1 V. W A S H I N G T O N C O I N TY H A T C H E T , T H U U S U A Y , J U N E 2 0 , 1 8 0 .'». A 8 l5 ,o o n !• IRE. , J K u te re d a t th e p ost-office a t F o re st G ro v e , Or. a s S e c o n d -c la ss m a il m a tter t — , * ' * ) > ■ Flames Destroy the K. G. Flour Mill and Macleod Warehouse. Wanted for Murder. A Mr. Sm ithey, wanted in California on suspicion of murder, and the Mrs. Y o u n g who has been livin g with him near Beaverton are lik ely to leave on re­ quisition o f the California Governor soon, as the papers are on th eir way now. Mrs. Y o u n g ’s children have been taken in charge by the Portland B o y’s and G ir l’s A id society. The Sunday m orning stillness was broken a little after 3 o ’clock by the O ne y e ar $1 00 clanging o f the church bells and the S i x m o u th s ............ 60 prolonged shriek o f the cannery whistle. T h r e e m o n t h s ....................... 35 Ju st as the aw akened people were won­ In A d va n ce . dering if it was a com mencement out­ —4 - . . E s t a b lis h e d fo r th e d ia s e m in a tio n o f W a sh in g ­ break on the part o f the students, the ton c o u n ty n e w s, th e e le v a tio n o f h u m a n ity and rapid tapping o f the fire bell, fol­ Teachers Institute. th e m o n e y w e can m a k e . lowed in a few moments by the tin klin g Ite m s o f g e n e ra l in te re st g r a t e fu lly re c eiv ed . The annual institute for W ashington o f the hook and ladder truck as it rattled E d it o r ’s h o b b ie s a n d o p in io n s on th is p a g e , a ll county teachers w ill be held at H illsboro over the sidewalks, settled the question. th e re st fa c ts —im p a r t ia l an d u n co lo re d . in the court house on Thursday, F rid ay E d it o r is at h o m e in h is san c tu m , H a t c h e t E v ery one turned out and all made their A ll B u ild in g , F o re st G ro v e , fro m 6 a. m. to l o p ui. way towards the south end o f the city and Satu rd ay, Ju n e 20, 21 and 22. teachers and patrons o f the school are o f e ac h w e e k d a y a n d a lw a y s g la d to ta lk an d guided by the brightness that was cast b e t a lk e d to. invited. over all that quarter. It was M acleod’s The follow ing program m e has been warehouse that was afire, they soon AUSTIN CRAIG E d i t o r AND PKOPRIKTOK arranged by Supt. Bond for the institute: found out and in a moment the flames T h u r s d a y , 1:3 0 p. m . that were leaping through its rocf had . P r in t e d T h EADABLE taken possession o f L. H. A lbert & C o ’s Class M anagem ent............ J . H. Stanley S e lf G o vern m en t..............D. H. Thom as Uf R L IA B L E . A LL AT Hour 111 ill near by. A liE P U B L IC A N . H ome KKCKSS With the apparatus at their command Manners and M orals........... L . C. W alker the firemen were powerless against the F r i d a y 9:30 a . m . lire and all bent to saving the neigh­ THE FLOCK MILL KIRK. Value o f Books on Theory o f T each­ boring buildings. P'ire on the S. P. ing ............................. W . B. Swope Sunday morning’s fire destroyed station roof was extinguished and a Prim ary Readiug. one of the few industries Forest detail kept the roof drenched, sim ilar RECKSS Grove has. Probably the Grove attention was paid to the house on the Questions and Answers. street corner and the one across the rail­ never will be a manufacturing ; Language. way nor was the H arrison warehouse Numbers for Prim ary Grades. town but this was one of the busi­ lower down neglected. M eanwhile NOON RECESS nesses that are vital to the city’s such things as could be hastily gathered growth. Without a market here were being taken out o f the m ill but j j Fractions. 