Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, June 18, 1896, Image 2

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    W A SH IN G T O N
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
Q M D p r e h tD ilv e R e v i e w
M t
A *»vp€S}(nar«
C a lle d
F rom
th e
o f th e
0f th e
Im p o rt*
l’ i » t
W eek
F r e e s D is p a t c h e s «
T he banka a t Cheney, W aab., ana-
pended paym ent and failed to open
their doora. H ard tim ea and inab ility
to m ake oollectiona are the oauaea at-
ligned for the failnrea.
A young m an named Conway, a
brake-man on a gravel train, fell be­
tween tw o cars of the m oving tra in
near A rlington, O r., and had bia
right leg cruabed in two places.
The coroner’a jury im paneled to in-
veatigato the fatal shooting of C harles
Rice, near Roaebnrg, returned a verdict
of w illfu l m urder against Jam es Dili­
en, the boy who bred the fa ta l shot.
A 16-year old boy nam ed C harles
W yatt accidentally shot and killed
him self w ith a 22-caliber rid e near
C entralia, W ash., w hile out b u n tin g
in oompany w ith another lad of about
his ow n age.
By a tire a t Hoquiam , W ash., the
m ill of the N orthw est Lum ber Com ­
pany w as destroyed, and the barkentine
N orth Bend, which was tak in g on a
sargo a t the dock, w as dam aged to th e
extent of |1,000. T he am ount of the
dam age to the m ill haa not been e sti­
T he first day of the Republican n a ­
tional convention in St. Louia waa
m arked by paradea and exoitem ent.
The convention waa called to order a t
12:10 o'clock and the opening prayer
was delivered by a Jew ish rabbi w ho
dw elt a t length on the situation of the
country. C. W. F airbanks, of Indiana,
waa chosen tem porary chairm an by
unanim ous ro te of the delegates. A f­
ter h earin g his address, the convention
T he Uoodrioh reservoir, fifteen m iles
from Baker C ity, broke, and a g re at
volume of w ater rushed down the gulch
about four m iles, where it jum ped
from Goodrich creek to Pine creek.
A bout three m iles furth er the flood
struck R. F ren ch ’s house and dashed
i t to pieces, drow ning the fam ily, con­
stating of the parents and five c h ild ­
ren, ages ra nging from 3 to 12 years.
The bodies were found scattered along
the oreek a distance of tw o m iles. T he
elothing was torn off and the bodies
m angled. Large pine trees were c a r­
ried m iles down the stream and fences
and bridges were sw ept away. G ra in
fields are badly dam aged. The reser­
voir waa constructed in 1863 and has
been used for m ining purposes.
A violent w ind and rain storm v isit­
ed N ew ark, N. J . , and did dam age to
the am ount of (160,000.
R ussian engineers have been in
P h ilad elp h ia and have m ade a co ntract
for (600,000 w orth of m achinery there.
Mrs. A nnie Dyer, the baby farm er,
of R udbig, E ng., arrested on M arch 0
on th e oharge of m urdering m any in ­
fa n ts in trusted to her oare, was hanged
in N ew gate prison.
T he three-m asted schooner E dw ard
C. A llentrue, C aptain M cLaughlin,
from B altim ore for P ortland, sank off
J o b 's neok, on the south side of this
island, n ear V ineyard H aven, Mass.
From the fact th a t the vessel’s boats
have come ashore in pieces and a r ­
ticles of clothing bave been picked up
i t is feared th a t a ll on board were lost.
The G rand A rm y of the Repnblio for
the dep artm en t of Oregon is holding its
m cam pm ent in Independence, O r.; also
the W om an’s R elief Corps and Sons of
Veterans. T he citizens have given the
town a very a ttrac tiv e appearance by
extensive decorations of the boiBness
booses and residences. A large n um ­
ber are in attendance.
G reek Veeeel S eised.
A dispatch from Canea, C rete, says
another G reek vessel, loaded w ith
m onitions and provisions for the in su r­
gents, has been seized by th e T urkish
T he
started for Valova w ith (7,600 to pay
the ransom of tw o F rench ladies recent­
ly captured n ear th a t place by the
T h e H e a t Wat* T e r r i b l e .
