VETÉKANH’ REUNION AND ENCAMPMENT, TH E H ATCH ET. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. G ov’t Report. Entered at the po at-office at Forest Grove. Or. a* r»econd-cla*a mail mutter j FO K standard it EST m > O RO c a te fu ’. iy VE, .H Lï U 'A « A!S J> 4 m at m am taius ! is c o in in g to be ap p recia ted and the ■ VJhc : ic w o rth o f its 'd e g r e e s is Leing prop- i crly re c o g n ize d V*-* - COÍ.E. P H V S 1C ? ' ■ TERMS TO SUBSCRIBER* Fustame Free One yeni t»ix m onth» Th ree m onth« C O M M KM< EM KN T. In Act ranee. EeMbliehed for the dieeeminatiun o f W eehing ton county new«, the elevetiou o f humentty end the m oney we enn make. Heme Of general internet gratefully recrirerl Editor’, hobblee end opinion, on thin page. ell th e reet fec te -lm p ertlel end uncolored. j©eag?© absolutely pure i*aUED EVERV WEEK 1!» THE YEAR ON THURSDAY FROM THE HATCHET PRINTER V. I f you tail to receive your'paper it will be a favor if you will notify ue at once. A U S T IN C R AIG E d it o * Ann PnorniKTOK. eadable R e l ia b l e . E ig h t P ages W eekly EPUBLICAN T h e H A T C H E T litis th e L a r g e s t C ir c u la t io n o f a n y n e w s p a p e r In W a s h in g t o n C o u n ty . A LYING NEWSPAPER. I al W. C ustorhi is I ) r . Sam u el P it c h e r * » p r e s c r ip t io n fo r I m * ,/ * ? 1 am i C h ild r e n . I t co n ta in s n e i t h e r O p iu m , M o rp h in «*,*’“" ^ , it o th e r N a rc o tic substance. I t is u h a rm le s s substit®, its fo r P a r e g o r ic , D ro p s , S o o th in g S y ru p s , a n d Castor rule of faith. He believes the re­ I t is P le a s a n t. Its g u a r a n te e is t h i r t y years* m, k j t publican party is the only true M illio n * o f M oth e rs . C a s to r ia is t h e C h ild r e n ’ * P a n * , , :_ Up friend of silver and that its masses —th e M o th e r ’ s F rie n d . will assert themselves and dethrone the gold-usurpers who have largely Castorio. Castoria. possessed themselves of the party Castori» cure« Colic, Constipttioc, ••C antori» Uso writ ad apt« ! to children th at machinery and support themselves I recommend It as superior t««ny prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhea*, Eructatio* kills Worms, gives »deep, 4,,,] by packed primaries, slated conven­ ItnoAn to me." II. A. Attendi, M. !>., gestion, Ill ; o. Oxford f t., Brooklyn, S. Y. tions and like scaly political meth­ Y/ilhout. injurious medication. to 4P ods. .trect *■ The e ■• * * * Co", »ria * i, so oniremal and It is not true that “ Mr. Craig “ For several years I have its mèrli t.o »•< ¡1 tutor.n that it scorns a work it. iVw uro the your ‘ Castoria,’ and shall alwin of superen gallon to e: printed and had circulated among ut l:*v:> Castoria intelligent farv.":-. w.. do bo aa it has invariably produced b« the members of the A. P. A. a cir­ results." witiiia e—y reach." E dw in F. P abdi *, m . d C.... ::. u : ty . n , I). I)., cular, blacklisting a number of men lifith Street and ?th Ave., 1 * ^ New York City. on the republican ticket, including - Tuie C kntauh C o m pany , 77 M urray 8-nutrr, N ew T o *! the supreme judge, congressman, people would call it a steal) of $70 Those completing the academy course and joint senator” . No one of in printing the ballots, the difference were: Alfred Deihl Schoch, Mary Clark, these candidates was blacklisted between the charge this year and Frank H irdin Adams, Florence Belle Edwards, Osa Clark Gariington, Lorena nor any such attempt made. I f two years ago fo r the same work. Gleason, Lvnti Laiictfield, Jessie Lanct- Mr. Gault will inquire o f the lead- The H a t c h e t is well posted on field, Fred Ward Fuelling, Winifred ing one of these candidates he can several other matters and will Marsh, Harold Alva Rands, Thaddeus easily ascertain the truth of this gladly talk them over with the In­ Sweek, Elua Walker, Klva Walker, Ed­ Probably he already knows he has dependent