W A S H IN G T O N mm OF INF DAY IHE Epitome of the Télégraphie News of the World. O F IN TER ES T T O OUR READERS O o m p re h a u ilv e K e vle w ant H appening« o f th« o f the Im port­ Pa nt W eek C a lled P rom the T eleg ra p h Colum n«. Tw enty-foor hundred additional Turkish troops are now on their way to Crete. It is thought the Turks a r e preparing for another massacre. Houses of Christians are being marked by the Turkish soldiers. Sir Joseph Prestwich. porfessor of geology at Oxford, and the author of yaluable geological works, died in Lon­ don, aged 84. French ofHoers were grossly insulted at Canea by Turkish soldiers. They were cursed and reviled and swords were drawn threatening their lives. O. H. Penderson, a fisherman o f A s­ toria, is missing, and, as he was very despondent previous to bis disappear­ ance, it is believed that he has com ­ mitted suiaide. Notices have been posted at all the collieries of the Lehigh & Wilkesbarre Coal Company, of Pennsylvania, that work is discontinued until further no­ tice. Eight thousand men and boys are idle. President Jordan, of the Stanford university, has arrived at Seattle to take obHrge of the expedition which is to sail on the steamer Albatross to in ­ vestigate the seal fisheries on the islands o f the north, and study the life and habits of the seals. The largest single n ight’ s catch of salmon which has been made for many years in the Columbia river, was taken between m idnight and dawn Tuesday morning. The canneries were com ­ pelled to lim it the boat to a certain amount of fish each, as they were un­ able to handle all that was brought in. Unless significant signs fail, the squadron of United States warships, just now stationed in the harbor of New York, w ill be dispatched soon on an important mission. Those who should be in a position to know say the destination w ill be the coast of Cuba. During the last week work on all the ▼easels has been doubled in response to a special order received from the sec­ retary of the navy. The nature of this order cannot be ascertained. President Cleveland w ill take no ac­ tion as to the Cuban rebellion. John M. Thurston, of Nebraska, was made permanent chairman of the R e­ publican national convention at St. Lbuis. Adolph Padelford is dead in Paris. He was the the husband of Bettina Girard, the actress, whom he paid «30 ,000 to drop her name. The pump house of the North End Water Works, Taooma, was burned -down, leaving that entire section of the oity w ithout water for a day. Sarah Blackburn obtained a verdict at Oregon City from the Southern Pa­ cific Railway Company for «3,000 for the killing of Mark Blackburn, by a train at a street oroseing. ,„ Aa a result of the recent warm weather rivers and creeks in Idaho are booming, and lands in many places ' are overflowed. It is estimAted that dtunago to the amount of «13,000 has *' been done to the road between W allace • and Osborne. 1 Ow ing to poor attendance and bad weather, the Portland baseball ulub of the Paoiflo leange, has been disbanded. The Seattle olub follow ed suit. Ta- ooma w ill make an effort to hold to­ gether. An effort w ill bo made to have desultory games throughout the summer. John Connors shot Mamie M ulligan three times in the head, in Chicago. He then shot himself through the right temple. He is dead. The girl is not expected to live. The deed was com ­ mitted beoause the girl w ould not marry him. Connors is 46 years old, and Miss Mulligan is 1 tt. The British steamer Drummond Cas­ tle, Captain N. M. Pierie, from Cape Tow n, for London, collided with an unkuowu steamer near Brest, Kranoe. She sank in three minutes w ith 144 passenger* and 103 officer* and orew on board. Tw o men were picked up by a fishing boat. The fate of the steamer w ith which she collided it not known. News o f a terrible earthquake, in ­ volving the loss of over a thousand lives, has reached Yokohama from the island of Yesso, which ooutains the northern provinces o f Japan. The subterraneous disturbance lasted about twenty hours, and during that period the utmost terror prevailed. Ground rumblings are described as resembling the roar of distant oaonon. Shook fo l­ lowed shock almost in uninterrupted auooeation. In all it was estimated that about 160 shocks occurred. The w hole town of Kumaishi is destroyed by a tidal wave, whioh accompanied the earthquake. Many disasters to - shipping are reported from the tidal wave. __ A K .q u la ltlo a P ro v ld s d For. M ust Be B ro u g h t to Trial. GROSS COUNTY HATCHET ture of Senator Frank Cannon, V* Utah, facing from the platform 10,000 irate, hissing, jeering people, as be xead the valedictory of tbe .liver men. The very courage displayed by him won for him the admiration which McKinley for President., Ho­ compelled silence. When he had fin­ ished he turned and shook hands wi b bart for Vicc-Presidont. the chairman and other friends on the platform. 