Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1895-1896, February 20, 1896, Image 4

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    W E E K L Y O K L O a > 1A> A3il> H A U H E 'l
If you tail to receive your paper it will
be a favor if you will notify us at once.
.E A D A B L E
P ro pr ietor
R ig h t
P acks
W k k k i . y
Tin- H A T C H E T lias the Largest
Circulation o f any newspaper
in Washington County.
It lias double the County Circu ­
lation o f any other newspaper
in Forest Grove.
Another quarterly addition to the
. . .
, ,
teaching force of the county has
been made, and the number of the
. . .
unemployed is again increased.
Experience ': teachers whose ability
has been proven will be crowded
out by unlearned and immature and
pupils will be put under instructors
little more, sometimes less, capable
than themselves.
It is not the
teacher’s fault for it is natural to
take advantage of opportunities
offered, it is not the fault of the
directors for there is a chance to
make a saving and the certificate
is supposed to be evidence ot sufli-
cient qualification. The examining
board cannot remedy it for the law
fixes the requirements.
To say
that a stream can rise no higher
than its source is to .state the con-
ditiou to which the schools are com
in^-pivith the blind leading the
bliud dittle advancement can be
made. When a child is fresh from
his books he is required to attain
only a ridiculously low per cent,
after he has gained experience but
grown rusty he must make a very-
high grade.
The teachers of the county have
not lieen content to meet the bare
requirements but have striven to
Charles M Keep yesterday filed suit in
improve themselves by constant
I the state circuit court against Napoleon
study while in school work, but j Davis for $gcxx) and to enforce a contract
while unprepared teachers are im- I alleged to have been entered into by
proving pupils are suffering. The Davis to purchase the Bank of Forest
itinerancy of teachers, rarely more Grove. It is stated that December 3,
than two or three terms in a place, i
the following agreement was en-
tered into:
has prevented any great and lasting
“ Bank of Forest Grove, established in
improvement. That the schools 1889, C. M Keep, president; C. A. Hin-
vice-president; H. I). Stewart,
should have made the progress they man,
cashier. Charles M. Keep sells bank,
have is to lie wondered at and only banking business and all pertaining
thereto, including insurance business,
accounted for by the general inter­ eight
acres of lami near C. F. Clapp’s re­
est that parents and patrons have sidence, and the Parker notes are to be
as they appear on the books of the
taken in them. These remarks taken
bank, all other notes to he made satis­
will not apply to the larger schools factory to purchaser, to Napoleon Davis,
hut they are too true of the smaller for $9LKX>. ’’
“ C. M. Keep,
ones where the great body of pupils
“ Napoleon Davis.”
are attending. Radical reform in
Keep states that *t the time of the
the manner of granting certificates agreement, he was a stockholder in the
is needed and only the legislature bank, hut was not the owner o f all the
can give relief.
stock; hut it was understood that lie was
A proof of what the teacher’s ex­ to procuie from the other stockholders
aminations really amount to is that all of their stock, so that the whole could
he transferred to Davis, and he procured
the examinations are being given
»Imre, to enable him to com-
to pupils in the ordinary district p th le e t * e t other
h e t r ..ie .a t. Urge expense, ami
schools and they are passing at a incurred other expenses in having an ab-
better grade than the law requires , tract of the land prepared, and tn carry-
of the teachers.
ing out hi» contract in accordance with
the agreement. KeeP c “ rKes * at ,e
tendered to Dana a full and complete per-
z\s the days of liis reign are I formancc ot the contract, an
avis re
drawing to a close it is well to rem­ 'fused to accept, or in anv manner pre-
ember that Mr. Cleveland is a civil ' f° C h r ; into court . „ o f the c.pi-
of the government will liegitl to
put them under civil service rules
It is more than likely that as soon
as the postmasters of the smaller
towns of Oregon are changed to
democrats that the offices will be
attached to some larger office, those
in Washington, Yamhill and neigh­
boring counties to Portland for in­
stance, and then civil service re­
gulations will prevent the faithful
from being turned out should Rep
ublicanism triumph in the coming
election. Mr. Cleveland is a great
civil service reformer
A i K A J i _____
I. E. Berst, of Hillsboro, was in town
Our school will close in two weeks for
a short time.
