Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1895-1896, May 28, 1896, Image 2

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    W A S H IN G T O N
H A T C H 11 •
knowu what it is to want a cook aud a a review dedicated to
governess w ill supply «lie answer to woman, w ith the objw, *
give my donbt of you ,” the old man al­
That" question with sufficient accuracy. standard morally, iutelW -;
most sobbed, drawiug the g irl’s hand
But what a serious mdlctmeut against cially. This review was tk,
through lus arm as though to lead her T H E P R E S ID E N T O F T H E K EN TU C K Y
our social system «loes tins advertise­ for the womau movement
awav. She half turned from him, but
ment prefer! To be- a guvei ness -e v e n and to it ure to a great eitu
not iu anger, aud said to her young
to be a nursery governess—a y«'iiiig only many reforms, ijgo
and social, which dnriug
“ (ioodby. Go away, please, aud forget . T h « P o o r E u g ll-li U o re rn r» » A m e ric a n woman must have some preleusiuus-
a n d K n sli» li W o u ie n — I d a 'l a y S p en cer. more or less plausible—toeducatiou aud years have taken place i*,J
gim m e, sir, 'hoot puttin an yonr that von ever came. ’'
of women, but also a grr,,
• O R Y R K S M T B Y A M E R IC A N P R E S S A S S O C IA T IO N . I M 4
I go, since I must, but I w ill never , T h e N ew W o m a n —W o m e n o f S w eden. to geutility.
c l o th e s ?
Probably there is net one among uil public opinion cuucernin|jL
Jubilee, turned 14, had been to free j S1 v® you up so long us we both do live, ”
SeaMODttble U in ta a u d T im e ly CJowip.
A n n e close of the meal the two men
those 700 who woulii not be indignant standing.
w ent out together, ¡»aasin^for <i minute school since he was 0, and uow could Allen F auutleroy said. Even as ho spike
Owing to the great
One of the most noted women in at the suggestion that she would have
a t the half open front do* r to watch the spell in throe letters, knew all the fig­ [ she vanished. H aw kins caught his arm
dashing raindrops vex tho limpid pool ures exrep! seven and had a great de­ and drew him aw ay to the vehicle w a it­ ; America is Miss Laura Clay, presideut done better to have been content with vantages which are uow*r
spread over all the yard. One of the long sire to use the longest words he heard ing outside the door. As they took their of the Kentucky Equal Rights associa- the kitchen rather than to have aspired of woman, they have got ft*,
summer storms hail broken since morn­ and to overcome Ids tendency to the dia- seats iu it M ajor Overton stepped over I tiou. She is the daughter of the venera­ ,o the superior soeiul emiuence which the labor market and are u
the threshold, gave them a courteous ble General Cassius Marcellos Clay, entitles her to be addraaed as "mis* ” spects accepted us «'ownrkei,.
ing. The sky was a dun cup, without j lect of his race.
Withal he was a sharp lad, as full of adieu, then laid his hand lig h tly in de­ who gained an international reputation And just because she lias had that aspi­ It is, however, not only
fold or rift. The slightest hollows hold
as an abolitioiiist before the war and as ration, ami because she lias acquireil ary work that Barows, M-
such rainy runnels as assured all who resource as of mischief. So much young tention upon the reins and said slowly:
"M r. Fauutleroy, I give yon safe con­ j United »States minister to Russia during that smattering of education which has deserving of the gratitude^
knew the lay of the land that the creeks Fauntleroy discovered before his clothes
m ust be at flood. It was fall of sharp were iu p la c e . Dropping his voice, he duct from m y home. If ever yon set foot ! the rebellion. Miss Clay’s mother was unfitted her for domestic service, she is trywomeu, but ulso onato
a daughter of the late Dr. Elisha War- romlemued to dim-over that nobody many institutions which tt«’
hills, fr<*n which the waters ran fast as spoke rapidly to the boy, who answered on it again, your life w ill ¡ la v for i t "
field of this city, oue of the foremost wants her. Our philanthropist# might ed iu their favor. Oueaf Un-
they fell. Already above the plash of the with winks and nods aud hushed “ Yes,
men of his time. Miss Clay inherits the do worse than apply themselves to the Friends of Female liomeitic'
rain came the roar and boom of torrents sirs. ” As the stranger made an end by
in the low Latvia. Hut young Fauutleroy pushing $1 in Ids palm. Jubilee said:
U n til they were post the ford that strong mentality of both the Clay and solution of the problem w hat to do with which Inis been iustruuwiitil>
stepped without the hall door and said:
"W ho oc-— 1 do my best, sir, but m arked R idgeley’s boundary line, Allen Warfield families, and as a clear thinker all young women, of w h oa those 700 ure the standard of female woth
“ Major Overton, I feel this intrusion maybe I can’t. The ole lady is very ex - F auutleroy sat silent, leaning in his and convincing reasoner she stands with but au infinitesimally siuull fraction.— au urtislical achievement,
prominent of these mstitatio»
o f mine to lx* so impertinent that if your picions. "
corner of the carriage. H aw kins spoke ont a peer. She has so far refrained Loudon Graphic.