0 ___ He then locked arms with Senator N O M I N A T E D O N F I R S T B A L L O T Teller, and tbe two men left the stand and moved down between the walls of yelling delegates to where the standard T h r i l l i n g S c e n e * In t h e H a l l W h e n t h e of the Idaho delegation stood, ihere I t e s u lt« W e r e a in toiin ceil - S i lv e r Men th y were joined by tbe handsome, B o l t e d t h e G o l d S tautlard P la t fo r m . stalwart Pubois, and the three con- St. Loui«, M o.— The Republican na- tinned their march to tbe main door, ! tional convention has nailed its priu- their followers falling in behind them ! cipald to the masthead and placed in as thev left the building. Carter and Mantle of Montana, kept i 3ommanr of the ship, which is to bear their seats, signifying their willingness ! it to fortune or disaster in November, j its popular idol, W illiam McKinley, of to abide by the plartfom. The silver men who bolted imme­ i Ohio, and Garret A. Hobart, of New diately perfected plans to place Senator Jersey. But there was mutiny aboard, and, Teller in nomination as an independent before the lines were cast off, some of silver candidate for president. After this sensational incident the j the members of the crew who had , shipped on many a voyage refused to convention turned to the work oi subscribe to the new shipping articles selecting the standard-bearers. It was a foregone conclusion that McKinley and walked down the gang plank. would be nominated. V o te b y S t .t o . fo r f r e .l i l .m . Baldwin, of Council Bluffs, nomi­ > < c nated Allison, Senator Lodge nominat c e 5T ed Reed, Hastings nominated Liuay, 5 t ' Z " X c o STATES. Depew nominated Morton, aud kor- a “ j B 3 aker, in a masterly effort whioh turned : 1 1 : the convention into bedlam, nominated Alabama ............... 22 ! 19 1 9 j 1 McKinley. Arkansas ............... ..... 16 1« Save for the tumult that followed Colorado ............... X___ W olcott’ s speech placing Blaine in Connecticut .......... 13 7 Delaware .............. 6 6 nomination four years ago, the demon­ Florida .................. 2)---- 8 6 stration had no parallel in the nation, 1 9 Georgia .................. 26 22 1 2 at least in length. The applause Illinois .................. 4.x 46 2 lasted twenty-seven minutes. .... Just at the close of the shouting thousands were ready to sink from 26 26 Kentucky ............. 16 11 /•> Louisiana ............. 4 sheer exhaustion. Altogether the scene Maine ..................... 12 .. .. 12 was a remarkable one, and testified to Maryland ............. 161 15 1 Massachusetts __ 30 1 29 1 the popularity of the candidate who Michigan ............... 28 28 had been placed in the field. The ballot was then taken and Mc­ Kinley’ s vote exceeded the expectation Montana* .............. 61 1 Nebraska ............. lCl 16 of his friends, as he reoeived 661' 2, Nevada .................. 0 3 within a vote and a half of 200 more New Hampshire... 8 .... 8 : than a majority, and almost three KS 72' 17 times as many as his five opponents. CARELESSNESS A Cape Town dispatch says the sec­ B u ildin g Collapsed, retary of state ft.- the Transvaal has Han F r a n c i s c o B u ry ing Seven Person«. telegraphed the British high com m is­ sioner there that, having in view the San Francisco, Jane 24.— The three- welfare and peaoe of South Africa, the story building at tbe corner of Fifth Transvaal government is convinced street and Mint avenue collapsed at 4 that the proofs in its possession, which o'clock this afternoon, burying a dozen are at the disposal of Great Britain, persons in the ruins. Tw o bodies now oompletaly justify and compel the have been recovered, and it ia feared bringing to trial of Cecil Rhodes, A l­ there are others in the debris. The fred Beit and Dr. Harris, all of the list of dead follow s: British South Africa Company, and Mrs. Ernstein Silverstein, of 305 connected with the raid into the Trans­ Stevenson street. vaal. The secretary adds that the John May, laborer. Transvaal secretary is obliged to press The injured are: this step on Great Britain, and also to Patrick McKeown, proprietor of tha urge that all control of the British I Brighton house, severe internal in- Chartered South A frica Company be | juries; may die; Richard Bucking, H. transferred