A special from Bom bay says the
B ritish second-class, tw in-screw Bona-
venture, the flagship of the E ast Indian
iquadron, flying the flag of R ear-A d­
m iral E dm ond D rum m ond, lost seven­
ty men by ennstioke on a voyage from
Colombo to Pondicherry.
R eorgan ization of th e N orthern.
There is m uch discussion in New
York am ong those concerned in the re ­
organization of the N o rth ern Paciflo,
as to the form of c h arter the com pany
Is to have or w hether it is advisable to
foreclose the property a t present, in
view of the fact th a t the present con­
gress has failed to give th e com pany
a new charter.
A T h r e e T i m « '* M u r d e r e r H a n g e d .
John C raig, a three tim es m urderer,
was hanged in Folsom prison. T here
could not have been a m ore perfect
execution it is said. T he condem ned
man w as com pletely resigned to bis
fate, and w alked to the gallow s as
cooiy as though going to a w edding.
A F atal F ire.
A t a fire in a tenem ent house i i
P ittsb u rg , P a., Mrs. Zonesbhondia
Garbeiz, aged 74, w as killed by ju m p ­
ing from a window. F ra n k G arbeis,
aged 5, w as suffocated to death. L ot­
tie G arbeis, aged 12, w as in te rn a lly
b n rt and m ay die.
F ra n k G arbeis
was badly bnrned.
T he fire was
caused by th e explosion of a b arrel of
T h eir C ou rage F ailed T h em .
F o rty m iles east of C harleston, W.
V a., m asked m en boarded a n express
tra in a t m id n ig h t and craw led over
the engine tender in to the cab w ith
revolvers draw n. The engineer stopped
the train . He w as com m anded to ent
loose the express oar. T his w as done.
The passengers w ere aw akened and the
lig h ts w ere extinguished. A fte r ten
m inutes w ork, the ban d its became
frightened, and escaped to tbe m oun­
T o F lo a t th«
A m em ber of one of tbe larg est bank-
lng houses in H onolnln is in th is conn-
try for tbe purpose of in te restin g cap­
ita lists in the refunding of the H a­
w aiian
governm ent's
Tbe governm ent has (3,096,000 of
bonds d ra w in g 6 per cent in te rest o a t­
standing a t present, w hich i t is pro­
posed to pay and issue in th e ir stead
bonds d ra w in g interest a t the ra te of 4
per cent.
H * D eath a M j*tery.
The body of a m an w ith his head
split open, w as discovered floating in
the Colum bia river near W allace’s j
island. It is not know n bow he was
F a ile d to F l y F lag*.
The trustees of the u niversity of I lli­
nois were arrested in C ham paign and
held in (200 bail to answ er to th e
grand ju ry the charge of fa ilin g to fly
1 S ixty oloakm akers employed by a the flags from a ll univeristy buildings
C hicago firm, were throw n into a panic Governor A ltgeld is a m em ber of tbe
by a fire, and i t seemed foT a tim e th a t
some of them w ould be tram pled to
F o u r F a v o r e d C ities.
death in the scram ble to escape. The
Except Savanah, the c ap itals of tho
fire w as in the stairw ay on the second new states of W yom ing, M ontana and
floor and escape waa finally effected by U tah are th e only places th a t got ap-
ru sh in g through the flames. It was propriations for publio b u ild in g s a t
soon extinguished w ith but little dam - th is session of congress. T he boose
policy has been to report no bills for
O. F. T yler, a son of P resident T yler, new buildings.
is a prisoner in Richm ond, V a., c h a rg ­
tle a v y F ines.
ed w ith shooting w ith in te n t to k ill
The H am m ond incident is finally
Ja c k C arr, a young negro. T yler is a
d airym an residing near Richm ond. settled. A t a special m eeting of the
He w ent to th e assistance of another executive council held in P retoria, it
person who got in to a difficulty w ith w as decided to release Jo h n H ays H am ­
C arr, and says the Bhooting w as in m ond, C ecil Rhodes, George F a rra r
self-defense. T he accused w as sent to and J. W. Leonard, the leaders of the
Johannesburg reform com m ittee, upon
the grand ju ry and allow ed bail.
