Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1895-1896, April 16, 1896, Image 4

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    W E E K L Y O RHO O X I AIT AXJ> KATCHJBT * 1 .7 5 A T E A K
K «l«rred at th e poet-office a t P o rert G ro re . Or
Se c o o d -c la s* m a il m atter
to th e p a r t y , w a it iu g to s e ll it a t
e*citin g political year ia at hand
th e first o p p o r tu n ity , fo r e v e r h o w l
yo u * » n t the paper that give* the new*.
ing and never suited.
H e r e w a s th e O re g o n ia n a litt le
' little HI. then » little pill. The ill
i* gone the p ill ha* won. De W itt'*
w h ile a g o u r g in g th e r e p u b lic a n s U t£ E> r,y R^ „ the H ule p illi t U t
P o sta g e P ree.
Si oo j o f K e n t u e k ) to p u t in th e 'le n io c r a t curc
O ae vaar
S i x m o n th s
T h r e e m o u th s
Carlisle as senator because he was
for gold.
It is advising the gold
In A d van ce.
republicans and democrats of the
e st a b lis h e d fo r th e di»»erain ation o f W ash in g
econd congressional district to put
to n c o u n ty new *, th e eleva tio n o f h u m a n ity anti I
an independent candidate be­
th e m o n ey w e can inake
I terns o f g e n e ra l in te re st g r a te fu lly received
cause the choice of the convention
E d it o r ’s h ob b ies and op in io n s on th is p ag e , a ll \
is not to its liking.
The diatribe
t h e rest fa c ts -im p a r t ia l and u ucolored
E d ito r ia a t h om e in h is san ctu m . H a t c h e t j pioted above was occasioned b\
B u ild in g , F o re st G ro v e , from 6 a. m . to lo p . m
o f each w ee k d a y and a lw a y s g la d to ta lk and i the reaffirming the money plank of
b e ta lk e d to.
'93. Daily the Oregonian is clam-
1 oring against the party it professes
, to support, berating leaders an
. onventions because they do no'
P R IX T E R V .
larmonize with its narrow views
I f y o u t a i l to r e c e i v e > o u r p a p e r i t w il
vlust the party go back on i'
be a favor i f y o u w i l l n o t i f y u s a t o n c e
ilorious record, cease to be the
•rotector of the people and becotn
U o iT o a and P roprietor .
the champion of monopoly, merely
. . E ig h t
to suit the sordid policy of that
K A D A I 1 L E
. P ages
servile tool of the money power?
. W eek ly
A L e p u b l ic a n
The republican party with such a
platform as Scott would write an<
T h e H A T C H K T h a s t h e L a r g e s t > ich men as he would select foi
C i r c u l a t i o n o f a n y n e w s p a p « r staudard bearers would not long be
in W a s h i n g t o n C o u n t y .
a party.
If the sign boards of :
It h a * d o u b l e t h e C o u n t y C i r e n s doon were placed over a chur 1
l a t i o n o f a n y o t h e r n e w s p a p e i and a bar tender ,vere in the pulpi'
the congregation would be apt tt
in F o r e s t G r o v e .
stay away.
Fortunately Scott i-
R E P U B L IC A N C OUNTY CONVENTION iot i tinning the republican party,
lor do his editorials voice its senti
A republican convention for the count'
ol Washington is called to meet in tht nents, nor the Oregonian new ■
city o f Hillsboro, on Thursday, the 30O
• rrvice
the poptilai
day o f April, 1896, at 11 o ’clock a. n».,
for the purp se o f nom inating one sen feeling.
The republican platform of '96 is
ator, three representatives, one count)
clerk, one county recorder, one count)
lot likely to declare for populist
sheriff, one county treasurer, ne count;
ilver nor tor Wall street gold, bu
assessor, one county commissioner t<
imply for the American bimetalli-m
serve four years, one county school sup
•f the constitution and if anyone is
erintendent, one county surveyor, ont
tot satisfied with that outlook he
county coroner, and to transact suci
other business as may properly conn
1a 1 better hunt another party.
before the convention. The conventi »n
w ill consist of 118 delegates, chosen b)
the several precincts as follows:
N Forest Grove
5 W a p a to ..........
S Forest Grove .8 G ales Creek
3 D airy.............. .. e
. . .t
Cornelius. . .
