« /O U X T Y T H E N E W S R E SC U E to b n m ra * D IM »r FROM A LL THE PAR TS O f WORLD M )t« IU»>R* THE -Ü M A I) RU SH FOB GEORGIA Iir . I METHOD T a * V f f A l H . C*-I OF RUSS • A NS rRAM- Pi.ED TO DEATH .4: • l '» » s U f ÍN *.’» W «n « F * iU * i« « M •'•«mi ^*sr fi$Mi|«t|g > *« IN O R B ID C N ik ««t ik* r* m a i l * * - S a T rta . H U N O R fO S .| u F « m »I» by tae nag ton u a be e a r i afad. the of A fart»» I ìa Annata w ill be quickly «supped It la pro- poeed to let tae federal tr'/.pt :a par m it of the redskin* -r-aa the .me |iatc M a io / and gire the M n . a i tr'x.ya the ngnt io e r a ) the lu e iato A nanna. Col li. F. Mefriioeey a p r a i a M t potiaeu a and agn « a l t e n « . f .S a n J « . nae Men murdered • body, with a bolla« u the near, waa found la an a u r a a e -a nit ranee, near r.am fateti a motion, m D ie t from dan J o « , in the lovnahip of L/a fr o m . A neighbor named Page found the body, and. ufar.n going atri the nous*. found the body of M d i l u e t f • i n . Mr» Me- Ghoeey, and her daughter M unte -.nee.er a e n a c t , and Bober! briaco, a hired man The tragedy waa enacted by the «co-in-law 'if Mra McGIincey. Jamea Dunham The only t o m tot of the fam ily U Iruooacr. a baby who wat found aleepug feacefuiiy by the »¡de of tola dead mother George Hcnaeble, anotner hired man. barely eacafed the fate 'if the otberra The (rreciaa gorernmeot, u a cir­ cular note to the power*, repudiate« reepoioeibility for the reteinon in (.rete un l e « the porne re a le r« Cretean au- tonomy A Nuremberg dispatch mya the firn four piizea in the intern tuonai one*« maater* tournament, to begin Joly 20, bare been increased to* $750. $500. $-375 and $25<> reapeo.-tirely. It hi reported in Wiodaon, e a A as c a n d deii’c*cTate*7 ** in tiwr finx instance, went imm»dLs iife ie « body w«* banging from a tree. Toe trexnCling negro was made to look apoa tne fate of his brother in crime; then » rope waa placed abont ni$ neck, and be w « •lowly suspended in the air and bis body riddled with ballet*. The bodies of the negmss were left banging daring the afternoon, and a •urging mas« of bamanitr w«§ packed around the tcene. The greatett eicite- ccent preraila here and especially among the negroe* and it ii not im­ probable that fortber trouble w ill en­ sue. e l e c t io n r e t u r n s F 0V h a r« ibow i 12*0 Thr fU p u h iii-A « kar« , r icr-r nt f : _» . . rxn— sko prvtwbly t,«rts « wo, = , m ;cr* ,4 ^ J " » * ■ *- in- rip rv t«d au;- t. k c i In-i.c-s a . , fr- a Ta. M r . i l ) « * « • • • u -e tne m ir of ,a . « a . u . i w in g w ill bars * f«r fM l T«*|W M ImmSrrt Bean f t « r a p s «»« ÌHm w u” 11 « m H H- I * n '» * OVER THE S r A" th* r^ete : - :. : Moaco.w. Jane 2.— A terrible panic, !-■ ra. for 1 istrici duxrtct in “ g t«»te i «ir nearly twenty i iur _ ____ ... rore! the the A Argentine $150. B it * Mama mi. (liar- Hog p boors. Tbe police did everything pos­ lisb woman, while tne nation waa in ality of 270. Lake, Republican uomi LJuifiti w illl beat him shorn gist and k oilly, of the War Kaglo, debt, Irr. J. Hornero, the minister of suited by the indignity to which the nee for joint representative for Benton sible to keep back tbe crowd, hot sud­ Um atilla county— Thinj Aril far) a hole 91 !4 in c h « in 16 min finance, w ill elaborate a scheme for the denly the masses pressed forward and stars and stripes were subjected. As a and Lincoln counties, is elected by out of thirty-three give Kll 'yinreraion of the paper money ■tew, winning thereby swept evertybing before them. They consequence serious trouble is autici- 275 majority. Loggau, candidate for ality. For rapreme ;ud|«: A dupanth to the l»n d on Times fr'/rn In Lo* A n g e l«, (J*l., an electric car overturned benches and tables, trampl­ pated, and it 1» feared that there may representative on the Benton county Burnett, 642; Gaston. 