paym ent of a fine of £25,000 each, or
One hundred and eighty cans of in default, fifteen years' banishm ent.
d ynam ite exploded about a m ile below
L illy, P a ., w ith frig h tfu l results. One
K lll.it H I. B ro th .r-ln -la w .
m an w as killed by the explosion, and
Ben Dice, a rancher liv in g on the
seven others fa ta lly injured.
C on­ T ule riv er, tw enty m iles southeast of
trac to r M cM anus' w orkm en on the V isalia, C al., killed his brother-in law,
Pennsylvania railw ay w ere g e ttin g G ra n t S m ith. T hey quarreled about
ready to m ake a b last *:hen a p re m a ­ w ater in an irrig a tin g d itch , and Dice's
tu re explosion occurred, burying the w ife attem pted to remove tbo dam in
seven m en beneath saud and rock.
the d itch on S m ith 's place.
Ja m e s C reelan. the w ar correspond­
U n iveraitjr H int.
ent w ho bad to leave C uba recently by
order of G eneral W eyler, says he
T hree thousand H arvard m en, en­
th in k s there Will be a w ar w ith Spain. couraged by the phenom enal event of a
He saya the A m erican people w ill be H arvard victory, fought 100 policemen
th u nderatrnok w hen the docum ents in in tbe streets of historic old C am ­
the possession of th e sta te dep artm en t bridge. It w-ia the biggest rio t th a t
are m ade publio. S pain is anxious for the univ ersity has ever seen. Many
w ar.
T w enty-five m illion d o lla rs' students and policemen w ere injured
w orth of A m erican property has been in the m elee b u t the bluecoats finally
destroyed in C uba and m any A m eri- came oot victorious and tbe students
«ana k ille d w ith o u t provocation.
w ere looked up.
In d ia n W ar V aterans.
T he gran d encam pm ent of Indian
w a r veterans of the Paciflo N orthw est
waa held in P o rtla n d th is w eek, pre-
sided ovei by G ra n d C om m ander Thos.
A. W ood, and O tto K leem aun a ctin g
aa grand a d ju ta n t T he representation
c t m em bers waa unu su ally large, and
w as augm ented by a large atten d an ce
of th e w om en's a u x ilia ry , em bracing
the w ives and dau g h ters of the stu rd y
B e n , w ho In the e a rlie r history of the
N o rth w e st protected th e ir homee and
fam ilies from the hostile savages. T bs
B estin g lasted three day».
A B rutal M uider.
In a drunken rage Jo b n W olter, of
Chicago, m ade an unsuccessful attem p t
to k ill his w ife. He th en shot and
killed one stepdaughter and wounded
an o th er so serionaly th a t she m ay die.
M rs W olter is possessed of property
valued a t (2,600, left by h e r first hus­
band. It seems to have been W n iter's
purpose to g et control of i t
Being u n ­
able to m ake any headw ay in th is d i­
rection. be became dissatisfied and be­
gan d rin k in g to excess and w as nnder
the influence of liqnor w hen be com ­
m itted the assau lt upon hia w ita and
•B pohildran.
• »»
F irst
I>"wn th . C.i,ab|l|
P o rtlan d , Or., Juaa l;
The oflioial vote in the first and aec- Amount Voted by Congress re g im en t, Oregon Nation^;
ouel Sum m ers ociuimsaflJ
congressional districts for the o
Letter Received by Sheriff end
for Improvements.
ulod to leave for Anton,,,
flees of supreme judge an-1 congress-
hour th is morning, to m
of Clatsop County.
men follow?:
suppressing the scenai 0f *
o utrage wihoh bave been t
the low er river. It Wl(
by b a tte ry A, with full
C ilic i...) by . h .iru .." G u s a s
t h . m eu t and the variouirsji
T he troops were call*» w,
Narrow E scape F rom D eath of a F ish ­
1 !
