave of John Hancock.” —Boston cuUte »n d to sharpen nn appetite for to speak of a nit implied that the Transcript. ! one rar to amithar to keep from fa ll­ breakfast. The fan act* on the chem- out o f him. It seems they bad some speaker must have them. th e V ow fr of m u s ic . V ’M J 1 I ftl tx ti V tx bt w ti The glorious Fourth lias lut.sed The day dawns bright with cheer- The small Itoy’s chances to sttrxi?, ’ Art- good for oue more year. —Washington Star. l ’oet - llo w do you know the editor isn't in'.' Otiloe-boy -From your looks. —Fuck. It 111 tu re tri vvt lu of oa First Trump—Wuz you ever married* Second Tramp—Well, I Jlst with l had all the alimony 1 owe.—Fuck. "W eren't you surprised when hepn> posed?” "N o; why should 1 he?’ erybody else was."—Harlem Life. Never Touched Her: He Don't jo, ever tire of talking? She (quloklyt. It depends upon who Is talking.—Vogu» Artist—That man Bacon offered a» if 1- for that largest painting of mine. Caller—Oh, theu you've hud It framed! —Yonkers Stateeunau. It ici ari tei ly eoi ta l hv vre evi wh By She—Young Baggie, I believe, utet his fences well? He—Yaas, splendid, ly: but It’s a pity Ills horse doesn't m* 'em at the same time.—Sydney Ball. tin. ai:< ou> an< l ’ei "There!” hissed the Jealous Moor; “ how do you feel uow?” "L»own j the mouth," gasped the irrepressll* Deadetnona from beneath her pilloi —Fuck. seb eia WCl ma “ It Is simply astonishing the waytb bicycle is displacing the horse."’ "It a, Indeed. Yesterday 1 found u piece of rubber lire In my sausage.”—Cinchuit Enquirer. gir. tail dai •ho «tra the; wai wot mie in t heb “wl etra The •eco wou repl disn Brown—H ave you read this articli upon “ How to Tell a Bad Egg?" Jons —No, but If you have anything to td a had egg, my advice Is to break;; gen t ly.—U p-to- Ha te. Miss Kechere (Indignantly) -Did rut tell .lim Jackson dat e f he married ns he'd hnb a white elephant on hrs hands? Miss Snoflaike—No, Indeed. 1 didn’t! Do yo' link I ’se oolor-blind'*— Puck. Amicus—Why. do you use the rt- pressiou funny Joke? Aren’t all Jots funny? Editor—Not by n long shot The Jokes that other fellows get of at your expense are never fuuny.-j Truth. “ It seems to me. Miranda,’’ tniilit Observed Mr. Meeks, "these raksl would he considerably improved br '* addition of a little more giuger." s would you. W illiam ." briefly repot Mrs. Meeks.—Chicago Tribune. "W ell, girls, Jnek and I are to married at last, and we are so happrr| ,“ I)ld you ami Jack have some troul u getting your father’s consent?" "Ns; papa and I hud a lot of trouble la ting Jack's consent."—Exchange. Mrs. lirow u —I have been so antw;d| at my hushaud. He lias been at l! club every night for a week. Mxl Joues—Why. so 1ms my husband. aMj he said he hadn't seen anything of husband for u week. Brooklyn Life Site- It seems strange that tnea no longer willing to do deadly com1 for the love o f u woman. He—Ah? queer, though? Especially when eu have so lit itch more money of H own these days!—Indianapolis Ji "I once knew a man," said the aginative boarder, "w h o was sofatt he was actually taller lying down ti when he was standing up. Ml»1 you think o f that?" "It strike« me saiil the cheerful idiot, "a, pretty lying.” —I nd in na polls J ournal. A Dangerous T ext: "Well. D Itashury. how did you like the sorting " l ’ow’ ful fine sermon. Marse Jcia "W here dhl the preacher take text?” “ From tint po’tlon oh de ture whar tie Postol Faul pint* hi* tol to tie Festims."—Washington Til Fair Patient—Is there no way of Ing exactly what is the matter nte? l>r. Enttlee—Only a pt>st-mo examination would reveal that. Patient—Then, for benven’s •*»*■« otic. I don’ t see why 1 shottl squeamish at such a time as this.— M e-fp. "Modern society," observed titer'* man, contemplatively. "I'** ^ — nc'st iif the old-time proverb*. ^ observed the chaperon, to whom Just handed au Ice. "fo r in*t*nce. atlays we say. ‘When the comes in at the door, the lover IS* of the w in dow .'” —Exchange. I' "-t Summer t ;irl A tv ye® f*® i • "hi ( 'hristian 1-!n.l*--.v.*r t* this evening? Second Simm'cf Yes. Indeed! Haven’ t you h**r' --nil¡.-et to be discussed F r*t r - Girl - No; what is It? '■ 1 j It ... to Hoi I Our V-siBi —New York Press. "I was very glad. Mabel. 111 .•■tig those who «e r e I'tsviv • 1» bin.I.n '?'■'■ * hut I was so provoked with ta man! He gave nte the fashionable handshake An*f** ^ »alary o f $«,000 a y e a r ! " j une. "ltastus, yon Infernal a U ^ told nte that mule was perWW and when I went Into the nearly kicked the top of m? “*** ’"Yes. sah; I sayed de mewl »ah. But e f yo’ kin recco ll*«* say miffin' about wedder It In his wlclnlty. Dat enough to be safe anywMr' "* lngton Star. Ä Mi I MVS sevei mere relic I with I eatio I resu I I and I All tl t e |enerl I S.S [cures I filati.s' 3 lt i (cur |A1 Take t I* tom , Oui ■ hi »ift: >- A tV i )ur « >u: < 5 » krc[ «ver I