W ASHINGTON l(rHßöRlN(jr TOWNS Co.; butter, Maxon & Fergus-m- beef the W ashington Dressed Meat Com- puny. g re ss a n d p a c if ic of d o in g s of northw est I K »'»<* th e . H|iicy > m * F rom A l l t h e C i t l e * *»»«1 T o w n * n th « C o »«t - T h r ift and ln d u n t r y Victor Paul, the clerk in the Blaiue hotel, has this winter shot and taken over 800 wild ducks and brant in Serni- ahmoo bay, besides over 300 wild pigeons and other birds in the woods. With the exception of liberal presents to friends, the fowls were consumed at the hotel. E * «r y y u n r t e r —O r e * » i * . lh e Cornwall mill, Bellingham bay, shipped last month live cargoes; four ooastwiBe and one foreign. The total cargoes equalled 2,110,000 feet of lum­ ber, and 360,000 lath. The Paoifio Coast M illing Company, 300,000 feet Ji. number of young lambs were killed of finishing lumber, and 3,600,000 Grass valley by the recent oold shingles. Woodin’» mill, 170,000 feet of finishing lumber, 200,000 feet of un- flier. asoo county’s roadgrader has be- olassed lumber, and 1,000,000 shingles. work for the season, starting in on The courthouse in Spokane is to be b ridge. lighted with gas. Heretofore electric he Homer took a cargo of wood for } ‘ ghts have been used- ln the oourt- _ _ w _ _ _ _ on its i b o o s e 1 and jail 108 gas burners w ill be factory au Francisco market placed. The county w ill pay $3.26 j nip from Coos bay. apiece for them. They w ill give 6480 in Oakland firm shipped 1,600 caudle power. The county w ill pay nds of chickens and dressed turkeys : $55 per month for the gas from now San FranciBOO last week and 650 until Ootober 1. Heretofore about $00 :n pggs to Port'and. | per month has been paid to the electric J. Davis, tue Montana million- 1*gbt oompany. whose estate is involved in liti- j In the lederai oourt in Taooma Jart on, an alleged w ife havmg appear- | Hanford issued an order directing Re- uuexpectedly on the scene, used to j ueiVer Andrew F. Burleigh, of the in Coos county, yrheia, as el8°- Northeru Pacific Railroad Company, to he I>“ a‘wd ior au olJ baobelor' pay the St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber ’he Clatskanie council has bought j Company the judgment recently award- water system owned by Mrs. I ed for excessive freight charges paid auda M errill, w ith a sufficient p la t; f° r hauling sawlogs to the mill. This ground to insure permanent posses- I judgment is for $5,903.87, and was n of the spring that supplies the j awarded by a board of arbitration, con­ fer and enough ground on which to j »'sting of Philip Tillinghast and C. D. t tanka or fencing for protection. Stimson. l„iu bus shipped 86,000 railroad this spring. he suto selected 300 aores of school at The Dalles land office last COUNTY II A T C I IE T A L L ABOUT T H E FARM the animals should not be allowed t* run In pastures which were frequented i by diseased stock. I f necessary, sow | There is but little moving in loca a patch o f clover, which will take the markets and prices remain unchanged, S U B J E C T S INTERESTING! TO place o f a regular pasture Held. Lota, TE RR IBLE DISASTE R IN SAN although eggs and poultry are both R U R A L READERS. < au usually be moved at eoinparatlve- ! scarce and much firmer, a tew sales of FRANC ISCO HARBOR. I ly small expense. Unless precaution* j the former being made at 9u and a 50- { of this kind arc taken, another out­ packer lot going readily at 8 'tc. But­ P o t a t o P l a n t i n g w i t h M o d e r n M a e break niuy occur at any time. Proper c h i n e r y —G o o d F e n c e . A r e I m p o r t ­ ter continues weak. sanitation, food and good care may S is SeaintMi and t h e I t r it U h S h ip IS Ia lr- a n t - M a n y P l e a s u r e . In F a r m W o r k ward It off. in u re C o m p l e t e l y S w a l l o w e d U p D u r ­ S H IP W R E C K IN PORT, in g O n e o f th e S e v e r e s t S q u a ll* K x- p e r le n c e d in Y e a r * . e O H I l ANC M ARKETS. W h e a t M a rk et. The state of the foreign wheat mar­ ket, which is our criterion, is well set [ forth in a London letter to a local ship­ per, which says: Wheat during the past week has been a very poor trade, and the