Appropriati""* CaBoiltlee-Kw
»ition m ade by tbe
e r m a n Near C lifton B e tte r F ro tec-
B a k e r ...........
th ro u g h the oounty judgr
B en to n ...........
t l o n I** N e e d e d , C o r r e s p o n d e n t S a y s .
564 !
W ashington. June 1 3 .- C h a i r m a n county, upon Goveratt I,
< \jc k a m u s .
la ts o p .........
613 Cauuon, of the appropriations com m it­ governor immediately nonfa
A storia, J u n e 16.— A dditional re ­ C
C o lu m b ia .. .
1.0 G!
ports of outrages a g a in st the fishermen C oos ..............
122 tee and ex-Cliairman Sayres, today h e ad q u arters in this c:tj ,
ro o k ...........
$3 made publio a joint statem ent concern- the post, equipped with,u
n ear C lifton w ere received by the C
C u rry ............
p h e ru a lia for field
steam er M iller th is m orning, and show D o u g in s .......
195 ing the expenditures authorized by th is
G illia m .......
47* congress.
th a t th e situ atio n is folly as serious at G
Total appropriations, in ­ d a y ’s cooked rations. I t ,,
r a n t ............
th a t p o in t as has been reported. Sheriff H a r n e y .........
also th a t each man be prop*
6931 1 3 8 cluding permanent aunual appropria­
i.t» !
J a c k s o n .......
;9» tions, are (515,759.820. Mr. Cannon s ex tra p a ir of stout shoe,, r,
H are received the follow ing letter:
J o s e p h in e . ..
" C lifto n , O r., Ju n e 16.— To J. W. K la m a th . . .
live field service, and Unit»
204 statem ent begins:
k e .............
H are, ¡sheriff C latsop C ounty— We tele­ L D i an
‘‘The appropriations charged to th is and b a tte ry be held prepan
2.170) 1.03*1 1.UKI
e ..............
graphed you re g ard in g tbe boarding of L in c o ln .........
congress include (119,054,160 uuder im m ediately. This w » , :
1,792 1.1*9 1,filiS
278 permanent laws, of which am ount
the boat and th ro w in g of fish over­ L M in a n lh e ..............
nig h t. T he orderB were««
u r .......
1.8 4
board, and your ask in g for particulars. M ario n .........
33) (50,000,000 is for sinking fund and im m ed iately from brigade
M o rro w .......
T be steam er Seafoam is doing all she M u ltn o m a h
9.2211 2.472 4.3*3 (30,500,000 for interest on the publio
49 debt, or (3,355,614.40 more than was tors to Colonel 8011110611,1*
can, b a t, as m any fisherm en cam e, *hey P o lk ..............
10 aseem ble the uiembtti j
only spread out, a n d the steam er can T illa m o o k .. .
332 included at the last session of congress
T he O. K. & N. Co. w„ „
1.1 Hi
not cover the ground. Several new U m a tilla —
to hold a steamboat in reada
625i 1,173 in the statements of appropriations,
n io n ...........
boats started out th is m orning, among U
W a llo w a —
541 and is on account of the increase of s ta n t departure. The onjg
othere, Vincenzo M ardisich, who laid W a sc o ...........
g re a t commotion, not .1,
533, 1.104
W a s h in g to n
ont a t d a y lig h t d riftin g abont Woody Y
785| 1.010 ness of the oouutry by tbe present ad-
a m h ill .......
arm ory, b u t throughout the:
island. A bont 10 A. M. several boats
ministartion to February, 1805, inter- on bicycles and none bad
! 40.072] 17,94»
cam e sa ilin g onto him , and before be
set sud Binking fund charges on account patched to tbe homea ui
realized w h a t they w anted, they or­ S E C O N D C O N G R E S S IO N A L DISTRICT
of the latter bond issues of (100,000,- business of tbe various mi
dered him to drop sa il, and then they
000 in February. 1898, am ouuting to seven com panies and the _
i 2
1 E I 9 ! 2 O
took oharge of h is boat and towed him
(4,400,000, not being included in the w ere told to report fortk,
in to W oody island slongh. Some of
estimates of permanent appropriations. arm ory, ready for duty, a
1 3
C O U N T IE S .
