Washington County hatchet. (Forest Grove, Or.) 1895-1896, May 30, 1895, Image 3

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    Il A T V 111'T. T i l l K 8 D A V ,
The M iller 1 ‘ haruiacy m akes a specialty
o f com pounding prescriptions, which are
put up with the utmost care and filled
from the purest material.
Mrs. Lois W aisbroker o f California w ill
occupy the platform o f the Forest G rove
Liberal church Sunday evening, Ju n e
9th, at 8 o ’clock, in Mrs. B ark er’s ab-
sence to T illam ook. Subject: T he in ­
efficiency o f partial reform.
T ile Indian W ar Veteran» w ill hold
(V leb rale «filly 4tli at F «r«M
a special m eeting in H illsboro on the Grove.
first Satu rd ay in Ju n e, for the transaction
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Joh n son , Mr. and
o f im portant business. A large atten-
Mrs. I. H. Sm ith, Mr. and Mrs. J . S.
bailee is expected.
Buxton, M iss Belle Clark and Mr. C. O.
Builders Attention ¡-P e rs o n s intending
R</• visited the Rathbone Sisters temple
to use lumber or shingles w ill find it to
a^H illsbo ro F rid ay night.
j their advantage to see YV. 11 . L y d i.
Satu rd ay night is election night with
I*. O. address, G ales Creek.
Delphos lodge K . o f P.
On M em orial D ay will m ake photos o f
G lass butterdish, sugar bowl, cream
children under thee years o f age free.
pitcher and spoon holder for 35 cents.
L. G l e a s o n .
C a p l b s & T h o m a s .
Lost— a sm all opal pin. Finder will
Ice cream and ice cream soda at the
Hom e Bakery.
please leave same at this office and re­
Fo rty acre fruit ranch to trade for ceive suitable reward.
m tK L V
town property by A. B.Thom as.
Miss A rlie K een is in the G rove visiting
f lo.ooo to loan in from $¡200 to $500
College item s have been crowded out am ounts oil property in or near Forest Miss Nora Sm ith.
G rove.
this week.
X. J . Roland o f Portland here Frid ay.
S cott & C o.
40 acres, 25 bottom land under culti­
L ots in College addition going fast
vation, rest easily placed so. Three-
at $ 10 0 to $15 0 per lot. Call soon or
fourths o f a m ile from depot. A ll under best w ill be taken.
fence. L iv in g water. Price $40 per ,
L a n g ley & Sox.
T ake your grain to H artram pf Bros,
L a n g l e y & #S o n .
and get the highest price for it. Baled
Be sure and see how the H a t c h e t is
. ! hay and all kinds o f feed for sale. Or-
represented in the Trade» C arnival F n - (lerg (ltllvt.rc(l anyw here nl thl. d t
day night.
! H aines & B ailey are prepared to offer
It will only cost cents to hear Mrs. the high,.st
k ; „ tor
Boyers, one o f Portland s
lead ...« wüol_ cllU„ in guods or cash. Be sure
and g ive us a call before selling.
Last T uesday evening, W. W Breeden,
Come to the Colt show> Forest Grove
State Deputy assisted by M. D. M arkham SaturilaVf Ju lle ,
instituted a lodge o f G o o d T em plars at I
The Odd F e llo w ’s Building Association
Cornelius o f tw enty live members.
o f H illsboro was incorporated Monday
Buy cheap, sell a heap and keep forever with a capital of £8,000. The iucoipora-
at it, we buy for less and will sell for less turs are R p Goodin, C. K. Dieeimiaii
W ash in g to n and i). M. C. G au lt.—The Fiater.
than any credit store
£2200 worth of A lban y M ills woolen
C a b l e s & T h o m a s .
clothing selling for 50 cents 011 the
We would call special attention o f our
dollar at Capíes ¿x Thomas.
readers to Mr. H um s’ advertisem ent.
The Hom e Telephone Co. has put in
We never saw a piettier stock o f goods
anyw here and from tn e tone o f his ail telephones at ¿McXauier s camp on Wilson
aim tile appealaiiec o f the man you w ill R iv er, T illam ook, Bay C ity and liobson-
at once feel at home 111 Ins store, lie ville.
lias two good salesm en to help him, a
stranger 111 a strange country, go and see
him .
W. S. Ingles, C.
H am ilton and L .
wagon by w a y o f
K u stern Oregon to
C. Chipm an, H enry
K. Sm ith started by
th e S a n iia m p ass fo r
look for C le v e la n d ’s
The Good Tem plars lodge here has
voted to m arch in the Decoration Day
The Forest G rove Band w ill give a
free open air concert Saturday evening
Ju n o 8lh. Com m encing at 7.30 o'clock.