935 Athen« « y a th« Oreek cabinet baa d«- ran over and killed an inmate of the ing hundreds under foot and crushing be a not, so intense is the excitement Republican ticket, is defeated by about is probably elected joint atded not lo «end warahipa Ut the ialand Holdier»’ Home, w h o « identity is an the life oot of a great number. among patriotic orders. Mrs. C h a ri« 20 plurality by Whittaker, a Populist, W allow a county — • f Crete unlaw It lierx/me* absolutely known. The belief is that tbe old Among the dead found on the plain H. Eaves, who runs a boarding-house the first one ever elected m the county, W allowa county are mummery. It 1« added that twenty- man was placed on tbe track by hood­ were ladies evidently of high rank, at 1222 Washington street, shortly af- Coo* county— Return* from 24 out of plete The entire Am (,’hriatiana b ar« (wen killed in the lums, though it was apparently a cane dressed in tbe finest silks and adorned ter the Memorial day parade had 26 precinct* in the ciunty give the tol- ticket has been * c i-easfel, mmmmr.iK in Crete pasaed, ripped down the famous relic, lowing results: Congress — Tongue, of suicide. with jewels. ceptiou of Jennings. Rep tore it to shreds, stamped upon it and 923; Yauderberg, 1174. Supreme J a m « Kliington waa hanged in tentative, and Williams Tbe police barracks to wbici tbe Tbe BitMbnrg and Indiana manufac­ turned it over to its owner w.tb these judge— Bean. 1010; Gaston, 909. Nn*- B oé«, Idaho, for the murder of turer* hare cloned down all tbe win- bodies of the dead were taken by ’ be ■toner. For congress, Ljuin! words: “ Take your dirty old rag " ler, Ptpulist ncm in« for joint repre- Charle* Briggs. December 50, I5K4, dow-glaaa factories in the territorie* authorities are b «ie g e d by persoi « 200 plurality. The woman admits the deed, giving tentative, has carried the county by ■ iin g to n «not Brigga in front of tbe controlled by them. Thia throws 4,000 seeking news of friends and relatives. G illiam county—Vuim, her only defense that the owner had 250 plurality. l a t i « « home in Koiw. Kliington met skilled workmen and about 1,500 la­ The scene at tbe barracks is terrible Bennett are all closely insulted her. The flag is owned by Polk county—Complete retnnrs are A»a rietini, paused and then turned and borers out of work a month earlier in the extreme. Tbe remains of tbe uncertainty prevail* as C h «te r Salisbury, a boarder in the in, but tbe official count baa not yet A c t him in the back. dead w ill be conveyed to the cemetery, than uanal. house, who inherited it from bis adopt­ been made. The vote of Independence, Tbe Democrat* have elected where a large morgue is located. Henator Mitchell, of Oregon, ha* rn- The Prohibition national convention ed father, Captain W illiam H. Green, Dallas and three other precincts give and the representative is ii The diauater, as now explained, was Baker county— Twenty pte purteid favorably from the committee held in Pittsburg, nominated the fo l­ who captured the transport Belle of Bean 200 majority over Bninett, due mainly to tbe absence of the po­ mm poMo/fices and postroada the b ill Ut lowing ticket: President, Joshua H. Cape Anne when she was anchored off Tcngue a majority of 401 over Myers. of twenty-five give: Beta, lice. who bad not arrived at aer early ton, 60; Barnett, 740. Inareas«- tbe pay of letter-carrier* Levering, of Maryland; vice-president, Fortress Monroe daring the second bat- and Hayden for prosecuting attorney Bennett. 