them jum ped Into h is boat and threw
! o
The increase in the principal of the in ­ corps attached to the rerun
1 ?
h is fish overboard, and forced him to
terest-bearing debt nnder the present clnded.
assist in th ro w in g th e rem ainder into
1 j
1 *
adm inistration amounts to (262,315,-
T here w as very general J
the w ater.
H e says there were over
24 400, which entails an aunual interest
7Sl| 847
178] 611]
the p a rt of the m ilitism til
fifty, or abont tw o tons. T here were C la ts o p ............... 1.028 *577 ! 675j 4541! 39
bustle and activity enneii
38 charge of (11,402,616, and to meet the
fish in th e net, a n d they drew the net C o lu m b ia ...........i 452 489j 28'»
5 sinking fund obligations, the fu rth er
C ro o k .................. j 225* 117] 273 ! 437!
m ory. T he men all e,p„
ashore and pulled the fish ont and G illia m ..............
3321 m l
selves as eager for serriot
14 sum of (2,623,154.
4i»| 1631 333
throw them aw ay. A fterw ards, they G r a n t .................. j 591 273
27' 221)1
H a r n e y ..............
“ The regular aunual bills, including ous com m anders gut then
gave him back the net. They took his M a lh e u r ............. 310! 2(5"! 61
the deficiency bill, as passed by the q uickly in to shape and anil
35$ 1 89] 2241
revolver, but failed to re tu rn it. They M o rro w .............1 5! 3 5,082''
5.957 1.2971 431
M u ltn o m a h ...... j 4.374
th reaten ed bis life a n d pulled a gun on G h e r m a n ............. 1 :*;i 194' 311 351| 41 house, made a reduction in the total ports to the colonel.
T he F irs t regiment lefta|
54 estimates submitted by the executive of
VS 1.0421 3*401 7901
him to shoot, b u t one of bis friends . 'm a t i l l a ............ 1.1 974
1,3021 2321 73S1 3»
U nion ..................]
th rew up tbe m a n 's hand and said W a llo w a ...........' 297! 549! 651 1621 23 (26,083,191; they were increased by B aker a t 4 o ’clock this mm
L ater in the day the i_
“ don’t shoot,” so th ey spared bis life, W asco ................ | 947 447 2871 9981 24 the senate (22,920,423, and as they
became laws, they appropriated (10,- ta lio n oame down on a i J
tho u g h the tow ing him into the slough
T o ta ls ..............' 12.583 12,239 8,8001 7,2551 761
636,624 less than as passed by the sen­ from McMinnville, and w®
and o n t of sight looks like some of them
expected to p u t him alongside Lam bert. .T R S T C O N G R E S S IO N A L D IS T R IC T ate; (12,283,818 more than as they & N. steam er which was i
passed the house, and (13,374,373 less for them a t the dock. Tin
M eiland and G union. M ardisich w ants
i f
than the estimated requirem ents of the the e n tire m ilitia force of ll
to fish, b a t says yon m ust give us more
G overnor Lord issued j
c '
protection or they cannot go near Woody
“ The regular appropriations, in clu d ­ th a t any member of (hex
? 1 I
islan d d rift. A nother boat had caught
j 1 a
ing deficiencies, made at the last ses­ on th e streets after the
e ig h ty fish, and as the cu rre n t was
sion of congress, amounted to (383,- tac h m en t left waa to be u
strong, started hom e through some of B e n to n ....................
133 636,896, and it inolnded no river and
the sloughs in W oody island, w hen the C la c k a m a s ........... 1.772! 2.370
F i s h i n g W i l l H.
51 harbor bill.
C oos .........................
