W A SH IN G T O N COUNTY P r e a c h e r « M a d e V ic t im » . B a k in g “ Preachers are the prey o f a ll a o rta o l swindlers, “ said a prominent Methodist d ivin e the other day to a group o f fello w clergym en w ho were gathered in the M ethodist Book concern in F ifth av­ enue. “ I shall never fo r g e t,“ he con­ tinued, “ how 1 was once taken in by „ i n t x s t r e n g t '1 what w e sometimes call a ‘ temperance tramp. ’ “ ^ Î ^ T Î i n V e a v e n i n ^ ood R e p o rt. The solitary layman in tho party did h e S t O Í a Y 5 o o v e rn m »-' © © «> not know tiie definition o f “ temperance tram p ,” aud in reply to his in qu iry tho clergym an explained: “ A temperance tramp is a man who goesjfrom town to town d eliverin g lectures on temperance. ie Censor In K um I s . The man I refer to came ouo Wednesday P IL O T MEDIUM. N ik itic n k o ’« memoirs are evening to see me w h ile I was stationed The Dead S ta llio n ’« Fam e P erp e tu a te d in a country tow n up in N e w York iuterestiu^- He was former- by 64 Ifm invr D escendant«. K. Petersburg university, and state. Ho presented one or tw o letters account o f tlie ways o f the P ilot Medium is dead. T h is potent o f recommendation from ministers nssia. T h e censor once sent sire o f trotters breathed his lui*t at whom I know and said that ho desired iter o f a dream book, and Battle* Creek, Mich., on the farm which to lecture for me. We made over for why he believed that the stars lie has m ade «fam ous; eared fo r in his his uso a bedroom in tho center o f tho tneuee on m eu’ s lives. As the i final hours by the man he lias made house. M y tw o sons aud a daughter Id g iv e no satisfactory ex- rich, (ire n te r sires have liv ed ami had rooms iu tho back o f the house, aud the book was condemned. died, bur the annals o f trottin g history I occupied the front. N one o f us slept Jelagoff ordained that a pas- reveal fe w instances w herein fam e a w in k a ll n igh t— he snored so loud. k on Siberia, stating that has been acquired against sueb heavy “ A t breakfast the next m orning after (used in that, country for drag- : odds as those encountered and o ver­ grace had been said I was serving the mnst be cut out, “ because com e by this good son o f P ilo t Jr. and oatmeal wheu the ‘ temperance tram p ’ Jicnt had not yet been indorsed j Jaeke.v. pointed w ith his k nife at the dish, and eminent. “ Some years ago A s a colt he met with a m isfortune. looking at m y lean figure asked disdain­ cattle show at Warsaw, and 1 which not only disfigured him for the fu lly, ‘ Do you think that stuff w ill kper spoke about tlieM ecklen- titin*, hut also made him useless for make you fat?’ o w J to be seen there. i track purposes fo r life. A t this tim e “ That afternoon a stranger inquired w otiM bo better i f you said Span- W a lter ( ’lark was a stru gglin g young i f the so called Rev. Mr. S------ was at a itf t ho censor. la w y e r in the M ichigan town, which m yAonso. I told him that ho was. He IJitsk w h y?” is still his home. A n ardent horse­ said; ‘ W ell, I have a warrant for his ar­ •y to humbug me, sir. Yon man and am bitious to become a breed- rest and have been fo llo w in g him from in g o f the grand dukes o f j er, lie began casting about fo r a young place to place for the last tw o weeks. ’ g when you w rote that, and stallion that com bined the essentials He was wanted fo r the larceny o f soni( iy arc elated to our dynasty. “ o f a successful sire and the necessary books in Philadelphia aud hail besides also are subject to censor- 1 cheapness. Alm ost discouraged in his passed forged checks in various places The painter A lch im o vicz painted search he chanced upon the trotter, through the state under assumed ^ J d le d “ A d vice From the Laud- then a w ean lin g on the farm o f A le x ­ names.” — N e w Y o rk Herald. in Irh ich some peasants were rep- ander Davidson, o f W illiam sp ort, Pa. ib in g to the lord of the knout, Itryaut at W i l l i a m « C ollege. “ You don’ t w ant that one.