W ASHINGTON COUNTY HATCHET, FK ID A Y , MAY IO. 1893 WHY GO TO GERMANY? The simple truth is this: The last lodge, No. I, and Olive lodge, No. 18, at teachers Europe holds will simply tell 8 p. m., I. O. O. F. hall, vou when you go to them to ug Thursday, May 16—Grand parade at ( W R I T T E N FO R TIIK H A T C H E T .) , , , 1:30 p. m. and visit to the state institu- For centuries to come, if the human w ork . tions. At 8 p. m. entertainment b y P. race survives, musicians will more and , G. M. and R. and P. association at the more realize what a grand heritage is j First Methodist church. that bequeath***! then, by their Her.nan ^ ¿ ¡ f your^JivU ^ality, "aid Friday, May 17—Closing exercises of a n u sti v. k i. 1) a n d d. t ]> h a s b e e n th e grand lodge.—The Sun. delving into the wondrous phenomena , Forest Grove Lodge, I. O. G. T., is mak­ o f music and its philosophy by the sub­ ” ing extensive preparations to care for tle German mind. With these people it And more than one of those European is thought a sacrilege to look upon music teachers have made this pertinent re­ and entertain ail delegates to the grand lodge, which convenes there on June 4 only as a pastime. Germany is not Ven­ mark to me: “ Can not your boys and ice or other halcyon spot where with girls do all that at home? Germany had next. The citizens of Forest Grove are glass in hand and the sound of light a beginning in art. German ideas have noted for the royal manner in which they tripping measure in his ear the careless given the impetus to American art. entertain members of all church and lounger thinks life is only the “ Wine, Your best teachers are imbued with the temperance societies who are fortunate enough to be invited to meet there. Women and Song” of the luxurious same spirit, why don’t your young mu­ Grand Chief Templar Kennedy will Strauss.—No, Germany takes life seri­ sicians study at home?” The best and ously, and since the first crude attempts , greatest the world affords can be heard not attend this session ol the grand lodge, *t musical expression by the old monks ^ fcctjon ¡n New York aml otller having to make a business trip to the in the far off misty past there has been t,uk.s aml Gerillany ,)at East, and it is very uncertain when he the same profound tendency to mak* Qut ¡u ow„ halvatioll alul is C,er- will return. He has been at his post of music a vehicle for the expression of the ^ w h y wi„ ,,ol Anlerica do the luty the past three terms as grand chief templar of the grand lodge of Oregon. soul’s most solemn weighty thought. ami Anlerkan alul not insist on When I.uther sings “ A mighty fortress derjvinj{ Us pjtellt of 1IoW|ily frolll Ger- He has spent much of his time and is our G od." he gives us the key note to ,lalldsf KveIl Anton Dvorak, the money in building up the order in this Germ any's tremendous struggle for unity ,iead of the Krandlst nmsical institution state, and trying to advance the cause of temperance. The grand chief will carry • for progress for its determine! com h, New York, who js mostly self e.lu- pact march to the everlasting heights ol ,aled has instoted tllat the germg ol* with uitn the respect and esteem of every member of the order, and also of the mental freedom. American art are to lie found right here Hnt if. as reflecting beings, we question and thut we huve a scho<1, ol* Ameri. regular subordinate and district lodge meetings. It will be difficult to find one and still question, we are forced to the , an nlullil, alld has em,)0die,l bis ideas conclusion that all this had a beginning jn # no,)le orchegtral svmph,my built so capable as a presiding afticer and so —there was a time when Germany was ’ I out of themes derived from the despised faithful to the cause of temperance, and the duties of his office.—The Sun. not — when the nation was rude negro musical lore. and prim itive; strong, perhaps, but At Hillsboro lodge No. 17, I. O. G. T., Let us foster home'»*teaching—build up harsh and uncouth, nor cared for any home conservatories—quick«. 