MS 1,199
Excluding the river and
ow ner w as c aptured, beaten and his C
A etoria, U r., June 17.-!
u r r y .....................
new W inchester rifle taken from him D o u g la s .................. 1.66*1 1.061 1,155
m en held a meeting todu
63 regular annual bills, as passed by the
n ..................
1,15» 1.667
and a ll h is fish th ro w n overboard Tbe J J o a c s e k p s o h in
bers of the combine ref os
e ..............
34 V :
fisherm en were scared alm ost to death, K la m a th ................
any of the proceedings ll
17 or more than (10,000,000 less than was
and called for help. T here are tw en­ L L a a n k e e .........................
ont, how ever, that it will
1.914 1.27U 1.' 8 *
ty-five boats fishing, and they have to L in c o ln ...................
3/ appropriated by the last congress.”
to m ake anv allowance to l
1*547 2.586
Mr. Cannon criticises the treasury w ork done in making nn:
go on down the riv e r to m ake good M a rlo n .................... 2.509! 2,580
catohes, and they cannot do bo w ith P o lk ......................... 1.272i 872
92 department because it has expended
m o o k ............
5611 387
30 (7,377,440 for the present year in col­ they go to work and debts
only one steam er here. T he Seafoam T W illa
a s h in g to n .........
1.540, 1.503
4)4 cents. The refusal to
has to rem ain a t the foot of Cottonwood Y a m h ill .................. 1.302' 1.461
204 lecting the revenues from customs e sti­ k n ittin g of the nets iseipli
d rift, as there appears to be some bad
T o ta ls ................. 19,3561 19,282 8.105 1.315
oannerym eii to mean that 1
The bills establishing salaries in ­
m en aronnd the low er p a rt of Tenas
to hold th e men to a strict
stead of the fee system for officers of
Illah ee island, and if tb e steam er was
of the contracts made whs
aw ay, some fisherm en w ould probably
the United States courts, he says, w ill
was purchased. This oontn
be shot.
I suppose C aptain Beard
save (1,000,000 annually, and m inim ize the m a te ria l was to be p
told yon abont th e shooting of Bam •Mr. D u nc I i O f f e r s a M e d a l f o r t h e lient frivolous and maiicions prosecution.
e ith e r cash or salmon. Ti
Fiipil’s Ksiiitr.
B row n last n ig h t, and you see we m ust
Especial attention is called to the fact w ho h ave bought twine oil
protect the boys or they w ill have to
The accom panying ont is a represen­ that congress made no increase of sal­
give i t up. The salm on are p len tifu l tation of a beautiful gold medal, aries of employes in the government d e ­ w ill agree tomorrow to i
and the boys are a ll doiug w ell, and enam eled w ith likeness of varióte partments. The following table of a p ­ cents, th e canners will k
tnent for the twine aocoriis
i t ’s a sham e they can n o t fiBh. T here fru its grown in N orthw estern Oregon, propriations is given:
m eut. T h is action ol the)
are a good m any m ore going out in the which Mr. Henry E. Dosch, state com­
Fifty-first congress, (088,417,183.34;
m orning, provided you can protect m issioner for the first horticultural dis­ fifty-second congress,(1.027,124,547.02; necessarily aggravate the
them . I th in k w ith a steam er around trict, w ith a view to prom oting h o rti­ fifty-third congress, (980,239.205.60; h o stility tow ard them.
It w as also decided to fl
W oody island the boys w ould not dare c u ltu ral knowledge am ong the youth of fifty-fourth congress (first session),
m ilitia , but all present w
to interfere.
T here w ere boats for th is state, offers as a prize to the boy (516,750,830.49.
to absolute seoreoy. Nones
P illa r Rook and Brookfield in the or g irl between the ages of 14 and 18,
Mr. Sayres, in his statem ent, savs of bers w ish in g to assume th
gang th a t captured M ardisich. I hope
the total appropriations of the session: biliy for callin g for militias
yon can see your w ay to provide a n ­
“ This sum exceeds the appropria­ H are held th a t no assisi»
o th er steam er and some m ore deputies. ”
tions during the lust session of the m ilita ry w as necessary,»
U pon reoiept of th e letter, Sheriff j
fifty-third congress hv (18,751,290. pared to protect all who!«
H are a t once had a num ber of deputies
and those of the first regnlur session of b u t his advice was app»r<
sw orn in, and, h a v in g supplied them
that congress by (23,523,557.