Hie Popular Druggist of Forest Drove
Warnie Lee returned from California
last Saturday.
Carries the Largest Stock of Drugs this
Miss Kmiuajacquot spent Sunday with
side of Portland, an i anything in the
her parents here.
J. II. Allen and Jim Palmer left for
Drug Line can be found at his place
Portland Monday.
at prices to suit
A. A. Philips did business in Forest
Grove last Friday.
C. S. McNutt made a business trip to | FOREST GROVE.
Portland this week.
C.M. Johnson attended to business in '
Heal Estate Transfers.
H'llsboro last Monday.
13, S A Durham and wife to
, James
. r , Miller
. . and
. . his sister visited
-Mr. M elser R aym on d , started ... lor Loose
A A Kurtz for $3000 69.53 acres in sec*
Forest Grove last Mondav.
i Bay Saturday.
Dr. C. Smith and his wife visited their
. . . . force preaches
, next Sunday
. . even- 11 and 12 t 2 s r 1 w
A press dispatch says the next
February 13, S A Durham and wife to
ing after Endeavor.
effort to secure the release of Mrs.
A A Kurtz for $1 40 acres in sec 13 t 2 s
Vlaybrick, Jefferson Davis' daugh­ Mrs. Fairchilds and Sam went to Van­ Mr. Charley Kern went to Portland r 1 w.
couver last Saturday to visit her mother. last week on business.
February 13, A A Kurtz to Fila C Dur­
ter now confined in an ling Hr h
Rev. Dunlap expects to begin revival
¡prison, having been convicted of meetings here Monday evening Feb. 24. Garfield Raymond from near Cornelius ham for 1 1 40 acres in sec 2 s r 1 w.
is visiting Mr. Raymond of this place.
February 13, A A Kurtz to EllaC Dur-
! having murdered her husband,
Man Fizer left Wednesday for the Wil­
Miss Sadie Bennett and mother of ham for $3000 69.53 acres in secs 11 and
will be made by the Masons and son river to prospect for the shining stuff,
Dillev are visiting friends and relatives 12 t 2 s r 1 w.
! Roman Catholics. Those who rem­ gold.
at Thatcher this week.
February 13, S A Durham to R L Dur-
ember Pope Leo’s recent utterance John Vanderwal, the insurance man of Mr. William Dhondt has taken a con- ham for $2000 undivided # interest in
! that Free Masonry is "the Great Greenville, was doing business here this tract of building a kitchen on Mrs. Win* the mill lot in sec 12 and 13 t 2 s r 1 w.
February 13, A A Kurtz to Ella C Dur­
Enemy” will consider it a curious week.
dorf's house and will go to work
ham for $1 26 acres of sec t 2 s r 1 w.
Charley Burnham, from Scholls Ferry, this week.
February 13, C M Keep to Mary A
was in the city over Sunday the guest of
McLeod for $ 150 lot 11 block 14 South
Sol Emerick.
Soothing, healing, cleansing, DeWitt’s
The only Oregonian is getting to The farmers in this part have com­ Witch Hazel Salve is the enemy to sores, Park addition to Forest Grove.
be somewhat of a hoodoo. The menced plowing, they arc taking advan­ wounds and piles, which it never fails to February 13, Trus Cong church, Hood
View to Trus Cong church, Sherwood
cure. Stops itching and burning. Cures
beiated battleship testimonial is tage of the good w eather.
for $50 n '2 of lots 1 and 2 block 9 Town
getting further and further away as Colonel Cornelius has started a hennery. chapped lips and cold-sores in two or of Sherwood.
He has built several lien houses and a three hours. J. C. Clark, druggist.
tlie championing of it becomes more
February 13, V G and Mary A Smith,
high fence near his residence.
by W J Smith, attorney to Henry Mier
and more zealous. It will not be
Professor Howard C. Tripp will give a
, ,
. . ..
f°r #575 19-7$ acres of sec 31 t 2 s r 1 w.
