W A S I I IN C IT O N KK (AKK OK TOUR W ATCH. W A R N E D BY B IL L NYE. THE DO LL T H A T GREW . COU N T Y 11ATC ; ! I E T . Bays she saw Mr. Slympkins give Sam I AN O TH ER C O N G R E SS M A N . Home money last night.” "Y e s , I know it was Slym pkins.” “ More than that. Sam was married A. E. Hyer of Cleveland, editor of a S p r in g last night to Miss Seymour’s maid, aud P a in e ’s C e le r y C o m p o u n d , th e C r e s t weekly paper called The t ’uyahogau, they went off together by the 12 o ’clock His ch u b b y face and his rin glets brow n. R e m e d y . M a d e H im W e ll. bears a physical resemblance to the late train. ” H er lau gh in g e y e s and her dim ples fa ir — Bill Nye. He is also a hit o f a humorist, A sunbeam , lost in the vine.*, looked dow n “ But, my dear w om an,” said I, “ I G lin tin g h e r y e llo w hair. a« his writings in his paper show. In don’ t care anything about whom be lias the matter of a bald head, spectacles 1 said, “ Goodby, happy one«, good b y : married or where be lias gone. The und a smooth lace he and Nye were E ’e r 1 co m e back, little g ir l and boy, question is, Has he carried my leg with well nigh doubles. Two years ago N ye’s T o u r laugh w ill fa d e to a com m on sigh, kim ?” M ocking ib is childish Joy.** manager, H. R Thearle, wrote Hyer’s “ Why, I ’ m sure I don’ t know .” T h eir eyes look ed grave, fo r a m o m e n t's suggestion that the two should travel “ Well, that is just what I want to thought. together. Photographs were exchanged, know, ma'am. This isn’ t a time for j But c o u ld not tak e in the m eaning cold . und Nye wrote Hyer from Arden, N. C., She shook her head till his bro w n cro w n trifling. You must remember that I am j a letter which Hyer still has, and in caught t : be married today, and, by Jove! I i S how ers o f c u r lin g gold. which Nye said, “ I realize fully tho want my le g !” novelty that the two Dromios would 44When yo u co m e b ack , m e w ill bo so t a ll,” “ Why don’ t yon ask Slympkins for ; H e said, ‘ ‘ and p r o u d .” ‘ ‘ Yes, m e w il l,” said it?” furnish, but I am sure I shall not go out she. for a year and possibly never again.’ * “ Yes, and be laughed at. No, I don’ t ‘ ‘ T he d o ll w ill g ro w , and the c r a d le -a ll, In September the journalist wrote up intend to let him know anything about j L o v e ly as they ca n b e .” Hyer and printed his picture. Then be­ the trouble he has caused me. Besides I r aw ay in the w o rld o f tide. gan a correspondence. The humorist A n In d d fa ream True beauty does n o t (ear to doff don’t know that lie lias got it .” s and fa n cie s that p ictu re fa ir — The p lu m es and f at tiers gay, wrote, urging Hyer not to pose any lon­ T h e g i r l ’s s w e e t faith an d the b e y ’ s glad “ But what are you going to do?” A ik ! h U the ch arm in g girls take ol!' ger as B ill Nye. “ Do Atop looking like p rid e — T h eir bats now a t the play. “ Why, just as soon as I finish my F ollow ed m e eve ryw h e re . m e,” ho urged, and he warned the breakfast I shall go to Mr. Seymour’s i C O M M 1SS.V l t Y I I K I 'A K I M K N T | Cleveland editor of the awful fate which A h , c o u ld it stay, co u ld it alw a y s b e! aud tell him of the perfidy of my serv- I But each j o y falls w ith a b rok en w in g ; ant — aud I shall take that leg to prove 1 e hum an system is the stom ach, lu c o n ­ had overtaken others who had looked Then n ight acm es on, and it ca n n o t see, One had been confined in j duce o i its a c tiv ity , the body is supplied like him. my statement—and, unless he object« M oaning, it ca n n o t sing. , the elem ents of hone, brain, nervous and Bloomingdale asylum and unother had very strongly, I shall insist on beiug I