Washington County hatchet and Forest Grove times. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1896-1897, June 04, 1896, Image 4

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    w ,
O iU S Q O M M > A N D H A T C H E T *3 .0 0 A Y E A H
Highest o f all in Leavening Pow»r.— Latest U. S. G ov’t Report.
W atered at th e po*t-office at Forest G rov e, Or. a t
S econd-class m ail m atter.
P o stag e F ree
O a e year
S ix m on th s
T h r e e m onths
In A dvan ce.
E sta b lish ed for th e dissem in atio n o f W a sh in g ­
to n co u n ty new s, th e eleva tion o f h u m a n ity and
th e m oney w e can m ake.
Herns o f g en era l interest g ra te fu lly received
E d ito r’s hob b ies and op in ion s on th is p ag e, all
t h e rest facts—im p artial and uncolored.
E d ito r is at hom e in h is sanctum . H a t c h e t
B u ild in g . F orest G rove, from 6 a. m. to 10 p m
ot each w eek d a y and a lw a y s gla d to ta lk and
be ta lk ed to.
Crop— The weather has been most fav­
orable to farm work ami vegetation.
The growth of all things ha* been healthy
and rapid. Late seeding has been pushed
with vigor. Considerable oats is being
I intended for hay. Late garden, have
I been planted and gardens arc now ab ut
all planted
The weather conditions
while favorable to growth were also fav­
orable to the drying out of the soil, which
in places was needed. W he»t has made
an excellent growth. The long period of
rain did no injury to the wheat crop.
Spring grain has a good stand and is as
w ell rooted as faP wheat. Previous to
the fair w eather much of I he wheat was
yellow, but it now has revived and is a
perfect green. All correspondents note
the wonderful growth and improvements
in the wheat crop.
The same may
be said ot the oats, except that sown
lately, and of the other grains. Much of
What ¡3
Castoria is Ur. Sam uel P itc h e r ’s p r e s cr ip tio n for
and Children. It contains n e ith e r O p iu m , Morphia« i0f
opposed because they were claimed
other N arcotic substance. It Is a harm less substlt«,
June first is over and the only i to be in sympathy with its princi-
for Paregoric, I>rops, S o o th in g S yru p s, a n d Castor Oil
regret is that Mr. Tongue’s election pies. This list contained all and
It Is Pleasant. Its gu aran tee Is t h ir t y years’ u * bj
IS S U E D E V E R Y W E E K IN T H U Y E A R ON is not yet certain and even if he only these and was made up re-
M illions o f .Mothers. Castoria Is th e C h ild r e n ’s Pan**. |
th k
h a t c h e t has been sucessful his majority will gardless of membership or party.
not be what he should have had. Some offices were left vacant and
—the M other’s Friend.
However, people will be satisfied for some several candidates were the land that had been prepared for
I f y o u ta il to r e c e iv e y o u r p a p e r it w ill
if only he is elected. Mr. Tongue named.
wheat, and which could not then be so
b e a fa v o r i f y o u w ill n o t ify u s a t o n c e .
Castoria cures Colic, Constipation,
••C a s to rla lss n well adapted to children that
in congress would be a credit to
A few of the members misunder-! sown' has ,lfen SLt<lui
oa' '
correspondents report that oat seeding
: m r S tom ach , I>iurrh<»&, Eructation,
I recommend it os superior to any prescription
E d it o r am u P r o p r ie t o r 1
stood the slip thinking it to be a j win continue to June ,, Rye , hat was knotrn to me.” II. A . A rcher , M. D„
Kills W orm s, giv es sleep, and
111 Fo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y .
W ithout in ju riou s medication.
through with varying majorities contrary to the principles of the or- southern counties to he cut for hay.