tlieless the Fredrika Brent,
woman w ill return me my own gar­
Notwithstanding, when young Faunt- once or twice, but g e ttin g no answ er re­ from allowing a picture of herself to be
A m e r i c a n ami K u a l a » W o m e n *
printed, and the accompanying likeness
ments I w ill make my way somewhere leroy sat daw dling over rolls, coffee and lapsed likew ise in to silence.
with numerous committees,,
Mr. Hall Caine says of liis stay in have fur object the benefit of
else fill the storm is over. ”
W hen they had splashed throngh the is the first one that has ever appeared iu
boiled chicken under mammy’s wrath­
The grim ghost of a sm ile played on ful eye, Jubilee’s head came throngh the sw ift stream , still finsh aud palely t u r ­ a newspaper. As w ill be seen, she bears the United ¡states: "Many of uiy im ­
H e l e n G o u l d ', I ’h e n .
Major Overt*m’s face.
door, Jubilee’s voice said in accents of bid, Fauntlerov said, draw iu g a loug a striking resemblance to her distin­ pressions of America, by the way, top­
guished father.
pled down like a child’s house of cards
“ That would be suicide, which is the weary disgust:
Miss Helen Gould's inhe_
Although one of the busiest women iu when I found lny elf actually in the her father lias certainly beeej
worst form of cowardice, ” he said.
" I could uot hear it upon his ground,
“ Annt Diney, you better come help
“ Either side of us is a stream that uow me. Somebody’s knocked over your tur­ but now iu heaven’s nam e tell me w hat the country, Miss Clay submitted toau country and among the people. A de­ w ell us financial. The "boar
interview, iu which she treats in her lightful nation to study is America— ity ” w hich he possessed it »bo
a man with two good arms could not key pen, and that old fool istiufliii it to all this means. ”
safely pass on horseback. On foot and the woods as fust as her young ones eau
"Seem s to m e a m utter of names, clear, logical style of the needs of the fresh and frank and full of originality. daughter in her charities, r
crippled you would surely drown. go. I run so hard tryin to head her, my Fauutleroy versos Overton — Overton women of today aud of the benefits Of course, we all kuow and have always conducted w ith the same
Ridgeley's door can let no man go out breath is still clean obflusticated. “
| versus F a u u tle ro y ,” H aw kins said, fold­ which she thinks w ill follow’ the en­ known, for the lust century, at least, system w ith which het h
to his death. »Stay and be sure of your
that Americans are clever, but we can't looks after his vast niter«»
"De laws a massy, 'pon my soul, dat ing his arm s and sticking his chin iu ! franchisement of women.
“ What caused yon to become an ad­ realize uuiil we go itmoug them and see brother Edwin inunufactam
Welcome until you can go in safety. ”
ole hen tukke.v gwiue make me lose all | the air.