4596; Ellis, 744; throughout the United Htatea. Tbe Hale Johnaon, of Illinois. The silver an hour. F o lly 200,000 persons of all tie between the two famous naval mon- 110 over Carson. Republican, Northup, 167. Yaokuii. MU U similar to the one already favor- plank waa rejected and also the woman g r a d « of aticiety had gathered together sters Tbe transport took part in the Jackson county—Complete returns on the plain at the time the disaster oc­ elected to tbe legislature. ably reported In the house suffrage plank. fray and was fired upon by the Mer- from all but two small precincts give curred. Only about 1,000 attendants Douglas county— Returns CapUin John Wilaon, tbe hero of The Madrid correspondent of tbe were in charge, and they seemed an- rimac. She bore tbe flag daring the Republicans one representative and except one small preciootg isoukout mountain, who has been suf- London Htandard say* it is made a con­ able Ut control the mob. HopiDg to encounter. A warrant w ill be issued school superintendent, and the Demo­ lowing majorities: Ti erlng from a cancer on hta fatal, died dition of the French and Hpamah hank­ lessen the pressure of tbe assembled for the arrest of Mrs. Eaves at once, crats county judge, and everything Bean, 500; prosecuting si *4 bla home at Htatlon camp, Ken- ers, who are largely interested in hundreds of thousands, all moving to­ and she w ill be turned over to the else goes to the Populists. Two ol the The Republicans States B - authorities. Many three representatives will be Populists 180. teinky, aged 74. He waa the man who Hpanlsh railway enterprises, to assist ward a common center, they tested the United thing in this county t i» Amt planted the federal flag 'in the the government pi obtain loans for the package* and p re«n ts into the midst of bo" d« " ' 1D th« ,hou(* are ver-' P“ »io t.c and also the senator. anti perhaps school superi r u n ri h u tfh t r in e n n o tr ititi/ - I it n v u fn v n annum of I »o k out mountain. Josephine county—Complete returns Cuban campaign the crowd. Thia aetruingly precipitat and have much patriotic literature, which has been mysteriously mutilated give Tongue, 783; Vanderberg, 758; ■ p A Havana dispatch aaya. The local The bank of New Knglaud, of Man­ ed the panic, since a scramble to obtain and destroyed of late. Saturday’s K a t e F i e l d I* !» * « . Supreme judge— Bean, gsaorllla fort-» of Han Antonio de loa chester, N. H., has suspended busmens the gifts euused, and the hollow piece events help to clear up the mystery. Myers. 20« State Chicago, June 2.— H. H Item** ha* killer) nine insurgent* with for the time being by a vote of its di of ground near the center formed a Mra. Eaves has only been in this coun­ 784; Burnett. 334, Gaston. 75« senator— Edwaids, Pop, 882; Har­ of the Chicago Times-Henli at*l« arms, I »sides the leader Uollaoxo. rectors and with the connennt of the death trap for thousands. try a few years. mon, Rep., 983 a cable message this afl (Aaneral SeraIIno has fought the iuaur- hank commissioners of the state The buildings on all sides of the Extra police guard the house, fear­ Washington county — The official Yokohama, and signed bt ganta near Han Cristobal, Pinar del Creditors are being paid with an idea plain, where Napoleon once concentrat­ ing a riotous oemonstration from count shows: Bean, 1854; Burnett. Thurston, ex-minister to 4 Uki. They had eight killed and oar- of clearing up the deposits. The bank ed his troops after moving upon tbe crowds collected, who demand to see 583; Gaston, 1108 Congress— Myers, States from the Sandwici rfad off many wounded. had not recovered from its loss in 1803. city, are in many cases being used an the British woman who tears down tbe 31«; longue, 1540; Vanderberg. 