Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, June 18, 1896, Image 6

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    W A S H IN G T O N
r& \< C u l t
£ w lu _j a / v\
• O R V R K .H T a r A M E R IC A N P R E S S A S S O C IA T IO N . !*•*
him in a hard grip, sh<x>k him as a dog
shakes a rat and said through set teeth:
“ You hound, you hound, to threaten
au old man in this dastard fashion! Go
now, but take this word with you— the
i minute you dare to speak of anything in
that miserable post you sign your own
death warrant! It touches me, to«», re-
mcuilx r. 1 w ill shoot you with as little
compunction as 1 would a mail dog.”
As Hawkins reeled down the steps
Allen t unit'd to Major Oveftou.
“ Forgive my intrusion, sir,” he said,
“ or at least hear my errand before you
punish it. You warned me fuirly of the
risk I ran in coming, but in spite of it I
felt that I must see you here at once
again. “
“ W ill you come within to speak?”
Major Overton said, with grave cour­
tesy, leading the way to the small office
Allen remembered so well. The old man
was spent and shaken in spite of his iron
nerve. He sat down heavily, with a long
sigh, and said as though speech were
“ Since our last meeting, Mr. Faunt-
loroy, my opinion of you has changed,
though unluckily fate has put it out of
the power of either of us to change our
course of action. ”
“ You mean we can never lx» friends?
Believe me, Major Overton, if I had
known everything I would never have
dared to thrust my presence upon you.
When I came to know all the wrong you
ly enough, seemed yean younger after
the marriaga
“ No doubt you think I am wander­
ing, garrulous. W ait till 1 am through,
then judge if it lie so. Though my par­
ents always treated Jiucev with the ut­
most kindness, I am sure she hated
them, with the wild, unreasoning hate
of passionate ignorance. If, she reason­
ed, they had not br«raght.her away from
the old home, Bob would be her hus-
band instead of that hated yellow g ir l’s,
though no doubt, had she married him,
she would have been glad after a little
to cast him aside. It was the thwarting
of her passion that gave it force and
constancy. G<xl forgive me i f I wrong
her, but 1 believe my mother died at her
hand of some subtle, suddeu poison; my
young brothers and sisters as well. 1 am
sure, too, that her liaud took away our
deeds, of course by connivance of those
outside, who made away with the rec­
“ So 1 have believed for years. Latter­
ly I have found a clew, faiut, hut tangi­
ble enough to give hope of development.
You s«*c, I speak frankly to you, my en­
emy, for I pay you the complimeut of
feeling that it is safe to do so. ”
“ Surely,” said Allen.
“ Else why
should I be here? It must l>e as you say.
Is this woman still living?”
Major Overton nodded. The other
went on.
“ Yesterday the humor seized me to go
through my grandfather’s secretary. Did
you know him, sir? He must have been
uear your age. ”
Forget?—But that I cannot, though you
With me by Lethe's brink till clo»e of
No waves of dull oblivion, dear, can *u«in
The mem’ry of our happy dream uwuy.
comfort. I .trolled down to tbe Lleuteu-
a n t’s cabin to have a look tit hlui In (be
ew light o
or f u
u ptturu«.
•The door of tuy friend'» cab n waa
Ular us I bail approached a, null wbt
1 Claueed luto the room before kuoih-
tng 1 was surprised to eatcb » «>*<
Engineer I-ashtou standing by tbe side
of the Lieutenant's bunk
The rose of love hath shed her velvet
•The fact of 1 .usinoli'» enmity for
my friend was so undisputed that «1 j»"*
And all our life of joy is dispossessed;
Yet still I claim the sacred right to wear sight of ills ligure iu las enemy » « "
The shrunk und withered blossom uu 1 felt quite justified iu watching »It
was going on before making my l1" '
my breast.
■- li-
In e a across
e r ie
¡ill. v — was
enee known
•d and appare»
Ah! say not when the silver lyre is hush­ his bunk, liiilf lim liw ............