if that journal cares to ward Rutherford Whitlock. THE l e a d i n g d r u g g i s t OF WASHINGET o »» been telling a falsehood. continue the discussion. UOl’ NTY, Carries the Largest Stock of Drugs in;r“~~ It would be hard to convince a man In the second circular mentioned Grove and will Meet Prices that may be made by IrHOM suffering from bilious colic that his which he claims to reprint, he pur­ THE TYRANT’S WAY. one. Don't he humbugged, but eall on a Reliable! agony is due to a microbe with an un- posely leaves out a part of the num­ pronouncable name. But one dose oi gist of Experience. bers referring to candidates in or­ The ban recently placed by the De W itt’s Colic & Cholera Cure will der to create a wrong impression Spanish government on Free convince him of its power to afford in­ and give color to his misstatement Masons in Cuba brings to mind stant relief. It kills pain. J. C. Clark, that it was untrue that this was a numerous similar struggles for lib­ druggist. list of people who were being op­ erty recorded in modern history. Reduced Rates. Iii Memory of Otis Haycock. Republican Ratification. posed because they were claimed to Meetings of lodges were prohibited Those contemplating gorç W h e r e a s , The Supreme Ruler of the Friday evening the republicans cele­ Universe has removed from our midst should call on or address tin be in sympathy with the principles as hostile to the govrnment and brated a clean sweep in the recent elec­ Pacific city ticket office, 135% our friend Otis llaycock, he it of the organization. plotting places for conspirators. tion. Anvils were booming and the Resolved, As an offering of our regrets Portland, for rates to the folli The Independent admits that the The Masonic institution has ever band playing early in the evening. A and a token of our respects and fraternal | nigs: H a t c h e t supported the republican been the advocate of liberty and large number of people were present. sympathies that ill the untimely death of Republican National Cooiof H ticket. It is true it did and, like never where it has gained a foot­ Hon. T. II. Tongue, congressman-elect, our friend, Council 181, Mountain View, j Louis, M o., June 16. Ann. made a speech from the balcony of the everything else it goes into, it did hold D em ocratic National cos has it rested satisfied Ingles building. He scored the populists is sensible of a great loss, and while we until the equality of all in caustic terms and administered a bow with submission to the decree of the I Chicago, Ills., July 7. it heartily Peoples party convention, ui Through I .stinging rebuke to the republicans who inevitable, we realize that the order has Mr. Craig went into the republi­ men was recognized. lost an able supporter. j can S ilver convention, St. Lea can convention with no affiliations its lodges the United States achieved by their desertion of their party’s can­ Resolved , That in his death, while we July 12. that could in any wav interfere its independence, France freed her- didate had allowed a populist to come recognize with bowed heads the solem­ National Convention You:; with his allegiance to the republican self, Brazil and the other republics | so near defeating him. Mr. Tongue's nity of time’s decree, dust to dust, ashes Society C hristian Endeavor, I j treatment of the money question was party, he worked for every one and of the world gained their present clear and unequivocal, holding up to i to ashes, as members of this Council, we ton, I). C ., Ju ly 7th to 13th. did not work against a single one of; form of government. Garibaldi’s ridicule the silver fallacy. How any one | shall ever mourn the memory of our be­ National Educational the candidates on the republican work in Italy, and the efforts of could have been in doubt as to which loved friend, and to those nearer and meeting, Buffalo, N . Y ., July3! | dearer we offer our fraternal sympathies