T H h H A T C IIE T . 1 íf ' Oregonian, $1.50 a year. and the v, ill be H A ! C H E T , 5 l.o < > a > t a r sent one year for $1-50, the price of the Oregonian alone. Offer goo ! intil Jan. 1. (»ItkiON \ IU ,K . Toucher«* Column. An exhibition of pupils' work from the K n it-re d a t t b * u a t - o f l c t i t KureM G ro v e . O r. »• different county schools will he one of Sfc o n il-c la» » m a il m atter. the features of the coming annual teaeh- T K K M S TO S I B * K IH K K S . ,-rs' institute. Specimens of map dr.iw- P o sta g e F re e ing, free hand drawing, penmanship O n« y ear $1 on ; essays, etc , anything that will show S i x m onth)i j . The congressman whose utter- T h r e e m o n th s what the pupil, are doing, are wanted and it is hoped each teacher will take In A d va n ce . | ances on the uselessness of improv­ pains to see that her school is creditably E st a b lis h e d fo r th e d iss e m in a tio n o f W a sh in » ing the Columbia River so pleased and fairly represented. The exhibit Grandma Corey of Glencoe Is visiting to n c o u n ty n e w s, th e e le v a tio n o f h u m a n ity an Astoria and so vexe 1 Portland will will be placed in the county superin­ th e m o n ey w e can m ake. her daughter Mrs. Jones. hardly l>e in a position to c a r ry out tendent's office after the institute. Ite m s o f g e n e ra l in te re st g r a t e fu lly re c eiv ed . Miss Ilebbie Barrett gave a very pleas­ E d it o r 's h o b b ie s a m i o p in io n s on th is p a g e , a ll his amiable intentions towards our District 33, near Hillsboro, began a th e re st fa c ts -im p a rtia l a n d u n co lored metropolis. All indications point ant tea party to a few of her friends last four months term Sept. 9. Miss Emma E d it o r is at h o m e in h is san c tu m . H . v t c h k t Tuesday afternoon. B u ild in g , F o re st G ro v e , fro m 6 a. m . to 10 p. in Tunison of Portland, teacher. to Binger Herman being chairman Mrs. McXumer and two daughters ac­ o f e ach w ee k d a y a n d a lw a y s g la d to t a lk and of the Rivers and Harbors commit­ Miss I,. Thompson of Tualatin is to b e t a lk e d to. companied by Mrs. I.l/.zie Macrum and tee in the next congress and Port George Hughes -visited the McNamer teach school in district 10, near Stafford, beginning Nov. 4 a four months term. A U S T I N CKAIG... E d it o r a n d I’ k o p k i k i o k land people can rest easy, all' Ore­ farm last Sunday. Ti * R EADABLE «LIABLE EPUBLICAN P r in t e d a ll AT H ome gon except Astoria for that matter, [for Portland's prosperity m eans prosperity for all Oregon. Mi** Anna Moore has gone to Port- land on a visit. Mrs Smith returned to Portland last Monday. Mr. Willis Ireland attended dedication exercises at Forest Grove last Frida'-. Mr. John Garrigus is very low with typhoid fever, H i s recovery is very' doubtful. Miss Hattie Moore has just finished a School began Sept. 23 in district 18, five month, school near Green Moun- near Progress, with Miss M. Hurley of tain and will begin teaching in the Ben- Portland as teacher. efield district Oct. 7. ... ... , . . , , Miss Eliza Sliorev of Moiiutaimlale Mr P. K. Bradley who lias been ill so began a three months term in district 63. long with typhoid fever sat up in liis near Greenville, on Sept. 21. ehuir last Tuesday for the first time, Miss Stella M. Miller of Cornelius be­ having been in bed 70 days. gan school Sept. 23 in district S9, near Hillsboro. It is a three months term. LJ i H. WESCOTT, ----- D E A L E R S IN ------ r r - r-> n t r~ o O r > i I S> SALT MEATS, P O I LT ltY , AH Ordo ris ii AND Do Y o u W a n t a RItff D o n ’ t. Y o u W an t a P lac e to Put Y o u r T e m ili A r e Y o u in N eed o f a S a d d le H o rse ! GO TO JONES. MODERN HISTORY. ’B u s M e e ts E v e r y T r a i n . A