W A S H I N G T O N THE EVENTS Of THE OUÏ Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. OF INTEREST TO OUR REA D ER S Com p reh en sive R e v ie w ant H appen in g» o f the Im p o r t ­ o f the Past W eek C u lle d F r o m th e T e l e g r a p h Columns. A dispatch to the San Francisco Mer­ chants’ Exchange says the bark Mo- hare from Vancouver for Santa Rosalia is ashore at Sooke inlet, an«-’, w ill prob­ ably be a total loss. The crew was saved. I t Walla Walla Are destroyed two one-story buildings and the upper floor o f a two-story building on Main street between Fourth and Fifth. The fire was caused by a lamp exploding in the rear of a millinery establishment. Yale was defeated, but not disgraced in the third heat of the Grand Chal­ lenge cup, which was lowed at Henley -on-Thames. Leander won by one and three-fourths lengths in 7 minutes and 14 seconds. The rooord is 6 minutes and 61 seconds. The rush of tourists to Alaska this season is remarkable. Toe t^ueen which has just sailed, carried as pas­ sengers 180 first-class and almost as many more in the steerage. A ll the glaciers and points of interest are visit­ ed (luring these summer trips. From advices received by the Austra­ lian steamer Miowera, which has just arrived in Vancouver, B. U., it now seems probable that the Queensland government w ill join New South Wales and Canada in granting a sub­ sidy to the Canadian-Australian steam­ ship line. Captain Bird, on behalf of James Huddart. managing owner of the line, recently interviewed the Queensland government, and it is said the government w ill recommend that parliament grant a subsidy of £ 6.000 per year for three years. The company is at present negotiating in England for the construction of larger steamers for the line. A t the first day's session of the na­ tional Democratic convention but little was accomplished. The convention was called to order by Chairman Har- rity, of the national committee, who reported H ill as the choice of the na­ tional committee for temporary chair­ man. The announcement was greoted with great cheering from all parts of the house. Clayton, of Alabama, representing the silver forces moved that the name of Daniels be substituted for that of H ill, and on a roll call by states his motion prevailed, the silver men thus scoring their first victory. The temporary chairman was escorted to bis seat amidBt the applause of the vast orowd. Mrs. Harriet Beecher 8towe died at Hartford, Conn. Members of the fam­ ily were at her bedside. A touching appeal comet from the Greeks asking for relief for starving women and children. It has been suggested that the United States send a vessel to rescue them. Captain-General Wcyler has yielded to insistent requests to extend until August the time for remaining in the island allowed to Jose Yznaga, the American newspaper correspondent sen­ tenced to banishment. Rufus buok, Louie Davis, Luoky Davis, Maomi July and Sam Sampson, comprising the “ Buck gan g," were executed in Fort Smith, Ark., Presi­ dent Cleveland refusing to interfere. They were convicted of murder and criminal assault. Brazilian commercial circles are not favorable to a treaty of commerce with Argentina, not regarding the advan­ tages to be obtained as of sufficient im ­ portance. Purely Brazilian firms are favorable to renewal of the treaty of reciprocity with the United States. W ithin a few weeks w ill be com­ menced one of the most gigantic opera­ tions in the history of the war depart­ ment Fortifications more powerful than those existing anywhere in the world w ill be built in New York har­ bor, the cost of the work being about (10,000,000. A special from Helena, Mont., says the Cheyenne Indians have donned their war paint and are holding pow­ wows preparatory to a general uprising. Several troops of the Tenth cavalry have been ordered from Fort Custer to the Cheyenne agency at Lame Deer, Custer county, Mont. A letter received in Havana gives the details of an important engagement In Pillar del Rio, near Cayo Redondo. The rebel leader. Brigadier Frani and his thirteen followers were killed anil many wounded. They were carried from the field. The insurgents were put to flight. The feeling in Pinar del Rio is now one of alarm. The New York World publishes the follow ing: The Postal Cable Com­ pany has arranged for an extension of its lines iuto Southern territory, where it has uot had a single wire. The Postal Telegraph-Cable Company, of Texas, has been formed, and an agree­ ment entered into with the New York oompauy for the transaction of business. W ires w ill be strung to reach the lead­ ing points, and