depressing American advices, coupled with Russia and India pres­ sing wheat, has taken all the strength out of the market. The flour trade is wretched. Local quotations are: W alla Walla, 55 to 56c; Valley, 58 to 59o. — H o w t o G u a r d A g a i n . t H o g C h o le r a , D iffe r e n t K i n d , o f H o u r M e e t. P la n tin g P o ta to e s . Itouc meal Is not coullned to one name, but is kuowu also as ground bone, bone Hour, bonedust, etc. W e find in tile market raw bone meal and steamed bone meal. Raw bone meal contains tbe fat naturally present la lioues. Tbe presence of tbe fat is olv jectlonable, because It makes the grinding more difficult and retards the decomposition of the bone in the soil, while fat Itself has no value as plant food. When bones are steamed, the fat Is removed and tbe bone Is more easily ground. Moreover, the chemical nature of tbe nltrogeu compounds ap­ pears to be changed In such a manner that the meal undergoes decomposition In the soil more rapidly than 111 case of raw bone. The presence of easily de­ caying nltrogeu compounds in bonce hastens, In the process o f decomposi­ tion, to dissolve more or less o f the Insoluble phosphate. Bone meal should contain from 3 to 5 per cent, o f nitro­ gen, and from 20 to 25 per cent, of phos­ phoric acid. About one-third to one- fourth of the latter appears to l>e In readily available condition. Raw bone meal generally contains somewhat more nitrogen (1 or 2 per cent.) und rather less phosphoric acid than steamed bone meal. The fineness of the meal affects Its value; the liner the meal the more readily available Is It as plant food.— Bulletin New York Station. In pinntIng potatoes, either for home or for market, the first essential, saya the American Agriculturist, Is a well- dralued, rich plat of land. A Held wbleli has been two years in clover Is usually the best. T o this apply a heavy dressing uf well-rotted liuruyard ma­ nure. Itp-ak the sod ill the fall or the wluter three or four Inches deep, then In spring turn it over to a depth of eight or nine Inches, and cut up thoroughly with a disk harrow, coutinuing the P ru d u o « M a rk et. F lock — Portland. Salem, Uascadia and operation until the seed bed Is well Dayton, are quoted at $3.00 per barrel; lined and In the best condition. Use a Gohidrop, $2.95: Snowflake, $3.20: Ben­ smoothing barrow to compact it suffi­ ton county, $3.00: graham, $2.66; super­ ciently, so that It will not be dried out fine, $2.25. unduly. The ground Is now ready for O ats —Good white are quoted weak, at planting. The old method of hand 26c; milling, 28®30e; gray, 23®24e. planting will probably continue for the Rolled oats are quoted as loilows: Bags, $4.2G®6.25; barrels, $4.5U®7.00; cases, $3.75. 11 a y — Timothy, $9.00 per ton; cheat, $6.00; clover, $6® 7 ; oat, $5(<56.60; wheat, $6.50®6.5U. B a k lsy —Feed barley, $13.50 per to n ; brewing, $16®16. M illstuffm — Bran, $13.00; shorts, ’$ lo ; middlings, $18(1520.00; rye, 92'.t.< per cental. Burma—Fancv creamery is quoted at 35c; iancy dairy, 25c; lair to good, 20c; common, 12>sc per roll. P otatoes — New Gregou, 20®30e per sack; sweets, common, 5c; Merced, 3,‘u per pound. rhe lumber manufacturing industry D A. H. Kellogg has just completed U nions — Uiegon, 65c per sacs. the Blue mountains is rapidly re- planting 1,400 cherry trees and now D r a i n i n g In P l a c e o f G r a d i n g . P oultry —Uuickeus, liens, $3.50 pei 'ing. The Grand Hondo Lumber has perhaps the most carefully planted dozen; mixed. $3 0U®4.l)U per dozen; It Is often said by farmers that low, mpany’s m ill at Perry was started j orchard in Island county. The trees F IO . 