to Great Britain. I Shepard, Dennia Griffin, Emeile Lnen- berger, John Lyons, Simeon Dean, T h e Justice W u i Speedy, Miss Sarah Byrne, sknll fraotured, Paul Ksmaune, a kanaka, was hang­ ! right arm broken, right thigh frao- ed in the prison corridor in Folsom, | tnred; Mrs Joseph Byrne, Mrs J. L. Cal., for the murder of Mrs. Ellen | Mahler, Mias Bessie W ilson, Miss Pearl Robinson at Latrobe, Eldorado oounty, Woodward. on alay 6, 1896. The execution was To add to the horror, a fire broke out deovid o f sensational incidents, and m the ruius shortly after the aooident, was witnessed by only the few peraous but it was extinguished before reaoh- required by law. The murderer died j ing any of the victims. without a word or a tremor on the Carelessness of the grossest sort is scaffold. He was pronounced dead responsible for the oollapse of the lodg- exactly 11 minutes after the fall of the tng-bouse, and the loss of life it oaused. drop, his neck being broken. It was From the statements of «everal people, the quiokest execution on record, the | it is evident that tbe disaster had been body being out down just 13 minutes expected. W arnings were given and after the prisoner left his cell. unheeded. Contractor P. Gleason him ­ self, who had charge of the construc­ F ew T roop s W ill be M oved. tion of the under-paving, or street The programme for the annual move­ work, on which the building was ment of troops has been definitely ar­ raised, says he explained to some of the ranged at last, and the necessary orners workmen several days ago that if they w ill go forward at once to department continued operations along the line in oommanders. There w ill be much whioh they were working, there was disappointment over the fact that with sure to be a collapse. the exception of two companies of the The resonrees of the receiving hos­ 11th infantry, the movements are con­ pital were totally inadequate to the fined to tw o regiments. It is under­ care for the wounded. Nine people stood that laok of funds is the cause for were taken to that institution within limited changes. three-quarters of an hour, and while two were being treated in the operat­ Ten Th oasand D row ned. A Yokohama dispatch says: It is ing room, the rem aining seven were estimated that 10,000 people were hnddled in the onter office, where they drowned by the tidal wave on the writhed and groaned in agony, until ; island of Yesso, in the northern part of the doctors were able to attend them. Tw o women gave np the only sofa in Japan, whioh accompanied a succession of frightful earthquakes lasting about the room to a man whose injuries were twenty hours. In addition to the town so painful that he could neither stand Pennsylvania ....... of Kumassia, whioh was w holly de­ nor sit. Rhode Island........ stroyed, many other coast towns have South Carolina__ IN V E N TIV E G EN IU S. been washed away entirely or in part. T h e s t r i k e Hit n a t i o n . Every oannery on the lower Colum ­ bia river is in operation, some of them taxed to their utmost capacity to handle the catch of fish, and it looks as if the hshermen’ s strike is about over for this year. V en ezu ela for G old. Minister Andrada, of Venezuela, has reoeived advices from Caracas as to the final ratification of the constitu­ tional amendment by which Vene- caela adopts the gold standard. F ortu n e’ « F avorite. George Delong, w ho had been pick­ ing strawberries in Benton Harbor, M ich., has fallen heir to a fortune of «160,000 by the death of an nnole in the St. Louis tornado. F ive to Be Hanged. Judge Parker, of the federal oourt, of Fort Smith, A rk., has sentenced Dennis Davis, George W . W ilson, Frank Carver, Jesse aud John Nofioe to be hanged .July 0, for murders com ­ mitted in the Indian territory. Carver killed his mistress, Annie Maledon. This is tbe second time he and Davis have been sentenced. Home S ilver Statistic«. Of the silver bullion purchased un- der tbe aot of July 14, 1890, there are now on hand 133,098,462 fine ounoes; the cost of this bn 1 lion is 1119,941,066; ita coining value 8172,B41,414. The total number of silver dollars ooined from bullion purchased nnder the act of July 14, 1890, to June 1, 1896, was 46,104,661. Upon this coinage there waa a seignorage or profit of «10,- 117,384. P a t t e r a n n W a s K le e ^ e d . C. T. Patterson, of Tacoma, has been elected commander of tbe G. A. R. for the department of Washington and Alaska. D r o w n e d In t h e U i n n t l l l a . A yonng son of A. B. Hogue, of Pen­ dleton, w hile playing on a footing over the Umatilla river, lost his balance and fell into the rapidly running stream and was drowned. His body has not been recovered. B u rial o f the F r e n c h F a m ily . The burial of the French fam ily, the victims of the reservoir disaster at Baker City, took place in that city, the seven bodies all being interred in one grave. The funeral was the moat im ­ pressive, and the bodies were followed to the cemetery by a procession of car­ riages one mile in length. O u tb re a k o f N ative«. W oodburn Announce. Tw o c h a u l c a l D evloea. New M e- W oodburn, Or., June 34.