ultimately w ill extend into Mexioo. About thirty members of the com­ mittee appointed at the St. Louis con­ vention, to officially notify the vice- presidential candidate. (4. A. Hobart, o f his nomination, proceeded to Pater­ son, N. J. , the home of the nominee. Chairman Charles W. Fairbanks made the speech and he was replied to briefly by Mr. Hobart.who outlined bis future policy i f elected. The ceremony was witnessed by over 8,000 people from various parts of the oouutry. Charles W. Parrish, of Oregon, and J. M. G il­ bert, of Washington, were present. C O U N T Y A CUTE CANADIAN CAPTAIN Attempt oa Baldwin'« Life. Daring the prooess of Lillian Ash­ ley's snit against E. J. Baldwin for (76,000 for sednotion, in San Fran- olsoo, Emma Ashley, a sister of L il­ lian, tried to shoot the millionaire de­ How He Escaped An American fendant. She fired at Baldwin, bnt Revenue Officer. the bullet misaed. Emma Ashley is believed to be insane. During the trial she has spent her time in oourt reading the Bible. When taken to jail WAS NOT S E R V E D W ITH S E IZ U R E she sang “ Nearer My God, to T b ee " in a loud voice. Baldwin was crazy with rage and wanted a chance to fight S a i l e d f o r C a n a d i a n W a t e r « , W h e r e H e soma one. His hair was singed by the O rd ered the C o lle c t o r to D iie u ib a rk powder and the bullet passed within —T h e O ffi c er W a s C o m p e l l e d t o D o So. an Inch of bis head. His escape is Rat Portage, Ontario, July 8.— A ascribed to the womau's inexperience with firearms. The pistol was thrown large exenrsion left Rat Portage on upward by reooil after the trigger was Friday, and upon arriving at the month of Rainy river, the Canadian pulled. captain went ashore and got from the W h e e lin g In ju re» W om en. American customs office clearance to A remarkable oircular bas been is­ touch at Long Point, about twenty sued by the Women's Rescue League miles west of the mouth. Tbe refresh­ of Washington, D. C. It is signed by ment buffet of the steamer was not Charlotte Smith, president, and V ir ­ closed, as it should have been, upon tbe ginia N. Lount, secretary of the legis­ arrival at the American shore. Among lation committee, and it calls attention those present was a revenue officer, in a most sensational manner to what who seized the craft as a smuggler and these ladies consider the manifold, pnt every British sailor and passenger moral and physical ill effect of the under arrest. The official called to his riding of bioyoles by women. The oc­ aid 12 fishermen, who boarded the boat casion of the issuance of the circular at and remained there all night. this time is that next week there w ill Yesterday Captain M cRithie was or­ be a bicycle parade in Washington in dered to sail for the mouth of Rainy which it is thought that fully 40,000 river. The captain, instead of going wheels w ill participate. O f the 45,- to the month, made straight for British 000 bicyclists in the city at least 16,- water. There Mr. Carpenter, the 000 are women. revenue collector, was politely told he must disembark at once and take his C o u n terfeiter« Caught. A St. Louis deteotive has succeeded men aboard th^ small tug Ethel, which in oaptnring a gang of counterfeiters. Captain M cRithie had towed behind A oomplete set of tools was fonnd in from Long Point for the purpose. As their possession. Those arreBted have the Canadians outnumbered the Am eri­ hitherto borne good characters, one of cans ten to one. Carpenter eventually whom is a regular practicing female ordered all his men to get aboard the physician. There was also found by Ethel,which then sailed for Rainy river, the ( eteotive a photographic engrav­ leaving the steamer Monarch to pursue ing of a (20 bill, some of the bills, the her way to Rat Portage. Tbe revenue officer made the mis­ oopper plates and all necessary para­ take of serving E. W . Bridges, part phernalia for etching the plates. owner of the steamer, w ith seizure, in­ J u r y Disagreed. stead of the captain, who alone is re­ The jury in the case of John D. sponsible for the boat. The matter Hart, Captain John O'Brien and the w ill now have to be settled between others of the steamship Bermuda, Washington and Ottawa. charged with violation of the neutral­ ity laws by aiding and abetting a m ili­ R IV E R S IN L E T S T R IK E . tary expedition to Cuba, have rendered a sealed statement of disagreement to R i g h t H u n d r e d F i s h e r m e n O u t w i t t e d th e Cannery m en. Judge Brown. They were discharged. Vancouver, B. C., July 8. — A num­ R e v o l u t i o n in H o l i v l a . ber of fishermen arrived