6 Columbia
W ashington
■ ■ 5
5 S Tualatin
. .6 West B u t te .. • -5
Eaat Butte
.. .3
E Cedar Creek
7 Dilley
W Cedar Ceek
7 Beaverdam . • • -3
. 2
8 M ountain........
.8 Rucdville
S H illsboro
N H illsboro
T h is is based on the vote for Govern­
or Lord in 1894, being one delegate a'
U rge from each precinct and one dele
gate for each tw enty votes or fractioi
over twelve.
The prim aries to be held in the several
precincts on W ednesday, April 22nd. at
I o ’clock p. m.
B y order ol the Central Committee.
Dated A pril 2, 1896.
G. W. P a tterso n ,
J .‘ C . C o r e y ,
. — - —:— ~
Chaitm an.
Republican Nominations for Con
gressman: First District, Thomas
H . Tongue of Washington county
For Joint Senator, Geo. W . Pat­
terson, of Washington County.
For District Attorney, John J.
Cleeton, of Columbia County.
J . C. C lark , druggist.
ComniUsiouer’d Court
A p ril Term .
Co. road No. 342, petitioned for by J.
T. Gerrish and others, was located and
expenses ordereded paid. Order will is­
sue to open.
Co. road No. 343, petitioned for b>
jacob Blum and others, was ordered <s
tablislied as a public highw ay and order
will issue to open.
Co. road No. 333, petitioned for b y II.
Scheidle. Report o f view ers read twice
and petition filed by Joh n M iline askin g
that three disintere ted householders be
Appointed to assess how much less valua-
>le the lands through which said road
r u n s will be rendered.
Ordered that
•I. H. S h ip ley, David Sm ith and D. C
stew art be appointed assessors to meet
a t the com mencement point o f said road
on M onday, the next regular term of
this c o u r t .
Charles H eckethier, appointed super-
visor o f road district No. 51, resign ed.
mdresignation accepted. Lewi* Herron
H IB B S o f Forest Grove has moved his stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoe,,
Caps and Furnishing Goods, to Gaston, and sold Mr. C. H. Peterson, of the Grove, one-h
terest in his business, making double the capital, which has been investe i in a U r g e Stock of
Goods for Spring comprising Dry Goods. Clothing. Shoes. Hats and Caps.
We will give you a few prices below and all we ask is a trial.
we guarantee.
appreciate until vou see the goods.
G o o d S u i t l o r $ 5 .0 0
e n d s? raised to one
dollar and fifty cents a B P Cornelius
to s o m e
dollar« a year.
m o re
............. ••
t h a t p r in c ip le s a n d n o t m e n a r e th e
Paid subscriptions up to 11 ' >A WATt
, , .
1 E L M cCormick. .............................
' that tim e w ill be received at the old I . . . —
. „
N A Barrett
rate, one dollar a year for the H a t c h k t r n Goodin.
or with the W eekly Oregonian one dol-
Austin Craig
lar and seventy-five cents.
; Circuit C ourt.—
Thia step mean* that the H atch kt
Ira E Bradley
for the coming year will be better than J B Freem an
. ...................
ever before.
Its county news aervice w c . ja c k a o n
i s s u e s of ‘ 9 6 , a n d th a t t a i r i f f is
B o t tlin g a n d
m o n ey e v e ry th in g ,
now excels all com petitors as does iu Thomas H um phreys..........................
foreign news, and that high rank w ill be M 9 D aily
I f SO, w h y
m aintained.
than balanced its half-hearted sup
, .
e .1
.• 1
port o f th e r e s t o f th e ttck K t? I It t
belief in the platform o f ’9 2 is th«*
test of republicanism , and we th in k
It is, the Oregonian is not republi*
CRn and never has been. It claims
n o t g e t u p a g o ld b u g
p a r t y o f i t s o w n ? T h e r e p u b lic a n s
m rc s ic k o f th e se g o l l c r a n k '« ,a lw a y s
patting 1U their
g o ld
We also have an A ll-W o o l-F ill’
In Children’s two pieced suits, weL
. , ...
four t
from 6 ' - c to 7«^c per yard. A Good Line of Hose for ladies and children, 10c a pair. M en’s Cotton£
fr m 5c to 15c a pair
C h o i c e L i n e o f E m b r o l d e r i e H a n d L a c e » J u « t R e c e i v e d f;
P h ila d e lp h ia .
FLO U R , the staff of life, we are selling for $3.00
Good Japan Tea, per lb ................................
The Best Jay an Tea, such as you pay 50c for
per bbl.
at most places........................................(
S U G A R is still advancing and the market excited
but we will meet any price on the coast.
