'lí<; KST IN ( IK- ■ n KATION O P I Til ¡: VOI V M M ■ n i : \\ s r \ i * k K s o i t i m : w i i . i ,. County Hatchet I ■ m i r t i: i \ \ l - I L E V ................... *V"rI¿HMÍ:.^i,r»V,49n¡CONSOLIDATED JUNE 4 , 1896 . I. O . O . I . F O R E S T GRO VE- W ashington lod ge No . 48, I meets in its hall every Monday evening. S T A T E <>E O IS E O O N . F O R E S T GRO VE- Forest Kebekah lo d ge No. 1 44 inccis in Odd Fellow s ball on the first and I third Wednesday o f each month. unie Court I e* Fût h Districi rnt V Fifth District Wni. P. l.unl Harrison K Kincaid P h illip MiTscham .G. M. Irw in W. II. Leed* Chas. !•;. W olverton K. S. Dean F. A. Moore T. A. McBride W. N. Harrell John II Mitchell ..Geo W McBride ¡W A S H I N G T O N COUNTY. II. P. Cornelius D. II. Keasom i T. C. Todd K. B, Goodin II . P. Ford !•;. !.. McCormick J.W. Sappitiuton lie o rg e II. Wilcox Austin Craig I.. F. Wilke « W. D. Woods C o M iin -scn ' i - ss: K )1 Superintendent J*. f|eh 'Y or kokest [vou lH LLSIiO RO . -Montezum a lodge: No. 5:1 meets in its hall on every Wednesday evening. I I 11 , 1 ,SHORT). W ashington encampment No .»4 meets in Odd F ellow s hall 011 the second and 1 fourth Tuesdays of each month. IIILLSH O RO . H illsboro Rebekah lo d ge No. ! S4 meets in Odd Fellow s hall every Saturday evening. T IG A R D Y IL L E . -Charity Podge No. 75 meets in its hall on the first and third Saturdays in each mouth. G A ST O N . Wnpdto lodge No. .;o meets in its : hull on the first, third and fifth Saturdays in each mouth. K . O F P. FO R KST G ROVE. Delphos bxlge No. » meets in Masonic hall every Saturday evening. HIPPSHORO. -Phoenix lo«lge No. 34 meets in Masonic hall every M onday evening. C O R N K P Il’ S.- Simonides lodge No. 34 meets iu|its castle hall every Saturday 1 veiling. G L E N C O E —G lencoe lodge No. 22 meets in in its castle hall on eve ry alternate Saturday. W ednesday IIILLSH O RO . -Phoenicia tem ple meets in Ma­ sonic hall (¡uovi:. A. n . \X. FO R KST GROVE Forest Grove lodge No. to meets in Odd F e llow s hall on every Tuesday evening. Hon. S. Hughes. NCil.MKit, T o serve one year A. T. Knox. James Buxton, C. !.. Large. ■ T o serve tw o years, T. C. McNainer, Hugh Smith, I). C. Stewart. President. FOREST GROVE,. D egree o f Honor lodge meets in odd Fellow s hail the second Tuesday o f each month. IIILLSH O RO . —H illsboro lodge No. 61 meets in its hall on the first and third Fridays in each m on th . 1 SHERWOOD. Sherwood lodge No . Aaron W ells. | in its hall every Thursday evening. ?o meet-' J. C. Greer. T 1 G A R D V IL L E . -T ign rdville lodge meets in I its hall on the second and fourth Saturdays in ................................John S tripliti j each month. , Com m ittees o f C ity Council, T U A L A T IN . Tualatin lodge meets in its \riinames. — Councilm cii Stewart. Large and ! hall on the second and fourth Saturdays in each month lox K. o. T. >!. finirne am i Accounts; Councilmen M cN auur FO R KST GROVE. Forest G rove tent N o. it |xton and Smith. meets in Masonic hall on the second and fourth treets ami Public Property. Councilmen Smith, Tuesdays in each month. ox and Stewart. IIILLSH O RO . Viola tent No. 18 meets in Odd 'ire aa.i Water. -Councilmen Huxtou. Smith FVllows hall on the second and fourth Th u rs­ days in each month ■ftl M cNainer ^ m ealik mmi P olice. Councilmen [«arge, Stewart r . o f 11. H illsboro Grange meets in its hall on the sec­ H b Knox. Ways am i Means. Councilmen McNainer, llux- ond and fourth Saturdays in each month at 12111. p and Smith. Printing. Councilm en Stewart, M cN ainer and -j Fire Warden Justice o f the Peace Constable e Lcabo ^ fu iig h e s . Sappi ngtoii. ^ H v i d Smith i G . A . II. Forest Grove. -James IP Matthews Post, No. 6. meets in Masonic h all on the first and third W ednesdays in each month. W . K. 1 . Forest Grove. James IP Matthews R elie i Corps meets alternate Thursdays in Odd Fcl- N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . Laud oil.ee at Oregon City, Oregon, ( May l.