• ■
IV rust «Sleep. .........
was stand-
“ Remember not the tune wherewith it |'„e „ver him with a bottle of some
Murk fluid ill bis hauti, " bile 1 w»tcli-
It is our sweetest pleasure to recall
His song, when death the singer’s voice ed. lie inaile rive small marks with it
.i ,i.... iniiiiV n mi. file opera -
n tli * sleeping man’s arm.
has stilled.
t ion seemed such i i mysterious one that
1 watched him , till he put (lie cork back
into tlic bottl without moving a Htep
to interfere with tin* man, but 1
pollllriol upon him us lie turtle m I to leave
Vance was u true prophet. When it
caino out that in» jierraa&ioii, no counsel,
could win Major Overton to accept A l­
len FaunHeroy’s surrender, that he per­
sisted in leaving that fatal cloud on tho
title, Hawkins fell first into a foaming
rage, later into a hard eyed, sharp edged
anger that augured ill for whoever
might chance to be held in his power.
Y et Hawkins was not ordinarily bad
Indeed he reckoned himself
among the most generous and forbearing
o f mankind, especially when bethought
o f Major < Herton, whose secret he had
so faithfully kept through all these
years of warfare.
“ The most miserable time l ever had the eahili.
•• •"'lint oil eurtll hove you bei- iln
To think that now the major could be
In ray life,” said Dr. Macpherson one
so selfish, could set his own foolish no­
day as we sat chatting in his cosy ingV' 1 usked nneeis inouloiisly. mill the
tion of right and honor above the music
drawing-room, “ was spent iu a gun­ fellow seemed rather taken ulmek.
•• -it is only n pruetlenl Joke,' lie said,
o f jingling gold in both pockets— Haw­
boat off the coast of Guinea. 1 began
kins’ pockets! Clearly he ought to lx»
my professional life as a surgeon iu with i. feeble attempt lo smile uueo.i-
reminded of what he owed to tho disap­
the navy, you know.”
pointed attorney; made to understand
•• Moke or no Joke. I demand to see
I did not know, but as the Doctor
that knowledge, especially of family
seemed intent on telling the story 1 what is in that bottle.' I said unthorltu-
skeU •tons, is always power.
' lively, my mind full of mysterious poi­
did not interrupt him by saying so.
had suffered raff ex* yet, I felt that it
So reasoned Mr. Hawkins as he made must henceforth be the purpose of my
“ Wo bad been cruising about In the sons. and tile engineer bunded it over
away to Ridgeley one brigl t day when life to help you to your own. ”
Mediterranean,” he went on, "when we tamely.
"The Isittle eoaiutiieil nothing hut
July hail slipped into golden August.
“ He was six months younger, ” Major were unexpectedly ordered to the Bay
The old man looked at him with a
Either hand the fields lay ripe and lush. long, farsecing gaze, saving: “ It is my Overtoil said. “ W e played together in o f Lagos to overawe some iniserahl«* ink."
• Ink:" 1 exclaimed when the great
A ll the world was bright with summer’s own— justly, honorably my own— but I short frocks and got our first trousers at little tribe near the const which had
most radiant smile. Hawkins heeded it must prove it. I will. I cm take it on no the same time, but he did not come out not been behaving Itself as a properly brain specialist reached this point ill
as little as though blindness veiled bis man’s sufferance. I would not lift a fin­ until after my father’s death. Naturally, regulated little tribe under the protec­ Ids narrative, aud Macpherson smiled
tion o f the British empire ought to do. in a peculiarly quiet way he lias when
eyes. He saw only precious yellow gold ger to take it all, save that I must do it then, we met only iu the courts. ”
vanishing forever, held from his hand to clear my father’s name. ”
“ I remember him well, a slim, tall Kakoga’s tribe, It was called, and Ivu- he has perfectly mystified a hearer.
"Yes. ordinary ink." in* went on.
by an obstinate old man, whom he wish­
“ Do you not care for fortune?” young man, of whom I was very much afraid, koga came in for a good share of honest
ed heartily “ dead mid done with it a ll,” Fauntleroy asked.
but one who impressed me always as the abuse from the officers and men of the "The disc overy naturally made me feel
not from any personal grudge, but sim­
Dragon Fly, when our orders came. rather foolish, hut not so much ns it
soul uf honor,” Allen said reflectively.
The major touched his white hair.
ply by way of setting right ¡gi inconven­
The worst of it was, as far as the offi­ would have done if I had not been
Major Overton’s mouth hardened.
“ W hy should I?” he said. “ I am old,
ient complication.