Coffee. Green and Roasted, per lb
25c to ■
B E A N S , choice white, we are giving 33 lbs for $1
Best Soaked Bacon, by the side, per lb
R O L L E D O A T S, best, we are selling 30 lbs for $t
Best Soaked Ham, Thompson Pack, per lb
t o
\ U B B S S PtTtRSOf
year, or with the W eekly Oregonian two J "
c a n d id a te s
You would be surprised to see them
R IC E , good Japan Rice
............. 20 lbs for $1
New England Mince, per package
The Oregonian is so prejudice
Bui* Pickles, per gal
A Good Wash B oard..............................
in its judgment, so blinded in i:-
Liverpool Salt, p e r sack
A Good Wash T u b ........................................
....................................... 5 ° c
. ision and so shady in its methods
Sundried Peach Plums, 24 lbs........................ $r.oo
Three Dozen Clothes Pins.
hat little of a political nature in its
columns can be believed.
In f a c t w e a im to c a r r y w h a t the p e o p le w a n t and s e ll at p r i c e s to m:
Its latest is chiming Thomas H.
a n y c o m p e t i t i o n . C o m e an d se e us. B r i n g y o u r c h ic k e n s , e g g s , hides, w:
Tongue as a ‘ ‘sound money man”
in fa c t , a n y t h i n g th a t w e can tint! a m a r k e t f o r w e w ill buy.
according to its definition of sound
money (money lender’s money).
Any one who remembers the dis­
favor with which the Oregonian
regarded Mr. Tongue during the
anti-Dolph crusade of a year ago
will distrust its present professions
of friendship. Mr. Tongue’s pro-
uounced silver views of then have
not been since retracted nor do Mr
Tongue's recent utterances betoken County W arrants Drawn for the Month
o f A pril, 1896.
any weakening.
The Oregonian
is hoping against hope. It is trying Assessing and C ollectin g.—
Geo H W ilcox
$ 78 co
hard to convince itself that Mr.
Rodolph Crandall ........................... 60 00
Tongue is a man after its own S H H u m p h reys............................... 480 0
heart but it is a bitter pill to take. W illiam Pointer................................. 51 oo
4 80
Mr. Tongue is not an extreme Thomas Tucker
4 80
silverite but he stands squarely for L K W ilk es.........................................
Geo H ornbuckle
8 0 0 Amo* Kenw orthy.
20 40 R B Goodin.
the money of the republican plat
74 5 R V Phillips....................................... j,-
H atchet” ...........................................
2 5 0 C L Benefiel
24 40 H P Ford.
J7 45 J M Gleason.
form of ’92 and has always stood R B G o od in .........................................
3 00 O R Downs
20 40 State Cases and Witnesses.—
] J I K n ig h t.......................................
there. To the people of W ashing­ Bridges and R oads.—
F S Olsen.
2 300 Geo Hardy.
10 » M J Payne
10 40 W illiam Crowther
ton ci.unty the nomination of Mr. Jam es Laidlaw & Co.
32 40 S A Byrne
440 H B Kenison..............................
Tongue meant that the republican
23 60 L Creps
to 00 Fred Burgdorfer.
Thom as M adigan...........................
1 1 od C L Hinman .
20 40 W J Thornburgh........................
party of the first congressional
to 00 W N B arrett...........
C C H a n c o c k .....................................
2 9 2 Geo Schulm erich.
8 40 T C McNamer..............................
district had openly declared war on
3 40 Geo C Day
S H ughes.............................................. 5 7 0 1 J K Reeve*.
2000 R Johnson
3 80 \\ iiliam Spencer
populist and on monopolist and D B R easo n er....................................
4 50 Wilson Bowlby .
2040 E P Cornelius
y 6o Herman T itie n ..
was consistently demanding pro­ T G Todd ........................................
3 00 J McClaren
23 60 H arry Brown.
1080 J 0bn Minster . . .
tection to money no less than to Andrew* Lum ber C o ..................... 10 5 8 W H Bender
Elizabeth Sm ith
19 40 Jam es G Lee
* 4 ° Mary S te l...................................
........ 12000 j F Carstens.
8 20 Mary Booth.
trade and home, and the election Jam es Yo un g............... . .
5 40 August Stel
A C Archbold
85 J C Her .
go W D Wood
of June will :ee the triumph of that W iley & Dennis.
6 to Nicholas Webber.