\ l»% .f Notice is hereby given that the follow in g : 11:1 in».-« 1 settler lias filed notice o f M s iu ie n tio ii to make final ; roof in support o f h i- » laim , and that sai l proof w ill e made before county cleric o f W ashington co u n t«, at H ill-boro, o re gon, 01a.1111\ It), is. ft, via: H A R K 1 S o I T h AUD, II. A. No. 8707 for the cw *4 sect 4 t 1 s r •'» w Me names the fo llow in g witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon and cu ltivation of, snid land, viz: 1 !. A. Oakes, Edward Drake, John Boyd, John ' Roberts, ot G aston ,«)r. hi-Jl R o b e r t a . M i l l b k . Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLIC iTION. 1 nod Office at Oregon ’ itv. Oregon. 1 M ly 18 . lS'.iti. ) Not let is hereby given that the follow in g named se tler has filed notice his intention to make liuel proof in support **f liis eiaim, and that said p -ooi w ill be made before county clerk o f Washington county, Ht Hillsboro, Oregon, on July U. 1 sin*, viz: S A R A H A. M A B EIISTRO II, I'ornu rl\ Sarah A. Little. II. A. 8 t »50 for the n\\ 1, sect HI 1 1! 11 r w . He naniestlie follow in g witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon mid cultivation of. said laud, viz: B. M. Collins, Eli Smith, o f Kir, O r.; Thomas Frost, John W illson, o f Gales Greek. Or. 1 ft 21 UuiiEKT Y. M i l l e r . Register Administrator's Not ice. Notice is hereby giv en that the undersigned Forest G ro v e .-F o re s t Grove lodge No. 11 has beni l awf ul l y and leg ally appointed admin ■ iP le > 1 meets in its hall every Saturday evening. H o L Sm ith.) Istruì«ir o f the estate o f Caleb Woods deceased, School Clerk < and all claim s against suiti estate must be pr« ■ n H illsboro. H illsboro lodge meets in its hall sente. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Aaron 11 s. supt. Prayer m eeting Thursday even- at 7:30 p. in. Sr. V. P. S. C. Eb Sunday even- at 0:3 d p to. Jr V. P. s. C. E. Sunday rtioon at 4 p. in. Sylvia Edwards, president. ■ public are co rdia lly in vited to a ll these itings Host O ltio e o f F o re s t G ro v e . J W H P .K L O C K M A R S H . P. M a r r iv a l and PB PAR TU R B ok Tea ami Coffee a Specialty McNAM Eli'S m ails I T o and from Portland and a ll points: Departs J 15 a. m. A rrives 9:30 a m. I T " Corvallis, Salem and all points on th r West ■ dr Departs ft 3 $ a U Ir iT v e a 4 (OP* ® To G reenville, Manning. Buxton and Vernonia: d r iv e s i2 m Departs 1 p in. FO R EST g r o v e : F IR E D E P A R T M E N T lA R M S :—G e n e r a l A l a r m Rapid tapping the bell. T h e location o f the fire w illb e indi- .ed by the num ber o f fu ll taps given between o general alarm s corresponding to the num r o f wards whose lim its are given below ‘all for d r ill—Th ree taps, pause, three taps use, three taps. ( MARKET Meats, Sausages, Fish and Poultry The Country affords, in Great ..........................................Variety and at Moderate Priees A General Shipping Business. Wholesale and Retail. W A R D L IM IT S . ^ ■ | C i; o irxt lle w g e ard W j N o rth o f P a d III iretrai >1 ^ ■ S econd ward North o f Pacific avenue ■ tw een C o lleg e W ay and It street TTh ird ward N a y lor's addition. Fourth ward Between Pacific avenue and jfcond avenue south. [Fifth w ard—Between Second avenue and South rk Addition [Sixth ward South Park addition. M EAT SELLS O N L Y T H E BEST OF !all for m e etin g —F iv e taps . . . . Done 111 All Kinds of Dressed Poultry, Fat Hogs, Spring Lambs and \ eal Calves. BU Y ER AND SE LLER . TELEPHONE, FOREST CROVE. ■ W A S H IN G T O N C O U N T Y PO ST O FFIC RS hanv lar M ills xie rest Grove rden Hum » .les Creek litoti tuning llriKl, o il’s F errv Igar.lville y ward. lii-avn l< Buxton C e n terville D illcy Farm ington G re en v ille Cornelius Fir < lencos , ; 1 s , 1 W,S m 1 Middleton l'rogrcss Sherwood Tualatin U no, Laurel M ountam dale R eed ville B lo o m i n g Thatcher P h illip « r i v i e S o rie tie s . \ . »■ . \ > !» \ N. ■ "Kl'T II f t * i l i t i h all th e Th u rsday ion in radi month. ■ IIL L S B O R O before L«»tv I’ riees. P rom p t OHivor.v, « HAS. HIATT, Proprietor, Beavertoa lodge-No. : - j meets : . « O . K . H. J ll.L S B O R o . Tualatin C hapter meet.