W A S H IN G T O N COUNTY You Nice N ew W o m a n I .D a K in c . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _bw der \e a V e n '^f:fod Rep»rt- S o - Y i e s t o f ta ¿ . 5 . G o v e r n in e _uate&t A b so lu tely P u re I^MOU Learned at Horn«. Aat you ex t 'ct to UriuR for- |in this coiiRrewiy” said one new |r to another. ..olnh'iy imtliiMK, ” was the reply. |t aro you not Hoiii# to try to write lime "ii the immortal scroll of T Don’t you rculize that you were Ire by your constituents to see to ltlieM* other fellow s don ’ t let the \ state drift < •:» to a sand bar?” , dear friend, 1 don’ t bother niy- |th reflections of that kind. Aly h o i a d cei Ding and praot ical once made a remark t<> me dor- mtog time \sbleb has as- l i e on many occasions. ” la t was it?” j said t hut next to a genuine here in to he most admired is one whe ■ how not to get in the way. ” — Jjgtou Star. \V OlliOIl Kixl 1't‘ UC«. | Ellen M. Ilenrotiu, president of ineral Federation o f Women's ms issued a circular letter to ull |ib presidents, asking them to brward the consideration o f a Jiovement in Europe and in this The ultimate hope is to have btion of the Christian powers in with a view to establishing an in |inul court of arbitration. Aiuuy Club presidents have already uct ordance with the letter. ^O hio , C ity of T oledo ,/ U| « ul'N'TY. { “ • f J. C hknk Y m akes oath that h e Is the krtuer of tue firm o f F. J. C h k n k y A Co., Ktsiuebs in the C ity o f T oled o , C ounty r aforesaid, and th if said firm w ill nay pf ONK HUNDKlwU DOLLARS fo r each kr case of Catarrh that eau u ot be cured he of H a ll ’ s C a ta r r h C u r b . J g © «, FRANK J. CHENEY. ■ to before m e an d .subscribed in my this 16th day o f D ecem ber, A. D. 1»86. A . W. GLEASON, N otary Pu blic. butarrh Cure is taken in tern a lly and fctly on the blood am i m u cou s surfaces |te n Send for ' is tim o m a ls , free. K. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. j Druggists, 75c. fam ily Pills are the b e s t -1)0 you think that Schlatter, the west- iH crazy, d o c to r ? D octor Pares s— | be. lie d oes’t charge for h is treat f-All flta slopped free by I>r. K l i n e '» | erv e K e s t o i e r . N o lit* aftei the firs Marvelous cures. Treatise aud |2.0 8 tree to Fit cases Send to Dr. Kline pt . Philadelphia. Pa. ■ bumba tor breakfast. C H A M P C L A R K ’S S T O R Y . n o w I t Iiu p r ra .o .1 „ V o U D g.ter W h o H o a rd I t In a Speech. ' Thin w a y be the era of the h o w vrom - an, devoted to intellect, philanthropy, politics and science, and ignoring a ll pretty feminine fads, but one would not suppose her reign an entirely compre­ hensive one to read all the literature of fashion that is being published, and not only published, but read with avidi­ ty. Perhaps the new woman herself has been unable to eliminate w holly from her complex and superior being the fond, trivial records o f toilets, gowns, textures and trimmings and can­ not resist an indulgence more or less secret in the same. A t any rate, there has been no time when women general­ ly dressed more becomingly and so well as the present. One cannot now pick ! out the writing or the lecturing or the professional woman by her neglected dress and dowdyish appearance.— Pbila I delpliia Times. **le Uarfleld-Hanooek campaign tliere was « big Democratic meeting at a certain place in St. Charles county, in tins State. A number of distinguished , Democratic speakers were there, and S o u n d th e E x p la n a t io n . | we had u day of it. The writer was then Miss Anna M. Soule, who is at work | a small child, hnt one of* tin* speakers [ made a very profound impression upon J in the graduate school of the University his mind. Tho speaker was no other | of Michigan for the master’s degree in letters, with United States history as a than Chump Clark. major, Las made a special study of the , N o .