“ If only you would let me speak, ’’ the my 'ligiou. qnor’liu at Yr, ” mammy
The o ther looked a t him im patiently vocate of equal rights for women?” the them in their homes bow kindly, how Woody Crest, the duy uursen«
reporter asked.
other began. A gesture stopped him. cried, making a dash for the door. It and said very low:
yumigof heart, they are as individuals.” Sunday school treats whicht
“ While I was still in my teens,”
Major Overtoil liu<l raised his baud, a hardly closed behind her when Dare
"Don’t fence, H aw kins. The tim e for
Of American women in general he little children associate with
look of pain unutterable npon his face. came through tin* one opposite and said, th at is past. T ell me now, on y our hou- j she replied, “ even my limited observa­ deems "it is only uutnrul they should have passed into history, andi
After a minute lie said slowly, a* though with a rosy Hush:
| or, the w hole cause of grievance th a t old
have Income what they are—superior, i ish like any w ell established»
have greater financial independence, aud intellectually, or, at auy rate, super«- j
Weighing each word:
“ Jubilee said you sent for me. Do you j m an cherishes. ’ ’
made to lust Miss tlonld’s h
“ It is not my wish to embarrass yon want your arm bandaged afresh?”
"W h y d id n ’t you ask him ? You had
daily so, to the men. That is, of course, | businesslike generosity is the_
or add to yonr discomfort, but surety
"No. uu Something much more im ­ tim e enough. But 1 reckon you were
as u class. There ure always so many a check for $8,000 to Vasaara
yon most understand that of all men portant.
M iss Overton — Dare— come so struck w ith the g irl yon forgot every­ tal and moral strength. Dependent be- exceptions to every rule. But the tiling w ill be used to found a who)
you are the last w ith whom 1 eau dis­ closer, pleas“. Lav your hand again in th in g else. 'Pon m y life, Fauutleroy,
has come about as a consequence of. memory of Miss Gould's moth«
cuss—anything. ”
mine. Ah, thank you for coming! I sent you m ust have rushed things. It is not
man's patting woman—Americau man, Journal.
“ Why, because of that old trouble? for yon because 1— what I want to say q uite common to find a fellow proposing
American womau—on a pedestal, nnd
W h y N ot?
Believe me, Major Overton, whatever is— don’t take your hand away— I shall form ally to a young wom an ho lias
worshiping her. lie has staled below
Imputation there may have been iu the never forget you. Your kindness, yonr known not q u ite 24 hours. B ut if you
"The women of Missouri,^
the pedestal and work« d lor her, not
past, I do not believe"— Young Faont- help, and— and— if ever— 1 can straight­ could m ake the riffle there— ru n away
having time, if lie was the ordinary Philadelphia Telegraph, "an
lerov burst out before he could be s i­ en all* this tangle 1 shall come back tc w ith the g irl— wlmt a card it w ould lie
man of business, to cultívale his mind j iug a petition lo the govern
lenced. H is pause, when it came, was you. Meantime if 1 can serve yon—one fo ro u rs id c ! She's the m ajo r's sole heir,
ami manner while he so worked. Bul I state asking him to appoint
due to amazement. The old face fronting never knows what may happen—you— and w ith her thus w ell in hand the svu
■he has hail plenty of time, and shu lias , ried men as resident phyafei
him was rage incarnate, the old hands you are to give me the privilege. Don't dieate w ould grab at the property a t our
made the best use of it. Iu our own | insane asylum s of the state."
clinched hard. By a supreme effort Ma­ forget th at.” the yonng mail said dis- own figure. ’ ’
country I consider (liar the reverse is j uot upponit women physical
jor Overton controlled him self aud said, jointedly, holding fast to Dare's hand.
For answ er F auutleroy called to the
the truth. The average Lngligimiuu is after the womau who are coatu
half tnrning away:
It was harder than he thought to driver: "S top! Open the door!”
superior to the uvt-itige English woman insane asylnm s of the stand 1
“ B elief amounts to nothing, certainly rlmke back the words of love, yet to
"W hat's wrong?” asked Hawkins im ­
in intelligence and education. That is > policy which has been adopted
as against deeds. It is just possible that speak them would be madness. She patiently as the man clambered down
because he is likely iu think of himself, Carolina, und it might well be
you came iu ignorance of some things would leave him in affright. Yet he worn his seat.