from Rivet Dispatches received from La Paz, inlet today, and according to their the capital of Bolivia, announce that story, fishermen to the number of 80C a revolntion bas broken ont at Snore, walked ont from the canneries. Last an important city, which was the capi­ season they received pay at the rate of tal of Bolivia until 1869. Election 6 cents per fish, but claimed that troubles are supposed to be the came amount was insufficient to live on. of the uprising. The canners wanted work on the same terms this season, but were refused, the T h e Lone H igh w a ym a n . men demanding 10 cents per fish. The Another stage robbery is reported canners in turn refused to accede to the from California. The Sonora coach demand, and, according to the latter, was held up by a lone highwayman. attempted to play a freeze-out game on He secured a few registered letters, one tbe fishermen, closing all the stores, of whioh was valuable. He then made thinking that, as the men had* nc good bis escape. money, they would have to give in. The fishermen, however, fonnd alliei Canadian P a cific In It. It has been decided that the Canadian in the Indians, who joined the strik­ Pacific railway shall, at least tenta­ ers, and who offered to feed them and tively, become a party to the joint bring them to Vancouver in canoes. Men, to the number of 800, camped at traffic agreement. the head of tbe inlet and waited foi News From Peru. several days to see if the canners would Severe earthquakes are reported as a give way, and then started for Van­ daily occurrence near Lima, Peru. couver, the majority coming down in Much damage has been done to build­ sloops, and the others in Indian canoes. The Indians have nearly all gone home ings. ________ and say they w ill not fish this season, C h o l e r a In K g y p t . while the whites w ill fish on the Fraser. A dispatch from Cairo says that the The men claim that no acts of violence cholera returns for Jnne show 4,419 were committed, and that, while they cases and 3,698 deaths. were w illin g to compromise, the man­ agers refused to meet them in any way. Hquaclron D r i l l . . Washington, July 6.— In the execu­ tion of the broad plans for tbe instruc­ tion of our naval officers in squadron drills and combined maneuvers, formu­ lated by Secretary Herbert,the summer drills of the North Atlantic squadron, which w ill begin on the 15th iust., w ill find their counterpart in a series of squadron movements, target practice and fleet drills, to be conducted by the Pacific station by Adm iral Beardsley. Because many of the ships naturally attached to his station, have been nec­ essarily transferred to the Atlantic sta­ tion, Adm iral Beardsley w ill not have as many vessels available for his drills as w ill Admiral Bonce, on tile Atlantic coast. Consequently, in order to be able to carry out a programme of any value, from an educational standpoint, he must make the nioBt of such ships as he can command, and it w ll be impos­ sible, therefore, this season to w ith­ draw any of the ships, even temporar­ ily, from the squadron to attend the local celebrations at various points on tbe Paoiflo coast, as bas been custom­ ary in the past. F n g llftli C o m p a n y S h u t O u t. A PR O SPE R O U S (lo o «l W o r k M IN E . D o n « » a t lh«* 1.« H o i - A in g S w in d le. M in ­ Spokane, Wash., .luly ft — The Le Roi mine, at Rosslanri, the greatesl mine in this district, is sinking 25C feet more of shaft. As the work pro presses on the new shaft, the character of the ore goes to show that the prop erty is richer than ever. Already $2,- 000,000 is in sight in the old work­ ings. and, if the developments hold rip to those already shown by the time the shaft is completed, there w ill he |7,* 000,000 worth of or» ready to be taker out. The mine is shipping 100 tons daily, averaging between f 10 and $.">( per ton, and is taking nut ore fastex than the smelter can handle it. A Rossland paper prints an article that the Green Crown mine, which hat floated a large number of shares ir J^pokan**, is no mine at all, and own* not a foot of property. The allegation is made that the Crowu grant nevei was issued, and that properties oc either side own all the property which the Green Crowu claims. Owners of the stock in Spokane, mostly poor peo­ ple. including working girls and clerks on small salaries, are much ex ercised. New York, July 6.— The Hearld's correspondent in R io Janeiro, tele­ graphs that despite the presidents of the English Cable Company, the Bra­ zilian.government has granted to an­ other company the privilege of estab­ S t e a m s h i p \\ m k r i l . lishing a land telephone service to con­ New Orleans, July 8.