■ '£ \ WASttliNWTOA l O t . M 'i TH E H ATCH ET. Watered at the post-office at Forest Grove, Or. Second-class mail matter. TEEMS TO SUBSCRIBERS. Postage Free. ¿ g One year Six months Three months ......... ......... In Advance. $1 Ot <* V Established for the dissemination of Washing ton county news, the elevation of humanity au> the money we can make. Items o f general interest gratefully received. Editor’s hobbies and opinions on this page, all the rest facts—impartial and uncolored. Editor is at home in his sanctum, H a t c h e t Building, Forest Grove, from 6 a. m to 10 p. m. c f «ach week, day aud always glad to talk and be talked to. AU STIN C R A IG .. E ditor EADABLE E U A BLE JEPUBLICAN E and P ro pr ietor P r in t e d all AT H ome WHO SHALL BUILD AND OWN THK GREATSHIP CANALy 2 *> ilATCHKT, TH l ftSUAV, ALOUtfT », 1SM3. iting, from the Hillsboro Argus tween 67 aud 81 feet, the 1 inch throws and was originally spoken in between 64 and 8a feet. The best praise o f our neighbor's deep well, authority says a good fire stream has 80 The gravity system of St. Helens lbs. at the hydrant with not lest than 175 comes out of the Columbia River gallons per minute. For four streams it and is pumped into a tank. Here would require 700 gallons a minute, is the Times editorial: , 42,000 gallons an hour or 1,008,000 gal- St. Helens’ new water system is ' lons P " day of J4 hours. For domestic now completed. It is a gravity use 200 gallons for each inhabitant system and the Mist says would be needed. With Forest Grove's furnishes a quantity of water that j present population 300,000 gallons a dav cannot be surpassed in the state . and will be no little incentive in would '* re(‘ ulrert' ten >ears from no" causing people to locate in our j lf we have here a city of 3000, and it will midst. It observes elsewhere; j probably have that number long before, ''This city has reason to be proud ,|le supply must be 600,oco a day. of its facilities for extinguishing ,,rom the two creelcs t thfcr tberc fires. A good system of water sup­ ply and a well-trained fire depart- would be onl>' W*-000 Sallons a day tuent are things which any town can j (probably less, for these measurements well feel proud of. These coildi- are for September and the middle of Oc- lions are productive Ot confidence tober is the dryest time), not enough for and business sta b ility and if a m u- , _. .... „ , . . . . . ^ or 1 1 domestic supply. \\ hat would take care m cip ality cann ot afford such neces- | 7 s a r ie s it has no righ t to a charter. ° f the fires when they turn in a call at M en o f ca p ital are a lw a y s slow to the rate of 1,008,000 gallons a day? To R T O X E G IV E S K E E IE L ’ F 0 KE 8 T FIRES. LOSS OF LIFE AND PROPERTY. Aged Couple Burned to Death; Many J THK HOWL 1>Y PHARMACY Others Feared to Have Perished. This important question is sec in vest ill com m unities un protected conduct this amount of water, as it may J. C. CLARK, PROPRIETOR Woman Severely Burned. ond only to the great enterprise in m atters o f fire, and the business be called for even if the demand is onlv Homes Destroyed. The Keeps a Full Line o f all that pertains to a F i r s t G l a s s D r u g itself and the H a t c h e t calls pub­ ju d g m e n t o f a c ity h a v in g proper I . J 0 c : ■ for ten minutes, requires not less than Flames Still Raging. B u s i n e s s . Drugs, Proprietary Me Heines, loilet H lic attention to this matter in ad­ protection for such em ergencies is Articles, Perfumes ami Stationery. Mountain forests have been on fire 10 inch pipe, and true economy and effi­ highly co m m en d ab le.” vance of the next session of con­ * * Seventeen years experience in compounding prescriptions is a guarantee of ciency demand 12 inch. The 10 inch since the middle of last week between gress and we urge our people to .................' Will be glad to have you call when needing anything here and Scoggins Valley. There has j our ability in that work A number of rods along Prickett laid will cost at the present time 75 cents been a fire also between Buxton and Ne- 111 our line. take prompt action and petition Alikin S t r e e t , F o re -s t G r o v e a foot, the 12 inch »1 a foot. It is four 1 halem in the vkinity of Mr. Gleason's ! congress to assume the responsibil creek belongs to Mr. Ranes aud the miles to Rhoderic and a branch line of a | ranch. The lire towards Nelialein is water right has never been sold. ity of the construction of the Nic- mile to Prickett creek, at a low estimate I not reported as having burned out any | arauguan canal and thereby secure His right would have to be bought four and one-half miles together and the j buildings, as well as the rights of the Gales permanent control of this grand in­ The one in the vicinity of Gales Peak cost of the main pipe would be$i8,coo to Peak Water Co., if the city were has burned nearly all this side of the ter-oceanic highway. We have no »24 ,000. Add reservoirs, damages, range of which Gales Peak is tile summit, V Well kept horses, handsome harness, at- reason to doubt the forthcoming to get its water supply by a "grav­ rights, gates, etc. and when the water devouring all the underbrush aud the favorable report