anti uf his sons, before he thinks of his by the other states. The Soalh
that have gone before. Pray pardon mo could not forbear raising to his lips the
“ N o th in g ,” said Fauutleroy, "o n ly 1
wife and daughters And English wom­ experiment has been must i
i f I ask to be spared further reference to slim rosy fingers that lay fluttering in refuse to rid e w ith a m an w ho gives mo
en liave conscientiously upheld him in and, under Dr. Surah Allan,
insult in place of inform ation. ”
a ll jMiinful subjects. Be simply the his own.
bis attitude toward them, until com­ tuuute women in the hospital
stranger within my gate for the rest of
"Y ou are a touchy o u e ," the law yer
"W hyshould I remember you?" Dare
paratively lately, ut auy rate. In Amer­ insane ut Columbia have never
your stay. ’*
asked, half turning away. “ Next week retorted, banging to the door. "G o o n ,
ica, on the couirary, I fancy that women | ter ami more satisfactory t
“ In one minnte, sir. All I ask is that you w ill forget my existence, except Dick. I 'll give th is young m an w h a t he
have known their ov\u value, and set it Charleston N ew s and Courift
yon w ill believe I came simply w ith the maybe us the heir to a claim that trou­ wants. ’ ’
rather high, fur a number uf years—a
"V ery well, but be a little careful ;
S h e W a k e s I t Pa).
holiest purpose of trying to better a bad bles you. Ah, you sec, 1 know something
couple of generations, at least.”
matter, a very sail one. I am not a of fam ily affairs. Believe me, 1 am not how you do it, ” his client retorted, sin k ­ ‘ lugs evidently mast be, more or less,
Mrs. Frances Fisher Wood
Iu personal appeuiuuce Mr. Caine finds
sneak. They told me to approuch yon so disloyal to our side of the quarrel as ing back upon his cushions so as to look
onr women "prettier, more attractive, up an entirely unique stu d y ant
under a feigned name, but I refused. 1 to have come here thus clandestinely if the other full iu the face. H aw k^ts : they depend. Therefore, if women al more bewitching, than English women, iug profit therefrom. She1
did not give my full name at tirst lie 1 had not thought that maybe you needed shifted a trifle under the scrutiny, but
been luterested in oriental me­
greater than men’s reciprocal obliga­ but not so regularly beautiful. The
ennse I feared to startle the young me— were in pain that I could ease. ”
straight, almosr (Greek uose ami the in­ lius now so far advanced in '
"You are an odd fish, Allen— nearly tions to them, they mast assnnie a weak
"I am, ” Fauutleroy said, getting
effably lovely aud haughty upper lip of uese language as to he au i
“ W ill yon come to my office for n qniekly to his feet and flinging liis sound ns odd as the old one back there, ” nod- mental and moral attitnde, bringing its the most perfiet type of English girl I poetry aud all sorts of art i
■moke?’ Major Overtoil said, as though arm around her. "Dare! Dare! I love lin g behind them "Y'on know I warn­ attendant evils upon the whole of so­ have uot sqeu equaled in America, I She is the one woman in this
he had uot heard, leading the way to a you Is-tter than my life. 1 did uot mean ed you against going there— as yourself, ciety, for however highly men’s judg­ must say.” —Providence JouruaL
can read the mystic symbols
sm all bare room jast off the back piazza to tell you just yet. It is so sudden. But ‘hat is. If the old man hadn't known ment aud conscience may be developed
known und recognized by evu;
A s the tw o came into it they found from the first look of your eyes into who you were, I’m persuaded you would they cannot assume women’s responsi­
l* la M a y Sp«>n*!t*r,
in Japanese curios. Further»
asily have gut into liis good graces, bilities, so whatever dwarfs women’s
themselves face to face with Dare. She mine as you knelt, an angel of rescue,
There lives in Edgerton, Wis.. a Wood is often in demand at
iiough so maybe to induce him to listen ! development injures society. After I
d id not flush, look cuuscions or seek to beside that living grave, 1 have felt that
young woman, Ida May Epeneer, who house when an expert opinion»
evade her grandfather's disapproving * belonged to you— solely, entirely; that to reason. Y'ou see, you are to him not ] saw that women ought to have equal
is an expert jeweler. Sho is in partner­ and she has built up a most
•ye. Instead she gathered up a handful I would give my life fur you aud die nerely the heir and agent of the Faunt- rights with .men in edncational and in­
leroys. There's a heap more that you, dustrial advantages I did uot at once ship with her father, Ihe sign leading, business. Her own
o f torn papers, and stepping to the door happy iu the sacrifice. ”
! perceive clearly that they shonld enjoy "John Spencer 6c Daughter, Jewelers | at 140,000, but serves its best
•topped lieside it to say:
"Y'ou may have the opportunity else­ that almost nobody knows. ’’
model for less Imuwuig bn
"W h y w as I not told?” the young i the same political rights. I had the idea, and Opticiaus."
