Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1895-1896, August 15, 1895, Image 4

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    M'A.SII I M ìTO N I 'O I M ‘ 1 IIA T M IK T . T lll* | O i P * l, V i d i ST I A, I Htt.V
c o rx m .
Kstimate of revenue
*■ 50 c i>tr 1
They Take Measures to Carr> Out W a te r fo r p á n ic o s , lávenmete
W ater to fa m i: ir*
Tile Kx|iressetl Wishes of the
Citizens on Water Works.
n th
E . I*. » « O W N ,
loo» iu ca affe*ct-n t íam¿>s'/t- i
m o n th
. . T h e C a rril» fr<- P a in t e r . .
Saturday the Common Council met in D educt e x p e n se from re v e n u e
regular monthly session, Councilmen Leaven a b alan ce o f
Large, McNamer and Walker, the Mayor
and the Recorder present. A few < 1 the
citizens were also present, interested opinion that the cost of construction
spectators of the proceedings.
After and expense of operation will not exceed
reading and approving the minutes oi the estimates, but will be more likely to
last session, bill o f Canning Company for fall short of the figures given, and that
street electric lights for Ju ly, $128.00, the estimated revenue will exceed rather
was read and reftned to finance com­ than fall short of the figures.
G . C. R id e r ,
mittee on whose recommendation it was
Chairman of Com.
later on in the evening ordered paid.
Bill of Geo. W. Bates ¿k Co., iutercst on
And, Whereas. Said report was re­
$1001; 8 per cent, bonds for past year. ferred to the Mayor and Common
$80.0 * was read and a warrant ordered Council of said city by said Citizens’
drawn for its payment.
meeting and they requested to take j
Dr. Large moved that a bond election action thereon, Therefore, be it
be called.
Not supported as it was
Resolved, By the Common Council of j
thought best to have the citizen com­ the City of Forest Grove that there i>e a ;
mittee’s report on water question read committee o f three of said council ap- j
first, which was accordingly done. This pointed with instructions to prepare an
resolution was then presented:
ordinance directing the manner in j
Whereas, At a meeting of the citizens which the estimate of such improve- j
of Forest (»rove held in Verts hall 0:1 ment shall be made, and report the j
the 13th day of July, 1895. s:dd meeting same to a special meeting o f the council j
did appoint a committee consist.ng oi j to be held Tuesday night, August 13, '
G. C. Rider, Win. Kane, L. C. Walker, 1895 «
Geo. L. Smith and A. Rogers to take
Resolution was adopted and Council- !
into consideration the subject of supply men Walker, Large and Stewart ap­
ing the city with good and wholesome pointed as the committee.
water and to make investigation in re­
During the discussion Messrs. Rider,
gard to plans, systems and costs of such Marsh, Striplin and Craig who were
water supply, and
present were invited to express them­
Whereas, The said committee did on selves on tlie subject. Adjourned.
the 3rd day of August, 18^5, rtj»ort to a
The council and visitors enjoyed the
meeting of the citizens of the said city hospitality of the Mayor after adjourn­
of Forest Grove, us follows, to-wit:
F o r e s t G r o v e , O r .,
Aug. 3d, 1895.
To the Mayor ami Citizens of forest
SpiM-itil Cmincil Mopfilisf.
The special council meeting Tuesday
Your committee on water supply, ap- evening was well attended by citizens,
pointed at a citizens'meeting" held ir The little council chamber w.,s filled and
this hall Ju ly 6th, would respectfully « v ira l were galheitd .bout tl: door
submit the following report: Three Councilmen Large, McNamer, Stewart,
propositions, as follows, have been con- , Smith and Walker answered to their
sidered: First, to bring Rlioderic and names as the roll was called and the
Frickett creeks into the city through mayor and the recorder were found to be
iron pipes and supply the city by the present. Minutes of the last meeting
•‘gravity” system. Second, to bring in were read and approved. I>raft of pro-
through an open flume Galea Creek and posed ordinance No. ~i read as report
use a portion of the water as a power to uf committee appointed at previous
pump a sufficient amount into elevated meeting. Rct.-rred to committee of the
tanks to supply the city. T h ird .ad etp whole into which the council then re-
well with the Holly system of pumps, solved itself and Mr. Walker, president
direct pressure, etc.