— Mr. A. Ohlhoff, a civil engineer of Portland, has been in Woodburn for the last ten days making a drawing, plans and specifications of a patent potato-digger, originated and gotten up by Peter Sohorbach, of thiB plaoe. It is a w on ­ derful piece of machinery, and yet very simple. It w ill dig, sort and sack the potatoes, doing the work of sixty men. It w ill require tw o teams and two men to operate the machine. One man w ill handle the horses, and the other tie the sacks. Already agrionltnre firms in the East are beooming interested in this potato-digger, and one firm has t e ­ em ed an option on the patent for the United States. Mr. Sohorbach leaves today for Portland with his model, which is a perfect brass one, drawings and papers, where he w ill have them upon exhibition for a few days before forwarding them to the patent office at Washington. George Cathey, a 13-year-old boy and a son of Dr. B. A. Cathey, has in­ vented a device for opening, closing and locking any gate which swiDgs on a pivot. Mr. Ohlhoff says it is the best patent gate he has ever seen, and thinks there is a fortune in it for some­ body w ho w ill push it. FATAL A C C ID E N T. L ocom otiv e B oiler K xplorled. R i l l i n g S ev en am i I n j u r i n g O th er«. W oodville. Tex., June 34.— At Dou­ cette, three miles north of W oodville, today, the tram engine boiler of the Nebraska Lumber Company exploded, killing seven men outright, and seri­ ously, if not fatally, injuring three others. It seems the engineer was just ready to start for the log camp, when the explosion took place, some eight or ten men being in the oab. Some of the viotims had their heads torn from their bodies, and were otherwise m uti­ lated beyond recognition. The killed are: A. I. Doucette, president of the Ne­ braska Lumber Company; Grant Ham- mersly, Charles W alforth, Charles Smith, W illiam Sargent; a man known about the m ill as “ Frenchy,” bnt whose right name could not be as­ certained; another unknown man. The wounded are: Dan A. Harman, fireman, arms terribly lacerated and painfully scalded about the face and neck; D. C. Sullivan, section hand, badly scalded; — Dowling, scalded about the face and neck. Tbe reports o f just how the accident happened are somewhat conflicting. One reason given is that the engineer let his water get low with a hot fire and then turned on the injector. A new outbreak of the natives of Matabelaud oocurred between Umtali aud Baliabnry. A t a meeting in that vioinity June 9, of a number of ohiefs under Makoni, all exoept four agreed T w o W ere K illed . to revolt, and several whites were mur­ M ontpelier,Vt., Jnne 34.— In • rear- dered. end collision on the Central Vermont railway near here this morning be­ G e n e r a l D l n m n d Is D e a d . General W. M. Dimond, of the Cali­ tween a cattle train and the Montreal express, J. Seskinde, of Chicago, and fornia National Guard, died i t tbe Edward Brown, of Janesville, W ia , G illey honse in New Vork. cattlemen, were killed. H o ld -U p Near B . k . r d t p . The McEwen-Canyon City stage waa held up., six miles from MoEwen, Or., by two masked men armed w ith re­ volvers. They relieved one passenger of |13 and then emptied the mail sacks, taking all they deemed valuable. Washington. — A ctin g Secretary of the Interior Sims has approved and provided for a requisition on the treas­ ury fur the payment o f «33,000 to every state included in the M orrill aot of 1890 for the endowment of agricultural M a ssacred to a Man. and mechanical colleges in the United The report that the party headed by State*. This it to apply for the fitoal the Marquis de Mores, constating o f 86 year 1896-97. men, bound for the Soudan to enlist Belgrade. — A serious oonflict has the Arab ohiefs against the British, has taken plaoe between Servian officials been m a«acred to a men, is confirmed. «■A Montenegrins at Kuraamlida. The members of the De Mores expedition ¿fever* 1 persons were killed and ware killed near Cademax jwuunded on both side*. A F r e a h Ma««acre> N e a r V a n. London, Jnne 33.