“ advised said, “ Peasants must not tlie Pen n sylvania breeder, “ l i e ’s crip­ T lie great name which wo associate o f their landlord, but get it pled, you see, and a regular scrub.” w itii Berkshire is that o f Bryant. At vernment o ff ic ia l“ When " I ’ll g iv e you a hundred and seventy- W illiam s college his on ly college days called his picture “ Engag- five dollars for him,” w as the reply, w ere passed. Though ho cannot be called L a f lt e r s , " he was allow ed to ex- and shortly a fte r the proscribed young­ w ith exactness a Berkshire man, ho was ster was lim ping about the pastures born in sight o f the Berkshire hills, o f B a ttle Creek. across the Hampshire border, at Cum- s th e m * T h k C o n d u c to r W an P o lit e . Y ears w en t by, and finally the gray mingtou. There was spent most o f his 11,1 frieud o f m ine w ho has just re- geldin g Jack, by P ilo t Medium, dam life up to his tw en tieth year. Ho enter­ " en hed froin Italy, where he has been a little runt o f a mare by M agna ed W illiam s as a sophomore iu 181C, .ppouujlgj.jjjg i ur several months, told me Charts, Hashed into prominence, and but remained only seven months. The *jeeiimusing story w ith regard to one of P ilot M edium stock went up in the beauty o f Vis person, his reputation for this railw ays that disfigure the high market. genius and the d ign ity aud grace o f his or d eligh tfu l country, though Jack finally took a record o f 2:11%. manner made him a marked figure ,nen btless to the lazy and the in va lid and was still a prom inent trotter last among his fellow s, and had he chosen undir are p blessing and a boon. M y season. It w as through him that pub­ he m igh t have won their affectiun as a hou. a(f waJ seated in one o f the cars lic attention was first attracted to his comrade anil made his mark as a scholar. ached- a stout English matron as they win», but tills boom was soon sup­ But he was not content, and in May, > ' * 1 4 the W e n t of a certain mountain. plemented b y the perform ances o f Lady 1811, he retired. A n d krhere should w e go, conductor, Bullion, 2:1«% ; B. P. I\. 2:09%; Ptletta, Som ething in tho atmosphere o f the brak 1 w ould not w ork?” asked 2:11%: L ee's Pilot. 2.12%; P ilo t Boy. place and o f his surroundings he found u| lady in v ile Italian. 2:18%; Kacine, 2:14: L a d y Belle, 2:14,/i ; uncongenial, and he betook h im self once linctor courteously explained Medio, 2:14%, and many others—«4 m ow to the retirem ent o f his fath er’s NU«* ih circumstances there was a perform ers w ith records o f 2:30 o r bet­ house at Cummington, w ith a Parthian ¡fate u ke, a duplicate safeguard, ter in all, and only five o f them paced. shot behind him as he le ft in the shape of MV W(| Jit bo relied upon in such an H e w as valued at $100,000, and Mr. a satiric poem upon the town and college, aergeucy. Clark, it is said, lias refused an o ffe i which his friends, ont (M regard for the hasfl hero should w e go, conductor, fam e both o f his college aud him self, o f $«T»,000 fo r him. iponfl nd brake would not w ork ?“ did not for h alf a century perm it to see 1 the persistent stout one. W ARM FEET. the ligh t or know the touch o f prin ter’ s U1 Ah, mai'lam, “ replied the official, T h ey A r e E ssen tial to H ealth —P ro p e r ink. H e lived in West college, the o ld ­ llicen jan In im itable shrug and sm ile, est o f the colleges, and room No. 11 on dvw A C o v e rin g fo r the Feet. won]. I depend on what onr lives You w ill n ever be in good health and the third floor is reputed to be the one ps*a been, r — Sketch, n ever do you r best w ork i f you r feet which he occupied. lied, ________________ ___ Years later tho college gave him d e­ are constantly cold. C ra ve diseases of idea #| T h e F ir s t P o r t r a it o f l iu r n v the throat aud lungs are caused by grees and enrolled him am ong her gra d ­ 11' 'rOTU t o in terview in Young Women ii mu^pMrs. D. O. H i l l o t Edinburgh, the cold feet alone, and these troubles are uates. H is desire was to enter Y a le, and a lw a y s aggravated by