POOR POLICY. It is to Ire regretted that the The World’s Doings during the Past Week Briefly Told tor newspaper calling numbers among S p e c ia l F a c i l i t i e s f o r F illin g the W a n t s o f Busy People. its followers in Washington county «L K X C O B . Com m e r e ia i T r a v e lle r s . T h u r s d a y (26;—Iowa Republicans in It is gratifying to note the increase in one unworthy, an e litor who dares Wm. Miller lias moved to Portland convention—German Chancellor losing C o u r te o u s A tte n tio n , F irst ( lass T u rn o u ts. the county schools that are flying the not say what he thinks, a writer popular favor—Champion Corbett said and our saloon is no more. , .. , , American flag. A good aid in training who is dependent on his memory to be a physical wreck and in no condi­ fames \\ hitlev and wife intend to start A n d R e a s o n a b le C h arges. J . . ■ . the child soon to be a citizen is Ins for his wit and his imagination for tion for tile great light— Forest fires ren- back to Canada next Monday country’s flag kept constantly before his his facts (I ask the pardon of the der hundreds of people homeless in the (). G. Burlew of Hillsboro oversee- eves. man of whom that was originally province of Quebec—California p. -sen- ing his farm in this vicinity, Tuesday. Oct. 1, was the last dav for ger train barely escapes disasuous wreck j,* j said), a business man who holds as running into a band of cattle—British Cornelius and A. C. Ph.llip. , hc use of the old text hooks. Now Hu a personal enemy a successful sealers openly* violating the treaty re­ went up to Gaston Monday on business. ncw books_ as ado(jU.(, bv tIlt. HtaU. 1 (1 . \ SONAMI.K KATES. J. W. Jackson and wife are attending must be Used under penalty of forfeiting competitor. garding Behring Sea— Dr. Talmage, the M AD ISO N ic Q l ' I M B Y M il all share in public money for the sue-' T IIK W !< > * T B H X H O U SE. A brief explanation of this. The Brooklyn evangelist, becomes co-pastor the State fair this week. At the Head of Scoggins Valley, Cliailes Meeks is laid up with a large ceeditig year. For common schools the I H atch et came into existence last oi u " ashiugton, d . c .. Presbyterian c . c . c m r ’MAN, Proprietor# only changes are R etd’s Word Lessons * *i . 1 . , .. c 4 . church— Outlaws in Oklahoma, attempt- boil 011 his neck. April through a belief that the I mg , to rob a house, murder an entire All (trades of Lumber. Albert Chambers has returned from succetti ^ atson s Speller and Maxwell’s The Best Hotel for . . . \\esteril part ot the county needed lamily— St. Louis lovers die together— Astoria where he has been working with *-*lal,lular takes the place of S ill’s, Satisfaction Guaranteed. C lean , B o a r d e r s , a newspaper of fixed republicanism L.ike steamer burns, two lives lost— Fif- teams on the reservoir. He savs no pay. Miss Ida Watson closed Fridav a six Easy Terms. C o m po rtable , F ar m er s . and wbich might supply local news te,r" ,IKn <-'auK*>t in a cave-in in a Lead- a . C. Phillips intends to put in a bar- weeks school in district 76 near Green- T raveler s . at a price that would admit o f its v'de, Col., mine New Jersey democrats her cliair in the adding recently vacated vilic. G asto n , O k . A. PORTER, Prop. C o n v e n i e n t . nominate McGill tor governor—$ ju , ooo jJV \y Miller. being taken in connection with a ,- ¡„ ... , F o rkst G rovk ....................O r e g o n . The annual county teachers’ institute t»re in Minneapolis— L . h. warship While W. C. Jackson, accompanied by w ill he held in Forest Grove on Thursday-, In tlir business center of the city. metropolitan weekly, thus g iv in g damaged in u collision with an English his three year old son, was coming from l-riday and Saturday, Oct 23 and 