“ N o doubt he was, as he read such cers and men were concerned, that we convinced still that his aetloti was ill
old. Could fortune bring back one year,
A ll the way he told himself over and •ne day even, that it has lost me? Hou- things,” he said, “ but men of his stamp were not at unity among ourselves. some way a malicious one. \\ lint his
ever the story of his wrong, his deserv­
6t*c all things through the medium of The engineer, called Lashton, had been Idea could he. however, It was impossi­
ing. By the time he came into Major
I their own inclinations. Ho was hard, disappointed in love, and was naturally ble for me to divine and I felt so curious
Overton’s presence he was so full of
; selfish, grasping, so much so that it morose in consequence. What made about It that I should have roused my
wrath as to lose sight of discretion.
seems impossible you eau be his grauil- him more so was the fact that his suc­ friend at once to Inquire how five black
The major sat at ease within tho nar­
cessful rival was the sub-lieutenant, an marks on his arm could possibly affect
I boil ’ ’
row front portico listening to the county
Was his father like him?” asked A l­ aw fully nice fellow, and the only man Ids happiness if lie had not looked so
news which Dare read in scraps from
on board that I cared for. Lieut. Gllby thorn lghly worn out and in need of
the local papers. Through the long hall
had met Miss Callan at Malta, and had sleep As soon as I -Ashton lead gone 1
The* major shook his head.
came the drone of mammy’s wheel from
“ No. He was a weak, good natureil, become engaged to lier without th.* left the cabin at once for fear of dis­
the back piazza. Under a rosebush, a lit­
I obstinate man, who needed always to least idea that the engineer laid inten­ turbing the sleeper, without stopping
tle to one side of the door, Jubilee sat
have his mind made up far him, though tions that way, not that it would have even to try and remove the Ink stains, a
polishing kniv«*s by rubbing them hard
| once it was made up heaven nor earth made any difference to him if lu* had, I piece of stupidity at which 1 have not
in the fresh earth at its root.
suppose. I »ash ton’s unconcealed en­ ceased to wonder. You see it was Im­
could change it. ”
Hawkins looked at all of it with a
“ Do you think he was deceiveil into mity against him made life on board possible for me to guess how desper­
contemptuous eye— it was so poor and
I claiming land to which he had no title?” pretty unpleasant, and divided us into ately serious the plot was that the en­
rough, poverty stricken almost, beside
“ No, but that he was cheated into two cliques. The Lieutenant's clique, gineer hud formed against the man
his gorgeous imaginings of what might
| paying for land that belonged to another consisting of himself and me, certain­ whom he considered Ids rival. 1 re­
so easily be in its stead. Very deliberate
ly had the liveliest time of it, for the tired to my own cabin, opposite Qilby's,
! man. ”
ly 1*3 flung his reins over the limb of a
“ Then, in your judgment, both side's successful suitor of Miss Callan was the keeping the door open to make sure that
near maple, got down and walked to tin*
were victims. Have you any idea how merriest fellow on earth, and while we IJishton did not return to do more mis­
unhewn stone ste|>s, paused with a foot
were In the Mediterranean we suffered chief, but I made a poor .sentry. 1 was
it camo about?”
upon the lowermost one and said in deep­
very little from the engineer’s hostility. tired out, like the young Lieutenant,
“ Ideas! Plenty, but no proofs. ”
est chest tones:
“ Then perhaps this may lx* of value, ” But directly we steamed off for Lagos through not having hail my proper
“ Good day, major. I ’d like a little
Allen said, holding out a packet of yel­ a most remarkable change came over amount of rest for four nights, and I
talk with you this morning. W ill you
low papers covered with faded script. my friend, and he turned as taciturn as fell asleep, still wondering about lice
come out with me, or shall 1 come ill?”
five blank marks.
“ / in'// shoot you with as littlr compunc­ “ Here are some letters betwixt my great Lashton himself.
“ Good «lay, sir. Be seated,” Major
grandfather and his Tennessee lawyer,
tion an I would n mod day.”
“ It puzzled me to discover the reason,
"When 1 awoke, I do not know how
Overton said, rising courteously to w el­
estly, now that I find what stuff you detailing the purchase of the land and for though all were sorry to leave the long after. It was to find tillhy stand-
come the guest, at sight of whom Dare
Mediterranean, still it was not like lug In my room, half undressed, as 1
are made of, I am sorry that I cannot giving the original locator’s name. ”
hail vanished.