1 Current Events in H istory. for their wheat the farmers will soon it wus too dangerous ami the S a t u r d a y 9:30 p. m . people desisted and watched the flames take it elsewhere and naturally ! Class R e c ita tio n ......................T. J . Thorp which now enveloped both buildings. there do their trading. Unques­ Probably three hundred people, men, Attention o f P u p ils.................. A. T. Palm E ven in g session Thursday and F riday tionably the Grove’s prosperity is women and children, watched tile fire due to its patronage from the sur­ until it conquered and the frames o f the evenings, beginning at 8:00 p. m. The institute promises to be largely rounding country. There is no buildings leii, then they returned home. attended. A prominent educator will Som e slaved and assisted 111 putting 111 a business man here but will suffer be present to assist Supt. Bond and the safe place the belting, desk, and few loss by the fire and no citizen but is sacks o f feed which were all that was lei 1 1 leading teachers o f the county w ill take affected by it. Money that would o f the Forest G rove Flou rin g M ill, a \ part in the exercises. The evening ses­ have been brought into circulation pile o f 5000 bushels o f wheat in the east sions w ill be especially interesting. here will probably now go to en­ end kept on buiuing until by pumping \ A Pioneer College. water on it through the forenoon it was j rich some other place. Ju d ge G allo w ay in his address before drow ned out. There is one relief and time to A. 1.. M acleod, the owner, was aw ay in the Pioneer association last w eek al- apply it if prompt action is taken. W ashington. The building was sub- | luded to Pacific U niversity in these words: The mill owners have ever worked stantiallv built and hud id a large largi capacity. The work o f the Congregational mis- The Hour m ill shut down for repans r e p a n s 1 »¡onaries, through the labors o f such for the city’s interest. What money , ., . . men as R evs. Atkinson, C lark and they have made has gone back into last M onday am i was expected to lieKtn M arsh_ has left a deep and iastil)({ inl. again tins Thursday. The tools ot | pression on the institutions o f Oregon, improving the plant and so the loss work the m ill wright were in the building but m the founding and building up of falls heavier on them. were saved. Three years ago is received | Tua' atin academ y and Pacific university, , ", , „ I at Forest G rove, first incorporated in No financial inducement was a thorough , overhauling and #2000 was ; the vear i849. w i t h a college property asked o f this place when the mill spent in improvem ents. W ith this last and an endowment of nearly $200,000, it was located here. Now towns all work the m ill was put 111 lirst class shape is on the high road to prosperity, and anil was capable o! doing the best wore. sI,,;aks wel1 o f its founders- over the valley are offering bounties The owners are L. H. Alberts, W. \\ . for the building of mills in their Breeden anil .Mr. Urown who bought out Fire Notes. vicinity. Much more should Forest Mr. Anderson hardly a year ago. Then Ill the m ill were #200 worth o f flour Grove lend a hand to re-establish­ loss w ill be between jtoooo and $6500 be­ and $400 o f new sacks, f 150 o f the ing this enterprise which has al­ sides the $2800 insurance. The 5000 sacks were bought o f Mr. H arrison bushels o f wheat o f which 2000 belongs when he left, otherwise thev would not ready proven its value. to the m ill will part o f it be good enough | have been put in until Ju ly , for feeding. Satu rd ay night the m ill MomlaVj after the fire had been raked offered the owner o f a thousand bushels ,)ff the work o f attl.k i„ K the grain be- KIRK AND WATER. o lt h .s 42 cents a bushel which he refused. A „ the farm ers illU.rtsU.d wcre T E R M S TO S U B S C R IB E R S . P o s ta g e P re e . Sunday’s fire points a moral. When some time ago impure drink­ ing water sacrificed its sixth victim fo£..Ahis winter from among our i,itqng people attention was called % what has so often been urged— the imperative need of a pure and abundantW ater supply. With those six human lives in mind it seems insignificant to suggest that the eight thousand dollars lost by the fire and the wiping out of a leading industry should l>e a warn­ ing to provide water for tire pro­ tection before a greater disaster overtakes us. Three such fires as Sunday's would cost more than waterworks and would lie paying out at once while the waterworks would come on long time payments. There is a great stir alxnit a school house, the papers are devot­ ing space to it, it is talked over on the corners and three school meet­ ings have been held. Could not a little time lie devoted to a matter of infinitely more imixirtance? The common council have done well in the matter of street improving. Let them act in this matter too, at least call a meeting to discuss water works. Ftl'TITIOlS FACTS. The account of the mill and warehouse fire as given in Tues­ day’s Sut»,was a model of mistakes. The only reason there was no more errors in it was that there were no more statements. That there was a fire seemed to be the only fact given. The Sun should feel proud ■of its local correspondent. COMMKNCKMK.NT. The college year ia cloned and to-day the student, and the visitors commence nient brought are returning to their homes. We ahall miss the students, the c ity will be quieter but long before the auinmer it over we shall .11 be longing Death o f M rs. H o llis t e r . ! hard at work and there was a big pile of j filled sacks along the railroad track. Mrs. G . T. H ollister died at her home The warehouse is said to be insured in this city F rid ay m orning at s o ’clock. for j 4oco which w ill not cover the She had been troubled with sickness for [ loss The larKe boiler was in a building twenty four years but last Septem ber it across tl|e street and Was not injured. became more severe and for five weeks There were about 4500 bushels o f wheat previous to her death she had been suf­ fering. Physicians and fam ily did all in the warehouse, and 5034 bushels of in their power to m ake her last hours farm er’s wheat and about 1,000 o f mill com fortable but she was aware o flie i I wheat in the m ill. condition and gave directions for her It is im possible to give any facts about j funeral. In accordance with these there j the contents o f the warehouse until the were no services but during the burial | return of Mr. A. L. Macleod w ho is at the N aylor cem etery, a hym n was 1 daily expected, sung. The m ill owners will lose $7000 he- ' Mrs. H ollister's maiden name was j sides the loss covered by their f 2800 in- | Elizabeth Fin ch and she was born in surance. The farm ers loss cannot yet New Borton township, Mercer county, ■ be estimated. Illinois, on October 5th, 1844. In the same county at Aledo she was married A tlliri1 interest in the m ill was sold on Sept. 29, 1869, to M r G . T. H ollister for $2600 some little tim e ago. and continued to reside there until 1870 The m ill was built on one and w hen the fam ily came to Oregon. After fourth acres o f leased land. residing near G reenville untill last year Several hales o f sacks were burned in she made her home in the Forest Grove. the warehouse. Her husband and two children, David F\ and Lucinda 1). were at her bedside Bloom ill it School. when she passed away. Bloom ing is the post office name of the prosperous G erm an settlement south ('oiiiiiieiicmient Blowout. o f Cornelius. It has a Lutheran church The com mencement festivities were and school, several residences and a opened with a grand blowout given by good school house. The schoolhouse the young gentlem en o f Herm osa hall, was built two years ago and is con ven­ luvitations had been sent out some time ient and well seated. Since the new previously and some th irty responded. building was put up Prof. Dorrien lias After a most elaborate spread o f oysters, had charge o f the school. Out o f 36 strawberries, cake and other delicacies pupils registered there is a daily attend­ had been cleared aw ay and eloquent ance o f 24, ranging from 14 to 7 in age. speeches had been made bv Mr. W. S. The school closed M onday afternoon Sliiach , Profs. Loyd and Pow ell, Messrs. with an exhibition. Rands, E. B. Tongue, W arren, Myers and others, the banquetters