P a g es
hut safe in all cases. Mention in der as it aims only to disseminate R*d clover iain places zSinches high, the
W eekly
its merits so well known that it m*. :ns a work
“ F or seve ral ye a rs I have i
__________ ________ _____ detail has already been made of trustworthy information regarding the rail'; weather havuigbeen temperate
of supereregation to endorse i.. I >’W
your ‘ C asto ria ,’ and shall alw ay*c_
intelligent fam ilies who do not keep Castoria
do so as it has in variab ly produced b
Tli«* H A T C H E T In i* t h e L a r g e s t *h e different officers elect and the the position of candidates on cer- peciallv in the soutliern counties In
within ensy rea<.h.”
E dw in F. P ardrr , m . D
C...:_os ZI artym , D. D m
c '¡
C i r c u l a t i o n o f a n y n e w s p a p e r assertions made are as true after as tain questionsand tocontol noone’s Jackson and Josephine counties alfalfa
125 th S tre e t and 7 th Ave., N*w
in W a sh in g to n C o u n ty .
before election. The county will be vote. To prevent misunderstand- i will lie cut this week, for the first crop,
Tn* C entaur G umpany , 77 M u r r a y S trxk t , Nnr You
in safe hands and the offices will be j ing one man took on himself the I pbe ra' nJ’ weather has made all hay ver\
FOREST GROVE TIMES ANNOUNCE­ filled by competent and honest men. responsibility of calling them in heavy in growth and should favorable
weather prevail the crop will be well
Differences have sprung up dur- and destroying them though he llarvested Hops have ma(le Krowth of
With the issue of list week the ing the heat of the campaign which was not responsible for their issue, j from atosfeetdu rin gth ep astsevcn days.
undersigned severed his connection will now be torgotten and while the Of course to the uninitiated the mat- The hop» have been most favorably af-
with the F o r e s t G r o v e T i m e s , victors are republicans no one will ter could not be explained and a fected b>'the dl7 weather and sunshine
The plant, subscription list and find any distinction made by any few personal enemies saw their op- Hop -v ards are now beind worked and
I the vine« are spreading on the pole« and
good will of the T i m e s have been of these officers because he may portumty to obtain revenge by mis- wirCi.
purchased by Mr. Austin Craig, have been on an opposing side from representing it and improved it,
The current conditions are most favor­
UUUNTY, Carries the Largest Stock of Drugs in
already well k n o w n and needing them in the fight. The officers working busily all day circulating able to grain and grasses.
Grove and "ill Meet Prices that may he made by.
Fruits*—There can now be no denying
no introduction to the people of will show their partisanship only the report.
one. Don’t be humbugged, hut call on a Reliable])!]
Forest (>ro\e and Washington in the able and worthy way in
To those who were mislead in the fact that the frosts of the fore part of
gist of Experience.
April and the cool rains have seriouslv
county. 1 he maimer in which he which they all conduct their offices, this way were added disappointed
injured most varieties of fruits. Of the
will effect consolidation ofthe I i m e s a way that has come to be charac- candidates and people who thought prunes, the Italian appear to be the mos>
and H a t c h e t w ill doubtless ap- teristic of republicans and has led they had a grievance on account of seriously injured. One correspondent
pear in this week’s issue of the the people to confide in their rep-
official acts. For instance, a part reports that in his 40-acre prun-orchard
Marvelous Results,
paper The new management has resentatives.
of a community which had lost the lh" ' ia not a busl,e‘ . of fruit Somc for its new hall which will he putin place
Prom a letter written by Re
bound himself to carry out the ex
* 200 a vear it had been illet,allv ! orchards w,n have a fa,r croP of P""1“ ' for the next meeting. The event will be
• .•
• .
w it TiiV'f’ lTB'iu p v l ’ h 11/0
^ *"
o l . while others will have none at all. The „ . - j -
orrasion of a special program Gunderman, o f Dimondale, Mick,
istingcontracts with-advert.sers and
(lrawing otl the children in an or -1 current season is one of those phenome-
Wednesday, evening the Gamma Sigma are permitted to make this eitn
The close run of Mr. Tongue. pban asylum. A more unreasona- rial ones, for it is a very rare occurrence
subscribers and such con tracts w ill
boys debated tile silver question. Owing have no hesitation in recoin mends
be carried out.