Solar tissue. W hen in digestion im pedes iinctioUM, the best agent lor im parting a been rotten egged and jugged in Cali­ With y e a r s o f w in te r upon m y head, married upon crutches rather than to j With y ears o f su m m er upon m y face, |tl>ful im petus to itsoperatiouH ia H oatetter’s j fornia. Mr. Nye sent a clipping from a have the wedding postponed. That would I I cam e, by h au n tin g d esire led, laeh B itters, also a cu rativ e (or m alaria, jus an d k idney c o m p la in ts , nervousness Fort Scott paper telling of a man who B ack to the s e lf sam e place. please Slympkins too much. I t’s what j □nstip >tion. looked like Bill Nye having had a par­ T he sam e sun stru g g le d and w an d ered through, he expects, but I ’ ll disappoint him, by , c tiv e Fere—D o you think you can fill alytic stroke on tho street, and one J ov e!” A n d glin ted rin g le ts o f b ro w n and g o ld ; ¿tjuirem ents of a son -in -la w ? i he Suitor— from the New York World telling of a T he d o ll hud g row n , and the cra d le, too, I finished my coffee, aud going to my < , i , er—-th ought you w ou ld d o hat. L o v e lie r than o f old. man who had been sent to the Market chamber I took the ownerless leg, and j bo’s Cure for Consumption has been a I Street police station for pretending to bo T h e tw o still sat in the w in d ow low , wrapped it up in paper. Then 1 came 1 [send to me.— Win. 11. McClellan, Bill Nye. The negotiations pending T h e ir hearts so fu ll o f u love so deep— down, and ordering my carriage rode \ ;ter, Florida, Mept. 17, 1896. were dropped at Mr. Hyer’s request, and A cra d le sw in gin g, so soft und slow . out to Mr. Seymour’s residence. H ock in g th e ir ch ild to sleep. H O W ’S T H IS ? Mr. Hyer wrote to Air. Nye informing —E d w ard U. O ldham in Y o u th ’s C om panion, i The old gentleman met me at the j him that he could not alter his physical door. He took no notice of my crutches. | offer One H undred D ollars Reward for any appearance. His glasses, he declared, With averted face he bade me goodmoru- '»f Catarrh that ca n n ot be cured by H ull’s were a necessity.— Philadelphia Times. rh Cure. ing and led me into the parlor. K. J. OHKNKY & CO., Prop*., T oled o, O . “ I ’ m sorry, Captain Boomerang, very 1 ,, tue undersigned, have know n F. J. i )heney G A M B L E D ON D E A T H . iie last 15 yours, and believe him perfectly j “ Sant! Sam ! Sam ! Where the dence sorry, but the wedding w ill have to bo ¡ruble in all business transactions, and ' postponed. ’ ’ is that fe llo w :” d a ily able to carry ou t any ob lig a tio n < N ovel I.if«- IiiMurttnre S c h e m e I n a “i by th eir firm. “ What, not ou my account, I hope?” ; I had rung the hell until I was tired chUHettN A I uin I iouhp . A c o n g r e s s m a n is a p u b l i c s e r v a n t in t-Uds Deoume fatigued and badly nour­ V> KST & TRUAX, aud out of patience, and then called for for you see I thought he had already | W holesale D ruggists, T oled o, O. ! It has just bocu discovered that the t lie f u l l s e n s e o f r h e w o r d . ished, the bad effect is seen in failin g him until 1 was out of breath, and still heard o f my loss. W a l iiin g , K i > n an & M a r v in , managers of the Springfield (Mass.) He is responsible to Ins constituents, digestion, distressing, ringing sounds W h olesale D ruggists, lo le d o , O. “ Amelia is” — ho did uot come. Il’s Catarrh (Jure is taken in tern ally, acting almshouse gambled upon the life of an “ What? My dear A m elia ! Oh, has j to his party, to himself— the honorable in the ears, dizzy spells, depression, if you want to know who I am, allow illy u p on the b lo o d and rnneons surfaces o f ystem . Price 7öc ¡»er bottle. Sold by all I aged inmate