garded, th e m ilitia was *
w ith firearm s and an abundance of a m ­
“ it is less than the appropriations the F ir s t regim ent, 0. N.G
m u n itio n , dispatched to the scene in a
by the second session of the fifty-second on duty.
steam launch. T he sheriff reiterates
congress lw only (3,744.538. although
his d eterm in atio n expressed yesterday
, at the latter fessjon (30,352,401 more
to cover the e n tire low er riv e r w ith
was appropriated for pensioni th an at
p a tro l boats if necessary, and feels con­
Hi* PrlTrt*
this session. It is more than those by H e l d U p i n DeM|>er»do*
fident of his a b ility to afford am ple
the first session of the tiftv-flrsf con­
p rotection to the m en w ho desire to lisb.
New Y ork, Ju re 17
gress by (21,3(13.671, »lid (25.464.040
C r a p (iMinfl R u b b e d .
less than the appropriations of the sec­ W yckoff, president oi the
A storia, O r., J a n e 10.—Two m asked
ond session of the fifty-first congress. A m sterdam , was shot in*1
m en entered the “ O u r” saloon, in th is
“ The appropriations made by the and side th is afernoon wfc
city, a t 12 o ’clock to n ig h t and held up
second session of the fifty-first congress vate office by Clarence t
the keepers of a c rap game. The m en,
exceeded those made a t the first session dem anded money, and, ®
upon en te rin g the room in w hich the
a re fu sal, fired two sW
of the same congress by (16 676 612
crap table stood, ordered the game*
or nearly 10 per cent. If the same tu rn e d th e pistol on h
keepers and tw o o th er m en to throw up
proportion shonld bo made at the next m en a re now at a hospi»
v '/ m
th e ir hands, a com m and w hich w as a t
session, then the appropriations w ill conscious
once obeyed by a ll except one of the
M r . D o s t* !.'* C n i n p r t i t l v » M ,*,ln
gained access to Wyi'*™
not be less than (565,000,000.”
ow ners of the bank-roll, who rushed
out, callin g for the police. One of the
Contracts authorized by this session presented the following
in any ungraded country school, for the
on H otel Marlborough 0
robbers carried a canvas sack, in w hich
he estim ates as follows:
best essay on fru it culture in his dis­
legible hand.
he pa Iced the money, w hile his com ­
Rivers and harbors. (59.616,404;
tric t, com prising the counties of M ult­
" We w a n t (6.000, «"
panion kept guard. The men got safe­
nom ah, W ashington, Y am hill, Clacka­ public buildings, lighthouse and reve­ ten (1 0 0 bills. I’ll * *
ly aw ay w ith th e ir booty, which a m o u n t­
nue-cutter service, (1.406,000: defenses m ake a movement, so t*
ed to about |2C0. T his is the second
The essay is not to contain over 700 and armament, (4.105,076; new war- p a rtn e r outside also has
tim e d u rin g th e last t im e m onths th a t
words, and a ll papers m ust be sent in ships (12.900,000; District of Colum- and if you give the il*i"
a crap gam e has been robbed by masked
to Mr. Dosch a t H illsdale, O r., by bin. 1 125,000; total, 178.241,400.
m in u te s a fte r 1 leavfl. b*
m en, but up to date the police have
A ugust 1, and the name, postoflice ad­
He says the total expenditures in one stick of dynam ite tbroup
gathered no info rm atio n as to the iden­
dress and school of the w riter. The fiscal year have never been so great
trance. P u t the money1,1
tity of th e thieves.
judges of aw ard w ill be Dr J. R. Card- except during the war, and exceed thè
Don’t t a l k .”
_ .