1. H A N D CUTTER. ducks, $4 59® 6; geese, >5.00; turkeys, wet places need to be filled In so that Saturday, and the big m ill of the I were planted on what is known as the live, 14®14>*c per pound; dressed 16c. the water that now settles In them can general farmer who cultivates but a Kuos—uregou, sj*c per dozen. Igard Lumbering Company at Five circular system, in rectangles 16x18 run off over the surface, says the Amer­ G ueebb —Oregon ,*c; skim, 4® one-seventh more trees can be put upon i a few days later. ped in rows three feet apart, with the to grade up even a small hollow know* 5c; Young America, 10® 11c. an acre, while the rows, radiating from hills eighteen inches apart In the row liow Ineffective tills method prove«. A T r o p i c a l F kuit — Galiloruis lernonB, The semi-annual statement of the every point in the orohard, present a $3.00® 3.26; choice. $2.00®2.60; Sicily, If they are to be plowed one way, and tile drain dug through the center of the assurer of Josephine county on March very pleasing effect. $6.50; bananas, $1.75®2.60 per buncU; two aud one-half to three feet apart If wet place, if a small one, and with two last showed: Paid into the general Galitornia navels. $2.25®3.5J per box; they are to be cultivated crosswise. or three branches If larger, will do the In Walla Walla one day last week, nd, $8,350.17, of which $3,688.42 pineapples, $6®6.00 per dozen. Checking, however, Is hardly ever nee- work much more cheaply and effect a 58 for the cancellation of warrants a number of boys were fishing in M ill O bkoon V ege tables — Gabbage, lc Where a except where tbe land is very permanent Improvement. d $408.22 for interest thereon, leav- creek. One of the boys felt his hook per lb ; garlic, new, 7® 8c per pound; essa g a balanoe on hand of $4,358.53. oatch on some object at the bottom of artichokes, 35c ¡¡per dozen; spiouts. 5c foul. For commercial planting, hand large quantity of water runs Into 1h« per pound; caul,dower, $2.75 per crate, proci -ses are entirely too slow, conse­ low place from adjoining uplands the e school and other funds show u bal- the creek. G iving a jerk he brought out a large pasteboard box, somewhat 90cA$l per dozen; hothouBe lettuce, 40u quently luventors have constructed ma­ drain may not at once be able to re­ >of $416.87. per dozen. torn and broken by the water. Open­ chines both for cutting the potatoes Into move It. But water standing over a The Bohutz dramatic company, whose F bbsh FauiT— Pears. Winter Nellis, suitable sized pieces aud for planting field even for two or three days, while ing the box the boy and his compan­ me and fame is common in the $1.50 per box; crauberries, $9 per them. There is also on the market a an under-drain beneath It Is carrying ions, who had gathered around him, aaller towns of the state, met with a barrel; lancy apples, $1.50®2; common, machine which cuts the seed and at the off the surplus water, does no harm to were horrified to see the tiny form of a tastrophe in Curry county last week. 60®76c per box. any orop. There are. In fact, no crops babe, entirely nude. D bibu F ruits — Apples, evaporated, same time does the planting. Figs 1 $®4c; ruugn a defective bridge, and several John Kane, who, in the winter of B R A D STR E E T’ S R E PO R T. pears, sun and evaporated. 6®6c plums, which will do the work of eight or ten grain. W e have had winter wheat cov­ embers of the party were injured. 1891, was sent to the penitentiary from persons. The potato Is dropped into tne ered on a flat piece o f land several Inch­ pitleB S, 3®4c; prunes, 3®6 per pound. circuit w ill be resumed when Olympia for breaking into Fred Car- S o m e F a v o r a b l e F e a t u r e s o f t h e W e e k ’ s W ool — Valiev. 10c, per pound; East­ hopper, tbe handle brought over and es deep with water, which froze over !?erybody has recovered, dates being lyon’s jewelry store, has been pardoned B u s in e s s . ern Oregon, 6 ® 8 »c . pressed down, and the potato Is cut Into the surface, but without any Injury to by Governor MoGraw. Kane is the W ed back. H o ps — Choice, Oregon 2@3o per pieces of a uniform size. Fig. 1 repre­ the wheat. The water sank away un­ New York, A p ril 13.