“ Lot me see it. Quick, quick!” Major Gllby to sulk over it. He could not see had seen him In his hunk, bill with his
leave Von in peaceful possession, even
Hawkins climbed the three steps in
Overtoil ulm<»st shouted. Allen laid a less of his fiancee than he had been shirt sieve buttoned up over the ink
when I remember whose son you are.”
front of him with the ixmderous tread
doing for two or three months, and we stains on his arm. 1 was too full of
“ You forget your grandchild,” A l­ finger upon one blurred line, saving:
o f au angry man and sat heavily down
“ There it is— Bruce Stirling!”
had the prospect before us of a small sleep, however, to notice the fact at tho
ien said, halting ever so slightly over
in a big splint chair, dropp'd his hat
“ W hat!” Major Overton fell back, fight, for which he had been wishing. time, or even to remember for the mo­
the word.
upon the floor and said, brushing over
Lashton suggested to me in his sinister ment anything about what 1 had seen.
The major shook his heaiL
his mustache a fine, scented cambric
“ Bruce Stirling,” Alleu repeated. way that It was the prospect of fight­ Nlepy ns I was, I could not help no­
“ No, but what can a girl do with
money? It is oftener than not a curse to “ Do you know him? Did you ever hear ing which caused the change in my ticing the look of complete misery and
“ You are surprised, I know, toseeine, her, makes her the prey of fortune hunt­ of him?”
friend, and though I answered the sug­ despair on my friend's face. He was
major, but my surprise is that I haven’t
“ Bruce Stirling! I see it all now. Y'es, gestion in the tone it deserved, still it standing at the side of my hunk, hold
ers, drives deserving lovers away. Be­
come before. ”
lieve me, young man, the trouble of tho I have heard of him. Nothing to his seemed the only explanation.
ing an envelope, and when I started
A deep line ilrew in betwixt Major world comes through and to women. credit. Why, he was said to have been
“ Gllby said, when I asked him. that up. rubbing my eyes, he put it luto my
Overton's brows, but he said, with no Why, there is, in my judgment, a wom­ one of the Mart'll gang. He was know’ll
It w’as the weather, and the irritation hand.
hint of impatience in his tone:
an at the Ixittom of this disagreement to be gambler, blackguard, spendthrift, with which ho answered prevented mo
“ '1 am glad you are awake, Mac­
“ Indeed! Then you must have urgent
of ours. ”
continuing my inquiries and made me pherson,' he said, in a strangely con­
“ Indeed! Tell me who she is or was?”
more than ever convinced that It wim strained tone. 'I wanted to ask you to
“ I have, ” said Hawkins, uncrossing
name. I f this had appeared, the fraud ’funk,’ and a very severe form of the do me a favor. Will you give this letter
Allen said, with a great start.
his legs and setting both fi*et firm on the
“ You forget 1 have yet to hear what
disease, too. In fact, lie took very little to Miss Callan personally when you .us­
floor. Leaning forward, In* continued:
brought you to me this morning,” Ma­ that knew him. Plainly he conspired pains to conceal It.
her? 1 do not want to take the risk of
“ The fact is, major, you haven’t used jor Overton said, looking keenly at the to sell what he did not owti , got the
“ ‘I hope to goodness that I shall not sending it by mail.’
me well in this last turn of affairs. You other
Fanntleroy money, then forged and stole have to go on shore,’ he said, when we.
'* 'Hut you will see her yourself as
know’, for I sent you word through H il­
“ Let me speak after you,” Allen re­ to put them in possession of another had nearly reached our destination. *1 soon as I shall.’ 1 said in surprise at tin-
dreth, how 1 stand regarding this sale, plied eagerly. “ It may lx* one story w ill man's property. ”
wish the commander would lead the request, nnd (illhy dhl not reply. In­
yet just for a ehinieru you set yourself illuminate tin* other. ”
“ But how?” asked Allen. “ It seems party and leave me here to look after
stead, he turned and walked out of the
against everything. I f it meantnothing
to me tho most foolhardy villain would the ship.’
cabin, leaving me staring at tin- letter
to anybody but yourself. I ’d agn*e you
“ ‘It is not likely,* I answered, gruf­ in my hand and wondering what It
had a perfect right to act— well, tho fool
“ I dare say yon think 1 mean my tain detection. ”
fly. and I was glad that Lush ton was meant. I was so stupid witli sleep still
i f it suited you. But taking money out
mother. I know it has lx*en said she was
not about to overbear him. I answered that it took me two minutes to think
o f my pocket is another thing. Do you
the prime cause of this fend. But she ton said. “ He would have risked hell bis next suggestion more gruffly still. of any explanation nt all. When I did
think it is quite square, considering all
had nothing whatever to do with it,
“ ‘I suppose you would not like to l was out of my hunk and running
you owe me?”
though 1 believe she declined tho honor to spend in this one. And old Isaac, certify that 1 ought to l>e on the sick across to the opposite cabin in a second.
