WASHINGTON A HO I T •v i 7 ( O l NT 1 Il V T C I I F T . T i l I K S D V I . W H IST I . I S'.I.V TOW N. Only a few days in which to select a The American Eagle is Sick. P U K K L Y P K R S O .V A L cape or cloak. It you wish one made to Independence To close them out Ladies Fine Tan order to fit you, call this week and see J . C. O ’R eilly o f Portland was in town Is dead. Oxfords, hand turned, in piccadillv or the full line from one o f the largest cloak Friday. England Square toe, at $1.40, form er price, f 2. manufacturies o f New York City, at Rules Dr. Cole visited Portland M onday and These goods are all guaranteed. Good Tem plars hall. The United States Tuesday. G rkc ; c ; ’ s S h o e S t o r k . W ith The annual teachers’ institute for Col­ Mrs. G regory o f Portland is visiting According to the census o f Y £- umbia county w ill be held at Clatskanie A firmer grasp ton county just completed the annual com m encing August 12 and closing on Mrs. Cox. Than she did output in agricultural products amounts August 16. A century Mr. U m phlett o f D illey was in town County Superintendent to $1,004,812. Considering that the en­ W atts is sparing no pains to m ake this W ednesday. And a quarter Ago. tire population o f the county is 1536a, it one of the most interesting and instruc- , E d w ard Kearney o f G ale s Creek was Mono-metallism is indeed an excellent show ing. W ash­ tivc sessions ever held in Columbia j here Tuesday. Does the ington county has alw ays been one of county. Prof. W. A. Wetzel, o f the A. Porter of .Scoggins V alle y was in the j Business. the banner counties o f the state.—Port­ Portland H igh school, has been secured land Sun. to conduct the normal work, w ho w ill be city Saturday. Y o u Y an kees Jan ies H. Pierce o f Portland visited 1 Dare not H ighest driest lot in Forest Grove for assisted by other distinguished educators ol the state. E very teacher in the the G rove Tuesday. Rem onetize sale by A. B. Thomas. county should not fail to attend, as Miss Blanche M cN am er returned from | Silver The Ladies’ W orking society o f the ample hotel accomm odations have been Until M. E. church w ill give an ice cream arranged at the low'est rates, and a gen­ Portland Thursday. England festival on the cam pus on F rid a y even­ eral good time is assured to all.— St. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Caples returned to j S a y s so. ing, Aug, 2, at the tim e o f the b nd Helens Mist. Portland W ednesday. W e’ve got you. concert. Brittannia rules Ice cream and ice cream soda at the F . W. Porter and M. H . Low rey o f W anted—To exchange a W inchester Hom e Bakery. The U. vS. Gaston were here F rid ay . shotgun fo ra good, gentle reliable horse. And the rest W. R. Coggesliell o f Toronto, Can., Geo. W. E ly and J . W . W ilks, H ills- \ Inquire at H ibb’s cash store. Of the w orld. was in town today arranging for the ap- boro, wi re in town Tuesday. The Crescent M ills o f M organ & pearauce here o f the Misses W ebling of Where now’ H. A. Moore, representing the W ilbur ! H aines are said to m ake the best flour in London, Eng. Is Am erican freedom? remedies, was in town Tuesday. the county. The Yan kees I See Abbot ¿t Roe for all commission ; Messrs. H ibbs and Ru ssell were in ! Are afraid G o to Ab!