F O R E S T G R O V E , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , .JULY 4, 181)5. VO L. 1, No. 1«. I 1 \ a l e r t HOOK AND LADD ER CO. No. i — Aaron Wells, president. Horace Stewart, vice- president. C. O. Roe, secretary. K- B. Sapping- ton, treasurer. K. B. Sappington, chief. H. B. Johnson, foreman. H. U. Clark, ist assistant. Joe Bailey, 2nd assistant. trol ^legislation in that body to their publican national platform when I in­ liking. That they will be able todo this sist that all distinctions between gold there is very grave doubt. Should they and silver as respects their coinage, their ST A T E O P O REGO N . Protection, Bi-metal Uni, Nicaragua be able to do so, then undoubtedly con­ legal tender function and their capacity Canal. Harbor Appropriations gress would correct some of the gross in­ as money of ultimate redemption, be Governor.............. .................. Win. P. Lord FO REST GRO VE FRKKTHOUGHT LIBR AR Y Secretary of State............... Harrison K. Kincaid mid Senator Mitchell was interviewed Mon- equalities of the existing Wilson-Jones- forever swept away by legislation. reading room is open every Thursday and Treasurer ............................... Phillip Metscham Friday afternoon and evening Mrs. A. E- Bar­ Supt. Public Instruction................... G. M. Irwin ker, librarian. i day (17th) by a Sun reporter on topics of Gorman tariff act, especially those which “ The more especially am I fortified in State Printer.......................................W. H. Leeds so seriously affect adversely the groat in- my position by the following plank in j national interest. / Chas. K. Wolvcrton Supreme Court < ................................R. S. Dean FOREST GRO VE HAND. Uniform««!, nine­ “ 1 believe, senator, ” said the reporter, dustries of the Pacific coast, such as the state platform of the republican party ( __ K. A. Moore teen pieces. Meets Wednesday and Friday of Judge Fifth District ................T. A. McBride each week. W. Baldwin, pres., L. C. Greer, sec. I “ you arc the ranking republican of the wool, lumber, coal, hops, fruit and other | of Oregon, adopted unanimously by its Attorney Fifth District...................W. N. Barrett j senate committee on privileges and elec­ farm products, and would in other re­ : state convention of 1890, and on which G LEN CO E LODGE, No 22, K of I\ meets in its castle hall, Glencoe, every tions? What is your opinion as to the late spects restore to full vigor and effect the was elected the legislature which, in Jan ­ W ASHINGTON (O IN T V . alternate Saturday. Visiting brothers | senatorial election in Delaware?” protective policy in such manner as to uary, 1891, re-elected me to the senate, welcomed. E Davis, C C :J S Jackson. “ Ordinarily, it might seem out of place not only adequately protect the interests ; giving me the vote of every republican judge ...... B. P.Cornelius K of R and S. ", . . ( d . B. Reaaoner for me, occupying this position on the of the wage earners and American indus­ member of that legislature. This plank Commissioners J j* g . Todd FO REST GRO VE L IB E R A L CHURCH hold committee, to express an opinion in ad­ tries generally, but would result in j reads as follows: Clerk __ R. B. Goodin Sheriff H. P. Ford I regular services every alternate Sunday in Verts “ ‘Sixth—That, recognizing the fact Krconlcr K L. McCormick | Liberal hall at 8 p m . Sunday school 3 p 111. vance of a full hearing in reference to a bringing into the treasury a sufficient Mrs A E Barker, lecturer. T ret .urer J.W . Sappinuton | contested matter involving the right of a amount of revenue to meet the necessities that the United States is the greatest Assessor. Oeorge H. Wilcox School Superintendent U A lluiiu FOREST GROVE T E N T , K O T M meets person to a seat in the senate, but, as Sen- of the government, and thus avoid the j silver-producing country in the world, Surveyor I - K. Wilkes weekly in Masonic hall. Sojourning knights Coroner W. U. W ckk I s invited. Austin Craig. K C L L Langley, R K 1 ator Gray, of Delaware, present chairman dire and humiliating necessity of issuing I and that both gold and silver were of the committee, gave out an interview’ and selling bonds bearing a high rate ; equally the money of the constitution FO REST GROVE F IR E D EPARTM ENT. on the subject, immediately after the ad­ of interest and