— Bradstreet’s man who deliberately kicked a window tomorrow w ill say: pound; medium, neglected. sents the lM>ttom of the hopper, crossed der the lee. By the time a thaw came The annual financial exhibit of Gold out of a store in broad daylight and N uts — A lmonds, solt shell, 9® 11c “ W hile there is no general increase by six knives, with one running length­ the surface was dry and the crop haA ;ill shows a prosperous state of affairs per pound; paper shell, 10®12»c; new took a silver cake basket, expecting to in business there are several en­ wise. The number of knives can be simply beeu saved by tbe Ice from ex­ that little town. The total reoiepts crop California walnuts, solt shell, get a few months in ja il and thus es­ couraging features. First, the advanoe decreased so as to make larger pieces posure to the freezing aud thawing o f ariug the past year were $1,361.65, li® 1 2 )* c ; standard walnuts, 12® 13c; cape a hard winter. Judge Robinson in priceB of flour, wheat, oorn, pork 'which $1,200 came from liquor li- Italian cbesnuts, 12>*®14c; pecans, of It, or can be Increased and smaller surface soil It would otherwise have re­ gave him a sentence of ten years, near­ and sugar, together with that of steel This machine can ceived. 13® 16c; Brazils, 12)$® 13c; filberts, pieces obtained. aud the expenditures were ly half of which has been served. billets and beams, and other iron and 12>*®14c; peanuts, raw, iancy, 6®7c; also be used for cutting beets, turnips, 1646 83. The outstanding liabilities S m a l l L i t t e r s A r e R e s t. roasted, 10c; hickory nuts, 8® 10c; co- steel products. The advance in wheat carrots, and other roots for stock feed. Id a h o . ¡mount to $35.21, which leaves a bai­ I believe that a sow that produces coanuts, 90c per dozen. lee in the town treasury of $623.68. The Boise Basin, since 1862 has has continued so much longer than six or eight pigs at a litter will bring i'a o visions — E astern bams, medium, expected that the trade is again dis­ ¡To tax levy has yet beeu made. shipped $150,000,000 worth of gold. n better Income generally than one l l ) v ® l 2c per pound; bams, picnic, cussing the likelihood of thiB being that produces twelve or fifteen pigs, bacon 10>2@ 10^ c ; Agent Borie of the O. K. & N ., at Over seventy-five new postoffices the beginning of the long looked for 7i*c; breakfast says a writer in an exchange. The rea­ fendleton has received from the head­ have been established in Idaho during advance for cereals, which they believe short clear sides, 8>*®9c; drv salt sides, 71>®8c; dried beef hams, 12 son why I think so Is inis; A sow In quarters of the company in Portland the past three years. must come after the extreme depression ®13c; lard, compound, in tinB. 7%\ farrowing twelve or fifteen Is almost payments of the claims of Pendleton Unfavorable lard, pure, in tins, 9>*®10c; pigs’ feet, Judge Standrod may call a speoial of the last few yearB. sure to have a lot of them small, euses on account of supplies and board term of court for Bingham county orop reports from oentral Western 80s, $3.60; pigs’ feet, 40 b , $3.25; kits, very runty and no account whatever. famished during the great flood of later on in the season, to wind up the states confirmation of previous short- $1.25. Oregon smoked hams, 10C4c per Almost sure to be all sizes, and what pound; pickled bams, 8) 40; boneiess une, 1894. The O. R. fac; bacon, lOJ^c; dry salt sides, Is more disgusting than to have a largo usiuess men and takes assignments of tralia, small supplies in Europe, and litter of pigs of all sizes. A litter o f 10s, 7 » c ; The Potlatch country w ill raise the afloat therefor, but, above all, a revival 6%c;lard, 5-pound pans, ¡heir claims, and w il. adjust the mat­ this kind seldom grows and does as er with the Union Pacific through the largest fruit crop this year since fruit of speculation in wheat, are underneath 60s, 7 ^ c ; tierces, 7c. Country meats sell at p riceB according to grade. much good according to the food con­ trees were planted in the section. It j prices.” Courts. H ldbs .—Dry hides, butcher, sound, sumed as a smaller litter. The un­ The Dalles is having a building w ill be almost double that of last year. Bradstreet’ B exhibit of comparative per pound, Il@ 12c; dry kip and calf­ evenness o f tbs litter seems to be tbs worn. Max Voight is rebuilding bis Petitions are being circulated in prices of 108 staple artioles, including skin, 10® 11c; culls, 3c less; salted, 60 worst feature of the situation, for rick block that wus destroyed by fire j Moscow asking for the pardon of Mrs. live stock, Bhows higher quotations for lbs and over, 6c; 50 to 60 lbs, 4@4)fac; the reason that the larger ones fight everal years ago. Mr. V oigh t’s | Margaret Hardy, who was sentenced 28 produots of A p ril 1, 1896, oompared 40 and 60, 4c; kip and veal skins, off the smaller ones, nnd thereby, after 10 to 30 lbs, 4c; calfskin, sound, 3 FIO . 