>ot & R o e’s for harness. ! business. Portland several days this week. To say F rid ay night the band will give an ­ Their souls A S u n d a y W ed d in g. W. F. Rolston, the G aston hotel pro- other entertainm ent in the open air Are their Sunday afternoon at the home o f the ! I,rietor- was in tow " W ednesday, theatre beside the old W oods & Caples Own J . W heelock M arsh returned Tuesday j Without E n g lan d ’ s building. Around the W orld in E ig h ty groom ’s sister, Mrs. S. A. W alker, Miss Minutes b y M. R. Cheney, Songs and KStella L. Foudray and C. D. K nighten ! from a Vacation trip to M t. Hood, Consent. - -I Specialties and the funny farce, “ Zacli- were united in m arriage ill the presence ' F . Edm onson and A. Bennett o f Squirm , arias’ F u n eral,” is the program m e. o f a few intim ate friends by the R ev. | G reenville visited the ('»rove F rid av . Y e Yankees, A. Rogers. A pleasant wedding dinner Seats 5 cents. J . M. Jo n es has been chosen as teacher j Squirm . followed. Best o f wishes .r*. theirs Liverine, a genuine liver and kidney Squirm and bear it. from numerous friends whom they have of the Bloom ing school for next year. cure, for sale at M iller’s Pharm acy. Joh n Bull made during their stay here. J . C. C lark spent M onday in Portland 1 Has got you A m ilitary com pany for the G rove is ^ laying in new goods for the pharm acy. : Where being talked of. It w ill put new blood Sh e Lost Sl.'iO. Mr. Burton went to his Nehalem | He wants • into the boys, straighten their shoulders Mrs. Lott o f Gaston came to the Grove ranch Sunday and will return next Su n­ Y ou— and add wonderfully to the standing ol F rid a y and drew’ money on a pension day. On a the city. E v ery encouragem ent should check oi *ico . Sh e wrapped up the $io Gold basis. be given to the movement. Miss M artha T raver will begin teach­ gold piece and $15 0 in greenbacks given M ono-metallism Lots in College addition goin g fast her at the bank in a piece o f paper inside ing a fall term o f school at W itch Hazel, Does the business. August 12. at fio o to $150 Per Call soon or a wrapper of cloth and put it in her — K aslo (B. C.) Prospector, Ju ly 1 1 , 95 - best will be taken. Win. Tinnerste of T illam ook passed pocket, paying no attention to it until L anc . l k v & S o n . the next morning after she had gotten through here Satu rd ay bound for the M on ey to l.onn. T he cloth w’alls of the sum m er theatre home. W hen she came to look for it it Nehalem. From $500 to $50,000, three to five was gone and she could find no trace of have been artistically decorated by Mr. Prof. Moses Craig o f the C orvallis A g ­ years, at 8 per cent, on improved farms. Met W agner with advertisem ents o f it. A visit to the Grove to trace it ricultural college was in tov. n several N ix o n & C u r r ish , m any o f the leading business houses of proved fruitless and where it has d isap­ days the past week. Forest d ro ve . peared to and how it went are still m ys­ the (»rove. General Thorp and Colonel Britton teries. Paints, oils and glass at Abbot & R o e’s. visited Colum bia county this w’eek to Government Land. look after land interests there. Two first class agricultural hom e­ Dr. C o le’s"new office in the rear o f the City Drug Store . . .1. V. B K IS B IN E , P rop rietor Does not claim to be the only drug store in town but does claim to have the la rg e st and Best Selected Stock, the Best Facilities for keeping stock Fresh, Clean and Pure. Prescriptions will be accurately compounded and none hut the best of drugs used. We are here for fair and legitimate business and ask .a share of your patronage. W. A. ( i n o u m . I’ K T K K L I N D , I D . rK II>A V. . The Cornelius Mechanics’ Planing Mill Co. . . M an u factu re A ll K . . in d s o f Mechanics' Building Material, Mouldings, Brackets and Turned Work. Stairbuilding a Specialty. Cotne and See Us. We can satisfy you in goods and price; « . . . C o r n e lltii» , O r e g o n . WILSON RIVER ROAD~ To Tillamook, Netarts and the Coast Most Splendid Camping Magnificent Scenery Facilities Fish and F Game ree fro m D u st Plentiful ‘¿OOO Feet Low er Than Any O ther R oute The Best Mountain Road and the Cheapest Rates of Toil in the State. A. W . SE V E R A N C E , R eceiver, T illa m o o k , Or. 10 Hours to Tillamook . . Via Wilson River Road Odd Fellows’ Officer!). Bow lby pharm acy is com pleted. It lias Joh n W hvte, a South A frican business steads, w agon road to same. En qu ire o f C. E. Dc.Chilian, D. D. G . M., o f H ills­ R. A. B r it t o n . been tastefu lly painted on the outside boro, assisted by Past Grand H um phreys man, is visiting his sister-in-law , M r s and has a neat appearance inside. It is and Noble Grand W ilkes, installed the Jan ies B. Im ly, of R cedville. cosy and com fortable. following officers for W ashington Lodge Mr. Ho won, one o f the proprietors of Quarterly Teacher's Examination. Notice is hereby given that for the Yes, G reer the grocer has the finest No. 48, I. O. O. P\, for the present term: the H illsboro Argus, made the H a t c h k t purpose o f m aking an exam ination o f all P. G ., A. T. K n ox; N. G ., T. C. M cN a­ a social call while in town Saturday. line o f teas and coffees in the city. persons who m ay offer them selves as mer; V. G ., Joh n Beal; S e c ’y, A. L. Mac- The gold fever has struck this region Mr. and Mrs. Fillm ore and son o f Los let«!; Tit a s., Philip Beal; W arden, R . H. candidates for teachers o f the schools o f L E A V E S F O R E S T G R O V E L E A V E S T IL L A M O O K and prospectors are out on every hand. Angeles, Cal., arrived Satu rd ay and are T aylor; Conductor, J . C. Greer; R. S. N. i this county, the county school superin­ Sun days, Tuesdays and Thursdays. M ondays W ednesdays and Friday*. visiting Prof. Marsh. Mr. F illm o re re­ The Dilley excitem ent still keep.) up and tendent thereof w ill hold a public exam ­ G ., H. H. C lark; L . S. N. G ., W . L. there are m any under various pretexts turned M onday. G O O D A C C O M M O D A T I O N S ON T H E R O A D . ination in the county court house at W agner; I. G ., W. Bellengher; O. G exam in ing the surrounding country. Dr. C. B. Sm ith o f C lackam as county, | H illsboro, at i o ’clock p. til., on the sec- J . Reycraft. Inquire o f T. C. M cN A M R R , P o k s s t O r o t x . Persons wishing teeth extracted pain­ a member o f tlu* last legislature, passed ond W ednesday in August, the 14th. j through the city one day last week en Candidates for state papers should pre- M K I . h l J O H N S O N . lessly should go to Dr. L arge. He w ill ' A Real S. B . O i l . T I N . T . ■l.dTA KK IS, N ota ry r u b l l o 1 route for Tillam ook. adm inister chloroform, ether or the ; sent them selves on Friday, the 16th, Saturday the deeds were signed j new preparation at either den tist’s. No wherebv Geo. T. Poteet traded ev fen the ' Mr. Hines o f Buxton and Mr. W. H. Dated this 17 th day o f Ju ly , 1895. charge to the patient if not satisfactory. \\ estern house properly for 150 acres ol | C roslev’s fam ily set off for Netarts, klki ohnmv A ustin C r a i g , land on the old Joh n W alker donation j , . . Jam es Dem psey has the lum ber and claim m ljoini.it 1. H. I.o-.very- plac< ’ Thur« 1‘1.v. « » P P « "« on the w ay one day County .School Superintendent o f W a sh - j ington county, Oregon. rock on the ground-for a new house on near Gaston. Mr. C. Carr become» pro ; and arriving there Sunday. McNAMER’S STAGE Estate Trade. M his lot 011 Second street, the G reenville prietor o f Cu hotel. Several parties at. desirous ot renting the hotel. Mr. I’o- road. teet will remain in charge for some F o rty acre fruit ranch to trade for weeks yet. file trade was made through the Forest (.»rove I,arid Company. Prop­ town property by A. B.T hom as. erly was valued at $50 jo . H ay is com ing into the G rove nowa­ days in great quantities. B ig loads are Crop Prospects. passing every little w hile. Follow ing is the crop bulletin for the Mr. J . C. Clark o f the Bow