at enormous sacrifice for 1 from the beginning of the republic until C I T Y O F F O R E S T O lt O V B . AI.ARM S:—G e n e r a l A l a r m - Rapid tapping journment of the legislature of Delaware, that purpose, as has been the case with the hostile legislation against silver, | of the bell. The location of the fire willbe mdi- M ayor , 1 cated by the number of full taps given between in which he gave it as his opinion that the present administration. Hut it must | which unduly contracted the circulating two general alarms- corresponding to the 1111m- the acting governor of the state had a not be forgotten that even should the two | medium of the country; and recognizing Hon. S. Hughes. I ber of wards whose limits are given below. Call for drill—Three taps, pause, three taps, perfect right to exercise the functions of houses of congress be controlled by the I that the great interests of the people de- CO UN CILM KN , I pause, three taps, , C. Walker, President, senator and executive at the same time, republicans, Mr. Cleveland is executive 1 mand more money for use in the chan­ j Call for meeting—Five taps. K- B. Sappington, and that, therefore, there was no election, until March 4, 1897, and until then it is nels of trade and commerce; therefore WARD LIM ITS. D. C. Stewart, Geo. L. Smith, j First ward—North of Pacific avenue and east 1 at once gave the legal and constitu­ clear no party measure could pass over we declare ourselved in favor of the free 1 of College Way. and unlimited coinage of silver, and de­ tional questions involved (there being no an executive veto.” C. L. Large, Second ward—North of Pacific avenue and T. C. McNamer, question as to the facts in this case) my between College Way and B street. nounce any attempt to discriminate PROSPERITY RETU R N ING . Third ward—Naylor's addition. R ecorder , Fourth ward - Between Pacific avenue and careful consideration. In view of the “ What is your opinion as to the pre­ against silver as unwise and unjust.’ Second avenue south. Aaron Wells. various provisions of the constitution of sent business outlook?” “ Elected to the senate on that plat­ Fifth ward—Between Second avenue and South Park addition. Delaware, 1 am clearly of the opinion T r ea su r er , “ I am much gratitfied to find some form for the term I am now serving, Sixth ward—South Park addition. J. C. Greer. that when the speaker of the senate as­ evidence of returning business activity there I stand—faithful to its wise admo­ sumed the duties of governor he ceased and increased prosperity in this city and nitions and instructions. I should con­ M a rsha l , Portland Market Report. John Striplin. to be not only the speaker of the senate, throughout this state. In Western Ore­ sider myself false to my party and to R e v is e d W e e k l y . ................Fire Warden E TV Sappington but also senator, and hence has no right gon particularly I notice crop prospects the legislature which elected me if I did Justice of the Peace S. Hughes Dried Fruits. whatever to participate in the senatorial are exceptionally good and also in the not.” .................... Constable Apricots—Evaporated, 10c; sun, 8c K. B. Sappington.. FAVO RED BY TH E M ASSES. John Bailey, 1 Apples—Evaporated, 5 to 5J 4 c; machine, 5 to election, or be counted as a senator in , greater portion of Eastern Oregon, there ......... School Directors 5^c; sun 4 to 5c E . !!r«le, > making up the quorum. If 1 am right being some trouble with the crops, as I “ I am further encouraged in the be­ Geo. L. Smith,) Peaches—Evaporated 7 to 9c; sun, 5 to 6c in this, then Mr. Dupont was duly understand, in Gilliam and Morrow lief that I am, in my advocacy of the ........................... Clerk Aaron Wells Plums—Pitted, evaporated, 4 to 5c; sun, 4 to elected as the successor of Senator Hig­ ......... Supt. of Schools T . J. Thorp, A. M counties. I notice the bank clearings remonetization of silver, that is, the 5c; prunes, 4 to 6c gins in the United States senate. The of tliis city for the past week show an placing of silver on the same plane le­ Pears—Evaporated, 5 to 6c; sun, 3 to 4 two offices of executive and legislator increase of 58 4-10 per cent over those of gally with gold in respect to its coinage C h u r c h I> ir r i* to r y . Prunes—Italian 6 to 7J^c; French, 3 to ^ are, to my mind, clearly incompatible, last year. This