■ ice sveo- temperance lecture at the church Satur­
1 long before this silver servi
Dowell Young has secured a position
January 13, J G Runes and wife to l T S
I phaticv is as dead as J. N . Dolph’s day Feb. 22. He comes under the aus­ in Jones’ mill at Portland.
1 , ,
G Runes for $810 part of lot 4 block 42
pices of the Good Templar’s Lodge.
golden political future,
Effort is being made to have Mr. Pet- Forest Grove.
erson resume work on the roads.
February 14, Elizabeth A Luther to J
A r e T t,u M a d e
Now are the times when a man Miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Quite a number attended the Beaver­ \V Luther for #1 w >, of n e V sec 28 t 2
11 r 3 w.
has friends. One with difficulty Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? ton dance and report a good time.
February 14, Jane A Armstrong
Mr. Kasceboum of Portland, spent
escapes the excess of affection Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. F o j
(widow) to j W Luther for #60 ft acres
Sunday with his parents at Bethany.
shown for him when he visits now sale at Clark's drug store.
ill lot 2 sec 28 t 2 n r 3 w.
Mrs. I,. Young and Lizzie Burbanks
January 14, F A Bailey and wife to \V
in Hillsboro.
Politics is a great
are visiting their parents at Corvallis.
G A L E S C IT Y .
\V Annans for $340 34 acres of sec 35 t 1
leveler, one man's vote is as good
The Presbyterians of Bethany have re­ s r 3 w.
as another’s, and the aspirants are It looks like somebody was thinking cently purchased a fine new church bell.
February 15, Adolph Malchom and
about matrimony up this way.
ingratiating themselves with every­
Prof. Hall and Juo.IIohman of Tigartl- wife to Geo Knobloch for $225 lot6 block
Our shoemaker, Mr. Jacobsen, reports
| ville, spent Sunday with Mr. Geo. Reeves. 18 and lots 2 and 3 block 19. County of
time , ^ o d in his line.
Mr. Joseph Lyda, of Eastern Oregon, is | The concert at the Union school
If the council had down the visiting his father W. M. Lvda, of this house was a literary and musical success February 15, Jesse Hobsonand wife to
though hardly a financial one.
F M Harter for $35°° Part of s e '« of
same saving spirit in all its busi- place.
Milton Reeves has rented the farm of sec 7 t 3 s r I w.
Mr. Hart has moved on M. M. Watts'
ness^purchasing, salarying, etc.,
February 15, Jacob Krimbel to Annie
L. Young. Wonder what that means.
the China laboi schedule of prices place and P. L. Cox will occupy the Boys look up the tin cans and cow bells. Krinrbel for $4°° *5 acres in secs 9 and
place he left.
161 1 s r I w. Quitclaim deed.
for ditching would have come with
You may have a chance to use them.
The McKinley Republican club of this
February 15, H H Eyman to F C Var­
better grace from them,
place met on last Saturday to ballot for
ner for f y o s w V of n w % sec 7 t 3 s
county commissioner. Two of our
land to Hillsboro via Glencoe, Lenox, r 1 w, 40 acres.
Large quantities of sugar are honored citizens were out, Mr. Joseph Philips, Bethany and Cedar Mill was February I7,jeunett Hawkins to Stella
McRoherts and Mr. John Heisler, while
being brought in from Egypt as | ^ 0
accepte.1. The service commence» Mar M Miller for $225 lot 4 block 45, Cornel­
___ ,1 _
! I _____ !
T _ 1 ____1 _ •
I n i II » S lt\f\ u n ii u l u l e lim o -»/-»» t, • CI, ,U U «.«
1896 and ends June 30th, 1898. Com-
well as the Hawaian Islands in an good feeling was shown all around.
February 17. Jacob VanLoo and wife
ticipation of a scarcity here through Heisler became the choice.
requires the mail to leave Portland at to Frank Herb for $240 20 acres in Chas.
the Cubiti war destroying all hope
Conklin don land claim sec 18 t 1 11 r
7 a. in. und Hillsboro at 7 a. m.
I t n o to n ly is s o .it must be so, One
3 w.
of a supply from there.