1503 which said: temporary hospitals, and the soldiers stars and stripes. (4. M. Palmer, a farmer living near In Berlin, it is said a resolution \ have laen rendering great service in Joint senator- Dillard, Hem , 420; ’ Kate Field died at Hi Atwater. Ual., walkttd into hla stable passed by the socialist evangelical con Hansen, Pop., 1272; Patterson. Hep., 19, of pneumonia ” L I B E R T Y OF A C T I O N . removing the dead. and alappetl a horse on tbe hack. The gress, warmly approving the course of 1650. The Republicans elected all thé Mis* F ield waa in tbe Further time must elapse before ac­ Wry 1er Mr ml m P e t i t i o n t»» t h e H p i » i i ì h ) i rest of the ticket horse kicked him, one hoof landing I>r. Htoecker, may be regarded as a islands as the special correqB curate fig urea aa to the number actually squarely on hia chest, the other on 111* pronunclamento against the emperor’s » o v e r n iiie n t . Klamath county—Returns from nine the Times-Hcrald, and the ear Palmer died, suffering untold dispatch of censure against the former killed and the number of persons who Mstlriti. .luuv 1.— General Weyler out of eleven precincts in this county of her was a letter ds are victima of the disaster, but who are agonies for many hour*. He waa 50 court chaplain. The passage of the has asketl the Hpamsh government for K' ve following: Bean, 337; Bur- : which she informed Mr. years old, w ell known and generally resolution has caused the greatest sen­ only suffering from injuries, can be the liberty of action in political and nett, 201; Gaston, 221. Congress— she had been doiDg - a „ Krtal ascertained. raapacted. sation there. ongne, 343; Myers, 184; Vanderburg, horseback riding, and tbsl The disaster occurred between 5 and m ilitary affairs in Cuba which was T w o troo(jH of nnvHlry I ihvm b***ii or- State senator— Applegate, Ren >o the open air had cum An Athena diapatch «aya; The I mv A o’clock this morning. It was in­ promised to him when he accepted the 21« leads hv 132. iso *iu- á«r««l from Fori (Juntar to rouutl up aiegera of Vernon have rejected the tended the banquet should commence command and which was granted to all by The n___- Populists get the ' - her health, which, before *ki sheriff, the #1$) Crow ImliMiiM no thoy umy I mi de­ terms offered by the foreign conaula, before ihmid . but the immense throng bis predecessors. Republicans the clerk the islands, had been badlre portad to (jHiiadtt in MttoorrlHiic#) with that the arma and auppliea be aurren- that gathered became so dense that the He plainly put it that he had been treasurer and commissioner and thè There was no further p«i renent fedunil Incluía turn. The Croes dered and that the garriaon of troopa attendants were overpowered and crippled by the repeated interference Democrats the assessor, superintendent those contained in the di im y they w ill uoi k ( í uii I onn Canaria lai removed. A high Turkiah official thrown to the ground in the mad strug­ of the home government, and broadly »no surveyor. Thurston. pruolatma amn**Mty for their participa- who waa an eye witneaa of the Cauea gle which commenced for food, and hinted that he is not disposed to re­ Linn county— The total vote of Linn lion in the Hud rebellion. They tear massacre, admita that a Turkiah aol- K illed at a ItIHs « u 28 precincts gives: Bean. many of the attendants are among the main in office much longer under such death Mentanomi if they i$»turn to Can­ dier deliberately ahot the (¿reek cavaaa dead. conditions. Wilkesbarre, Pa., Juns 186,; Burnett, 114; Gaston, I «73 I ada, and prefer the alternative of flee­ dead. Premier Canovas and the ministers Congress— Tongue, 1580: Myers, 454- edy occrured at the rifle anderhurg. 