11 home mu­ Saturday night W. M. Beamish, lodge concord that was not evoked by the sical energy. Let our students deputy, installed the following officers: strolling bard or minstrel; when the and count it a high aim to John Matthews, P. C. T.; J. Adams, C. T.; j musical enthusiasm w ai , , coarse and _ vul . i>e and cease troubling Bertha Heidel, V. T.; Ara Pointer, C; gar and mostly inspired by huge flagon* j their he'ads al(out o here or llarry Gault, Sec.; Jessie Housely, F. ■ o f strong waters. Whence, then cam* wjll , to m the Sec.; W. R. Craig, T.; Minnie Lauder, the awakening? I answ er-fron, I t a ^ | dBwn of the American „.„sieal millen- S. J. T.; y . N. Allison, M.; Ed Bowen, There was a time when Palestrina aml I). M.; Lydia Lista, Sen.; Frank Barber, j mm. others o f his school swayed the whole j ! - G. musical world; when Rome was the i Ben Butler, lodge deputy of a Califor­ Athens of music and Germany was con , ^ Sc,mmall declared , nd so , , " CVe nia lodge, visited the Hillsboro lodge oi sidtred by the polite world as consisting Good templars Saturday night. He has \ of a horde ot barbarians. Gradually the | been absent from Hillsboro lor nearly Italian leaven began to leaven the Ten- | fifteen years. tonic lump and the Italian ideas took root and nourished on German soil and | Saturday night Holbrook lodge No. ' for many, many years it would have j 30, A. F. & A. M., Forest Grove had : An A. O. U. W. lodge will be instituted taken a bold man indeed to have asserted | work in the M. M. degree. Visitors that there was any such thing in exis at Dufur next week. There will be one present from Tuality lodge, No. 6, H ills­ com- I assessment for May. musician fence as a boro, were; H. M. Cronkite, Capt. J . D. poser. Laurel lodge, No. 38, Degree of Honor, Merry man, H. I I . Fenton, Capt. Al. Col- j Hut the soil was there and fertile, | was instituted at Hubbard last week with lins, Wm. Tucker, G. W Patterson, j and with its characteristic vigor, whe: venty-five charter members. C. E . Deichman, Clires. Jensen, A. Germany did awaken its awakening was I Delphos lodge, K. of P., Forest Grove Bowen, H. S. Shustes, H. Lnternarher, j that of a lion. Then music grew ami L. L. Whitcomb, Dr. W. D. Wood, M. j grew. Its harshness was toned down. had two candidates in the Esquire rank Bryant; and M. Jackson of Hoxie No. Its l>est thinkers and poets became im­ and one in the Knight’s. Visitors were 246, Kansas, and Mr. Horsis, of Lafay­ bued with its true spirit, and from tlic present from McMinnville, Glencoe, Cor­ sickly sentimentalism o f the old Italian nelius and Hillsboro lodges and the large ette, No. 3. opera there has been evolved the mighty hall was crowded to its utmost capacity. There will likely be a tent of the , rushing wind, the tempest, the flood, the Between the ra'iks an inviting lunch Knights o f the Maccabees, a fraternal | great deeps o f Wagnerian harmony. was served. Lights went out long be­ beneficiary and insurance order, insti- 1 The little tinkling, refined, ladv-like fore lodge adjourned. luted at Hillsboro before long and per­ overtures and symphonies have given Dr. Oronyateklia, supreme chief ranger haps one at the Grove also. way to the resistless sweep of Beethoven of the Independent Order of Foresters, An Orange lodge for the Grove is one j and Berlioz creations. was given a reception at Elks hall on his Where Germany stood in the daik .irrival at Portland. The supreme court of the possibilities, and by Ju ly wl2, ac-I ages of music America stood fifty years meets at London, England, and he is on cording to current report. or more i»go—the Western portion of it. is way thither, ins'ituting high courts oi\L. Vspfc“’ m u -, stands to d ay, but with is journey. He is a full blocked Indian, problem i.. event. America r j jlas attained to high rank in the medical Friday evening a well-attended mu- j in its inspect towards art. ¡profession and is proinineifHn fraternal sical entertainment was given at Verts* 1 are a conglomerate—a cosmopolita. orders, being of the 33rd degree of Free hall for the benefit of the Free Thought j ople. We are musical and wt Masonry and having liel*l Uie highest library. Nearly three hundred were ire not musical. Wo have the faults «. office in the gift of the good Templars. present