mOMT U1 AMKMICAN PRkSI, AAkOCIATlON. IMA "Yen, flit* m ajor'» daughter, as like hint in* two jic'ts unit tin- very apple of hi* cy a Folk that knew him wall »aid In thuee days that hi» Peggy— his ‘ Pretty P eggy’ he called her— was the one tiling In tho w orld ho put before the claim. How he ever agreed she should stay a w hole winter away from him is one of the mysteries, bat toe d id agree to trait her in care of her mother’s sister, who was a matchmaker and a fo o l When Peyton Fanntleroy came, she thought .here was her chance to make an end of the feud. She let Margaret believe he Was a widower until the girl was mad w ith love for him and In; more than lunatic over her. Then my lady wrote to her brother in-law circumstantially the state of affaire; also that it was Ids Chris tian duty to sis; that Peyton divorced h is w ife anil married Margaret. When the letter was past recall, she got fright ened and told Peyton what she hail done. He did wiiat anybody who knew him would surely have expected— told Margaret o f his love, his despair, and persuaded her to run away with him Hu would take her to New Orleans, to Fram e, where nothing, nobody, coaid separate them, anil make her life all one long happy dream. “ So at least tho aunt told as when we got there, your uncle anil 1. 1 was his clerk at 15. Major Overton had let us know what was in the wind. 1 remem­ ber now how he looked stepping into the office with that woman's letter iu his hand. Thougli we set off at once, some­ how he got ahead o f as and luid been t im e hours on the trail of tho elopers before wo got to their starting point. W o pushed after at our best si>ooil, but that was mighty slow. It was February, hail been raining a week, mid all the w orld was a quagmire. Your Uncle A l­ len was ahunchback. Peyton threw him in one o f their boyish scuttles ami hurt his spine, hilt he was a tine man, a tine rider for all that We got ahead at a sort o f snail’s gallop, anil 1 remember thinking that lie looked as hurt anil mis •ruble us did Major Overton. "Presently wo began hearing of our couple. Peytou had a team that even those mails could not stall, but in one place the trap upset; in another a broken ■trap delayed th em They were heading far the railway station, 50 mih-s off as tho road ran, but less Ilian 50 if onee you got annas the river, up whose hank w e were riding. But crossing for a sane man was out o f the question. The Stream was hutikful and running like a m ill race. Higher np tho waters hail run out a trifle; liesiiles a considerable uf fluent must bo reckoned with half way “ Yet wo did uot think even Peyton Would tempt fate in such fashion, oven though he knew who was hard on his track. We hail ridden 20 miles or more When wo caught, sight of the major anil heard him givo next minute a wild, strangling shout. “ Tho road rail straight and level for a m ile in front o f h im Half way a track ran down from it to a ford, passable at low water, mid into this Peytou Fnnnt- leroy was madly urging his tired horses. He must have known the water was your uncle saw to it tliat things should bo as he saiiL They hail great respect for each other after that, those two men, though they never spoke again Iu fact, if your uneie had lived, I think the claim would have been settled years ago, but he died in six months, leaving every- thing to you. ” •Tin- claim. Oil, it is sett led now aud forever, ” young Fanntleroy said, siuking back with a long, shivering sigh. . , ,!»• feet aud at nut m ! tiia r,,Mstance which such -l.sws. soon. When you do, my regards to him, *e*“ 1 “ . Nothing (hurt of the most to tbe wind. Why women to«hoiTT and tell him I ’ ll be pleased to wait ou tuches a .. * ,1,1» skirt from arB grossly unbecoming— v, „ y;1,| J grossly u iim w u u u tl,e ,— me him with the ugeut o f those foreign cap­ : r , « m g t J « h e ankles m a very un- joiity— »ubmit to the tyranny ( italists. Not that I'm trying to worm A BOSTON WOWAN WHO HAS SUC­ sleeves, ! know not. Who would 1 , 3 CEEDED AS A CONTRACTOR you out, sir. Not at all. Only I kuow KrTh1UlÄ n » 5 lA.min*»iuu. the themselves must iimi the scim. their ways and might give you and the mr C I u s .1 t posesas makers w on ’ t. Friends * ih s « s ^ l major a hint or two worth having. ” Í, ll oes. tisi, and comfort are , In......cut of women should rullagli Souir Alluring ia » p b « * * - Wo-#D ** deliratile. I « The perfectly tins topic, which offers signOHahS "N o t a doubt of it, " s a i d Mr. H il­ PhArma,-i.t> t'hiliw ao ‘ 1 ltc»«l* ls»hl«u- us delusive as its i dreth. bowing his visitor away. As the i.ed to take a the adversary.