2. K N IF E OF IIA N D CUTTER. imildiug w ill cost $65,000. A. M. to the penitentiary for life for murder­ with 66 which are lower and 18 which to 10 lbs, 6c; green, unsalted, lc a while, tne smaller ones begin to Williams is puttiug up an additoual ing a little colored child, and was af­ are unchanged in contrast with quota­ less; culls, l-2c less ; Bbeepskins, shear­ Machines for pluntlng potatoes at tbe dwindle and die, nnd nfter all, yon 'tore adjoining his property, to cost terward sent to the asylum for the in- tions on January 1. Contrasted with lings, 10® 16c; short wool, 20®30c; rate of four to eight acres per day are have nothing left of your large litter 530,000. Besides these, there are a | 8aue, no longer en experiment. One man hut a few of the larger ones, where. If one year ago, there are increases of medium, 30®40c; long wool, 60®70c. somber of private residences going up, only Is needed to operate the machine you liad eight goods pigs to start with, quotations for 38 items, while five Since the fire at the Tiger-Poorman M e r c h a n d I Me M a r k e t . that plants cut seed, while the auto­ vhile other buildings are being raised are unchanged, and 49 are lower. you would not be liothered with tbs, mills all the men are idle, exoept a S almon —Columbia, river No. 1. tails, matic cutter and planter requires a (and improved. ! " Exports of wheat, flour included as trouble I have spoken of. few that are needed to work the pumps $1.26®1.60; No. 2. tabs, $2.25®2.6J; man and boy. These Implements open The Corvallis Times confirms the re- and do necessary work about the j wheat, from both coasts of the United Iancy, No. 1, flats, $1.76®1.86; Alaska, R e e d in g t o G ra s s . jport of a new flouring m ill for Mon- mines. The Poorman boilers have been States, amount to 1,764,000 bushels No. 1, tails, $1.20® 1.30; No. 2, tails, $1.90 the furrow, drop the seed, and any desired amount and kind of fertilizer, A Connecticut farmer, who gives ns iroe. Orders for $600 worth of new put in order, and the smokestacks raised ! this week, compared with 1,693,000 ®2.25. and cover evenly with soil to a uniform clew as to the chars cter of the soli, nor ¡machinery for the m ill were placed again, but little work is being done, last week and 2,934,000 in the week B b a n b — Small white, No. 1, 2J^c per last week in Portland. The m ill is to except to keep the Tiger from flooding. last year. Indian oorn exports amount pound; butter, 3c; bayou, l % c ; Lima, depth, bringing ail even stand. A mark­ tbe kind or farming he Is engaged In. er Indicates the next row and keeps the asks advice about set-ding clover to to 1,391,000 bushels this week, com­ 4c. lhe located on the farm of E, Maude, The Idaho immigration congress has pared with 2,199,000 last week. C ordagb — Manilla rope, lj^-inch, if rows straight One of these machines grass field that has been In hoed crops one and one-half miles north of Mon- Business failures in the United quoted at 8^4c, and tsisal, 64«c per pound. soon saves Its cost on a farm where for two years, but for which he has no ¡roe. I t is to be roller process, with adjourned after three days' session in B coab —Golden U, 63>c; extra O, 5)vc; potatoes are grown to any extent. manure or fertilizer unless he buys on steam power, and the capacity to be Boise. The Idaho Immigration Asso­ States this week number 21, compared credit, says Storr's Agricultural Ktnnd- fifty or sixty barrels per day. Work ciation was formed, each county being with 26 last week, and 225 in the dry granulated, 6>>c; cube crushed and P lc a e n r e e o f F a r m W o rk . powdered, 67g< per pound; >u per pound entitled to two members. The offloers week a year ago. ard. I f be lias use for tbe fodder, a is to begin in a short time. discount on all grades lor prompt cash; Many people despise their work, crop of oats and peas, and clover grown are: Eugene Buchanan, of Moscow, ball barrels, j* c more than barrels; when they ought to be thankful tbat therewith, for plowing under In tbs The Rochester quarry, near Elk president; J. M. Haines, of Boise, sec­ C O U N T E R F E IT E R ’ S C AVE . maple sugar. 