20. tile l>est service to the public. Its S t e a m e r ill an Ecquador harbor, Hillsboro Monday evening some mean The program will he published next ( ’ l a k k ' s C ream Kit Y. printery was established because S a t i h u a v (28)—Grain elevator hums dogs came out of the yard of one of our week. Special rates will he obtained for s u d i : \ r s that was essential to the paper and in Superior, Wis., loss neighbors and hit the hoi.se on the heels, those in attendance during their stay FINEST BITTER. furnishing *'-xI1|otb|lK cannon ki 11-r two soldiers at rile horse ki.kvd himself loose from here. with the hope that, ___ , ... .......... FOF( 1 . . , . Sandy Hook— Lowered waives threatens dog, cart and harness. No damage done modem work at modern 1 pnces.it a strike . 0 * Now St*j»;irat »v New Running . among S in FrAiicmco sailors— to occupants of the cart. Public School R eport. ROOMS might prove remunerative. That Oakland, Cal., tu i.. divided over ever what wh „ co« . and milk wantt*d. Following is the report oi the Forest belief and hope were rightly stitutea a bathing suit— W ealthy 70-year FURNISHED t 'O l t N »Hal l S , Grove i u b l i c School for the month end- Forest Grove . . . . Oregon. founded the experience of the first old Chicagoan matries a Detroit young The hop pickers have all returned and ing Septteinber 27. OR half year just closed have fully dem woman wo,Man of of 30— Ex-Champion Sullivan f ir s t p r im a r y g r a d e . to have a benefit— New York banker the town i s again l i v e l y . oustrated. For its lieing it has no Chas. Dodd, o u r city barber, sold out N o . o f p n p ils e n ro lle d 29 robbed and compelled to leave the U N F U R N IS H E D b e lu iiK iu g other excuse than that it is sup­ country—R. I. spinning mills suffer a last Saturday to O. R. Spenser of Hills­ 2b “ “ cases tardiness .. WITH OR WITHOUT ported. so evidently wanted. |loo,oco loss by lire—Commander of St. boro. Per ceiii. ofatlendance. ............ - ............. 9 ° L . C. W A L K E R , Backhanded flings in clippings, Louis barracks dismissed in di-gr., — J.tines Morgan of Hillsboro was in the Nu Visitors ........................................ i ; C IV IL K N O IX K E R , BOAF^D. ucUhcr “ b« ui n o r t a r d y : il a i iiib b » , correspondence and news items, A California woman, : <> years old, linds citv Montlav on business. P e r r y D o id g e . Conveyancing and Surveying. Titles M. Henderson and Mr. Bollinger are M . Jo s e p h in e S h e a re r, T e a c h e r. Inquire a t ......... never square lair e litorials, have real , estate, , . . but is not hsel , Examined. Notary Public. to realize on building a b rn for A. S. Briggs on his not failed to show that its presence t h e m - Fristo woman goes crazy over lot in Cornelius. SECO N D P R IM A R Y G R A D E . H ATCH KT O F F I C E IN I N G L E * B U I L D IN G , U P S T A I R S . N o . o f p u p ils e n ro ll« I ....... 22 was distasteful to an older journal, the Durrant trial. o f f ic i ; C. \\\ Phillips and family have just b e l o n g in g ................. ]g I.ittle attention has lieen bestowed S i -. m i a y (2 j ) — Great Britain makes a moved into his new house just com­ *• “ c a te s o f t a r d in e s s ....................................... 