of the council, took the chair. This or-
The Rhoderic creek proposition wa: dinance hiil was to provide for an esti*
the first considered. A delegation from mate of tile c vpen- of obtaining g.wid
the committee, in company with an ex- and whole: ome water and of electric
pert engineer, visited Rhoderic creel; l-.s hting of the streets. Some discussion
measured the water and estimated the 1 w-as had as to the time in which tile
cost of bringing it into tile city through :oiutnissioti provided for might report,
iron pipes. Tile engineer expressid to A suggestion o f t / 3 days received no en-
the members of the committee that in couragement and it was fixed to within
his judgment there is at present enough Dirty days. The commissioners decided
water flowing down Rhoderic creek on were
Messrs. llinm an. Rider,
alone to supply eight thousand people ileitzhauseu, Planner and
L. C.
He »»vtimated the coat of bringing the Walker. Tile committee then rose, the
W e c l l t gh *ron PH e8 into the city at mayor resumed the chair and the report
nA>ur committee is inclined to was made. The bill was read in full
believ£ with the engineer, that there i then by title and a fu . ’the rules nau
a sufficient amount of water flowing in been suspended was read for the third
the two creeks at the dryest season of time and, with the usual formalities,
the year, to supply a greater number < passed. The recorder reported the city
people than our city contains at present, was short and owed fo. ) interest on
Your committee next took up tin bonds. After it bad been suggested
second proposition, namely, Gales creek that a warrant be »rdvrrd drawn fur
as a water supply. A level was run from and discounted at ten per cent, .Mr Ridti
the Crescent flouring mill, taking i.s
offered the use of the required sum until
point to reckon from the top of the Hum [an. 1st free of interest. His offer was
cap above the mill. It was found that iccepted and the mayor for the council
at the western terminus of Pacil;
hanked him for the favor shown th
avenue the elevation was greater by tit city. Council then adjourned. Some
teen feet than at the point above tin thrilling cyclone stories which had been
mill, thus practically precluding the personal erp rienses of different one-»
possibility of bringing Gales creek into present were narrated and then the aud­
the city at any available point.
ience dispersed, somewhat perplexed but
Your committee also investigated the confident that the champion truth teller j
practicability of using (»ales creek as a of this city doesn’ t make his headquar
power to operate the Holly system ami ters at the council chamber.
found that the cost would by far exceed
the lienefits gained.
The third and last proposition was tin
A False Report,
deep well and Holly system o f direct
The report that Mr. and Mrs. North
pressure. Your committee visited the
had been burned was soon proved with­
Hillsboro water and electric light work*
out foundation. Parties saw a mass of
and through the courtesy of Mr. Gates,
flames about where the house was anil
the owner, was given in detail all the
at once jumped to the conclusion the
workings of the plant, the cost of con­
place had been burned over and, finding
struction, the capacity and the operat­
nothing of the people, that they had
ing expenses. Also the mistakes, which
perished. The flames surrounded the
were but few, and with one exception,
building but burned only the barn. |
of but little importance. The great and
The story about Mr Dallas' family prob- j
irreparable mistake was allowing the
ably came about the same wav.
ownership to pass into private hands.
Your committee does unanimously
M A * T K I t 'J R « U K .
and unhesitatingly recommend that a
system of water and electric light works In th e C ircu it C ou rt o f th e U nited S ta te s for th e |
D istrict o f O rego n .
similar to the one now in operation in
Hillsboro be constructed for the use of Rank o f British Columbia.
the citizens o f Forest Grove and to be
th ia s K o rh la m l,
F a n n ie
owned and operated exclusively by the K M o a sh
la n d an d Ja m e s S im on .
D efen d an ts.
city. Your committee would further
recommend that the mayor and board of N o tice is h ereb y g iv e n th at p u rs u a n t to the
councihucn be instructed to take imme­ d ire c tio n s o f a d e c re e m ad e a n d en tered in
diate steps netessury to sell bonds to th e a b o v e e n title d C ou rt ati I ca u se on th<- 10th
y o f D ecem ber, lfc * . an d to m e d irec te d . I
raise the sum of $30,000 to pay the cost d w a ill
on the
of construction of said system of water
M th day o f S e p te m b e r, 1 » 05 ,
and electric light works.
Your committee in estimating the at th e h o u r o f 10 o 'c lo c k *. m . at th e do or o f
th e C o u n ty C ourt H ouse o f W ash in g to n C ountv ,
cost of construction and the operating O
reg o n , in th e c ity o f l l i ’. U b o ro. said cou n tv
expenses have been governed largely by a n d sta te , s e ll at p u b lic au ctio n to the h ig h est
the cost and operating expenses of the b id d e r fo r c a d i a ll o f th e rig h t, t itle and in- 1
rest had on th e n in th dnv
M arch, 1803,
Hillsboro works. The estimated cost of te
M a th ia s K s h ’ an d an d F a n n ie K o sh la n d .
construction in detail is as follows:
g e t her w ith a ll th t ill w in ch th e v h a v e sh ie r
« h o y , B oo a H u l l'l l » ,.