°“ e asks uow’ "W h o was Champ Clark.- but then he wus a new star in international boundary of Michigan, and has found the explanation of one the firmament. We had u number of speeches, and the marked peculiarity of the boundary line children were very tired. I can’ t speak which has never been fully accounted for the grown people, because the good for. ! ---------------------------- Democrats tliere would not have owned B E A U T IF U L T H O U G H P A IN F U L . to being tired, I know, after such a dis­ play of eloquence from their great party ■ We sing “ Come. Gentle Spring,” and are leaders. At any rate I was tired, hut my I often very sorry that we did anything of mother whispered: | the kind, for Spring, though beautiful, is ‘ ‘ There is only one more speech," I sometimes very painful. The very luxury and i was much relieved. A blond young j we enjoy in the return of the balmy air is man was introduced as Chump Clark of ( he latent source of a great »»»any pains Pike comity. He eauie forward with a aih I aches. It is because the nerves are re- 1 axed n ibis way that they become weak pleasant face and manner that at once and au easy prey to sudden attacks o f neu­ attracted uiy attention. He tiegan in ralgia: a tonic of cold healthful air braces j them up and makes them strong acuinst this w a y : | any such attack, but the sudden change to “ I am reminded of the boy who k ill­ | warmth makes them liable to he preyed ed a possum and expected to enjoy a upon by this disease. For this simple possum dinner tho next day. The fam 1 reason the great nerve disorder has many ily was ubont to sit down to the dinner victims at tliis time, but we have in St. Jacobs Oil something that restores the table when a w agon drove up and a tone, vigor and strength of the nerves to neighbor’s family came in. Tho head what they had been. The prompt use ot it. of tho house announced that the visitors in these neural -ic attacks of spring time hud come to dinner. There was no room is sure to be followed by a perftei cure. at the table for onr young friend, the sportiAun, and he waited, with his eyes anxiously fixed on the dish of possnm. The guests hud good uppetites. Finally there wus only one piece of possnm left, and one of bis own family took that. Then the possmn lover busted right out a-crying. The disappointment was too much for him. “ My friends,” continued Mr. Clark, “ I am ill lhat same condition. When I heard tho first speech, I thought, w ell— that is pretty bad, but still I have some­ thing left to say. Then there came the next speech, and the next, and when the last speaker finished I just busted right out a-crying, becanse there was not an­ other thing left for me to say.” But there was, and ho said it too. Ho awakened that andience till you eonld hoar its applause a mile away. I thiuk that that was probably the first time Champ Clark ever spoke in St. Charles county. He carried back home with him the thanks and appreciation of a good many of his hearers that day. — St. Louis Republic. U u P °fF ÎG S H o w M inos A ro Itn u g lit N o w m la ji. Miss FI nr a (in a pair o ' stupendous sleeves) - How do I lo o k .N e i? NAJ (la p tu ro u sly )—Y o u ’ re iiin p ly unapproachable. 