yet uncertain as to result, was due b]e case was that Qf a former clerk that fruit is injured by the weather in to better preparation and better presen­ K in g ’s New Discovery, as the
For three and a h a lf years the solely and simply to the rule-or vvhose resignation had been brought Oregon. The peaches and apricots have tation of their arguments the silver men were almost marvelous in the cue
undersigned lias conducted T h e -ruin policy of the Oregonian and about because he appropriated been more seriously injured than the won the debate. As the debate was clos wife W hile I was pastor of the Iq
prunes. The pears have been injured,
ing Pres. McClelland, I’rin. Bates. Prof, church at Rives Junction she
T i m e s , during which time he has the other gold-or-nothing, repub- school funds t0 his own use
but yet not so vert' seriously; in some sec­
labored for the upbuilding of the lican-only-in-natne n ew sp ap e;.,. man wrote in that he had been a tions the trees are fairly filled with pears and Mrs. Perrin and Miss Haskell came brought down with Pneumonias«
ill to visit the society, and added interest j ing I.agrippe
Terrible paroipi
town and county, and he has the They drove out the republican Republican all his life but that it The apple crop has also been affected, to the discussion which followed the de coughing would last hours with littk
gratification of knowing that in ! silver men(that is, bimetallists) by WOuld take $100 to get him to vote j alld this is a most unusual thinK
° re' bate.
terruption and it seemed as it shea
spite of general unfavorable influen- j eternally telling them they were fot the present candidate
s°"' Lie cherry crop has been injured
not survive them. A friend nt
O n e m in u te is th e standard time, and : " ir"'>od Dr. K in g 's New Iliicotm
ces considerable improvement has not wanted in the party and should
This feature o fthe campaign was ^ “ «sm e' fairly lell'filled.0'TtachS!
'» '<s work and highly,
been made during that time
and go over to the populists where they not an agreeable one. A bright I riea are growing rapidly, and will begin One Minute Cough Cure is the standard j was
preparation for every form of cough o factory in results.
Trial Dottles fa
that he has had some part in
ac- belonged. They prevented conver- contrast to this, however, was the ! to riPcn within the next two weeks, in
cold. It is the only harmless remedy -^I'der s Pharm acy. Regular size50
complishing the results.
, sions from other parties by calling honorable campaign conducted by j >»95 cherries were ripening on June 1,
that produces immediate results. J. c. I and
The present deal is made for the j a« who disag. eed with them fools, the party of the other candidate and
t n T
f “ 7 " ' Clark, druggist.
reason and with
1 dotards and lunatics and so , making
those wno
who preierrea
nreferred him
• . , by the weather,
le yet rul it must
las eetl
Administratrix'» Notice.
, „ expressed
,/ ,
6 ’bv
Dy tnose
j injured
N o tice is h e r e b y g iv e n that the uncen
understanding that the field is too | hostile those who believed it was
xh is explanation is in place for be understood that this means a failure
C E D A R M IL L .
has been d u ly a p p o in ted b y the count)« [
small for two newspapers. One , every man's right to think for n0 one cares to be misrepresented in the crop. There will be no market
H e j the state o f O rego n for W ashington court), ■
We now have a new blacksmith,
j m in istra trix o f t h e estate o f Jerome A ft [
paper, however, should receive the \ himself.
in sucll a way even jje
an edj yields in any hill fruit, yet there will be was much needed.
deceased, la te o f W a sh in g to n county, i
liberal support of the people of
These self-sufficient journals now tor of a partisan paper and a can- fruit of all kinds and to spare. The small
A republican spoke to a large audience and that ahl. ha, ,luly qualifif(i aad a I
fruits and berries have not been injured.