who committed suicide last me to inform you that my name is anything happened to her. Is she ill? ” office is full of hard, thankless work, neuralgia and lassitude. Spring days "list*. T estim on ia ls free. summer and made a good thing out of it. afford every one the opportunity for “ It's nothing serious, my dear cap­ aud heavy responsibility. George Boomerang, better known in ri’H fam ily pills are the best. The scheme was a novel one. L. W. Congressman W illiam W . Grout is shaking off old weaknesses and persist­ Fra zed on a, where 1 reside, as Captain tain. ” 7 8 .—A ll Fit* stopped free by *>r. K t in e ’ s Sexton, master of the almshouse, and ^ “ But is she ill? Oh, where is she? grateful to the frieud who directed him ent disorders Boomerang, late of the army. I am a t N e r v e R e s t o r e r . N o Fits after thehrsi to Paine’ s celery compound, when pro­ Physicians of every school have been use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and f'2.0U James H. Lewis, agent of the overseers Let me go to her. Do let me see her!” I3tUe free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, of the poor, placed Edward B. Smith, man of considerable wealth, own the ireh St., Philadelphia. Pa. “ She’s in her boudoir. Go. Perhaps i longed official work had w ell nigh ex­ from the start urged to inquire into finest house in town and keep, or did who was 75 years old, in the institution, hausted his health aud strength. His the formula of Paine's celery com ­ keep, a man by the name of ¡Sum, whose yon can comfort her. ” 11 G kk m ka l o r nreaRtasi. agreeing to take care of him for life, pound, that they m ight aatisfy them ­ I did go. I burst into the room and I letter reads: duty it was to brush my clothes, hat and and he entered into the plan by deeding selves of its w onderful power o f m ak­ Committee on Expenditures the War* found her lying on the sofa. boots and adjust my log. Dept.. House Rep.. IT. over to them his property, valued at j ing the sick well. Prof. Edward K. I rushed forward to clasp her iu my ; I refer to a wooden leg. The original Washington, D. C., Feb. 2«, 1 Si a i \ $2,000. leg ran against a cannon ball during our arms, but recoiled in surprise and i 1 fo u n d r e lie f i n P a in ’ e c e le r y c o m p o u n d Phelps, M. D ., LL. D , as soon a« he It was a case of independent insur­ late unpleasantness, and I have never amazement when I saw upon the chair I for i n s o m n ia . I t s a c t io n o n th e c ir c u l a ­ presented Paine’ s celery compound to ance, but the insurance negotiators were his fellow physicians, was always anx­ in front of the lounge upon which she | t io n a n d d ig e s t io n w as a ls o b e n e ficia l. seen it. since. in great luck. After five months of life V e r y t r u ly v o w * . ious to have the invigorator tried in Well, it was Sam's duty to take that was lying my— n© tired feeling afflicts nearly every- W il l ia m W . G r o u t . in the almshouse the insured man com ­ oases that resisted the usual methods o f “ Great heavens! Amelia, where did | wooden leg off at night and to be on at this season. The hustlers cease to mitted suicide. There is something wrong when treatment, that he might prove the hand in the morning to put it on before yon get my leg?” For you see I recog- j , th© tireless grow weary, the ener- Lewis and Sexton admit that they one feels "tired all the tim e.” It is truth of every claim made for his n ew ­ I got out of bed, and now you know uized the limb instantly. become enervated. You know just paid out only $00 fur his board, and “ The le— Oh, George Henry, I— I— contrary to every condition of good ly discovered formula for Paine’ s cel­ we mean. Some men and women that after paying for his