8 V V E Il FROM D E S T R U C T IO N . T h is Is w hat happens w hen the k idn eys are rescued fiom in a ctiv ity by H ostettcr s sto m a ch Hitters. If they co n tin u e in active th ey are threatened w ith B ig h t’s disease, di.ibetes or som e oth r m alady w h ich w orks their d estruc­ tion. M slarial, b ilio u s and rh eu m atic a ilm en t snd dys epsia are also con quered by the B itters, w hich is th orou gh and effective. ank E N J O Y S ko method and results wheD bf Figs is ta k e n ; it is pleasant resiling to th e taste, a nd acts le t prom ptly on the K idneys, Vid Bowels, cleanses the sys- V'tually, dispels colds, head- fid fevers and cures habitual ition. S y ru p o f F ig s is the Inedy o f its k in d ever pro­ pleasing to the tasto and ac- to the stom ach, prom pt in In and truly beneficial in its “prepared o n ly from the most fund agreeable substances, its teellent qualities com m end it bnd have m ade it the most ¡remedy know n. I 4f Figs is fo r sale in 50c Ibottles b y all lea din g dm g- lA n jr reliable druggist who have it on hand w ill pro- ¡p rom p tly fo r any o n e who try it. D o n ot a ccep t any “ I am glad to aay th at H o o d ’s Sarsapa­ The time has passed when mine prop­ erties are bought on assays. The higher rilla is a very good m ed icin e, especially the ore goes the more snspicious the in­ as a blood purifier. It has d one m e good vestor becomes. A mining proposition, m any tim es. F or several yeara I suffered to receive attention in these days, must greatly w ith pains o f have a reasonable assay value, and must stand the test of expert examination. A low grade camp, it is said, is better in the long run for the mine owner, and infinitely better for a community in In one eye and abo u t m y tem ples, e s­ which such mines are situated, us more pecially at n ig h t w hen 1 had been h avin g men are employed and more money is a hard day o f p h ysical and m ental labor. taken out than in camps where the I took m any rem edies, but found help o n ly mines are narrow and rich. This is in H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla w hich cured m e o f shown in the Coeur d ’Alenes, where rheum atism , neuralgia and headache. over 00,000 tons of ore are mined H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla has proved itself a true monthly to produce 10,000 tons of con­ frien d . I also ta k e H o o d ’s P ills to keep centrates. Every one is benefited where m y bow els regular, an d lik e th e pills very m u c h ." I s a a c L e w i s , Sabina, Ohio. such conditions prevail. Mine investors have become suspicions becanse in the past they have been most unmercifully worked by unscrupulous mining men and promoters. Mine ex- | parting has become a science, and it is a difficult thing to improve upon a mine expert of national reputation, and only v \ men of this character are employed to Is uie One True Blood Purifier. All druggists- $1. pass upon a mining proposition the pur­ Frvpared only byC. I. Hood A Co., Lowell. Mass. chase of which involves the expenditure .. -, , , , , , are prompt, efficient and of large sums of m on ey.— Spokane H o o d S H l l l S easy In effect ascents. Spokesman-Review.________ \0RNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. <*riw vnvr n v Hood’ s Sarsaparilla In q u is itiv e , Tommy (in search of information)— Is a streamlet a small stream? His Father— Tes, my son. “ Is an owlet a small ow l?” "Y es, T om m y." “ Is an egglet a small egg?" “ Yes, yes, you might call it that.” “ Then what is a bnllet? 'Tisn't a small bull, is it ? " — London Tit-Bits. FARM ■ IV E N AWAY C on statin g' o f o n # s h s e t o f F A R M B U I L D I N G S s n d o n e s h e e t S u b j e c t s , D O M E S T I C A N I M A L S , etc. T h e e # a r e to p le a s e t h e c h ild r e n . T h e F a r m H o u s e snd A n im a ls c a n b e c u t o u t s n d m a d e t o s t a n d , t h u s m a k in g a c o m p le t e M in ia t u r e F a r m Y a r d . o f 78 W ays to G e t This Farm : r . O C . f f i / 0 C ou p o n *; or 1 Coupon and 6 Cents ¡ or 1 0 C ents w ith o u t any Coupon, to B l a c k w e l l ' S D u n h a m t o b a c c o c o .. d u s m a m . n . j e . . a n d t h e F a r m w i ll b e s e n t y o u P O S T P A I D . Y o u w ill find o n « C o u p o n in s id e e a c h ou n ce b a g , and tw o co u p o n s in sid e e a c h 4 o u n c e b a g o f a •lacM’s Genuine