« in M i Me han «ir the second and fo ii:th Tuesdays in month * All Grades of Roiiiih and Dressed Lunilier. Kiln Dried Lumber a Sjavialty. E x c e lle n t to n ality . [G ra n g e hall on the iir»i f>*ith I G ALES CREEK. the full Tu a lity lodge. No. 6. m eet« in ■ '•ach month BEAVERTON THK Old) WILThMH T -MILL. H ills',o r o Gaston GROVE torco Chapter t^ t« m M assaie k i l l o a th e ftrnt sn days in each mouth No 1 IM E S . Hatchet and Weekly Oregonian $2 a Vear. Vol. Il, No. IO, Vol. A'III, No. 1» •> 00 Must Pay Taxes. J P 1 I SIM SOI! C W OdflI ¡! ®(| Judge McBride held a special ses- June Term. .1 1» Martin (i oj sion at Hillsboro Monday. The prin- Report of R B Goodin,county clerk, T C Parson* 7 do oipal mailer to come before the court H P Fork, sherill’ anti E L. Mci’ot- K S (¡aylord 2 il l was the legality of taxing certain land miuk, reconlur, vxamituil untl up W M Ja. kson 0 0o >f Si. Mary's Home. Briefs had been S A Durliam proved. John Voet 0 00 submitted by the opposing attorneys. Petition of Isaac S Rrowii for dam- B U0 I as “ W. H. Gross, Roman Catholic » 40 Report of aftrieafora of damagea on A W tlnines archbishop of the diocese of Oregon, vs. 11 00 road No. 345, petitioned for by M. S. Isaac Hall Geo Galbreath 8 00 Washington county” and is one of ma- Burnt1*, et al , approved and road or­ V Cimino 0 00 'erial interest to the county. In 1882, dered eatahliahet! on payment ol $75 J U Henry 0 00: 700 acres of laud near Beaverton were by petitioners, county to pnv Imlance. I, 1* Speneer........ 10 Oo assessed lo plaintiff, the 30 acres of 0 40 land on which the buildings of the St. Road 346, petitioned tor by .) \V II B a k e r ................. 0 0.) Mary’s Home stands, together with Shiite, et al: wupplenienluiv majority M I, Vincent. K M White li 0J i lie buildings, being exempt. The report of viewers received, issued and ti 00 orderedjtlmt road he esitihlisheil, old Josepli McKobert* f. oo taxes not being paid, the land was, Charles Bamiord road to be left open until May 1, 181)7: C Bacon 0 20 August 9, 1893, after having been ad­ expenses ordered paid. Cha9 Mason 0 to vertised. sold to Washington county 0 00 for delinquent taxes. A few days be­ Roiul 347, petitioned for by Geo. G 1* Niekell 0 00 fore the two years had elapsed, at the Taylor, et ; report of viewers read T < 1 Meacham 6 00 end of which the sheriff would have twice and ^proved, change ordered S Barnes 2 00 executed a deed to Washington county, W Greiig . ........... established \oen expenses are paid by J D. Merry nmn 0 20 ihe above-mentioned suit was brought petitioner- J W Sewell « 00 ti 00 enjoining the sheriff from executing Rond 34N, petitioned for by .1 N Hite, E M Bice 0 (M) tlie deed. The decision in favor of rend twice, ordered located and ex­ W W McKinney li (H) ■ lie county will compel the plaintiff I L A Long penses paid. Thomas Kmrick 2 (H) at the end of six months (o redeem Road 324, petitioned for by Kristina , 1*’ 8 Barnes 0 0 tlie land by paying th« delinquent Nelson, et al— viewers report approved W 11 H Myers li 0J ■ mount and 20 percent added, or the and change ordered, petitioners pac­ O L Ahlstrom... 0 0,1 heriff will execute a deed to the Henry Wirtz ing expenses of survey and change. 7 20 county, conveying title. The original 0 00 Change in Taylor Ferry road in dis­ I H I) Stewart......... I \V S Hudson 2 00 amount of taxes was $330 and the trict 2, petioned for by A Krause, su­ , N I* Oakerman 7 0u costs, $11 10, making a total of $341- pervisor read twice and change or­ 11 Basraussen li IH) 10, the umounl for which the land dered made und expenses paid. | J O’Meara (i 0,1 was sold. To redeem at the time in­ li 0.) junction was sued out would have Change in comity road in district 7, J B Imlay........... 