Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1895-1896, September 12, 1895, Image 3

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    W A S H 1 N (iT O N
C O I' NT V H A T C H E T .
For ladies’ and gent’s rubbers in all the
Go to Abbot & Roe’s for harness.
latest style of toes and widths, at lowest
Mr. Jerome began Tuesday for A. S.
Mr. J. H. Allen, formerly of Wescott
city prices, call at Gregg’s shoe store.
Venen what will be when completed one
N: Allen, is drying hops near Pike for
Mr. Leach, in Mr. Hollister's yard, 1 his father.
of the finest cottages in the city.
I measured out a little less than an acre,
K. W. Moore the artist, of Portland,
Prof. Edwards at one time principal
not an average one, ami picked off of it
•pent Sunday with Geo. R. Hughes,
4100 lbs. He thinks the nine acres w ill i of Tualatin Academy, and since con
, nected with Portland University was in
average 4500 lbs. to the acre.
town Tuesday.
Why don’t you exchange your old
Miss Lucile Duncan of Astoria has beer,
school books for new ones at the City
Messrs. H. C. Raymond and 1 ). J.
visiting Mrs. W. A. Goodin.
Drug Store.
Porter of Gaston, were in the Grove
For bargains in Boots and Shoes go to Tuesday.
J. A. Brisbine and Chas. Miller brought
Caples & Thomas.
in 21 birds Sunday.
Paints, oils and glass at Abbot & Roe’s.
For bargains in Boots and Shoes go to j
Wirtz Bros, are agents for the Ameri­
Mr. C. K. Jackson was in Portland
Caples & Thomas.
can Laundry. All white labor employed.
Tuesday and Wednesday on business.
Tillamook cheese, Caples & Thomas.
Miss Winilied Marsh returned Saturday '■
The business manager and editor of
from the Hood River region where she I From now on until the close of the the Cornelius Searchlight are in the hop
j season Wells will be headquarters for fields this week.
has been for some time.
j Grapes.
Chas. Mdler has put in a handsome j
Remember Wirtz Bros, are agents for
new stationery rack which adds to the
Caples & Thomas buy a heap, sell the American Laundry of Portland.
already inviting appearance of his piiar- j c^eaP al,d keep forever at it.
T. C. McNamer spent the first half of
| John Sw’anson a former resident but
the week in Tillamook.
Furnished Room to Let to Students. ! *,ul row tnipioyed at the livery of Geo.
The P'ree Methodists will holds a
Fire, Light, etc. Mrs. Flora E. Hin- Hines, Jacksonville, was in town last
cauip meeting on Mr. Naylor’s grounds
man at Mrs. Geo. L. Smith’s.
week, returning Saturday.
west of Forest Grove comtnencciug Sept.
The harvest season just past has been! J-
Brisbine began hop picking a 12, 1S95. Everybody is invited. Rev.
an excellent one though brief, Connell week aK° Tuesdft>' and is running eighty C. H. Purcell, preacher in charge.
Bros, of near Glencoe cared for 585 acres Pikers.
Mrs. McClelland left Portland Friday
in five week, finishing everything up.
Yes, Greer the grocer has the finest
evening for San Francisco to represent the
Their threshing machine was busy coil- ; line of teas and coffees in the city.
Oregon branch, of which she is president
tinously, Sundays, excepted for 34 days.
Mrs. Ilalleu came to the Grove Satur­ in the auual
.tin , of the Pacific Con­
J. C. Clark, the druggist, went to Port­ day to make this her home.
gregational Women’s Board of Foreign
land Tuesday and will visit Gervais be-
A. Glenn and W. Slater recently of the Missions.
for his return.
Congo oil company as cornetists, Port-
Go to the City Drug Store for School
Mayor Hughes visited Portland to see land, were in town Friday. They expected Books, Stationery, etc.
about the issuing of the city water bonds ; to return to the Grove and will prob­
Con. McNamer came in Sunday from
J. P. Wagner visited Portland Tuesday. ably make tlieir home here.
the Wilson River halfway camp where
IL B. Johnson went to Portland Tues­ he has been for several weeks past, and
Caples & Thomas buy a heap, sell
day to bring back with him a fine line of staid a few days in the Grove.
cheap and keep forever at it.
new buggies in which lie has invested.
Peter Bergerson and J. R. Dallas, ranch­
Mrs. I. A. Macrum, who has been away
D. C. Stewart and Scott Smith have for nearly three weeks, returned home
ers of Vernonia, weie in town Friday
bringing in a load of shingles and return­ been having their hops picked together. Saturday.