a frig id condi­ it is pathetic to know that it was the ion. |ons sculptor and sister o f S ir N o e l ; in «bn, i t is learned that she is in pos- tion o f tlie lo w er extrem ities. I f prop­ narrowness o f his fath er’s means— h im ­ ion of an o il p ain tin g which she be­ e r fo o tw e a r does not g iv e relief, consult self a scholar and a cultivated gen tle­ es to be tho iirst portrait o f Burns a physician, fo r the chances are the man— which prevented him from carry­ ch N o smyth executed. Tho pub- system is "run dow n,” and radical in g out his earnest desire. — A rth u r Luw- ,nf er for whom Burns sat to Nasm yth measures are necessary. In nine cases reuce in Century. out o f ten. however, the foo t coverin g lained to tho pain ter: “ You w ill Strange Use o f the Teeth. is to blame, either because o f its shape the E( M r.fo urns rather nervous at hav- Mrs. P eary has told w hat a hard d a y’s s,li h i l l ] ortrait painted. T ry to put or its m a te ria l S ave in warm weather, and fo r low-cut shews, leather, as or­ work it was for the Eskim o wom en in ci 1]$ easo. “ A ccordin gly when uext||)oet| arrived Nasmyth said as ho dinarily prepared, has serious objec­ her service when they prepared skins for tions. It lacks tw o prim e qu alities— clothing. The wom en cleaned the skins, his easel: “ N o w , Mr. |t dow n fo r h alf an hour, and porosity and capacity fo r absorption— and after a certain number o f hour.« ove a chat w h ile I finish o ff bein g in this respect too much like spent iu m asticating hard hides their . Then I shall bo ready for mblHT. N o foot can remain either ja w s w ere qu ite tired. Polynesian w o m ­ com for table or healthy i f kept in a p er­ en chew in g a particular root so as to t sat dow n and talked away, petual bath o f its ow n em anations and prepare a ferm ented liquor must have am in g that tho painter was excretions. Leather, especially that o f an equally hard tim e o f it. P rim itiv e ansferriug his animated faco the m ore porous varieties, m ay be tol­ man had to use his teeth much more ivas. A ccordin g to Mrs. H ill, erated fo r tin» outside, but fo r cold than w e do, fo r he did not eat w ith painted his w e ll known por- w eather it should a lw a ys be lined with them alone. nrns from this first skotch. E ve ry “ osteologist has n oticed ,” woolen cloth, or, better. with wool felt. In fact, fo r all cold clim ates, and fo r w rites Professor Mason, “ how tho teeth w in t e r 'w e a r in all clim ates w h ere in tlie crania o f certain savages are there is any w inter, a foo tgea r mad© worn to the Bucket, and w e are frequent­ from all-w ool felt approaches the ideal. ly told that this arises from the large A ccordin g to modern notions, any ill­ quantity o f sand in t he food. “ But it is ness in one p art o f tlie bddy may be probable that p rim itiv e man used his occasioned by some irrita tin g cause fa r teeth not alone fo r the trituration o f his rem oved fro m the seat o f tlie trouble. food. The t«#»th set on some sm all ob Just how this is cannot a lw a y s be clear­ je c t made a vise, and teeth w ere used ly explained, hut that such connection fo r cutting implements. In basket mak­ does sometimes e x is t is beyond dis­ in g the teeth w ere the ready nippers, ■erchant. ju s to make as much as ho can by pute. in the matter under discussion. and tlie sm all branches o f osiers must du inferior bindings which he If tin* n erves o f the w hole body are irri­ have been peeled by the same means. i “ j ust as good ’ ’ as S. H. &' M. tated liy a tight shoe, or the extrem e “ W hoever has seen,” w rites Professor • th.j mend.n^. Insist on having coldness o f the extrem ities makes extra Mason, “ an Eskim o boot neatly pucker­ demand upon the blood supply, there is ed a ll aro.iiwl tlie edge o f the sole w ill neither n erve force nor blood enough not l)e surprised at tlie brevity o f the le ft fo r other functions.—Vocalist. good wom an’s teeth when he comes ------------ ——— --------- ’- jtzi . across her skull in a museum. ’ ’— N ew An Untimely Hymn. It is very often the case w ith an e x ­ Y o rk Times. iÄfcl p V J z ® ^ 6®® le w d e r !