— The steel hull nect Rio with all ports north of Para steamship E L Peten, Captain I'harlet The concession is heartily supported by F. Hardie. which sailed from Now Or­ the press. leans -Inly 4, for Guatemala, via La T r o o p « for Cuba. guiia, in tow of the Norwegian steamer Madrid. July 8.— The first portion Franklin, capsized at 4:30 a. in., of the troops destined for Cuba w ill about 35 miles west of South Pass. The embark on twenty steamers at the end crew was lescued by boats from the of August. These troops w ill consist Franklin. The E. L. Peten was re. of 85.190 infantry, 467 cavalry, 283 ar­ cently bnilt for the Guatemala trade, tillery, 1,169 engineers, and several registered 520 tons net, and was valued at #200,000. battalions of volunteers. T h r » « K i l l e d and O n e I n j u r e d . Houston, Tex., July 6.— The explo­ sion of a boiler in the office of the Evening Star, at 2:40 this afternoon, killed three persons. and severely wounded another. The explosion was caused by letting cold water into an empty boiler. D e a t h In a C l o u d h u n t . Columbus, O., July 8.— A cloudburst St Wegee creek today drowned James Berry, w ife and child, destroyed the Bellaire. Zanesville A Cincinnati rail­ way bridge, a Urge trestle on the Pitts­ burg A Ohio Valley railroad, the Pres­ byterian ohnrch and other buildings. H A T C H KT. "Thru* Friend«” Fur«ued Key West. July 8.— The steamer Three Friends passed here at 9 A. M., pursued by the Spanish warship Alfonso X III. Both vessels were under full steam The Friends was between The Subject of a Lecture by eight and ten miles ahead of the war­ Rev. Mr. Copeland. ship. Observers say the warship fired upon the Three Friends. The warship is cutting the three mile limit very close, and is trying to head off the B E G I N N I N G o f W O M A N ' S E R A Three Friends. It is reported the United States warship Maine, and United States cutters are getting up T h « L e c tu r e W e . " » " f » s h o la a t l« steam preparatory to intercepting both M«rlt. and Was *uthu«ia«tlcally B»- vessels. Great exoitement prevails. r . l v e d b y an A t t e n t iv e A u d ie n c e . U g ly F e e lin g P r e v a le n t . Cleveland, July 8.— Contrary to po­ lice fears, there was no violent demon­ strations last evening after the funeral of W illiam liettger, the striker at the Brown Hoisting & Conveying Company who was ¡shot by a nonunion man. There was, however, a great deal of feeling manifest, and the authorities think the prospect for trouble tonight, when the men in the works go home, are fully equal to those of the preced­ ing nights. The m ilitia is still in its armories waiting orders. The funeral was an immense affair, fully 10,000 union men being in line. (ie iie r n l Y o u n g D ea d . Washington, July 8.— A dispatch was received by the state department today announcing that General Pierce B. Young, United States minister to Guatemala and Honduras, died at New York at 11:80 today. General Young arrived in this country June 24. He submitted to an operation at the Pres­ byterian hospital, New York, and never recovered. He was a native of Georgia, and had a distinguished record for service in the Confederate army. K a r ih q u a k e a t C ypru«> Genoa, Italy, July 8.— Just arrived reports from Laruica say the island of Cyprus has been suffering from earth­ quake shocks since July 1. A general panic is said to prevail at Laruica. The govermeut and m ilitary authorities are providing tents for the affrighted peo­ ple. The town is deserted. F o r U n io n W it h G re e c e . London, July 8.— A dispatch to the Standard from Athens says that the Cretans yesterday elected a provisional government, and decided to proclaim the union of the island with Greece, and, i f pressed hope that autonomy w ill be granted to the island uuuer surveillance of the powers. H o r r ib le D o u b le M u r d e r . Santa Barbara, Cal., July 8. — A hor­ rible double murder has been commit­ ted here. The bodies of Mrs. H. R. Richardson, aged 60, and her daugh­ ter, Ethel, were found. They had been stabbed and beaten with a club Intense excitement prevails. There is no clue to the murder. W a l l i n g 8 u te n c e d . Newport, K y., July 8.— Alonzo J. W alling, convicted of the murder of Pearl Bryan, was sentenced today to be hanged on August 7. T h e S c h o o l Im p u ta tio n . Salem. July 7 .