Encam pm ent Grand Army a ticket. The Independent’s dis- Kossuth for Hungary were other side of the question he was on passes in our great bereavement. public, St. Paul, Minn.,Septe«l| comprehension if his campaign speeches quisition on political honesty has manifestations of Masonry, Resolved, That these resolutions be R. W . B a x t e r , Genenli were anything like this one after elec no application here and only calls The action of the Spanish govern- recorded in the records of this Council, i tion. The greater part of his remarks forth derision coming from so no- ment is what despotic power has was devoted to expressing his opinion of and that a copy he sent the family of our torious a source. often resorted to, only to find that a man who would accept a position on deceased friend, and one to the news­ paper for publication. Another of the many inaccuracies the desire for liberty is not to be a ticket and then work against it. Such J. M. L. Vincent, 1 a one he said there was in this county in this tissue of falsehoods is saying crushed, but is planted so deep in Mat Haines, and community. He hoped that in future ral 1 * that Mr. Craig approached people, human hearts that death alone can II. G. Parsons, contests the enemy would be in front supporting the republican ticket, remove it. Committee. i instead of behind the back with a dag- for “ assistance” . The chairman ger. Such an action he considered po­ litically dishonest and he had never .Small in size, but great in results. of the republican state central com- THE SOLDIERS AT ASTORIA, The last place to gel »BO RO been able to distinguish between per­ De \\ itt s Little Early Risers act gently mittee was told that if the commit­ supplies until yon reach ' I but thoroughly, curing indigestion, dys­ sonal dishonesty and political dishonesty. tee could assist bv advancing a cer- ^ *le Oregon National G uardis lutnook. I can v afnlllwl He spoke with feeling and so distinctly pepsia ami constipation. Small pill, safe tain amount for a time a democratic worth a11 il costs l ust for the feelin8 ! that «very syllable was audible, though pill, best pill. J. C. Clark, druggist. i Dry Goods and Groce newspaper would be taken up of secunt>- it gives at such times as his voice was not raised to a strained then, otherwise it would be neces- l*le Present- I he state can well , pitch. President Macrurn of the Mc- Patent Medicines. q j ,- Pasturage for Stork, sary to wait until after election. afford to carry this insurance on the j K in ley Club presided. The enthusiasm riv e hundred acres good grass, living Cigars and T roL | lasted long into the night. A newspaper should not be ex ­ property and lives of its citizens. water, no barbed-wire fences, stock Saturday afternoon over a thousand The guard has made a very cred­ salted once a week without extra charge. Fishing Tackle and all pected to do everything. The people came in to the ratification at supplies for a camp H a t c h e t is a business enterprise. itable showing at Astoria and their Hillsboro. Anvils were fired, four bands Horses *1.00, cattle 75c per head per month. Rates on four or more head. It is willing to and does do a great presence will check the assasina- ; furnished music ami there was a general Horses left here well he sent to the S arge Mr. Tongue addressed the deal for the party, and does it tions that have been going on. While parade. pasture, No scrub bulls or stallions large assemblage, following the same gratuitously. The action proposed the fishermen may not have been taken. Care taken to prevent accidents G A L E S CREEK line as in his remarks of the previous or escapes, but will be responsible for would not have made any difference the direct cause of those cowardly evening at the Grove. none. to the H a t c h e t , but would have murders, yet the unsettled condi­ Greenville also had enthusiastic cele­ Administrator's Sale of N 1 Edward J. Naylor. materially benefited the republican tion has made opportunity for them. brations coming earlier than those at N o tic e is h e r e b y given, that. . May 1st, 1896. f orest Grove Or. With the soldiers at hand Clatsop the Grove and Hillsboro. ord er an d d e c re e o f th e County loom party. ington C o u n ty , Oregon, ,na“ c.