_Latest Absolutely Pure ■ [t h e riding plveteen ^kirt Binding and you sa ve the mending. ■dealer w ill not supply you we w ill. samples, showing labels and materials. i M . C o . P . 0, Box 699. New York City ( ' O D C 1U I could get relief l a S L f rom a m o s t h o r­ rible blood-dis- ad spent hundreds of dollars rarious remedies and physi- lone of which did me any ly finger nails came off and i r came out, leaving me y bald. I then went to T S P R IN G S to be cured by this celebrated It. but very soon beaphe disgusted Ided to try S.S.S. The effect was nderful. I commenced to recover land after I had taken twelve bot- Ls entirely cured— cured by S.S.S. world- 1 H ot k i d fa d e d . E ra cessively dem onstrative in d ivid u al that A . I r h u 'a C o r n * tr a y . he loves the shout and song m ore than A noted Am erican singer is fon d of the contribution box. I think it espe­ c ia lly true in the case o f an old colored te llin g o f a little experience she had in She was to brother o f m y acquaintance w h o holds Boston once npon a tim e. a membership w ith the A frica n M etho­ sing at an evening concert, and a car­ riage was to be sent fo r her. She was dist church in a certain city. Jnst before the close o f service the staying at the tim e w ith a friend, who minister announced that a collection j had a snit o f rooms in a large apart­ w ould be taken ami added, “ W ill some ; ment house, in w hich tlie tnbe system brndder please start an appropriate o f communication w it h the outer world It was past the tim e when song?” T h e request found a ready re ­ prevailed. sponse in Brother C ., w h o im m ed iately the carriage should have appeared, aud started that old fa m ilia r hymn, “ Y ie ld the lady was gro w in g a little nervous. N e t to T em p ta tio n ,” and the collection She was sittin g w ith her wraps on when box passed unheeded b y.— R am ’s Horn. the bell rang furiously. H n rryin g to tho tube herself, tho prim a donna s a id : A PaUlml Com ction. “ W ell?” The reply came in a voice heavily A d a ily paper publishes the fo llo w in g correction o f an article w hich had ap­ charged w ith irritation. “ I ’m a backm an,” said the voice, peared in its columns tho previous d a y ; “ Yesterday w e ga re the particulars ; “ an I was sent hero to g it somecussed o f a fire which had occurred in the town lady, an X don’t know w h at in tim e her of BatTic, m entioning the name* and : name is ! I 'v e rung e v ’ry b ell in this surnames o f the victims. H a vin g ob honse! A re yon her?” tamed further inform ation, w e hasten j When inform ed that the “ cussed to rectify certain inaccuracies in the re- ! lad y’ ’ herself was s h a k in g to him, he port o f the sad e v e n t T h ere w ere no j » o i l y re p lie d : victim s, siuce the fire in question never | “ W e ll, come on. W e 'll have to lope took place. W e m ay add that the tow n ! it a il the w a y to the h all to get there on o f Barrio does not exist " — M otto per , :im c l” — Detroit Free Pres*. S.S.S. ^ i^ s s s a c c o . Riders. ■ HATCHET. GOT A BABY BOY NOW H A P P IN E S S IN M AN’S Heed the A SO U TH E R N HOM E. Red F U g of Hanger at the R a i l r o a d G ro a n in g — A W a r n i n g to A m e r i c a '* Men. M AN W AS M AD E TO M U l'K N , Per hap*, but rheumatism need uot add to the calamities to wnich we are moie or less sub­ ject, when theie is sach an eilicient menus of counteracting the dire complaint as Hosteller's Stomach Surer*. V o t l the liver, bowels or stomach are out of order, or the kidneys or nerves troublesome, the Bitters Is al*o au ef­ ficient remedy. It prevents and remedas ail malarial disorders,_______________ When the snowr turn* to rain, Aud the streets run with mud, Good 8t. Peter, refrain, 1Í man falls with a^tnud._ W ffA l’8 A j T. W/~w~wd’ c D i l l c the best family cathartic iH J L B J o • N and liver stimulant, '¿fn- A p rU TO U ffU TC n ° n NEW n o v e l t ie s . A u l R I u I t All i l u HUMouuy! Pacific In­ troduction Co., 119 Bu.wh St., Room 6, San Fran­ cisco, Cal ImericanTirpe Founders Co. Electrotypers Stereotypers... Merchants in Gordon and Peerless Presses, Cylinder Presses, Paper Cutters, Motors of all kinds, Folders, Printing Material. 