“ I knew yon would want to smoke, where," Major Overton said from the
Having determined to adopt the jewel York Journal.
grahdfatlnr, so I lit the fin-, if it is July, door behind him.
Hawkins darted mau asked sternly. The other laughed which is still so prevalent among my
sex, that politics was not the ‘sphere’ ry business as a profession, she entered
and pnt pipes ready tilled thereover the through it and caught young Fauntle- disagreeably, saying:
T h e W o m a n W ho Lsoita
"W ell, now, it's a bit aw kw ard to say for women, and that going to the polls in the fall of 1887 the Horological
m antel.''
ro.v’s arm, crying out:
The womau who langhs is ‘
"Very good. I am obliged," Major
'Allen, Allen, are you mad? Come to a fellow in plain E nglish, 'Y our fa ­ , was derogatory to womanly delicacy,
craze of the vaudeville world
Overton said grimly, stopping so as to away at once. Y'ou should never have ther was a thorough paced scoundrel. ’ which was worthy to be protected even she competed With some of the veterans ice Atherton has won fame it
. ,
hide hits granddaughter from his guest. come here, though,” turning to the old B ut th a t's the frozen fact of the case. ” by the sacrifice of what was indisputa­ in the business fur a prize, a gold med- . ..
"H ow did he prove it? " The tone was bly an abstract right. But further ob­ al, to he given to the oue turning the thro1of,h
mU, T
Dan- moved lightly aside, drew a choir man, who stood a statue of white fur}'.
,rf Lfir h“ ! lm! “
to the corner of the heurth and said to "I swear. Major Overton, he did not even, but H aw kins saw th a t the o th er’s servation aud reflection soon convinced best balance staff in the shortest tun 1 anall,v
eyes hail begun to blaze. He drew a l it­ me that under the pressure of false so­ She won the medal. Two of the judges the time honored theory that a
know everything. ”
at his own jokes,^
cial theories and the weight of nnqnal were from New York aud one from Chi­
"Sit down, and I w ill give you a light
W ith one stride the old man eanglu tle more aw ay before he said:
“ I t ’s a long story. Did you never hear laws, nneqnal because made only by cago. Her teacher told her that, iu all woman's success seems due to
for your pipe, as you have hut one bund Dare's arm and essayed to drag her from
men, essential woman delicacy and probability, if they had known she was ity to start tho audience into
now. "
the room. The girl shook herself free of how he died?"
“ He was drowned before he was 80, worth were continually sacrificed, and a woman they would not have awarded est fits of merriment. Mbete
“ Yon spoil me, “ he protested, sinking his hold and said, w ith eyes ontblazing
five years after I was born— at least that that nothing could avail to protect wom- her the prize. He also remarked that, stories in a funny way, but it
into the seat and looking straight into his own:
laugh, heard at the close of
the girl's eyes. Major Overton frowned
"I am no child, grandfather. Even is what I have been told and believe. ” I anhood from ench dangers except for though fairly entitled to it. he feared it has made her fam e.—Exchaap
’ ‘Correct, not a donbt of i t In fact, 1 conscientious women firmly to claim would not be a good advertisement for
heavily, took the girl by the arm and from you 1 demand the courtesy due a
saw it myself, and somebody else was equal rights everywhere, including the the school. After learning the trade,
led her through th» door, saying. "Stay woman. ”
A n n e tt« * W d e e .