is a greater increase, with and uses as money, in entire accord with Fruits. CONG REG A T ION A I. CHU RC H. Plums—75c to $1 per box and the functions of both cannot be exer­ the single exception of Spokane, where the great masses of the republican party A. R o g e r s , P a s t o r . Apricots—75c to $1 per crate cised at the same time by one and the the increase was 77 8-10 per cent, than of the Pacific coast, by the fact that each Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. ami 8 p. 111. Peaches—Ji to $1.25 per box same person. If, however, it can be in any other cf the principal cities of the of the last republican state conventions Sunday school after morning service. Cherries—75c to $1 per box Social meetings every Thursday evening at shown to me on full bearing and able country. This is an evidence of in­ in the states of California, Washington, Strawberries—Oregon 4 to 5c 8 o’clock. Young people’s meeting one hour before Sun­ Blackberries—7c per lb argument I am wrong in these conclu­ creased activity. Still that that fearful Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South day evening service. Gooseberries—2 to 3c per lb sions, 1 will have no hesitation, of course, attack of financial and business la grippe Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado and also Strangers are always cordially welcomed, Raspberries— 4c per lb in so conforming my views in my future j under which the country has been suf­ the republicans in the territorial con­ METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Egg* and Poultry. official action.” fering for the past two or three years has ventions of every territory of the United K ie v . D . A . W a t t e r s , P a s t o r . Eggs—Oregon ranch, 15c Services every Sunday at 11 a. 111. and 8:30 p. 111. not yet loosened its deadly grasp is States resolved in their party platforms Poultry -Fancy old hens $2 75 to $3 per dozen, SENATO R M ORGAN’S SE A T . Sun lay school at 12.15 p. in. Junior league ever> mixed coops, $2.25 to 2 75; broilers, $1.23 to 2 50; “ Is there likely to be a contest over the made clearly manifest by the fact that, in favor of free and unlimited coinage of Sun lay at 4 p. m. Epworth league at 6:30 p. 111., turkeys, dressed, 12c; live, 8 to 10c; ducks, $4 to 5; Sunday. Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m.t Thursday. seat of Senator Morgan, of Alabama, and according to Bradstreet, the failures in silver. The only partial exception or old $3 to 3.50; geese, $5 to 6 for old and $6 to 7 for CH RISTIAN CHURCH. what is your opinion iu regard to that?” j the United States during the past week limitation w hatever in any of these dec­ young per doz; pigeons $ 1 .75 per doz Regular service every Sunday at 11 a. m. an 1 “ I think it quite probable a question were 241, as against 232 of the corres­ larations wras in the platform of the re­ Provisions. 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. 111. Aaron Hams—Medium 11 to i i J4 c ; dried beef hams. as to the validity of Senator Morgan’s i ponding week ot last year,or an increase publican party of the state of Washing­ Wells, j»upt. Prayer meeting Thursday even­ ing at 7:30 p. 111. Sr. Y. P. S. C. E. Sunday even 12c; shoulders, to 7'-tic ton, which limited it to the American seat will be presented for the consider­ ot failures of 2J2 per cent.” in,4 at 6:30 p. 111. Jr. V. P. 8. C. E. Sunday Bacon -Breakfast bacon. 12c; short clear sides. afternoon at 4 p. 111. Sylvia Edwards, president product, while the last republican legis­ ation of the senate, but if so it will be j REM ONETIZATIO N OF SIL V E R The public are cordially invited to all these 9 to 10c; dry salt sides, 8J4 to 9c meetings. “ Senator, do you still adhere to your lature of California, recently adjourned, Lard—Compound, in tins, 7J2C; pure, in tins, based upon alleged frauds in the election 1 of the members of the legislature and | views on the silver question, as fre­ has, by joint resolution, as I understand, 8^ to 9c BAPTIST CHURCH. I Pigsfeet—8o’s. $4.25; 40's, 2.25; kits, $1.25 F . E. S c o f i e l d , P a s t o r . cognate matters, and as these will involve j quently expressed by you in your instructed its senators end requested its Services 011 the first ami third Sunday of the Butter and Cheese. the consideration and determination of ] speeches in the senate and in various