Ju st received a new lot of plow shoes.
Boos & 11 .
B aigain s in lam I r S iig h ty acres jo in in g
the town o f D illey, 60 under cultivation,
good house, barn and out buildings,
four hundred fruit trees and any quantity
o f small fruits. L iv in g water. A ll foi
fifty dollars per acre 011 reasonable terms.
L a n g l e y & S on
H ighest driest lot 111 Forest Grove for
sale by A. B. Thom as.
H artram pf Bros, p ay the highest mar
ket price for all k in d s o f grain and hav.
baled hay and all kinds o f feed for sale
at their store on Pacific avenue. Order
delivered anyw here in the city.
Celebrate July 4th Ht Forest
The word “ young” accidentally crept
: into our last w eek’s notice o f Mr. S la c iir’s
Come and hear the ‘T rilb y quartette’ ,
M ultnom ah's latest and best.
J . L . and Al. Strip lin returned Sunday
and reported their father, whose illness
called them aw ay, as som ewhat im ­
Jo e Vaughn returned F rid ay from a
flyin g trip to T illam ook. li e left that
town at 7 a. tn. and reached the G rove
by 3 in the afternoon.
. . M anufacture A
in d s o k
. .
Mechanics’ Building Material,
Mouldings. Brackets and
Turned Work.
StairhnilriiiiK a Socially.
Come and See Us.
We can satisfy you in goods and price.
• • • • C o m e lin a 9 O re g o n .
The Choral Union give their usual
Commencement Concert W ednesday
H an d ley o f T illam ook
here evening Jun e 19th. The success which
T uesday.
they have had in the past is assurance
T. G . Scoggins o f G ales Creek was ! that they w ill give to the people ol
j Forest Grove a most enjoyable enter­
here Sunday.
tainment. The Union has never had a
Joh n Deom o f San Francisco here
season o f more earnest enthusiatic work
Keeps a Full Line of a ll that pertains to a F i r s t C l a s s D r u g
j than the one ju st closing. The Concert
B u s i n e s s . Drugs, Proprietary Medicines, Toilet
trip | will be given in the new Auditorium in
Mr. G ilp in returned from
Articles, Perfumes and Stationery.
Marsh Hall. Prof. K. K . Coursen of
through Y am h ill couiitv Su n day.
I Portland has been secured as violin * * * * »Seventeen years experience in com pounding prescriptions is a guarantee of
Jo e P lvw acki o f Portland in town i
our ab ility in that work
W ill be glad to have you call when needing an ythin g
soloist to assist at the concert.
in our line.
M cNam ers stage did not m ake its
Mr. Rosa o f G ales Creek spent F rid ay
usual Monday trip but laid over in T illa ­
in town.
mook 011 account o f high water in the
Mr. W ilcox o f Cornelius visited the
---------- ----
Grove Friday.
Tuesday afternoon Andrew Schocli
J . W heelock M arsh visited Portland 1 clim bed up the city flag pole, lowered
the upper section anil with assistance
Mi s Jack so n o f H illsboro is visitin g from the ground attached a new pole,
her sister, Mrs. S . G. H ughes.
The pole is all ready for Decoration Day,
Fourth o f Ju ly or an y other great occa
j Mr. Jackso n , G len coe’s I M ., visited !
sion and the flag will float securely.
the office W ednesday.
| Latest styles o f Y o u n g M en’s Straw
M r. M ills o f Y e rn o n ia v isite d th e
H a t c h k t W ed n e sd ay .
C aples & T
h o m a s .
A la in
S treet, F o re st d r o v e
S. II. G I L P I N .
M elki
T . .1. I l A I U U S , N o t a r y P u b l i c .
J o h n so n *
Special Bargains in Twenty and Forty Acre
Tracts in Washington, Yamhill
and Tillamook counties.
Straw berries, Cream
ami Cake
Strawberries in
lee Cream
by the
St 1*11
SI •aw berries any
way you want them
J . F. K idder, president o f the G rass !
V alley Narrow G auge R R ., was in the 1
city early in the week visitin g his I
brother-in-law, H. H. Clark.
T. C. M cN am er went
M onday on business.
Mr. S . A. Jeffs, a form er student of
Mr. W esley Goodin o f G lencoe here
Mr. C arter o f Portland
ncss F rid ay ,
Mr. Raker o f Salem passed through
here F rid a y hom eward from Tillam ook
w here he has l>een rusticating for a fort-
Mina Grace Patterson is the first mem-
her the local I. O. G . T . InHg*»
death. Tiie lodge room is now draped
’ ected
The Country affords, in Great
Variety and at Moderate Prices
A General Shipping Business,
Wholesale and Retail,
and GAME
Misses K in g and W cndorf o f Portland All
were the guests o f Mrs. M cN am er over ;
Ju stice Jackson o fD ille v h e re Tuesday.