1) K Wheeler... (i 00 cost the diocese $444 43. in 1893 and petitioned for by .1 VV Tigard, super­ S II Humphreys li 20 1894 the assessor did not assess the visor read twice and change ordered (i (Hl 0 C Zook property, and in 1895 it was put on made and expenses paid. Wm Hay............. (i (H) Report of T E Cornelius, supervisor, Geo Schulmerich (i 0.1 the tax roll, but the tax has not yet (i (H) been paid, and will be declared de­ E B Tongue approved and resignation accepted. 3 50 linquent in a few days. Geo Wilcox tiled petition from him- W II Bender This matter has attracted more than L li Smith ü 00 •»♦•li tnd 47 others for county road 341), 11 T Shorb (i 00 usual interest as it was a test case up­ proof nf notift* and bond tiled, Wallace 1 E l’ urdin........... 7 20 on which hung a number of similar Mnr*d), \V B Wilson and Henry Dooley J 11 Dolstrom ti 00 taxation questions. It means that all appointed viewers, and L E Wilkes | II H Clark (i 0 property not actually used for benevo­ surveyor, to meet at tlie commencing j S lllank 2 00 ti IH) lent purposes must he on the tax roll point- of s till prupi,seil r.uil on Mon- 1 U Wilkins W II McCormick. 7 00 and hear its share of tlie expenses of tity. June Jo, at 10 n in. W Sehiilmcrich (i 00 lie government by which it is hone- H Ford Groner....................... ti oo and bonds fixed at $1500. Bond tiled Wilkes Bros . . 5«) Wm A Jack li 00 and approved and John Lyon, T. It. J aim’ s Young......... 53 00 J l* Gustili 10 00 Cornelius and Geo. R. Bagley ap­ M D Markham 1100 i Carl J lleuer...... 0 I HI pointed appraisers. J O G ustin.......................... 4 00 C T Hall . . li 00 A S Vaughn.......................... 4 0. F A Olds Ellen Porter appointed administra­ (i (K> C True .... ... 4 00 J C Smock (i 00 tor of the estate of J A. Porter, dec’d, J W Hess ...... 3 00 E X Harding..................... 8 40 with bonds fixed at $7400. Bond tiled A J Hess 4 00 ; J 1 Knight (i 30 and approved and Henry Buxton, M E C h ase..................... 4 00 Glass & Prudhoinine . 13 (10 R. W. LanceAeld and 8. T . Crow ap­ Fred Banger . 4 0j Hillsboro Pub. Co ....... 08 04 pointed appraisers. William Shaver 3 00 J C I.ainkin ...... 2 25 James Woods appointed administra­ John Burroughs......... 3 00 00 (H) tor of the estate of Caleb Woods dec’d. Ford ......................... C K Tigard ....... 3 0,1 J H R P M ille r ......................... 3 oo ! s \V Tigard ......................... 2 0v> Alfred Young Bond fixed and appraisers appoiuted. 1 00 Oliver Galbreath 3 Oo Estate of John \V. Strowbridge, Fuel, light and janitor : A w Haine*... 3 « k » dec’d. L. C. Walker appointed execu­ 30 00 I tor to serve without bonds. Charles L E Wilkes........... 88 80 N A B arrett...................... T R Imbrie ....... 3 0 j The Hillsboro Light & Water Co 13 53 ¡ Roe, Anton Planner and W. N. Ferrin Wm Keehn....................... 3 ho 1 Insane and inquest : appointed appraisers. Wm Nelson 4 00 1 G M Hines. Petition filed lo sell realty belong­ M S Barnes ...... * f!1! H G Parsons .. ... ing to the estute of Jesse Cornelius, Wm l’utz 7 , (1 | , J P Tam Seele dec’d. Citation to the heirs ordered L I . Whitcomb........... Û ,;n Paupers and prisoners : A M ( !o U im ......................... and made returnable, July 27, 1896, 5 (H) and W. 1). Smith appointed guardian 3 00 A ( Ilsen............... ... K II Vlalker 6 00 J W Slmte ......................... 3 110 Harriet I-ousignont 15 00 adlitem (or tlie minor heirs. J 11 McEldowey....................... 3 (Ml Geo L Smith ............ ...... Bcnj. Schofield appointed adminis- (i 89 It it i im d Connell 4 40 H P Ford ............................ 13 30 traior of tlie estute of Tilden Beau­ Alex Gordon ................. 