*“L June 7. iHq*. a u th o riz in g so«]j As to the indignation expressed county is likely to have peace. in in istra to r o f th e estate of Man» Exeentor’n Notice. We »re anxiout to : from an d a fte r J u ly 6, IS#- ^ or better way to do it than by recom­ »a«hnwi„n t'ountv, eienitor of th f!n a d m in istr a to r o f th e above nam’ appropriated to ,increas- *nK and improving the guard. ---------- ------- COMMENCEMENT IS OVER. -------- Commencement has come and gone, »nd with it the students and visitors. Each returning gradua- Uon l'me brings lresh evidence of fbe regard of the former students of Tualatin Academy and Pacific Uni- versity for their college parent, Many of them were present wel- coming the recent addition, to the alumni body. The year just closed has been a prosperous one and the outlook for the coming year is bright with promise. T . A . and P. U. is firmly fixed in the favor of the people of the Pacific Northwest. The high low neglected colds. gist. J. C. Clark, drug­ th îlleo,T;n’ ‘, ' t H ,'^ i,^ ( è n* Grand Lodge of Masons. aealnst hereby requeued and required t i / T ïl Î Î * '1** Rre groper v"„„,vr,.w„h,n The Grand Lodge of Oregon, A. F. and Executor of the In.t win *1 ’ , ' I KEll, John w stïowbrtV. deeîÏÏeU <‘n,*,i‘ 10-14 of A. M., convened in Portland, last week. ore»t Omve, Orenoii, June 10. ¡¡¡M. The following grand officers were elected Master, Philip Metschan; deputy master H. Hobson; senior warden, J. B. Cleland; junior warden, J. M. Hodson; secretary , J, F. Robinson; treasurer, D C. McKercher; chairman educational fund, Jacob Mayer. MONEY TO Methodist Church. Children’, Day will be observed next Sabbath at it a m. A beautiful pro­ gram entitled “ The Young Crusader, ' will be rendered by the children and young people, at the close of which the n te of baptism will be administered and member, received with the church. The Epworth League will meet at 7 p m. There will be preaching be the pas- tor at 8 p. m. I*J A d m in is tra to r o f th e E s ta te * ' la n d . D eceased. Administratrix'« loan Notice is hereby given thzttM has b een d u ly ap p oin ted by tb* , the state o f O re g o n for Washing®*! m in is !r a tr is o f th e estste of J ^ J d ecea se d , la te o f W ashing»*® and th a t sh e h a s d u ly upon th e d is c h a r g e o f her A ll p erso n s th e re fo re havia*^ *aid e sta te a re h e re b y requ< •«”- *r | prez nt th e m to th e u n d e ra ^ * "* ] A a . on P fa n n e r a t Forest Grf**' j co u n ty , O re g o n , w ith the 1 w ith in s ix m o n th s from tb e¿at® Un Improved Farm Property ■ IT CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST, •td'lrr«. with particular? CAM MANS & LAMSON '■ «** Btt,.„„c, w it: B e g in n in g on th e K Hoe® land cla im o f K . W a lk er and woe.» 3 W ., at a p o in t S deg. 30 nun-by from th e S. K. C o rn er o f the same*1* deg. 27 m in . W . 3.66 chs , th en ce K. 3.39 c h s., thence N t.iS chs. to th e p la c e ot beginning. A lso, b e g in n in g at the S- ^ above d e sc rib e d tract and runnn^ feet, th e n c e K . 3.39 chs.. thence - K 25 feet to th e S . K Corner cribed tract, th e n c e W. to th ei» * ^ T e rm s o f s a le : o n e h a lf of tne V“ cash in h an d , o n e h a lf in °P* , p a ym en t to d ra w interest at num and to b e secured by n10™ ^ sold. C o n v e y a n c e s to be nt tne p u rch a ser. * D ated at H illsb o ro Oregon, l»« PORTURD, oRRoos Rtpana Tabules cure dyspepsia. Ripans Tabule« assist digestion \dm iniatratrix o f the Hal ter, deceased. Ripsna T a b u la m i* billottan«,«. J F n r ^ '^ v c 'o r r a o n D*“