' 5 0 J J Meacham
2040 W H McGill
5 00
Kenw orthy.. 7 .
all-around protection.
1 1. e W ilkes
J4 4 ° D S a vag e ..
w illiam Theia..
W h e n h a s n o t its b itte r a n ta g o n is m
th e
A M a n ’ s W o o l S u it in B l a c k , B l u e o r B r o w n , ft
such as you have been used to paying $t2.oo or #.5.00 for.
4 00 Thom as Tucker
4 00
4 00
4 00
3 00
» OJ
3 00
4 00
4 00
»O J
4 co
E A Street .
*j E v e r it t............
VV H Connell . .
c E Shorey
L A Rood
Brice Wilson
I W Marsh.
P H Baughm an..
W J R Beach
R H G re e r..............
C W Odell
W illiam Bouscine
R W aggener
J N'orthrup.
W ho made the Oregonian the leave no m argin, it doea not even cover " D H ire ............... ..........................
For this reason on and after j f-o un ,J' Court —
m o u th p ie c e of the republican party? expenses.
16 > ■ Court House and Ja il Account.—
When ever has that journal unre May 16, thirty days from date, the sub- p ^ Todd0” " .............
™ .
. • - ............................................................ >3 8o A C Archbold
s e r v e illy s u p p o r t e d th e rep ti lic a n - option pnee of the H a t c h k t w . II be Salaries.___
W e will give you satisfaction:
In our line of Men ’s and Boys’ Clothing we have a few prices to quote which you cat
'an d point toe. A good line of Children’s School Shoes. A Ladies Dongola Button with Patent Tip
M. d . Mont- $ i . 5o a pair. D r y G o o d s . — A nice lot of Prints for 5c per yard. Tennis Cloth in assortment of
gomery continued to M ay term.
Reports o f R. B. Goodin, clerk, H. P.
Ford, sheriff, and E . L . M cCorm ick,
recorder, exam ined and approved.
T ranscripts o f State vs. Silas Payne, vs.
Julius Steel, vs. Albert Luther, allowed
According to law.
Clerk ordered to issue to C. Schulm erich
a duplicate warrant for $48.
T ax sale certificate ordered to be as­
signed to Geo. K erry.
Supervisor J . B. McNew allowed $7 50
for blasting material.
Resignation o f W. C. Kertson as super­
visor o f district 26 accepted, and A.
Storey appointed to fill the vacancy.
Supervisor J . C. Beach o f road district
40 allowed 2500 ft. o f lumber.
Supervisor C. True allow ed 2500 ft. of
H. Metzenteine. a minor, allowed
bate o f poll tax for ’95.
Supervisor J. D. Hite allowed $10 worth
of powder and 3000 ft. o f lumber.
Application of road supervisors al
lowed: M. S . Barnes $ 1 for powder;
H. T. Johnson $ 10 for powder and 1000
ft. lumber; W. J . G regg 750 ft. lumber;
J. N. G rable $ 10 for powder and 450 ft.
lumber; R. F . Rice 7000 ft. lumber.
Petition of M. S. Barnes and 36 others
for change in road presented with due
proof and notices.
Bond approved.
County surveyor appointed to s u r r v
-ame and Wm. Nelson, J . R. Im brie and
Wm. Kelien appointed view ers to meet
surveyors at com m encing point o f said
change on Tuesday, A pril 21 at 10 a. m.
Bond o f A. M. Collins commander of
Gen. Ransom Post No. 69 G. A. R. ap­
In order to "h o ld the silver v o te ," the
republican state convention was made
to vote down a resolution declaring
against free coinage o f silver
But everv
«ilver man knows, or should know, that
to look to the republican party for free
coinage of silver is to entertain a delu­
siv e hope.
This shabby deception
1 T W Thompson
therefore, em ployed to ' 'hold the silver
9 1 . 5 0 A Y E A K.
| L 8 P o r te r ,. . .
v o t e ," should hold nobody. If you are
The H a tch kt ha* now been in exist- L Shogren
a .liv e r man and u a : ’
H C Raym ond
M M yon. and desire to issociat. wit
« < * for a year, lo ag tO M gh fur it> »mix John McCloud
• party that will endeavor to carry out ami methods to become known to the J T Gerrish.
your view s, you should go to the popu- public. The one dollar a year subacrip W H G errish.
lists or democrats.