— A Constantinople dispatch to the Chroniole says a fresh massacre of Armenians is reported to have occurred near Van. Sixty were killed. U r g e d t o S e t t l e t h e V e n e a u e l a < » nanti o n London, Jnne 33.— Tbe Daily News (liberal) baa an article in which it again strongly urges upon the govern­ ment s prompt settlement of tbe Vene- xuela question. None of ns realiae bow much people talk about us behind our backs. is me proiecuon anu a,.v„ - *■ American laoor and industry, T f..1*' demands a right ssiliemeiu wants res . ua "W e believe the repeal of th. arrangement* negotiated by ,h , pubbeatl a imlntsir.it,on la< “d disgrace, and we demand then 04 anu extension on sueh terms U '" I h l our O d i V » Ill« O I n e t l i lt ' traue » with other u her .lauon" the restrictions which now oh«/ sale of American products in th. 1 other countries, and secure . mi «» ^ kcis for the products of our aud factor.es. lot "Protection and reciprocity ar* measures of republican polii«v hand in hand. Democratic ruuTh Icssly struck down both, and k * * re-established. Protection mrh produce; free admissions for' th!.,. Wa*t of life which we uo nut pnjdu!?^ rocui agreements of mutual / rs which «am open markets m rei . J n.lei open markets to otners. Protect- ^ up domestic industry and trad100 ^ , ures our own market for ourselJS ciprocity builds up foreign trad. .!*11 an outlet for our surplus. ‘ •We condemn the present id«.. . tion for not keeping faith with » W producers of this country The 6 party favors such protection I . ¿UP to me production on Amen«.»,, Vai the sugar which the American SSSi and lor which they pay ofhU ,?PU more :han lluu.Oou.uoo annually Cou*' • To all of our produces—to th«.„ mine and field, as well a s t S f f J s h e e p and the factory-to hem?**. of Urn product of tnc great in d u ,tft2 : husbandry, as well as to the iliVm,?! ■»a O f the mill, we promise the m i!?' protection. 1081 a "W e favor restoring the earl, i policy of discriminating duties'foin? building of uur merchant marine ,*5 protection of our «hipping ii,terei,1M i oreig n-ca rrying tradS, so " the product of American labor in American shipyards, sailing Stars and * Strip» s. U and ,"i ” 4 11U I manned l i a II tlerl U nHl ami owned ov by Americans, may r,i*i carrying ring or of our foreign commerw" commerce rhe republican parly 1 » for sound money. It caused th, . merit of the law providing for sumption of specie paymmia in !*■« th« n every dollar has been as gold; we are unalterably oiinoS S* measure calculated to debase our oi,! or impair the credit of our . ountrv ' •■We are therefore, opposed to Ih. coinage of silver exoept I,y ir7;r„ agreement with the leading nations of the world, which ourselves to promote, and untilP agreement chii be obtained the L gold standard must be pr. served™ "A ll our silver ami paper l urreio, be maintained at parity with gold favor all m. asures designed hi » ? Inviolably, the obligations of thTr Stut.s, and ull our money, when,., or paper, at the present standJS “ « » i, m° St * se;jehea nvde,r t r 1dofr e ^ v:'" jr „ V iv?« t's ami generous recognition practicable they should be given ih erence In the matter of employe™, Ihev are entitled to the enactment St laws as are best calculated to ,« :::::::: fulfillment of the pledges made j___1 In the dark days of the counlrv 64: 6 ... 58 We denounce the practice in the 8 ...... 8 1 bureau, su recklessly ami unlustlv ISi 18 l ■ on by the present administration 81 8 diming pensions and arbltrar.lv , 1___j names from the rolls, as deseri Texas ..................... 30 21 i 5 ; 3 severest condemnation of the a 3 6 3 people. A I ."O ur foreign policy should bf 24 23 i times, firm, vigorous ami -llenlfl 1 H 8 all our Interests in the w,stern hn 12 12 carefully watched and guarded 241 21' Hawaiian islands should be eontr ........ the rnlted States, and n o f o X Arizona .................. 6 j 6 ' ■ ' 1 should lie permitted to Interfer New Mexico.......... 6 5 1 'hem: the .Nicaragua canal should I ( >klahoma ............. 6 4 1 1 ........... 1 owned, and operated hy the I’nite. 6, 6 . . . . . . . . . . . Indian Territory.. and by the purchase of the Danish I)ist. of Columbia. 2 ... L J 1 we should secure the proper and Alaska .................... 41 4 needed naval station In the West I he massacres in Armenia JTotal ................... 