and listened to the vocal program the French without their redeeming Saturday night officers of Forest Grove which follows: virtues. The French are volatile, p • Peaceful the waves, choir. I lodge, No. no, I. O. G T., were in­ sinuate, excitable, less profound than Twickenham Ferry, Miss Kate Strib-1 stalled by M. D. Markham, lodge deputy, the Germans—*0 are wo. But tin assisted bv W. S. Smith and Mrs. Ella hick. French have their art traditions and in History of the World, Tessie Crow. Breeden as Marshals. L. C. Walker, C. an art sense are patriotic. We have no Old Mother, Hubbard, Juvenile choir, j F.; Miss Edith Flower, V. T.; Mrs. Alice ait traditions and are not even patriotic Sweet Mary of the Mill, Mr. Chas. j Pratt, sec.; C. H. Wefel, ass’t sec.; in that sense. 1 believe in the liomagt Miss Frances Rowe, financial sec.; Wil­ Do 1 st rum. high art but we should all pay to art Peek-a-boo, Miss Mabel Wirt/.. bur Johnson, treasurer; Miss Lena Par­ not as German art—not as French art— The Whip poor Will, choir. ker, chaplain; 11 . Bond, marshal; Miss not as Italian art. If one thing has con­ The Child’s Letter, Miss Tresia Strib j Maud Stout, deputy marshal; Miss Nora tributed to this country’s material great I.aughlin, guard; John Beal, sentinel; hick. ness more than another it has been her When Summer comes again, Mr. M. ; . , . . . , , .. . ! Mrs. A. S. Baker, past C. T. granite inch pendence; her sturdy Dene I C. Wagner. in her own ability to conduct her own , The 40th annual session of the grand You can’t Play in our Yard, Juvenile j affairs. The broad Atlantic rolls be- ,odge, I. O. (). F. of Oregon, will be choir. tween us aml the social and political jielil at Salem, commencing Wednesday, O, tell ye merry birds of Spring, Misses atmosphere of all other lands; but in May 1^ continuing through the 17th. Ada Robinson and Kate Stribbick. art we are and alw ays have been lainen- riie committee of general arrangements There is no one like Mother to you, tably weak and subservient. We art is busy these days preparing for the re- Misses Ira Bisbee and Jennie Boss. keen enough in the daily affairs of life; ^option of the large number of delegates You can’t fool Dad, Mr. Tine Robin­ we weigh the pros and cons of all othei that arc expected to be present and ar- son. subjeets. but when we ¿come to the very ranging the details for the three days’ There are moments when one wants to important subject of musical education met ting of the three-linkers, be alone, Mr. M. C. Wagner. we cease to discriminate. Our musicians A few days ago invitations were sent Good Night Drill, eight little girls. must come to us bear j ;0 the neighboring lodges requesting Mrs. A. E. Barker introduced the var­ ing the stamp approval. II a tliat they join in the parade to be given ious vocalists and played the accompani­ talented youth is so unfortunate as to be the afternoon of the 16th, and also par- ments. The whole program was mere- born in this country>e must straightway dcipate in the excursion to the public torious but Mr. Wagner’s second selec­ be sent to one of the polishing shops of institutions that day. At the present tion, in costume, with the local hits, aml Germany and after burying himself w ith writing the lodges at Lafayette. Aurora, the drill o f the little girls, were the espe­ his piano or violin or voice in some ob­ Scott’s Mills, Sdverton and Turner have cial features. scure lodging house for four or five years responded with favorable answers, «ml After the exercises a bounteous supper he returns and we fall dow n and worship in due time the other lodges will be was served in the Masonic dining room him. He bears the label of some one or heard from. up stairs, and ice cream and cake in the more of the many foreign music schools There is some talk of an excursion by library while dancing went on in the aml he passes current without question boat from Albany for the occasion, Urge hall which had been cleared of or 1 might say used to pass current—for which, if perfected, will bring many seats. About fifty couples were at the the most encouraging sign of the times spectators from that city and surround- supper