representatives to vote in congress for mouth at 11 a in and 7 30 p m. Sunday school at 10 a -n each Sunday. Win Robb, superintendent. j Butter—Fancy creamery, 27^ to 30c per roll; questions of fact, in reference to which the free and unlimited coinage of silver. journalistic interviews?” Prayer m-eting ou Thursday evening at 7 30. fancy dairy 15 to 18c; Tillamook 17M1 to 20c; fair “ It will not do, therefore, for anyone, “ Most assuredly. So far from having to good, 10 to 20c; common, i*$ 4 c; prime, 15 to 20c 110 one can be fully informed in the ab­ sence of a caxcful investigation and become weakened in the faith, I have, I care not what may be his honest con­ I per roll for No. 1; store, 10 to 123% per roll P o s t O lllc e o f F o r e s t ( ¿ r o v e . | Cheese—Oregon, 10 to 11c; fancy, ri to ia^c; proofs, as well as grave legal and consti­ by further careful study and investiga­ victions on the question, and except as W. H. CKOSLKY, P. M. j domestic, 14 to 18c tutional questions, it would be highly tion of the question, become more fully to a very few I consider and believe all A R R I V A L AND D E P A R T U R E OF MA ILS. Vegetables. improper for me or any member of the convinced than ever that the views I are honest, to insist that the republicans To and from Portland and all points: Departs Onions—Onions, 60 to 75c per sack; California, senate to express an opinion in advance have heretofore advocated on the mon­ of Oregon who favor the full remonitiza- 6:25 a. 111. Arrives 9:30 a. ill. $1 to 1.25 To Corvallis, Salem and all points on the West Potatoes—Burbanks, No. 1 fancy, 25 to 40c per ol the hearing.” etary sul j .«t are correct and in line with tion of silver have either drifted, or are Siile. Departs 8:2s «■ m. Arrives 4:30 p. m. sack; other kinds, 15 to 25c; new, $1 to i.ro the best interests of all classes of the drifting, or intend to drift, or can much N ICARAGU A C A N A L. To Greenville, Manning, Buxton and V emonia: Turnips—$1 per sack: cabbage, iJ6c per pound; Arrives 12 111. Departs 1 p. ni. the people and the real physical devel­ less be driven, from the republican “ What, in your judgment, is the pros­ fancy celery 75c to $1 per doz.; cauliflower, $1 per doz., artichokes, «0 to 60c per doz., beets 75c pect for legislation in the next congress opment and business prosperity ot this party.!’ Civic S o H e t i c . per sack, asparagus sand 6c, green peas 2 and 3c favorable to the early construction of the country. I am unalterably opposed to FALLACIO U S ARG U M EN TS. A. O. U. W.—Forest Grove Lodge No. rhubarb \ % to 2c, new potatoes 1 to i^ c , green Nicaraguan canal?” the single-gold standard. I, in the lan­ “ It is amazing to hear it urged, as it bo, A. O. U. W., meets every Tuesday corn 35c per dozen, cucumbers $1.50 per box, “ I think excellent. In fact I look for­ guage of the last national republican frequently is, as an objection to the free evening in Odd Fellows’ hall. So­ tomatoes, Eastern, $4.50 to $5.50 per crate, Cali­ journing brethren cordially invited to attend meetings. Joe Bailey, M. W., W. C. fornia ioc per lb, string beans 6 to 7c per lb ward with a great degree of confidence to platform, ‘demand’ not merely ‘favor,’ coinage of silver, as erroneously stated, Hoyt, recorder. Oregon wax beans 6 to 7c per lb the enactment into law at the next but ‘demand the use of both gold and that there are hundreds of millions of Hay and Feed. session of congress of legislation that will silver as standard money;’ not gold silver dollars lying idle in the vaults of K. of P. —Delphos Lodge No. 39, K. of P. Hay—Choice timothy sells at $9 to 9.50, mixed insure the speedy completion of that merely as standard money, and silver the treasury which cannot be forced into meets every Saturday evening in Ma­ sonic hail. All members of this or­ $7 to 8. cheat $ 4 to 5 per ton, grain hay $7 per great work under the control of the gov­ as token money or subsidiary coin, but circulation and are not put into circula­ ganization are cordially invited to ton. bran $11.50 per ton, shorts, $12.50 per ton attend our meetings. J. S. Buxton. C. C., J. H. Barley—Steady. Quote: Feed 57^ to 60c per ernment of the United States. As you both gold and silver as standard money, tion for the reasons, as erroneously and Wescott, K. of R. S. In other talsaly stated by many, that the people are aware the