Minute Cough Cure acts quickly, and
Geo Thing to Emma C Thing for f 1 s
A (treat German's Prescription.
that’s what makes it go. J. C. Clark,
Diseased blood, constipation and kid- 'i ot s w \ sec 34 t 3 n r 3 w, 20 acres,
also It 5 blk 6 Thorn’s addition to Hills*
ney, liver and bowel troubles are cured |j0r0
Suit Against
Napoleon Ihivis
Davis for
Against Napoleon
by Carl’s Clover Root Tea.
February 18.—Nannie and Geo \V Ba­
Breach of Contract.
Twice have the students un­
shown their loyalty to
Wntcrad at th e post-office at F orest G ro v e O r. a»
Pacific University—last year by
S econ d -claw tnail m atter
pledging several thousand dollars
T K R M * TO S U B S C R IB E R S .
to the endowment fund and this
P ostag e Free
1 1 no year by the program they carried
O ne yea r
S ix m on ths
out in honor of the l>enefactor of
T h re e m ou th s
the college. The one is no less cred­
lu A dvan ce
itable to them than the other. It
E sta b lish ed for th e d issem in atio n o f W a sh in g
is to be hoped this day will contin­
to n c o u n ty new s, th e elev a tio n o f h u m a n ity and
ue to Ire observed as students' day
th e m on ey w e can m ake.
Item s o f g en era l in terest g r a te fu lly received .
to stimulate college pride and
E d ito r's hob b ies and op in io n s on th is p ag e, all
strengthen loyalty. It is not the
th e rest facts—im p a rtia l an d un colored.
E d ito r is at h om e in h is san ctu m . H a t c h e t endowment nor the equipment nor
Bu ild in g. F orest G rov e, from 6 a. m. to io p. in.
o f each w eek d a y an d a lw a y s g la d to t a lk and the faculty that makes the real col­
be ta lk ed to.
lege but the students.
» 1 .7 .)
Ploughing is being done in this vicin­
ity and farmers are getting ready for
The farmers are busy plowing and
spring work.
Mrs. Dickens has been sick the past
Mr. and Mrs. 1). Harvey visited friends
two weeks but we are glad to see her up
in this city Saturday night.
and around again.
Eff. Sheiflein, of Portland, was doing
Christian Endeavor meets every Sun­
day night at 7:30 p. m. Good work is business in our city recently.
Thomas Mcacham, of Roundy Hill,
being done hv the members.
There were two dances in this vicinity spent Friday night in our burg.
II. C. Hall, of Ostrander, Washington,
on Saturday, February 8th, one in K irt’s
hop house, the other in Philip’s both spent a few days here with his parents.
were well attended, a good time was re­
\V. E, Ma\s and Boh Cornelius are
digging a cellar for J. R. Mays and sons,
A social was given on Saturday even­
Doctor Darety says if it were not for
ing by the ladies of the Christian En­ his (good) character he would run for
deavor at the residence of T. J. Ritchie. office.
After refreshments were served the re­
c 1* Dolph and wife have returned
mainder of the evening was spent in
from Felida, Wash., after an absence
music, charades and etc. All went home
of six or seven weeks.
pleased with the entertainment provided
J. J. Meacham and J S. Jackson
bv the host and hostess.
visited Phoenix I.odge K. of P. at Hills-
The Blaine Republican club met at boro Monday evening.
the school house on Saturday evening
The peace and dignity of our quiet
F e b r u a r y 15th to elec, officers and the
city was slightly disturbed Monday. The
following persons were elected; H. C. _____
Maher and Fitzsimmons fight did not 111a-
Carstens, president; John McNamer, vice terialize in Tcxa:
Geo. McCr.w, «cretarv; S. P. meac„an. did here. but the Mays-Fit*
Aft#r thf electioI1
^ ^ #
WM ^
b>. Messrs..
M, * Hoy, The president
Kree Fills.