and most of them engaged in the iu the last decade is the discovery that ing sections. «lance. It was a pleasant time as the in the Eastern part ol tins country The Salem military companies have former entertainments given under the there is a barrier to pass, ol ever inoreas signified their willingness to take part same auspices have all been. Many tn|£extent, made^of the earnest and en- in the parade, w hich will lend great aid from out of town attended. lightened musical element which grows toward making the affair a more impos- ntore andjm ore determined „that true ing one. Four bands have been secured, i merit alone and not theforvign trade mark and there will be an abundance of music ! shall be the test applied to American to ‘tramp“ by. ! Sunday evening the marshal arrested musicians. It uaed^to^bejnecessary to Monday, May 13— Opening session of * young man for drunkenness and «lis- go to Europe to attain the higlieat re­ i convention of Kcbekah lodges st Ma- orderly conduct. When taken up on the suits in musical education. To-day the sonic hall at 7:30 p. in. corner by the Christian church itmttedi- most broad minded and observant mu- Tuesday, May 14—Opening session of ately after nine he was just treating a siciatl» will declare tliat 1 Mis is in ,-4 the and t m amptm at nt Oregon at 1 . friend from his private bottle. The rc- decidedly not *0. the .iig person t> o 1 hall st 10 a. m. Team work h\ cottier invited him to spend lour days as whose talent appears so transcendent to Salem Rebekah lodge, No. I. at 8 p m , the guest of the city which he did, after a vain attempt to break jail. himself and his ovtr anxious friends that \ o . O. F. hall. in this broad land he cannot find means Wednesday, May 15—Opening session o f W b r its fitting development must be in a o f grand lodge I. O. O. F. of Oregon at Highest driest lot in Forest Grove for L i n c o l n .* « < 1 way indeed. 9 a. in Team work by Chemeketa sale bv A. B. Thomas. BY W. II. GkKENH et ready and go to work. Think observe listen discritninate% out Hear this 7 ir- tuoso that singer, but beware how you make any one your model or you will i f you become a mere copy and lose your own identity of what force are you in the musical world. their ambition always students change "When we stand on eternity's brink many things in A rt that harepttz zled us all our lives will be made clear." IN FRATERNAL (TRI EES. Happening;» Among the bodges of Washington County. Herman public Library Benefit. as "Piir excellence" oi foreign Boarder, and Attractive Job Printing Makes A Fat Pocket Book. We Do It. Ha teilet Printerv, Printers, Publishers and Engravers. KORKST (»ROVK. ORKiiON j Fstnolisli»‘i|. 18119 . Incorporated. IHM. C A P IT A L 950,000.00 ; (iENKKAL BANKING BFSINKSS TK.WS.U’TKB . . . Foreign am i Dom estic E x­ change Bought and Sold. Collec­ tions M ade on all Accessible Points aml Prom ptly Rem itted. DIRECTORS: A. H IN M A N . I. A. MAC RUM . B. H. PURDY. M. BISBKK. E. \V. H A I N E S . D. C. ST E W A RT. C. M. K E E P . C O R N E L IU S . . . . E. A N D EltSO N ’S M eat M a r k e t ani » B a k e r y .! Fresh Meat, Sausage, Hams, Bacon, Lard. Cash for Hides. Butter, Bread, Pies, Cakes, Cookies, Candies, Nuts, Etc. CHKAP AND GOOD. Open at all ho urs six days in the w eek and 9:30 on Sunday. F irst door east of K eim ’s store. NKK THK WHITE »WAN. MADISON A qriMHV M ILL At tile Head of ScoPPilis Valley, All Grades of Lumber. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Easy Terms. G a sto n , O k . A. PORTER, Prop. (1 LARK’S (-BEAMELY. FIN ESi BITTER, New Seimral.ir Now Running ami Milk Wanted. Forest Grove . . . . (oregon. B a k e r y Gomls Fresh an«i Clean Confectionery Choice and Good IIKASONAHI.K HATES, THE WESTERN HOUSE. GKO. ro T K E T . Proprietor. The Rest Hotel for . . . C i . k a n , B o ard ers , C o m fo rtable , F a rm ers , CoNVEiyKNT. F orest G r o ve T ra v elers . ........................O rkc . o n . F r u it All Kinds Are Von T h irsty ? Soda, Orange Cidt-r, etc. A re Vou H u n g ry ? Sandwiches, Cakes EV ERYTH IN G C H EA P AND GOOD llohbaek’s Home Bu k e r y Forest Grave In th e business center of the city. F O R E S T D A IK Y . t IIA S. H iTBBEK T, P rop Pure Mill* Delivered Every ^ ornili u: Special Bargain» in Farm La lids. Any » here in Korest Grò ve. 4 cts. a q u art One hundred and seventy-three acres j in Yam hill county, all enclosed with ;* r. o. Ainmi.xs . . . m l u J: t , o r , 31 e lk i Johnson fc Co. good rail fence. 