burial they why I was yelling, ‘ ‘ »Sam ! Sam ! Sam !” health. There ought to be no necessity ery compound. The great remedy a l­ And when I inform you that this was can never be your w if e !” she sobbed, vor tempotarily to overcome that netted a profit of more than $000 each. of drumming into the ears of tired men ways gave relief, and iu 99 cases out o f the morning of my wedding day perhaps fixing her liquid orbs ou the limb before They claim that they ran a risk that aud women w ho feel they are broken 100 made people well. you can imagine how anxious I was to her. the man might live ten years, and that Paine’ s celery compound cannot be "B u t where did you get my leg?” I iu health, and are every day losing in get ou to my legs as soon as possible. it is the same risk that annuity insur­ weight and strength, the urgent need judged by the standard o f any ordinary “ Yes, ma’ am, I was the lucky fellow reiterated, at the same time unfolding ance companies take. They say that of taking Paine’ s celery compound, medicine, sarsaparilla or nerve tonic. that lmd walked into tlie affections— on the paper from the short one that I had they w ill uot do it again.— New York now’ ’ tis spring, to restore their spent It is a great modern, scientific discov­ brought with me. a wooden leg too— of the liahdsomest tug by great force of will. But this Recorder. ery, singularly uulike any remedial “ Where did you get m ine?” she nerve force and purify their blood. girl in Frazedona and was that day to ¡safe, as it pulls powerfully upon the I Some of the earliest good results no­ agent that has «v»*r aimed to effect a screamed, hopping up from the lounge lead Iter to the altar. But I must get my O P E N E D W I T H PRAYER. us system, which will not long stand | ticed from taking Paine’ s celery com ­ sim ilar purpose— t«» make people well. leg on first, and, as Sam wouldn’ t or and clutching the limb that I still held strain. Too many people "work on pound during these spring days is a Paine’ s celery compound is the one S t r ik in g I n n o v a tio n In a C ir c u it C o u rt In couldn’ t come, I rolled out of bed and in my hand. ¡nerves,” and the result is seen in uri­ regularity of the bowels, a better ao(>e- real spring remedy knnwu todav that A la b a m a . “ Y ou rs!” I gasped. went hopping around on one foot to find al© wrecks marked ‘ ‘ nervous pros- tite. sound sleep, and good digestion. never fails to benefit. Get Paine’ s ce l­ “ M in e!” Circuit court convened at St. Ste­ my leg. ," in every direction. That tired A healthy blood supply is regulated by ery compound, aud only Paine’ s celery “ Oh, this is too much !” Now, my dear reader, when the sur phen’s, Ala., the other day, Judge W. th*» n*>rvea nnd whpn tho«n vGol Hu. r»Orr»TV''T1 Ur! if T*r*T» +■«-» 1» S. Anderson presiding. A novelty was geon trimmed my stump after that little , Amelia sat down, too, aud for about sprung on the court as well as the affair with the cannon hall he sawed it two minutes we gazed into one anoth­ crowded courtroom of citizens by a off uncommonly short, so perhaps you er’ s faces without speaking a word. At motion made by Colonel Samuel B. can faintly imagine my feeling when, last. I spoke. “ Oh, Amelia, Slympkins has played a positive proof of thin, weak, in»- Browne that the court be opened each after hopping around my room, I found blood; for, if the blood is rich, red, day by reading a chapter front the Bible what I supposed to he my leg, but, upon a cruel joke upon us! He bribed your "sed and vigorous, it imparts life and | anti prayer. Judge Anderson grunted attempting to adjust it, discovered that j maid and my man to change these y to every nerve, organ and tissue | the motion, stating that he thought