922¡661‘j 84’4l 58Ì61 k 35 aroused the deep sympathy and dignatlon of the American people Vote by States for V ice-I’ resldeiit ' ‘.V, •' / P believe the 1’ nlted States *hould the influence it can properly exerl 55 P3 æ M a jo r W i l l i a m M c K in le y . these atrocities to an end. In < c American residents have been ei o* X g STATES. The nomination was made unanim­ the gravest dangers and America: £j ty destroyed. There, as everywhei ? ous with enthusiastic speeches from tbe lean citizens and American prope representatives oi the other candidates. be absolutely protected at all haa at any cost. Alabama ............... 10 1 11 1 After the decision of the Platt forces "W e reassert the Monroe doctrl Arkansas .............. 10 1 not to present tbe name of Governor full'!« extent, and we reaffirm i California ............. 14 3 1 Oi the United States to give the Colorado .. ........... ............. Morton, the nomination of Hobart, of effect, by responding to the appea Connecticut .......... 1 12 New Jersey, for vice-president, became American ¥ state for friendly int Delaware .............. 6 in cose of European encroachment 5 a certainty. The McKinley force was ‘ '* nave not interfered and »ha Georgia .................. 21 thrown fur him, which was too potent terfere with the existing possessioi power in this hemlspi Illinois .................... 44 4 to overcome, besides, it was the general I European hose possessions must not, on anj Indiana .................. 12 16 sense of the delegates that the situa­ be extended. We hopefully look ft Iowa ....................... 8 5 1Ó the eventual withdrawal of the 1 Kansas .................. 2(> tion required the nomination of an powers from this hemisphere an Kentucky ............. 8 17 Eastern man for vice-president. The ultimate union of all the English- Louisiana ............. 8 8 parts of the continent by the fre< Maine ..................... 5 2 nominating speeches were brief. I of its inhabitants. Maryland ............. 14 1 1 Bulkley, of Connecticut; Lippitt, of "From :he hour of achieving t Massachusetts __ 14 12 4 independence, the people of th< 2 Michigan ............... 7 Rhode Island, and General Walker, of States have regarded with symp Minnesota ............. 6 12 Virginia, were also placed in nomina­ struggles of our American people Mississippi ............. 13 5 themselves European domina Missouri ................ 10 23 tion, but it only required one ballot to watch with from deep and abiding int Montana ................ 1 determine tbe result. Hobart received heroic battle of the Cuban patriot Nebraska .............. 16 and oppression, and our bi Nevada .................. 3 530*2 votes, 90 more than a majority. cruelty go out for the full success of tin New Hampshire . 8 Evans, his nearest competitor, received mined coat est fof liberty. New Jersey .......... 20 “The government of Spain, ha' New York ............. 72 280bj. There were scattering votes for control of Cuba, and being unabli North Carolina .. 20» 2 m Reed, Thurston, Grant, Depew, Morton tect the property or lives of North Dakota .. .. 3 3 American citizens, or to comply ( )hio ....................... 25 15 and Brown. treaty obligations, we believe th« Oregon .................. 8 ment of the United States should Pennsylvania ...... ............. 64 PLATFORM ADOPTED. use its influence and good office Rhode Island ....... store peace and give independenc South Carolina ... 3 is Protective Turi ft. Reciprocity and the island. South Dakota ....... 8 “ The peace and security of the Tennessee ............. Gold Standard. 24 and ihe maintenance of its right! Texas ..................... ii 12 The platform adopted by the national cnee among the nations of the e Utah ....................... 5 1 mand a naval power commenaur Vermont ................ 8 Republican convention ih a* follows: its position and responsibility. W Virginia ................ 'The republicans of the United States Washington ........ 8 assembled by their representatives in na­ fore, favor the continued enlarge West Virginia __ 12 tional convention, appealing for the popu­ the navy and a complete system < Wisconsin ............. 3 20 lar and historic jus.ideation of their claims and seacoast defenses. 6 "For the protection of the qualii to the matchless achievements of 30 years Arizona .................. 4 1 1 of republican rule, earnestly and confi­ American citizenship and the v 6 New Mexico ........ dently address themselves to the awak­ our workingmen against the fatal Oklahoma ............. 4 2 ened intelligence, experience and con­ tion of low-priced labor, we dem; 6 Indian Territory . science of their countrymen, in the follow­ the immigration laws be thorou, 2 forced and so extended as to excli District of Columbia.......... ing declaration of facts and principles: ntranee to the United States th Alaska ................... 