26B7. 2 ««;. The The electlo- ing to the mountaira and becoming K *t*e «n ■.Minn and i.iioo Killed j of war and of the colonies cabled to V V»ndurburg. election’ waV« i Nin,h regim ent of Nation»! A private letter receivetl in Prescott, “ had" Indiana. him and and also also wrote wrote at at length, length, urging urging landslide Moscow, June 2.—The disaster on him *H,,d**|de fur for Populists Populists The The Repub­ Hepub- *><‘nD »ylT *n f», at Parson», A n * ., front South Africa confirms the 111,-3'J the neceessity neceessity of of forbearance forbearance and and pa- pa­ licans licaBS elect elect recorder, recorder, treasurer, treasurer assessor assessor DOO,> ’ «day. The It i* believed in shipping circles In telegraphic news of the killing of H. the Hodynsky plain yesterday is con- the tieuce, on account of the government’s and au'1 surveyor. 6Urceyor. The remainder of the Prac,ice. Obetliah Man Francisco that the British hark N. Palmer and W. H. Johnson, near stHntl.v gaining in pronortion, a* the tience, sergeant, was locking nl f'ainhustloitn ha* tieen lust at sea. Bulawayo. They were in the mines investigation hy the authorities con awkward posi.iou between the public coouty ticket is Populist He K»™ the signal to fi. . Hhe left Java January 2 fur Vancouver, thirty mile* from Buluwayo, when the tinues. These are made under ditti in Hpaiu and Havana clamoring fo ra Tillamook county—’The returns from culitea, aa the recovery o of f the mure vigorous vigorous war war policy in Cuba, a11 Precincts in the comity g i v e the f0l- his head above the danger the victims victims more ADil haa tieen neither sighted nor heard party was attacked and massacred. Bean, 620; Burnett, 194 bullet from the title of Jcbl from alnoe. Hhe has been out I 16 Palmer was one of the best known m in­ was conducted by hundreds of voinn- with a more resolute attitude toward low>ug: Gaston, 34« Congress— Tongue', 54K- j struck him in the head, day*. The London underwriters have ing and m ill men on the coast, and teors, and many were carried away be- America and the imperative necessity fore they were enumerated. Many i of avoiding perilous conflicts with the Myers, ¡29; Vanderburg. 337 i,,.„1 instantly. Hippie a n d offered 3A pur cent fur reinsurance of was a warm personal friend of John additional tleaiha of the injured are oc- | United Htatea. the bark and her cagro, which carry Hays Hammond. 530a tn ,n iXtr Dth dls,r'ct— Patterson, i fa*‘ furring, which are ouly added to the The government pacified Weyler o30, Dillard. 211; Hansen, 39«. A1 about $1100,000 insurance. Hhe was Upon the arrival of the steamer S ig ­ enumeration after some time. with a promise that he shall be fur­ the county officers are Republican. ex‘ % K" * w " ' * * * * * •atnniaudcd hy Captain MacDonald, it ia said now the fatalities w ill nal In Astoria announcement was mad* nished with all resources he may deem e^pt viwarris, Deni., and »Miller. Fop. Jacksonville, Fla., Jo®*^ and harried a crew of thirty men amonnt to between 2,000 and 3,000, of a change in tho programme of hand­ necessary for active operations — next ----- T “ t‘ conn*y — The plurality f c 'al f‘ tmi Key West say« Nina four horse teams, loaded with ling Chinese coming to the Pacific coast but it is