^ ^ introduced Hon. C. P. Yates, who
Send your address to H. E. Bucklin &
| -Jdreas<d the club in a vervable manner Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box
. , h(. chlb to do good and tIlor. of 1)r. King's New Life Pills. One trial
will convince you of their merits. These
After , h{. danci
Fridav night one ' P>'U »re easy in action und are particu-
of our
. . - “e r . u . r upon our friend Inquiring into
<’• ,b f n®*es ur obligations due to the cause of the noise he was impolitely
said hank, which are not satisfactory . to requested to go to lied, anil after - giving
Davi», satisfactory to him.
him other advice the hoodlums went
A decree of the court is ssketl requiring their way rejoicing. Again last Sunday
Davis to specifically perform the agree- evening there wa* heard a sound of re-
ment and to pay to Keep $91x10 and for velry by night and the same crowd for
costs and other equitable relief. \Vil- a while made the night hideous for everv
liams. Wood
Linthicum are the
one living within a mile of town. This
tornevs.— Wednesday's Oregonian.
vicinity will be healthier for the mem­
bers of this uncivilized fraternity of slab
sided Boers and Dagoes if in the future
they conduct themselves more like
American citizens and not as the heathen
Live and let live.-Fifty loaves of Bread Chinese. They only make themselves
for one l>ollar— two for a Nickle. We
have improved wonderfully on our fine everyone
... .
Bread. Progress is the thing!
H om e Bakery
H a t c h e t and Oregonian f i 75 a year
con to Lucy Griffin for $i, portion of
Johif Butt don, five acres. Deed to cor­
rect former deed.
February 19, Johanes Anicker and wife
to Fred Anicker for $200 undivided }/2
intrest in 100 acres in sec 12, 13 and 14 t
2 s r 2 w.
February 19, A S Dudley and wife to
\Y H Wehrung, J W and Lucinda C Jack-
son for $5000 121.70 $cres in sec» 3 and 9
t 2 s r 3 w.
February 19, Roxie and J F Cotney,
Plff to Raleigh D Walker, minor, for $—
parts of J H Walker and wife don t 2 s r
3 w,
Quick in effects, heals and leave* no
scar. Burning, scaly skin eruptions
S ic k ly cured b? DeW itt's Witch Hazel
. APPliei1
bu™*- *'*“ *; ° ,d
, , , , , , in
, _ effect. Always
sores, it is magical
cures piles. J. C. Clark, Druggist.
YT T H E ’V A R S I T Y .
John Connell spent
Sunday at his home near Glencoe.
Mr. Frank Gordon and Mr. Gates were
enrolled in the Academy Monday
Miss Parker returned from Portland
Monday morning having spent the past
week at her home in that place.
Mr. Arlie Henderson, of Gaston, spent
a few days last week with old acquaint­
ances and visited the school with L.
Lance field.
The foot-hall spirit has not entirely
For Malaria and fled lor the boys —- *—1
trying to arrange a
Liver trouhie, they
invaluable. They are g u a r a n te e d ^ T e '* don« as oJr horns'10***1 t*'*t *l C#n
a--------- -
7 " ' — “ Ul ,lorn* are rutting and
perfectly tree from every deleterious our throats need clearing up
substance and to he purely vegetable. Rev. Mr Brady forme 1
They do not weaken by their action, but here, attended ch
1 *r ' . a *tu lent
by giving tone to stomach and bowels morning. He has
cxcrcis*s Friday
greatly invigorate the system. Regular here and his visit m*n' * arm *ri«nds
size 25c. per box. MillMphar«,---
---- « —
1 uas cnj°ycd
—JV;cu very
, narmaev.
>»uch He come» from Eastern Oregon
ami will take charge of some work near
_ l a v Notice.
To the Tax pavers of Washington County .
. .
You are hereby
.. . .
levied . for the
. One Minute
, vear 1895
u will
11 i be
. a due
. , . and
—.a menting.
* Cure and vou have
__ immediate
, .
, re­
. , on ami , alter Mondav,
,_.. February
21 1 Son. at the Nhenff s Office. Hills-
n :,u
It cures croup. The onlv harmless
.ppear ridiculous and remedy
t o I W o . Oregon
^ ?
that produces
immediate results.
rtor I°r ^ a#b-
ington C o u n V ** “ >IIec,or foT W“ b-
C. Clark, d