0 (1 1 1 1 1 1 Morphin#» Habit Car*d In IO pains in the back, side, chest, or Porous Plaster T h e very very remarkable rem arkable i and certain / r* T V T * Tho V ___ J I V » I / -A 1X I re “ lief ‘ given wom an by M OORE’ 8 ‘ ^ K E V K A L K D R E M E D 'Y has given it the name o f W o m an ’s Friend. I t is uniformly Buccess- ful in relievin g the backaches,headaches and w e a k n e s s which burden and shorten a w om an ’s life. Thousands of women te s tify fo r it. I t w ill g iv e health and strength and m ake life a pleasure. F o r sale by all druggists. B L U M A U E R - F R A N K D R U G CO., P o r t l a n d , Agents. "Y TT X X X X FIRST SAW • GOST... FLOUR M I N I N G ............... MARI NE • • « # TH E W ILL 1 IHETTE IRON W ORKS PO RTLAND , O R E C O N WA RE - HOU S E • • M A C H IN E R Y i« B Y C O R R E S P O N D IN G ■ W H E R g r e a t D IR T G A T H E R S , W A S T E s a v in g | ° c S £ n .” f r o m r e s u l t s t h e W IT H R U L E S . u s e o f SA PO LIO d$ Gaarant#*d to b« bMt quality ■leel. e o cents. OR, p CO* Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All drugglds; II. Prej ared only by C, I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. retara WB W IL L S E N D A 3 - B L A D E also # n *r*n » p « d tn be beat q u a lity ■teal. Hood s ( IIU A RAZO R { say e n o u g h in p ra is e o f Hood’s Sarsapa­ r illa .” M ks . H . B l a k k , S o . Berwick, Me. T h is a n d o th e r s im ila r cures proves that T H E O R I G I N A L A N D G E N U IN E . . a d l e « , Mk brugfflat for Chichester i ___________________________ ______ buie* xealM] with b loc ibbon. T a k e n o o t h e r L i a d . U tfuse .lu hr ti tu ti one and /nutations. > A ll p ill* In past«board boxes, pink wrapper*, » r e d a n g e r o n a c o u n t e r f e i t * . A t D n g g la u , or Bead * * 4 c . in »tam p* finr p artieo U r*. teatlmoaUI*. und " K e l l e r f o r L a d l e * , " in U tte r, by M a ll. 1 0 , 0 0 0 T «.tlm o o i*l* . .V in e Caper. H o ld h r a l l L o r a l l > r u H l * t « . H L M K K C H " E T M IC f A A i L . t LO.. ................ kH u. a t f i e i M a d la o n H q ., V i l i L A I t K L P l I I A , P A . weil Give You y o u sen d us is n ow w e l. and I h a v e been g r e a tly bene­ fited o th erw is e. I have increased in w e ig h t and am in b e tte r health. I cannot W »a CHiCHesrcn a E nglish . Reo CROSS —An E lix ir of Life. If Foot B e a r tn M i n d — N ot one of the .lost o f counterfeits and imi­ tations is as good as the genuine. A. SIocuui offer* to Send T w o B ot­ tle* Free o f til* Rem edy to Cure Con*umplion and A ll Lung Trouble* Nothing could be fairer, more philan­ thropic or carry more jo y in its wake than the offer ot T. A. blocum, M. 0., of 183 Pear, street, New York. Periectly confi- : dent that he has an absolute remedy for the cure of consumption and all pulmon- ary complaints, he otters through this pa- ! per to send two bottles tree to any reauer j who is suffering from lung trouble or con- , sumption, also loss o f liesn and all condi- I tions ol wasting. He invites those desir- I ous o f obtaining this remedy to send their i express and postottice address, and to re- i ceive in return the two bottles tree, which will arrest the approach o f death. A l­ ready this rornedy, by us tim elv use, has i permanently cured thousands o f cases | which were given up, and death was looked upon a3 an early visitor. K now ing his remedy as he does, and be­ ing so proof-positive o f its beneficent re­ sults, Dr. «locum considers it his religious duty, a duty which he owes to humanity, to donate his infallible remedy where it will assault the enemy in us culatei, and, by its inherent potency, stay the current o f dissolution, bringing joy to homes over which the shadow ot the grave has been gradually growing more strongly defined, causing fond hearts to grieve. The cheap­ ness o f the remedy—ottered freely— apart from its inherent strength, is enougn to commend it, and more so is the perfect confidence o f the great chemist making the offer, who holds out life to those already becoming emaciated, aud sa ys: "b e cured.’ ’ The invitation is certainly worthy of the consideration of the afflicted, who for years, have been taking nauseous nostrums without effect; who have ostracised them­ selves from home and friends to live in more salubrious climes, where the atmos­ phere is more congenial to weakened limps, and w’bo have fought against death with all the weapons and strength in their hands. There will be no mistake in send­ ing for these free bottles—the mistake will be in passing the invitation by. A S o re two inches across formed and in walking lo favor it I sprained tuy ankle. The sore became worse; I could not put my boot on and I thought I should have to give up at every step. I cculd not get any relief and had to stop work. I read o f a cure o f a similar case by Hood’s Sarsaparilla and concluded to try it. Before I had taken all o f two bottles the sore had healed and the swelling had gone down. My Allcock’s CONSUMBTION CUBED P U LM O N A R Y C O M P L A IN T S . “ In September, 1**4,1 made a misstep and injured my ankle. Very soon afterwards, BUM P? "F o r twenty six In our peculiar vernacular, we say a years I have used tobacco in great bump on a log and a bump on a human quantities, and of being. W hat one might c a lla bump an late years took to cigarette s m o k- I otherone would call a thump. Thus we have ing,” writes Mr. 1 a bump from a thump and a thump from W. E. biinpson,of a bump, in like manner, a bruise may lie Compt, La. " I | cause a bump, and a bump may cause a want to go on rec­ j bruise, or perhaps a thump may cause ord that tobacco | both. W ell, what’s the difference, so long ha* robbed me ot as we suffer from either bump or bruise, 1 many years o f life we want to get n d o f it. That’s true, a id and a great deal : the surest, quickest way to cure a bruise is ol happiness. I re­ ! at once to use $t Jacobs Oil. Tnen the alize it now as I ! question will be not wuat it is, but whai it compare my leel- was, as it wiii promptly disappear. ingb and isy con­ In Kansas-"1 h«t was a powerful Interne lug dition with that of a year ago, wheu 1 was debate at the literary society last ulgni." “ What wms it about?’ “ Whether the m crobe a tobaeco saturated cigarette fiend. "M an y and many a lime did I try to quit was more injurious than the cyclone ' smoking myself into eternity, but I could 9 1 0 0 R K W A K D 9100. not put through a day w itnout suffering extreme nervous torture, which would in ­ The readers o f this paper will be pleased crease hour by hour till finally, to save m yself as it st’emed from almost flying to to learn that there is at least one dreaded pieces, 1 had .o light the little white pipe- disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. H all’s stiox aim swallow me smoke. •One day 1 rut 1 in my paper ‘ Don’t To­ Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now way,’ known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh bacco Bp it and Smoke Your Life Awu. just wnat I was doing; it came to me 3 like being a constitutional disease, requires » the warning ol the man who waves the red constitutional treatment. H a ll’s Catarrh ffag ». 1 danger at the rail t oad crossing, and Cure is taken internally, acting directly said that No-To-bac was an aosoiuteiy upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation guaranteed relief from tobacco slavery. *‘ i did not believe it, but like »drow n ing of the disease and giving the patient man grasping at a straw, 1 commenced strength by building tip the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. taking N c - lo bac. ! "T u e effects were m agical; it destroyed The proprietors have so much taith in its j the uei ve craving aud desire for cigarettes. curative powers, that they offer One Hun­ lw o boxes, would you believe it? made dred Dollars for any case* that it fails to cure. Send tor list o f Testimonials. i me well aud strong. Address, ; ‘ 1 have gained mentally, physically in F. J. C H E N E Y A CO., Toledo, 0. , vigor and manhood, aud with the brain f » - S o l d by Druggists, 75c. | liee lrom the n icon no and a breath no H a ll’s Family Pills «re the best. I longer befouled with tobacco smoke, 1 am j so happy to-day to write No-To-Jbac did it F I T 'S .