80 acres in a high state of cultivation, 60 acres seeded to grain, 20 acres set to hops, 50 acres slashed ami easily cleared, extra good house and barn and other good out-buililings. An orchard of all varieties of fruit. This farm is well watered with springs, has a nice spring c f water at the house, i'his is a very choice location in which to live being 011 the public road and near school. Price, ¿30 per acre, including crop and all farm implements and furna­ ces for drying and bali \ ' the hop«. For further information call on M E L K I JOHNSON & CO., Real Instate Agents. r Forest Grove, Oresron. All Work Guaranteed. TIOR S A L E .—Forty Acres, all level, 1 x rich bottom land. 24 acres in culti­ vation; 10 acres set to hops; 14 acres seeded to grain. Sixteen acres of this land is very choice beaver dam land, j Fair house and barn. This is a choice | location to live, being only four miles | from Forest Grove. Price, including i crops, $1400—half cash, balance on eas\ I terms. M E L K I JOHNSON & CO. Real Estate Agents. S A L E .—Twenty Acres two miles I jlOR dred from Forest Grove. Twelve hun­ bearing fruit trees, 1000 goos- I berries, 1000 blackberries. This orchard : is in first class condition, in extra good j for fruit raising, and in an extra good | location to live. For further informa­ tion call on M E L K I JOHNSON & CO., Real Estate Agents. S A L E .—Forty-five Acres, four I ^OR acres miles from Forest Grove. Twenty in cultivation, balance not hard to clear. Good house and barn. This is all level rich land. Price f isoo —fiooo cash, balance on easv terms. See M E L K I JOHNSON & CO.. Real Estate Agents. ProtVsM ioual C u rd s. W. G. COLE. P h . G ., M. I)., P h v s ic ia x a n d S u r g e o n . [ Telephone No. j. w N B a x . ktt Forest Grove. l . K. A dam *. B A R R E T T it ADAMS, \T T O R N E YS-A T-LA W , H il l s b o r o , O r e g o n . Ore,*-« Centra! ,!,e k Room, s an.1 . K. P . BKOWX, . . The C arri aire P itln tefr . . A -h o p , lion* H iiild in g, F O R E ST (illHOVK . s in o u ï:» . ». «i. H 111. Il KH. s. un. hks « si !.\, DEA I. K KH IN HA R DW A B E , Agricultural huitième nts. PAINTS, GLASS, STOVES, TINWA h I k , ETC. •K to announce to the Tiners, and builders of Columbia, Was! ington and Yamhill counties, that we I- e now prepared to furnish them with tlyi latest and most improved patterns of IT; lechan- ics' at d farmers' tools, buildina shelf and heavy hardware, stovean d t *i ware, I'URgy harness, paints, oils, lime,I fa s t e r and cement, all of which we will sell at prices that defy competition. W* will also have the justly cel brated Oliver ie Weir plows, wood, st el and sprirg tooth harrows, tog ther w 'ith the Planet Jr. garden tools, expanding eulti- vators aml horse hoes. We also continue to handle t. [le Bain wagon and the Racine hacks, wi] ich we have sold for the past twenty yc with so much satisfaction to ourselv s and customers, and which have prove, il to lie unsurpassed by any similar g o o d ( à ever brought to Oregon. We will als< » have tilt Pacific wagon, a wagon ,„ tmfac- tured for the Pacific coast trade, ! which wc will sell on its merits. In harvesting machinery, w wrill handle the Dcering and MoConni k self binders aml mowers, and will plac them on tin market on their m enu ind on they past repuution for good wo o_ar.d as the highest stage of perfect; >n yet attained ,n the manufacture of 1 irveat- mg machinery. Dealing as we do, direct with * e fac- tones ill the East, aml with the oldest and most extensive house in IV land, that of Knapp. Burrell & Co., wli have anticipated the wants • f the fat n rs and supplied them with th- best line; of ag- rtiultural implements tor the la' It quar- ter of a century, we Vel confi.l it that " ' •*" or ren, air« re­ C " '• 1 h",ice am ti most favorable terms any house in the S H I’ G i l E S & 3 N.