F’orest Grove. There is no busi­ that the election is over and the didate for office
lursdav evening at the Union school i upon the discharge
d is c h a rg e of
c her duties.
Grapes have been backward, but they
All persons th e re fo r e h av in g clainuap®
house. Excellent music was furnished
ness institution in the city so po­ results of their work are becoming
A u s t in C r a ig
are now growing rapic.ly. Some vines
said estate a re h e re b y requested and reqnin
by the Bethany band.
tent for advancing the interests of apparent are trying to shirk the
present th em to th e u n d ersign ed at theof
I have made six inches growth during the
Mr. Huston, a democrat, also addressed Anton P fa n n e r a t F o rest G rove, Washi^|
the business men and of the place responsibility. They claim that Mr.
A funny typographical error past week. Strawberries are ripening a large audience at the Union school i count>' O regon , w ith th e proper
generally, but it cannot thrive Tongue did not express himself crept into the editorial columns of rapidly, and before the close of the cur­ ,
1 . ^ .
w ithin six m o n th s from th e date hereof,
„ _
rent week Oregon strawberries will be h o u s e la s t S a t u r d a y e v e n in g ® . Music was *
Kllen Ports■
without sustenance in the form of distinctly enough on the money is­
j Administratrix of th e E sta te of Jrrotnt.il
one of the county p a p ers last week plentiful. Raspberries, blackberries and furnished by the Bethany hand.
sue when they know that had it not w here it Stated that ‘ ‘ Bradford had | gooseberries are, as usual, most prolific.
ter, d eceased.
A grand entertainment was held at the
j Forest G ro v e . O re g o n , June 4, 1896.
We lies peak for the management been for their distorting and mis made raanv fiends in thiscounty
While a favorable change in the Union school Saturday at 2 o’clock. The
of the consolidated papers the good representing his views no one would The fiends did not appear on eiec- weather is noted, the conditions are not daK was raised about 2:30. A fine pro-
Ripans T abules assist digestion.
will and financial aid the paper have ever called them in question tion day but his friends were very such as to indicate settled fair weather, gram was then rendered,
deserves and in retiring from the after the public stand he took dur- much in evidence and put him in and it need occasion no surprise should Jim Gill has left our little burg and A dministrator’s Sale of Real I
position of editor, express thanks ing the last senatorial contest. office bv a majority that showed geneial rain occur before the week is out. gone into the fishing business. He said N otice i* h e re b y g iv e n , that, by Tirtnfjfl
The summer type of weather, conditions there was more money in fishing than in order and d e c re e o f th e C o u n ty Court of»*
ington C o u n ty , O regon, m ade and enter«
due to the public for liberal pat­ Those opinions he held to and pro­ hey appreciated his worth.
has not as vet appeared, and until it does grabbing stumps,
June 2, 1896, a u th o r iz in g and directing the«
ronage in the past.
m iniatrator o f th e esta te o f Martha M N<*r
claimed during his canvass but
settled fair weather cannot be expected.
Herman Talley spent Sunday at Mr. deceased,
to s e ll, a t p riv a te sale, certwl
estate b e lo n g in g to th e e sta te o f said dfff“
when he spoke to hundreds news-
J. W h e e l o c k M a r s h .
Now, th e re fo re , n o tice is hereby ffi *
A. L. Wooster, a prominent citizen of
' *
from and a fte r J u l y 6, I896, the under«
pajiers reaching thousands were
Arthur Miller has left tor Portland ad m in istrator o f th e a b o v e named esteti!'|
tires from newspaper work to de Osseo, M ich., after suffering cxcrucia-
proclaiming him single gold stand-
proceed to s ell th e real estate hereinaftff
where he will work.
vote himself to his duties as post- t'ns'y fro*»> piles for twenty years, was
scribed at p riv a te sale. Said real estate*
This issue of the H a t c h e t will [ ard until finally some of the people
Mrs. Sullivan left for Butte, Montana, p articu la rly d es c rib e d a s follow s, to wit
master has for nearly four years cnred a *hort time by a» ng De W itt s
Situated in W a sh in g to n County. Ow*
be received by many who have not came to believe it because it was so __ . ,
.c ,
. ,
1 W itch Hmzt l Salve, an absolute cure for wbert s' lli w'd join her husband who is wit B e g in n in g on th e lv L in e of the d
land claim o f K W a lk e r an d w ife, in T. 1
before been on its mailing list, persistently kept before them.