4 Tor the first time since the civil war the American people have witnessed thè | can neither read nor write. Totals .................. 553'a 280» 2 39 "The civil service law was place calamitous consequences of full and unre­ stricted democratic control of the govern- ! statute books by the republics! ment. 1: has been a record of unparal­ 1 which has always sustained it, an i " ew .our repeated declarations tha held in session for ten hoars to accom­ leled incapacity, dishonor an<1 disaster "In administrative management it has j be thoroughly and honestly enfoi plish the work cut ont for it, and the ruthlessly sacrificed indispensable ’revenue | extended wherever practicable. "W e demand that every eitizei scenes at different times were tragic, entailed an unceasing deficit, eked out or­ j 1 United States shall be allowed dinary current expenses with borrowed one free and unrestricted ballot, i dramatic and inspiring. Fully 15,000 P,1,ea Up, the *>ublic debt by S L - ballot be counted and rett people were in the vast auditorium to * '.000 in ¡Imo of peace, forced an adverse such cast. hÌn 0f traetual menace hiss or oheer by turns. "W e proclaim our unqualified co Am** OV,T redemption fund, pawned tion of rhe uncivilized and barban The bolt of the silver men from the American credit to alien syndicates, and | ■ tiee, well known as lynching, o reversed all the measures and results of West furuished the most dramatic in­ successful republican rule, "f human beings suspected or ,*he broad effect of its policy, it ha« with crime, without process of laf cident of the day. Led by Senator "W e favor the creation uf a r a i S w,|h ^ S ,,an!''’ industry closed “ d board of arbitration to settle an Teller, they had previously declared F trade ,|ro|o,,K b" ,", * hted d-.;ire*«iun. differences which may arise betw their intention of refusing to subscribe ployers and employes engaged in 1) to the gold plank in the platform, but, commerce. "W e believe in an immediate f after Senator Teller had made his final the free homestead policy of the appeal to the convention not to take can party, and urge the passa« the step which would drive him and be rescued from the hands of tho«e who gress of the satisfactory free-hfi measure, which has already par have shown themselves Incapable t o ZS , his colleagues out of the ranks of the duct it without disaster at home a n V T house and is now pending in the i party which in the past honored them, "W e favor the admission of fh* ing territories at the earliest and they had delighted to serve, the iate, having due regard to the convention had voted, 8 1 8 'j to 105»,, the territories and the United the federal officers appointed fc to stand by tbe gold declaration in the administration of 1'resident Harr‘iLn ' ** tories should be selected from platform. When Senator Teller made residents thereof, and the rig government should be accordée his declaration, saying: " I must sever .o practicable. my connection with the politioal party "W e believe the citizens should have representation It which makes tbe gold plank one of the gress of the United States, to tl principal articles of its faith ,” he needful legislation may be I enacted. paused and swpet his eyea across the "W e sympathize with all wl=e hall. The galleries rose with a yell, mate efforts to lessen and preve of intemperance and promote n and mingled with the yell was a fusi- "The republican party is min lade of hisses. There was a pathos in rights of women. Protection ol industries includes equal of the senator's voice, and those nearest equal pay for equal work and oould detect a glimmer of tears while to the home. he said theie would be heartburning* “ We favor the admission of wider spheres of usefulness, at and grief in the »acrifloe he and hi* their co-operation in rescuing 1 colleagues were to make for their con­ Individual favoritism"8 dtocrtn,in» “ on and from dmocratlc and populist I ment and misrule. sciences. "Such are the principles and Cheers then came from the silver the republican party. delegates and the gold men were on "R y these principles we will these policies we will put Into their feet from the admiration of the We ask for them the confia! man, not of his cause. The hisse* ment of the American people- alike in the history of our g were few this time. and in the Justice of our cause, No one who witnessed the scenes will our platform and our Candida full assurance that the election forge» them to his dying day, the pio- victory to the republican Part,y » - Ì r À S K Parity io th* people of the x,e ¡ss sjaaav? k a* SSS t K w w T ™