The last words were s]H>keu very low.
of becoming your grandmother, ” Major
(1st. would you. Maepliersou?' be usk“d Just ill time, too, for Gllby was in the
but Major Overton caught their full
Overton said, sinking wearily back in Y’es, and 1 remember now it was said me, hesitatingly.
act of locking his door when 1 burst it
meaning. He but up very straight, and
his chair. After a minnto ho went on:
“ I refused, flatly.
open and rushed in without ci-remon
lightning bogau to play under his pent
” 1 was born in Carolina; was a stout tramped over to see his worthless ex-
1 he fact that the young Lieutenant's
house brows. Gripping hard the wooden
lad of 8 when wo came over the moun­ master. Apart from his knavish tend­ bis fear l might have aeted differently,
revolver and n couple of letters, one of
arms of his chair, he saiil, not loudly,
tains, so 1 rememlx*r very well how encies, Stirling hated my father, who, for he looked 111 enough, poor fellow.
but with a riug of defiance:
them addressed to me, were lying on the
Jincey, my mother’s maid, moaned and as a coiuity magistrate, had once sent E ls face had grown quite white ami
“ N o doubt, Mr. Hawkins, right and
table, served to assure me that my fen rs
wept on the way. and how the other lie- him to jail. This was his revenge, a bit­ wan slnee we started.
honor are to you but chimeras, not a
were not ungrounded. The first thing
grot's laughed and said tauntingly that ter one indeed. Tell me, is there more
“ I looked whiter still next day when 1 did was to secure the revolver. Then
feather's weight in the scale against
she was crying for her sweetheart, who than one reference to him in these let­ he had to go in eotnmnnil of the landing I turned to my friend.
hard cash. Unfortunately fur you, 1 see
had been loft behind, though my father ters?”
party, whieh I ai'eompanled, of course.
differently. As to uny obligation that
"*\\hnt the devil are you going to
“ Several, I think. It is, I know, men­
tried hard to bring him. Bob’s master
“ When we were fairly embarked on shoot yourself for?' I demanded, blunt­
1 may l»e under, i f money or material
was w illing to part with him, but Bob tioned that he has gone to Texas, so the enterprise Ills one idea seemed to bo
advantage can discharge it, then it dues
himself, it seems, had another string to cannot testify. He is mentioned only to get It over with all [Hiss!Me speed,
not exist. ”
"Gllby made no attempt to deny bis
his bow. A t any rate, ho declined to in the deeds under tho disguise of and the haste with which he advano-d Intention.
Hawkins rose up in white fury.
leave Carolina for a new, unknown an agent and attorney. My great grand­ to Kakoga's country would have beou
“ Do you mean to say that I lie?” ho
“ 'I am sorry you have disturbed me
country, and six months later some ouo father refers, too^ to his ‘disinterested Impossible if the men under him had
roared. “ Wouldn’ t yon have paid all
wrote my mother that he had married services’ as a reason for sparing him all not themselves been so anxious to get Maepl erson.' he said, with perfect cool­
and men* than all you were worth to
tho yellow maid of his young master’« annoyance in the matter. So 1 fancy Into action nnd Introduce a little change ness, 'because It cannot make any dif
keep people from haaring that your only
ference.’ ”
wife. Jincey was just 18 then, a slim, Stirling had been at some pains to cover j Into the monotony of life on a gunboat.
daughter w illfully, knowingly, ran away
"And the reason?" I asked, with in­
supple, stealthy thing, quick as a flash his track. ”
“ However, the change was less than terest. for the Doctor had paused to
w ith a married man?-By tho Lord, sir.
in all her movements. When my mother
they shall hoar it, with proof, too, such
light another cigarette. Macpherson
[ continued .]
told her the newt that Bob was married,
for, the miserable little tribe did not blew a whiff of smoke from his mouth,
proof its cannot 1« push* l aside, unless
she got ashy and staggered against the
show fight, nnd our business was soon and continued his story.
you listen to reason. I ’ ve been easy with
MU« U nri» A. C. lin g he*.
wall, hut said no word. The next Satnr
you, your friend so long, you forgot,
Miss Laura A. C. Hughes, who was accomplished. In five days from the
" I suppose you have never heard of
day night she was married to old Isaac
time we left the Dragon F ly we were a disease called 'Guinea madnessV " he
didn’ t you, how 1 ootild cut your pride?