- A n interested audi- ence this evening assembled at Lmty church, to bear what ^ e Rev. Mr. Copeland had to say of The New Woman, Selected by God to End the World.” Tbe lecture was one of scholastic merit, and was enthusiastic­ ally received. In fact, one of the very best Mr. Copeland bas ever delivered. The text was: "F o r the Marriage of the Lamb bas come, and his wife has made herself ready, and I, John, saw the holy city coming down from God as a bride adorned for her husband.1 In beginning bis leoture, the speaker called attention to the very general ex­ pectation of the end of the world at the close of the century, prevailing amongst all religions, and sustained by men of soience, as well as by preachers of the second advent. He quoted many prophecies proclaiming that the end of the world was at baud, some of which are new and gathered from ancient books. He quoted from the Bagavad Gita, the words of Krishna: “ I pro­ duce myself among creatures, when­ ever there is a decline of virtue, and an insurrection of vice in the world. That such conditions prevailed was de­ tailed at length in tbe strongest pos­ sible language. The darkness of the picture was relieved by calliug atten­ tion to the coming reign of woman in literature, art, society and politics. The causes of woman’s emancipation were indicated, and her influence in every department of life depicted. A new race was in the prooess of forma­ tion, which should develop the feminine side, and be fit to use those inner forces which the “ X ” ray and the Keeley motor indicate are to replace the com­ mon electricity. "The past centuries have witnessed a steady progress in the delicacy and spirituality of the forces used: From horse-power to water-power; from wa­ ter-power to steam; from steam to elec­ tricity; from electricity to etherio vibration, which latter cannot now be used, for man is yet too material and selfish, and would maae this power which dwarfs electricity only rivet the despotism of the few over the many beyond any power to break. But when the old dispensation has ended, then may we have the use of the new foroe. We have seen what changes have re­ sulted, from the substitution of steam for horse and water-power; we are witnessing tbe changes made by re­ placing steam by electrioity, shortening the hours of labor and making life easier to live. What may we not look for, when we replace eleotricity with interetheric vibration, or as Bulwer Lyttin, in his “ Coming Race,” calls it, ‘ V ril,’ which he very significantly places in the hands of woman, ail 1 which she uses to restrain selfishness of the male part of the race, not yet raised to her high standard of morals.” The lecture concluded with the fol­ lowing sentences; Lo, the sign of the Son of Mail iu the heavens, ending the language of barbarism. Clad iu new bodies made out of finer elements, be­ cause born of love, those souls have passed through many incarnations marked with much suffering and tribu­ lation, shall dwell in the New Jerusa­ lem; which shall not be here or there; but everywhere. Of this city the in­ dwelling God, now in control of the old-time, cruel and rapacious animal, who preferred darkness to light, shall be the glory. Washington, July 7.— The total en­ rollment in educational institutions of all kinds in the United States for the school year of 1S93-94 was nearly 16,- 000,000, according to the report for the year just promulgated by Commissioner of Education Harris. Of these all but 400,000 wore in the regular schools, an increase of about half a million for the year. The percentage of total popula­ tion enrolled in the schools was 20.53. School property gained in value durimr the year over #26,000,000, and 1.103 more schoolhouses were in operation. In the past twenty years tbe South has increased 54 per cent in population, but its school attendance has increased 180 per cent, more than twice as fast as the population. In the twenty years from 1874 to 1894, the value of school property in the South increased from #16,000.000 to #51,000,000. Higher education bas also made a good record. The report includes Spe­ GUARDS OVERPOWERED. cialist McDonald's criminological in­ vestigation. The latter seeks to prove that there can be no rational treatment F o u rte e n D eep era A o e e B ro k e F ro m a U lilte d .State« J a il. of crime until the causes are investi­ Guthrie, O. T., July 7.—Fourteen gated. He estimates nine-tenths of the crime to be due to bad social conditions. prisoners overpowered the guards iu the United States jail at 9:30 tonight T u r k e y ’ s P o lic y C on dem n ed. and broke jail. B ill D.xfiin and Philippopolis, July 7.