Lust week Mr. Sm ith’s were finished and
ing with a stock of provisions.
Caples & Thomas buy a heap, sell
Monday Mr. Stewart’s yard was begun
Chas. B. Morris an old resident of
cheap and keep forever at it.
on by bo pickers.
this county, and H. B. Warren of Port­
David Smith has had his elegant new’
Caples & Thomas buy a heap, sell
land, were in town in the interest of the
residence, just nearing completion, arr­
Kastman Photo Co. going to Pike to take
anged throughout for water and will be
Seventy went to the Perkins hop yard ready at once for the city water w’orks
Chas. Ewing, Tillamook, was registered a* Yamhill from Forest Grove.
whose construction is now assured.
at the Western House Saturday.
Col. Britton is moving Gen. Thorp’s
Wednesday Marshal Striplin took up
household furniture to Woodlawn, his a black mare, from 2 to 4 years old, which
Hot Coffee at Wells.
new home.
was running ..t large in the streets, and
D. W. Dorrance of the Andrews Lum­
John K. Gleason returned Friday from put her in the pound.
bering Co., Mounlaindale, came in on
his wheel Saturday and Sunday rode on the mines.
Midwifery a specialty. Anaesthetics
to Portland.
Mr. Bowen, business manager of the administered and
without pain by C. L. Large M. D. of
D. F. Kreader and S. Kreader of Santa Hillsboro Argus, was in town Tuesday.
Forest Grove.
Cruz, Cal. were in town last week look­
Ross H. Pratt, formerly a resident here
ing over the country with a view to and who ran a republican journal “ The
Mrs. Markee, an old lady residing
purchasing land.
Cactus’ ’ here through the late slate ele­ between tiie Grove and Center..Ik died
Wednesday, at 11 p. in., aged 74 years,
A delegation of Forest Grove K . P ’s ction is in town visiting his mother. Air.
after a continued illness. Burial Friday
attended the funeral of Past Chancellor Pratt has been with his father who is
editor of the Kaslo, B. C. Prospector and in the Naylor cemetery.
Beamish at Hillsboro last Thursday.
will return after a short vacation.
A. Proctor, Havelock, Iowa, was reg-
Say! All you people that owe us any­
istered at the Western House Wednes-
Headquarters for the exchange
thing must call and settle on or before
i day.
Oct. 1, 1805, as we must have money to school books at the City Drug »Store.
pay our bills with.
Mr. Hartley of beyond Greenville was
Delphos lodge, K. P., will have work
B e i i . & G r a y .
in the third rank Saturday evening and in the city Thursday.
A child of Mr. Gray, living four miles a number of visitors from neighboring
east of this place, was operated on last lodges are expected.
Sunday by Dr. D. W. Ward, assisted by
Sheriff Ford of Hillsboro visited the
Dr. C. L. Large for the cure of a con­
Grove Friday night.
genital phimosis.
Mrs. E. H. Marsh is having walks
The H a t c h e t Printery has added to
built from the street sidewalk to her
its office furniture during the past week
residence on College Way.
a roller top desk and a regulator. The
Stationery and school supplies at thé
clock, the finest in town, is easily seen
from the street and it is now the proper Miller Pharmacy.
tiling to ad your watch and carrj
H a t c h e t time.
Mr. Jerome is just finishing a residence
for Air. Van Dyke, near the Verboort
school house.
Girl Wanted—To do general house­
work. Apply to Mrs. Flora E . liinman,
at Mrs. Geo. L. Smith’s.
Geo. Naylor has a live China pheasant
which he is carefully tending. While
out hunting Tuesday evening he winged
the bird and the dog brought it in un­
harmed. It is a handsome creature with
lovely plumage, carrying its head proud­
ly and looking from deep black expres-
s iv ' eyes, and yet so timid withal. When
one sees a pheasant it seems a pity that
they should he shot clown so mercilessly,
and yet when one eats one he feels
there ought to be open season for loose
hunters whose game comes his way. It
has been urged that an open season of
only a month would make the birds
more plentiful and that some such relief
is needed as they are kept down too close
Forest Grove, at an election held Wed­
nesday, voted 79 to 10 to bond the city
in the sum of $30,000 to provide a water
and light system. The project was act­
ively espoused by the II a t c h k t , and
that paper is to be congratulated upon
the successful issue of the campaign.