— Andrew Laug n, 1.^1 . b l . - P a r l i a m e n t '. T y p e w r it e r . door cloned Vance thing a curse after I i / ii van l - of silk w idth material and „jau s Magazine. “ Sblv Uuiun All ll UlfNI lllblA- him ami said, shaking himself as if to lining aud a corresponding UJIUIUK amount . » be riil o f something unpleasant: Conservative Boston has become a Mr*. I.lvririnor«, "T hat fellow walks straight enough, veritable "in'itlied M b -ti'!"t""k . . K . to . ,i.„ it lie for the advancement of , Inure l ire„ f , i | nminis, according th« A r»vt piion wan giv* u hot 1 never sis- him that I d on 't feel as women in business enterprises. There A Livermore by the Ma.s«acliu«etts^9 though he were craw ling and I wanted »re proRre.wsiv« Boston women who ruu heaviness "f gmils. Thie V '.^ isilV im nurses on Marcii is at the licittli),gafl to tread on him. ” conduct u I ujokc any desired line of bub­ .... „ „ . „ „ i , ,,f the w. I l i a n ' s B elief corps iu " I t would scarcely be safe. In the oes», design an artistic dwelling < r wearing It betau.-e 1 1 1 -! ]ii«inslied guests Wen ; rcutm Ì J * r,. we ever to be "advanced *n. ng ' main he’s a good enough fellow , bnt municipal building, take an excellent i he superior to the dictates of fashion MassachuselIs Arm y Nurses' there is something o f the reptile about photograph, print a novel in the latent when her commands iieoessitate such ex­ timi, auxiliary tu lie- naiii.ual in m l h im .” Mr. Hildreth said, puffing a big style, and, if the novel in uot a Huceess, aggerated and comfortless garments. ta ui, was formed, with Mrs. blue cloud all above his head. arrange for the author's funeral in a Hull II i f I 'ainliridge as prendi*«; fcjfl ; “ You mean tho fangs, I suppose,” fashion ouly possible to a tender hearted New York Times. Julie M. Wornili of Boston and j Vance said, banging down the lid of his feminine undertaker familiar with busi­ W o m e n » s t'li A im m l * !i- Klli'ti W Dow ling of Melruse, TiWfJ desk with extra force- and putting his ness reverses in the Huh. Todav the pharmacist is a trained sci- dents; Mrs. Marguerite Humillag heels upon it. Mrs. Alice K (.’ram, who has made enlist, and pharmacy has I... .. elevated j Mr. Hildreth eyed him approvingly. such an enviable reputation for herself to a profession, lu Its pre-eut form it Wakefield, secretary; Mt.-s M.irrJ J j “ That’ s right, ” ho said. “ O ldm an, mini, treasurer. Mrs. Liv-nuoi, J as a contractor, is also a Boston woman. ha> no unclean aud unpleasant features eleet e d an honorary member, I never before knew you to givo yourself Mrs. Cram says tliat she hud no special unit is therefore liked by women. -Never priv i legt- of voting on all i| „ , i , ^ M a holiday at 11 o'clock ill the morning, business training beyond a good public the less it 1» only of late years that they was deenletl to send greeting, t0| B but what wo have just heard requires to 6cbool education and the fact that she have overcome the form, r prejudices and Clara Hartón, with UH invitatila « 9 be celebrated in some most uncommon was the sister of six brothers. crossed the threshold of the calling- li. I i * ■nine an le in ruiy lu-uilier.— fashion. It is so unheard o f 1 can hard­ She started iu business as a contractor Tliev have a natural aptitude for the ly believe it even yet. ” with her husband nine years ago. Her trade ou account of their constitutional Woman’s Journal. —<— n "C ould anything surprise you more?” business ability was manifest from the caution, deftness and delicacy of touch. W o n H r r D e g re e . b*i asked Vance, lighting a cigar. start. Together and Mrs. Cram con­ The first womau to enter the profession I "1 hardly think so.” Miss Ida H. Hyde of Chicago, tracted for the ion work of some in our country was Mrs. Jane Luring of j “ Not even if the major should n-fxse large recent prtbth- buildings, among Boston, iu 1800. -'he was a grandaunt ]y f e l l o w in biology at Bryn