1 W at a p o in t 8 d e g . 30 m in. K R*UM
than all others combined. Mr. Smith, an old p.oneer of Oregon
The announcement above of Mr.
Now these same papers are full gress of Lorest Grove. It is in the i tion is used
who lives in Tillamook, is visiting friends ,h' nc' H- 3 .19 chs., "Whence N. 5 deg-t»**
Marsh explains the reason. The of reasons, giving everything ex power of a newspaper to materially , J. C. Clark,
help or hinder the advancement o
------------------- in Cedar Mill.
' 'Aiilrbra'inmn's^the^
F o r e s t G r o v e T im e s has been cept the true one.
The favorite
C O L L E G E IT E M S .
La»t Saturday evening a very ple«s«nt I
tiiaw B i. .ychk*"hrac"'?|l‘^ * | j!
consolidated with the H a t c h e t seems to be to lay the blame on
management the Times has Iteen a The bovs of the cllss of iqoo have PartJ' was given at Mrs. Walter's. Games criheuTrart. ¡hence Wlothrpl°*cr<>'f
and all subscriptions will be filled the A P. A. because there is no
considerable factor ill the advance adoP‘ «-d a grotesque straw hat
for their were Pla* ed u,,til a,« “ t twelve when cJhTn" ha“ " on"'h^f °n
out by the consolidated paper as likelihood of that mysterious orga-
class headgear.
luncli was served, then all returned to 1 Payment to draw interest at 8 per erst p«'
ment of Forest Grove.
th e ir h o m es
r*»r*r»rf o „
i *
num an<l to
secu red b y mortgage on tn
, well as all contracts. The result nization ever denying the report
A t the field meet of the Intercollegiate
port a good time.
sold Conveyances to be at the expense
is one of the largest county news- though those who should know
Association of Amateur Atidetics of Ore- . " ’ ■ "'e Smith wh - ha» been working P natlJdVt Hlll.bom, Oregon, this J«*J*
Youn g mothers dread the summer
I H. s a i j l
papers in the state, 1680 copies of claim that it is false. The blame months on account of the great mortality gon to be held on the state fair grounds ln 1,ortland spent Sunday with his par
A d m in istrato r ,.f th s E sta te o f M att*»»|
land, Deepened.
this issue being mailed. Toadver- will rest on the gold papers to among children, caused by bowel troub- in Salem, June 6, Pacific University will enta'
A grand party never to be - --•*-»».».»«
risers this will be an itu lu c e m e n t w h o m it b e lo n g s a n d n o e x c u s e can
Perfect safety may be assured be represented
. a . by a strong
. , team. A ail-
_ * as
aa given la«
last Monday
evening at
at the
but advertisments will lie secondary avail them.
. . .
team winning the i— ^ — ;- a-
* - hnm* n f '*T—
J. C. Clark
J. C. CLARK, Druggii
to n e w s a n d tto p a in s w ill be sp a re d
to make the H a t c h e t the best and
most points and of
— -------------------- “ ,* ra *ure’ a “ ' ad“ ln ,,,e r 11 course we expect the
,u un„
' V ... V . boys
For cramp», bilious colic, •. .
V. ..
- to
lu unnK
‘ ‘For good money The Orego dysentery and diarrhoea, it afford,
them. W e hoPe
hope a a good
m' w with
l,h them
affords in- it h°
contingent of students will go
nian has made as earnest a fight as stant relit f. J. C. Clark, druggist.