S . G . Hughes went out 011 the stage !
Sunday to put in a telephone at |
M cNam ers h a lf w ay house at the W ilson i
river forks.
Mr. T raver who is teaching the B u x­
ton school was in the G rove over
Meats, Sausages,
The Choicest of
Mr. Cowan, a Tillam ook m erchant, \
started hqpieward Su n d ay on M cN am ers I
stage. *
M idw ifery a specialty. Anaesthetics *n mourning.
adm inistered and
Mr. Fletcher o f (rales Creek was a
Indian \V ar Y eterans o f 1855 and i# 5 b without pain by C. L. L arge M. D. o f visitor at the office while in town
will learn som ething to their interest by Forest Grove.
callin g on J . I. K n ig h t. H illsboro, Or. I 0 1
to loan for 2 or 3 years.
S c o t t & Co.
Eastern parties.
Cornelius Mechanics’ Planing Mill
( boraI lTnion Concert.
Orders Promptly Filled
. . Done in All Kinds of Dressed Poultry, Fat Hogs,
Spring Lambs and Veal Calves.
L. C. W A LK E R ,
Conveyancing am t^Su rve vin g.
Exam ined. N otary Public.
' siuKinH class fur Publi- s c h o o lc h ild r e n .
The l lass is for «ny wl*® attend public w as in the citv Tuesday visitin g old
sl'h o ° l reg a rd less ot age.
He will go to Tillam ook this O F F ,C K ,A C ,F ,C a v e n u e . Next iiuahrs ft
So n 's H ardware Store.
The class o f ‘99, will give a concert week and return bv com mencement
F rid ay eve. Ju n e 7th in Congregational after which he w ill go to his home in
Seattle. Mr. Je ffs w ill resume his studies
at Stanford in the fall.
Ladies Duck Summ er Suits, former
Marion M arkham , son o f M. I).
price $2.50, reduced to $2.
M arkham , who underwent an operation
C a p l e s & T h o m a s .
last week, is getting along nicely.
W hy shouldn’t Portland people buy
M iss Maud »Stout was called to her
excursion tickets, get out o f the heat and
home in Monmouth T uesday b y the P u p il* ta u g h t a t h om e
dust and spend their Sundays in Forest
•.viti’ in c, m ile* o f
F O R L .S T G R O Y L .
illness o f her mother.
city at 50C per lesson.
G rove? It is a beautiful spot to live in
A. K. Wilson and Mr. G leason started
and Scott & Co. will sell them a good
lot or a com fortable home at very rea­ by way o f Th** D alles for the Eastern
Oregon mines.
sonable rates.
W ashington lodge I. O. O. F\ had a
Are you going to th e Trades Carnival
special m eeting Saturday and worked in
F rid ay night?
the initiatory. •
Died— In this city F rid a y at the M ich­
The Trades C arnival for next F rid ay
igan House, M able, daughter of Jesse
evening 3 1 in s t., is being looked forward
Fineout. aged 4 m onths. The burial
to w ith considerable
interest. The
was Saturday at the W ilks cemetery.
leading business houses o f the city are to
Liverene is sold under a positive gu ar­
young women
antee. C. F . M iller, sole agent.
young men em blem atically dressed.
The M iller Pharm acy m akes a specialty
Caples 8c Thom as have made a r r a n ge­
nte ul» io buy ail clauses o f wool for o f com pounding prescriptions.
r S T I C K I.IN I),
Mrs. W. Goodin, o f Glencoe, was in
The Trades C arnival for the benefit oi
the Grove the later part o f last week
the Cliristain Church w ill be held ii
Dr. C. L . L arge reports a dau liter visiting Mrs. M cNam er.
V erts hall, F rid ay evening. 31 inst. It
born to the wife o f Peter C. Filbert on
W. T. Andrew s, o f the Andrew s Lum ­ w ill be very interesting.
Sunday the 26th.
ber Co., o f M ountain Dale, visited the
Dr. Parker s dance for next Saturday H a t c h k t W ednesday.
(June 1) at his hall in G reenville was
II. B. Johnson visited the county seat
accidentally put in tin? sam e article with
Frid ay.
the announcement o f the jo in t school
Well kept horses, handsome harness, at­
Mr. A. L . M acleod left M onday for an
picnic though it is not connected with it.
Management. G ive us
tractive and comfortable carriages — are
extended trip through W ashington and
Are you aware that the finest ice Cream Idaho and w ill return in a month.
a Trial.
A ll W ork War-
much pleasanter to ride in, don’t you think
is made at the Hom e Bakery? T ry -it.