of the canal com­ ity ” system. v tractive and comfortable carriages — are touches town the cost will have reached dead and rotten trees, burning the house mission on the re assembling of con­ V much pleasanter to ride in, don’t you think and barn of Will. Armstrong, located on Shall the generarl welfare of the $35,000, then add $10,000 more for dis­ gress in December, recommending the base line directly west on the side of V so? They cost no more. Just go to Jones citizens of ForestGrove be consulted tributing it in the city. Now the rnini- the mountain facing town. It is also the construction of the canal, fixing V for your rig. Saddle horses that will suit in the selection of a water source mum supply of 542,000 gallons in the reported that a grain field a„d all the one hundred and ten millions of dol­ or the personal interest of a few process of reservoiring must stand a loss ] fencing belonging to John Bergtrou, V you. Our ’bus meets every train. Glad lars as their estimated cost of its men whose endeavor has ever been by evaporation, filtration and leakage, living just over the summit from the v to have you ride in it. Our stables will take construction. to saddle tax burdens on the city at the least of one-fifth. There is then Eagle mills were distroyed, also that There will be two propositions V good care of your horses if you choose to Harry Ball lost a field of wheat. This available only 442,000 gallons for city for their own advantage? latter, however, lacks confirmation. The before congress, one to subsidize a .'. leave them with us while in tow n.............. and fire use which would be entirely in­ house on E. L. Naylor’s homestead just private company, the other to con­ Would stock in the Gales Peak adequate. adjoining Armstrong’s place was entirely JONES THE L.VEUYMAiV. struct the great work on govern­ But there are other ebjections to this surrounded by timber and it was so F O R E S T « B O V I Water Co., be worth anything if ment account. The H a t c h e t is other sources than those where gravity scheme besides the scarcity of | smoky that the place was obscured, but absolutely opposed to the proposi­ , , . I was found when Mr. Naylor went to it in they control the water rights were water and the heavy cost $45,000). ! . . , f . ' . 8 . It. <■! I.P 1N . M KLKI JOH NSON. T . J . IIAII It IS, N o ta ry T u b lla . ' j the middle of a burn without any dam- tion to subsidize a private company selected for Forest Grove to get its The supply is wholly from infiltration , j age apparent. The underbrush and for the reason that the canal is a water supply from? coming through forest debris, runs along logs from Gales Peak south to the old ohnson national enterprise, an enterprise over and among the pastures, barnyard Hiatt place has been burned off so that a which affects every American inter­ What comparison can there be deposits and through marshes (of all Person 0,1 horseback could easily travel est and should he as completely un­ , v I the entire distance. The large green No snow . , . n . v . c between Bull Run, rising in the sources the most 1 poisonous). ' timber has not suffered much by the fire der the control of our government snow of Mt. Hood and Prickett capped peaks, with their everlasting d e -j except that whieh is partially decayed. Special Bargains in Twenty and Forty Acre as our treasury department, and and Rhoderic creeks whose sources posits supply subterranean streams The fire at present is raging in tht when completed the canal should Tracts in Washington, Yamhill are where a burn is liable to occur which break out in springs of purest vicinity of the headwaters of Clearwater constitute a new department in our at any time? water. Cut away the forest and your creek and just above the old Eagle mill and Tiliann»ok count» s. government to be known as the and in the vicinity of Wilcox and Tem­ stream will dry up. All the drainage ple’s places in Scoggins Valley. A cow FOREST GROVE Department of Commerce, clothed - - - - - OREGON. Would the citizens’ water com- area (all Gales Peak) must be controlled belonging to Mr. Hausen, on Clearwater and iti»"*"* ' with powers, duties and responsibilities co-ordinate m ittee have been more "competent” to keep human habitation from it or you creek, was burned in a canyon, being unable to escape the flames. The Corne­ with the War and Navy Depart- ; lf * * * had brougln in a report fav must deal with sewage more dangerous lius mill is reported burned but this is ♦ ban any othtf-.j On Rhoderic creek oring buying worthless water rights ments. not yet confirmed. A log schoolhouse there are now habitations up among the in district 83— the Wiitrout school— is The most nearly correct estimate up on Gales Peak? forests, in one instance the entire drain­ reported to have been burned. Mrs. of the wealth of the United States age of a stable goes into the creek dis- | Dixon who lives near Soda Springs was is upwards of sixty billions of dol- THK GRAVITY SYSTEM. taut less than twenty-five feet. burned severely but not seriously Mon- lars.aud it would be an exhibition ol The water question is the most im­ All data of the volume of Oregon Ha>' evenin« while fi8htin« ««■ The