Domain Tonacco. Buy a b a g o f this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and coupon, which gives a list o f other premiums and how to get tnem. a CENT STAM P* a c c e p t e d . — ******••— ••— — Paine’s Celery Compound. M rs. Sam ple Owes NTall S a c k R e p a ir e r s . A t Washington the attempt to cut down the wages of the women employed in repairing the mail sacks has a r c e d a storm of indignation. "T h ese women have the most unwholesome, repulsive and ill paid work that Uncle Bam has to dispense,” says The Woman's T rib­ une. It is as nmcb as a person accus­ tomed to breathe pnre air can do to per­ form an errand at the back part o f the postofflee where these filthy mail sacks are in nse. Bat women work over them at piece work, and can earn bnt from 50 to 60 cents a day. Yet when there is an attempt to reduce the price, women complaining are told by the authorities that " i f they do not care to work at the price they need not. as there are plenty of others who would be glad o f the op­ portunity. ” Senator Call has introdneed a resolntion to pot the women on daily wages. P . t r o o U i n g I n fa n t« . Her Strength to Ali Rem edies. T h is the Best of /V u m For the unfortunates w ho lie awake, ■taring at the ceiling and oountiug the strokes of the d o ck , every sleepless night is an eternity. Mrs. J. A. Sam­ ple of 1558 Broadway, New York city, was affiicted with insomnia until her nerves were on the verge o f pros­ tration. She thinks her condition was due to indigestion. Here is what Mrs. Sample says: " I have used Paine’ s celery com ­ pound w ith marked and deoided bene­ fit. It is especially useful in insomnia, arising from indigestion and poorly nourished nerves. " I should add that my grand-daugh­ ter, Vera Hafleigh, was so thin and pnny at the age of ten as to cause the greatest anxiety. W e had no difficulty in inducing her to take Paine’ s oelery compound. Today the roses bloom in her cheeks, and I never saw a healthier, stronger child than Paine’ s oelery compound has made h e r." The brain is the center of the nerv­ ous system. Sleep alone rests this vital organ, together w ith the nerves. Dur­ ing th e w a k in g h o n r s th e n e r v o u s s y s - President Isaac Lew is o f Sabina, Ohio, is highly respected all through that section. He has lived in Clinton Co. 75 years, and has been president of the Sabina Bank 20 years. He gladly There are Dictionaries and Dictionaries, testifies to the merit of H ood's Sarsa­ but the noblest Roman of them ali seems to he Webster. It is still easily in ihe lead parilla, and what he says is w orthy attention. A ll brain workers find ia the great race for popularity. H ood’s Sarsaparilla peculiarly adapted H ave 1 arrived t o r la te?’ ’ h e asked, as the to their needs. It makes pure, rich, d o o r was op e n e d by the servant. ‘ ‘ I am afraid red blood, and from this comes nerve, you have, s ir ," w as the reply. “ T he doctors have ju st go t through h old in g th eir con su lta ­ mental, bodily and digestive strength. tio n .’ ’ Neuralgia ns HATCHET. tem works incessantly. Poor sleep means a poor nervous condition, and prolonged insomnia leads in every case to prostration, and too often to dread insanity. The m ischief that resulis from weakened nerves is much greater and more destructive than most folks even dream of. The all-im portant thing for nervous, run-down persons, and for those who are losing Bleep is that Paine’ s celery compound builds up the w hole physi­ cal syBtem, and by im proving the di­ gestion and regulating the nerves it in ­ sures sound, refreshing sleep. In w in ­ ter most women and many men lead hothouse lives. A flagging appetite, a disposition to pick at this dish and that, rather than to eat a square meal, is among the early indications of fa il­ ing health. Then comes delay