The next move will be the election of a
commission that is to be charged with
carrying forward improvements to com­
pletion.—Hillsboro Independent.
Caples & Thomas buy a heap, sell
cheap and keep forever at it.
Mr. Frank Latham of Hillsboro was in
the city Thursday.
A big cluster of mammoth prunes
from Joe Vaughn’s ranch near Dilley is
on exhibition at the Western House and
has drawn a good deal of attention.
40 acres, 25 bottom land under culti­
vation, rest easily placed so. Three-
fourtlis of a mile from depot. All under
fence. Living water. Price $40 per
L a n g l e y & S on .
See Abbot & Roe for all commission
A box of fine prunes is in one of Ilibbs
windows. They are from the five year
old trees of Mr. C. V. B. Russell and
show what care can do in developing
Oregon fruit.
This is the State of Affairs
. . . in t h e . . .
Prices one-third higher than in 1894. Millions of working people in the East finding
employment with increased wages.
Now what’s the matter with Oregon?
“ She's all
Think, talk and preach good times and you will have them.
Now fall and winter is coming on you have got to have
lias not been here in Forest Grove very long but he has not been sleep­
ing while here.
You will find his store headquarters for bargains in
D R Y GOODS of which he will sell you as low as you can buy in Portland and just as
good style goods.
Ill F u r n is h in g G ood s no one can or will give you as much for your dollars.
Ill C lo th in g —Well come and see something new. No old odd lots. Everything
new (made of new cloth) and in the latest styles.
Prices out of sight.
A N o. I S u it fo r $ « .5 0
A B O U T S H O E S A N D R U B B E R S .— My stock is all N EW .
the lowest that First Class Goods can he had for. As all other lines at
The prices are
R * I .P - A - N - S
H E E IE F .
Tilt* Public School.
The attendance at the Public School is
constantly increasing, and by the end of
the mouth the school will probably have
something near its usual membership.
The recent rains will probably cause
some to return from the hop fields.
While it may seem to some that it was a
mistake to begin the school so early, yet
when we consider that the district voted
for nine month's school, and that there
is usually some time lost during the win­
ter months on account of sickness and
bad weather it would carry the school
very late in the summer if a later date
had been chosen. This would work as
great an injustice to a certain class of
pupils as beginning so early does to those
who desire to pick hops. Besides we
don’t believe in hop picking regulating
the opening of district schools.
Apple boxes very cheap at Greer’s.
Mrs. Redmond of Portland was in the
Mrs. Shipley’s sister, Mrs. Tyler of city Wednesday and Thursday.
Portland, lias been visiting her for the
The best place in the city to buy books
Past week.
and stationery is at the City Drug Store.
If So, Why So?
Mrs. E. W. Haines, who has been away
Mr. and Mrs. Chester V’ . Dolph who
When you can buy
visiting for the past week, returned home are staying at Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gregg’s,
loo lbs. Best Granulated Sugar
.Saturday evening.
have decided to make the Grove their
1 “ Climax Tobacco...................... 40
Prof. H. L. Bates preached in the home and have rented the Keep-Hines
Star Tobacco........................ ■ 40
Clackamas Congregational Church last cottage in »South Park. Mr. Dolpli is a
Horseslioe Tobacco.............
prominent lawyer of Portland of the
Even Change Tobacco. . . . .*>
firm of Dolph, Nixon & Dolph, and is * 1 50c Can Prices Cream Kakitig
For Sale.—Clean Oat Straw.
a welcome addition to the citizens
Powder.......................................... 30
Geo. P\ Naylor.
of Forest Grove.
1 25c Can Prices Cream Baking
Prof. Marsh lias had new sidewalks
Mrs. Henry Jackson and son Walter,
put in al>out his residence on Pacific
1 Bottle Best Sewing Machine
of Pullman, Wash., were in town Thurs-
O il................................................. 05
Change your old school hooks for the
12 Eagle Lead Pencils..........................08
new at the City Drug Store.
Mrs. Grant Hughes is in Hillsboro, 24 Sheets Writing Paper
................ 06
firm of Scott & Co., and Mr. Frank
Mrs. J. A. Brisbine went to Mr Brisbine’s Kane drove to the hop yards near Pike. called there by the illnessof her brother, 24 Envelopes....................................
farm near Gaston Friday. Mrs. Campbell A good many of the Grove people are in
1 All Copper Wash Boiler............ 2.50
of Pendleton, her sister, is visiting her that region.