senate at the recent as stated in that platform. cental, brewing $15 to 16 per ton. Oats—Demand good for choice grades. Quote: session, after a most elaborate debate, words, we must have no limit on the do not want silver. This is a most egre­ v WASHINGTON LODGE. No. 48. I. O. O. F.. meets in its hall every feed 27 to 28c per bushel, seed 25 to 26c per passed such a bill by a majority of 10 metal either in respect to coinage, legal gious mistake. What are the actual Monday evening. Visiting broth­ bushel, grey 26 to 28c for choice ers welcomed. A. T. Knox, N. G. votes which failed of consideration, tender function or debt-paying power, facts? Our whole stock of coined silver Price of Meats. J. B. Beal, Rec. Sec y. Beef—Gross, top steers $3 to 3.65, fair to good however, in the house. I have no doubt that is not imposed on the other, nor dollars to date (June 1, 1895) is $423,277,- FOREST REHEKAH LODGE, No. 44. steers, $2.50 to 2.75, cows $3.50 to 2.75, dressed whatever this same measure, or one must any legislative recognition be with­ 219. Of this amount $52,812,570 is in I. O. O. F., meets in Odd Fellows hall beef 5 to 7c per lb equally as good, will pass the session at held from one that is not accorded the actual circulation among the people, on the first and third Wednesday of Veal—Dressed, small 5 to 7c, large 3 to 4‘ 4 c per each month. Visiting members wel- the next session by an increased major­ other, and, therefore, as the coinage of while $370,464,649 are in the treasury, it c. . Mrs. H. B. Bryant. N. G Alice Mc­ pound. Namer, Rec. Sec'y. Mutton—Gross, best sheep wethers, $2.50 to ity, while the large republican majority gold is free and unlimited, so must be is true. But this latter amount is not 2.75, ewes $2 to 2.50, lambs, live, 3c per lb., in the house will insure its passage there. the coinage of silver. As gold is by leg­ free silver subject to use. It cannot be * HOLBROOK LODGE, No. 30. A. F and dressed mutton 4 to 4? 4 c. lamb 6 to 8c Hogs-Gross, choice, heavy $3.50 to 3.75, light In such event I should expect it would islative enactment money of ultimate used except in the redemption of silver A. M., meets in its hall the Thursday on or before the full moon of each and feeders, $3 50, dressed $4 obtain the approval of the president; in­ redemption, so, too, must silver be en­ certificates. It ought to be used, but ' ^ month. Chas. Hines, W. M. Geo. Flour. deed, I have no reason to believe he dowed by law with the like function. the secretary of the treasury will not use Briggs. Sec'y. Flour—Snowflake $2 85 Portland $2.85, Dayton would not approve such a measure but, in The coinage, however, must be at a it, in the redemption of the Sherman $2.85, Gold Drop $3.10, Graham $2 45 to 2.55 FOREST GRO VE LODGE, No. no, I. case it could not receive executive ap­ ratio fixed by law—the precise means by treasury notes. Why, then, is this silver Wool. O. G. T. meets every Saturday in I. O. G. T. hall. Visiting members invited. Wool—Valley, according to quality, per lb u J 4 proval, I should have strong hope that which such ratio has always been fixed in the vaults of the treasury not free sil­ L. C. Walker. C. T. Mrs. Alice Pratt, to i2^c. Eastern Oregon and Washington 6 to ioc congress would have votes enough to pass — not by commerce. But for the fact ver? Simply because of the fact that Secretary. Hops. that it would necessitate the recoinage there is in actual circulation standing it over a veto.” Hops—Choice 5 to 6c. medium 2 to 4c FOREST GROVE CAMP. No. 98, Woodmen of of all our present silver dollars, I should against this amount of coined «ilvcr R IV E R AND HARBOR WORK. the World, meets in Odd Fellows hall every first and third Saturday. Visiting neighbors invited. “ What about the prospect for river and favor the fixing of that ratio by law at dollars $321,553,171 of silver certificates H. H. Clark, C. C. S. G. Morgan. Clerk. M a r k e t Quotations. harbor appropriations at the next * 5/4 to 1; as it is, however, I am deci­ redeemable in silver. But not only so, FOREST GROVE. dedly in favor of maintaining the existing as against the balance of $42,219,145, J. B M ATTH EW S POST, No. 6. G A. R , session?” meets in Masonic hall the first ami third Wed­ that is, of these standard silver dollars E lia s ' t a l i t h . p.