it a it was intended to go on below the knee. limbs. ” ‘ ‘ Do wooden legs shrink? That’s just ; “ Yes, and n ow ” — Colonel e body. The necessity o f taking • very appropriate service. “ But luckily we have found it out iu 's iSa sHpartlla for that tired feeling j Browne volunteered to read the first | what I want to know ,” said I. And erefore, apparent to every one, anil | chapter, which he did, choosing the first I then I rang the bell and called “ Ham !” ! time, and now the wedding can go on Well, »Samuel did n ’t come, but my as if nothing had happened.” H)d it will do you is equally beyond J chapter of Peter. “ What! Would yon marry me n ow ?” After the reading Solicitor Stewart housekeeper, Mrs. Bloom, did. on. Remember that “ N o w !” I cried clasping her to my “ Mrs. B loom ,” I cried, "w here is Brooks was requested to lead the prayer, breast. “ I ’d marry you now if yon* und responded in an tible petition im ­ Ham ?” She answered mo through the keyhole hadn’ t a leg to stand u pon.” ploring divine direction for the court Then I kissed the dear creature, while and that justice might be done and tho o f the door. “ He left the house last county benefited by the session, closing night about 11 o ’clock. Took his trunk she laid her beautiful bead upon my with an earnest appeal for divine bless­ with him, and said he was gong to I breast aud cried for joy. In conclusion I am happy to inform ings upon all present. The assembly leave town hy the midnight train.” I couldn't understand it at first. I tho reader that the wedding took place room paid respectful attention to this tie True Blood Purifier. All druggists, ft. novel feature of the court, standing | had always used Sam w ell, paid him at precisely 2 o ’clock that day. Slymp- 3d o n ly byU. f. H ood A Co., Low ell, Mans. good wages, and he had seemed perfect­ kins was not there, and I haven’ t seen during the prayer.— Mobile Register. She P re a ch e d th e S erm on . ly contented with his situation, and him since, but when I do see him— well, y - I ’ q p :i| c are easy to take, easy S U R E C U R E FOR P I L E S N o ve l W e d d in g C e r e m o n y . I ’ ll write you about it.— Tit-Bits. ^ ^ r I l i o to operate. 26 cents. served me faithfully until now. The Rev. Dr. Henry Wheeler was to I le u m * Mini H niiil, Hict-iiiuK »r I 'n m u iliiiK HU*■» *I f I«1 »1 on e* to D r. B O - S A N -K O S P IL E R E M E D Y . M>up.luih Johanna Hniberdina van der Kaay | Suddenly an idea struck in#, aud the have preached his farewell sermon in (u«,wt>Horbi< rum or», a p o o iilw u u r e . ( ircu ln r* « n i l Ire.:. P r ic e C o ld e r T h a n th e N o r t h P o le . w ill ho married hy a ceremony as odd whole cause of Sam’s perfidy was re­ the Methodist church of Media, Pa., on W " Lru ggin i* or u iiil. | » IL H 0 8 A N K O , P h i l » . , I » « . as tier namo. Slio is tho hollo of Uiu- vealed to me. Walter Wellman, who has been to the a recent Sunday, but was so ill that ho blu e o f C u tlery, « p o r tin g Hoods, “ By heavens, it is Slym pkins!” I arctic regions himself, says that M el­ was unable to do so. The people got a «a p p lie s a m i Bazaar H oods? W hy, d o n ’ t uekou. County Noord-Brabant, Holland. ow To this place Theodore J. Buute of Col­ yelled. "Slym pkins is the cause o f all v ille ’s theory of an eternal ocean iceca p farewell sermon, however, for his w ife - F O R C H IL D R E N T E E T H IN G - THE W IL L A F IN C H C O M P A N Y ? orado has sent a marriage license and u | my woe. He bribed Sum to steal my is as indefensible a« the old notion of took his place in the pulpit and preach­ F o r • • !« b y *11 H r a g f . . u . 