15® 16c per pound. they have something to do. A man or j fall, would be a good order to follow City, Yaquins bay, is getting ready to retary; J. O. Baker, of Boise, treas­ OorrBB—Costa Rica, 20®23)kC; Rio, 20 woman wbo goes through life loathing ! begin operations at an early date. A urer. D is c o v e r e d o n a H tn a ll I s la n d in I n ­ @ 22c; Salvador, lg®22c; Mocha, bis dally work Is a miserable mortal, liefore seeding down. I f this plan Is complete quarry plant has been ordered adopted, I would advise the use of AUO d ia n a . 27(1531c ; Fadaug Java, 30c; 1’alembang M o n ta n a . land shipped from St Paul, Minn., and Java, 26®28c; Labat Java, 23®56c; Ar- wbo makes this world full of bell, and pounds of bone and 200 pounds of muri­ Bristol, Ind., A p ril 13.— T w o depnty Work has been resumed on the is expected to arrive in about three buckle’ s Mokaska and Lion.,$20.30 pel prepares tbe way for plenty of It In ate of potash per acre when tbe oats weeks. The plant w ill consist of a big Iduna mine in the Ground Squirrel dis­ United States marshals are taking 100-pound case; Columbia, $20.30 pei the next, says Rural Life. A child and peas are sown. Bow one and one- that has not been taugbt to work has lialf bushel each of oats snil of peas oa double-hoisting engine, a cl anieling trict and considerable development turns at watching an island in Bt. 100-pound case. John’ s river, in the northeastern part Rica— Island, $4®4.50 per sack; Ja­ not been half raised. An education early as the ground can be worked, machine, steam d rill and all the neces­ work w ill be done. of Elkhart countv, on which a subter­ pan. $4.00®4.60. that does not develop habits o f In­ plow the peas under and sow the oats sary hoisting apparatus for two der­ The president and stockholders of the ranean counterfeiter's den has been C oal —Steady; domestic, $5.00®7.6( dustry Is a curse to Its recipient, and ricks. The plant w ill be first-class in nnd fifteen pounds of common red Butte <& Boston M ining Company, located. The cave was discovered a per ton; ioreign, $8.60® 11.00. tbe recipient Is a curse to the State. cloverseed after plowing and barrow every respect, and w ill cost about which recently failed, are in Butte few days ago by two boys, who, while In this new country of sura there Is $ 6 , 000 . lightly. Unless the ground Is quite dry M e a t M a rk e t. making an investigation of the com­ boating on the river, had lauded on abundant opportunity for everybody Bear— Gross, top steers, $3.25; cows, who loves to work to get rich. In­ the cloverseed should only be bushed In. W h i l l |(ton. pany’s affairs. the island. The subterranean chamber $2.25(u2.50; dressed beef, 4®6>$C per Dr. Edmund W. Fall has disappeared P o t a t o n f o r - ta ck . dustrious people are the happiest, most The successful operation of the Trail is about 25 feet square and 18 feet pound. Exhaustive experiments are reported from Seattle, leaving behind many smelter in the Rossland district is the high. It was w ell ceiled with small M dtton —Gross, best sheep, wethers, virtuous, and companionable o f all so­ creditors. The doctor was at one time beginning of a prosperous era for that saplings ant plankr. A door on either $3.00; ewes, $1 fiOtoqi.<6; dreaseu mut­ ciety. Industry begets all the cardinal by the French Society of A g ric u lt*!* president of Salem, Or. virtues, while Indolence begets mis­ In which a ration composed chiefly section, the importance of which is but j side opened into two smaller rooms. ton, 5c per pound. I Farmers around Oakesdale are tak- little realized by the denizens at this ! Immediately under a hollow stump V bal —G ross, small, ß ^öc; large, 3 ery, want, vice and crime, and these o f potatoes nfforded rapid gains In livs things follow the rich as well as the weights of both sheep and rattle, a j was a sort of furnace, which got its ®4c per pound. I ing a great interest in fruitgrowing time. I draft through the entrancewav. Double Ifoos— Gross, choice, heavy, $3.25® poor. I met a farmer not long ago large percentage In dressed weight o f nd an unusual number of fruit trees R. M. Davidson, of the Davidson bunks for eight persons were against 3.50; light and feeders, $2.606 per Osrrel; tiafcers* ex■ ornamental to tbe borne. These afford tra», $3. 