were favored Verboort. with a vocal solo by Mr. A. H. Thomas, The new school house is enclosed and a perform ance on the violin by Mr. The building H askell ami music by Messrs. Bradley, w ill soon he com pleted. Loyd and A lley. Two or three stately is good sized, well lighted and ventilated Besides the quadrilles and an enlivening waltz, then and o f pleasing exterior. lights were out and the blowout ended. ventibule and cloakroom there are three The hosts o f Hermosa m ay congratulate classroom s. Here w ill be held the clos­ them selves on one o f the most successful ing exercises o f the school which occur the 27th at 6 p. m. About forty pupils social events o f the season. are now in attendance in the two rooms o f the present school house. As soon as M. E. Church. the building is com pleted the extensive Q uarterly meeting Saturday and Su n ­ play grounds w ill he made attractive day. Preaching service at 2:yo p. m ., with hedges, shade trees, etc. Saturday, followed by quarterlv confer- ence. Kev. Dr. Gue, the presiding elder, Wnldimr «t Gale« Creek. »U* l* present. Regular servicea on M arried—at the resilience o f the brid e’ s Sunday m orning and evening. parents at G ales creek Ada May Cox and A. W. Iler Jr . by the R ev. Mr. Scofield on W ednesday. Jun e 19. Mr. student» oi«v h « vt a pleasant vacation . , . A three da vs* picnic will lie held on and Mrs. Her im m ediately set out 011 a and return with renewed energv and in . w , .. r , Jun e 28, 29 and 30 on the occasion o f the w edding trip to Portland. After their iacreaacd n u m ber, in Septem ber is the dedication o f the church on Thus. C lark 's return they w ill m ake their home in wish of all. place, north o f the G rove Gale«! Creek to hear the college bell again. . . That the . 1 1 . hnrf h Dedication and Pirn It. rice List FOREST FOR 10 DAYS G R O V E ’S Fifteen Hundred Yards FOURTH Of 20 and JO et. SUMMER SATINES, Beautiful Styles, Your Choice for OF JULY 15 ets. per yard Fortv Pieces Summer Gingham J ORATOR, Judge A. H. Tanner, G J Handsome Styles and of the FIRST QUALITY :>, 5, and 8c per yard I.aw P a r t n e r o f S e n a t o r M it c h e ll. All last week we gave you more goods for your dollar than ever was given hi Champion Nines of Forest Grove and will eontinue to do so Yamhill and W ash­ BASE BALL, ington Counties. H I B B S ’ C A S H ST O K E GREAT CHAMPION­ Is the place to get BARGAINS in D R Y SHIP GOODS and SHOES FOOT BALL GAME Stanford vs. Berk­ CCI k 211am Object • • ley. MUSIC HY In keeping our drug store open is to put up prescriptions, and that keeps us fairly busy— with more business in sight. Our shop is often full, but we will make room for you long euoupn to take your order and will fill it from fresh m - terial with the utmost care. Incidentally (and why not), we supply many people in this vicinity with toilet articles, per­ fumes and stationery, and they think a lot of the corner drug store. FOREST GROVE BAND. Largest and Best Band in the County. SLACK W IR E PER­ TH E M ILLER PH ARM ACY Apothecaries of the First (lass. FORMANCE FINE LIVERY RIGS FIRE WORKS. BICYCLE RACES. SPORTS OF ALL Well kept horses, handsome harness, at­ tractive and comfortable carriages — are much pleasanter to ride in, don’t you think so? They cost no more. Just go to Jones for your rig. Saddle horses that will suit you. Our ’bus meets every train. Glad to have you ride in it. Our stables will take good care of your horses if you choose to leave them with us while in town . . . . KINDS. JONES THE LIVERYMAN. FOREST G R O V E. FINEST GROUNDS McXAMUK’S MEAT IN THE STATE SELLS O N L Y T H E BEST OF In the* Heart of th e M s s t s , city, the beautiful campus of MARKET S 3 U S 3 Q 6 S, Fish and Poultry Pacific The Country affords, in Greet Variety and at Moderate Prices University. A Gener 1 Shipping Business. Wholesale and Retail. . . Done in All Kinds of Dressed Poultry, Fat Hogs, Spring Lambs and Veal Calves. BUYER AND SELLER. T E L E P H O N E , ££•*,**- F O R E ST G R O y t J ) A