Boll, the most famous conjurer in the recently graduated from Tufts college,
Now make your oh<*i«*o and be quick
asked, and when I shook my head he
country, a hideous, toothless old fellow, has been a noted hospital worker in Ba­
about i t I ’ m not Uf (ho humor to stand
except that we were all worn out by went on:
who looked all of 80. My mother tried ton and has had charge of a dispensary
any more of your tfrs. “
"Neither had 1 until Gllby told me
in vain to change her purpose. Jincey in that city. During the G. A. R. on
Both men hail risen and stood faeo to
“The Lieuteuant seemed more ox about It, although 1 am a doctor. It Is
swore that she loved him; had no use for | campment iu B«>stou she established au
face. Major <M o n ' i jaw was like iron,
one of those strange diseases that limit
young niggers. So shohad her way, ami emergency hospital, one of the first in
his eyes deadly» but his hands hung at
as he had received the congratulations themselves luckily to a particular dis­
old Ike Ixvame a nightly visitor, his Boston. She has been elected a member
his side, his tutor was low and even a-*
trict. and is only found among a few
master's plantation lying broadside to of the Massachusetts Medical s o c k iy.
he said:
to his berth. What surprised me was tribes along the const of Guinea It is
ours. Soon Jincey became so slow und Besides her regular work in the medical
“ Under my roof, Mr. Hawkins, you
generally thought that Europeans can
careless about her duties that my mother school Miss Hughes is a graduate of tho
say what you please. Repeat your threat*
provement after the chance of fighting not take It, but the Idea is an erroneous
said to her, ‘ I f you cannot do better, 1 training school for nurses connected with
away from it, 1 w ill answer them a*
was at an end. It seemed to me us if one. or, at any rate, there are excetv
must put you to spuming. ’ ‘ Dat a wliut (he city hospital, she having served a
they deserve. ”
he were still expecting some calamity tions. for Lieut. Gilby's father died of
I want,’ she said sullenly, and from that term in rath ward, and owing to ef
“ You shall suffer for thus, ” Hawkins
to happen to him. and I began to won­ It when my friend was a hov of lo H's
day forward she spent her time in her ficieney Lad charge for a long time of
said, turning upon his heels.
der whether there might not t>e some­ father was captain of a trading vessel
cabin. She was a sw ift worker when she the male surgical ward. She is a mem
“ No, you w ill,” said Allen Fanntle chose. Often her task was «lone bv noon.
thing seriously wrong with his health
City IIi*«pital clnh. She stud
nnd the Lieutenant was aeeompanvin-
^fey, who had come unheard of either Afterward she nxmaxl woods and field»,
to account for all that had surprised me him on s voyage when they called at
at St Margaret s hospital. which
A n test ant and stood a boro three feet
•taying away sometime* till after mid- Dno of the n,ort exacting institutions in In his manner. This explanation which the Guinea roast. He therefore saw i.is
•w ay
night Tho other negroes stood in mor-
•»d she also took the teachers’ had not occurred to me while there nos father In all the Indescritmlile a „nv
any real danger, struck me forcibly,
“ Stand «side, ” said Hawkins furious
tal terror of her; suid she was a worse
Hemenway gymnasium
of the disease, which seems more'lik',-
now that we were safe on the gunboat,
ly. trying to shoulder past Allen caught ootijuxvr than her old husband, who, odd- huder Dr. Sargent— New \ ork Tribune.
hydrophobia than anything else si
nnd. as soon as I had enjoyed the Inx- though It is infectious.
’ V
sny of a bath aftar my five days of dl*-
"lU e si.ht made a great Impression
on liitn, and, since bl. constitution -
quite similar to hi. father'., hr
way. suffered from au almost
urul terror of the Guinea coast, a,
quite persuaded that If he ever »
ashore there lie would catch the
eutfe and die like his father. Ijtshc
it seems, was aware of this monoisir
of Ills, for it almost amounted to m
"And lie had really caught the
ease?” 1 asked.
Macpherson smiled. "IU- though l
hail. The first symptom is the
atm- of small dark marks ou tin-am
leg " IIIII Mall Budget.