5 *3.65: superfine. $2.86w 3 00. life. It is. therefore, safe to predict Walla valley are all agreed that the T(,e geological survey has reported than $4.000 desirable protection from cold blasts that he will utterly fail and learn to B ki .B '— feed, lair to goon, 711>c The agents of the government who present spring brings blighter pros- to secretary Smith on the operations of the north and west, and from the ^ot ch ine. 73’4c; brewing. bate the restaurant tenfold worse than pects for a heavier harvest than any | ()j survey during the Held season of have visited the place say the workshop winds of tbe south and southwest M u s a i — W hipping. N o. 1, $1.I’8J^; the farm. other year in their long experience. |a8, year. Investigations of the min- was evidently that of men of means. choice. $1 11 4 ml : mg. $1 1 7 > ia l.ff 8, G o o d F eiiC '-a o n t h e F o rm . The penitentiary commissioners eral 'resources of the Uncompahgre and There was found in the cave the pock- G ir a r d A g a i n s t H o g c h o l e r a . 0 t s — Vi n i u g 75 ® 8 2 >S ' : s u r p n - e , Good fences are an important thing etbook of W illiam Crumpaoker, a fill in 95; fancy feed, » fit ,® 85; gooi to On farms where cholera appeared on every farm, and they need to bs awarded contra t- f t furnishing Uintah Indian reservation, shewed de supplies to the follow in g firms: To- posit, of hydro-carbon mounds of the wealthy man livin g near Bristol, who choice. 7U"»7> , poor to lair, 6(1® last summer nnd fall new liog iota kept In good repair. Keep weeds and was murdered a year ago His mur­ 66c; gray. 75(9821*'• •ugut to be provided this spring, and brush well culled out of the comera. baooo, R o s e n f e l d -Smith Co.; groceriee, a s p h a lt species covering 18,500 square H o n —vuotatile at 2® 4c per pound. derers have never been discovered. Dus Wluckier and the Schwabacher miles in Utah. f have San Francisco, April 13— No stranger disaster ever happened to a vessel than the aooident which betel the British ship Blairmore at 7 o’clock this morn­ ing. W hile riding at anchor in M is­ sion bay, one mile east of the Union iron works, the vessel was struck by a violent squall, whioh, together with the sw ift flood tide, threw the raft on her starboard side, capsized her com­ pletely and sank her in less than five minutes. Fifteen seamen struggled in the w a­ ter, while six were couiiued in the ves­ sel’s hold, und were probably pinned down by the fallin g dunnage used to hold the ship's ballast in place. The imprisoned sextet never readied the deck, as did their comrades engaged with them in handling ballast below, and their bodies aie imprisoned in the the hull. The Blairmore’s mast lies level with the bay bottom, under seven fathoms of water, and not a sight of the sailors' sunken tomb is visible above the waves. Here and there on the surface of the water, near the scene of the cal­ amity, is a piece of d rift from the wreck, but beyond this the vessel and men have been completelyswallowed up. The unfortunates who lost their lives were: T. Ludwig, first mate; Henry Clark, able seaman; Roland Biegle, apprentice; G. lienebaum, able seaman; H. isiustrand, watchman; Sam Kerry, steward. The latter was shipped here and is a native of Brooklyn, N. Y. The balance of the men on board were those seamen usually held to stand by the vessel after she discharges her cargo and is awaiting another. The regular formast hands were all discharged on the arrival of the vessel from Newcastle two months ago. The squall that caused the disaster was the most severe experienced on the south arm of the bay for years. The wind was so severe that a number of ships anohored near the Blairmore signalled for tugs to move them up the bay. The flood tide working at the keels of the ship had a tendency, being counter to the wind, to upset hulls nut weight­ ed with a cargo.