- »long g
it could.” — Tuesday's Oregonian
and give the college yell.
newsiest family paper possible.
In its editorial columns political
matters will be treated of from a How much did it get?
republican point of view because
the editor Itelieves that way and in-
tends to say what he honestly! A story was in circulation o n
thinks. Whatever is said will !>e election morning that the republi-
g iv in g his opinions with the grounds can nominee for school superinten-
for them, leaving to others the dent was attempting to knife the
right to think for themselves with- rest of his ticket. This storv was
Crop Bulletin.
home of Wm. Owens in honor of Arthur
------ - ninteenth, and of Miss
„ °w ens'
. .
anil ol Miss Josie
*nd John
John King's
King's twenty-first
twenty-first an-
‘ b and
n' Ter,arvj Thev
Th' y indulged
indulged in playing
and singing until midnight when
an ample repast was served. Games
Prof. Robertson, while trying to tame weri lh«n iootinued until about 2 o’clock
Week ending June 1
W .a th e r -T h e paat week ha. been the “ ” d
« wild unruly "b ik e 'o n the J
. *» their homes wuh
first week this season without any rainfall c* ” pu* Monday evening, spramed h i, *>»d ™ h e s to the.r hosts and hoste.s
i. « there was no general ram. On Fri- ! * " * '
h' ” fr° ” b' a™ * ™ci-
day, the agth o f M~ay, good shower, fell tattons Tuesday and Wedneaday.
W ill Fletcher, one of P. U ’s l*at atu-
in Josephine county, resultant from a
,bunderstorm »fiich moved into Eastern dent», who is now principal ol the Gas-
('rc*°n *'r’d»>' night. Accompanying ton public school, was among us Friday
The program of the last Pbilomathean
o u t abusing them it they happen used in the different precincts and , nd night, .m l plenty of »unshine The meeting was: Recitation. Maud Buxtoa;
to hold different views.
In news wherever there were none who un- temperature averaged 5 degrees warmer song, Maud Shannon. Maud Jones and
columns every
be derstood and could explain it had a than in the preceding week; the d»y Pearl Chandler; recitation, Rena Buxton.
treated fairly and equitably. Such marked influence.
temperature averaged 72 degrees and the Miss Lois Parker made a short add re.,
has been the H a t c h e t ' s intention
The origin was that an organize- n,ght 51 ‘‘'I"**- h°‘ hbeing normal May on what the society has done during the
temperatures. The maximum for the ' y*»r
in the past and such is its aim for had ordered slips printed g iv in g a
week was 82 degrees on the 28th and »gth
T h e Gamma Sigma society has received
the future.
1 list of candidates who were being the minimum 46 degree».
.he chain and some other furnishings
Don't throw away your money buying
wor‘ bl'M remedies, which are warranted
,o c u " every disease. Remember that
1>e W iu ’* S ‘ « s u » i t n u is a blood Pu-
rlfier and Blood Maker. J. c. Clark,
* rukglst
D e n tis tr y .
Dr. R. H. Hnvey b a v in . 1
Kl,rp*> Grove f,,r ; h„
^OC* ,*h| 1,1
tiatry takes this meth,»l /?P#” dpn"
........i t i S T S
any Vori, .‘.'."W " P '* Prrpnred to d„
w,,r* in that lit,
Artice over
No Air, No Life
because tlii
s w o lie*
k e e p aif
f r o nt ti1*
^ lungs. Dt
t A cker’s E n g lish Reinea)'
i reduces the inflainmatio»'
j so the patient breath®
i freely, and is soon well-
M iss R . R a y . 354 W .22 d S t,N Y |
• says : " W h e n threatened
• pneumonia, I took one bottle« «3
: Acker's English Rem edy, and®
t a: :i and cough disappeared.
: Jailf». 2 Sc.: 50 c.;*I. AUDraff»^,]
| AcRK«Mti>ici»RCO-.ia-lThaiii»^«^^