8 5 O n t n a h o ttla . ill supply you w ith a n y th in g yo u want When these are received, the leg on this my wedding day and leave an open polar sea. At the pole the mean ed an effectn e sermon appropriate to tlir st m arket prices, «e n d forH oneral Hata- glove. r C atalogue <>f «o o r tin g H oods or Barber con pie w ill be legally wed according to annual temperature is reckoned at 2 de­ occasion. N. I*, N. U. No. 652.— ». K. N. U. No. 72» this insufficient prop in place of it .” 820 M arket .street, « a n F ran cisco, Cal. the old Dutch marriage by the glove Jim Slympkins is or was my rival. grees F. above zero. In summer it is FOR PEO P LE THAT A R E S IC K or He is the only son of his father, who, doubtless often so warm there that the custom. “ J u e t D o n ’t F e e l W e l l , ” Bonte. who is a Hollander, has lived by the way, is tTie most wealthy gentle­ lucky explorer who reaches its neigh­ & 3 5 & U V ER p ills in this country for four years and lost man in Fraz#d< na. Consequently Jim borhood w ill pull at liis sledge with are th e O ne T h in g to use. his heart on a visit to his native country I doesn’ t do anything but smoke cigars, bare band« and without any coat to in ­ O n ly O n e f o r a D o s e . Sold by druggist« at 2 5 c . « box drive round town behind liis splendid cumber him. During three mouths of tw o years ago. Samples F r e e . Address the grays, and devote himself to tho ladies summer the mercury would not full be­ Dr. Bosanko Med. Co., Phila. Pa. F o r ttio >1 » io n io F n lv e r s lty . low 10 degrees above zero. He might generally. The Morrow farm of 50 acres at Bea­ I rather had the advantage of Slymp­ pass a whole winter there without see­ ver. Pa.. has been purchased upon which kins. To be sure, Slympkins had or was ing the mercury drop any lower than it ‘ Save My C h ild ! ” to erect the Masonic National nniver- expecting to have much more wealth occasionally fails in Manitoba aud north­ is the cry c sitv and the deed transferred. Adjoin­ than I could boast of, but he hadn’ t my ern Minnesota. But be would find a ing lands will be purchased when rea­ face, you know, or anything like it. steadier cold. For three months, proba­ sonable arrangements can be made. I was sorry for Slinypkins, but, hang bly, he would have no higher tempera­ Work on the buildings will be started it, my dear sir, what could I do? If he ture than 20 degrees below’. motlie just as soon as the weather w ill permit. had chosen Miss »Short, Miss Ginx, Miss Arctic climate, like many other whos Broad, or, in fact, any one but Miss things in that region, is littlo under­ W o r k F o r » lT n .p e .t I v e A n c e sto r. stood by people who have not given the “ Youdon't set in to boast much about Amelia Seymour, it would have been * little on well. But it was really absurd for , subject special study. In that country vonr ancestors." tlies in croup or whoo] "N o. I'm too busy fixing things so Slympkins to suppose that I would a l­ it is always cold when the wind blows, summer or winter. But even in winter, cough. In such case.' my posterity can brag on me. Chica­ low him or any other man to marry Am elia— at least while I had a wooden , when the wind is light or still, a w ell Acker’s English Ren go Record. clad man can move about iu comfort. leg. l.ots of men who are looking for work proves a blessing an I would have given Slympkins any­ You will find one coupon inside wouldn’t know wlmt to do with it if thing in reason, but it was truly ridicu­ In M e m o r y o f f l o r a M a c D o n a ld . each two ounce h.)g,and two cou­ odsend. Mrs. M. A they should tind i t . __________ _ lous for him to think that I would give ■ It is w ell over a century since the pons inside cacli four ounce 'ke, of 309 E . 