C lo n if i' F o r c e D e f e s te d .
well, Professor R. E. Lake and Frank estimated valuation of property in anv
Shots w ere heard bf ,
H avana, Ju n e 16.— G eneral G om ez’ Lee, of Portland.
one of the South A tlantic states.
v**o ra n into the bs1»
force of 5,000 w as defeated recently on
rim e to see Clark fall-
tbe p lain s of S aratoga near N a jara ,
T h » r % n -A n ia r lr a n C n n gr».«,
Qiisrrjm en Strike.
years old and resides in
province of P u erto Principe, a fte r a
W ashington.—Practically a ll of the
fight of forty-tw o hours, by Jim in e z
Berea, O., June 15.- F o u r hundred J. C la rk is 50 vest««'
South and C entral Am erican republics
C astellano's troops. Gomez lost fo lly
a t the quarries of the Cleve­ sandy m ustache. S a_ _ ^
have notified Ecuador of th eir accept­
600 men. Jose A notnio Y zandsga, an
F o r . S » * ‘ '■ C*‘ |
ance of the invitation sent ont by that land Stone Company, struck today.
A m erican new spaper m an, has been
Spokane, Wash.,
government to be represented a t an in ­ They demanded th at ,11 nonunion men
expelled, end R icardo del la T onriento
ternational congress, to be held August be discharged, and that several union D ungay and Carl
has been forbidden to re tu rn to Cuba.
10 next, to promote international arbi­
sl*,5 H
to « " , a
he w ith fists i n W
T hom as Daw ley, th e a rtist has been re­ trations. The U nited States has not re
The strikers
have taken
n ig h t.
Mr. Dungnf ■
yet accepted the invitation.
are con testan s for a
to penm t them to be moved.
G rain and F r u it O u tlo o k .
Mr. D ungay now bold*
W alla W alla. J a n e 1 6 — A large
R a t. for th . Fife.' C „ „ „ n t,„ n .
The men and women who nearly a
num ber of farm ers were interview ed
s « l e r v I - « * I" W**1 "
Chicago, Ju n e 15.- T h e r e d . of the
lalf century ago traversed the broad
today, and a ll are very ju b ila n t over plains and crossed the Rockies, cel,,
O lym pia, W a a b - .^
the prospects of a U rge yield of w h eat
orated the tw enty sixth anniversary of agreed to a rate of one fare for the prem e c o u rt today •**
th is season. S pring g rain is doing fine,
the Stevens county
tne Oregon Pioneer Association in
w h ile fa ll w heat never looked better.
o f *h e o r d f r
Portland this week. In addition to
Cincin- favor of th e c o n a t i m f l a
L arge shipm ents of straw b erries are
this, the fiftieth anniversary of the
3006 of H ill’s cods.
m ade d a ily to M ontana. Idaho, Spo­
1800, a u th o rizin g
treaty w ith England and tbe settlem ent
kane and Dakota. A bout 1,000 crates
to set aside a ll money
are shipped by expresa daily, w hile of the b.u n d ary line w hich gave Ore­
gon to the United States, was also J n d ~ T n rq ° e ' N - M • ‘*nne 15— treasu ry in the
shipm ents in carload lota w ill be com ­
celebrated, and the two events were Judge Collier, of the U nited States crea tio n of a salary ™
m enced next week, aa comm ission m er­
centered in a golden jubilee by tbe court, today issued sn order to tèe re" m ent of county o ® 4 ^
c h an ts are d aily receiving orders from
aged pioneers
1 here was . ' U r|rt
thP A ,U d,’° * Pacfiic railw ay th e r provides that ^
St. P a u l and o th er E astern points for
parade, and exercise« were held a t the
berr* »■ <**, carload lo ta
. v n Lnion
b,l‘ CkU“
üf nort.oi
A m "> received be insnfflMr1
can Railway
men in * who
exposition building.
sh a ll tra n s fe r to
P « te d ,n the strike two y e a r , . ^ 1' necessary to meet tW
n iB i-ia l V o te I n t h » O r » * " " » * •» •
t l o u b y C o u n ties*
B u r n e tt.. 1
G ra n d A r m y E n c a m p m e n t.
K ,* r