Knjrlisli r»*vU'vvt»rH Ini'
lh*rlH'rt S|H'U«H'r aiul .lumi'H Bryce *
tin* jM.sxihli* uuthorn o f tlu* anonyijl0(
reply (»» Max Norilau, t'litltlixl “Hq:
Sii*|>li»,n Cram* now announces that
liia Hint hook, “ Maggie, a titrl of th*
Streets,” was not refused by a long li»
of publishers, for the reason that b|l
never offered It to any of them, but
published it himself.
Clinton Seollard has resigned hlup^
fesHorship of English literature at Hua.
lit«>n College, and Intends to drv.jii
more time to writing. He 1ms writiw
an eple «»f tin* American Indian, whki
will l»e printed in the autumn.
The fuel that Dr. Conan I>oyle is^
ing to tlu* Soudan for a Loudon Joj
iuil has astonished many people, Cc
Doyle, however, says that the dellghr
of newspaper work are equal to any)
thing that successful novel-writing|J
(icorge \V. Cable explains that 1£J
story, "Madame I)elphlneN” was writtc
in response to a request from a qua
rooii who had read “ ’Tlte Fouletuh
that la* would present tin* ease of qua*
rooii women more clearly, and "tellb
whole truth.”
As a sister volume to the handson
"Song of Songs,” Elbert llubbarili
ef the ridllstlne and the Roycroi
printing shop In East Aurora, N. Y.,
fringing out “ The Journal of Koi
h*th: Being a Reprint of the Book
E« <*leslast(*s: With an Essay.”
The London Times is suing the C;
tml News Company, charging that"
dispatches regarding the Jaiianea** wti
whieh were supplied by the Cent
News were iu some eases entirely fat!
Heated, and in other eases largely
tered ami expanded, and that by pui.
fishing them the Times suffered in
The Societe des Gens de Lettres h
made with an advertising agent «c
tract, by the terms of whieh Fmtf
iMioks are
contain several leaves:
advertisements of all sorts. Theae *i
be Ixrand ku the hack covers of evetj
volume. The money earned from t
contract by the society is to be applif.
to its authors’ pension fund.
John Bonner gives this as the lar,
guage of a British officer lately retu
ed from India: "K ipling? Oh, yw,
know him very well. Dirty little blaci
guard! Used to go up to Simla when
was full of army men and officials'
the civil service, and used to bar
round the billiard tables and veram
to listen to everything that was «
and printed It ail in a dirty little pt|
of which lu* was a reporter—a anei
and an eavesdropper; a dirty liti
blackguard. You never could tell a:
cret among his friends that ho did DC
ferret It out and print it. And hedm,
us so that tin* portraits were uiimistal
able, by Jove. A dirty little blackguar
sir; a chee*ohee.”
'I’la* London Chronicle prints the 5
lowing extraordinary statement: »
had not thought that It would evert
our unpleasant duty to deal with M
Robott Buchanan personally in tbe.
columns. A letter, however, which*
addressed recently to tbe Star cod W l
ing this paper compels us to make
brief, but, we think, sufficient eomm^
Mr. Buchanan’s letter, so far as It >
late« to our criticism o f ‘Jude the1
seure,’ is a lie from beginning to
Having characterized Mr. Buchans1
letter, we beg him to understand that
columns are not open to him for an
pression of opinion upon this or •
other matter. The only method oft
munication In future between ourseit
ami this gentleman will be through
Of Mrs. Gertrude Atherton’i
Whirl Asunder,” the Critic says:
author brings together a strong, nr
well-poised young Englishman, wbo
engaged to a homely English girl, i
a capricious Californian, whose will
her law, and who has never beencJ
ed in her wishes and whims. Shefc
in love with the Englishman, of cott
and lie with her; but loyalty surd*
and the girl lacks, at the last nonT
the courage to win him by the nr
which Arabella employed to winJ
All this hapens under t lie Califor^
redwoods, and more or less under e
auspices of the Bohemian Club of“
Francisco, which we do not hold
sponsible, however, for this ^
asunder, nnd still less for the *
together that preceded It.”
Not W orth a llu«»h.
AVhen one says of anything I
“ not worth a straw,” one n
imply that It Is worthless. T
saying was "not worth a mi
this brings out the origin of tin
In tlie days before carpets it
custom to strew the floor witt
When guests of rank were enh
rushes, green, fresh and swe
spread for them; but folk of 1«
gree hail to be content with rus
Lad already been used, while s1
bier persons hail none, as nut
Ing worth a rush.