in fa ll­ ing asleep and the fretful, uneasy feel­ ing the next day. Deliverance from suoh a miserable condition by the use o f Paine's celery oompound has caused men and women from every section of the United States to write sincere, hearty words of praise ABSOLUTE REM EDY Allcock’s FOR ALL C hichcsten s E nglish , R ed C ross tle s F ree of H la to Send T w o B ot- R em edy to D iamond B rand , Y w iv R t m u * ru iiis ' O ffe r s Plaster B e a r i n M i n d — N o t o n e o f th e h o s t o f co u n te rfe its a n d im i­ t a t io n s is a s g o o d a s th e g en u in e. P U L M O N A R Y C O M P L A IN T S . T . A . S lo c u m and thankfulness for this grand in v ig ­ or a tor. People enjoying perfect health sometimes wonder at this gratitude; but whoever bas suffered from prostra­ tion of the nerves, of w hich insomnia is one of the symptoms, w ill under­ stand how hard it ia to overatate the torment of this condition. And w ho­ ever has been made com pletely well by Paine's celery compound feela that no words can overstate the joy and grati­ tude such persons feel. - This is the state o f mind of thou­ sands o f nervous, sickly broken-down persons who have used Paine's celery compound and been made well. Mrs. Sample tells of the happy result in the case of her grandchild. One o f the most conspicuous instances o f the remarkable power of Paine’ s celery oompound over debility is shown in the relief it has afforded children. Of course the dose is adapted to the age of the little patient The oompound pur­ ifies the blood and corrects any tend­ ency to constipation. Pale, pnny children are made vigorous, rosy and healthy by this incomparable remedy. I f y o u w a n t a su re r e lie f for p a in s iu th e b a c k , sid e , c h e s t, or lim b s, u s e a n CONSUMPTION CURED AN * '' C u re T H E O R IG IN A L A N D G E N U IN E . The o n l y H a fe , H a r r , an.l relia b le Pill for nail « m i l e « , aik Druggist for Ckic/trHer ■ Knglinh lH a m on d B ra n d In Ke<1 *o8 Chambers S t, I U . ' T H E A E R M O T O R CO. does hsif um world*« windmill busiunss, because It has reduced the c#wt of wind power to l.B what it was.« It has many branch ^houses, and supplies its goods and repairs t your door. It can and does furnish a - better article for less money than 1 others- It makes pumping and 1 Geared, Steel. Galvanised after- ■ Completion WlndmPla, TUUn* „ I Fixed Steel Towers, Steel Bnas Saw Frames, Steel reed Cutters and Feed i Grinders. On application it will name one _ _ of these articles that it will furnish until January 1st at 1/3 the usual price. It also makes Tanks and Pumps of all kinds. Send for cata*n*iMa Pacasry: 12th, kackwtU sad FI Users Streets, Chttagw MRS. WINSLOW’S ^s0/ * ^ 03 FOR C H IL D R EN TE ET H IN G Fer *ele by al I lirugglst*. Hi Oat* a kettle. \ EVERYBODY BECAUSE It It It It Is 1« Is Is easy easy easy easy to to to to find the word wsnted. ascertain the pronunciation. trace the growth of a word. learn what a word means. > T h e Sun F r a n ctn ro C h r o n ic le a n y * < » There t* no doubt tb*t the favorite dteti mary In < S the rnlted State* I* Webster** International. It < \ li i* many competitors but It is sene aily accept#^ ( C * Ihe ties» dlrdonary f -r A merle*n* to n*e It J ? to He equally #*«teamed in other LugUsb- S speaking countries.—Pee, n , 18». G . A C . H C U R I A M C O ., P u h l l n h e r » , S p r i n g f i e l d , Mnnm., U .S .A . , PUNTING \ w e ll by getting Ferry’ s Seeds. ^ D o n ’ t let chnnre determ ine your cron, but plant Ferry’s 1 l Beeds. ‘ K n ow n and sold ' I everywhere. B sf •fore you plant, get Fe rry's Seed Annual for 1H9B. C ontains m ore pn .ical Inform ation for fa r m e n and gardeners than m a n y high, priced text hooka. M ailed free* 1 I k a. r n a r a io „ m thht , » . t . » . D. N ». 646—S. F . » . U. »0.72*