T o ta l
f 29 500
Operating expenses per annum:
E n g in e e r
A s sis ta n t e n g in e e r an d trim m e r
$2 400 00
A d d in te re st on bon ds
T o ta l
I 50s 00
a c q u ire d m and to th e fo llo w in g d escribes! real
p ro p e r ty , situ a te in th e C ou n tv o f W ash in gto n
an d S ta te o f O rego n , to-w it:
AM o f th e So u th east q u a rte r o f th e S o u t h s st
q u a r t e r o f Section No 27. and th e N o rth e a s t!
q u a rte r o f th e N o rth w e st q u a rte r of Se ctio n No
32 in to w n sh ip on e o u th . ra n g e th re e w est, o f ¡
th e W iM am ettr M erid ian
T h e said s a le w ill be m ade fo r th e p u rp o se o f 1
r e a 'ir in g th e sum o f 112 1.7 2 6 9 - w ith in te re st 1
th ere o n at th e ra te o f e ig h t p e r cent p er an n um
frvn t A u g u st i ' i*v>4, a n d th e c o sts and d is­
b u rsem en ts, th* a c c ru in g costs and e x p e n se s o f j
sa le . T h e sale w ill be m ad e su b ject to th e
c o n firm a tio n o f th e a b o v e e n title d C ou rt and
su b jec t to th e re d e m p tio n p ro v id e d b y law
D ated A u g u st 10th. 1*195.
W A L L A C E M cC A M A N T .
M aster in C h an cera in th e U n ited S ta te s C irc u it ¡
C ou rt for th e D i«trict o f O regon
Wash ami Be Clean at the Only
Baths in Town.
which have been used a little, not enough to injure them
Two doors South of Verts Hall.
however, or even to show, sold at prices from one-third to
Our Clubbing Offer.
T h f . W a s h in g t o n
is good quality and has been repaired and renovated until
C o unty
H atch et
and The Weekly Oregonian
$2.00 a year in advance.
it is just as good as new, in many instances if we did not
T he
W a s h in g t o n
C o u n t y
H atchet
and The Weekly Sun
$1.50 a year in advance.
tell you otherwise you would think it was new.
W e have a buyer in Portland who picks up bargains,
watches his chances, bays only what is good, and buys
for a song.
of us.
C . C . ( I l l I* .M A N , P r o p r i e t o r .
The Best Hotel for . . .
W e make money, you save it when you buy
C lean ,
C o m fo r t a ble ,
C o n v e n ie n t .
W e don’t pretend to sell at a sacrifice, but we can
sell at a profit for less than tlie regular dealer in new goods
B o a r d e r s ,
F a rm ers ,
T ra v elers .
I F o r e s t G e o v k ............................ O r e g o n .
Iu th e b u s ix e s * c e n t e r o f t h e c it y .
pays for the same thing.
If you are prejudiced against
Second Hand Furniture come and look over our stock, then
compare it with new furniture.
W e have a good assort­
Whips. Saddles,
Blankets. Harness,
F o rra! G ro ve.
Carriage Trimmings.
ment, bargains in nearly everything in the house furnish­
ing line.
You need not fear either that anything will be mis­
represented to you.
" r i m
W e are permanently located here
Satisfaction Guaranteed
All kinds of Upholsterer's good
supplied on short notice
and what we say can be absolutely depen .led on.
received a large
F o re st d ro v e
patronage and we have been obliged to seek roomier
W e are now located on the corner store on
Pacific Avenue next to Hughes & Sou’s hardware store.
Here we shall be pleased to meet you when you are in
need of anything in the house furnishing line.
Next D »or to s. Mitghea A Son’s Store,
At the Head of Scoggins Valley,
All (irados of Lumber.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Easy Terms.
A. PORTER, Prop.
G asto n , O r .
You are hard to suit if
we can’t please you.
is a foolish
in any time and look over our stock, it will pay you.
A ll
1 .1
n o s in S t o c k .
P r i c e s R e a s o n a b le .
person that will pay a high price when he
can get what will suit him equally well for less money.
T h ir d
D o o r S o u th
Don’t make up your mind against second hand furniture
o f V e r to H u ll,
until you have visited us.
(T a k e ’ s C r e a m e r y ,
f in e s t b u tter ,
New Separator Now Running
anti milk wanted.
Forest Grove
_____ rlz
W ell c o m p le te
% \ oro oo
T o w e r a n d t a n k s c o m p lete
3 500 00
T w o d u p le x p u m p s co m p le te
1 000 00
M ain s, f ir e p lu g * and h ose co m p le te
10 two 00
E le c t r ic lig h t ptwnt. in c lu d in g p o w er
c o m p le te
12 000 cxv
Shaving mailt* t*asy
That means good goods that will last a lifetime but
one-half what is charged for new shoddy goods.
C h a » M. K e e p ,
Pre»id ent.
B ank
H. D. S t b
w a it
C ash ie r.
F orest G rov
F O R E S T G R O V E . G IB B O N
Eatahllahed. 181WL
c a p it a l
Incorporated. IK!
■ sn,non.oo
g e n e r a l r a n k in g r is in e s
* tra n sa ct !
F o re ig n am i D om estic E x ­
c h a n g e B ou ght and S o ld . C o lle c ­
t io n , M ade on »11 A c e rm ib le
P o in t, and P ro m p tly R em itted .
» m su »s
i a. m acrcm -
a, r rv a r
■ aioaaa r w R aisas, o. c e ra w a a r.
c u a n te .