105th St i bag o f Iilack well’s Durham. From r.S .J m tr n n l o f ffoii.rip him Amelia. I told her so, and then I death of Flora MacDonald, w ho made I Buy a bag o f this ccle- J Prof. W . H. Peeke, who folded her to my breast, and she folded herself famous by the aid she gave in York, writes: “ D r \ flu r n ' m I brated tobacco and read the I m akes a sp e cia lty oi 1746 to “ the pretender” Charles Htuart me to her breast, and 1 allowed her to E pilepsy, has w ithout rer’s English ’ Remed V coupon—which gives a list I dou b t treated and cu r­ sip the honey from my rnby lips. iu bis escape from the king's troops, bnt " of valuable presents aud how 1 ed inure cases than an \ I my baby of bronchiti: Yes, I had won her, and poor Slymp never before this has her memory been living P h y s ic ia n ; hi. P to get them. * success is astonishing honored by a monument of any kind. also gave instant relit kins was fairly wild with rage. He hud I W e have beard o f case» Now, at last, a stained glass window is sworn to be revenged, but I laughed at : o f 20 y e a r s ’ standing 1 severe case of croup c u r e d b> his threats. to be put up as memorial of her courage hi m. II * fatefully recommend it. I was seated at the breakfast table «ip i and devotion in a church iu the isle of publishes i ~ •*»». Me.! 50c.; *1 . All Drn(trial v a l| u a b l( rune, given w om an bv MOOJD* ping my coffee half an hour afterward hkye» This is the place o f safety, it w ill Mr.ntriMg ( :o.. 16 A 1» t ham b-rs St.. X w o r k or REVEALED REMEDY hajgivfl when Mrs. Bloom came running in, cry­ be recalled, to which she conducted bon- t h is di s it the name of Woman's Friend. It is ease, which nie Prince Charlie disguised as her w o­ uniform ly sd'1 in g: fnl io relieving the backaches,headaches he send a n d w ea k n. “ Oh, captain, I know a l l «boot i t !” j man servant— a piece of loyalty to the which burden and nhorten a w om an’s with « S C ’S ' C U R E f O R I k rn exiled house for which she was reward­ women testify “ What, the l e g ? ” for it. It will give health and strength stily - i absolu te eure, free to a n y suffere- • -Kb avrno. T m m Ik m il I "Y e*. 1 think «a My daughter Eliza 1 ed by several month«' imprisonment. xnd make life a pleasure. For sale by all druggist«. f 1 1 /1 li m e i*wd I> t d n ig g.si - l_ •end their P. Q. and K »p re*s add ress i c a n v «*ne w ia h in j a c u r e t o a d d r y © BH7 MA U KR-FR è N K DRUG CO. P ortland . A « ¡¡ b * ^ 1 ^ -I Z m C B E lE n ii L rOKB. F. ©-. 4C«4ar*t.. lew Ter# » mechanism of the human body re- la one very much of the mechanical auction of a tine watch, the wheel», and screws answering to the muscles the delicate springs are what may be ¡ed to the nerves. One cannot move ¡out the other, and yet the action ot is separate and distinct. Mo it is the nerves and mmoles of the human The ailments of the muscles are net from the ailments of the nerves, like the mechanism oi a watch, if ex- li to sudden change ol heal and cold, get out o f order and for the time are iss. Especially is this so at this season he year, when from exposure, negh- 3 or want o f care, the nerves are at- ed and neuralgia in its worst iorm sets Hut like oil to the works of a watch i Ht. Jacobs Oil to the nerves thus de­ ed. It is acknowledged by thousands . the best amt most permanent cure his most dreaded disease; hence it is to look alter the human watuh as well lie one in the pocket. The l.a te H u m o r is t I n fo r m s a C le v e la n d E d it o r o f liw n ger. T w o ch ild re n eat In a w in d ow low . Where g ra ce fu l v in es e ver loved to creep, A cra d le swin^inK. n ow fast n ow slow , H ock ing a d o ll to sleep. A M EAN R EVEN G E. That Tired Feel- ood’s Sarsaparilla o CARRIES THE LARGEST MRS. WINSLOW'S BlackweSFs 2 { i 1! f ^ Fits Cured i