Impossible as yet to learn ex autumn, after the rains, and full »cope l-aB'’ w ill probably be ahouf Population of that c ity« Yakima wool, sheared within four hy the Canadian Pacific liue of steam­ aotly the extent of the disaater.. The to act as he pleases against tbe rebels. l0«- W »n w ill have about 800 plur 0' ted <*** »«> expedition - ail lea of a Northern Pacific railroad ers. Instead of being landptl at the official statement thia morning placet a* long as he takes proper step* to fur­ V ” 0 office, of connty j U() j leave on the ’ stcamt r 1 alntion, passed through (loltleudale re- nearest point to their destination, they the dead recovered at 1,836, and the nish no pretext for American demands. lh “ nfl clerk are in doubt Twentv The steamer ha* been ly>*f aently on route to The Halloa to save w ill he held on the Hound and the j seriously or fatally injured at 286. Mvara°Uuni ,0^ ’ ,wo precincts give- ' at a point near an isl»** fralglit Prominent sheepralsers say Identification papers w ill I * forwarded But, in oonrtaat with this official stute- C l o u d b u r s t In K s k r r C o u n t y . I burg '.mu 1 onRa-. 1680; Vander- i ' v,,m 'h i* city, and about Mutt, unlaaa the Northern Pacific conics hy mail to the ouatiim house officials a t ' ment, there are 1,282 corpaes lying thia . „ . .. .. i Baker City. Or., June 3.— At 5 , v Pil u»lization— |. have gone aboard. Tbe 4u time, there w ill lie 5,000,000 pounds the points where the Chineae seek ad- j afternoon at the cemetery, beside« tbe | 0'elock JMterd»y morniDK * cloudburst tor— Baker ‘ 9S5’ * tatl’ '»’Pa- I 0< thp Three Friend. at Yakima wtail hauled to The D e ll« . miHion ■ , ; many dead removed from the ill-fated •truck the Red Boy mining camp. r ’ 93 Hk, ' PoP’ l l o °l Driver, Rep., Teet was merely a ruse » m there la a saving to the grower. field hy frlenda. which completely wrecked the board- The body of a woman waa found . kipworth. Dem., l2«o. ' | ¡Spanish authorities cfl A* There are now being sheared 100,000 ing honse. The inmates, consisting An Old Won Killed. aheep near (loldendale. The entire floating in the Colombia river, in front T h e S e .-o n d l l l a t r l r t . of Aatoria. The head and neck had j law Angele», June I . — Tbe last car of W illiam Brown and w ife and The return« f '-"'-I. Mrs. Stanford's Allonsa** aitp w ill lie marketed In The Dalle*. returns ^rom Baker, been horribly mangled with some sharp on the Hanta Monica line in this city George Donsldaun, had a miraculous , ■ „,„.l,rPPl*'te. and a month. A t her Ninmsclvcs bona fide owner* of such lotl, a quarter-breed, who ia said to m ill and miners' cabins were not with- W ***** Ncrihup, independent t, *n Ain$rlr$nfi Utere* Hurt. tobacco prior to the promulgation of have been livin g In a aoow near Washington, June 3. — Minister in the range of the flood and emerged “ 7 U‘d *h,‘ c,>onty hy a large plnralite" i l„0(T<>y tod" 7 rwlnc<’ ,i ,bl' ,Dd tha* result* otherwise . . . _*^’ ♦2,600 a month, penoiMf the order, w ill be permitted to export Woodty ialand with Ham Maylandt. a Breekenndge has cabled the slate de­ aesthete tree. ^ery order of the court. Mra inl (tea « m e aa heretofore. fisherman, ft ia thought that the lat­ partment from Moscow that no Am eri­ - T h e output at c a l from the mine. Î * clear j •fÀeréda'rednòtfon T (JnncraI Wheaton, who bat Just re- ter murdeted her. cana were hart in the accident there. of India yearly 1. 8.000.000 teina , ty l^ .b o u , 400, ^ d ‘ Ä « -c e a s a r ^ ’ h e c u « of Un I M l i v n i are w in g wait f r » « l i w u f •y/otß A frisa to u * um « t o ­ P itili ! dition of the «ta te .