I Copper Kim and Bottom Wash
The Home Telephone Co. has thirty-
and will remain about a fortnight.
B oiler...................................... 1.50
six connections on its revised card.
Tare seed at Hartrampt Bros.
1 Copper Bottom Wash Boiler..
Prof. A. W. Sanders of Dallas is in
Men’s $ 15 Suits, all wool................ 8.50
Mr. H. W. Scott spent two days of last
A ( ALL.
town for a few days.
$12 Suits, all wool................. 7.50
week hunting in company with Messrs.
For all of the legal voters of Forest
I>r. Cole was called to the Chehalem Cox and Murphy of Portland.
fs Pants, all wool.................. 2.50
Mts. to attend Mr McGahey’s little sou
Remem tier these are not Eastern shod­
Mr. T. W. Sain of Scoggins Valley is Saturday, September 14th at 1:30 p. ni.
who is ill.
dy. You can have your choice from
shipping cabbage in crates to Portland
for the purpose of nominating candi­ 400 pairs ol the very best Brownsville,
Miss Edith Wendorf returned to her off 1 and J*
Albany or »Salem woolen mills make.
dates for a water commission.
Portland home Wednesday from a visit one
a pound
and Ol
that * rate
-------- _
g------I1U «IIU
«**■»• is
Over a thousand customers in Washing­
here to the Misses McNamer, part of it quite profitable.
Mr. Sain is an enter-
M. D. M a r k h a m ,
ton, Columbia and Yamhill counties
spent camping by the W ilson river.
prising farmer,- shipping Tuesday 250
A. B. T h o m a s ,
have tested the wearing quality of these
J o h n A. S t r i p l i n ,
L. W. Traver of Forest Grove is to j lbs of butter,
goods in the past 18 months and find
teach the Buxton school, district 72, be-
Those w’ho have teeth to extract may
they wear as well as they would if
ginning October I fora four months term, avoid all the unpleasantness and pain
bought of a credit store at a much
To Student*.
Bargains in land. Eighty acres joining with perfect safety, by having anaes-
higher price. We own our goods for less
To Rent. Unfurnished rooms in new and will sell them for less than any
the town of Dilley. 60 under cultivation, | thetica administered by C. L. Large,
good house, barn and out buildings. M. D.. If it is not entirely satisfactory house convenient to college at reason credit store in
. . . . . . . w
««. 7.
four hundred fruit trees and any quantity there will be no charge. Gas, Ether able terms. Inquire at H a t c h f . t office Our motto, buy a heap, sell cheap and
of small fruits. Living water. All for and the New Preparation administered j
keep forever at it.
fifty dollars per acre on reasonable terms. at any one of our dentists, L»r. Nixon. -----
C aples & T homas ,
L a n g l ey A S on .
• Dr. Hiatt or Dr. Lyon.
H a t c h e t and Oregonian $1.60 a year.
Forest Grove.
Do You Pay More?
« ^
City Drug Store
J . A. B R I S B I N E , P r o p r i e t o r
Does not claim to lie the only d ru g store in town
hut does claim to have the Largest and Best
Selected Stock, the Best F acilities for keeping
stock Fresh, Clean and Pure.
Prescriptions will lie accurately com pounded
and none b u t the best o f d ru g s used. W e are
here for fair and legitim ate business and ask a
share of your patronage.
D o Y ou W a n t a R ig !
D o n ’t Y on W a n t a P la c e t o P u t Y o u r T e a m !
A r e Y o u in N e ed o f a S a d d le H o rse!
40 ’B u s .Meets E v e r y T r a in .
. »
S|H‘<*lnl F a c ilit ie s fo r F illin g t h e W a n t s o f
C o m m e r c ia l T r a v e lle r s .
C o u r te o u s A t t e n t io n , F ir s t C la ss T u r n o u t s
A m i R e a s o n a b le C h a rg e s.
Forest Grove.
T f i c I l l a i n O b je c t • •
m ill!
| H K
H |i
In keeping our drug store open is to put up
prescriptions, and that keeps us fairly busy—
with more business in sight. Our shop is often
full, but we will make room for you long enough
to take your order and will fill it from fresh ma­
terial with the utmost care.
Incidentally (and why not), we supply many
people in this vicinity with toilet articles, per­
fumes and stationery, and they think a lot of the
corner drug store.
I IlA.ltjlA(Tx
Apothecaries of the First class.