3 P e r ceu t. o i a tte n d a n c e . .................... ^ oil these. A lecent item however request of China and collects .1 fleet of pleted. V is ito r s ^ R ésolu tio n s. ■ of I maim. 1 -ture will b • carrie l on. Th - is so thoroughly erroneous and so war ''''I* " 10 enforce it— ' nion Pacific Geo. Sanders, a son-in-law of A. A. N o P . apins n e ith e r ta rd y n o r a b s e n t: G c o ig iu Resolutions concerning the death of fair will be a bee-hive of industry, vnakin ■ plainly malevolent that trouble has ‘■’ «« ‘ itor. .how «I»«*« receivers manage- Phillips, will build a new house on his L a n c e h eld , C h e ste r D ix o n W illis Je n s e n , H u m s ment in enurt- -ScaU lt shipbuilders get Mrs. H. L. Bates. , the most im*.resting Exposition m ; lot in Cornelius, commencing Oct. 3. D oih iro m , fib e r D oid ge, G ^ r g i e lio. , e __ l>e£|) taken to __ correct it in another a contract to build a torpedo boat for i i c i .e C i a i k . i'c a c iu r . W h e r e a s , The allwise Father lias given in Portland, Mr. Kraus will do the work. column. It yvhs devoid of truth, til. nuvy—Consul to look into the > 011- called to himself Mrs. H. L. Bates, the T U lk l) P R IM A U V C K A D t. There will be an E lk s ’ day at tli - J. Keim when last heard from was in was incorrect iff every essential ditb n of negro colonists in Mexico- a f fe c t io n a t e w ife o f o u r fe llo w e n d e a v - N o . o f p u p il , v n ro llv a l’urtl.inci Ex|K>fition, to which excursion i particular and ill 110 wav save by B.athol Prof P. -.Uur the French I ac- Baltimore feeling better than when lie ............. hrlonaing I(> o r e r , a n d will he rim 01: all railroads. Fully 50 . left. lie is on his way to tile oid coun­ “ “ c a se s o f ta ra iiu -s» 3 W h e r e a s * Though n o t a m e m b e r o f intent could so many errors have teriolohist— Spanisli soldiers said to lie try. P e r c en t o f a t te n d a n c e ................................................. y., t h i s s o c i e t y , s t i l l t o e h o s p i t a l i t y o f h e r Elk.-, and their friends will visit the eft r searching the pforidn Key s for lilihusteis 3 : 011 that day, which has lieen set for 11.e crept in D. J. Barrett, of this place, was called N o . V isito rs in distcgartl of the l'. S. rights—Gklu- h o u se h a s b e e n e n jo y e d b y u s a n d w e P u p ils n e ith e r t a rd y n o r a b s e n t: J e s s ie D ux 12th of Octoijer. The Red Men w.il hav - It is needless to say that tile hotna depositors trv to lynch Lite presi- to his huinv in the East by the sivknv» ton, G e o rg ie ilro w n , P e a r l S m ith , L a v e r u e J e ­ h a v e b e e n b e n e f i t e d by c o m i n g in c o n - . tact . willi .• , her pure Christian life, there- n similar journal in which these appeared is dent ol asuspendtd hank— Farmer near of his father, lie left Cornelius Mon- ro m e, V e rn a S m ith . ,, , r, , dav. ’ October , , iq: Woodmen “ i f Josephine C. kubb, Teseher. | fore he it , , rl !' 0 l T ‘er. j S: A>ct-2 . one rated b y the newspaper direc Sac•>>- and the l mted Artisans, November I. Resolved, By the officers and mem- j tones as inde|>endeiit. one labeled *" -South Dakota. L. G. Weidewitsch and bride left here FIRST IXTF.KMKDIATE I'.HAIIU. ; bers this society, t h a t w h i l e w e s u b - ------ - of ............................, ^ S(;r ie s o f a t h l e t i c n i g hi*» »vill b e g i v e t his home on G ales Creek M onday. N o . o f pupil.» e n ro lle d by the press association as repub­ M o n d a y (30)— Eighteen vessels strand- init to the wisdom of God's will, we ten- the Exposition at Portland. Two < f .................... b e lo n g in g ed in a violent storm on the lakes—Texas 1 The chances are that tiiere will be a lican, the nondescript edited by passenger train overturned by rains wedding near Cornelius in the near “ “ c a se s ta rd in e s s ............ 