4 80 Bryan Laidlaw C o............. 111 Oll champ, and with bonds fixed at$7100. 4 SO John Northrop J C Bearli . 5 Il I ...... Estato of Albert Wilcox dec’d. Thomas Tuckei.................... 1 , 50 Rosa I ront ........... •r> 9" Nelson Wilcox appointed executor John Northrop (I 50 W A Hutchinson................. GO. Examined and approved. Ex­ Argus................................. It B Goodin 350 O.) ecutor granted leave to sell personal Sheritr : County treasurer: 275 on property. H I* Ford . E B Sappington 50 0J Estate of David Dapp, deceased. State cases and witnesses : 12 80 | Final account approved, bondsmen County s. hool superintendent II P F o r d .......................... and assistants : James Anderson 4 On discharged and estate closed of record. ",4 do Mike Keisner 1 51 Estate o f J. R. Shipley, deceased. Austin Craig . . . 13 5.1 J C Smock ............ Catherine l-nnsing I 111 Citation to heirs to show cause etc., H L Smock Elections : ordered and made returnable August .. ... I> II Rickard .............. J <1 A Young i “ ! 4, 1896. a m C II Heianey J Wistner II Semi-annual account tiled in re , Elton Montgomery H Thompson | 50 estate of Christian Carl, dec’d, show- Clifford Young W M Miller 50 45 ing expenditures to be $91.56. Ap­ J I Knight W It Young “ W N Barrett ia (H) proved. J N Fisher 7. ” , W W Annans .............. 36 On Estate of David Monroe,dec’d. As- G W Stitt . . ! W I» Smith 6 signment of Tabitlia Cooper, one of I) E Bush , I. K Adams l the heirs al law, hied, assigning Iter J A Reid . '! ' W M l-anglev C W Allen j. .,,, interest in said estate lo Robert 1 m- IJ ; M L Vincent I »Purser 7 lo brie. Also assignment of David Mon- - F UlTerty Joseph Kenny. | 5n roe, another of the loirs of said de- T o t» Hines S Paisley I 5:t ceased, filed, assigning hi* interest in ! ” Mat Hines .. E E Stin ker 1 511 »sid estate to J. J. Morgan. ! , »¡nés ........... A I, Stephens .. ... Max Crandall. .... C A Peterson G N Hale : 1 2;t Did You Ever .. E C Brown E H Waters I ... Joe Schulmerich........... ! ’1! Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for yottr F J Keiling i E W Pruyn ! - 'troubles? If net, get a bottle now and E S McNutt ~ W W McKinney...... A " get relief. This medicine has been found A A Phillips . !; ; T A Fleck 7 „ to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and T E Cornelia- - .... Joseph ^ ell ., 1(, cure of all Female Complaints, exerting J R May ",, Ktnmu Taylor .... ¿ «fe ,, " ' a wonderful direct influence in giving < >eo ? ; Frank Taylor strength and tone to the organs. If youf A K Watson ! , ' Chris Olsen . have loss of Appetite, Constipation, W B Wilson ! „ Mabel Dillery. „ Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Ner- John Ialiti» 5 J J Brngger 7, . vous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy E P Cornelius ¡J |(, John A Poote _ “ or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric H C Carstens 1111,1 County: Bitters is the medicine you need. ( has Herb d dj C W hitmore .,0 On Health and Strength are guaranteed by Pianici Baker its use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at Miller s A1 1 re. 1 Spreadborough li 110 Indigent : 900 Pharmacy. II dO J B Matthews Post Albert Watson Commissioners' Court. to 1 1 d 11 i s 1 1 information about Spl' iiili I Sprviuf* oil'ered via “ The Nortli-Wester 11 Line” from Minn­ eapolis and Si. l\tul to Milwaukee and Chicago—it’s a pleasure. If you contemplate a trip Earn, please drop a line to F. C Savage, Trav, 1* & 1*. Agt., W. II MeaKOVK No trouble Il* , i t r Cot'K r T h ird Monday in Marcii an ! and fourth M onday in Novem ber. bc.NTV C o u r t KST FOREST U R O V E, OREGON, T H U R S D A Y , .JUNE I I , 1SÍX». D IRECTORY. ruut rtary «>i Stute Mirer . public liiHiructiuii Print» i K ok AN D LA KOKST IN CI K- C UL ATI OX OF TH E COUNTRY N E W S P A P I RS OF T H E W I L L ­ A ME T TE V A L ­ L E Y ...................