— The consuls "Dynamite Dick,” the last survivors of of the European powers are sending the Dalton gang, who were wanted for pessimistic accounts of the way in the murders committed in tho Ingalls which hostilities are being conducted fight, at which four deputy marshals in Crete. The situation is such that were killed, were the principal actors should the porte insist in its conduct, Fourteen out of fity-uine prisoners French men-of-war may land troops on escaped. They wero the mi-r desper­ the island. Tbe Armenian patriarch, ate characters. They are, beside- these Isemin, has asked permission to resign mined above, Charles Montgomery Further outbreaks seem inevitable. Jim Black, Walt McClaim, B.U Crit­ The Turkish battalions at .Teddab, who tenden, Ed Lawrence, Kid Phillips mutinied on account of receiving no George Law, Henry Irvin, Bill Jones’ pay, have deserted their arms. There C. O. Nix, Lee Killiam and W. Beck! are no troops available to put down They got from the guards two re*, this revolt. Tbe porte, foreseeing com­ volvers aud Winchesters by a rush out plications in Greece, Macedonia and of the cage when the cage was open. Syria, is about to mobilize all the They knocked one of the guards down troops of the bediff, or landwebr. placed the other two in the steel cage’ Tbe bones of the skull are arched making them enter at the points of because in that form the geaiest their revolvers. Having the guards sterngth is combined with the least safe, the ringleaders called forevervone weight and quantity of material. of the prisoners to escape if the» S n to lH ’ 1 S n c r «M o r . Rome, July 7. — According to a newspaper statement, Bishop Falconio, of Aoerenza, w ill replace Cardinal Sa- tolli as papal ablegate to the United States Bishop Falconio was once en­ gaged at St. Buenaventura college, A l ­ legheny, N. Y. Th«* N « w A b le g a t e . Bradford, Pa., July 7.— Bishop Falconio, now of Acerenza. Italy, who has been appointed to succeed Monsig- nore Satolli ss papal representative in tbe United States, was for several years professor of philosophy sad later presi- dent of St. Buenaventura college at A l ­ A t H eilatru . legheny, Cattraugus county, N. Y Bellaire, O., July ft.— A cloudburst Bishop Falconio is fully in touch with Dr. Pratt, of Cbioago, is treating John A. C. Johnson, a consumptive, this morning washed out culverts sod American affairs, a splendid Eng|;,h with the X rays, and the patient U bridges. Several house.*», including the •cb >lar and orator. He is a native of oanning factory, were swept away. Italy. ••id to show improve m en i D IS P L A Y OF A Oraud G o l d YELLOW ►'»hit,It t „ B| C hi ca g o, Chicago, July 6.— Uhioago ¡, . a gold exhibit next fall, in , gold fiolda of every Motion of th! ,i w ill be represented. A meetingK fl tber arrangements which bavehoj* ing on for some time waa held day at the Wellington hotel unr officials treat him with great tion His w ife and most ifl*M Unban friends are allowed to visit* whenever they desire and he re* his meals from a noted Havana r# rant. He has, in fact, every coai possible under the circuuntunes* » ¿ ¡ a l t e r i n g IriforiMHtio»*» Olympia, Wash , .TulyO —Thebei] of state land commissioners hai® je t formulated the rules tor harbor line areas. Tho f i r m * ! quiry covering information desires^ this subject has been sent out* United States consuls at abroad, and to harbor official**^ leading cities of this country* 1 view to securing the benefit of* ^ ence on this* subject, and a boo^ taining the results of these inQ^ will soon lie issued by the got This work w ill materially aidtb*^ missioners in the compilation « W H**11 t°nJ ,nl7 fonrte,n followed7 rules to obtain in this state. William Beck was so weak that he sat B u r n e d t o Death. by the side of a road out of the citv Buffalo, N. Y .. July •• wondering how he would escape. Latei the outlaws made a man named Scho­ Dooley, aged 60, was burned * field and hia girl get out nf a buggy in tbe destruction by fire of k . n d g i v e i t t o , he m . A ^ of „ in this city. On the way to marahal*. headed by Bill Lightn W two trucks collided, killing tbi who eaptu-ed Doolin, went in p u Z x attached to one of them and i two firemen. Th e Su lt.n i l*r. W a llin g Constantinople, Juli assembly w ill meet In sultan s proclamation excellent impression at sue is a great success f the Turkish foreign port* has come to si w ith the European i View to pacifying t ting an end to the mentation of diatnrbar M u st H anf. Cincinnati, July 6.— At Ky., today, Judge Holm oveitw» motion for a new trial for A k r“ ' ling, convicted as an , Scott Jackson in tbe mnrder • Bryan. Chicago, July 6.— Tbe Ti ^ sld’a Dead wood, S. D., *P that in Dark Horae mins. * mountain district, a two-loo* ors baa been struck that • ton.