cowardice unworthy ihe prestige, portant one that has come up before the buildings on Mr. Gleason’s place beyond streams in the earlier days point to the Buxton and the schoolhouse there were prowress and power of the people citizens of the Grove for it not only of the United States to hesitate in affects the prosperity of the city but the fact that they are yearly lowering their with difficulty saved. Above Buxton this grandest of all national at­ health of the citizens. A committee of minimum supply, more passes away in on the Nehalem road fire has destroyed the buildings, fences and everything tempts at the development of our citizens was appointed at a public meet­ the maximum supply, that is, in freshets. perishable on the places of Messrs. Ed. For no more than the cost of ordinary Objections to the gravity system here natural and commercial resources. ing some time since to look into the Murphy, Dillev, Moore, Nelson and two are then: country papers you can get the W ashington others, whose names are not obtainable, The construction aud ownership of matter and after an exhaustive investi­ 1— Insufficient supply for present pop­ and Hardscrabble schoolhouse. Many the canal will crown this glowing gation, though at first diverse in their C ounty H atchet , giving four pages of news ulation. others are in exposed conditions. Mr. nation with a glory that adorns onr views, they unanimously favored the 2— As population increases supply de­ and Mrs. North an aged couple living on from all over Washington county, and a republic as the helmet does a race Holly or deep well system. The min­ Clear creek, it is feared have been creases. of Knights. The one hundred and utes of the meeting at which their report burned to death. Their place has been twelve page metropolitan weekly with the news 3— Excessive cost of construction. destroyed and a search lasting since yes­ ten millions should 1* cheerfully was given appear in full in another col­ 4— Polluted water. of the world and other valuable and interest­ terday noon has so far revealed no trace furnished bv this nation and every umn, Every one should read the pro­ 5— Expensive maintenance (such as of them. John Dallas’ place was also dollar expended under national ceedings carefully and consider the ing reading. The H atchet is printed all at interest and especially repairs for what swept by the fire. A rumor current tl^it supervision and paid only to Amer­ question without predjudice. he, his wife and two children had per­ ! will not rot out will rust out). home, $1 a year, with Weekly Sun, $1.50, with ican citizens who should be per­ So much has been urged about the | ished happily proves by late information Were there other creeks to turn in and mitted to do all the work and fur­ gravity system that the H a t c iik t has to be unfounded. All last night Mr. Weekly Oregonian, *2. The paper you ought increase the supply objections 1 and 2 Gates who lives near heard them sound­ nish all the material in its construct- taken pains to secure facts about it and might be remedied but it is not within ing a horn and he kept answering. to take. tion. The expenditure of one hun­ here presents the actual condition. No the practical limit of Forest Grove’s Towards morning the horn stopped. dred and ten millions to American other source of supply for a gravity sys­ Yesterday evening Mr. Squires was ber­ ability to remove the other objections. workmen, laborers and manufac­ tem has been suggested than Rhoderic, rying and hunting when he heard some turers of needed material in build­ Prickett and Clearwater creeks, the first ! people shouting for help and saw a man, woman and two children. He attempted ing the great ship canal, would two being ardently supported by a few T he Hillsboro Express Robbery. to go to their relief but was turned back give activity to American forces Engineer Si !ney Smith recently visited Harry Corbett, in jail, and Geo. Stew- by th? fierce flames. It was at first not witnessed since the close of the .m l measured them and reported that art' un* ^ a,,” " d ‘ h* >"«* Expenses in all departments unusually low Ion. a minute, I inch nosrie .86 gallons Riven in honor of Mrs. Wra. McLeod, Jr., s ^ m b l.g e in her honor and the wealth ,ow AN ERROR OORRF.CTF.D. of flowers sent as tributes to her mem- F a ll T e r m B e g in * S e p te m b e r 1 8 , 1 8 9 % An editorial from the Times is a minute; with a pressure of 80 lbs. at at h* T home in Dillev. There were . . . , „ some fifteen guests and they were enter- ___________ For specific information address. h inch noule, 188 gallons a . . , . „ . ... . .. . . . gjiven below. The clipping from hydrant, ' tamed most rovally.wuh excellent m ft sic the St. Helens Mist was borrowed minute. 1 inch noule. 237 gallons a by Measr< Wm j . clrloB> Umphlett and Tommy the Tinner takes silver for j T H O M A S M C C L E L L A N D , P r r w M e n t, by that paper, though w ithout cred minute The »1 inch throws water he- Miller and delicious rrfreshmenu. atoves snd tinware. FINE LIVERY RIGS _ Mi'.i.ki J & Co., REAL ESTATE AGEJMTS, V i » PACIFIC UNIVERSITY . . . and Tualatin Academy. I t li ¿I I 1 ; k F o rest G r a v e , O r p j s a A 1 . 1 ./ } V /