2 der to the bereaved husband, liis chil- these, Octoiler 3 and 29, will consist c t P e r c e n t, o f a tte n d a n c e our democratic candidate for the washing out roadbed, engineer severely future or I ’ll uiiss my guess. y2 dren and many friends, our warmest athletic contests under the rules of th * N o . V isito rs postmastership. scalded-CorlHrtt-Fitr.sim.no.,s fight to j Thos. TaIbot , nd wifc are at,ending P u p ils n e ith e r a b s e n t n or t a rd y : L iv ia F e rrin , 2 sympathy and we believe that their loss Alm|teur Athletic l ’ nion; one night, Oc . B e rth a L e a b o , C iilfo rd B ro w n . M ay C la rk . by her departure from this life w ill draw ^ VV*M he devoted to bicycles, and tl.o It will not again l>e necessary to *' 111 ■ P'wmiiatic ring— C ia n a itc h rc- ,|lt. SlaK, flir L o u e tta S m ith , L e o la S m ith , F r a n k W a lk e r. them nearer to the upper and belter fourtIL October 22, will be under tl .• do more than correct marked de ' 1 ? T tl>T " UrU'K U«ite a mm,her from Cornelius at- E m m a B ro w n , T e a c h e r. kingdom. ■ management of the Turn Verein. T 1 * ï par rt. . ,,,, I and „ . , freedom , , worship es- tended the ball at Greenville last batur- Wm. Robb, latter will lie also German day, and wri 1 K t tires from fact, the animus has “ recognized of SEC O N D IN T E R M E D IA T E G R A D E . Susan R. Dan forth, bu participated in by the Arion So ciet/ l>een shown. Eighteen hundred tablUhrd in Hungary— Spaniards Win ‘ ay ,,iKhl* N o . o f p u p ils e n ro lle d 32 ! and the Sons of Herman. b e l o n g in g .. 23 G* L. Haskell. years ago it was ail accepted die- a lother pape r butth HI Cuba, 2^ to rebels Henrj Hendri k-», who lives three .................. css 2 tlini that tigs could not l)e gathered dispersed this time—Texas legislature . In;ics ‘ ^tuh of Cornelius had the niisfor P " e r c “ en c t, a se o f s a o t f te t u n r d Jiu The Woman 's Auxiliary of the Orego i a n c e ........................................... ^ l.iw against prize ‘ * Uine 4 v t ‘ 1 l*“ * * io° t ^ hurt ‘ by a mule step- ‘ A Business Man’s Growl. N o . V is ito r s .......................... 2 oi thistles, no more can he ex- j to convene to pass Industrial Exposition, besides coileetii ; 1 fighting— Followers of Brown and l>hig on it. P u p ils n e it h e r t a rd y n o r a b s e n t: Jo s e p h in e M r . E d i t o r — The exercises last Fri- the finest display of woman's work ev. r pected today. Prof. J. T. Dorrien commenced a term Bal>cr* B la n c h e B a i l e y .J e s s i e B ea u c h a m p , Nilda JONES Tilt LIVERYMAN. s Li i . f f l n . ii r I f "hi, r I » ■} tl i U Íf 7 8 LL ‘ I 5 ;i i S r . N ‘ 1 fl | i « 0 r ' ; (I l : i k ’ '~ \ r v — GAME. \s P r o m p t l y 1 >«*1Ue rm i. j Sprecklrs at war and California rcpuldi-1 leans disunited— Chinese viceroy rie- of school last Monday at the Leisy school TIIK BAR’S ( HOICK. I graded to please England—-Dr. Mary- house. So much lias liccn made m n’» of the " Alktr buy s a farm where women, and William McLin and sister have moved Portland Bar petitioning for the ap onlv \h* blo,,mer clad’ arc to ,ive in into the J J. II. Cornelius house. . r 1 single happiness. Buuning & Tibbits are doir.g a rush- nointnieiit of Mr Met .inn as Judge . . ,, * 1 U E *D A v (Oct. 1)— No prize fight to be ing business since they moved into their Hurley s successor that ,l ts well to aIloWl(, Ina' n 0,1 lxnmdries— Musa. Dem- The new conferiince year will begin in Henrv McGinn whom all the 0,'rats l)Ut on* their tickets—Cambridge with a sermon next Sabbath at 11 a. in. ~a:" . . .I * _ • u» 1 r humeri, loss ^70,0(0— Lives lost in ! on "T h e Glorv of the Cross'*. T h e s u b - distinctions that might 1 which 1 1 wrecks 1 many ships , , . . 0 l>c conferred ^ a gale on the ject in the evening; “ Our Father a Desire would not make respectable. Nex’ English coa«t-Chim se vill igerseat eight that all Sh mid be Saved. June it will l>e left to the people t< of their enem ies after a quarrel, confirm or reject the governor .