The politicians c f tion rate which it baa m aintained during L E L aR u e ..
th e republican party who hold out ex
these twelve months is too low for a good J D Row ell.
pectations o f free coinage to you are
Chas Koeher
The paper a* it comes to I
fo o lin g you
All they want is your i newspaper
| J Blum ..............
.rote*, political ascendency for them us costs one third o f that and the o b ta in -! s; K e0imer.
•e lv e s .—S u n d ay 's Oregonian.
ing o f news, the printing and delivering. A le* Reuaser
tic k e , tlay in g a s id e it s s e lfis h
Also a Complete
Groceries which we shall sell for cash or its equivalent as low as you can buy same quality of good»»
them from $ 1.5 0 to $3.50. Also extra pants, same as suits, it
you wouli 1
e t tern, irom
. *
S h o e s . — We have a Nice Line o f Tan Oxfords from $ 1 . 2 5 to $ 1 . 6 5 , in
.f Tualatin appointed to fill vacancy.
lion Of taves, approved.
Transcript of State vs.
i n
Compare the H a t c h k t in ^ oarlca L C ro c k e r...
quantity and quality with an y other ^ ' n i w e r T .
newspaper o f the co».my and you will j | f Winter
o a r , traitors coamKkr the beat ia the cheapen.
An David Rice
50 00 L’aupers and
*S ®>
30 0 0
j p Carstens
A \\ Saxton
\ o ’ sen
' u sen
Brvan Laidlaw Co. ..
G W Patter»,n
275 uo 1 w I) Wood
45 ^ A C Ar« hbold
H P Ford
>6 40 Rosa Frost.
4 20 John Nortbrup
15 4 0 Stationers —
14 *o j w Sappington
14 2 0 B P Cornelius
14 2 0 E L McCormick.
25 20
2 00
2 00
2 00
26 40
31 00
27 20
37 10
29 00
4 20
32 80
4 20
2 20
12 00
9 00
F Klineman .
Aaron Malone.
Edgar Poppleton
U T H anna............................
Addie Hamlin
William Norton
W A Hutchinson
Joseph Connell
John L Hunt
J S Jackson
John H Dorland..........
C Hinkenbottom
H Northrup.......................
G W Morgan
T B Jones
John Goodin
A P Northrup
2 1 0 Samuel Johnson.
F C Waters
600 J W Hughes
Dora Hundley
299 39 James Hill
5 00 Christ Carstensun
14 77 W S Walker
2* 25 Henry Meacham
5 00 W Daret y
3 03 J R Mays
59 ° i J P Tamiesie
5 00 W iiliam Nelson
10 0 0 W W Annans
Martha Payne
40 Jane Payne
4 75 Charles Mason
3 5 ° H Stowell.
8 45 William M Stvphvna
1 5 2 0 G huss"* Pnidliom m .
6 Ou irw in-IIodson Co
37 5* D Wilson
30 ao \ W like* Broa.
11 80 R A Scsatcan.
J 50 Edith Wilson
" G H enderson..
1 60 Maggie Bradv
6 oo Henrietta M’e ver
» »
h T p
* f'yer
4 oo u Ï 1" 1" 1 * ,,cl Rem itted.—
4 00 H Metzentine
4 8« Bounty.—
3 3 ° " C D arety.............
3 3<J John McClaran.
6 40 Arthur Flin t
. ! ! ! ! ” ! ! ; ! ! ! 10
C \\ hitmore
6 40
8 80 F J Babcock Tost G A R . .............. 19»
3 60 Jam es B Matthews Pott G A R
It» all the same, a sligh t cold, cse
> ° Hasted lungs or severe cough. One Mil
"7 Utc Cou* 11 k'ure banishes thetp. ]■ (■
Clark, druggist
3 *J
3 4o
»'apato School Report.
5 J
4 80
Th* following is a report o f the selie4
4 bo ^or ’ *** month ending April 10. Numb*
5 00 of d ,v * taught, 20. Num ber of pup“
3 4 0 enrolled, zi. Average d aily attend*«*
>9 Number of visitor*. 6 . The puf*4
neither absent nor tardy were Ruth
cieva Grant, Em m a and M ary Coal»
Mabel, Frank and Hazel Rolstoo *$
Gay Fuller
Alice Porter, Teacher-
Take a dose o f De W itt’» L ittle Hi ti
6 40 Risers just for the good they w ill do y«»
600 These little Pills are good lor indigesti**
6 00 Rood for headache, good for liver a
6 00 lamt, good for constipation
They * •
8 ao ; good. J . C. C lark, druggtat.