First door tanth
M r. Harrison o f Pendleton, who has
so? They cost no more. Just go to Jones
c»o there and ju dge for yourself.
ol J o h n s o n 's S i ;im -................
been visiting relatives in Patton V alle y,
for your rig. Saddle horses that will suit
Co. w ill w rite your insurance passed through town Satu rd ay on his
J. H. 1IKA L, Prop.
policies in four o f the strongest Co's in wav home.
you. Our ’bus meets every train. Glad
the world.
Mr. F . U. Burnett, foreman o f the j
to have you ride in it. Our stables will take
5 was a lucky number for Mr. Chas. K
H a t c h k t Printery, was called to Port-1
good care of your horses if you choose to
Jac k so n , he is richer by a box o f cigars land Saturday by the serious illness o f
leave them with us while in town
from tiie M iller Pharm acy cr rather ! his mother,
would have been if he had not given
Mr. Alvah W. Patterson, m an ager o f
them all aw ay to his friends.
the Sem i-W eekly Gazette, visited the
Celebrate I n l y 4 t h a I F o r e n t ; H a t c h e t S atu rd ay. Mr. Patterson was
1 a delegate to the Republican Convention
at Portland and returned to the Grove
Forest G rove has had sickness this
with Mr. Geo. K. H ughes who was his
year out o f all proportion to a city o f hei
size and notwithstanding most favo.nl>!,. roo!nnuite at S a k ,n durin* th e session j
W b O rC iC S
natn.nl surroundings. Were the name» ! ° ' our latc lcK*s,atu re-
o f all the sick pul together it would be
M iss Lucttft Sm ith has gone to visit
an appallin g list but where mention is her aunt, Mrs. Dr. Moore, at Hast Port­
m erely made incidentally o f isolated land for a fortnight.
cases little is thought of the condition
Mr. A. Porter, proprietor o f the M adi­
here. Ju st take the trouble to inquire
¿•.bout the c ity ’s health during tiie past son & Quimby m ill, S co ggin s V alley,
winter and consider if it does not indi­ was in the city F rid ay .
cate som ething radically wrong. Cess­
pools and wells should never be neai
neighbors but here they are and t! t
d rinking w ater is contam inated. Then
Mr. Jam es W oods has ju st returned are few wells where good tasting water
from a two weeks trip through Yam hill can be gotten, fewer where harmless
county. Spite o f the rain he had a water isto be had. I f this wretched con­
dition is not to exist, driving aw ay the
pleasant time.’
people who are litre and preventing the
V erts hall lias never looked so gay as com ing in o f outsiders, some action must
it w ill F rid a y night at the Trades Carn­ be taken im m ediately. The council
without delay should formulate some
plan o f relief and submit it to the people
The Sons of V eteran s have been prac­
for their decision. W hatever way then
ticin g m arching, facing and manual of
is decided on must be carried out
o f arms, preparatory to Decoration Day.
prom ptly. Till then clean up, keep
The Rathbone Sisters have postponed clean about your premises and boil your
th eir straw berry festival until warmer drinking water. W ith proper precautions
weather comes and less other things I the c ity now has nothing to fear, with-
are going on.
| out them it has ev en thing.
Bargain* in clothing— A lbany m ills
woolen clothing at 50 cents on the dollar.
Now is the time to get a new suit or all
extra pair o f pants.
Caples & Thomas.
A. G O O D IX .
Death of Miss (trace Patterson.
Grace, daughter o f Mr. David Patter-
sou, died at her fath er’s home in this
city Saturday evening at 9 o ’clock of
diphtheria. N ext Septem ber her seven­
teenth birthday would have come. Two
weeks ago she united with the Congrega­
tional church by profession. All who
knew her were her warm friends and
there are m any in this region who will
miss her and sym pathize with her fathe
in his loss.
R ev. Mr. Rogers conducted the funeral
service at the house »Sunday and then
the remains were laid to rest in the
Buxton cemeterv.
Straw berry Season
Persons wishing teeth extracted pain­
lessly saould go to Dr. Large. He will
adm inister chloroform , ctner or tlic
new preparation at either den lis t’s. No
charge to thc^ ' '¿ien t if not satisfactory.
i f
I 89 5 .
. . . FO R
To Tillamook. Xctnrts and the Coast
Fish and
•¿(HM) F e e t
L o w e r Than
F r e e FROM D u s t
\ n j Oilier Knute
The Best Mountain Road and the Cheapest Rates of
Toll in the State.
A. W . 8KVIÎK A N'CE, Iteeel ver, Tilla monk, Or.
A L L K IN D S O F . . .
Groceries, Glassware and
Stoneware, Table and
Pocket Cutlery, Spoons.
Brooms, Mop Sticks,
Butter Moulds, Ladles,
Wilson River Road