lby Phar­ W illamette valley, em bracing Colum bia, m acy m ay be found at night at Mrs. Multnomah, W ashington. Clackam as, Marion, Y am hill, Polk, Linn, Benton S lo a n ’s hotel if an ythin g is wanted in and Lane counties—The weather was the drug line. cloudy and cool, without rain, excellent conditions for the harvest which is m ak­ The planking across the slough be­ ing rapifl progress. Barley is a good yond D airy creek on the G reenville road crop wherever grown. Fall-sown grain, is in bad condition and should receive it is thought, will exceed the average. The berry is plum p and o f superior attention before an accident occurs. quality. The heads o f grain are filling full. There are no grain aphis to do any harm. There w ill be a large crop o f late potatoes. Blue plum s have commenced to ripen. There is an abundance o f all kinds o f fruit. Hops w ill make a good crop; the}’ have started to burr. The The ladies o f the Cong, church held a recent cloudy weather caused the hop- very successful ice cream social on the louse to inrrea.se, but so far no dam age is done. Farm ers are well pleased with church grounds last night. the prospects. Bargains in laud- E ig h ty acres join ing the town o f Dilley, 60 under cultivation, good house, barn and out buildings, four hundred fruit trees and any quantity o f small fruits. L ivin g water. All f«*r That is the Issue Now fifty dollars per acre on reasonable terms. M idw ifery a specialty-. Anaestht /'s adm inistered and women conil .pd without pain by C. L. L arge M. D. of Fo rest Grove. WATER OR NO WATER L a x g i . k y & S o n . There will tie a Citizens’ meeting in Verts hall. Saturday. August 3, at 8 p. m.. to hear the rej»ort of Joh n Prextel o f Tualatin has been the committee on water supply. bound over by Justice Day on the charge o f com m itting rape on the person '»f his Every resident who is interested little 12-year old step-daughter.—Oswego in the welfare and prosperity of this city should he present as the Iron Worker. W anted— In Forest (»rove, small fur­ matter to Ite cotisidere I is of greater nished house or rooms suitable for house importance than any or all other keeping. Leave word at this office. questions that have heretofore At (Vales Creek Sunday 2b people were ; (.«»me b e fo re th e citizens o f th is baptized. A numl>er from the Grove place. Recommendations by the were present. committee will accompany the re To loan—Some money. port and it is both desirable and E d w a r d L. N a y l o r . important that an emphatic exnres A. A. Phillips o f Cornelius made a sioti of a very large ]>er cent, o f the pleasant call at the H a T c HKT offict voters be bad on the recommends- while 111 the city Thursday. ion at that time An excellent line of Japan ese silks for Come an yb o d y. *\fen % w om en ladies’ w aists 35 cents per yard af a n d c h ild re n Ail are directly in­ Caples & Thom as. terested in a supply of pure healthy Dr. Parker has been appointed post­ master at G reenville. Bom— At Forest G rove, Or., on Ju ly 27. to the w ife o f A . C. Adam s of Sp*>- k an c. W ash., a.daughter. water. By Order of the Committee ; .I i Co., R E jA L E S T / t T E A G E JM T S , L K. Corby, ot Aldric h Slater it Co., Announcement. Portland was in the city W ednesday for Special Bargains H avin g located perm anently in F o r­ the purpose o f attending to the black­ Tracts in est G rove, Oregon, to practice den tistry i boards o f the public school. Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Roe, Mrs. E. H. in all its branches we kindly ask the j M arsh, Misses Anna Roe and Belle patronage of all w ishing first class den­ Clark and Mr. Chas. hat tuck started tal services. Our prices are very reason- I FO R E ST GROVE W m . T. L y o n . Tuesday m orning for the h ills to pick able. Office in the Ingles building. 