Mavr,^ to give up the fight?” others the new public library, tho court- of Congressman Lortiig. Under the old j u s t taken the degr...... . dis'iiiru(|fl “ Good God, Vance! You don’ t dream hou>e, the boulevard bridge and the A1 losophy magna earn laude ut t b e u B system there was no Htate supervision o he w ill do that?" bauy railroad, which is said to be one the profession, uud any oue could take sity of Heidelberg. Miss llyila« « ■ “ It is what 1 expect o f him. " of the finest pieces of masoury in the it up wito desired without any legal iui m utt'l to tho lectures at H eiM fl “ Vance!” iqioti the presentation of her th a h ^ l country. pediments. Under this system over “ H ildreth!” Tho entire work on these contracts 1.2UU women became pharmacist? Of preparatimi of whieli was "A re you sane and sober?” was superintended by Mrs. Cram, whose late years, however, tiler- Inis been u Hi. Thomas Hunt M>, profnjH “ I’ ll make affidavit to lioth. ” judgiueut in such matters is considered profound change in the industry. Partly Bryn Mawr— and hat n i l “ What gives you such an idea?" something unique. to prevent competition, or rather to re­ there tor two years, holding t b e it Ä "M ajor Overton, if I at all compre­ About a year and a half ago Mrs. strict it. partly to raise the professional Hi.lit fellow ship of tile AsMehl^H hend him. has fought all these years not Cram decided to paddle her own bnsi* ,ii .a.ile Alumine for part.>f IkhljH standard, and’ partly tu protect the pub­ for fortune, bnt to clear his father’s Mie ul-o belli tie' Korop, an f-lknnN|H lic, colleges of pharmacy have lieen name. W inning by default w ill never started ill various places in the country the a s s o c i a t i m i for ivi;; I. ihirmgdiH do that. ” ■■ and laws passed requiring all candidates she siudied ut the Uni “ N a 1 remember now, he has put f for the profession to pass examinations burg. away every compromise. But, hello! almost as strict aud difficult as those W hat’s this? Letters from Ridgeley?” Ikiuncr Flow«>nt. laid dowu for physicians and lawyers. Jubilee, iu Sunday best, came through The fashion which prevaiM m The new system has cut down the num­ the office door and laid a packet on the ber of candidates, both male and female. tim«! ntfii <>f presentiiiK »‘XiuiiKivtlJ desk before Mr. Hildreth, saying, with at a daJ In Massachusetts not more than a score quetri to on e'» lady his best school bow: has entirely gone out. Now afewflj uf women have passed the examinations "M y employer. Major Overton, be- ern nrran^ed in u loose hunch ureal iu the past 15 years, lu Now York the quested me to survey those letters into number is said to be nearly 50, aud in times given, hut anything laureila your hand and soak W ill you have the the various states of the Union the en­ Hidered in bad taste. A t a recent £■ given by a prominent society w l tire total is below 500. Many marry aud leave the calling, a vases tilled with pink roses w ere« few have retired, and a few have con­ here and there around the tail « tinued their studies uud have become labra, which occupied the centeríí^^ physicians or chemists. At the present round table, and two loose, lungi^H time the total number of women who med roses, laid carelessly • ver omì ^ H practice pharmacy either as proprietors, er, were at each lady’ s place. t H APTER X. Three days later Hawkins walked into Mr. Hildreth's ottieo with much the air of a man going to have all his teeth pnlleil The older lawyer g rid e d him cheerily enough, bnt to Hawkins’ car there was an under note o f triumph. Iu truth, Hawkins hail in the last two days suffered a moral shock that hail left him a prey to emotional neuralgia. What he misread as elation was really but a sort of w histling to keep the courage up. Mr. Hildreth knew w ell whose bnsi ness alone could bring Hawkins to hi,s office and hail got some hint o f thesyu- ilicate’sovertun*. Ho it was plain to bis mind that Major Overton's antagonists meant to force the fighting, with what result he had no manner o f ilonbt. W ell as he loved a legal battle, Mr. Hildreth j had never Iss-n able to quite sink the man in the lawyer. Next to Major Over- toil himself he would feel the sting of the claim ’s oversetting, which, as he had all along felt, ouly a mirncle could prevent. After a glam “ good day” Hawkius ilmpis-d heavily into a choir, put his elbow on the table ami said, affectedly: “ 1 toll yon, you don’ t know what may hapis-ii. If anylssly had said to me a wis-k ago things with going to turn out thus anil so. I'd a’ told them to their teeth they liisi I would— sore as I sit here. " “ W hat’s the matter? Syndicate busted or gone back on yon?’ ’ Mr. Hildreth ask­ ed, with a nymimthy tliat had tho live­ liness o f relief. Hawkins snorted with rage. Ik: was Is-iug luuckisl as well as despoiled. 'See here, ” he grow list, “ let a man down easy, can’ t you? 1 couldn't feel more cut up if tho claim had boon all my ow n .' ’ Mr. Hildreth looked pu/./.bs 1. " I s this one of yonr jokes?” he asked. "F o r the life of uio I can 't tell what you are driving at. ’ ’ “ Don’ t you really kuow?” “ What?” “ On your honor, now, haven't you heard?” “ About what?" “ Why, this infernal foolishness o f A1 Ion Fauntleroy’ a ” "W h a t’s the size o f it?” “ Oh, northing much! Only he gives np clerks or apprentices is estimated at She 1 m a i'amliiiate. | the tight. V* ill let tho ease go by default about 1,500.— New York Mail and F,x- MICS. ALICE E. < RAM. next time it conies u p .fast now, too, Mrs. Margaret L. Wutson, Mia pre»s. ness canoe. She now has her own offices, when the thing means a cool million in of the Texas Equal Rights lanal manages all her business dealings and is C'haluH au*uit must go on i fpg jVfru. Cram was confided the entire here before me this morning. ’ * — extremely becoming to the complex­ hi 1 m s k T id l munagemen. of thu, « * . traction o f the “ W e have seen nothing o f him yet. ion. Necklaces .are made of them, their call to the pastorate of IU W the day of trial I -hall be able to prove my ' foundation for the Edison Electric com- Oh, 1 say, V an ce"— to his partner, who simplicity relieved by the addition of a Christian churi'li o f Wichita, obedient servant, , pany building of Boston. Her most re- was just com ing in— “ here are the story MeanUme believe me, your F rakci » O vki ^ o n . j cent achievement was securing the con­ diamond clasp. A row of black beads, will take mo a year, ’ she said tbtffl Issiks outdone, the miracle come to pass Vance laid it down, w ith a hard ; tract from the Chase Granite company divided on either side by a long 8 in day, " t o fill my engagements and Major Overton a millionaire if he breath, bnt next miuut« laughed aloud, j of New York to team 40,000 tons of diamonds, makes a beautiful ornament American lecture field, and tlsM chooses to be. " for the throat. pent to take a trip around tbej saying: stone to be used in elevating the tracks Vance looked sharply at Hawkins. He In the gold chains pink coral heads K -ir Hardie, the w ell known Srf ‘ Poor Hawk in»! He’ ll be madder j I of the New York, New Haven and Hart­ dill uot trust tho man. After he had are sometimes substituted for pearls. Socialist, has invited me lolilMM than a wet hen. ” ford railroad. For this contract she com ­ heard tho story ho tam ed to the uews- Chains are also made of black or blue have accepted anti likely will nxT peted with contractors all over tho coun­ bearer, saying: steel— a metal in as high favor as ever first speech o f my foreign try. “ For such an effect there must be a — the pearls introduced as in those of city I hope to remain abroad [CONTINUED.] Mrs. Cram is of tho “ newest woman" cause. Can yon enliglttcu as as to that?” the more precious metal. They are uot Than i may Battle dowu to type. She is a pretty, well dressed, Hawkins shifted bis foot uneasily and only used for watches ami eyeglasses, VT tm . f t l l l l n g t o n . homo loving woman on one hand, and answered, with dropp'd eyes: “ Oh. he M aitN iU on W om en. Students of the musical history of the on the other thoroughly businesslike. but chain purse» and other kmckkuucki, saw the nit major and heard— well, jit*«' of tho eighteenth century are fa ­ energetic, joet to a degree, f.wighted pencil oa»e^ tmy powder boxe«, Ac the Republican printarjill dome tilings that have happened. So the miliar with the name of Mrs. Billing- and generona without being rentimentab “ ,rrors “ ” d ' are,u* ^ nd« 1 fruD1 last mouth in Massillon. O., notion takes him to play Don (Quixote, ioti. For