* To Etehanife, action and in all likelihood there M o n e y to |,o :in . Timber Land to tradì for land near will l>e then a new judge—and a From $500 to $50,000, three to five Fori st Grove or Forest Grove city pro­ vears, at 8 per cent, on improved farms. perty. Inquire ■ new governor. A COMBINATION OKKRR. The success of the recent offer ol the Oregonian and H atciikt to­ gether has been so marked that arrangements have been completed whereby we can make a still more B ris b in e , M au d B u x to n . W il.ia D *t gr. K oM M llt Freeaum C rosdey, J u l i a Forest Grove. day were almost without exception a made in Oregon, will manage four spei- On October tothei - ________ one word o f complaint at one unpleasant W^1 lie a sc ; it s of patriotic talileaux-Oc feature were it not that it was unfortu- *5 there will he an aialiesque, or fane - natelv a too common unpleasant feature llallves; October y> they will give a mu — of public literary and musical entertain- ivnlc, and Novemlrer j a grand baby ca - me lit » of t h i s place. I refer to lack of n*v«l. They will wind up the fair wil t prom 1 tm-ss in beginning. The exercises two days of a chrysanthemum suo w e r e advertised to Irtgin at 10 a . m . in- ' tcarl it was near it a. in. when they began. Can the business u:cn of ti,.- city rightly he kept waiting n e a r l y a n hour when they have to neglect t h e r business to atttnd such e x e r c i s e s ? If this were the fir-t time I should not coui- plain, hut it is a chronic difficulty with I church sociables, recitals and cnlertain- uunts which the business men are ex- P v c t e d to patronize and it serins to me t h e m a n a g e r s o f s u c h exercises uer d to inaugurate a r e f o r m . Id n a H aatilton, succtss, and the writer would not enter : ial . entertainments. Vesta Johnson, 1 : lii.li Ransom, Theressia stribich and Lottie striplin ....... . « * T H IR D IN T E R M E D IA T E GRADE. x<» of pupils enrolled ............ belonging “ '* c a se s o f t a r t iu ie s s .......... P e r c c u t. o f a t t r n d a u c e ............... N o . V isito rs , 3 92 PupUs neither absent nor tardy: H orace T h o m a s, R o b e rt M iile r. L a u ra B o o s ,'R e n a B u x ­ ton a n d O tis B a k e r. L iz z ie L- G riffln , T e a c h e r. GRAM M AR GRADE No. p u p ils e n ro lle d M “ " be!«*nging ....................... ry " c a se s ta rd in e s s « P e r c en t o f a tte n d a n c e N o. V isito rs . . P u p ils n e ith e r A bsent n o r t a rd y : K a tie stri- b ic *' fcdna Je n s e n , M a m m ic H ib b s. E d n a H ib b s. M aud Ju n e . M ild re d M a t t e r ., f . e o r x i . Buck, M y rtle Itrylea. K a rl H a m ilto n . L '.o yd L a n e , field. F ran k Brown and Metvin M ark bam l>. H. T h o m a«. T rin c ip a l. HATCHET B l S I M ’ SS. *------------------ -— The leading exhibits of tile county and district fairs and the state fair will be tra ..-' sferrerl to the Exposition at Portland when the fairs are over, ami combined Per Pound N ix o n & G k r r i s n , with the special county and town ex unit* Melki Johnson & Co. Forest Grove. Even Change. 15 cents will constitute the greatest collection of Oregon products ever brought together. ! Stork I'in l. red and Pastured. Star 40 cents It will be such a display of natural pro- \ For Rent. Persons hav ng stock to he pastured or Climax 40 cents ducts as could not he equaled by any wintered will do well to call at the De- Very desirable furnished rooms with other state in the union. ......................40 cents j or without hoard. References given and lasinnutt ranch on Lousignont lake or Uotooahoe Oregon manufactures will be a promi- " rrqujr„ , inquire H s t c h r t office, inquire at the H a TCHRT office. Captes & Thomas. | ,:ent feature of the Exposition at Portland The leading manufacturer* of the state llam boo goods at Sm ith 's. will have exnilms in which the processes TOBACCO AM) Portland K.\position Notes OKEGOM AX ft 1.5 0 A Y EA U