17 berries. in Twenty and Forty A ’ re Washington, Yamhill and Tillamook counties Mr. and Mrs. T. J . W irtz, M iss Annie Not ice. Pomeroy and J . J . W irtz went to the Notice is hereby given that I w ill re- i Upper Nehalem M onday to fish, gather berries and have an outing. T h ey will j reive at my office sealed bids for the po- i j sition o f Jan ito r in the public schools o f j return F rid ay . said district. Bids to be opened on the ! Prof. Garrison and fa m ily have been 15th day o f A ug., 1895. The right to re- ' spending the last fo rtn ight in A m ity, je c t any or all bids is hereby reserved. A a ro n W k i . i . s . Y am h ill county, in the place where he ' C lerk Dist. No. 15. 17 1 first camped in Oregbn forty-nine years i ago, and visited old acquaintances. lO c Miss Catherine Lansing, who has been \ v isitin g Mrs. I. H. Hazel for three weeks. returned home this m orning. Miss Lan- sing is a mem ber o f the faculty o f Pacific U niversity at Forest G ro v e .— Dalles Chronicle. 1 | j j Prof. W. H. Powell, Cottage G rove public panied by his mother, Tuesday driving from North Y am h ill ti visit Anderson. j j j | | principal o f the school, accom was in the city the Nehalem to hi» sister. Mrs. Mrs. Anna Bald rick o f University l'ark . Portland, was in the city W ednes­ day looking for a location to reside where she m ight educate her children. It is probable she will m ake Forest G rove her home. H A 1 K( -U TTIXG , L'Oc GOOD W ORK P. A. HARTMAN Hugh**8 b Son’ll Sfora, FOHEM T G K O V E . Next I> tor p, S. Mr. C. Fritz o f the Pacific Coast E n ­ graving Co. ia in town again after a trij <»f several weeks in the interest o f th< om panv. He visited Salem , Wood burn New berg and other places and met witl. ;ood success. He will lie busy some »me filling the orders he received. . . OREGON. For no more than the cost of ordinary country papers you can get the W a s h i n g t o n C o u n t y H a t c h e t , giving four pages of news from all over Washington county, and a twelve page metropolitan weekly with the news of the world and other valuable and interest­ ing reading. The H a t c h e t is printed all at home, $1 a year, with Weekly Sun, $1.50, with Weekly Oregonian, $ 2 . The paper you ought to take. C. L. H I NMAN, H OKSE O U T F IT T E R , Charley Cooper left last Sunday fo: Whip*, Saddir», M A IS ST R E E T , Glencoe in W ashington county, accom ­ Blankets, Harness, F o rm a t G r o v e . panied by his grandm other, Mrs. Corey, Carriage Trim m ings. who was returning home from a several w eeks' visit to her son, Thos. Cooper, ot this c ity.—St. Helens Mist. M r.Christian,w ho form erly was in bus iness here in the firm o f Christian & Rice, returned Thursday from Southern Oregon where for ten m onths he has t>een prospecting. He brought back specimens from his two claim s— one quart/, and the other placer. - HAS. K. .Ml KSON H. W. SCOTT. Notary Public H. W .SCOTTA 00 . REAL ESTATE H<»ni»>»t«-ad a n <1 K K. lain d* la trato ti, RACIER’ UNIVERSITY . . . and Tualatin Academy. T h e A c ad em y fits for the College. It* graduates are admitted to Amherst without examination. It offers exceptional facilities for obtaining a g e n e r a l E n g l i s h e d u c a t i o n . T h e C o lleg e C ourses equal those of the leading Eastern insti­ tutions. The C o nservatory op M usic gives instruction of the highest order in Instrum ental and I'oeat Mûrie. Expenses in all d etrim en t* unusually low. F a ll T e rm B o g in s S e p te m b e r IS , 181 ).». « r . s I and I »HW Kusine** a S é r ia it ? , For specific information address. In g le * B lo c k , FOREST G K O V E . TH O M AS H c l L E L L A l D , P r e s id e n t , Forest Orore, Oregon. N* SI •