in your room. Dare, until I send for
“ I see. Yon demonstrate your worn drowned w ith him. Can you guess who right of helping to make the laws, and her coworkers feared she wonld not be
Froken Annette Vedee,
you. “
%nhood by slinking thus to a remits
daughter of the chief of tbs-
“ No, Not my mother?"
franchise to demonstrate that politics sex. However, the teachers, knowing
"Not by a long shot She went mail belongs to women’s sphere as well as to she was fully competent, gave her rec­ pertinent in Copenhagen, b“
at your birth and spent the rest of her man’s . "
ommendations. During the summer of linqnished her post as
By midnight the storm had sobbed cat
two of the professors at tbs
life— 10 years— in a lunatic asylum. I
“ How long have yon been engaged m 1883 she studied to become au optician,
Us wrath. Morning broke fair over the
don’t think Peyton, your father, ever this work?”
attending lectures in Boston. This university, which she bai
radiant, now washed world. The rays of
cared much for her or she for him if the
"Though very early I avowed toy branch she has found very profitable. three terms, and has gone
dawn were struggling through the win
truth were told. The old folks made the j belief in equal rights, circumstances did At the time Miss Spencer took up the penhagen, where she will »
dow panes ere A llen Fauntlerov dropped
match. So it isn’t astonishing that aft­ not permit me to engage in any system­ work there were probably not more important mathematical m i
asleep When at last his eyes opened,
er her misfortune the sight of him set atic work for these principles till 1888, than a half dozen women engaged in which she has beeu «ngsgei
the sun was high in heaven. His host
her fairly wild. So he put her wholly when I helped to organize an equal the occupation.— Woman's Journal.
Stood at his liedside, grayer, harder,
out of his mind and went the pace. I rights association in Lexington. Later
sterner looking in tho ligh t of the gold­
W a n t s H e r t o Ife*«»
tell you I was a lad in those days, but in the same year the Kentucky Equal
T h e N ew W o m an .
en day than in that of rainy skies. Yet
Mrs. Lydia Ticheuor BaiW!
A nd I w ill w ip e Je ru sa le m as
remember w ell how he opened people’s Rights association was formed. I was
still his voice wns a w ell bred monotone,
gregational preacher, recently»
eyes. He drank his company blind, yet elected its president and have been re­
bare of all feeling.
ings at ¡Snohomish, Wash., i»
"Pardon me for disturbing yon. I fear
With this text the Rev. Phebe Bans- the churches united. They »
yon slept poorly," he saicl "But a
women, they ran after him until I won­ trial, educational and legal rights of ford, iu her lecture at the house of Mrs decided to hold regular nab*1
friend has come in search of yon, and I
aud have invited Mrs. Bailey *
der he didn't despise the whole sex.
women and secure the franchise to Maria McCnllough, 317 West Eightv
had no choice but to wake you. Here
second street, proved that man's sphere for them.
comes Jubilee w ith your boots He w ill
is also m the kitchen.
there met Margaret Overton” ------
help you to ilress and w ait on you at
legislation.—Lexington Cor. Louisville
The girls of the Lawrence
“ If those men who are forever flannt-
breakfast. Take yonr tim a There is no “f cannot go, Jfr. Fauntleroy. / am an
in Wisconsin have adopted *
need of harry. I w ill take care that your
which he forbids women to speak m the for school wear modeled i
T h e P oo r E n r lt.h O o T ern e H .
friend does uot grow im patient ”
vons," the old man said throngh his
wonld read this text thev the m ilitary ontfitof the boy*
"W ho is it— Hawkins? I thought he'd teeth. Fauntlcroy sprang to the girl's
out where some of the kitch- school. It includes a bine bb
look me up if the horse got back w ith side, caught her hand in his and cried
G l» d S h e I . I t s . I a A m e r ic a .
said Mrs. Hanaford np in front w ith black, and »
out me. I beg you not to let him get at out:
• “ I ’m glad I live in America," said a pers. To the thoughtful mind there is
Every one is not a wife- hence the bine trimmed w ith black.