—AU fits stopped tree by I> r. K l i n o ’ s I ail u year ago, so the cure is time-tested G r e a t N e r v e R e s t o r e r . No fits aftei the first l aud tried, uot only in my own case, out day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatme and |2.00 trial bottle tree to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, several or my friends who have also oeen »31 Arch St Philadelphia. Pa. j cured. Piso’s Cure is tne. medicine to break up i " W e have a baby boy now. " M y wile and 1 leel that ail this happi­ children’s Coughs ands Colds.— M b «. M. Ü. ness started irom tne time when i nrst B lü h t , Sprague. Wash.. March 8, 1894. useu M c-io bac, and in evidence of our ap­ T hy G kkmza tor breakfast preciation, ana in order that the memory ol the h tppmeBa may be perpetuand iu a living lorin, we waut to name our baby boy T H E A F . K M O T O R C O . doe* half ths erorid-s aiter the man that wrote the line Don't windm ill husinesH, because It has reduced the coat of to 1 . « .vhat it was.# It has man» branch Tobacco opit aud Smoke Yrour Lite A w ay.’ wind power houses, and supplies Its gtHtds aud repairs "Mo-To-bac i» popular here and ail our at your door. It can and does furnish a better article for less money than druggists seil it. iiardiy a day passes but others. Ft makes Pumping and someoooy asks me aoout ^io-i’e-ba^, so 1 Geared, Steel, Galvanized after- o o iit’ t want you to hesiia.e to use tutse Completlon Windmills, Tilting and Fixed Steel Towers, Steel Buxx Saw lines in any way tnat you tuink w ill make Frames, Steel Feed Cutters and Feed known to suffering humanity the happi­ Grinders. On application it w ill name one ness that there is in N o-lc-b a c for tne ___of these articles that It w ill furnish until j many men with uicotibized biains and January 1st at 1/3 the usual price. It also makes ! weakened lesoiutionss, if they will only Tanks and Pumps of a ll kinds Send for catalogue. make up their mind to save the waste oi Factory * >Ztb. Rockwell and Fillmore Streets. Cfelckf* vital power—to s»y nothing ot the money —now going up into smoke and out iu to­ bacco 6pit.'*____________________ I f you w a n t a sure relief for “ Er man dal am alius lookin’ foh trouble,’’ limbs, use an sain Urcie keen, ’aiu' likely Ur git dia’p inleu, no m. t ei how ucar-sighted lie is." AN A B S O LU T E REMEDY FOR A L L S c r o fu la lufitsta the Wood ot humanity. It ¡ poears in varied forme, hut is forced to yield to H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla, which purifies and vitalizes the blood and cures all such diseases. Read th is: P E N K N IF E / 6 0 Coupons, or I 2 Coupons and 6 0 cents. You will find one coupon inside each 3 ounce bag, and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag of BLACKWELL'S GENUINE DORHHin TOBACCO. B u e llL a m b e r s o n 2 0 3 - 3 - ST PORTLAND. LtUZEATH CATALOG FREE, A i w a I.n o . MAÌV .Y .\ I„7.,’ ,Cq -------K I C , I > “ »»t » I you have l t n » l ------ll s 'v n raftering MRS. WINSLOW'S HWuV"0 - F O P C H IL D R E N T E E T H IN G - F«r Ml* by •lll»r»**l-u. V ^ O a n ib a tl«, SEND COUPON* WITH NAME »no «DOSES* TO B lack w ell’s Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. 0. Buy a ba£ o f this Celebrated Sm oking Tobacco, and read the coupon, which gives a list o f other premiums and how to get them, a C E N T S T A M P S ACCEPTED. for year* from trouble* known a* Female Weakneen ami have been able to get no help You have p11 • A I. CO., box M v Han Joee, Coll fornia. p t i o n N. P. N. U. No. «39— R. jr. u . p . j j a