*C, c o r r e c t e d w e e k l y b y o r e e r t h e o r o c e r . “ I think excellent. It has, as you are ratio of 16 to I. nesdays of each month. O. R. Downs, Adj. REMOVE T H E LIM ITATIO NS. in the treasury, and the $94,265,611 in aware, been the custom of congress for a P roducer s S e l lin g P r ic e . “ Until the limitations now imposed by gold coin in the treasury, are outstand­ number of years past to enact but one . .7 to 15 cts. per lb. COLUMBIA LODGE, No. 11, D. of H . meets Butter. . 14 cts. per doz. in Odd Fellows hall, the third Tuesday of each K k r * river and harbor bill in each congress, law on the coinage of silver, and which ing, redeemable in coin $117,954,807 10 to 13 cts per lb. month. Mrs. Ed. Buxton, C. of H. Mrs. J. T. Cheese 8 cts. per lb. that is, a bill every alternate session only. are not imposed on the coinage of gold, treasury notes issued under the Sherman Bacon-sides Shannon, Sec. .10 cts. per lb. Ham In the session just closed no river and are removed, silver cannot be regarded act of 1890, gold certificates redeemable .6 cts. per lb. Shoulders . . .10 cts. per lb. D ELPH A T E M P L E , No. 7, Rathbone Sisters, Lard harbor bill was passed, consequently, at for one moment as ‘standard money.’ in gold to the amount of $48,539,569, j o to 30 cts. per hundred lbs. meets in Masonic hall the second and fourth Potatoes -5 to 100 cts. per hundred lbs. the coming session we confidently expect Those persons, therefore, who now are United States notes to the amount of Wednesdays o f each mouth. Visiting mem­ Onions 3 to 3H per lb. bers welcomed. Mrs. Sophie Smith. M. E. C. Beans. to secure the passage of a bill, and the so vehemently insisting on the perpetuity $266,938,032, to say nothing of the cur­ . .4 to 6 cts. per lb. Mrs. Geo. Smith. M. of R. and C. Dried Apples. .4 to 6 cts per lb. Dried Prunes delegation will, doubtless, by concert of of the single gold standard, are the rency certificates issued uuder the act of 3 % to 4 cts. per lb. Tallow J. B M ATTH EW S POST, No. II, Women's Chickens, old $1 to $2.50 per do*. action, be able to secure a liberal share champions of a contention in direct June 8, 1872, amounting now in circula­ Relief Corps, meets alternate Thursdays, May Ducks $2 to $3 per do*. 3-17, etc., in Odd Fellows hall. Mrs. Eliza Cros- Geese for river and harbor improvements in flagrant antagonism of that clause in the tion to $48, 245,000. $f< to JW per do*. ...... Tey, Pres. Mrs. Mrya K. Greer, Sec’y. 10 to isH cts. per lb. alive. Turkeys “ In one breath our single gold stand­ Minneapolis national republican plat­ \ 1 4 to 3 eta. per lb. 14 less for Oregon.” Hides. f grubby or murrain. form of 1892, which says: ‘ i he American ard friends and advocates insist the un­ T A R IF F LEG ISLATIO N . M K IN L E Y REPUBLICAN CLUB—For the 35 to 40 cts. each. advancement of Republican interests here and Sheep Pelts “ What tariff legislation, if any, do you people from tradition and necessity favor limited coinage of silver means an infla­ I2H to 3 cts gr *ss weight. 5 elsewhere. Meetings on call Gen. T. J. Thorp, Beef to 6 cts. dresae.l bimetalisin, and the republican party de­ tion by unnecessarily and improperly in­ anticipate in the next congress?” president. Austin Craig, secretary. f j to f 2 50. Mutton 4% to s cts. per lb dresaed Pork “ That depends very largely on the mands the use of both gold and silver as creasing the amount of the circulating .4 to 4*s cts. dressed. W. C. T. U. Local branch meets u t a n ljr d Veal For one I claim to medium, thus leading to an abnormal question as to whether the republicans standard money.* 40 cts ciear Tuesday af»s. noons at 3 o’clock in Woods & Wheat to 20 cts sacked. Cm pies’ hal Mrs H H Marsh. Pres., Mrs. oats are able to organize the senate and con- stand squarely on that plank of the re- inflation of prices of all commodities, fb y> to $7 so baled. DIRECTORY. 