some 80 years, at a rime when She employs women entirely for her of- ,bem- voted. Their efforts were re»* tho.wev- t- not tight any longer w ith iui old man he art o f singing was perhaps at its firew ork. “ I find that they can always . I* «considered a breach the election o f Mrs. Ella 0. Sb* aud a— a -—child. " cenith, she reigned as one of the bright be relied upon,” she said recently. Mrs. " **ou< ,r,-c lnK to have a bunch of val- on the school hoard by a tnajn "H -m -m , ” Vance said, setting his particular stars of the musical world, Cram is a member of the Professional nable ,rlnlie," dan« llu« abuot *»*e P**’ ::s. This is the lurg. -t v o t e « « •1 tint >i« brought Margaret to u< guilt lips close. " ’The ch ild ’ is pretty well riir Joshua immortalized her as St. (Je- Woman’s league of New Y’ ork, uii execn- Fon. to N'T nothing of the danger of by women in Massillon. Mr*-s grown. I saw her only last month, and dead.” cilia, and in the fulsome fashion of the tive officer o f the Boston Business leugne snch a proceeding— and it must be bid­ er is vice president of tbe Eq**« swimming. 1 think ho reckoned that a handsomer, high stepping, np headc d lay it w as said that instead o f represent­ und treasnrer of the Boston Playgoers' den either in the breast pocket of the association. Mrs. I\ B young filly you seldom crons. P ity sho the team would tuko him half way over, coat or beneath the folds of the dress.__ dent of the association and ing her us listening to the angels he olub.— New York Journal. and from there ho could carry Margaret and A lleq can’ t make a match of it. I'inuld have painted the angels as silent Manufacturing Jeweler. Folger recording secretary. safe to the other bank. It was jnst a That would bo ail ideal settlement of before her. Michael Kelly, the pupil of Home Alluring Deception., P a rlia m e n t'« T y p e w r ite r «. bare chance, bnt 1 am sure he chose it this 50-year-old lawsuit.” In one o f Marlitt'a German romances .Mozart, said o f her, “ l thought her an The Women Voted. Hawkins and Mr. Hildreth cxchnngod — tho risk, I mean— with full knowl­ Miss May H. Ashworth is at the bead angel iu beauty and the tit. Cecilia of there is u clever yonng widow who fools At an election held in Ac edge in preference to tho certainty of looks. Clearly Vance did not know all lon g,” and Haydn naively recorded in her men admirers in the mutter of her of a typewriting department introduced that might be known regarding Over- March 2, the women of the city' losing her forever. bis diary, “ She is a great genius, and “ simple dressipg.’ ’ Bbe wears white in May, 1895, for the henetitof the mem­ “ Ho sent the horses so slow ly down to ton’s claim. Finding the others silent, all the women hate her because she is muslin gowns that are vastly becoming bers of the English honse uf commons. heavy vote. In the second ’ tho water tliat wo, all hjs pursuers, were ho went ou: beantiful. ” Her history is very curious, and seem ullnringly modest and inex­ She has a stuff of five yonng women, they cast over 60 votes. W ' “ Good thing for y o u Hawkins, to lu hailing distance as they struck tho tml the bri*.iancy of her career as an pensive. Only her seamstress, who hems who are proficient typewriters and ste' on the proposition to bond have it settled anyway. I was talking stream. W e shunted to him to stop. We 6 per '" 'r rent cent of of its ita vai valuation t o « irtist is in strange contrast to the scan­ the yards and yards of tiny lace trim­ nographers. Some of them are also export ; 5 Th. nature ,. ... (... - work^re- . 1 waterworks hail as Well called to tho wind. I saw yesterday with one o f those syndicate dals which surrounded her from her med ruffles, and her tire woman, who linoni««« linguists. The of » tho ’waterworks system system and and in in « 8! fellows. From what ho said, no matter trie light plant. The * attracts most attention. ODe tbe general conference. apostrophizing sjiarc. “ Poor country big drift log shot down upon them anil | fectly cut, a lining as exactly basted ns boy alter the head clerk had written dio- A Lynch in g T u . lawyer indeed! Why, Hawk, yonr bant sent all to the bottom, tho horse« madly The W oman’s club and _ ! tbe ontside. the two laid together seam tateuW . women's clnbs.