that precious old brandy. He w ill stay
"Major Overton, you— no man shall pretty yonng woman, talking to a P hil­
absurdity of the idea th
till ho drains tho bowl, ” Young Faunt- breathe one hurtful word of her Herr adelphia Inquirer reporter, “ because I convincing evidence of a constant stream
Some of the new poke
whole duties are household
leroy said in an effort to speak lightly. to your teeth I beg her to come away am never afraid to travel by myself. of suffering and of that hope deferred
already been in evidence •
He was far from feeling so. A ll his sleep w ith mo as my w ife—chosen, honored Last year I was in London and went
u ,H u n t heads among the New York
in the innumerable applications for em­ actenstic of w o m e n -,.
had been a phantasmagoria of trouble above all the world. ”
around with a friend who is married, ployment by ail sorts and conditions of “ “ Dci bet,er fi’ted to these days of It is significant that only tbe >
of thick clouds, of sw ellin g waters, w ith
Dare shivered through and through and we were spokea to in an insnlting
pretty women have bad tbs -
Daro in the m idst of them, swept for­ A red tide swept up over brow and manner every tim e w e went e n t Pari* advertiser« A notable and typical ex­ rapid locomotion than man's slower appear in them.
ever away in their flood. The night cheek, then faded, leaving her white, was still worse. People speak of the
"The day of reproach for our sex is
struggle for life is to be discerned in a
through he hail not hidden from himself with eyes of fire. She was so young, ban
Old fashioned mahogany
French politeness, bnt it is only a
the fact that In their all too brief en­ ly turned 17, all this seemed so wonder- veneer. The men wonld get in front recent notification in a daily paper by whom'wh ° T*r’ u°d
of very high backs, are being
hom we are the proudest the are °°««
th o s e
counter she had taken captive his heart fill. so terrible, it put her happy, careless of ns on every street corner and smirk the w ife of a well known man of let­
after. The qnaint maiden
and liis fanry. He must not, he could girl life years aud years behind her. She and ogle and chatter like monkey« I'm ter« The lady in qnest.o-., after stating who were formerly called the superflu­ more charming than when c
not, would not go away w ithout further drew her hand gently from Fanntleroy’s glad I didn't understand anything they that she bad selected a nursery govern- ous women This i , not meant t o d e c i, of these high backed chaira
ees, went on to "inform the 700 other marriage. The new woman makes the
sight and speech of her. He would not clasp and said, staring straight before
.id. There are no men like the Amer­
*>« -he w ill demand of £
startle, mayl»i distress her w ith any < her at her grandfather, who stood a ican men. and I never was so fully able candidates that the photographs with
Mrs. Irma T. Jones has I
talk of love. Instead 'he would speak a shaking embodiment of speechless fury: to appreciate it as I am, now I have which stamps were sent w ill be present­ hnsband the same fidelity and parity ed trustee of Plymouth C
little o f the gratitude he felt for her
"1 cannot go, Mr. Fauntlerov. I am teen those of ether nations in their
Herald* PI,Ctice* her*>“ - " - N e w York church, Lansing. She is
Seven hundred other candidates! And
tim ely aid and beg her, i f ever the time an Overton. I cannot turn against ipy own land«
Besides, the girls are
teudent of its Sunday schoil
came that she needed h elp to remember own, no matter how I may be wronged. ’’ treated better here than anywhere else bow many applications wonld the ladv
V om ea o f S w n to a.
th at she had in him a faithful friend.
| "Forgive me. Dare, forgive me! Io n on earth, and I don't w in t to e r a s the have received if she bad advertised fur
Miss Frano Baker of M
Mi-a Sophia Leyonbnfond (later Bar
a thoroughly competent high class cook?
But how achieve so t^uch, guarded ss are your fath er 'schild^ thank God! For ocean any m aze."
has written a history of
T b . .ip e r m o c ,
family folk who'hav, O h ^ i ^ I S E d L " d
Ro“ li" Foreign Missionary Society*
UTerrona started anonymously In 1848
she was? After breakfast he must go
away, and throughout the meal mammy
would certainly attend him. If he could
get her away— a voice broke throngh his
musing*. Jubilee, black and slim, with
woolly head and big nptamed eyes, stood
in the door, saying:
Wiiut correction* does you have ter