'SEN. MITCHELL’S VIEWS I! ^ ► I Í % © Pratt. Sec’y. Hay A . T H R E E CENTS A COPY. and to a depreciated currency, while in the next breath it is insisted that the re­ monetization of silver by this country alone will result in driving all of the gold out of the country, thus contract­ ing the currency and leading to ruin­ ously low prices. Surely both of these results cannot follow. As a matter of fact it is equally true that ueither would follow. “ To those who harbor fears as to the effect of independent bimctalism, I would invite attention to the extract which I hand you from an able address delivered before the legislature of the state of Pennsylvania by Mr. Charles Heber Clark, April 9 last. The extract is as follows: “ Mr. Ja y Cooke, a wise financier and a man of the loftiest character, writing in the Philadelphia Investment News for April 1894, observes: “ If the proposed international bimetallic conference should prove a failure, my plan would be at once to go back in our own country to bimetalisin and open our mints to the free coinage of silver as well as gold. Let the government enact such regula­ tions as would positively insure that not a dollar of silver produced out of our own country could be imported into the country, except upon the payment of such a duty as would be equal to 5 per cent, greater than the depreciation in the markets of the world of silver bullion, or of silver manufactured into any shape, I, myself, would not be at all afraid of any great influx of silver, even if there were no impediments to its importation; but this plan of placing a protective tariff upon it would effectually calm the fears of those weak individuals who ex­ press apprehensions of large silver im­ portations and the withdrawal of our gold. We could easily circulate every dollar of the product of our mines, and it would form a natural and needed in­ crease of the circulating medium in our midst.” v “ I commend this opinion to the gold men who constantly employ offensive terms in their reference to the bimetal­ ists. Surely no man will dare, even if he shall impeach the wisdom of Mr. Cooke, to denounce as the enemy of sound money, or as an assailant of the public credit, the man who performed for this nation during the civil war financial service scarcely less important than that done in the field by the great soldiers of the republic.” NOT TO BE LA U G H ED OUT OF COURT. “ The time is passed when this money question is to be laughed or ridiculed out of court or throttled by denunciation either upon the one side or the other of the advocates of either theory. The people are investigating for themselves, and the question is not to be deteVminea either by denunciation of the advocates of the single gold standard, or vice versa, but by careful investigation, argument and the exercise of deliberate judgment. Nothing is 10 be gained by either ridi­ cule or denunciation. It is useless on the part of the advocates of the single gold standard to attempt further to fpol or delude the great masses of the people upon this question. President Lincoln never uttered a truer remark when he said, ‘You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people ¿11 of the time. ’ Surely the republicans of Oregon were not crazy or entirely off their base, from a business or financial standpoint when they iu their state platform in 1890 unanimously and without dissent declared in favor of tlie free and unlimited coinage of silver. If the policy of the free and unlimited coinage of silver now is a crazy inflation scheme, as many of the advocates of the single-gold standard would have the peo­ ple believe, it was no less such a scheme in 1890, and yet it then had the cordial and efficient support not only of the re­ publican state convention of this state and the legislature of the state, but of every republican newspaper, and every republican voter in the state. It^then had itiy support; it has my cordial sup­ port now; it has had it in the senate in the past; it shall have it in the future during the remainder of my term. It must be conceded, however, the people or any number of them have the right to change their mind if convinced they are wrong. For one, I ain disposed to give those who now advocate the single gold standard and who favored the free and unlimited coinage of silver in this state in 1890 credit for honesty of purpose, that is to say, the most of them—not all. That they have been and arc misled, however, by a few false teachers, whose individual and personal interests are allied with and dominated by the policy of the single gold standard I firmly be­ lieve. “ In any event, however, and at all times the great republican party of this nation, whose record is adorned with great achievements in the past, may be confidently depended upon to correctly solve this great financial problem on the (Continued on 4th page.) V v à Ì